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Syllabus for B.

Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

2nd Year, 3rd SEMESTER


Code Subjects Contacts (Periods/ week) Credit

L T P Total points
1 HU301 Values and ethics in profession 3 0 0 3 3
2 CH(FT) Chemistry-2 3 1 0 4 4
3 CH(FT) Basic Environmental Engineering & 3 0 0 3 3
301 Elementary Biology
4 FT301 Thermodynamics & Kinetics 3 1 0 4 4
5 FT302 Food Microbiology 3 1 0 4 4
6 FT303 Chemistry of food 3 1 0 4 4
Total Theory 22 22
Code Subjects Contacts (Periods/ week) Credit
L T P Total points
1 CH(FT)392 Chemistry-2 Lab 0 0 3 3 2
2 CH391 Environmental Engineering Lab 0 0 3 3 2
3 FT391 Chemistry of Food Lab – I 0 0 3 3 2
4 FT392 Food Microbiology Lab 0 0 3 3 2
Total practical 12 8
Total 3rd Semester 34 30

2nd Year: 4th SEMESTER

Code Subjects Contacts (Periods/ week) Credit
L T P Total points
1 M(CS) 401 Numerical Methods 2 1 0 3 2
2 FT 401 Biochemistry & Nutrition 3 1 0 4 4
3 CH 401 Industrial Stoichiometry 3 1 0 4 4
4 FT 402 Principles of Food Preservation 3 1 0 4 4
5 CHE 414 Unit Operation of Chemical 3 1 0 4 4
Total Theory 19 18

Code Subjects Contacts (Periods/ week) Credit
L T P Total points
1 FT 491 Biochemistry Lab 0 0 3 3 2
2 FT 492 Chemistry of Food Lab - II 0 0 3 3 2
3 CHE 484 Unit operation Lab - I 0 0 3 3 2
4 M(CS) 491 Numerical methods lab 0 0 2 2 1
5 HU 481 Technical Report Writing & Language 0 0 3 3 2
Lab Practice
Total practical 14 9
Total 4th semester 33 27

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

3rd Year, 5th SEMESTER


Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit

no. L T P Total points
1 HU HU501 Economics of engineering 3 0 0 3 3
2 PC FT 501 Food process technology – I (cereals, fruits, vegetables, 3 1 0 4 4
3 PC FT 502 Food process technology – II (fish, meat, poultry) 3 1 0 4 4
4 PC FT 503 Food process engineering 3 1 0 4 4
5 FE CHE 514 Unit operations of chemical engineering – II 3 1 0 4 4
Total Theory 19 19

Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit
no. L T P Total points
1 PC FT 591 Food processing lab – I 0 0 4 4 2
2 PC FT 592 Food analysis & quality control lab 0 0 4 4 3
3 FE CHE 584 Unit operation lab – II 0 0 4 4 3
Total practical 12 8
Total 5th Semester 31 27

3rd Year: 6th SEMESTER

Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit
no. L T P Total points
1 HU HU 601 Principles of management 2 0 0 2 2
2 PC FT 601 Food process technology – III (milk and milk products) 3 1 0 4 4
3 PC FT 602 Food process technology – IV (edible fats and oils) 3 0 0 3 3
4 PC FT 603 Bakery, confectionary and extruded foods 3 0 0 3 3
5 PE FT 604 Microbial technology & food biotechnology 3 1 0 4 4
6 FE CS 615 Data structure and algorithm 3 1 0 4 3
Total Theory 20 19

Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit
no. L T P Total points
1 PC FT 691 Food processing lab – II 0 0 3 3 2
2 PC FT 692 Microbial technology lab 0 0 4 4 2
3 PE CS 685 Data structure & algorithm lab 0 0 3 3 2
4 FT 693 Seminar 0 0 3 3 2
Total practical 13 8
Total 6th semester 33 27

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

4th Year, 7th SEMESTER

Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit
no. L T P Total points
1 PC FT 701 Food Packaging Technology 3 0 0 3 3
2 PC FT 702 Waste Management of Food Industries 3 1 0 4 4
FT 703 Elective – I (Enzyme Technology / Renewable Energy
3 PE 3 0 0 3 3
(A/B/C) Technology / Plant Maintenance, Safety & Hygiene)
FT 704 Elective – II (Modeling & Simulation of Food Processes /
4 PE 3 0 0 3 3
(A/B/C) Protein Technology / Quality Control & Management)
5 FE ET 701 Process Instrumentation and Control 3 1 0 4 4
Total Theory 17 17


Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit
no. L T P Total points
1 HU HU 781 Group Discussion 0 0 3 3 2
2 PC FT 791 Food Engineering lab 0 0 3 3 2
3 PE FT 792 Report and Seminar on Industrial Training - - - - 2
4 FE ET 791 Instrumentation & Control Lab 0 0 3 3 2
5 Sessional FT 793 Project part 1 0 0 6 6 4
Total practical and sessional 15 12
Total 5th Semester 32 29

4th Year: 8th SEMESTER

Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit
no. L T P Total points
1 HU HU 801A Organizational Behavior 2 0 0 2 2
2 PE FT 801 Project Engineering & Food Plant Layout 3 0 0 3 3
Elective – III (Principles of Biochemical Engineering /
FT 802
3 FE Entrepreneurship Development for Food Technologists / 3 0 0 3 3
Functional Foods & Nutraceuticals)
Total Theory 8 8


Sl. Field Code Subjects Contact hours/week Credit
no. L T P Total points
1 Sessional FT 891 Project part 2 0 0 12 12 8
2 Practical FT 892 Product Development & Quality Assurance Lab 0 0 6 6 4
3 Sessional FT 893 Grand Viva - - - - 3
Total sessional 18 15
Total 6th semester 26 23

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Semester III


HU 301
Contracts: 3L Credits- 3

Science, Technology and Engineering as knowledge and as Social and Professional Activities

Effects of Technological Growth:

Rapid Technological growth and depletion of resources, Reports of the Club of Rome. Limits of growth: sustainable
Energy Crisis: Renewable Energy Resources
Environmental degradation and pollution. Eco-friendly Technologies. Environmental Regulations, Environmental
Appropriate Technology Movement of Schumacher; later developments
Technology and developing notions. Problems of Technology transfer, Technology assessment impact analysis.
Human Operator in Engineering projects and industries. Problems of man, machine, interaction, Impact of assembly
line and automation. Human centered Technology.

Ethics of Profession:

Engineering profession: Ethical issues in Engineering practice, Conflicts between business demands and
professional ideals. Social and ethical responsibilities of Technologists. Codes of professional ethics. Whistle
blowing and beyond, Case studies.

Profession and Human Values:

Values Crisis in contemporary society

Nature of values: Value Spectrum of a good life
Psychological values: Integrated personality; mental health
Societal values: The modern search for a good society, justice, democracy, secularism, rule of law, values in Indian
Aesthetic values: Perception and enjoyment of beauty, simplicity, clarity
Moral and ethical values: Nature of moral judgements; canons of ethics; ethics of virtue; ethics of duty; ethics of
1. Stephen H Unger, Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineers, John Wiley & Sons, New
York 1994 (2nd Ed)
2. Deborah Johnson, Ethical Issues in Engineering, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1991.
3. A N Tripathi, Human values in the Engineering Profession, Monograph published by IIM, Calcutta 1996.

CH(FT) 302
Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4

Module I: Dilute solutions – Colligative properties

Lowering of vapor pressure of solution, elevation of boiling point, freezing point depression, definition, principles,
and laws of osmotic pressure

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Ionic equilibrium: Solubility and solubility product, common ion effect, determination of solubility product by EMF
method, ionic product of water, pH, pOH, hydrolysis of salt solutions: Strong acid and weak base, weak acid and
strong base, weak acid and weak base, concepts of buffer

Module II: Instrumental methods of spectral analyses

UV Spectra: Electronic transition (σ-σ*, n-σ*, π-π* and n-π*), steric effect, solvent effect, hyperchromic effect,
hypochromic effect (typical examples).
IR Spectra: Modes of molecular vibrations, characteristic stretching frequencies of O-H, C-H, C=C, C=O functions
NMR Spectra: Nuclear spin, NMR active nuclei, principle of proton magnetic resonance, equivalent and non-
equivalent protons
Photochemistry: Lambert’s law and Beer’s Law, Laws of photochemistry, Photochemical processes

Module III: Coordination chemistry

Structures of coordination compounds corresponding to coordination number 6; types of ligands; isomerism
(geometrical, optical, ionization, linkage and coordination)
Colloid chemistry: Definition of colloid, principle of colloid formation, types of colloid, colloid preparation,
stability of colloid, association of colloid and emulsion

