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ISO 14001 Element Checklist

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ISO14001 Element Checklist

ISO14001 Procedure Evidence Suitable Adequate Effective

Element No. ISO Requirement
4.1 General
Do we have an established EMS?
Has top management defined our environmental
policy and is it appropriate in the nature, scale and
environmental impacts of our activities, products and
Does the policy include a commitment to continual
improvement and prevention of pollution?
Does policy include a commitment to comply with
relevant environmental legislation and regulations,
Policy and other requirements?
Does the policy provide a framework for setting and
reviewing environmental objectives and targets?
Is the policy documented, implemented, maintained,
and communicated to all employees?
Is the policy available to the public? Is there a
process to provide copies when requested?
Is there a procedure to identify environmental
aspects of our activities, products or services that
4.3 Planning have a significant impact on the environment?
4.3.1 Are aspects related to significant impacts
Environmental considered when setting environmental objectives?
Aspects Do we have a system for keeping this information
4.3.2 Legal &
Do we maintain procedures to identify and have
access to legal and other requirements?
Does each relevant function and level of the
organization have documented environmental
targets and objectives?
Are legal and other requirements, significant
4.3.3 Objectives environmental aspects, technological options and
and Targets financial, operational and business requirements,
and the views of interested parties considered when
establishing and reviewing objectives?
Are objectives and targets consistent with the policy,
including the commitment to pollution prevention?

ISO14001 Element Checklist

ISO14001 Policy Evidence Suitable Adequate Effective

ISO Requirement
Element No. Reference
Do we have a program for achieving targets and
4.3.4 Does the program designated responsibility for
Environmental achieving objectives and targets, including the
Management means and a time frame for achievement.
Are programs that relate to new developments or for
modified activities, products, or services updated?
Are roles, responsibility and authority defined,
documented and communicated?
Has management provide resources essential to the
4.1 implementation and control of the EMS, including
Implementation appointing a specific management representative?
and Operation
Does the management representative have authority
4.1.1 Structure to implement the EMS in accordance with
and ISO14001?
Responsibility Does the management representative report to top
management on the performance of the EMS, based
on continuous improvement?
Have training needs been identified?
Have personnel whose work may create a significant
impact upon the environment received appropriate
Are there procedures to make employees aware of
the importance of conformance to environment
policy, procedures and the EMS?
4.4.2 Training, Are there procedures to make employees aware of
Awareness & significant environmental impacts and the
Competence environmental benefits of improved personal
Are there procedures to make employees aware of
their roles & responsibilities with the EMS including
emergency preparedness and response?
Are there procedures to make employees aware of
the potential consequences of departing from the
specified operating procedure?

ISO14001 Element Checklist

ISO14001 Policy
ISO Requirement Evidence Suitable Adequate Effective
Element No. Reference
Are personnel performing tasks, which can cause
4.4.2 significant environmental impacts competent and
(Continued) received appropriate education, training and/or
Do we maintain procedures for internal
communication of the environmental aspects
and the EMS between the various levels and
functions of the organization?
4.4.3 Do we maintain procedures for receiving,
Communication documenting, and responding to relevant
communication from external interested parties?
Do we consider processes for external
communication on significant environmental
aspect and record the decision?
Do we maintain information that describes the core
4.4.4 EMS elements of the management system and their
Documentation interaction?
Do we maintain information that provides direction to
related documents?
Is there a procedure for document control?
Are documents required by ISO14001 readily
Are documents periodically reviewed, including
documents that have not been revised, and are
revisions approved for adequacy?
Are current versions of documents available where
4.4.5 Document essential operations are performed?
Are obsolete documents removed promptly?
Are obsolete documents that are retained suitably
Are documents legible, have revision dates, readily
identifiable, and retained for a specific time frame?
Are there procedures and a person responsibility for
document creation and modification?

ISO14001 Element Checklist

ISO14001 Policy
Element No. Evidence Suitable Adequate Effective
ISO Requirement Reference
Are operations and activities associated with
significant environmental aspects been identified?
Are there maintenance procedures covering
situations where there absence could lead to a
4.4.6 Operational deviation from policy or the objectives and targets?
Are operating criteria stipulated in the procedures?
Are there procedures for communicating to suppliers
and contractors the significant environmental
aspects of the goods and services we use?
Are their procedures for identifying actual and
potential emergency situations, and for preventing
and mitigating their environmental impacts?
4.4.7 Emergency Are emergency preparedness and response
Preparedness procedures reviewed/revised periodically and after
and Response an emergency?
Are emergency preparedness and response
procedures periodically tested?
Are there procedures to regularly monitor and
measure the key characteristics of the operations
and activities that can have impact the environment?
Are there procedures to regularly monitor and
Checking and measure key characteristics that can have a
Corrective significant impact on the environment.
Action Does monitoring and measuring include recording
information to track performance, relevant
4.5.1 Monitoring operational controls and conformance with
and environmental objectives and targets?
Measurement Is monitoring equipment calibrated and are records
Is there a procedure for periodically evaluating
compliance with relevant environmental legislation
and regulations?

ISO14001 Element Checklist

ISO14001 Policy
Element No. Evidence Suitable Adequate Effective
ISO Requirement Reference
Do we maintain procedures for defining authority
and responsibility for handling of non-conformance,
action to mitigate impacts caused, and for corrective
4.5.2 and preventive actions
Nonconformance Are corrective and preventive actions appropriate to
and corrective
the magnitude of problems and the environmental
and preventive
action impact encountered?
Are changes in the documented procedures
resulting form corrective and preventive actions
Are their procedures for the identification,
maintenance and disposition of environmental
Do records include training records and audit and
review results?
Are environment records legible, identifiable and
4.5.3 Records traceable to the activity involved?
Are environment records readily retrievable and
protected against damage?
Are environmental record retention times
established and recorded?
Are records maintained to demonstrate conformance
to the requirements of ISO 14000?
Are their procedures for periodic environmental
management system audits?
Are the EMS audits and schedule based on the
environmental importance of the activity concerned
4.5.4 EMS Audit
and the results of previous audit?
Does the EMS audit include scope, frequency,
methodologies, responsibilities and requirements for
conducting and reporting audits results?

ISO14001 Element Checklist

ISO14001 Policy
Element No. Evidence Suitable Adequate Effective
ISO Requirement Reference
Does top management at regular intervals review
the EMS to ensure its suitability, adequacy &
Does management have the necessary information
4.6 Management for to review the EMS?
Review Is the EMS management review documented?
Does the management review include possibly
changing the policy, objectives, or other elements of
the EMS, in lieu of audit results, changes in
circumstance or continuous improvement?

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