Man People CHPT 2

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Key topics

• Management practices
• Managing human resources
• Workplace issues
• Change management

One of the greatest challenges of operating a

business is the human resources component.
The leadership style adopted, coupled with the
implementation of supportive management

practices that address a range of workplace
issues, will help an organisation to attract, recruit
and retain high-calibre staff.
With quality staff, an organisation can continue
to grow and reposition itself as a competitive
business in an ever-changing economy. With
growth comes change, and the human resources
manager will play a critical role in ensuring
employees are well-prepared for these changes.

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There are three The harmony in a workplace is directly affected LEADERSHIP STYLES
main levels of by the quality of its managers and supervisors;
management: top the way a manager chooses to engage and work Leadership style is the manner and approach
level managers (such with staff directly impacts on job satisfaction, used by managers and supervisors to manage
as a CEO), middle
productivity and performance. Managers who the morale, productivity and cohesiveness of
level managers employees. A manager’s leadership style will be
(such as a branch or respect their staff and value what they bring
to the organisation create workplaces where based on a combination of beliefs, values and
department manager)
and first level people enjoy coming to work. preferences.
managers (such as a In small businesses, the manager may often Effective managers will incorporate a variety
supervisor or section
be the supervisor; however, large organisations of styles into their leadership, using a style that
head). best suits the situation to be dealt with at the
can have supervisors whose roles are to reduce
the gap between management and staff time. Some common types of leadership styles
regarding the expectations, understanding and include:
communication of internal issues. • Bureaucratic – these managers lead ‘by the
Good managers and supervisors encourage book’, ensuring that their staff follow set
staff to take responsibility, learn, become procedures exactly. This style is appropriate
active team members and contribute their when dealing in areas of great risk; for
ideas for a more successful organisation that example, chemical plants and cash-handling.
benefits everyone. They also juggle many • Autocratic – having complete power,
responsibilities for the purpose of achieving autocratic managers are demanding and
business profitability, meeting shareholder dictatorial, and often make negative
Beliefs, values and
expectations, displaying corporate social statements and take credit for results. They
preferences often
reflect the culture in responsibility and complying with government engender feelings of low morale among staff.
which the person has regulations and laws, such as health and safety, • Democratic – while still making the final
discrimination and industrial relations. decision, democratic managers will invite
input from others who will be affected by
ACTION TASK the decision. While this takes more time,
If you work, what have you noticed about the role of it also creates a feeling of cooperation
your manager/supervisor? As a whole group, share your and participation within the organisation,
ideas. Then invite your Head of Department, School
provided that the feedback is incorporated
Registrar or Deputy Principal to discuss their roles. Add
what you learn to your list. into the final outcome.

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Managing People | 41

• Laissez-faire – these managers allow RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANAGERS
people to get on with their work. There are
varying degrees of this style, from failing to Some of the greatest challenges for managers
lead at all, to empowering teams to work are the pace of change in today’s work
independently, while at the same time environment and maintaining quality staff. In
monitoring their progress. order to manage these and other challenges,
• Charismatic – although they are very high- managers must demonstrate their ability to
powered and energy driven, injecting great effectively plan, organise, staff, lead, control
enthusiasm into work teams, there is a belief and evaluate business activities in order to
that charismatic managers believe more in achieve the organisation’s goals (Table 2.1).
themselves than in others. There is also the
risk that unless they commit long-term, the
project may fail.

Table 2.1 Major responsibilities of managers

• Set goals, and plan actions and resources needed to achieve these
• Strive to achieve and maintain a healthy, safe workplace
• Satisfy owners’ expectations of return on investment (ROI)
• Comply with all legal requirements
Planning • Be proactive in developing strategies to meet planned business expansion and expected
workforce changes
• Budget
• Offer and manage flexibility in the workplace, e.g. remote workforces, contract and casual
workers, and varying work hours
• Organise resources to achieve planned goals
• Uphold corporate social responsibility
• Uphold company policy
Organising • Assign tasks and workloads, ensuring the structure of relationships within the team have
been clearly defined
• Delegate responsibilities effectively
• Provide flexible work arrangements
• Recruit and select staff for the organisation and/or planned projects
Staffing • Induct new employees
• Train and develop staff
• Motivate, direct and guide staff to achieve plans and objectives
• Practise open and honest communication with staff
• Demonstrate ethical business behaviours that reflect the organisation’s mission statement
and values
Leading • Engender cooperation by including employees in decision-making, and empowering them to
take ownership of these decisions
• Recognise staff potential, promoting and/or mentoring where necessary
• Reward staff when goals have been reached
• Encourage employees to identify problems and develop solutions
• Without micromanaging, monitor work and results achieved by individuals and workteams
against goals
Controlling • Keep staff ‘up to speed’ about any developments that can impact on, or change the direction
of, their work
• Take corrective actions to ensure goals are still achievable
• Use appropriate ‘close the loop’ techniques to evaluate targets, goals and project outcomes
Evaluating • Openly seek feedback from staff and clients
• Be transparent about results and planned changes as a result of evaluative exercises

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42 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

increasing in popularity, particularly for staff

In their role, managers ‘wear many hats’. Brainstorm working at a senior management level. In
a list of their responsibilities before comparing your this type of program, employees benefit from
answers with a class mate. Consider managers you networking with, and being mentored by, other
already know – perhaps in the workplace, a club, or professionals – often drawn from outside their
even your own school’s management team – to help organisation – who are experiencing similar
with your brainstorming. You should be able to list at challenges in their careers.
least 10 responsibilities of a manager. HINT: A browse
through management job descriptions listed on an ACTION TASK
online jobs site or in the newspaper will provide you Think of a career you would like to enter within the
FACT! with some ideas about the duties of a manager. next five to 10 years. In this field, is there a particular
person who you would like as your mentor? Why?
Reverse mentoring
is on the rise, where Access How to Get that Job at
young, successful bct1weblinks and search for the article, ‘Mentors make
entrepreneurs share Mentoring dreams come true’. Summarise the main points on how
their knowledge and A mentor is a suitably experienced person who mentoring has benefited some high-profile Queensland
business experiences is willing and able to offer their experience and businesspeople.
to mentor older
knowledge to assist another person develop in
a role.
who have used While some mentoring arrangements
redundancy develop quite naturally and even unexpectedly, Networking is the art of building and
packages to start many organisations successfully implement maintaining mutually beneficial relationships.
their own businesses. This can be done in a number of ways,
formalised mentoring programs, with clearly
defined purposes, to help selected employees including being involved in a mentoring
develop more effectively. This involves program, attending functions and by using
For more information on social media (such as LinkedIn) to interact with
LinkedIn, see Chapter 9.
matching the mentee (the person being
mentored) to someone with the appropriate people who can assist with job prospects or
experience and expertise (the mentor). It is simply expand your knowledge base.
not the mentor’s role to tell the mentee what ACTION TASK
to do; instead, the mentoring relationship is As a class, complete the following negative brainstorm.
a mutually beneficial learning relationship You have three minutes to list as many points as
built on trust, respect, confidentiality, honesty, possible:
commitment, cooperation and encouragement. I can be assured of being an absolute, dismal failure at
Mentoring programs benefit all parties, as networking by …
highlighted in Table 2.2 below. Share your responses, before organising a list of
While mentoring often occurs one-to- positive strategies to use when networking.
one within an organisation, it can take
place in a group (‘hub’) setting where one Some basic tips that will assist in a successful
mentor works with a group of mentees. networking meeting are outlined in Figure 2.1
Alternatively, peer mentoring programs are on the following page.
Table 2.2 Benefits of mentoring

Mentee Mentor Organisation

• Access to a wealth of information • Recognition for their role and • Employees feel valued,
• Greater understanding of the experience within the organisation improving their commitment
organisation and its vision • Enhanced leadership and people to the organisation
• Develop new networks management skills • Greater opportunity to attract
• Personal growth • Personal growth and an opportunity to and retain staff
• Increased confidence and ‘give back’ • Discovery of talent
professional profile • Renewed interest and pride in their • Professional development for
• Greater opportunity for career work staff
mobility within the organisation • Gain greater insight into organisational • Career development for staff

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Managing People | 43

Figure 2.1 The dos
and don’ts of successful

Do Don’t
• Be on time • Shake hands weakly
• Walk confidently, even if you are extremely • Look over a person’s shoulder
nervous at another person while in
• Greet people with a smile and make eye contact conversation
• Be enthusiastic and positive • Talk about yourself most of the
• Maximise opportunities by circulating, but do not time
rush from person to person • Try to sell services – if you
• Have the courage to walk up to people and make contact with someone
introduce yourself who may be a potential client,
• Make small talk – ‘What do you do?’, ‘Who do you ring them at a later time
work for?’ or ‘Why have you chosen that career?’ • Just absorb information – be
• Exchange business cards prepared to offer information
• Listen to what people are saying and be alert for as well
words of interest that you can use to expand the
conversation; for example, if a person says they
had to cancel their mountain climbing because of
the weather on the weekend, ask where they do
their mountain climbing
• Use open questions to keep the conversation
going and closed questions to verify facts and
• Move on to other groups and make sure you
close your conversation by saying something like
‘It’s lovely to meet you and I will be in contact
regarding…’ or ‘It’s been great discussing…with
• Mix with energised and positive people

Delegating member, delegating tasks that involve

interaction with others in the business is an
Delegation involves entrusting another person
excellent way for them to get to know other
with a task for which the person delegating
retains ultimate responsibility. When choosing
Before delegating a task, consideration
to delegate, there must be complete trust
should be given to a number of areas as shown
between the two people, and both must be able
in Table 2.3, on the next page.
to appreciate the reasons and benefits involved.
Once a decision has been made to delegate,
ACTION TASK there are a number of principles the delegator
Ronald Reagan, a past US President, once said, should follow:
‘Surround yourself with the best people you can find, • include the person in the delegation process
delegate authority, and don’t interfere.’ This statement (rather than just state that it is happening)
has also been recorded as, ‘Surround yourself with the
and explain why that person has been chosen
best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t
interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is • provide clear instructions, including
being carried out.’ timelines, boundaries and any possible
How are these statements different in meaning? constraints
From a delegating perspective, which is preferable, • provide adequate support
and why? • forget how you like to do things – rather,
concentrate on the results
Delegation can work hand in hand with • provide recognition and do not take credit for
mentoring; for example, for a new staff the work completed.

