Bajaj Auto Finance ICR - AS
Bajaj Auto Finance ICR - AS
Bajaj Auto Finance ICR - AS
Loan book to grow at a scorching pace of 39.6% CAGR over FY10-13 – mostly
driven b its
by it secured
d book
b k which
hi h is
i expected
t d to
t grow att a CAGR off 70% over FY10-13.
FY10 13
Total of
Institution and Stable margin with some downward bias in near term– change in business mix ,
s Promoter rising interest rates is expected to hurt margins in near term, however in the next 2 years
19% Group
55% time, margins (NIMs) are expected to be stable at around 12%.
NPA the key risk – however we believe it has already peaked for Bajaj finance.
More focus on secured lending, help from Credit Bureau (CIBIL), cleaning up of the
d 500034 legacy
l b k would
book ld reduce
d NPA significantly
i ifi l going
i forward
f d and
d would
ld boost
b b
NSE Code BAJFINANCE due to lesser provisioning.
Bloomberg Ticker BAF IN
Strong disbursement growth, stable credit cost, improving cost-to-income, increasing
Reuters Ticker BJFN.BO leverage are expected to drive RoE from the current 8% to ~21% in FY13. We believe
Face Value (INR) 10 the stock has potential to reward its investors. However, execution delay in its new
Equity Share Capital (INR. Mn.) 366 ventures may act as a key risk to our call.
Average P/E/PBV 21.4/0.93
Particulars (in INR Mn) 2009 2010 2011E 2012E 2013E
Beta vs Sensex 0.7
Total Income 4,350.00 7,145.00 11,623.59 13,198.71 15,279.95
Average Daily Volmes (6 M) 159930
Dividend Yield (%) 0.8 Growth - 64.3% 62.7% 13.6% 15.8%
Stock Return (1 Yr) 168.2 NII 4,123.00 6,080.00 10,752.44 12,398.71 14,479.95
Company Background
Bajaj Finserv Lending is one of the most diversified NBFCs in the market catering to more than 5 million
customers across the country. Apart from being a well recognized organization, it is holding the highest
credit rating of FAAA/Stable for any NBFC in the country today. Its product offerings include Consumer
Durable Loans, Personal Loans, Loan Against g Property,
p y Small Business Loans, Two-wheeler and Three-
wheeler Loans, Construction Equipment Loans, Loan Against Securities and Insurance Services (3rd party
distribution). It offers loans for Bajaj Auto Two Wheelers under the name of Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd.
Presence Top 50 cities All Bajaj auto dealers Top 16 cities Top 14 cities Top 10 cities Top 10 cities
Business Model
More focus on
Targeting affluent Deals in multiple
Targetting the SME building HNI &
classes, Using it as Captive financiaer Targetting the self purpose generic
Company Strategy with working promoter book
customer to Bajaj Auto. employed people assets with a high
capital loans with select focus
acquisition engine re-sale value.
on top 7 markets
120,000.00 Transition from a low ticket business to high ticket business. 90%
Advances to grow at a 80%
CAGR of 39.6% over 100,000.00
69.8% 87,778.46 70%
FY10 13. However
better than expected 80,000.00 72,468.00 60%
growth in secured book
may propel it higher. 60,000.00
BAF’s balance sheet is 40%
well capitalized with 40,000.00 30%
26% CAR that can 23,704.00 25.0%
21.1% 20%
support this growth. 20,000.00
‐ 0%
FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E FY13E
Advances (INR Mn) Growth% (RHS)
16,000.00 90%
14,000.00 76.8% 80%
NII to grow at a CAGR 10,752.44
of 33.5% over FY10-13 10,000.00
led by rapid growth in 50%
advances. 6,080.00 40%
4,123.00 30%
4,000.00 16.8%
2,000.00 10%
‐ 0%
FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E FY13E
Growth slightly muted on
NII (INR Mn) Growth% (RHS) account of NIMs contraction
and higher base.
4,500.00 180%
4,000.00 160%
Lesser provisioning on 147.0%
3,500.00 140%
its secured loan 2,920.72
book, reduction in cost 3,000.00 120%
to income
i on account off 2,500.00 100%
technological up
gradation are expected 2,000.00 80%
to help PAT to grow 1,500.00 60%
4.5x over FY10-13. 894.00
1,000.00 39.2% 40%
500.00 339.00 20%
‐ 0%
FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E FY13E
PAT (INR Mn) Growth% (RHS)
19.45% 19,800.36
20,000.00 20%
17 25%
Networth is expected
to double in next 3 15,000.00 13,512.72 15%
years 10,887.00 11,525.00
10,000.00 10%
5,000.00 5%
‐ 0%
FY09 FY10 FY11E FY12E FY13E
Networth (INR Mn) Growth% (RHS)
Bajaj Finance 755 2851 12.5 14 1.56 12.3 2.8 16.34 18.1 2.94 3.22 2.11 1.77 12.93 9.77
HDFC 681 108224 2.3 3.3 0.1 19.7 2.75 20.46 21.34 2.68 2.69 5.72 4.99 29.32 24.6
LICHFL 1333 13695 2 2.85 0.12 19.5 1.7 20 21.2 1.67 1.68 3.02 2.5 15 11.7
M&M Finance 730 6532 11.2 10.35 0.95 21 4.45 23.2 23.25 4.3 4.4 3.3 2.73 15.8 12.9
SCUF 664 3203 13.5 12.65 2.2 22 3.3 21 23 3.13 3.2 2.5 1.96 13 10.3
Time for Out-performance
Bajaj Finance Ltd Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd
LIC Housing Finance Ltd Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd
Shriram City Union Finance Ltd Source: ACE
The stock currently trading at PEx of 7.02 and P/BVx of 1.44 on its FY13 expected earnings which we
found inexpensive relative to its peers. We valued Bajaj Finance at 2x FY13 expected book value of
INR 541 and assigned a 18 month target of INR 1082 (40% upside from the current level). The target
multiple is almost 15% discount to that of peers.
Current valuation is on
the higher side if we
compared it to
historical parameters.
However we believe
the current price has
not discounted the full
future potential yet
and relative
outperformance to its
peers has jjust started.
We expect the
valuation gap to its
peers to narrow down
going forward.
Increased competition in some of its business segment. And more than expected margin
erosion as a result of it
Balance Sheet
Asset Quality 2010 2011E 2012E 2013E
in Mn 2010 2011E 2012E 2013E
Liabilities Gross NPA Ratio - - - -
Equity Capital 366.00 366.00 366.00 366.00 Net NPA Ratio 2.2 2 1.8 1.65
Reserve & Surplus 11,159.00 13,146.72 15,775.37 19,434.36
Networth 11,525.00 13,512.72 16,141.37 19,800.36
CRAR Ratio 2010 2011E 2012E 2013E
Total Debt 32,268.00 61,597.80 74,611.69 93,242.11
Total 43,793.00 75,110.52 90,753.06 113,042.46 Tier1 Ratio 26 24 19 18
CAR% 26 24 19 18
Fixed Asset 505.00 600.00 720.00 864.00
Valuation Ratios 2010 2011E 2012E 2013E
Investments 3,018.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
PE 31.97 12.93 9.77 7.02
Advances 40,258.00 72,468.00 87,778.46 109,696.60
Net Current Assets 3,535.00 2,642.52 2,974.60 3,345.87 P/PPP 0.20 0.13 0.11 0.09
Total 43,793.00 75,110.52 90,753.06 113,042.46 P/ABV 2.48 2.11 1.77 1.44
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