390 Lec 11

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PHYS 390 Lecture 11 - Interactions and cross sections 11 - 1

Lecture 11 - Interactions and cross sections

What's important:
• contributions of interactions to scattering and decay processes
• conservation laws
• cross sections
• strength of interactions
Text: PHYS 120 on-line Modern Physics: from Quarks to Galaxies

Interactions in Reactions and Decays

How do the four fundamental forces - strong, electromagnetic, weak and gravitational
influence decays or reactions? Consider the scattering of a pion against a proton:
π+ + p → π+ + p. (11.1)

The interactions involved in this scattering process are:

(i) gravity, since the particles each have mass
(ii) weak
(iii) electromagnetic, since they are charged
(iv) strong, since they are hadrons
All four interactions are present, but the strong interaction dominates.

Now, suppose that the pion is replaced by an electron e-:

e- + p → e- + p. (11.2)
As electrons are leptons, the strong interaction is missing here. But Eq. (11.2) isn't just
weak, because electrons are charged, so the electromagnetic force dominates.

The following "rules of thumb" apply to both reactions and decays:

1. A reaction or decay is dominated by the strongest interaction that is common

to all of the participants.

2. If a photon is present in a reaction, then the strong interaction cannot

dominate. The dominant interaction is electromagnetic or weak.

3. If a neutrino is present, then neither the strong nor electromagnetic

interactions can dominate. The dominant interaction is the weak interaction.

Rules 1 - 3 also apply to decays. Suppose there are competing reactions that can take
place in a decay. For example, the decay of the rho meson can occur via both
ρ→π+π (11.3)
ρ→γ+γ (11.4)
Using Rules 1 - 3, we would argue that (11.3) is dominated by the strong interaction and
(11.4) is dominated by the electromagnetic interaction. In Nature, both of these decays
occur, but it is decay (11.3) that occurs a thousand times more frequently than (11.4),
because (11.3) is a strong interaction decay.

© 2001 by David Boal, Simon Fraser University. All rights reserved; further copying or resale is strictly prohibited.
PHYS 390 Lecture 11 - Interactions and cross sections 11 - 2

Conservation Laws

The energy, momentum and quantum numbers of individual particles can change during
a reaction or decay. If a characteristic of the system as a whole does not change during
a reaction, then the characteristic is said to be conserved. Scalar quantities like charge
or lepton number (but not spin) add algebraically. For example, in the scattering
conservation of charge reads
QA + QB = QC + QD.

Example Consider the possible decay of a proton via

p → π + e+.
Initial state: Q = +1 B = +1 Le = 0
Final state: Q = 0 + 1 = 1 B=0+0=0 Le = 0 + (-1) = -1.
This decay mode violates conservation of B and Le.

Experimental tests:
• electric charge is highly conserved: at least 1 part in 1024
• lepton number is well conserved
• baryon number is usually not tested independently of lepton number. For example,
the proton lifetime is at least 1031 years, but its decay violates conservation of B and
Le simultaneously.

Probabilities and cross sections

Our goal is to find the probability P that a given particle will scatter from a target particle.
We consider a beam of identically prepared particles travelling in the same direction
towards a target:
Nscat = number of particles
scattered by the target

Nin = number of
particles in the Nout = number of
beam particles unaffected
by the target

We measure Nscat to obtain

P = Nscat / Nin.

© 2001 by David Boal, Simon Fraser University. All rights reserved; further copying or resale is strictly prohibited.
PHYS 390 Lecture 11 - Interactions and cross sections 11 - 3

Theoretically, the probability of scattering is equal to the ratio of the effective area of the
target objects (as seen by the incident beam of particles) compared to the total area of
the target region exposed to the beam:

AT = total area of target

exposed to the beam

σ = cross sectional area

of each individual object
in the target

P = [number of target particles exposed to the beam] σ / AT.

But, the number of target particles exposed to the beam is just the product of AT with the
number of particles per unit area nT:
[number of target particles exposed to the beam] = nTAT.

P = n T AT σ / AT -----> P = nT σ. (11.5)

We don’t need to know AT (which is hard to measure), just nT (which is easy to


Mean reaction times

The probability P of interaction can be used to calculate the mean time between
scattering for a particle traversing a target, which we define as tav. We'll do this
calculation in more generality later, but let's assume for now that the beam particles
travel at a constant speed v. Now, nT is the number of target particles per unit area,
equal to the number of particles per unit volume NT times the thickness of the target.
For a given target density, P increases linearly with the target thickness. Suppose the
target region were so thick that there is unit probability that a beam particle will interact.
This thickness is equal to the velocity times the mean collision time, or vtav. Thus, P = nT
σ becomes for this thickness
1 = (NT vtav)σ

which can be inverted to read

tav = 1 / (NTvσ). (11.6)

This equation tells us that:

the weaker the interaction, whence
the smaller the cross section
-> the longer the mean reaction time.

© 2001 by David Boal, Simon Fraser University. All rights reserved; further copying or resale is strictly prohibited.
PHYS 390 Lecture 11 - Interactions and cross sections 11 - 4

Interactions and cross sections

The strength of the interaction between particles is manifested in their scattering cross
sections and lifetimes. For example, the electrostatic force between protons is much
larger in magnitude than their gravitational attraction, meaning that, if two protons
approach and scatter from each other, the contribution to the scattering probability from
their electrostatic repulsion is much larger than the contribution from their gravitational

Similarly, if a decay produces a particle having only a weak interaction with the other
products of the decay, then the process will be infrequent ("slow" decay means that
particles decay infrequently - it doesn't mean that the physical process is slow). Thus,
strong interactions correspond to large cross sections and short lifetimes, while weak
interactions correspond to small cross sections and long lifetimes.

For example, pion decay

πo → γ + γ is electromagnetic with lifetime of about 10-16 sec
π- → µ- + ν is weak with a lifetime of 10-4 sec.

Some typical examples are shown below, although each quantity covers a large range
for any given process:
Interaction Typical cross section Typical lifetime
strong 10-30 m2 10-24 sec
electromagnetic 10-36 m2 10-16 sec
-42 2
weak 10 m 10-8 sec
Note: cross sections are often measured in barns: 1 barn = 100 fm2 = 10-28 m2.

Why don't all measurements of a given target particle yield the same geometrical cross
section independent of the fundamental interaction? Cross sections can be interpreted
as σ = πR 2 only if the interaction is strong and short-ranged. Otherwise, σ is no more
than a measure of interaction probability. Thus, even though the scattering of a neutrino
from a proton has a lower cross section than that of a proton hitting another proton, it
doesn't mean that the target proton has a different size: it just means that the interaction
is weaker.

Example What is tav for weak reactions in the Sun under the following approximations:
T = 15 x 106 K
so that v = (3kBT /m)1/2 = (3 • 1.38 x 10-23 • 1.5 x 107 / 1.67 x 10-27)1/2
= 6.1 x 105 m/s
NT = 10 / (4π [6.96 x 10 ] / 3) = 7.1 x 1029 m-3
57 8 3

σ = 10-42 m2
tav = 1 / (NTvσ) = (6.1 x 105 • 7.1 x 1029 • 10-42)-1 = 2.3 x 106 s < 1 year.

© 2001 by David Boal, Simon Fraser University. All rights reserved; further copying or resale is strictly prohibited.

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