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Table 2.3 Delegating checklist

1 2 3
The skills and experience of The timeline of the task The quality of
the person being allocated • How rigid are the timelines to complete the outcome
the task the task? • How important is the
• Do the skills meet or exceed the • Does the person being delegated the quality of the completed
requirements of the task? task have the necessary skills? If not, will task?
• Would training be necessary? training be required? Is there enough time • How would an inferior
• How independent and for training? outcome impact on
enthusiastic is the person? • Is it possible that the task may have to be other tasks or projects?
• Does the person have time or edited significantly, requiring more time?
would other work have to be • What would be the consequences of not
reshuffled? completing the task on time?

Delegation and mentoring programs are • providing incentives, such as bonuses or staff
examples of positive management strategies share schemes that allow employees to feel
that assist organisational leaders to develop a some ownership of the business
culture where staff members feel respected and • taking staff out for the occasional lunch or
valued. dinner to show appreciation
• increasing leave entitlements, such as five
weeks of paid annual leave instead of four
• offering professional development and
VALUING EMPLOYEES relevant training opportunities to support and
Some strategies adopted by organisations to progress careers within the organisation
demonstrate workers’ value include: • recognising significant milestones, such as the
• recognising people’s contribution to the completion of an extended project or long
Professional organisation service
associations are • telling employees when they have done a • allowing staff time off to attend family-
those relating to a
particular profession;
good job related functions
for example, the • giving support when workloads become heavy • paying for the staff’s membership of a
Australian Human and overwhelming professional association
Resources Institute • encouraging a sense of belonging and team • making job-sharing or working from home an
and the Australian building available option
Institute of
• creating a positive office culture so that • offering employees opportunities to grow
people enjoy going to work their careers within the organisation through,

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Managing People | 45

for example, advertising jobs internally and Work–life balance Usually ranging
offering secondments into higher level from 3–24 months in
Work–life balance is achieved when people length, secondments
focus on remaining healthy by balancing the enable employees
ACTION TASK demands of work with the needs of their to change their job
Individually, refer to the list of strategies for valuing personal lives. Unfortunately, the modern trend roles either within the
employees and rank them in the order of your is for employees to work longer hours and same organisation
preference. Then pair up with another person to discuss or as a transfer to
return home so exhausted and stressed that another organisation
your rankings before creating a combined preference home lives are losing much of their quality. for an agreed period
list. Be prepared to justify your decisions.
of time.
Now join with another pair and see how closely your ACTION TASK
preferences align. Comment on your findings. est
‘Australians work some of the long
hours in the deve lope d wor ld!’
A common strategy managers use to enhance
an employee’s engagement with the workplace
‘Each year, Australians donate $72 billion
is through online surveys, which are a proven worth of paid overtime to employers!’
method of ensuring staff feel ‘part of the
process’. While online surveys are one strategy
to gauge employee opinion, other forms of data ‘Workers amassed 129 million days of
collection, such as focus groups, questionnaires annual leave, worth $40 billion in wages!’
and interviews, are also used. Though surveying
employees and customers is a common
business function, the willingness and capacity ‘One-in-two workers prefer to wor
k fewer
hours, even if that means a pay cut!
of management to acknowledge and act on ’
trends in feedback is essential in demonstrating
the extent to which employees are valued.
‘iPlod – Australia now a wired nation
ACTION TASK addicted to work!’
For what purposes do you think managers would use
surveys? Go to esurveyspro or SurveyMonkey at www. to learn more about In small groups, discuss the implications of each
creating surveys, collecting responses, analysing results of the above headlines. What do you think the major
and securing data. Then access hr-survey at www. issues associated with work–life balance are in today’s to view various types of work environments? Do you know of any initiatives that
surveys relating to human resources. businesses are undertaking to maintain this balance?

For lifestyle
balance, a 24-hour
day should be
roughly divided into
thirds: one-third for
sleep, one-third for
work and one-third
for personal pursuits.

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For an organisation to demonstrate child care and employee advisory services).
commitment to work–life balance, there An organisation with a healthy work–life
The Federal
Government must be: balance culture is able to demonstrate how the
sponsors an annual • an existing work–life balance policy integration of employees’ work and personal
Work–Life Balance • employee awareness and understanding of lives are valued. For example, a business
Award recognising this policy offering flexible work arrangements recognises
businesses, and
• fair and equitable access by employees to the the ‘return’ of this benefit through improved
and community policy options available. staff morale, increased productivity, more
organisations that A number of policies contribute to and satisfied clients and reduced staff turnover.
deliver policies, support work–life balance including those With such increased recognition of the
practices and relating to types of leave and flexible leave value of work–life balance, it is interesting to
initiatives that help
arrangements, flexible work practices and note how many employees still struggle with
employees balance
their work and family access to additional work provisions (such as achieving this balance, as highlighted in the
commitments. health programs for managing stress, on-site following article.

Trying to balance boom gained momentum, people started

to talk about how many hours they were
employees’ desire for a flexible
work and life working,’ Salt says. As a single mother with two children,
First came laptops and the ability to Michelle Wright was finding it difficult
By Jenny Ringland
work remotely. But what has had the to fit everything into her day as a school
It is a notion born of the technological biggest impact is the introduction of smart teacher. To create her perfect work/
revolution that is fast becoming one of phones. ‘Thanks to the BlackBerry and the life balance, she retrained as a personal
the most important benefits to Australian iPhone, you are now never not at work,’ trainer and now runs her own business
workers. Very few, however, claim to have Salt says. around her home life.
it. Job uncertainty after the global financial ... Wright’s business, Mishfit, is
Maintaining a satisfactory work/ crisis has increased the pressure to be specifically aimed at pregnant and post-
life balance is more difficult than ever, available all the time, Salt explains. natal women with training times during
with exclusive research, commissioned ‘People don’t feel they can take time off school hours.
by CareerOne, finding 81 per cent of because they are worried about losing ‘It’s very flexible because my clients are
Australian workers believe it is becoming their jobs,’ Salt says. in the same position as me,’ she says. ‘On
harder. Randstad workplace psychologist the holidays they can bring their kids and
The Galaxy poll of more than 800 Adrianna Loveday says the traditional they play while we’re training.’
people reveals men are more likely to have concept of work/life balance has become She believes work/life balance is being
a good work/life balance than women, old-fashioned. able to cater to her family’s needs, to
while Generation X workers find it the ‘It’s more about work/life blend, exercise and have the stimulation of
most difficult to achieve a satisfactory where work and life are blended and running her own business.
balance. complement each other rather than Source: The Courier-Mail, 7 October
Baby Boomers have had the most compete with each other,’ she says. 2011;
success with creating a good equilibrium, ‘Trying to keep work and personal life in trying-to-balance-work-and-life/story-
however, as a nation, we’re finding it more different compartments can be stressful.
difficult to differentiate between work and It’s better to work out a blended balance INVESTIGATE
play. that suits the individual. You can see 1 Why, as a nation, are we finding it more
The 2011 Randstad World of Work this working by the streams of workers difficult to distinguish between work and
report found 26 per cent of employees heading to the gym at lunch.’ play?
who intend to stay with their employer It is the responsibility of workers to 2 Do you agree with Bernard Salt’s view
for the next 12 months do so for work/life create satisfactory work/life boundaries, that work–life balance is linked closely
balance. Loveday says. with technology? Justify your reasoning.
... Business consultant Bernard Salt ‘Be upfront, be clear in setting 3 What do you understand by the terms
believes work/life balance is linked closely boundaries. Find a truly flexible employer work–life blend and work–life boundaries?
with technology. He says the term ‘work/ who caters for and understands the value 4 What is Michelle Wright’s definition of
life balance’ emerged in the 1990s about of a flexible workplace,’ she says. work–life balance, and how does this
the same time as the technology boom. ... The good news is employers are compare to other information provided in
‘The whole idea started as the tech becoming more aware of prospective this chapter?

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Managing People | 47

Studies repeatedly support the notion that work–life
balance is a key factor in attracting – and retaining –
employees. It often rates higher than salary! For this
reason, many organisations actively promote and
provide strategies for achieving work–life balance.
Access two or three of the following websites at www. to compare and
contrast what’s on offer before deciding which work–life
balance benefits appeal most to you, and why:
• Suncorp (select ‘Careers’ tab)
• Department of Justice and Attorney General,
Queensland Government
• Brisbane City Council (select ‘Council Careers’ tab)
• SafeWork, South Australia
• InterContinental Hotel Group (select ‘Careers’ tab)
• University of Queensland (select ‘UQ Jobs’ tab)
• ANZ (select ‘About us’ tab, then ‘Careers’).
by people’s responses to them. Therefore, it
is management’s responsibility to develop a
INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS culturally inclusive work environment where
mutual respect is modelled and practised. This
An inclusive environment is one that accepts can come through training, so all employees
and respects people with disabilities, and those recognise that inclusiveness is a two-way
from different cultures and religions. By law, a process that requires good communication and FACT!
business must adopt inclusive practices within problem-solving skills, respect and patience. In
the work environment and, while all employees The word
return, staff can extend and develop their own ‘tolerance’ is
have a role in contributing to an inclusive cultural awareness and be more effective in unacceptable
environment, it falls on management to ensure their interactions with colleagues. in developing
policy is translated into practice. In an inclusive environment, people of all inclusiveness,
as it implies that
ACTION TASK cultural orientations should feel safe from something must be
How many different religious, cultural and language abuse, harassment or bullying, free to express endured or ‘put up
groups are represented in your school or class? who they are (including their opinions and with’.
What types of challenges might these students have points of view), and free to fully participate
experienced because of their background? in all aspects of their employment. Without
Have you considered what types of challenges inclusive practices, employees can feel
students with a disability or health problem may face at marginalised, isolated and discouraged.
According to law, all employees are to be
To improve cultural and disability awareness, invite
students with different cultural backgrounds to share treated equally and fairly, regardless of issues
their experiences. Does this make you rethink your such as ethnic heritage, age, gender or religion.
attitude and behaviours? Is there anything you have It is in the interests of all employees to work
noted that surprises you? together in a peaceful and harmonious manner For more information
so that business environments become and on anti-discrimination
legislation, see page 74.
remain enjoyable places in which to work.
Cultural inclusiveness
In Australia’s multicultural society, genuinely Disability inclusiveness
valuing and understanding another culture, Employing people with disabilities can be a
including Indigenous Australian people’s very positive experience for both employers and
cultures, should be an everyday practice. As employees. Successful businesses understand
a consequence, respectful relationships will the value that all people bring to a workplace,
result. regardless of their situation, and that employing
When people enter a culture that is different people with disabilities can bring economic
to their own, their experience is influenced and social benefits for all. For people with