Module IV:
General treatment of reaction mechanisms: Ionic and radical reactions; heterolytic and, homolytic bond cleavage;
Reactive intermediates: carbocations (cabenium and carbonium ions), carbanions, carbon radicals, carbenes –
structure using orbital picture, electrophilic/nucleophilic behaviour, stability, generation and fate. Reaction kinetics:
transition state theory, rate const and free energy of activation, free energy profiles for one step and two step
Nucleophilic substitution reactions: SN1, SN2, SNi mechanisms. Effect of substrate structure, nucleophiles and
medium on reactivity and mechanism; neighboring group participations.
Elimination Reactions: E1, E2, and E1cB mechanisms. Saytzeff and Hofmann rules. Elimination vs substitution
reaction. Electrophilic and Activated Nucleophilic substitution reactions of Benzene ( Nitration, sulphonation,
Halogenation and Friedel Craft reactions)


CH(FT) 301
L-T-P = 3-0-0 At least 30 Hrs/Sem

Introduction: Basic ideas of environment, basic concepts, man, society & environment, their interrelationship.
Mathematics of population growth and associated problems, Importance of population study in
environmental engineering, definition of resource, types of resource, renewable, non-renewable, potentially
renewable, effect of excessive use vis-a-vis population growth, sustainable development.
Materials balance: Steady state conservation system, steady state system with non conservative pollutants, step
function. 1L
Environmental degradation: Natural environmental Hazards like Flood, earthquake, Landslide-causes, effects and
control/management; Anthropogenic degradation like Acid rain-cause, effects and control. Nature and scope of
environmental science and engineering. 2L

Ecology: Elements of ecology: System, open system, closed system, definition of ecology, species, population,
community, definition of ecosystem- components types and function. 1L

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Structure and function of the following ecosystem: Forest ecosystem, Grassland ecosystem, Desert ecosystem,
Aquatic ecosystems, Mangrove ecosystem (special reference to Sundarban); Food chain: definition and one example
of each food chain, Food web. 2L
Biogeochemical Cycle- definition, significance, flow chart of different cycles with only elementary reaction
[Oxygen, carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphate, Sulphur]. 1L
Biodiversity- types, importance, Endemic species, Biodiversity Hot-spot, Threats to biodiversity, Conservation of
biodiversity. 2L

Air pollution and control: Atmospheric Composition: Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere,
Tropopause and Mesopause. 1L
Energy balance: Conductive and Convective heat transfer, radiation heat transfer, simple global
temperature model [Earth as a black body, earth as albedo], Problems. 1L
Green house effects: Definition, impact of greenhouse gases on the global climate and consequently on sea water
level, agriculture and marine food. Global warming and its consequence, Control of Global warming. Earth’s heat
budget. 1L
Lapse rate: Ambient lapse rate Adiabatic lapse rate, atmospheric stability, temperature inversion (radiation
inversion). 2L
Atmospheric dispersion: Maximum mixing depth, ventilation coefficient, effective stack height,
smokestack plumes. 2L
Definition of pollutants and contaminants, Primary and secondary pollutants: emission standard, criteria pollutant.
Sources and effect of different air pollutants- Suspended particulate matter, oxides of carbon, oxides of nitrogen,
oxides of sulphur, particulate, PAN. 2L
Smog, Photochemical smog and London smog. Depletion Ozone layer: CFC, destruction of ozone layer by CFC,
impact of other green house gases, effect of ozone modification. 1L
Standards and control measures: Industrial, commercial and residential air quality standard, control measure (ESP.
cyclone separator, bag house, catalytic converter, scrubber (ventury), Statement with brief reference). 1L

Water Pollution and Control: Hydrosphere, Hydrological cycle and Natural water. Pollutants of water, their origin
and effects: Oxygen demanding wastes, pathogens, nutrients, Salts, thermal application, heavy metals, pesticides,
volatile organic compounds. 2L
River/Lake/ground water pollution: River: DO, 5 day BOD test, Seeded BOD test, BOD reaction rate constants,
Effect of oxygen demanding wastes on river[deoxygenation, reaeration], COD, Oil, Greases, pH. 2L
Lake: Eutrophication [Definition, source and effect]. 1L
Ground water: Aquifers, hydraulic gradient, ground water flow (Definition only) 1L
Standard and control: Waste water standard [BOD, COD, Oil, Grease], Water Treatment system [coagulation and
flocculation, sedimentation and filtration, disinfection, hardness and alkalinity, softening] Waste water treatment
system, primary and secondary treatments [Trickling filters, rotating biological contractor, Activated sludge, sludge
treatment, oxidation ponds] tertiary treatment definition. 2L
Water pollution due to the toxic elements and their biochemical effects: Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic

Land Pollution: Lithosphere; Internal structure of earth, rock and soil. Solid Waste: Municipal, industrial,
commercial, agricultural, domestic, pathological and hazardous solid wastes; Recovery and disposal method- Open
dumping, Land filling, incineration, composting, recycling. Solid waste management and control (hazardous and
biomedical waste). 2L

Noise Pollution: Definition of noise, effect of noise pollution, noise classification [Transport noise, occupational
noise, neighbourhood noise] 1L
Definition of noise frequency, noise pressure, noise intensity, noise threshold limit value, equivalent noise level, L10
(18hr Index), Ldn. Noise pollution control. 1L

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Environmental Management: Environmental impact assessment, Environmental audit, Environmental laws and
protection act of India, Different international environmental treaty/ agreement/ protocol. 2L

1. Masters, G. M., “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1991.
2. De, A. K., “Environmental Chemistry”, New Age International.


FT301: L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem

Module I: 10L
Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics: The Ideal Gas, Review of first and second laws of thermodynamics, PVT
behaviour of Pure Substances, Virial Equation of State, , Application of the Virial Equations, Cubic Equations of
State, Generalized Correlations for Gases and Liquids. The Nature of Equilibrium, the Phase Rule, Duhem’s

Module II: 10L

Simple model’s for vapour/liquid Equilibrium, Roult’s Law, Henry’s law, Modified Raoult’s Law, Vapour Liquid
Equilibrium, K-value correlations; VLE from Cubic Equations of State; Equilibrium and Stability; Liquid/liquid
equilibrium; Solid/liquid equilibrium, Solid/vapour equilibrium.

Module III: 10L

Thermodynamics and its Applications: The Chemical Potential and Phase Equilibria Fugacity and Fugacity,
Coefficient: for pure species and solution; Generalised correlations for Fugacity, the Ideal Solution, Property
Changes and Heat Effects of Mixing Processes. The Vapour-Compression Cycle, the Choice of Refrigerant,
Absorption, Refrigeration and liquefaction: Low temperature cycle: Linde and Claude.

Module IV: 10L

Kinetics: Rate of chemical reaction; Effect of Temperature on Rate Constant, Arrehnius equation, Collision Theory,
Transition State Theory, Order and Molecularity of a Chemical reaction,Elementary Reactions, First, Second and
Third order reactions, Non Elementary Reactions, Pseudo-first order reaction, Determination of rate constant and
order of reaction, Half life method, Fractional order reactions

Revision: 5L
Textbook :
1. Smith & Vanness, Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers, MGH
Reference books:
1. Richardson, J.F., Peacock, D.G.Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering- Volume 3
ed., First Indian ed. Asian Books Pvt. Ltd. 1998
2. Levenspiel.O., Chemical Reaction Engineering, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
3. Bailey & Olis,Biochemical Engg. Fudamentals, MGH, 1990
4. Physical Chemistry: Castellan, Narosa Publishing.
5. Physical Chemistry ;Moore, PHI


FT 302: L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/Sem

Module I: 10L
Introduction – definition, historical development and significance of food microbiology; Microscope; Classification
& morphology of microbes; Techniques of pure culture; Bacteriology of air & water; Antimicrobial agents –
physical & chemical – mechanism & action.

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Module II: 10L

Disinfection & disinfectants; Energy metabolism of aerobic & anaerobic microbes; Thermal inactivation of
microbes; Concept, determination & importance of TDT, F, Z & D values; Factors affecting heat resistance;
Pasteurization and sterilization.

Module III: 10L

Microbiology of milk & milk products like cheese, butter, ice-cream, milk powder; Microbiology of meat, fish,
poultry & egg and their products.

Module IV: 10L

Microbiology of fruits & vegetable and products like jam, jelly, sauce, juice; Microbiology of cereal and cereal
products like bread, biscuits, confectionary

Revision: 5L
Text Books / References :
1. Essentials of Microbiology; K. S. Bilgrami; CBS Publishers, Delhi
2. Food Microbiology; WC Frazier; Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
3. Modern Food Microbiology; James M Jay; CBS Publishers, Delhi
4. Microbiology; Pelczar, Chan and Krieg; Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
5. Basic Food Microbiology; Bannett, Chapman and Hall
6. Food Microbiology; M. R. Adams
7. Hand Book of Microbiology; Bisen


FT 303: L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/sem

Module I: 10L
Introduction to different food groups and importance of food chemistry; Water in foods and its properties.
Carbohydrate: Sources of food carbohydrates; Physico-chemical and functional properties; chemistry and structure
of homosachharides and heterosachharides.

Module II: 10L

Proteins: Sources and physico-chemical and functional properties; Purification of proteins; Common food proteins.

Module III: 10L

Fats: Sources and physico chemical and functional properties; PUFA [Poly-unsaturated Fatty Acids] hydrogenation
and rancidity; Saponification number, iodine value, Reichert-Meissl number, Polenske value; Lipids of biological
importance like cholesterol and phospholipids.

