Entrepreneurship Policy and Regional Economic Grow
Entrepreneurship Policy and Regional Economic Grow
Entrepreneurship Policy and Regional Economic Grow
Entrepreneurship and Regional
Economic Growth
Start-ups of new firms are important for economic growth. However, start-up rates differ
significantly between countries and within regions of the same country. A large empirical
literature studies the reasons for this and attempts to identify the regional determinants of
start-ups. In contrast, there is a much smaller theoretical literature that attempts the formal
modelling of the start-up process within a region. In this paper, we attempt to contribute to
this small literature by introducing a general theoretical model of the entrepreneurial start-
up process. The model links start-ups to economic growth and can be applied to understand
growth in a regional context. We derive five propositions that fit the stylized facts from the
empirical literature: (i) growth in the regional economy is driven by an expansion in the
number of start-up firms that supply intermediate goods and services; (ii) improvements in
human capital will enhance the rate of start-ups; (iii) improvements in the relative rates of
return to entrepreneurs and business conditions will raise start-up rates; (iv) an increase in
regional financial concentration will reduce the start-up rate in a region and; (v) increased
agglomeration/urbanization in a region has an a priori ambiguous effect on start-up rates.
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any of the views expressed.
1 Introduction
A general theory of entrepreneurial start-ups, and the effect that these might have on
regional economic growth, is however still lacking. In this paper, we attempt to fill this
gap, by formulating a theoretical model of the entrepreneurial start-up process. The
model is a dynamic, non-linear model in contrast to many studies which have used
linear models to empirically predict new firm births or introduce borrowing constraints
in a homogeneous linear form (Reynolds 1993: 19; Mesnard and Ravallion 2005: 3). A
further novel aspect is that we link start-ups to regional output growth in our model—an
aspect that is paid scant attention in the theoretical literature. We derive a number of
propositions and testable hypotheses from our model.
1 There are many different views on the nature of entrepreneurship. Wennekers and Thurik (1999: 30)
identify thirteen distinct roles of an entrepreneur. More commonly, however, and for purposes of this
paper, entrepreneurship is seen as involving either/or risk-taking, innovation, arbitrage and co-
ordination of production factors in the start-up of a business. (Fogel et al. 2006: 542).
2 According to Iyigun and Rodrik (2004: 1-2) ‘a key obstacle to growth in low-income environments is
an inadequate level of entrepreneurship in non-traditional activities’.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 contains a brief overview of the relevant
literature. Section 3 presents our theoretical model and Section 4 contains some
concluding remarks.
In this section we provide a brief review over the literature on the regional determinants
of entrepreneurial start-ups. The purpose is to identify the main determinants of start-
ups. In the next section we build on this literature by formalizing start-ups in a general
endogenous growth model.
At the outset it should be noted that most empirical studies on the determinants of start-
up rates make use of regional data within a particular country, because comparisons
between countries are often difficult due to non-comparable data and definitions
(Reynolds 1993: 11). One can distinguish between studies that attempt to identify macro
level constraints or determinants, those focusing on industry level and firm level, and
those that attempt to test the predictions from theoretical models on the relationship
between wealth, inequality, credit market constraints, and entrepreneurship.
On a macro level, evidence tends to suggest that macroeconomic conditions such as the
state of employment, GDP and inflation, and interest rates matter. Highfield and Smiley
(1987) empirically analysed the determinants of start-ups in the USA over the period
1948 to 1984, using rates of incorporation as an indicator of start-ups. They found that
on a macroeconomic level, five factors were significant in affecting start-up rates: real
GNP growth, expenditure on equipment (investment), the unemployment rate, real
interest rates and inflation. Wang (2006) finds that in Taiwan production costs, capital
costs, and unemployment are significant determinants of start-up rates. Bosma et al.
(2005) using data for the Netherlands over 1960 to 1999 find that unemployment is
statistically significantly associated with higher start-up rates. Macro level conditions
will apply to all regions in a country, but will have different spatial implications to the
extent that economic activity agglomerates, and to the extent that industry level
composition and dynamics will differ across regions.