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FACT! disabilities, an inclusive environment is ACTION TASK

Research has
respectful, supportive and equalising. However, A true understanding of inclusiveness should begin
shown that workers barriers that exist because of ignorance, fear in early childhood – not at the workplace. Access
with a disability have and concern can block their entry into the Early Childhood Australia at
lower absenteeism workforce. These barriers can be removed au/bct1weblinks and search for ‘About inclusive
and higher retention through training, collaboration, teamwork, environments–checklists’ to see what is being done in
rates than employees
respect and the implementation of inclusive this organisation.
without a disability,
practices in the workplace. How do you feel when you read through the
resulting in reduced
costs in recruitment materials available at this site? Is it familiar to you, or
and training of new are there checklists that could be adapted to suit your
staff. classroom, school or part-time workplace? Discuss as
a class.

1 Debate the following statement: Research and produce a 500-word report on this
Great leaders are born, not made. topic.
HINT: The article ‘Successful delegation’ from the
2 In groups of three, prepare a five-minute podcast on
MindTools website can help you get started with your
what makes an effective manager. Create a poster to
research: go to
accompany the podcast.
7 Undertake research on the ‘No Leave No Life’
3 Chris Nunns, a partner at Deloittes, stated in 2011
initiative and television program. What was the
that ‘Mentorship should not be monogamous. We
purpose of this initiative, and how successful has it
should have many mentors and for varying lengths of
been in reinvigorating public debate around leave as
time because there is nothing better than going and
a workplace issue? The article ‘Time for workers to
picking someone’s brain’. Argue a case for or against
unlock stockpiled leave for an Australian holiday’ at
this opinion.
the Australia’s Big website at
4 Form groups of six to eight students. Allocating the
bct1weblinks can assist with your research.
roles of local TV reporter, networking expert and
8 a Review your school’s guidelines for culturally
networkers at a business function, present a short
inclusive practices. Which aspects are useful, and
(two-minute) news segment on the dos and don’ts of
what improvements can you suggest?
Access Smart Company at attending a networking meeting.
b Review your school’s policy regarding inclusive 5 In groups, debate the pros and cons of using social
environments. What evidence is there that you,
bct1weblinks to help with networking sites, such as LinkedIn. How does this
your peers, your teachers and the entire school
your research. compare to other types of ‘face-to-face’ networking
community demonstrate inclusiveness? Is there
room for improvement?
6 Consider the following scenario:
c Write a memo to your principal, including key points
You’ve recently been hired by the owners of an from your review of both these documents. Be sure
events management company. The business to justify any changes you suggest.
has grown significantly over the past two years, 9 Research different world leaders and make note of
with more expansion plans on the horizon. positive and negative characteristics of their style of
The owners realised they couldn’t manage leadership. Then, as a class, brainstorm the leadership
everything on their own, hiring you and three characteristics you would like to see in a manager or
other staff members to assist with achieving supervisor.
the business’s goals. However, they seem to Order this list from most essential to least essential
be having a difficult time ‘letting go’ of some characteristic.
responsibilities and tasks that should now be Show your list to family members who work. Do
managed by you and the other employees. they agree with your order based on their work
Why do some managers struggle to delegate? experiences? Why/why not? Bring your findings to
What tips could you suggest to ensure that class for further analysis and discussion.
delegation results in a ‘win-win’ for everyone?

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Managing People | 49

Of all the resources at an organisation’s ACTION TASK
disposal, human resources are considered The Australian Defence Force (ADF) website provides
the most valuable. An organisation’s human a step-by-step guide to their recruitment process,
resources (HR) department plays a vital role in including a video to help you get started. Access the
ADF website at
ensuring the success of the business, with major
and select ‘Recruitment Process’. If you were
responsibilities focused on:
considering joining the ADF, how useful would you find
• the development, implementation and these resources in helping you decide to apply for a
maintenance of policies and procedures job? What feedback could you provide to improve the
supporting workforce recruitment, retention ADF’s recruitment process?
of quality staff, and the development and
promotion of employees Money alone is not always enough to attract
• advice and resources that can assist managers quality applicants, and increasingly employees,
to more effectively recruit, lead, manage and particularly younger ones, are attracted to
promote their staff workplaces that have the following attributes:
• effective planning for and implementation of • open work cultures where information is
change. freely shared
• easy access to all levels of seniority
RECRUITMENT OF STAFF • greater emphasis on team working culture
• open display of corporate social responsibility
Aligning the human resource needs of • support for ‘green’ environmental work
an organisation with its strategic plan practices
enables managers to make more effective • support for the local community
recruitment decisions. However, recruiting • cooperative and supportive work colleagues
quality employees can be difficult in today’s • creative and ergonomic workstations
marketplace, forcing managers to think of novel • flexible work arrangements that encourage
ways to attract and retain valuable employees. and support work–life balance
It can be especially difficult for small- to • opportunities to engage in community service
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to compete or charity work.
with larger, wealthier organisations for the
talent pool.

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50 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies


The temp-to-perm From the attributes listed on the previous page, Employment opportunities are enormously different
employment option which one appeals most to you? In your opinion, what compared to a decade ago. In small groups or pairs,
was established in attributes are missing? Share your ideas with others in compare your understanding of the following modes of
World War II, when your class. employment:
women were hired to • continuing full-time • fixed-term
work on a temporary • continuing part-time • full-time
basis until soldiers
As part of the recruitment and selection
process, all organisations must demonstrate • casual • temp-to-perm
returned home and
resumed their jobs. their adherence to Acts that ban discrimination • seasonal • fixed-term part-time.
Today, this is a From the list above, select the mode of employment
on the bases of gender, race, disability, union
trusted ‘try before that best suits you:
or non-union membership, parental status, • now • in three years’ time
you buy’ option,
enabling employers
age, religion and political beliefs/activities. • in one year’s time • in 10 years’ time.
to better judge an Management must also decide what mode Discuss your selections with others in your group,
employee’s ability to (type) of employment arrangement it wants to noting similarities and differences in your choices and
perform the job and offer – full-time, part-time, casual or contract. reasons.
fit into the workplace The most common modes of employment
are highlighted in Table 2.4 below. No matter FACT!
which mode of employment is undertaken,
A cost-per-hire
some form of agreement must be entered into survey by Kelly
between the employer and the employee. Services revealed
Recruiting staff is a function performed the cost of hiring an
Australian apprenticeships either in-house (within the organisation) or employee – including
cover both apprenticeships print, online and
outsourced to a recruitment agency. Either way,
and traineeships. For advertising costs –
more information, go to the recruitment process is a lengthy, expensive ranged from up to
Australian Apprenticeships exercise requiring management to: $5000 (for graduates
at • develop a job description and administration
bct1weblinks. • advertise the job employees),
$5000–20 000
• evaluate applications
for mid-level and
• interview potential candidates senior executives,
• select and make an offer to the best and $40 000 (for
candidate executive officers
• induct the new employee. and directors).

Table 2.4 Common modes of employment

Mode Description
Full-time Full-time work is regular and ongoing work where employees typically work a 38–40 hour week. Employees are entitled to
leave benefits, e.g. annual, sick, personal and long-service leave.
Part-time Part-time work also involves regular, ongoing work but employees work fewer hours each week than full-time employees
(which can be dictated by a particular award or agreement). Part-time employees are entitled to leave benefits (e.g. annual and
sick leave) but in proportion to their part-time workload.
Casual Employed on a needs-only basis, casual work is irregular, with no permanent hours set. Although casuals are not entitled to any
leave benefits, they do receive a higher rate of pay than permanent full-time or part-time employees (e.g. 20 per cent above
the ordinary rate per hour) to compensate for the uncertainty of their work arrangement.
Fixed-term These contracts specify a start and finish date, and are usually offered in relation to a specific work activity or project,
contract e.g. 12-month review project. While entitled to full employment benefits, the position is not a permanent one and is terminated
at the completion of the activity or project. Contracts that continuously ‘roll over’ should not be classed as fixed-term contracts,
as they deny employees the benefits attached to permanent employment, thereby exploiting those involved in this type of work
Australian Full-time, part-time or even school-based apprenticeships enable apprentices or trainees to gain qualifications through a
Apprenticeships choice or combination of on- and off-the-job training. Financial incentives are also available to employers who hire apprentices.

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Managing People | 51

Job descriptions organisation manages to attract and recruit For information on
‘the right person for the job’. Failure to do position descriptions,
A job or position description (Figure 2.2) must
so costs time and money, and a mismatched access the Queensland
communicate the purpose of the job as well Government’s Business
appointment can cause much angst within a
as provide a comprehensive outline of the Development website
work team and even damage to the productivity
tasks an employee must undertake to fulfil at
of the organisation. au/bct1weblinks, select
the responsibilities of the role. It should be
‘Employing people’, then
created and designed in such a way that the
‘Taking on staff’.