Module IV: 10L

Minerals and Vitamins: Sources and structures of minerals & vitamins; Effect of processing and storage of vitamins;
Pro vitamins A & D; Vitamins as antioxidants. Food Pigments & Flavouring Agents : Importance, types and sources
of pigments − their changes during processing and storages.

Revision: 5L
Text Books / References:
1. Essentials of Food & Nutrition by Swaminathan, Vol. 1 & 2
2. Food Chemistry by L. H. Muyer
3. Hand Book of Analysis of fruits & vegetables by S. Ranganna
4. Food Chemistry by Linhinger

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

5. Chemical changes in food during processing by Richardson

6. Nutrition and Dietetics by Rose



CH-391: L-T-P = 0-0-3
1. Physical examination of Sewage/Water:
a. Total Solid
b. Total dissolve solid
c. Total suspended solid
d. pH, color and odor
2. Chemical estimation of Sewage/Water and soil
a. Determination of Chlorides
b. Estimation of Chemical oxygen Demand
3. Microbial examination of Sewage/Water
a. Confirmation of coliforms
b. Biological oxygen demand
4. Determination of soil microbial biomass carbon.
5. Examination of different bacteria, algae, fungi, plants and animals by microscopic or morphological examination


CH(FT) 392: L-T-P = 0-0-3

1. Amino Acid Analysis: pH measurements and Buffer Preparation
2. Amino Acid Analysis: Isoelectric Point Determination
3. Estimation of proteins by Lowry’s method / Biuret method
4. Estimation of proteins by Bradford Assay
5. Determination of N, P, K, organic C from soil samples
6. Lipid/sugar: TLC/Paper Chromatography
7. Study on kinetics of iodine / ester hydrolysis
8. Detection of aldehyde / aliphatic or aromatic alcohol / carboxylic / ester / amino group(s)


FT 391: L-T-P = 0-0-3

1. Determination of Moisture in food sample

2. Determination of Protein in food sample
3. Determination of Ash in food sample
4. Determination of Crude Fat in food sample
5. Determination of Acidity and pH in food sample/beverages
6. Determination of total, non-reducing and reducing sugars
7. Determination of Vitamin C in food sample


FT 392: L-T-P = 0-0-3

1. Study of a compound microscope.

2. Gram Staining and Study of morphology of bacterial cells.
3. Study of autoclave, Preparation and sterilization of nutrient broth and agar.
4. Subculturing of a bacterial strain in liquid and solid medium.

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

5. Study of growth of E. coli by a spectrophotometer.

6. Study of microbiological quality of milk by MBRT test.
7. Preparation of synthetic medium for yeast and mould and inoculation with standard strains of yeasts and moulds.
8. Isolation of starch-hydrolyzing organism from soil.
9. Dilution and Plating by spread –plate and pour –plate techniques.
10. Isolation of pure culture.
11. Estimation of microbial count of air.

Semester IV



M(CS) 401: L-T-P = 2-1-0

Approximation in numerical computation: Truncation and rounding errors, Fixed and floating-point arithmetic, Propagation of
errors. (4)

Interpolation: Newton forward/backward interpolation, Lagrange’s and Newton’s divided difference Interpolation.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule, Expression for corresponding error terms.

Numerical solution of a system of linear equations:

Gauss elimination method, Matrix inversion, LU Factorization method, Gauss-Seidel iterative method.
Numerical solution of Algebraic equation:
Bisection method, Regula-Falsi method, Newton-Raphson method. (4)

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta methods, Predictor-Corrector methods and
Finite Difference method. (6)

Text Books:
1. C.Xavier: C Language and Numerical Methods.
2. Dutta & Jana: Introductory Numerical Analysis.
3. J.B.Scarborough: Numerical Mathematical Analysis.
4. Jain, Iyengar , & Jain: Numerical Methods (Problems and Solution).
1. Balagurusamy: Numerical Methods, Scitech.
2. Baburam: Numerical Methods, Pearson Education.
3. N. Dutta: Computer Programming & Numerical Analysis, Universities Press.
4. Soumen Guha & Rajesh Srivastava: Numerical Methods, OUP.
5. Srimanta Pal: Numerical Methods, OUP.


CH 401: L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/Sem

Module I (10L): Small units and dimensions: Buckingham Pi-theorem. Dimensionless groups, Conversion of
equations, Solution of simultaneous equations, use of log-log and semi-log graph paper, triangular diagram,
Graphical differentiation and graphical integration, Treatment and Interpretation of data, Error analysis in
connection with computation.

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Module II (10L): Material balance: Introductory Concepts, Simplification of the general mass balance equation for
steady and unsteady state processes, Procedure for material balance calculations, Material balance without chemical
reactions, humidification such as continuous filtration, batch mixing, crystallizer, distillation column. Material
balance with chemical reaction: Stoichiometry of growth and product formation: growth stoichiometry and
elemental balances. Material Balance with recycle, bypass and purge streams.

Module III (10L): Energy Balance: General energy balance equation for steady and unsteady state processes,:
Without Chemical Reaction, With Chemical Reaction, Enthalpy calculation procedures, Special cases e.g., spray
dryer, Distillation Column, Enthalpy change due to reaction: Heat of combustion, Heat of reaction for processes
with biomass production, Energy-balance equation for cell culture, for fermentation processes.

Module IV (10L): Combined Material and Energy Balances: Simultaneous material and energy balances, selected
industrial process calculations for bioprocesses.

Revision: 5L
Reference books:
1. Hougen and Watson, Chemical Process Principles (Part one): 2nd Ed, John Wiley.
2.Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering: Himmelblau, 6th Ed. Prentice Hall
3. Bhatt & Vora, Stoichiometry , 4th Ed., TM


CHE 414: L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/Sem

Module I (10L): Basic Concepts of Fluid Mechanics : Dimensional Analysis: Buckingham Pi-theorem,
Dimensionless groups, Conversion of equations. Basic equations of Fluid Flow, Hagen Poiseille equation, Bernoulli
Equation, Fluid Friction. Friction in flow through packed beds, fundamentals of fluidization.

Module II (10L): Flow measurements and machineries : Flow through pipes and open channels, Orifice and
Venturimeters, Pitot Tube, Weirs, Rotameters and other types of meters, Transportation of fluids, Pipe Fittings and
valves, Pumps – classification, centrifugal and positive displacement type – peristaltic. Blowers and compressors

Module III (10L): Heat transfer: Classification of heat flow processes, conduction, Thermal conductivity. Heat flow
in fluids by conduction and convection. Countercurrent and parallel flow. Enthalpy balance in heat exchange
equipment. Individual heat transfer coefficients, overall coefficient, Heating and cooling of fluids, Heat transfer
equipment. Unsteady state heat transfer, Radiation.

Module IV (10L): Mechanical Operations: Principles of comminution, Types of comminuting equipment. Energy
and power requirement, Crushers, Grinders, Mixing and Agitations, Power consumption in mixing, Mechanical
separation, Screening, Types of screen, Filtration, Principle of Constant pressure and constant rate filtration, Settling
classifiers, Floatation, Centrifugal separations.

Revision: 5L
Books :
1.Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering: McCabe, Smith & Harriot, TMH, 5th edition
2. Transport Processes & Unit operations: Geankopolis, PHI, 3rd edition
3. Chemical Engineering, Vol-I & II: Coulson & Richardson, Butterworth Heinemann
4. Heat Transfer: D.Q. Kern, MGH
5. Badger, W.L., Banchero, J.T., Introduction to Chemical Engineering, MGH
6. Foust, A.S., Wenzel, L.A., et.al. Principles of Unit Operations, 2nd edition, JWS
7. Perry, Chilton & Green, Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, MGH

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

8. Unit operations and unit processes for Engineers and Biologists; B. C. Bhattacharya and C. M.
Narayanan; Khanna Publications, Delhi
9. Mechanical Operations for Chemical Engineers; C. M. Narayanan and B. C. Bhattacharya; Khanna Publishers,


FT 401: L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/Sem

Module I (10L): Introduction to Biochemistry. Proteins and protein structures; Essential amino acids. Metabolism of
proteins (digestion and absorption); Nitrogen balance and nitrogen pool; Evaluation of quality of proteins
Module II (10L): Enzymes; Definition, function, classification, nomenclature & structure; Co-enzymes and its
function; Mechanism of enzyme action, enzyme kinetics & environmental effects; Enzyme inhibition.

Module III (10L): Carbohydrates; Definition & classification; General chemistry of carbohydrates; Metabolic
pathways for breakdown of carbohydrates: glycolytic pathway, pentose phosphate pathway, citric acid cycle,
electron transport chain, ATP balance, gluconeogenesis; General chemistry of lipids; Essential fatty acids; Digestion
& absorption of lipids.