Reynolds (1992) found that industry level characteristics such as industry profits and
entry barriers affect start-ups rates. Reynolds (1993) and Reynolds and Storey (1993)
identified six broad determinants of entrepreneurial start-ups in a region, namely
demand (measured by the size of the population and size of the economy), urbanization
(agglomeration), unemployment, personal household wealth, specialization (industry
level differentiation), and government spending on infrastructure, education, and health.
On an industry level, studies on Belgium, Germany, Korea, Norway, Portugal, and the
UK have found a ‘mixed pattern’ of determinants/frictions. Table 1 below, taken from
Reynolds (1992: 278), summarizes the significant frictions to start-ups found in these
five country studies.
Table 1: Determinants of start-ups: empirical evidence from five countries
Start-up frictions Number significantly Number significantly
positive negative
Expected profits 5 1
Industry growth 5 1
Product differentiation (marketing) 1 4
Scale economies 2 3
Industry size 3 1
Capital requirements (finance) – 4
Source: Reynolds (1992: 278).
Table 1 shows that generally, profits, industry growth, and industry size can be expected
to be positively related to the rate of start-ups, and the capital requirements, the need for
product differentiation can be expected to be negatively related to start-up rates. Scale
economies seem to have an a priori ambiguous effect, although, as pointed out by
Reynolds (1992: 282), start-up rates tend to be higher in urban areas than elsewhere,
suggesting that agglomeration may matter for start-up rates. Agglomeration may have
negative effects on start-up rates once an industry level perspective is taken, since
incumbents in an industry might reduce what has been termed ‘market room’ or market
potential. Evidence from the Belgian retail industry suggests that start-ups in this
industry are affected by this market room (Carree and Dejardin 2007).
Firm level/individual level studies generally point to the importance of human capital,
which has been confirmed as important for start-up rates in a number of theoretical
models discussed in Section 2.1. Kim et al. (2006: 9) recognize that educational
achievement may act as a signal for quality of human capital as it provides specific
skills which will be needed in the new venture, it raises the status of the recipient, and it
acts as a sorting mechanism. These benefits of human capital are important as
mechanisms for reducing or overcoming frictions related to finance (educated
entrepreneurs may find it easier to obtain credit), marketing (skilled entrepreneurs can
better identify their market niche), network forming (educated entrepreneurs may have
higher social standing and so better networks) (see also Backes-Gellner and Werner
2007). Indeed, evidence has been found to substantiate the view of ‘entrepreneurial
ability’ in the Evans and Jovanovic (1989)-type models as overcoming frictions due to
imperfect capital markets. This reflects the view that ‘one cannot invoke capital market
imperfections to explain deficiencies of entrepreneurship... for part of the role of an
entrepreneur is precisely to overcome such factor-market imperfections’ (Leff 1979:
Related to human capital, but less easy to quantify or measure, is the effect of cultural
factors and the entrepreneurs’ background. A number of studies have found that
children whose parents were entrepreneurs are more likely to become entrepreneurs
themselves (Giannetti and Simonov 2004; Dunn and Holtz-Eakin 2000; Davidsson and
Honig 2003). However, for other cultural factors the evidence may be mixed. Research
based on the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSID) in the USA found that
cultural background was not a significant determinant of entrepreneurial entry, but that
education and experience was (Kim et al. 2006: 18).
In the literature, the notion of start-up costs feature importantly (e.g., Mesnard and
Ravallion 2005; Fonseca et al. 2001; 2007). These costs are seen as general costs such
as legal compliance, red-tape, etc. to be incurred in formalising a business. Fonseca
et al. (2007) use data from nine countries to find support for the view that start-up cost
weakens the relationship between wealth and start-up rates.
Other determinants of start-up rates that have been identified on a firm level in the
literature include tax rates. Reynolds (1992: 282) report that earlier USA studies have
found that only property tax rates had a significantly negative effect on start-ups, with
income tax being insignificant as a determinant or friction in the start-up process. More
recently however Gentry and Hubbard (2000) found that progressive marginal tax rates
discourage start-up rates and that the size of this effect will depend on the gap between
taxes on wages and taxes on profits (assuming that there are no better opportunities for
tax evasion in self-employment than in wage employment).
