Investment Behavior of Women: A Conceptual Study
Investment Behavior of Women: A Conceptual Study
Investment Behavior of Women: A Conceptual Study
Today’s women are financially independent and ready to pool their savings in a profitable
avenue to maximize their wealth. Women investors are participating frequent in investing
activity and do not make sound investment decisions. Investment is important for the wellbeing
of individuals and for the economic development of a nation. Investing money is a very complex
task because of number of investment companies and products offered by them, terms and
conditions of investment and complex rules and regulations. As the investments in some avenues
are subject to high risk, the investors have to analyze the various alternative investments in terms
of risk and returns associated with them. There are number of investment options are available.
There are various investment avenues such as Savings account, fixed deposits, Government
Securities, Corporate Bonds, Insurance policies, Real estates, Commodities, Shares and Mutual
funds, Chit Funds and Gold and Silver. The investors invest their savings in the above
mentioned avenues depending on their risk taking attitude. While taking investment decision, the
behavioral aspects, awareness level of investors, risk attitude, investment habits, common
understanding of market play an important role in making a sound investment decision. The
present study intends to present the detailed overview of previous studies on investment behavior
and pattern of women.
Key Words: Investment, avenues, share market, women, review
The people usually invest their savings where they can get maximum returns and safety of their
money. Investment activity is essential for the growth and development of a nation. The
individual investor plays an important role in the stock market because of the big share of their
savings are invested in the country. The decision of making investment is always based on the
relationship between risk and return. The term investment means employment of funds in any
assets and securities with the aim of earning return or capital appreciation. Investment is the
allocation of funds to the profit generating asset in future. Investment is an economic activity
which generates capital needed for various sectors of economy. The selection of investment is a
difficult task which requires considerable skills and knowledge for analysis of available options.
Moreover, a sound investment decision in stock market may lead to the higher return and
maximum satisfaction. But it seems difficult for people to analyze the various options to find out
suitable investment avenues because of lack of awareness whereas people don’t know even
where to invest and how much to invest. Therefore, analysis of behavior of investors is essential
to find out various positive and negative aspects of investment in stock market.
Women are financially independent nowadays. Women are actively participating in investing
their savings by analyzing the various factors such as degree of risk associated with investment,
influence of family members and friends and the capability of investing in modern and
innovative investment avenues.
The main objective of this study is to present concept of investment behavior and patterns of
women and explore the detailed review of previous empirical studies on investment behavior of
Research Methodology
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