Module IV (10L): Vitamins & minerals: occurrence, physiological function of vitamins and minerals. Introduction
to human nutrition; Nutritive values of foods; Basal metabolic rate; Techniques for assessment of human nutrition,
Dietary requirements and deficiency diseases of different nutrients

Revision: 5L
Text Books / References :
1. Lehninger, Nelson & Cox, Principle of Biochemistry, CBS Publication
2. Modern Experimental Biochemistry, Boyer, Pearson Education
3. Lubert stryer, Biochemistry, Freeman & Co, N.Y.
4. Voet & Voet, Fundamentals of Biochemistry, Jonh Willey & Sons
5. HamesNutrition and dietetics by Rose


FT 402: L-T-P = 3-1-0 At least 45 hrs/Sem

Module I (10L): Introduction to food preservation – Objectives and techniques of food preservation
Canning: Preservation principle of canning of food items, thermal process time calculations for canned foods,
spoilage in canned foods

Module II (10L): Water activity of food and its significance in food preservation; dehydration and drying of food
items; IMF; Low temperature preservation: cold storage, cold chain, freezing (including cryogenic freezing)

Module III (10L): Preservation by fermentation: curing and pickling; Hurdle technology, Non-thermal (e.g. high
pressure processing) and minimal processing technologies

Module IV (10L): Ionization radiation; Use of preservative in foods: chemical preservative, biopreservatives,
antibiotics, lactic acid bacteria
Revision: 5L
Text Books / References :
1. Technology of Food Preservation by Desrosier
2. Food Science by Potter
3. Fruits and vegetable processing by Cruss
4. Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables by IRRI

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)


Technical Report Writing & Language Lab Practice

HU 481: L-T-P = 0-0-3 Cr-2

Guidelines for Course Execution:

Objectives of this Course: This course has been designed:
1. To inculcate a sense of confidence in the students.
2. To help them become good communicators both socially and professionally.
3. To assist them to enhance their power of Technical Communication.
Detailed Course Outlines:
A. Technical Report Writing: 2L+6P
1. Report Types (Organizational / Commercial / Business / Project )
2. Report Format & Organization of Writing Materials
3. Report Writing (Practice Sessions & Workshops)
B. Language Laboratory Practice
I. Introductory Lecture to help the students get a clear idea of Technical Communication and the need of Language
Laboratory Practice Sessions 2L
2. Conversation Practice Sessions: (To be done as real life interactions) 2L+4P
a) Training the students by using Language Lab Device/Recommended Texts/cassettes /cd’s to get their Listening
Skill & Speaking Skill honed
b) Introducing Role Play & honing over all Communicative Competence
3. Group Discussion Sessions: 2L+6P
a) Teaching Strategies of Group Discussion
b) Introducing Different Models & Topics of Group Discussion
c) Exploring Live /Recorded GD Sessions for mending students’ attitude/approach & for taking
remedial measure
Interview Sessions; 2L+6P
a) Training students to face Job Interviews confidently and successfully
b) Arranging Mock Interviews and Practice Sessions for integrating Listening Skill with
Speaking Skill in a formal situation for effective communication
4. Presentation: 2L+6P
a) Teaching Presentation as a skill
b) Strategies and Standard Practices of Individual /Group Presentation
c) Media & Means of Presentation: OHP/POWER POINT/ Other Audio-Visual Aids
5. Competitive Examination: 2L+2P
a) Making the students aware of Provincial /National/International Competitive Examinations
b) Strategies/Tactics for success in Competitive Examinations
c) SWOT Analysis and its Application in fixing Target
Books – Recommended:
1. Nira Konar: English Language Laboratory: A Comprehensive Manual
PHI Learning, 2011
2. D. Sudharani: Advanced Manual for Communication Laboratories &
Technical Report Writing, Pearson Education (W.B. edition), 2011
1. Adrian Duff et. al. (ed.): Cambridge Skills for Fluency
A) Speaking (Levels 1-4 Audio Cassettes/Handbooks)
B) Listening (Levels 1-4 Audio Cassettes/Handbooks)
Cambridge University Press 1998
2. Mark Hancock: English Pronunciation in Use
4 Audio Cassettes/CD’S OUP 2004

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)


M(CS)-491: L-T-P = 0-0-2

1. Assignments on Newton forward /backward, Lagrange’s interpolation.
2. Assignments on numerical integration using Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule, Weddle’s rule.
3. Assignments on numerical solution of a system of linear equations using Gauss elimination and Gauss-Seidel iterations.
4. Assignments on numerical solution of Algebraic Equation by Regular-falsi and Newton Raphson methods.
5. Assignments on ordinary differential equation: Euler’s and Runga-Kutta methods.
6. Introduction to Software Packages: Matlab / Scilab / Labview / Mathematica.

FT491: L-T-P = 0-0-3
1. Separation of amino acids/sugars by Ascending Paper Chromatography.
2. Separation of sugars/amino acids by Thin Layer Chromatography.
3. Separation and isolation of proteins/amino acids by Paper Electrophoresis.
4. Determination of BOD5 and COD of a sample of waste water.
5. Preparation of cell-free extract: Bacterial cell by sonication, Chicken liver by homogenization.
6. Assay of enzyme activity − (a) Phosphatase assay [Chicken liver] (b) Protease assay
7. Study of an enzymatic reaction.


CHE 484: L-T-P = 0-0-3

1. Experiments on Reynolds’s Apparatus –Determination of flow regime and construction of friction factor against
2. Experiments on flow measuring device — in closed conduit using (a) Venturimeter, (b) Orifice meter, (c)
3. Determination of Pressure drop for flow through packed bed & verification of Ergun Equation,
Kozeny-Karman equation, Blake-Plummer Equation.
4. To study the working characteristics of a Jaw Crusher, calculate the energy consumption as a
function of size reduction and compare it with the actual energy requirements.
5. To study the working characteristics of a Ball Mill, calculate the energy consumption as a function of size
reduction and determine the critical speed.
6. To Determine the Overall heat transfer coefficient of a concentric pipe heat exchanger based on the inside
diameter of the tube.
7. To study the characteristics of film-wise/drop-wise condensation.


FT 492: L-T-P = 0-0-3 Credit – 2

1. Determination of pigments in food sample.
2. Estimation of calcium in food sample
3. Estimation of iron in food products
4. Estimation of zinc in food sample
5. Estimation of tin in canned foods
6. Estimation of crude fiber in food sample
7. Estimation of antioxidant(s) / polyphenol(s) in food sample
8. Analysis of lysine content in animal /vegetable sources

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Semester V


HU 501
Contracts: 3L Credits- 3

1. Economic Decisions Making – Overview, Problems, Role, Decision making process.

2. Engineering Costs & Estimation – Fixed, Variable, Marginal & Average Costs, Sunk Costs, Opportunity Costs, Recurring And
Nonrecurring Costs, Incremental Costs, Cash Costs vs Book Costs, Life-Cycle Costs; Types Of Estimate, Estimating Models -
Per-Unit Model, Segmenting Model, Cost Indexes, Power-Sizing Model, Improvement & Learning Curve, Benefits.
3. Cash Flow, Interest and Equivalence: Cash Flow – Diagrams, Categories & Computation, Time Value Of Money, Debt
repayment, Nominal & Effective Interest.
4. Present Worth Analysis : End-Of-Year Convention, Viewpoint Of Economic Analysis Studies, Borrowed Money Viewpoint,
Effect Of Inflation & Deflation, Taxes, Economic Criteria, Applying Present Worth Techniques, Multiple Alternatives.
5. Cash Flow & Rate Of Return Analysis – Calculations, Treatment of Salvage Value, Annual Cash Flow Analysis, Analysis
Periods; Internal Rate Of Return, Calculating Rate Of Return, Incremental Analysis; Best Alternative Choosing An Analysis
Method, Future Worth Analysis, Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis, Sensitivity And Breakeven Analysis. Economic Analysis In The
Public Sector - Quantifying And Valuing Benefits & drawbacks.
6: Uncertainty In Future Events - Estimates And Their Use In Economic Analysis, Range Of Estimates, Probability, Joint
Probability Distributions, Expected Value, Economic Decision Trees, Risk, Risk vs Return, Simulation, Real Options.
7. Depreciation - Basic Aspects, Deterioration & Obsolescence, Depreciation And Expenses, Types Of Property, Depreciation
Calculation Fundamentals, Depreciation And Capital Allowance Methods, Straight-Line Depreciation Declining Balance
Depreciation, Common Elements Of Tax Regulations For Depreciation And Capital Allowances.
8. Replacement Analysis - Replacement Analysis Decision Map, Minimum Cost Life Of A New Asset, Marginal Cost,
Minimum Cost Life Problems.
9. Inflation And Price Change – Definition, Effects, Causes, Price Change With Indexes, Types of Index, Composite vs
Commodity Indexes, Use of Price Indexes In Engineering Economic Analysis, Cash Flows that inflate at different Rates.
10. Accounting – Function, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Financial Ratios Capital Transactions, Cost Accounting, Direct
and Indirect Costs, Indirect Cost Allocation.