Finally, a large literature focuses on the effects of wealth and financial constraints of
entrepreneurial start-ups, stemming from the work of Evans and Jovanovic (1989) and
Banerjee and Newman (1993). In their models, individual wealth is a significant
predictor of the probability to start a firm, and this is interpreted as due to credit market
While capital requirements are significant in the earlier studies reported by Reynolds
(1992) and summarized in Table 1, the overall empirical evidence for the significance of
financial constraints on start-ups have been mixed and on the negative side (Kim et al.
2006: 7; Munshi 2007; Paulson et al. 2006). Furthermore, Lloyd-Ellis and Bernhardt
(2000: 160) point out that the frequent complaints by entrepreneurs captured in surveys
about lack of access to finance ‘often masks technical and managerial inadequacies’. In
fact, some authors doubt whether financial constraints are that binding on start-ups, and
see it to be more important in the expansion of existing businesses rather than in the
creation of new firms (Estrin et al. 2006: 702). Kim et al. (2006: 7) have also noted that
start-up requirements, even in developed countries, may be quite low—so that they can
be met through own savings, credit from family members and informal borrowing. In
the words of Hurst and Lusardi (2004: 321) ‘even if some households that want to start
small businesses are currently constrained in their borrowing, such constraints are not
empirically important in deterring the majority of small business formation in the
United States’.
Second, Banerjee and Newman (1993) suggest increased start-up rates (self-
employment) as economic development levels improves, due to the fact that individuals
now have on average greater access to financial resources. Empirical evidence from the
GEM survey found however that there is a U-shaped relationship between start-up rates
and level of economic development as measured through per capita income (Wennekers
et al. 2005). Thus, in poor countries, start-up rates are high, and when a country
develops, the start-up rate falls as more opportunities for (safer) wage-employment are
created (Iyigun and Owen 1999: 454). After a certain threshold is reached, start-up rates
start to increase again. The threshold that is relevant here refers to structural changes in
the economy: much of the increases in start-ups in richer countries have been due to the
development of the services sector, as well as due to changes in the structure of demand,
as consumers demand more individualized goods where economies of scale do not
apply (Wennekers et al. 2005; Bosma et al. 2005). This suggests that macro level factors
such as the state of wage employment and the structure of the regional economy are
important determinants of the start-up rate.
3 The model
Most of the studies into start-ups as surveyed in the previous section have focused on
particular determinants or obstacles to start-ups. They have also, despite the fact that
most empirical studies of determinants have made use of regional data, not explicitly
considered the regional (spatial) dimensions of the decision to start up a firm. In the
model that we set out in this section, we attempt to address these shortcomings by
constructing a general model that explains the most salient determinants of start-ups,
and by incorporating a regional (spatial) dimension. The latter is based on the notion
that when different regions (space) of a country are introduced into a model, it allows
for space to permit regional monopolies of products and services to come into existence,
wherein entrepreneurs can fulfil the functions of creating (innovating) new goods and
services and imitating goods and services from other regions (arbitrage/disequilibrium).
Thus our entrepreneur acts according to both the Schumpeterian and Kirznerian notions
of entrepreneurship.
In our model entrepreneurs start up small firms which we assume supply intermediate
goods to a final goods sector. Intermediate goods include activities such as services,
maintenance work, craft and trade, transport and logistics, commerce activities, and
engineering. These small firm activities are local, and offered to the local producer of
the final product. In treating start-ups as providers of intermediate goods, our model is
related to that of Ciccone and Matsuyama (1996: 34) who show that if a particular
(regional) economy produces a limited range of intermediate goods, the final
(consumer) goods sector will be characterized as ‘primitive’ in production methods and
will have little demand for sophisticated, new inputs. This will lead to lower incentives
for potential entrepreneurs to start-up new firms. The economy can get stuck in such an
underdevelopment trap with primitive production in its (small) modern sector. They also
point out that there might, in such an ‘underdevelopment trap’ be a case for assistance to
new start-ups since these can provide both pecuniary and technological externalities if
they start producing new intermediate goods—which will induce final good producers
to demand more of these (which will improve the incentives for other entrepreneurs to
start up firms due to greater demand and the example provided in the application of new
technology). In their model, as in ours, start-ups face positive start-up costs which
include the costs of developing a product variation and all other cost of bringing a new
good to the market.
final product Y of the region is produced with local human capital H and N local
intermediate inputs xij supplied by N, the small, local firms. We also assume here human
capital is immobile between regions.