Figure 2.2 An example

Position title: Receptionist/Administration Assistant of a position description

Classification: Salary and conditions as per the award

Reports to: Sales Manager (Southern District)
Cost centre: Sales: 7125449
Conditions: Full-time, ongoing appointment
Superannuation: In accordance with Superannuation Guarantee Contributions requirements

Job summary • Effectively liaise and communicate with other

The position of Receptionist/Administration Assistant departments and divisions to ensure timely
aims to ensure the standard of sales service is information flow
maintained at the highest possible level commensurate • Demonstrate a professional and courteous manner at
with Sales policy and available resources. all times in dealing with staff, clients and guests
Reports to Sales Manager (Southern District) • Handle customer queries and complaints where
Key responsibilities appropriate or refer to relevant managers as required
Customer service/reception • Liaise and communicate with external providers as
• Dealing sensitively with clients and ensuring their required
needs are most appropriately met while keeping in Professional development
line with all policies and procedures • Attend relevant in-service education programs,
• Maintaining accurate client records as required and workshops and seminars to maintain and update
ensuring that systems are maintained as appropriate knowledge and expertise
• Ensuring facilities and equipment in the reception • Take responsibility for own professional development
area are maintained at an appropriate level through continuing self-education, accessing
Financial activities available literature and professional journals
• Participating in the preparation of administrative • Participate in an annual performance evaluation
budgets for the Sales Division (Southern District) Qualifications and skills
• Managing the Sales (Southern District) administrative • A minimum qualification of Certificate IV in Business
budget, including responsibility for petty cash is required with a minimum of three years’ relevant
• Checking requests are authorised and submitted for experience
payment of invoices • Experience with various software packages, including
• Timely management, tracking and documentation of Microsoft Office, email and electronic diary
monthly expense reimbursements of and payments to • Well-developed organisational and time management
the Sales team skills
• Responding to queries relating to delayed payments • Demonstrated ability to work as a part of a team
and direct queries to finance department when • Well-developed written and interpersonal skills
necessary • Ability to generate, interpret and utilise data to
facilitate improvements in service delivery
Required attributes
• Ability to work and solve problems independently
while also functioning as part of a larger team
• Communicate effectively with other team members
• Membership of a relevant professional body would be
by sharing information concerning the needs of the
well regarded
client and/or service, and by participation in team
• An interest in further education would be considered
meetings and workshops

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52 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

FACT! Advertising jobs ACTION TASK

A 2011 survey by Once a job description has been prepared, and Cloud computing technology can be used to reduce
the Australian Bureau depending on the level and importance of the recruitment costs. Using a search engine tool,
of Statistics showed applications can be filtered according to how well
that the top strategy
position, the HR manager considers advertising
the information matches the job criteria. From this, a
used to find a job, for options such as:
ranked shortlist is produced for the recruiter to consider.
both the 15–24 and • Should the job be advertised locally, This process can produce up to 80 per cent savings in
over-45s age groups, nationally or even internationally? recruitment costs.
was to write, phone • What tools are potential applicants most
or apply in person
For more information about how this works, read the
for a job. However,
likely to use to search for jobs – newspapers, article ‘Cloud computing technology lowers hire costs’
the next preference job websites, social networking sites such on The Australian website at
indicated that 15–25 as LinkedIn and Facebook, employment bct1weblinks.
year olds used the agencies, or even the business’s own website?
internet to find job Larger organisations with dedicated HR Once applications have been evaluated,
advertisements, a shortlist of (usually) three to six candidates
while the over-45s
departments usually provide online guides for
preferred using the applicants applying for advertised positions, are selected for interview. The number of
newspaper. along with other in-house materials covering a shortlisted candidates depends on the quality
vast range of HR-related issues and topics. of the applications as well as available time for
interviewing candidates.
Access the Queensland University of Technology’s Interviewing candidates
Human Resources Department website at www. and click on ‘Jobs at Shortlisted candidates are contacted to arrange
QUT’. Scroll down and select one of the professional an interview time, date and venue. For high-
positions advertised on this site. Click on the link for this level positions that attract interstate or overseas
position. Summarise and evaluate the: candidates, the organisation may pay for them
• type of information provided about the job to attend a face-to-face interview (i.e. return
• instructions on how to apply for the position flights and accommodation) or, alternatively,
• links to relevant documentation related to your they may use phone or Skype.
application package To ensure interviews are conducted
• other relevant information provided.
consistently, the HR Department develops
Review the other links available at the Jobs at QUT
A selection
website. How valuable would applicants find these procedures such as:
panel is responsible • the minimum number of people required to
for assessing the
resources and assistance? Consider why the HR
manager provided these online resources for applicants. form the selection panel
merits of potential
candidates for an What are the benefits for QUT? • appointment, training and responsibilities
advertised position. of a selection panel chair
• composition of the selection panel, e.g.
Evaluating job applications senior manager, staff representative, union
By comparing a potential candidate’s job representative, gender balance
application to the position description, • type of interview, e.g. questions and
applicants without the necessary skills, responses, test, presentation
qualifications and experiences needed to • types of questions that won’t breach anti-
perform the role can be quickly eliminated. discrimination or workplace privacy laws
A careful review of supporting documents can • recommended format for conducting the
FACT! also indicate how long the candidate is likely interview
to stay working in the position, if offered the • template documents that can assist the panel
It has been
estimated that job. For example, an applicant whose resume to score candidates, write comments and
20–30 per cent of indicates a new job every 18 months – or a work recommend a candidate for appointment (as
candidates’ job visa that is due to expire in six months’ time – well as a second choice candidate).
applications contain may not be considered for a position requiring During the interview, candidates’ responses
at least one lie.
a minimum three-year commitment. are a key factor in determining who gets
offered the job. Therefore, it is essential that
they are provided with well-crafted questions
allowing them to demonstrate how their actual

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Managing People | 53

achievements and involvement in real work • the candidate failed a criminal background
situations translate to the role on offer, and check.
reflect on the type of environment they like to When this occurs, the panel chair notifies
work in. each candidate of their decision and the
position may be readvertised.
Find someone in the class who has interviewed for a
position (e.g. part-time employment, school leadership Induction and orientation
role, team leader). What did they do to prepare for ACTION TASK
the interview, and what types of questions were they Imagine providing training and development programs
asked? for almost 76 000 staff scattered in numerous locations
If an interview was scheduled to last 30–40 across the world. Rio Tinto is one such company that
minutes, how many questions do you think a panel has faced this challenge, successfully creating and
would ask, and how much time would a candidate You can access more
implementing a system that is based on employees’ information about careers
have to answer each question? Is this enough time for values and company needs. To learn more about Rio at Rio Tinto by going to
a panel to make a decision about the most suitable Tinto’s plans to recruit and train even more staff, access
candidate for a job? Discuss why/why not. and summarise the article ‘Miner unearths a winner’ bct1weblinks.
on The Australian website at
Selecting a candidate What appeals most to you about Rio’s training and A probationary
When the panel is in agreement about making development plans and opportunities? Discuss with a period – usually
an offer, the panel chair will phone the partner. three months, but
sometimes six
successful candidate to make a verbal offer of months – allows
employment. If the candidate accepts the offer, An induction (or orientation) program is vital both the employer
the organisation will then provide a formal, for making new employees feel welcomed and and employee
written contract (letter of offer) outlining the valued by the organisation. These programs to determine if
terms and conditions of the job, including the can range from a few hours to several days the employment
(sometimes weeks, depending on the nature of arrangement is a
probationary period. The candidate must be good fit for both
able to meet all conditions, which could include the work and training required) and must be parties. During this
the HR manager sighting certified degree carefully designed and delivered, with a focus period, any concerns
qualifications and an authorised transcript of on: about the employee’s
university results – failure to do so could result • formal workplace policies, including those performance must be
linked to safety, work performance, conduct clearly documented
in the business withdrawing its original offer in by the employer in
favour of a second choice candidate. and wellbeing case the contract is
At times, it may be necessary for the panel to • the organisation’s history, vision and goals terminated during the
choose a candidate who didn’t quite ‘tick all the (and how this new position fits into this probationary period.
boxes’ but still demonstrated enough potential vision)
during the interview to be seriously considered • product/service information and training
for the advertised position. In these situations, activities FACT!
the panel would need to make a decision about • workplace tour and introduction to work A survey of HR
colleagues managers revealed
the level of support needed if this type of
that 59 per cent of
candidate was recruited; for example, on-the- • completion of essential administration tasks,
them agreed that
job training and mentoring. e.g. forms, ID cards, systems access they had misjudged
At other times, the selection panel may • matching the new employee to an a candidate’s fit for
decide not to fill a position after interviews experienced workplace ‘buddy’. their organisation,
To avoid new employees feeling and 85 per cent
admitted that the
• the candidate’s experience ‘looked better on overwhelmed during the induction process, the
organisation had
paper’ first day should be shorter and ‘lighter’ than lost a staff member
• they believe the candidate would not fit well other planned days, with an opportunity to because that
into their particular workplace culture celebrate their arrival with a welcome morning employee was not
tea or lunch. a good fit with the
• the referee’s report may indicate something
business’s work
that would cause the panel to hesitate in The HR manager will later seek feedback
making an offer from new employees about the organisation’s