1. James L.Riggs,David D. Bedworth, Sabah U. Randhawa : Economics for Engineers 4e , Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Donald Newnan, Ted Eschembach, Jerome Lavelle : Engineering Economics Analysis, OUP
3. John A. White, Kenneth E.Case,David B.Pratt : Principle of Engineering Economic Analysis, John Wiley
4. Sullivan and Wicks: Engineering Economy, Pearson
5. R.Paneer Seelvan: Engineering Economics, PHI
6. Michael R Lindeburg : Engineering Economics Analysis, Professional Pub

FOOD PROCESS TECHNOLOGY – I (cereals, fruits and vegetables, beverages)

FT 501
Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4
Module I: Storage of cereals, Infestation control; Drying of grains, Processing of rice and rice products. Milling of wheat, corn, barley, oat;
Production of wheat products, including flour and semolina. Puffed cereals from broken rice.
Module II: Feed for livestock from wheat bran and germ, Production of starch, modified starch, Extraction of prolamin (Zein & kafirin); Potato
processing (potato chips, flakes, powder) and storage
Module III: Storage and handling of fresh fruits and vegetables, Production of fruits and vegetable juices, Preparation of jam, jelly, marmalade,
and tomato products (sauce and ketchup), Production of pectin, vitamins from apple pomace; Production of citrus oil from peels of citrus fruits,
candied peel
Module IV: Non-alcoholic beverages, Processing of tea, coffee and cocoa, Tea-waste utilization as feed for livestock and poultry; Coloring
agents, Humectants, anti-caking agents, Low calorie sweeteners, pH control agents, thickeners.
1. Food Science by Potter
2. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation by Srivastava and Sanjeev Kumar
3. Principles of Food Science, Vol-I by Fennma Karrel
4. Preservation of Fruits & Vegetables by Girdhari Lal, Sidhapa and Tandon
5. Post Harvest Technology of cereal pulse and oil seeds by Chakraborty, AC
6. Food Science by Mudambi

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

FOOD PROCESS TECHNOLOGY – II (fish, meat, poultry)

FT 502
Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4
Module I: Classification of fresh water fish and marine fish; Commercial handling, storage and transport of raw fish; Average composition of
fish; Freshness criteria and quality assessment of fish; Spoilage of fish; Methods of Preservation of fish: Canning, Freezing, Drying, Salting,
smoking, curing, fermentation (fish sauce).
Module II: Fish byproducts - production of fish meal, fish protein concentrate, fish protein hydrolyzate fish liver oil and fish silage; Production of
chitin, chitosan; Production of non-food items from fish processing wastes.
Module III: Slaughtering of animals; Meat cuts and portions of meat, muscle; Classification, composition and nutritional value of poultry meat;
Color of meat; Post mortem changes of meat; Meat processing - curing and smoking; Fermented meat products (sausages and sauces); Frozen
meat & meat storage; By-products from meat industries and their utilization.
Module IV: Structure, composition and nutritional values of eggs; Egg processing, Byproduct
Utilization – commercial processing of lecithin and other egg solids, Utilization of egg-derived products as food ingredients; Fertilizer from shells
1. Processed Meats; Pearson AM & Gillett TA; 1996, CBS Publishers.
2. Meat; Cole DJA & Lawrie RA; 1975, AVI Pub.
3. Egg and poultry meat processing; Stadelman WJ, Olson VM, Shemwell GA &
Pasch S; 1988, Elliswood Ltd.
4. Developments in Meat Science – I & II, Lawrie R; Applied Science Pub. Ltd.
5. Egg Science & Technology; Stadelman WJ & Cotterill OJ; 1973, AVI Pub.
6. Fish as Food; Vol 1 & 2; Bremner HA; 2002, CRC Press.
7. Fish & Fisheries of India; Jhingram VG; 1983, Hindustan Pub Corp
8. Fish as Food, Vol. I-IV; George Borgstrom, Academic Press
9. Fish Processing Technology , Rogestein & Rogestein


Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4
Module I: Process time calculations; Sterilizers and accessories used in canning industries; Engineering aspects of pasteurizer; homogenizer,
evaporators (basic principle and single-effect evaporator) and concentrators used in food industries; Seaming machine.
Module II: Construction of cold storage; Different types of freezers including plate contact freezer, air blast freezer, cryogenic freezing and
refrigerated vans.
Module III: Various types of driers (basic principle and drying time) – Tray drier, roller drier, spray drier, fluidized bed drier, freeze drier and
solar drier.
Module IV: Heat exchangers (including paraflow HEs); Extruders – Basic principles and types, Difference between single- and twin-screw
extruders; Kneader; Oil expeller
1. The Fundamentals of Food Engineering; Charm SE; 1963, AVI Pub.
2. Bakery Technology & Engineering; Matz SA; 1960, AVI Pub.
3. Dictionary of Food Science & Technology, Blackwell Publishing
4. Engineering Properties of Foods; Rao MA & Rizvi SSH; 1986, Marcel Dekker Inc.
5. Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering; Toledo RT; 2nd ed, 2000, CBS Publishers.
6. Food process engineering, D.R.Heldman and R.P.Singh


Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4
Module I: 10L
Introduction to mass transfer: Molecular diffusion in fluids, diffusivity, mass transfer coefficients, interphase mass transfer, gas absorption,
countercurrent multistage operation, packed tower.
Module II: 10L
Distillation: Vapor-liquid equilibrium, Rayleigh’s equation, flash and differential distillation, continuous rectification, McCabe-Thiele method,
bubble cap and sieve distillation column.
Module III: 10L
Extraction, Drying and Crystallization: Liquid-liquid equilibrium, liquid extraction, stage-wise contact, liquid-solid equilibria, leaching, batch
drying and mechanism of batch drying, principle and operation of a spray drier, preliminary idea of crystallization.
Module IV: 10L
Advanced separation processes: Dialysis, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, pervaporation, electro dialysis and membrane separation.
Revision: 5L
1. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering; McCabe, Smith & Harriot; 6th ed,

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

2. Transport Processes & Unit operations; Geankopolis; 3rd ed, PHI.

3. Chemical Engineering, Vol-I & II, Colson & Richardson; Butterworth Heinemann.
4. Chemical Engineer’s Handbook; Perry, Chilton & Green; MGH.



FT 591 L-T-P = 0-0-4
1. Preparation of orange squash.
2. Preparation of mango jam.
3. Preparation of guava jelly.
4. Preparation of tomato ketchup.
5. Preparation of canned peas / pine apple.
6. Preparation of mango pickle.
7. Preparation of dried carrot.
8. Preparation of frozen prawn.
9. Cultivation of oyster mushrooms.


FT 592 L-T-P = 0-0-4
1. Analysis of jam
2. Analysis of spices
3. Analysis of milk, sweetened condensed milk (SCM)
4. Determination of adulterants in milk and milk products
5. Analysis of tea and coffee
6. Analysis of wheat flour, bread, biscuits
7. Analysis of non-alcoholic beverages
8. Estimation of a) Iodine value, (b) Saponification value (c) acid value (d) peroxide value, (e) RM value (f) P value, (g) K value of fats and oils


CHE 584 L-T-P = 0-0-4
1. Separation: Filtration, centrifugation
2. Vacuum evaporation
3. Drying and freeze drying
4. Freezing
5. Mass transfer coefficient / kLa determination

Semester VI


HU 601
Contracts: 3L + 0T Credits- 3

1. Basic concepts of management: Definition – Essence, Functions, Roles, Level.

2. Functions of Management : Planning – Concept, Nature, Types, Analysis, Management by objectives; Organisation Structure
– Concept, Structure, Principles, Centralization, Decentralization, Span of Management; Organisational Effectiveness.

3. Management and Society – Concept, External Environment, CSR, Corporate Governance, Ethical Standards.

4. People Management – Overview, Job design, Recruitment & Selection, Training & Development, Stress Management.

5. Managerial Competencies – Communication, Motivation, Team Effectiveness, Conflict Management, Creativity,


Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

6. Leadership: Concept, Nature, Styles.

7. Decision making: Concept, Nature, Process, Tools & techniques.

8. Economic, Financial & Quantitative Analysis – Production, Markets, National Income Accounting, Financial Function &
Goals, Financial Statement & Ratio Analysis, Quantitative Methods – Statistical Interference, Forecasting, Regression
Analysis, Statistical Quality Control.

9. Customer Management – Market Planning & Research, Marketing Mix, Advertising & Brand Management.

10. Operations & Technology Management – Production & Operations Management, Logistics & Supply Chain Management,
TQM, Kaizen & Six Sigma, MIS.