The production function3 for the representative local final product producing firm i is
Yi = AH 1−α
i ∑ ( x )α
j =1
where A represents the degree of urbanization. It represents the positive external effects
from localization and urbanization economies on the firm’s total factor productivity.
Growth is driven by an expansion in N, denoting the number of small firms in the
market and hence the number of different intermediate goods available. Suppose that all
private firms have the same size, xij = xi (which is true in equilibrium) then the quantity
of output is given by Yi = AH i1−α Nxiα which is a positive function on N. In order to focus
on determinants of start-ups the final output sector can be modelled rather simply.
Specifically, we propose a continuum of final good producing firms supplying to a
competitive final goods market in the closest urban centre available to the firms in the
specified region. The market price for the final good is given at price P.
Firms producing the final good maximize profits according to the profit function
Π Yi = PYi − υ H i − ∑ p j xij with pj denoting the price of intermediate inputs xij and υ
denoting the human capital wage rate. For simplicity we omit the representative firms
index i and assume the market for human capital to be competitive. Using the first order
conditions we can derive the demand for intermediate inputs, namely
⎛ PAα ⎞1−α
xj = H ⎜ ⎟⎟ (2)
⎜ pj
⎝ ⎠
⎛ PY ⎞
υ = (1 − α ) ⎜ ⎟
⎝ H ⎠ (3)
A start-up firm will offer a new intermediate product variation to the final output sector.
Each product variation has certain properties that make the variation unique compared
to other already existing variations. In order to get the new product to the market, the
start-up firm has to invest in start-up costs. Start-up costs are a barrier to entry to the
3 This specification of a production function originates from Ethier (1982). Similarly, Romer (1987)
used this specification to model technological change and growth, driven by newly invented variations
of productive inputs.
market and by overcoming these, the entrepreneur opens up a new market segment.
Start-up costs include all costs such as initial capital endowment information and
organization and management costs, administrative costs, costs of learning, cost of
acquiring and developing a business idea and business plan suitable to obtain finance
from a financial intermediation.
In this model we assume that start-up costs χ are determined by the degree of
urbanization A and the density of product variations already in the market indicated by
the density of competitors of the SME δ = N / Y . With an increasing density of
competitors, it becomes more difficult and hence costly to set up a new variety. For the
urbanization parameter A both, a negative as well as a positive effect can be possible.
An increasing degree of urbanization will increase the potential ability of the final
product sector to absorb additional varieties. However, more urbanization also may lead
to increasing congestion. Hence at this stage, we leave it open if one or the other effect
is dominant
χ = χ (δ , A) = ε ( A)δ
In addition to start-up costs there are permanent costs to operate the business. These
costs are denoted by cx. These can also include the opportunity costs of starting a firm
and becoming self-employed. Due to these start-up costs, once a small firm is set up it
will remain the only supplier for the specific good and remain a monopolist for the
specific product variation.
Since there is no immediate income, start-up costs must be credit financed at the loan
rate rl. We assume that external financing is the only viable option. To simplify, we
assume a firm that revolves loans infinitely and services interest only (i.e., Ponzi finance
is excluded). Denoting the deposit rate rd, the present value of set-up costs (Vs) including
finance is
Vs = χ (δ , A)
rd (4)
Due to barriers of entry and costs of challenging an existing market, every new firm can
act as a local monopoly. Each period’s profits are determined by the price of the product
variation pj and the periodic costs cx . These periodic operating costs per x are assumed
to be the only production costs per unit output of the intermediate good. These costs
may also include opportunity costs of being an entrepreneur or a satisfying
entrepreneurial net income which is instantaneously consumed. Hence net periodic
profits are π xj = p j − cxj and the expected net present value of such a monopoly Vm is
EVm (t ) = (1 − ϑ ) ∫ ( p j − cxj ) x j e
− rd (υ ,t ) (υ −t )
where ϑ represents the given individual probability of business failure and (1 − ϑ ) is an
indicator for market opportunities and hence the probability of success. Monopoly
profits are maximized by the optimal choice of the intermediate good price pj4
pj =
α (6)
EVm (t ) =
(1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) H ⎛⎜ ( PAα )
1+α ⎞
rd ⎜ ( c )α ⎟
⎝ x ⎠ (7)
As long as there is no steady state equilibrium, start-up entrepreneurs realize a net rent.