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54 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

induction program; genuinely good ideas and superannuation. Other items to consider
should be used to improve the program’s in the package include bonuses, mobile
outcome, thereby assuring an even better phones, portable computers, a car allowance,
induction process for the next recruits. flexible work hours, payment of professional
memberships, share options and training.
NEGOTIATING EMPLOYMENT Once the package is agreed upon, the
applicant should ask for the details to be put in
CONDITIONS writing before accepting the position.
Because of the global financial crisis (GFC),
potential jobseekers are more cautious about In the YouTube video, ‘Negotiating Your Career’, a CEO
Some common
reasons employees
changing jobs, and are willing to be more provides advice about this process, including the notion
change careers is flexible in their career negotiations. For that you should negotiate for the lowest possible title
because they feel managers, finding the right balance between and salary in the organisation. Go to www.cambridge.
unrewarded, struggle what the organisation is prepared to offer and to view the video on the Academic
to meet financial what a candidate – or existing employee – is Earth website before deciding whether you agree or
commitments, worry disagree with the CEO’s advice.
about job security or
prepared to accept, is the key to a successfully
were fired for gross negotiated employment contract that reflects
misconduct. salary, benefits and conditions (including career
advancement opportunities, variety in work, Negotiating salary – ongoing position
flexible work arrangements, recognition and Salary negotiation also occurs with existing
rewards, bonuses and training development). staff members who are required to undergo
performance appraisals. As this process is
daunting, staff members should take the time
View the YouTube video, ‘Salary Negotiation Bloopers’,
at the OfficeTeam website (under the tab, ‘Salary to develop negotiation skills and prepare fully.
Center’): Some basic preparation guidelines are:
What do you think of the advice, ‘Always turn • determine what makes you good at your job
down their first offer’? In small groups, discuss your • list your skills, results and achievements over
understanding of the term ‘negotiating employment time – copies of prior performance appraisals
conditions’ and provide examples to demonstrate your will assist with this
understanding. HINT: A review of advertised jobs may • list additional qualifications gained, as
provide you with some clues about what this term well as professional development courses
means. undertaken, since your last pay rise
• highlight any additional duties, particularly
higher-level duties, you have recently
Negotiating salary – new position undertaken
Prospective employees should negotiate their • research similar jobs to find out the skills
salary in a confident and assertive manner. that are similar to your own position and the
FACT! However, applicants should also realise that salary range
The number one some positions offer a starting salary with • conduct some research into the market
reason employees a probationary period after which a review
won’t negotiate is conditions for your occupation – are there
fear (e.g. withdrawal
is possible. This may be an opportunity to lots of jobs with few candidates (indicating a
of job offer). However, secure the position at a less-than-ideal salary, shortage of skilled people) or few jobs with
when candidates with the intent of following up at the end of lots of candidates (indicating market over-
do negotiate, self- the probationary period. Most employers will supply)?
confidence in their be happy to review the starting salary if the
ability and worth • examine your role objectively to determine if
actually increases.
employee’s performance has met and exceeded there is any specialist knowledge that makes
expectations. you worth retaining in the position – for
Salary packages should be checked carefully example, market knowledge, useful industry
to ensure no misunderstandings occur as to contacts and relationships, or unique roles
how they are structured, including whether within the organisation such as a valued
the figure is a base salary plus additional mentor or an effective team leader
superannuation, or a combination of base

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Managing People | 55

has many causes
including lack of skills
(to perform better),
lack of recognition
• be clear in your understanding of the opportune time for a manager to raise concerns or rewards (to
organisation’s goals about an employee’s poor work performance or, boost motivation),
• decide on a salary that you feel you are worth, if applicable, underperformance of duties. inability to grasp
the main goals of
and be prepared to justify this increase. ACTION TASK the organisation,
While budget restrictions could prevent Return to the QUT Human Resources Department insufficient detail and
a salary increase, the organisation may be website to browse through the information and guidelines about the
prepared to provide a counter-offer that resources related to performance planning and review job role, and work
includes bonuses, increased vacation time, a (PPR). Access QUT on that fails to interest
or challenge the
position title change and/or more flexible work bct1weblinks and click on ‘Performance planning and
conditions. review’ under ‘Information for staff’.
Click on the link to ‘PPR for professional staff’.
Performance appraisals Summarise and evaluate the activities and related
resources available to a professional staff member
A performance appraisal, also known as a
about to participate in the PPR process.
performance review, is the process used by
management and supervisors to examine an With the aim of helping employees capture
individual’s on-the-job performance in relation information needed for the review, some HR
to individual, team and business goals. Reviews departments provide a template document for
Any performance
occur periodically – for example, half-yearly appraisal system
employees to download and complete prior to must adhere to the
or yearly – and involve discussions based on the appraisal meeting. Fair Work Act.
the individual’s job description and agreed In preparing for performance appraisals,
performance targets. Input into reviews employees have a lot to consider before, during
should come from a variety of sources, such as and after the review. For more information on
supervisors, peers and the individual. Prior to the review: the Fair Work Act,
Reviews also provide an opportunity for staff • make a list of all the points you would like to see page 72.
to discuss with their supervisor possible career cover in the review
directions, opportunities for self-development • spend time revising/reviewing your major
over the next performance period and negotiate achievements since the last review
salaries or promotions. Further, it is an

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56 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

• reconsider your goals and develop a new

action plan outlining how they may be
During the review:
• approach the review with an open mind –
remember that the aim is to maximise your
performance, not to be critical
• listen carefully and respond to feedback
without defensiveness or aggression – see
this feedback as an opportunity for positive
conversation about improvement
• be prepared to ask questions about the
assessment or seek support or guidance
• if you disagree with a comment from your
supervisor, be prepared to say so in a polite,
assertive and tactful manner – for example,
you may feel that your rating should be
higher due to your list of accomplishments
• discuss your new goals and the plans you
• outline how the organisation has benefited have made to achieve them
from your achievements • use the session to request assistance,
• gather evidence; for example, any thank-you guidance, training or other needs
notes or emails praising your work • discuss any major concerns.
• relate your successes to the professional goals
set at the previous review

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Managing People | 57

After the review: • email your supervisor if you would like
• use the feedback you received to improve additional feedback, e.g. to help put your
your performance, i.e. start developing your performance improvement plan into action.
performance improvement plan
• share your new goals with colleagues,
mentors and even family members

1 The 80 million Gen Ys in the world are our future 6 According to the ACTU, ‘about 40 per cent of
workforce. In a recent OfficePro article, Dave Willmer Australian workers had little or no job security and
wrote about four key rules to keep in mind when no rights to sick pay or annual leave because of the
recruiting, motivating and retaining Gen Y employees: rise in the use of casual labour’. Access the following
provide competitive compensation and benefits, two articles on,
offer opportunities for advancement, keep Gen Yers summarising key points:
engaged, and remain in touch. Using these four • ‘Casual approach eroding job security and rights’
rules, research and write your own feature article • ‘Part-time and casual work on the rise with
about Gen Y employees for prospective employers. 190 000 Queenslanders underemployed’.
If necessary, consider adding to or changing one If you were a manager of a large casual or part-time
of these rules. HINT: The article, ‘Seven secrets to workforce (such as those found in the hospitality, retail
hiring Gen Y’, can provide you with some ideas to and tourism industries), what strategies would you use
help you get started: go to to ensure these workers felt valued in the workplace?
bct1weblinks. 7 Do you agree with the following statement by Jason
2 According to recruiters, Australian employers Hemens, a corporate communications manager with
acknowledge that 44 per cent of their hires were recruitment company, Michael Page International?
bad. Based on the information in this chapter and Justify your stance.

further research, provide reasons for this extremely It’s not about the money. If you take the time to
poor recruitment outcome. The following article, create a two-year career plan for an employee and
‘Asking a candidate the right questions’, can help demonstrate how you will support their progress
you get started: go to through training and development, they will be far
bct1weblinks. more likely to stay.
3 With reference to Table 2.4 (on page 50), 8 According to some legal advisers, employment
describe under what circumstances each mode of contracts should contain three essential clauses:
employment would be preferable. • confidentiality clause
4 On a global scale, and with the ongoing impacts • intellectual property clause
of the GFC, recruiters send millions of people each • restraint provision.
day into workplaces as ‘temps’, assuring workforce With a partner, discuss what you believe these
flexibility and employer access to talent. Undertake clauses might expect of an employee. Join with
further research on the temp-to-perm employment another group to further develop your ideas. Invite
option. Prepare a 350-word article for the next office your Legal Studies teacher, a local solicitor or
newsletter outlining the benefits for both employers School Registrar to your class to help improve your
and temp employees. Also include strategies to understanding of these employment contract clauses,
ensure temps feel part of the team. including the impact they might have on an employee
5 Investigate the following situation, before deciding who breaches one or more of these.
whether you agree or disagree with its premise: 9 Your manager, Melissa Bridges, has been asked
Drake Australia, a national recruitment company, to prepare the staff for performance appraisals,
has discovered that many university graduates are particularly with reference to negotiating salary
wondering how best to bridge their degrees into an increases. She plans to produce five PowerPoint
evolving workplace market. slides, each with a separate tip, as follows:
In these cases, a contract employment • Position yourself as a valuable asset
arrangement is an ideal option. The article, ‘Deals • Know what you are worth
that work for both sides’, can assist you with your • Build your case
initial investigation: go to • Timing is important
bct1weblinks. • The fallback position

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58 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

Unfortunately, your manager is unable to the podcast/vodcast or brochure. Then, in smaller
complete this task and has asked you to add groups, prepare your selected media showing:
some key points to each of the slides. Splitting the a the purpose of appraisals, how to make the most
class into five groups, allocate one tip per group. of an appraisal and what can be achieved by
Undertake further research to complete your undertaking them
group’s slide, ready for presentation tomorrow. b the negotiation processes needed to be
10 You are a supervisor at RAH Enterprises and it is successful in obtaining a salary increase.
time to organise staff appraisals. Prepare a series Prepare a role-play situation to demonstrate
of podcasts/vodcasts, as well as a two-sided the performance appraisal process and include
brochure to give to all staff, providing information negotiating either a salary increase or flexible work
on the appraisal process. Divide the class into two arrangements as part of your presentation.
groups, based on whether you would prefer to do

FACT! Effective managers regularly monitor and Bullying behaviours can be passive or
The five most support employees, providing timely feedback aggressive, and include:
common reasons when issues arise. Issues that impact on the • over- or under-work
workers are workplace, such as bullying, violence, conflict, • offensive gestures
disciplined relate to
absenteeism, wasted
grief, poor health and unethical behaviour, • insults, taunts, name calling and
time, substance must be dealt with by management as and inappropriate comments
abuse, pilfering and when they arise to ensure the safety and • yelling and shouting
internet misuse. wellbeing of all employees. To do so requires • blame and humiliation
clearly stated organisational policies and • exclusion from normal work (and social)
FACT! procedures, a ‘tool’ for managers to rely upon interactions
Workplace bullying should these circumstances arise. • intimidation
and harassment • exclusion from professional development
costs the economy
approximately $15
BULLYING opportunities
• interfering with personal effects
billion each year. A workplace bully is someone whose continued,
This does not include
• preventing expression of cultural beliefs
targeted, less favourable treatment of a person • teasing and continual practical jokes
hidden costs, such as
the cost of replacing in the workplace demonstrates unreasonable • setting impossible deadlines
employees who behaviour that causes, or has the potential to • changing work rosters of certain employees
can no longer work cause, harm. • assigning meaningless tasks
because of bully-
related stress. ACTION TASK • withholding resources or information needed
What do you think is the most common form of bullying to complete tasks
at your school? Is it different for males and females? • giving false feedback on performance
Cyberbullying is
the use of technology
Discuss this issue with employed family members • excessive supervision
(such as the internet or friends, and find out how it is handled in their • gossiping and spreading malicious rumours
or mobile phones) workplaces. • cyberbullying
to harass, threaten, What is listed in your school’s policy on bullying? • constant negative feedback and undue public
embarrass or target Would you rate the anti-bullying measures as being criticism.
another person. effective? Explain why or why not.