1. Management : Principles, Processes & Practices – Bhat, A & Kumar, A (OUP).

2. Essentials for Management – Koontz , Revised edition, Tata McGraw Hill(TMH)
3. Management – Stoner, James A. F. (Pearson)
4.Management - Ghuman, Tata McGraw Hill(TMH)

FOOD PROCESS TECHNOLOGY – III (Milk and milk products)

FT 601
Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4
Module I (10L): Composition of milk; Varieties of milk; Checks for purity of milk; Handling of freshly produced milk; Cleaning and sanitization.
Module II (10L): Thermal processing of fluid milk – Pasteurization (LTLT and HTST), sterilization and UHT techniques; Packaging of fluid
milk; Fermentation of milk and fermented milk products – Cheese, yogurt, etc including probiotic dairy products.
Module III (10L): Processing of evaporated and dried milk products – Milk powder, SCM, etc.; Cream, butter, ghee, Ice-cream, Infant formulae,
Stabilizers and emulsifiers as additives in milk products.
Module IV (10L): Traditional Indian sweets; Dairy processing by-products – Fermented, condensed and dried products from whey, Production of
lactose and protein from whey.
Revision: 5L
1. Robinson RK; 1996; Modern Dairy Technology, Vol 1 & 2; Elsevier Applied Science Pub.
2. Milk & Milk Processing; Herrington BL; 1948, McGraw-Hill Book Company.
3. Modern Dairy Products, Lampert LH; 1970, Chemical Publishing Company.
4. Developments in Dairy Chemistry – Vol 1 & 2; Fox PF; Applied Science Pub Ltd.
5. Outlines of Dairy Technology, De S; Oxford.

FOOD PROCESS TECHNOLOGY – IV (edible fats and oils)

FT 602
Contracts: 3L + 0T Credits- 3
Module I (8L): Importance of fats and oils in foods; Sources, composition and properties of fats and oils (plant and animal origin); Reversion and
rancidity of fats and oils; Extraction of fats and oils – Rendering, pressing, solvent extraction, supercritical fluid extraction, enzyme-derived oil
Module II (8L): Processing of oils – Degumming, refining, bleaching, deodorization, fractionation; Pyrolysis of fats, toxicity of frying oil.
Module III (8L): Plastic fat – Winterization, hydrogenation, esterification, inter-esterification and emulsification; Application of plastic fat in
bakery, confectionary (including cocoa butter replacers), shortenings, margarine processing.
Module IV (8L): By-products of fat/oil processing industries – Oil seed protein isolates; Quality standards of fats and fatty foods; Antioxidants
and its mechanism of application.
Revision: 4L
Books :
1. Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Vol 1 & 2; Swern D; 4th ed, 1982, John Wiley & Sons.
2. The Chemistry & Technology of Edible Oils and Fats; Devine J & Williams PN; 1961, Pergamon Press.
3. Food Oils and their Uses; Weiss TJ; 1983, AVI.
4. Edible Oils & Fats: Developments since 1978 (Food Technology Review # 57); Torrey S; 1983, NDC.


FT 603
Contracts: 3L + 0T Credits- 3

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Module I (8L): Introduction to baking; Bakery ingredients and their functions; Machines and equipment for batch and continuous processing of
bakery products.
Module II (8L): Testing of flour; Manufacture of bread, cake and biscuits; Analysis of bakery
products; Cake icing techniques, wafer manufacture, cookies, crackers, dusting or breading.
Module III (8L): Manufacture of bread rolls, sweet yeast dough products, cake specialties, pies and
pastries, doughnuts, chocolates and candies; Coating or enrobing of chocolate (including pan-coating); Maintenance, safety and hygiene of
bakery plants.
Module IV (8L): Importance and applications of extrusion in food processing; Pre and post extrusion treatments; Manufacturing process of
extruded products; Change of functional properties of food components during extrusion.
Revision: 4L
1. Extrusion of Food, Vol 2; Harper JM; 1981, CRC Press.
2. Bakery Technology & Engineering; Matz SA; 1960; AVI Pub.
3. Up to-date Bread Making; Fance WJ & Wrogg BH; 1968, Maclasen & Sons Ltd.
4. Modern Cereal Chemistry; Kent-Jones DW & Amos AJ; 1967, Food Trade Press Ltd.


FT 604
Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4
Module I (10L): Methods for the microbiological examination of water and foods; Control of
Microbiological quality and safety; Food borne illnesses and diseases
Module II (10L): Microbial cultures for food fermentation, their maintenance, strain development; Production of organic acids (vinegar, lactic
acid), alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, and distilled alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, rum, vodka), glycerol
Module III (10L): Propagation of baker’s yeasts; Microbial production of vitamins (B2 and B12), antibiotics (penicillin, streptomycin,
tetracycline); Enzymatic production of glucose, fructose, starch, SCP and mushrooms
Module IV (10L): Basics of microbial genetics – Gene, DNA, RNA; Replication, transcription, transformation, transduction, conjugation;
Regulation of gene expression; Application in GM foods.
Revision: 5L
1. Industrial Microbiology Prescott & Dunn, CBS Publishers
2. Modern Food Microbiology by Jay JM, CBS Publishers
3. Comprehensive Biotechnology by Murray & Mooyoung, Academic press
4. Industrial Microbiology by Casida L.R., New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
5. Food Microbiology; Frazier WC; 4th ed, Tata-McGrowhill Pub.
6. Microbiology by Pelczar, Chan, and Krieg, TMH
7. Fermentation Biotechnology, Principles, Processed Products by Ward OP, Open University Press.


CS 615
Contracts: 3L + 1T Credits- 4
Module I (10L): Linear Data Structures – Sequential representations, Arrays and Lists, Stacks, Queues and Dqueues, String and their
Link Representation – Linearly linked lists, Circularly linked lists, Doubly linked lists and applications.
Module II (10L): Algorithms for creating and manipulating different linear data structures; Non-linear data structure – Trees including Binary
Trees, Binary Search Trees, Insertion and Deletion algorithms, Height-balanced and Weight-balanced trees, B-trees.
Module III (10L): Graph Representations, Breadth first search (BFS) and Depth first search (DFS); Graph Theoretic Algorithms – Incidence
Matrix, Adjacency Matrix, Algorithms for Minimal
Spanning Tree (Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithm).
Module IV (10L): Sorting and Searching Algorithms – Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Quick sort, Merge sort; File Structures – Record and Table
Structures, Sequential and Direct access, Indexed Files, Inverted Files, Hashed Files.
Revision: 5L
1. Aho Alfred V., Hopperoft John E., Ullman Jeffrey D., “Data Structures and algorithms”, Pearson Education
2. Berman, Data Structure Via C++, OUP
1. Horowitz Ellix & Sartaj Sahani, “Fundamentals of Data Structures”, Galgotria Pub.
2. Tenenbaum A. S., “Data Structures using C”, Pearson Education/PHI
3. Graph Theory – N. Deo, PHI



FT 691 L-T-P = 0-0-4
1. Preparation of dry onion/ chilli/ garlic.

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

2. Preparation of bread
3. Manufacture of macaroni by extruder.
4. Manufacture of potato powder.
5. Manufacture of ice cream.
6. Manufacture of Rosogolla and Sandesh.
7. Manufacture of candied fruits.
8. Production of dried milk by drum drying
9. Production of milk powder by spray drying
10. Preparation of sponge cake


FT 692 L-T-P = 0-0-4
1. Alcohol fermentation
2. Organic acid fermentation – Vinegar / citric / lactic acid production
3. Propagation of baker’s yeast
4. Fermented dairy products
5. Production of antibiotics
6. Enzyme preparation
7. Amino acid production
8. Vitamin B12 production


CS 685 L-T-P = 0-0-3
Implementation of Array Operations: (using C/C++ languages)
Stacks and Queues: Adding, Deleting elements, Circular Queue : Adding and Deleting elements, Merging Problem.
Implementation of linked lists: Inserting, Deleting, Inverting a Linked List
Sorting and Searching Algorithms
Prim’s, Kruskal’s
And Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Semester VII


Semester VII



FT 701
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Functions of packaging; Type of packaging materials; Selection of packaging material for different foods; Selective properties of
packaging film; Methods of packaging and packaging equipment.
Module 2: 9L
Mechanical strength of different packaging materials; Printing of packages; Barcodes & other marking; Interactions between
packaging material and foods; Environmental and cost consideration in selecting packaging materials.
Module 3: 9L
Manufacture of packaging materials; Potential of biocomposite materials for food packaging; Packaging regulations; Packaging
and food preservation; Disposal of packaging materials.
Module 4: 9L
Testing of packaging; Rigid and semi rigid containers; Flexible containers; Sealing equipment; Labelling; Asceptic and shrink
packaging; Secondary and transport packaging.
Text books and references:
1. Food and Packaging Interactions by Joseph H. Hotchkiss, (ACS symposium series -365, April 5-10, 1987, American chemical
society, Washington DC, 1988.)

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

2. Packaging foods with plastics by winter A. Jenkins & James P Harrington – Technomic publishing co. Inc, Lancaster. Basel.
3. Flexible food packaging (Question & Answers) by Arthur Hirsch VNB – Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York (An AVI Book),
ISBN 0-442-00609-8.
4. Food Packaging and Preservation (theory & practice) by M.Mathlouthi-Elsevier Applied science publisher, London and New
5. Food Packaging Materials (Aspect of Analysis & Migration of contaminants) by N.T.crosby applied science publishers LTD.
6. Plastics in Packaging by A.S Athlye, TMGH, New Delhi.
7. Packaging (specifications, purchasing & Quality Control) 3rd edition by Edmond A Leonard- Marcel Dekker, INC- Newyork
& Basel.
8. Plastics in packaging by forwarded by H.B Ajmera & M.R Subramanium – Indian institute of packaging. Published by
A.P.Vaidya, Secretary IIP, E2, MIDC, Industrial Area (Andheri (East), Bombay-400093.
9. Food Packaging- Stanley Sacharois & Roger C. Griffin- The AVI Publishing company Inc. 1970.
10. Principles of packaging development- Griffin & Sacharow. (The AVI Publishing company, Inc. 1972).