However, in a steady state equilibrium the net present value of the new firm will just
cover total set-up costs which are Vs=Vm. Thus periodic monopoly rents are eventually
fully distributed as income of the entrepreneur and under competition used to finance
start-up costs. We can extend this to take into account non-pecuniary benefits of
entrepreneurship but for the sake of simplicity leave this for future elaboration.
With respect to financial markets, start-up activities from the private small business
sector lead to a perfectly elastic loan demand5
rl =
(1 − ϑ )(1 − α ) 2 1−αα 1−−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α
H P c α A
ε ( A) (8)
3.4 Households
The description of households linked to the final output sector is standard. The
representative household maximizes a constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility
C t1−θ − 1 − ρt
U =∫ e dt
with ρ denoting the time preference and 1/θ indicating the intertemporal elasticity of
substitution. As the aggregate income flow consists of interest income from deposits
Drd and rental income υH, the budget constraint is given by
Drd + υH = C + S = C + D .
This income can be consumed or saved on deposits. Optimization results in the familiar
Ramsey rule
rd − ρ
γC =
The problem of small firms being credit rationed can be more severe in remote regions
of a country where sometimes no more than one or two operating banking groups exist,
and where monitoring costs can be prohibitively large. Also, proximity to banks in
lagging regions is often limited. As a consequence access to formal bank borrowing
may be an obstacle to the start-up of small businesses, with entrepreneurs having to
consider other, more informal, options to obtain start-up funding (Mason and Harrison
However, a weakness of informal finance is that the informal financial sector tends to
have a highly concentrated structure (Montiel et al. 1993: 1). A region with a high
concentration market power by financial intermediaries (formal and informal) will face
high credit rationing of start-ups. Hence, this region will have low start-up rates, low
investment, and overall lower economic growth than regions with better access (less
concentration, more collateral). Over time this differential access to financial
intermediation can lead to widening income inequalities between different regions
(Orford et al. 2003: 17).
π b = (1 − ϑ ) rl K b − rd ( D) Db − cb K b − c
where rd(D) is the deposit demand function and D denotes total deposits in the region,
and ϑ is the expected default rate of the loans given to SMEs. As the bank modelled as
a pure intermediary the balance sheet of the bank can be written as Kb = Db when the
bank maximizes profits subject to the balance sheet constraint. Then, the first order
condition (FOC) is
∂π dr ∂D
= (1 − ϑ ) rl − rd ( D) + d Db − cb = 0
∂Db dD ∂Db
Rearranging the FOC and using the definition of total deposits (D = BDb) and the
definition of the elasticity of the deposit demand function
dD rd
η =− = const.
drd D
⎛ 1 ⎞
rd = ( (1 − ϑ ) rl − cb ) ⎜1 + ⎟
⎝ Bη ⎠ (11)
The solution of the banks’ optimization problem gives a region’s loan-deposit rate
spread. As can be seen from Equation (11) a region’s spread is determined by two
factors, namely the costs of monitoring (c) and the concentration of banks measured by
the index (1+1/Bη). A lower number of banks in a region will increase the concentration
of financial intermediaries and widen the interest spread.
In theory we are free to go one step further by looking at full market equilibrium. We
would endogenously determine the number of banks and apply the zero profit condition
to the banking sector. This would take away the pressure for market entry by additional
banks. But, as we would like to focus on the number of banks rather than on some
additional factors which might determine this number and the interest spread in the
market, we end our analysis of the financial intermediation at this stage.