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Managing People | 59

While often a hidden problem, workplace VIOLENCE

bullying affects both the individual (e.g.
anxiety attacks, broken sleep, fear and loss of ACTION TASK
self-esteem) and the organisation (e.g. loss of How would you define workplace violence? Would you
productivity and financial costs). Therefore, it consider workplace bullying to be a form of violence?
is in no-one’s interest to allow bullying to occur Why/why not?
in the workplace, and any incidences must
be quickly, and appropriately, addressed by Workplace violence involves any incident
management. where an employee is physically attacked or
It is far preferable for organisations to threatened in the workplace. Some examples
develop procedures and strategies that prevent include:
workplace bullying from occurring. This can be • objects thrown at someone
achieved through: • pushing, punching, kicking and shoving
• communicating its bullying policies, and • indecent physical contact
adjusting these as needed • racial abuse and sexual harassment
• identifying risks and determining how to • threats to hurt someone
prevent these from occurring • stalking.
• providing appropriate training to ensure Because of the serious nature of workplace
For more information on
staff understand the policy, are aware that violence, including the short- and long-term workplace health and
the behaviour is unacceptable and know effects it can have on victims, their families and safety, see Chapter 5.
what steps to follow should they experience co-workers, some forms of workplace violence
bullying behaviour may be classed as criminal acts. In more serious For more information on
• anonymously surveying staff to gauge the cases, the police will be notified so the victim unions, see page 86.
extent of bullying behaviours can make a statement. The incident must be
• investigating complaints of bullying reported to management, the workplace health
behaviour (and keeping accurate records of and safety representative and, if applicable, the
what steps were taken). relevant union.

ACTION TASK bullying behaviour, and a strategy showing how to stop

With reference to the list of bullying behaviours above, this behaviour.
distinguish between passive and aggressive behaviours. HINT: To explore bullying behaviours in more detail, go
Compare your answers with two or three other to Bully Blocking (
students. and select ‘Workplace Bullying’.
In your group, prepare a role play demonstrating one

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60 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

While both employers and employees ACTION TASK

have responsibilities in relation to workplace Access the HITC article, ‘10 ways fired employees
violence, it is ultimately the employer who has got their revenge on their ex-bosses/former firms’, on
the final responsibility., for some actual
Therefore, strategies that can be examples of what disgruntled employees are capable
implemented to reduce the chance of violence of doing.
occurring include: What other examples can you find, and what impact
• counselling employees who are acting do these actions have on the workplace?
inappropriately – sudden outbursts and
screaming should not be ignored under any CONFLICT
In an ideal world, everyone would get along
• allowing for ‘time out’ – a 10- to 15-minute
with one another, with any disagreements easily
cooling-off period can help defuse a difficult
resolved. Unfortunately, this does not occur,
and in a workplace there are times when work
• speaking regularly with staff – changes and
colleagues experience conflict with others’
problems can often be noticed more quickly
ideas, decisions or actions.
and then acted on
• offering a vacation – annual leave can help ACTION TASK
an employee put everything back into Do you have a friend or, if you work part-time, perhaps
perspective a work colleague whose ideas or actions you disagree
• training staff to identify and defuse with? How do you deal with these differences? Is it
potentially violent situations in the workplace easier with your friend than your work colleague?
• providing appropriate security for staff
working late at night (including a safe escort
Conflict is unavoidable and, although
to parked cars)
difficult, can be healthy as different
• reviewing incidents of violence with staff
perspectives and opinions can open people’s
to ascertain causes and, when necessary,
minds to other ways of thinking and doing,
adjust procedures to reduce the chance of
resulting in better work outcomes. However,
‘disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing’, along
• showing compassion but maintaining a ‘safe’
with stubbornly refusing to get along with a
distance from employees’ personal lives –
colleague because of a difference in personality,
employers do not want to be held responsible
is unproductive, unhelpful and unpleasant for
(liable) for advice that impacts negatively on
all involved, and can contribute to increased
the employee’s home life.
stress and dissatisfaction in the workplace.
There will be times when a situation
While managers and supervisors have a role to
escalates beyond these strategies, and
play in recognising and dealing with genuine
the perpetrator will face dismissal and
workplace conflict, employees involved in the
conflict must also take responsibility for their
Unfortunately, disgruntled former
actions. A range of strategies can help them
employees can become a threat to the
overcome the conflict, as highlighted in Table
organisation. To avoid this occurring,
2.5 on the following page.
the organisation may consider offering a
‘supportive separation’ package, enabling the ACTION TASK
former employee to receive wages for a period What personality type are you? There are many
of time after being dismissed. different types of tests used to assess someone’s
This type of arrangement demonstrates personality. Recruiters and employers often use
these when trying to match a potential candidate
that while the organisation will not condone or
with a particular workplace or team. Use your search
tolerate violence in the workplace, it can show engine to find more information about personality
that it cares for the safety and wellbeing of the types and personality tests. You can access a free,
individual. online personality type assessment, focused on career
decisions, at PersonalityType on

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Managing People | 61

Table 2.5 Overcoming workplace conflict

Conflict caused by concentrating on the person Conflict caused by opposing ideas

• Recognise what ‘triggers’ your annoyance so that you • Accept that everyone is entitled to their opinions
can better manage your behaviour • Stay focused on the issue – conflicted opinions should
• Realise and accept that everyone has a different not be personal
personality – looking for ‘evidence’ that someone • Avoid judging the person – work hard to understand
doesn’t like you is not helpful in these conflict why there is a difference in points of view
situations • Invite a colleague to mediate the discussion – an
• Stop complaining about or blaming the other person unbiased voice can help defuse potential conflict
• Don’t gossip about the other person • Be prepared to compromise – there doesn’t always
• Always be polite – do your best to control your have to be a clear-cut ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way of doing
frustrations something
• Negative energy is wasteful – put your energies • Reflect on your own ‘agenda’ – are you really that
into something more productive for you and the passionate about the decision at stake, or does the
organisation other person just annoy you?
• Try to appreciate the value of a workplace made up of • Be respectful – demonstrate a willingness to listen
diverse personalities – some of the best performing
workteams are made up of members who see things
through different lenses

GRIEF employees should be given training on how to

provide the best possible support for grieving
Grief is the emotional experience associated co-workers, as well as the fears or concerns
with any type of loss, such as the death of that may impact upon them as a result of
a family member, animal companion or the situation. Managers and supervisors
colleague, separation or divorce, retrenchment, have an additional responsibility to create an
drastic organisational restructuring, or a work accepting environment of the grieving process,
colleague being diagnosed with a serious acknowledging that this will occur over a period
illness. People who are suffering grief should of time without a finite end date but during
be given a period of adjustment and all which time work can still progress.

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At the start of a Have you had any personal experience with grief, either What situations impact most on your health? How do
new year, managers as the person grieving or helping someone else through you manage your wellbeing?
can plan in advance a grieving process? How did this situation impact on If you were to write your own personal health plan
for staff absenteeism you and others? What most helped you through this for the next 12 months, what would you include?
by encouraging very difficult time? What least assisted you? Compare and discuss your plan with one or two other
employees to
Undertake research to prepare a podcast or article students in your class.
schedule in proposed
dates for annual
on dealing with grief in the workplace. The following
leave over the next sites on can help For employees susceptible to depression,
12-month period. you get started: stressful work environments can trigger
This also encourages • Grief in the Workplace (managing grief and loss in mental health problems. When this occurs,
employees to remain the workplace; including a Good Morning America both the individual and the workplace suffer,
committed to their video interview about the impact of grief on workers)
vacation plans, which
for example, through absenteeism, medical
• ABC Radio National (‘Life Matters’ interview on grief
is beneficial for good expenses and decreased productivity caused
in the workplace).
health and work–life by poor work performance. As a manager, the
balance. signs of depression and stress – frequent sick
days, lateness, crying for no apparent reason,
Depression is lack of energy, loss of sense of humour and
caused by a chemical
HEALTH poor performance – cannot be ignored. With
imbalance in a While some level of workplace stress is timely treatment and support, including flexible
person’s brain.
healthy – it can help employees remain focused work arrangements and reduced duties to aid
and committed to their workteam’s goals – in the employee’s treatment and recovery,
unmanageable stress levels, if left unchecked, an organisation can hope to retain a valuable
can quickly spiral out of control, severely member of staff.
impacting on the employee’s productivity, Employees are also responsible for
workplace relationships, health and personal managing their stress levels and mental health,
life. as highlighted in the article below.