FT 702
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credits: 4
Module 1: 10L
Introduction: Classification and characterization of food industrial wastes from fruit and vegetable processing industry, beverage
industry, fish, meat and poultry industry, sugar industry and dairy industry; Waste disposal methods – physical, chemical and
biological; Economical aspects of waste treatment and disposal.
Module 2: 10L
Treatment methods for liquid wastes from food process industries; Design of activated sludge process, Rotating biological
contactors, Trickling filters, UASB, Biogas plant.
Module 3: 10L
Treatment methods of solid wastes: Biological composting, drying and incineration; Design of solid waste management system:
Landfill digester, Vermicomposting pit.
Module 4: 10L
Biofilters and bioclarifiers, Ion exchange treatment of waste water, Drinking-water treatment, Recovery of useful materials from
effluents by different methods.
Revision: 5L
Text books and references:
1. Food Industry Wastes: Disposal and Recovery; Herzka A & Booth RG; 1981, Applied Science Pub Ltd.
2. Water & Wastewater Engineering; Fair GM, Geyer JC & Okun DA; 1986, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Wastewater Treatment; Bartlett RE; Applied Science Pub Ltd.
4. Symposium: Processing Agricultural & Municipal Wastes; Inglett GE; 1973, AVI.
5. Food Processing Waste Management; Green JH & Kramer A; 1979, AVI.
6. Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications; Rittmann BE & McCarty PL; 2001, Mc-Grow-Hill International
7. Environmental Biotechnology; Bhattacharyya B C & Banerjee R; Oxford University Press.

FT 703 A
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Introduction to enzyme technology; Industrial enzymes – present status and opportunities with special reference to food
industries; Catalytic properties of enzymes; Intracellular and extra-cellular enzymes.
Module 2: 9L
Enzyme production technology; Enzyme reactors and process design; Application of recombinant DNA technique to enzyme
Module 3: 9L
Cell disintegration by physical, chemical and biological methods; Enzyme purification methods.
Module 4: 9L
Application of enzymes for production in biochemical and food processing industries; Application of immobilized enzymes and
Text books and references:

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

1. Methods of Enzymology
2. Biochemical Engg Fundamentals-Baily, Ollis. MGH
3. Prescott & Dunn’s Industrial Microbiology Macmiller
4. Principles of Fermentation Technology-Wittaker and Stanby


FT 703 B
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Biological fuel generation; Biomass as a renewable energy source; Types of biomass: forest, agricultural and animal residues;
Industrial and domestic organic wastes; Conversion of biomass to clean fuels and petrochemical substitutes by physicochemical
and/or fermentation processes.
Module 2: 9L
Biogas from anaerobic digestion; Thermal energy from biomass combustion; Ethanol from biomass.
Module 3: 9L
Hydrogen production by photosynthetic bacteria, biophotolysis of water and by fermentation; Microbial recovery of petroleum by
biopolymers (Xanthum gum), biosurfactants.
Module 4: 9L
Solar energy; Solar collectors, solar pond, photovoltaic cells, chemical storage; Geothermal energy and wind energy; Use of
geothermal energy; Operating principles of different types of wind energy mills; Nuclear energy; Nuclear reactions and power
generation; Tidal wave energy.
Text books and references:
1. J.E.Smith – Biotechnology, 3rd edn. Cambridge Univ Press.
2. S.Sarkar – fuels and combustion, 2nd edn., University Press.


FT 703 C
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Plant maintenance program; Role of maintenance staff and plant operators; Preventive maintenance; Guidelines for good
maintenance & safety precautions; Lubrication & lubricants; Work place improvement through ‘5S’.
Module 2: 9L
The objective of safety, health & environment; Cost of safety; Accident investigation report; Safety promotional activity;
Environmental pollution and its control.
Module 3: 9L
Indian Factories Act on safety; HACCP; Desirable safety features of some food processing equipment; Personal protective
equipment; Safety from adulteration of food.
Module 4: 9L
Hygiene and sanitation requirement in food processing and fermentation industries; Cleaning, sanitizing & pest control in food
processing; storage and service areas.
Text and reference books:
1. Basic Concepts of Industrial Hygiene, Ronald M Scott, CRC Press.
2. Safety design criteria for industrial plants. Maurizio Cumo & Antonio Naviglia.
CRC Press.
3. Industrial Hygiene & Toxicology by Josef Brozek-1948.
4. Food Hygiene, Microbiology & HACCP. S J Forsythe, P R Hayes. Springer.


FT 704 A
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Introduction to mathematical modeling; Process analysis and simulation; Model building; Classification and uses of mathematical
models; Formulation of mathematical model and fundamental laws.
Module 2: 9L

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

Batch processes in food industry; Equilibriation in batch processes; Steady state flow processes of non reacting systems; Mixing
in flow processes.
Module 3: 9L
Simultaneous heat and mass transfer in packed tower and immobilized enzyme system.
Module 4: 9L
Modelling, simulation and optimization of fermentation processes.
Text and reference books:
1. Process modeling, simulation and control: William L Luyben, TMH
2. Process analysis & simulation : Himmelblau, Kenneth & Birchoff, John Wills.

FT 704 B
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Determination of protein structure; Nutritional and commercial importance of proteins; Physical, chemical and functional
properties of proteins; Folding of proteins; Commercial sources of proteins; Creation of new proteins by bio-composite synthesis
Module 2: 9L
Process of making protein isolates and concentrates; Factors affecting quality of isolates and concentrates; Treatment to isolate
and concentrate; Packaging of protein isolates and concentrates; Food and non food uses of isolates and concentrates.
Module 3: 9L
Methods of manufacturing protein hydrolysates; Factors affecting quality of hydrolysates; Food uses of hydrolysates; Fibre
spinning process of proteins; Textured protein gels and expanded products; Simulated milk products; Restructured protein; Non-
conventional sources of protein.
Module 4: 9L
Centrifugation; Cell disruption; Protein precipitation and its recovery; Aqueous two-phase separation; Ion exchange
chromatography; Gel filtration; Affinity chromatography; Electrophoresis; Cross filtration; Ultra filtration.
Text and reference books:
1. Altschul, A.M and Wilcke, , H.L Ed 1978. new protein Foods. Vol III. Academic Press, New York
2. Bodwell, C.E.Ed. 1977. evaluation of proteins for Humans. AVI, Westport
3. Milner,M., Scrimshaw, N.S and Wang, D.I.C.Ed. 1978. Protein Resources and Technology. AVI, Westport
4. Salunkhe, O.K and Kadam, S.S Eds. 1999. Handbook of world legumes; Nutritional Chemistry, Processing Technology and
Utilization. Volume I to III, CRC Press, Florida
5. Salunkhe, D.K. Chavan, J.K.,Adsule, R.N Kadam, S.S 1992. World Oilseeds: Chemistry, Technology and Utilization, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York
6. Bioseparation Engineering: Principles, Practise and Economics, M.Ladish; Wiley Inter science
7. Proteolytic enzymes: a practical approach, Beynon, R.J and Bond, J.S; IRL Press, Oxford
8. Protein Biotechnology, Franks, F.; Humana Press


FT 704 C
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Definition of quality, Quality specifications and quality attributes of different foods, Statistical quality control
Module 2: 9L
Quality control programs: History and development, Total quality control and management, Quality assurance, ISO 9000 series
Module 3: 9L
Food laws and regulations: PFA, FPO, MFPO, Essential Commodities Act, Sugarcane (control) Order, FSSA
Module 4: 9L
Food Safety Management Systems: Pre-requisites of HACCP, HACCP, ISO 22000
Text and reference books:
1. Management and control of quality. James R Evans, William M Lindsey. Thomson South-western
2. The Essentials of Quality Control Management, Peter N T Pang, Trafford publishing
3. Guide to Quality Management system for the food industry. Ralph Early

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)


ET 701
L-T-P: 3-1-0 Credits: 4
Module 1: 10L
Operational aspect of instrument system, control and requisites; Analytical balance and spring balance, load cell, moisture
measurement cells for granular material, infrared, transmission measurement of moisture
Module 2: 10L
Low pressure measurement by McLeod Gage and Pirani Gage; Temperature measurement by bi-metal thermometers – resistance
thermometers, thermistors and thermocouples. Radiation and optical pyrometers; Flow measurement by magnetic flow meters
Module 3: 10L
Control system, Open and closed loop system, transfer function of open loop and closed loop control systems; Block diagrams;
Laplace transform; Response of a control system; Stability; Feedback;
Module 4: 10L
Controller mode, Root locus plot, Modulation, Final control, Controllers, Control valve, Application of control in heat
exchangers, distillation column
Text and reference books:
1. Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis; Nakra BC & Chaudhury KK; TMH
2. Process System Analysis & Control; Coughanowr DR; MGH
3. Chemical Process Control; Stephanopoulis G; PHI


HU 791
L-T-P: 0-0-3 Credit: 2


FT 791
L-T-P: 0-0-3
Credit: 2
1. Determina
tion of thermal destruction parameters of canning processing – F value, D value, z value
2. Oil
extraction from oils seeds
3. Crude oil
4. Drying
efficiency – spray drier, tray drier, drum drier
5. Fruit juice
6. Freezing


ET 791
L-T-P: 0-0-3
Credit: 2
1. Temperature measurements: (i) Thermocouple, (ii) Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
2. Pressure calibration
3. Load cell
4. Moisture measurement
5. Viscometer

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)



FT 792 Credit: 2
The Industrial Training will be undertaken by each student during the summer recess after the completion of the 6th semester
examination and prior to commencement of the 7th semester. A report on the training which is required to be submitted shall
consist of:
1. A general overview of the plant.
2. The products & raw material sources of the plant.
3. Detail description of different processing and other equipment.
4. Scheduling of plant operations.
5. Conclusion.
A viva will be conducted after submission of the report and presentation of a seminar.