Managing stress in 2 Learn to relax – give yourself

permission to focus on activities, pastimes
8 A problem shared is a problem
halved – if you are feeling stressed, seek
the workplace – it and hobbies that you enjoy doing. Make out friends and family members who
starts with you! time to have fun!
3 Get fit – you will be able to cope (and
genuinely care about you and can help you
gain a better perspective about things.
How do you manage stress when you’re feel) much better if you’re regularly 9 You can’t control everything – other
facing what seems like insurmountable exercising. people’s behaviour and changing market
challenges? You’ve got multiple deadlines 4 Focus on a healthy diet – a balanced, conditions are beyond our control.
looming, an ever-growing ‘to do’ list, nutritious eating plan will not only Instead, spend your energy focusing on
meetings you have no time for, and a improve your health and increase your the things that you can control, including
working day that keeps starting earlier and energy levels, it will help you avoid stress. your own behaviours and reactions.
ending later. 5 Set realistic goals – be practical about 10 No-one’s perfect – trying to attain
While some stress is healthy, too much what you can achieve each working day perfectionism will only heighten your
of it and the opposite occurs – your health or week. If you’re unsure, ask a work stress levels. You should strive to do your
begins to suffer, and work and personal colleague to guide you until you feel best, and be satisfied with that.
relationships deteriorate. Spiralling stress you can create and maintain your own
levels can also trigger mental health balanced work schedule.
1 Which of the 10 ideas listed above would
problems. 6 Learn when to say ‘no’ – learning
work best for you, and why?
Here are some tips to help you better when to say ‘no’ (within reason!), as well as
2 In small groups, brainstorm other ideas to
manage stress: delegating or sharing tasks, can help you
add to this list.
1 Get enough sleep – aim for 8 hours better manage stressful times.
3 What practical tip would you offer to your
sleep each night by establishing a regular 7 Be positive – a positive outlook is not
fellow students to better manage stress?
bed time routine. This will give your body just good for your health – it will improve
Would this same tip have merit for the
ample time to rest and recover. your attitude to workplace situations.
workplace? Why/why not?

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Managing People | 63

In Australia, non-casual employees are the use of time and resources. Every working
entitled to paid sick days as one of their day, moral choices are made by employees in
employment conditions. Unfortunately, the use of business resources, such as money,
many workers continue to attend work, even vehicles, internet, stationery, telephones and
when they are suffering poor health. For copyright.
the benefit of all staff, managers must work One of the conflicts in the workplace is that
towards creating a climate of non-suspicion what one employee might consider ethically
and resentment, and encourage employees to wrong or incorrect may be viewed by another
use their sick days when they are genuinely as a reasonable request or behaviour, such as:
ill – after all, their workplace colleagues are • being asked to lie or ‘cover’ for a colleague
not keen to ‘catch a bug’ or work alongside • being asked to falsify records, e.g. minutes of
someone who is obviously in poor health and meetings or expense accounts
cannot capably perform their duties. • behaviour by some staff being accepted but
the same behaviour by other staff resulting in
ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR To overcome all ethical issues, organisations
Employees of any organisation are expected to should provide ongoing training and appoint a
uphold the standards in their employer’s code contact person to whom employees can report
of conduct and behave ethically with regard to or discuss ethical behaviours.

ACTION TASK is now completed, so Jodie quickly uses the central

Read through the following scenario: printer to produce three copies of her application
Jodie usually begins her working days as a project before sending the package, via internal mail, to
officer at 7.30 am, as she likes to leave early in the the HR Department. While in the print room, Jodie
afternoons. Her employer supports this arrangement, photocopies a short recipe book lent to her by a
provided she still works 38 hours per week. colleague.
Jodie usually feels quite hungry when she starts There are a lot of meetings to attend today at
work, so when her colleague Jesse arrives at 8.00 various locations, so Jodie collects the necessary
am, they walk around the corner to the local coffee paperwork, stationery, laptop and business car keys
shop and enjoy a quick breakfast and coffee together. before heading out the door. Unfortunately, there
As Jesse is in Jodie’s work team, they usually use won’t be time to stop for a lunch break today, but a
this time to catch up on team projects and plan for couple of the ‘working’ meetings are being catered,
the day ahead. so she’ll at least enjoy some morning tea and lunch
When Jodie returns to her workstation at 8.40 am, along the way.
she checks her emails and voicemail messages. Jodie drives into her work car park at 3.00 pm,
Some emails are from her friends, which she drops off the keys and leaves. There are a few items
quickly scans and, if necessary, responds with brief of business still requiring attention, so Jodie will have
comments before returning business calls. While a quick look at these from home later tonight.
using her computer she decides to also check After dinner, Jodie logs onto her work computer for
Facebook for any postings, as one of her friends had 30 minutes, which is enough time to read and send
promised to send her information that she needed for some work emails as well as check her diary for
the meeting later that day. tomorrow. One of her friends is travelling overseas
Jodie’s business-paid mobile phone is kept in her and has updated his blog. While logged onto the
handbag, inside one of her filing cabinet drawers. internet, Jodie catches up on his news, enjoying the
She has told her friends and family not to call her at photographs and stories before shutting down the
work on the business or mobile phones unless there computer.
is an emergency. However, she can still hear when an After reading the above scenario, consider the
sms is received on the mobile and will usually check following statement: Jodie is an ethical employee.
these for anything important or interesting, and if If you agree, move to one side of the room; if you
necessary quickly respond with a return message. disagree, move to the other side of the room. Be
Recently, the manager of one of the other prepared to debate and defend your stance!
divisions spoke with Jodie about the possibility of a The groups on each side of the room need to list the
secondment for six months. Last week, the job was behaviours on which their decisions were based. As two
advertised internally and Jodie has worked every groups, debate the topic in an attempt to convince the
night for the past week updating her resume and other side of your argument.
responding to the selection criteria. The application

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Office etiquette and behaviours Although not always obvious to new

employees, every work environment has its own
While not necessarily unethical, there are office
established ‘invisible line’ between professional
behaviours that many employees find annoying
and unprofessional office behaviour. If any of
or offensive, including:
these behaviours cross that line, it can result
• constantly checking personal organisers (e.g.
in the employee receiving a formal warning or
BlackBerry, iPhone) during meetings
even dismissal from the organisation.
• bad language
• poor hygiene ACTION TASK
• loud talking In 2011, BHP Billiton ‘laid down the law’ on office
• revealing or casual clothing etiquette to thousands of its staff across Australia,
• gossiping banning a number of items from workstations. This
• fridge raiding (i.e. eating someone else’s food decision was made as part of its ‘clean desk practice’.
Research the reasoning behind the introduction of this
from the office fridge)
office etiquette policy. The article ‘Mining giant BHP gets
• wasting resources tough with staff over manners’ on www.cambridge.
• wearing headphones constantly can assist with your initial
• eavesdropping on conversations investigation.
• snooping around someone else’s workstation Do you think flowers or family photos on a desk
• forgetting basic good manners would be acceptable at BHP Billiton? Could you work in
• disrespecting punctuality (particularly for this type of office environment? Discuss why/why not.
• not cleaning up after oneself, including
leaving spoiled food in the fridge.

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Managing People | 65

1 If you agree with the following statement, move to of the following websites on
the back of the room; if you disagree, move to the bct1weblinks:
front. Be prepared to defend your decision! • University of Queensland (UQ Wellness)
Negative leadership styles – in particular autocratic • Queensland University of Technology (Wellness
leadership and laissez-faire leadership – are Matters)
considered a risk factor in relation to workplace • Education Queensland (CQ Region)
bullying. • Tasmanian Government (Implementing a Workplace
Health and Wellbeing Program)
2 You have been invited to speak at a seminar
• Workplace Wellness Australia.
on workplace bullying. As there are other guest
6 In relation to workplace conflict, prepare an article for
presenters at your session, the organiser has asked
the next online office newsletter entitled, ‘Don’t sweat
you to address one of the following topics:
the small stuff’.
• Effective tactics for dealing with bullies.
7 Examine the following situations. Individually, decide
• Effective tactics for preventing bullying.
on which situations demonstrate unethical behaviour.
You have a maximum presentation time of
In small groups, compare your answers. Be prepared
10 minutes. Design an appropriate presentation
to justify your decisions.
that will inform and engage your audience (who
a An accountant who has worked overtime until 8 pm
are mostly recently appointed middle managers of
uses a company taxi voucher to get home instead of
various organisations). Include supporting materials.
taking a bus.
3 Choose one of the following topics to discuss in
b For the past two months, an office worker has
small groups, focusing on the impact of grief on
borrowed a laptop to use at home for personal use.
employers and employees:
c A worker takes time out to smoke cigarettes several
• Millions of workers around the world are trapped
times during the day.
between the need to grieve and the need to work.
d An administration assistant takes some envelopes
• A sad employee is perceived as a bad employee.
and stamps from the work stationery cupboard to
• Grief doesn’t take a break when you go to work.
send out personal invitations.
4 With regard to the grieving worker, Australian
e A salesman badly wants to get an order that would
legislation allows for up to two days compassionate
mean a large bonus for him, so he’s discounted
leave, and the Fair Work Act 2009 allows for
the sale price to make it more attractive to the
individuals to access carer’s leave to the equivalent
of 10 paid days, but only for responsibilities linked
f An office worker frequently uses the office internet
to end-of-life care for a family member. When you
to purchase goods through eBay.
consider that different cultures and faith traditions
8 You have been asked to draft new protocols relating
often require greater flexibility in terms of rituals
to office etiquette. Survey a minimum of five people –
and ceremonies that occur throughout the first year
students who work part-time, family members or
of bereavement, how adequate is our workplace
friends who work full-time, teachers – to gauge what
legislation? Discuss.
items would be appropriate to address in an office
5 To combat work-related stress, organisations are
etiquette policy. Once you have analysed your data,
incorporating stress-reduction programs (often
draft your policy for presentation to your class. Be
under the banner of ‘wellness programs’) into
prepared to explain your choice of items, and discuss
the workplace. Investigate this concept, outlining
how you would implement such a policy into the
the main benefits and components of this type of
program. To assist with your research, access some

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FACT! In the human resources context, change Once an organisation has made the decision
For change to
management is the systematic approach to change, it is up to the HR manager to ensure
be successful, at (processes, tools, techniques) to managing staff do not feel intimidated by the process.
least 75 per cent the people aspects of organisational change This requires careful planning and is assisted
of managers must in order to achieve the desired outcomes. For by the eight steps (Figure 2.3) outlined by
believe in the change. change to be effective, any approaches adopted John Kotter, a Harvard Professor and world-
must consider individuals, workteams and the renowned change management expert.
Figure 2.3 Change organisation itself.
process steps

Create urgency This is the most critical step, and requires the most time and energy. Staff need to believe that change is
STE P necessary and while ‘scaremongering’ isn’t helpful, honest dialogue and open discussions about potential threats – as well as
opportunities for growing the business – can help motivate an urgent need for change.