FT 793
L-T-P: 0-0-6
Credit: 4
Each student shall undertake project work assigned to him related to design or R&D or industrial problem solving in the area of
food science and technology under the supervision of a faculty member or faculty members. In principle, the research / design
work has to be carried out by the student himself taking advice from his supervisor when problem arises. The work will be
allotted at the beginning of the seventh semester specifying the different aspects to be carried out by the student. At the end of the
semester the student will submit a typed Interim Report on his work. Evaluation shall include an oral presentation followed by a
brief viva. The same project may be extended for the 8th semester also depending on the nature of the project.

Semester VIII


HU 801A
L-T-P: 2-0-0 Credits: 2

Organisational Behaviour
Contracts: 2L
Credits- 2

1. Organizational Behaviour: Definition, Importance, Historical Background, Fundamental Concepts of OB, Challenges
and Opportunities for OB. [2]
2. Personality and Attitudes: Meaning of personality, Personality Determinants and Traits, Development of Personality,
Types of Attitudes, Job Satisfaction. [2]
3. Perception: Definition, Nature and Importance, Factors influencing Perception, Perceptual Selectivity, Link between
Perception and Decision Making. [2]
4. Motivation: Definition, Theories of Motivation - Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, McGregor’s Theory X & Y,
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Alderfer’s ERG Theory, McClelland’s Theory of Needs, Vroom’s Expectancy
Theory. [4]
5. Group Behaviour: Characteristics of Group, Types of Groups, Stages of Group Development, Group Decision Making. [2]
6. Communication: Communication Process, Direction of Communication, Barriers to Effective Communication. [2]
7. Leadership: Definition, Importance, Theories of Leadership Styles. [2]
8. Organizational Politics: Definition, Factors contributing to Political Behaviour. [2]

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

9. Conflict Management: Traditional vis-a-vis Modern View of Conflict, Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict, Conflict
Process, Negotiation – Bargaining Strategies, Negotiation Process. [2]
10. Organizational Design: Various Organizational Structures and their Effects on Human Behaviour, Concepts of
Organizational Climate and Organizational Culture. [4]
1. Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T.A.: Organizational Behavior, Pearson Education, 15th Edn.

2. Luthans, Fred: Organizational Behavior, McGraw Hill, 12th Edn.

3. Shukla, Madhukar: Understanding Organizations – Organizational Theory & Practice in India, PHI

4. Fincham, R. & Rhodes, P.: Principles of Organizational Behaviour, OUP, 4th Edn.
5. Hersey, P., Blanchard, K.H., Johnson, D.E.- Management of Organizational Behavior Leading Human Resources, PHI,
10th Edn.


FT 801
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Basic concepts of plant layout and design including basic understanding of equipment layout ventilation; Reference to bakery and
biscuit, fruits, vegetable and beverage processing, and dairy industries; Miscellaneous aspects of plant layout and design like
provision for waste disposal, and safety arrangements
Module 2: 9L
Design consideration for location of food plants; ISO, FPO, MPO requirements in food plant layout and design; Preparation of
flow sheets for material movement and utility consumption in food plants
Module 3: 9L
Layout and designing aspects of pilot and semi-commercial food processing plants; Scale-up; Application of Program Evaluation
and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) in project planning and monitoring
Module 4: 9L
Introduction to project engineering; Selection of construction materials; Specifications of processing equipments and accessories
Text and reference books:
1. Manufacturing Facilities Design and Material Handling by Fred E. Meyers, and Matthew P. Stephens, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Prentice Hall, 2000
2. James M Moore, “Plant Layout and Design”, Mcmillan & Co., (1959)
3. Bolz, Harold A George E., “Material Handling Handbook.
4. J M Apple, “ Plant layout and Material Handling”, John Willey & Sons, (1977)


FT 802 A
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Introduction to biochemical process industries; Industrial alcohols, antibiotics, acids, alcoholic beverages, vitamins, enzymes,
single cell protein, Enzymatic immobilization and Kinetics of immobilized systems with diffusion
Module 2: 9L
Bioreactor design: Mechanisms and kinetics (Monod model), Fermentation - types of fermenters, chemostat, chemostat with
recycle, turbidostat, PFR, fluidized bed reactor, air lift fermenter, Mass transfer in microbial reactors; scale-up of bioprocess
Module 3: 9L
Bioproduct recovery: Downstream processing - separation process for cell mass and product, filtration, centrifuging, membrane
processes (reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, chromatographic separation)
Module 4: 9L
Bioprocess economics, Cost analysis of alcohol production plant, Fermentation plant design project,
Bio-product regulation
Text and reference books:
1. Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals: J.E Bailey, D F Olli, MGH
2. Biochemical Engineering: Aiba S; Academia press, NY

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)


FT 802 B
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module I: 9L
Entrepreneur and entrepreneurial flair; Classification of small, medium and large scale manufacturing industries; Opportunities of
food processing industries in West Bengal
Module II: 9L
Trade license and registration marks; Sources of finance; Selection of land and factory sheds
Module III: 9L
Agencies for promotion of food processing industries; Source of machine and equipment
Module IV: 9L
Preparation of project report; Market feasibility reports; Techno-economic feasibility report on fruits and vegetable processing,
bakery and confectionary, mushroom manufacture and soybean processing
Text books/ References:
1. Entrepreneurial Development by Sarwate (Everest Publication)


FT 802 C
L-T-P: 3-0-0 Credits: 3
Module 1: 9L
Introduction: Relevant terminologies – Enrichment, value addition, fortification, supplementation, Sources, Significance,
Fortification and Enrichment in different foods (MSG; Bakery and confectionary products e.g. bread, biscuit and cookies;
Breakfast and ready to eat cereals; Infant formulas; Protein mixes; Vegetable Mixes; Dairy product e.g. ice cream; Beverages
including diet beverages), Value addition in processed food products e.g. pasta, ice cream, pizza, wafers, rolls, buns, jam, jelly,
sauce, pickles, waffles etc
Module 2: 9L
Types of functional foods: Concepts of Probiotic, Nutraceutcals, Spiceuticals, Regulatory and labeling issues, CODEX
Module 3: 9L
Functional ingredients: Extraction / purification of lycopene, isoflavonoids, prebiotics and probiotics glucosamine, phytosterols,
and their stability in processing conditions; Manufacturing of dietary supplements in the form of liquid, rehydration powder,
tablet, pill, capsule or mix
Module 4: 9L
Nutritional significance: Role of nutraceutical / functional foods in cardiovascular health, diabetes, obesity, immunity, age related
muscular degeneration, stress management; Dosage levels; Adverse effects and toxicity of nutraceuticals
Text and reference books:


FT 891
L-T-P: 0-0-12 Credit: 8
Student shall continue to be carry out project works under the supervision of a faculty member or faculty members, as assigned at
the beginning of the 7th Semester. At the end of the semester, the work shall yield some meaningful results that facilitate
advancement of food science and technology. Each student shall submit a typed, hard-bound Final Project Report on his work
and its findings. Evaluation of Project Part 2 shall include an oral presentation followed by a brief viva. Project Defense should
be carried out in presence of all the faculty members in the Department, and preferably in presence of External Examiner.


FT 892
L-T-P: 0-0-6 Credit: 4
• Development of a food product prototype including product formulation and specifications
• Selection and analysis of raw materials
• Establishment of suitable process flow-diagram for the developed protocol

Syllabus for B.Tech(Food Technology)
Revised Syllabus of B.Tech FT(for the students who were admitted in Academic Session 2010-2011)

• Development of HACCP plan for the processing line

• Establishment of quality assurance protocol
• Product testing (including sensory analyses) and shelf-life study

FT 893 Credit: 4
The Comprehensive Viva-voce Examination evaluates student’s overall grasp on basic principles and their applications in food
science and technology.


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