2 Form a powerful coalition The employers leading change should be drawn from different departments and levels across the
organisation, where seniority is not the determining factor for all team positions. Once selected, team building is critical as this
coalition must be committed to spreading the same message and building momentum around the need for change.

3 Create a vision for change A vision statement must be clear, succinct and easily understood by staff. It is built on the reasons for
change and the future of the organisation. Coalition team members must know their ‘vision speech’, which should take only a few
minutes to say.

4 Communicate the vision Vision speeches should happen frequently and naturally, whenever the opportunity arises. This helps
keep the vision alive, and allows team members to more frequently respond to staff questions and concerns. Leading by example –
‘walk the talk’ – is critical during this step.

Remove obstacles Identifying structures and processes that are blocking change, as well as staff members who are resisting
STE P change, helps management address obstacles. Some organisations will choose to outsource this step to specialist change leaders
with expertise in delivering change (which includes taking appropriate action to remove any barriers to change).

6 Create short-term wins Without sharing some early successes during this process, change leaders run the risk of critics hurting
progress. Setting and achieving short-term goals and targets, therefore, is critical. As further motivation, staff who help in these
successes may be rewarded by the organisation.

7 Build on the change A quick win is not enough evidence to claim success – management must continue to set goals and build on
the change over a longer period of time, analysing what is working well and what can be improved.

Anchor the change in corporate culture If not embedded in corporate culture, management runs the risk of change values being
STE P forgotten. Ongoing success stories about the benefits of this change can be highlighted regularly, ‘change coalition’ team members
should be remembered for the role they played in effecting positive change, and future staff must be recruited and trained under the
new values and visions.

Source: Adapted from Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model: Implementing change powerfully and successfully.

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Managing People | 67

ACTION TASK redundant). Management may invite employees

Kodak, the camera company that dominated to apply for a voluntary redundancy, with
photography and film development for the greater part package benefits often including a pro rata
of the twentieth century, created the first digital camera, payout, e.g. one or two weeks pay for each year
yet filed for bankruptcy protection in 2012. of service. However, a submitted application
Undertake further research on Kodak and two or does not guarantee success as some employees
three other organisations that also failed to ‘move may be deemed irreplaceable because their
with the times’. What are the elements common extensive corporate knowledge is too valuable
to these business stories, and how do you think to lose.
these organisations’ workforces were affected by
At the conclusion of a voluntary redundancy
management’s decision-making at the time?
‘drive’, management decides whether the Fair Work Australia
right types and number of positions have been provides employees
made redundant; if not, redundancy may with redundancy and
IMPACTS OF CHANGE then be forced upon targeted positions. In retrenchment information.
Access the FWA website
For any business, ‘revisioning’ what it offers these situations, people management skills are on
(products/services) and how it is delivered essential as being retrenched from employment au/bct1weblinks.
(staff/systems) can prove very beneficial in can be incredibly difficult to accept.
terms of increased productivity and profits.
However, it is often the trigger for revisioning Redeployment
the organisation’s workforce, in areas such as: A redeployment policy makes provision to
• staffing levels provide excess employees with continued
• position descriptions employment elsewhere within the For an example of an
internal selection policy,
• creation of new positions and the organisation, which may include a branch
go to www.cambridge.
disappearance of others or department situated locally, nationally or and
• redeployment of staff to new or different even internationally. This strategy enables the read the article on the
departments/divisions (as per the revised organisation to preserve corporate knowledge Workforce Management
organisational structure). and maintain core workforce skills while also website.
These types of change management supporting succession planning.
decisions usually provide a choice of options to
employees, as outlined below. Internal promotion
Gaining a promotion within the restructured
Redundancy organisation is one way for employees working
Voluntary or forced, redundancy occurs when in ‘targeted’ positions to avoid redundancy,
an organisation no longer requires a person retrenchment or redeployment. The same
to perform the duties attached to a particular competitive recruitment processes apply as for
position, or the duties can be allocated to any advertised positions, so promotion must be
other employees (making the original position fairly earned.

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68 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

Transition to new, same-level position perhaps a change from full-time to fractional

employment (e.g. three days per week) or
Any change management process identifies
casual employment. The HR manager will
new positions. These may be scoped to match
carefully consider the implications of this type
the same seniority/pay level already held by
of arrangement for the changed workforce;
employees, but the position title and duties
however, a phasing-in retirement arrangement
will change. Newly created positions offer
can certainly assist the organisation with its
employees the opportunity to undertake a
succession planning, particularly when the
self-assessment of their current skills and
retirement option is usually taken by more
qualifications, some of which may have not
senior and experienced employees with
been utilised in their previous positions but can
extensive corporate knowledge.
certainly be applied to the new ones.
Like resignations, a written notice of
Resignation retirement must be submitted providing
Sadly, not all employees will feel a sense of a minimum period of notice, as per the
belonging in a changed corporate culture and employment contract.
will choose to leave the organisation to pursue
employment elsewhere or retire permanently.
Go to the link When this occurs, the employee presents a
on written resignation letter to the employer,
au/bct1weblinks and use providing formal notice of intent to leave. The
this site’s search engine to employee’s employment contract will list how
find samples of resignation
much notice must be provided before leaving.
This can range from one week to several
months, depending on the type and level of
position held by the employee, e.g. a CEO
position is likely to be advertised internationally
requiring a six-month recruitment timeline. As
it is always best to leave ‘on a good note’, the
wording and tone used in the resignation letter
is critical.

Employees approaching retirement age may
opt to retire, rather than be redeployed or
transitioned into new positions. Alternatively,
and if the option is available as part of the
organisation’s HR policies, an employee may
ask to enter into a pre-retirement contract
with the employer, enabling a gradual
reduction of duties and responsibilities and

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Managing People | 69

ACTION TASK available, and involves:
Which of the options detailed on the previous pages • establishing a culture that proactively
would suit the employee highlighted in the following supports succession planning across all areas
scenario, and why? and levels within an organisation
Patricia is 48 years old, married with two older • identifying critical workforce roles within
the organisation, and understanding the FACT!
teenagers. After her children started school, she
began contract work as a project officer at a large capabilities and skills required to perform The British royal
family is one of the
university. This full-time contract had a time span of these roles effectively
12 months that would then ‘roll’ into a new contract • analysing trends in recruitment and retention entities in the world
the following year. This arrangement lasted almost as part of a risk assessment of potential where succession
10 years. Two years ago, she was successful in her shortages or surpluses of potential candidates planning is critical
application to become a full-time lecturer at this required for those critical roles to ensuring its
university. However, since then student enrolment continuity. The
• identifying which staff have the potential
numbers have dropped and she has heard rumours abdication of
that the Faculty is about to undertake – yet again! to perform at a higher level in the required King Edward VIII
– a major change management and restructuring roles, and ensuring they are supported using in 1936, and the
exercise, with some academic positions in her School a variety of activities, such as professional quick succession
development, performance planning, of his brother,
likely to disappear. Because of her employment
Albert, to becoming
history over the past decade or so, Patricia is secondments and opportunities to act in a
King George VI,
reluctant to consider a redundancy package should higher position/role demonstrates how
it be offered by the university. • assessing where internal resources should be well the royal family
targeted in terms of training and developing trained the next-in-
potential candidates line (candidate) to
Succession planning • documenting and being transparent about succeed the previous
Succession planning is a strategic and the processes involved in identifying,
deliberate activity focused on ensuring the selecting and supporting staff who have
organisation’s ability to move capable staff expressed interest in more senior leadership
into key or critical positions as they become or management roles within the organisation.

ISBN: 9781107688056 © Rasmussen, Mylonas, Beck 2012 Cambridge University Press

Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.
70 | Investigating Business Communication and Technologies

1 Of the eight steps needed to lead and manage required to provide four weeks’ notice. For most
change within an organisation, which is the most of that time, Bev has enjoyed the work and been
critical step, and why? satisfied with the results achieved by her team.
2 Prepare a series of questions on the impact of Performance reviews have always been positive.
change on staff. You may also like to interview She intends to take a short break before heading
friends or family members whose jobs have been back into the workforce, hopefully in a more
impacted by change to assist in creating your senior level position. If she is unable to find a
questions. In small groups, each select a different position she likes, Bev will consider enrolling in
area of staffing within the school and conduct further studies to extend her qualifications.
interviews. Collate all information as a class when Draft a resignation letter for Bev.
completed, and draft a memo to the principal on your 5 The Australian Public Service (APS) Commission has
findings. Choose the best memo for presentation to a redeployment policy, which can be viewed on www.
the principal. Summarise the key
3 As manager of a large department that needs to points covered by this policy, and consider how APS
reduce staff numbers, you’ve been given the job employees can benefit from such a policy.
of ensuring this happens. What options can you 6 Interview your registrar, principal or head of
offer your employees? Consider factors that would department to learn more about the school’s
influence your decision about which employees succession planning, and how these are
should stay or leave. communicated to employees of the school. Be sure
4 Consider the following scenario: to question what would happen if no succession
Bev Jordaan has decided to resign her position plans have been established and/or communicated.
as Administration Manager of RAH Enterprises. 7 Prepare a 500-word feature article for the local
She has worked in this role for five years, and is paper on the value of succession planning.

An activity on managing people is available on

ISBN: 9781107688056 © Rasmussen, Mylonas, Beck 2012 Cambridge University Press

Photocopying is restricted under law and this material must not be transferred to another party.

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