So far we have three central equations to solve for. First, we have a fully elastic loan
demand function (see Equation 8)
rd − ρ
γc = (Ramsey Rule)
Third, from the financial sector characterized by concentration (defined as a small
number of banks) we obtain the loan-deposit rate spread (see Equation 11) for the
supply of loans by banks. Hence, we obtain the loan supply function
⎛ 1 ⎞
rd = ((1 − ϑ ) rl − cb ) ⎜1 + ⎟ (Loan Supply Curve)
⎝ Bη ⎠
Proposition 1: The loan demand function (8), the loan supply function of the banking
sector (11), and the Ramsey Rule (9) determine the steady state growth rate of the SME
sector γ N as well as the regional growth process in general γ Y (14):6
The resulting equilibrium for the particular region can be graphically illustrated as in
Figure 1. Equations (8) and (11) represent the economy in the loan market and with (9),
and the steady state assumption we can determine the steady state growth rate for the
number of start-ups in the region, as well as the growth rate of the region in general (see
Proposition 1).
4 Implications
4.1 Education
Proposition 2: An increase in human capital in the region will raise the rate of start-
dγ N
ups: >07
The importance of education for start-ups builds on the spill-over models following
Lucas (1988). It suggests that entrepreneurial start-up rates will be higher in localities
that have a relatively highly educated population and an economic environment
favourable to the accumulation of knowledge.
The education level in a region or country (e.g., as measured by the proportion of the
population with a particular qualification) has a clear effect on the equilibrium growth
rate of start-ups in our model, as is illustrated in Figure 1b. Increasing human capital
will increase marginal productivity of intermediates in the final product sector. Hence
the demand for intermediates increases, and the Net Present Value of each product
variation potentially increases. As a result, small firms are able to pay a higher loan
rate—this results in the loan demand function shifting upwards in Figure 1b. With
increasing deposit rates in credit market equilibrium, the supply of financial resources
will increase and hence also the start-up rate of new businesses.
Proposition 3: Any factor that improves the profits of start-up firms will raise the start-
dγ N
up rate: >08
dπ j
An important assumption in the model is that start-up firms are local monopolies for
product variations of intermediate goods in their region. For these firms the present
value of the sum of positive periodic profits [π xj = ( p j − c xj )x j ] is maximized. If these
periodic profits increase due to, for instance, decreasing periodic costs ( c x ), start-ups
are able to pay higher loan rates. In this case, the loan demand curve in Figure 1b shifts
upwards. With a higher deposit rate start-ups have better access to financial sources and
the growth of the number of start-ups will accelerate.
As far as the business environment is concerned, our model captures these by the start-
up success rate (1 − ϑ ) . The value of (1 − ϑ ) may differ for a variety of reasons—such as
uncertainty, political instability, including a deterioration in the quality of entrepreneurs.
Opportunities for start-ups to supply intermediaries are particularly positive if the
industry sector is in good shape. However, in this model, the failure rate is exogenous.
With a decreasing rate of failure, the start-up firms would be able to finance a higher
loan rate and the loan demand curve in Figure 1b shifts upwards. Further, from the view
point of the banks a decreasing default rate would increase the deposit rate the banks are
able to pay and hence let the loan supply curve turn right. The banks are able to offer a
higher deposit rate for each loan rate. The total effect is an increase in the growth rate of
For the ‘once-off’ start-up costs χ we assume that these costs are determined by the
degree of urbanization A and the density of start-up (small firm) competitors δ = N / Y
and hence product variations already in the market. With a higher density of
competitors, it becomes more difficult and hence costly to set up a new variety (e.g.,
more needs to be spent on finding an additional niche).
Thus, for the urbanization parameter A both a negative as well as a positive effect can
be possible. An increasing degree of urbanization will increase the potential ability of
the final product sector to absorb additional varieties. Increasing urbanization also may
lead to increasing congestion. Hence at this stage, we leave it open if one or the other
effect is dominant.
1987 and Lucas 1988). A large strand of the literature deals with the benefits of
agglomeration for the birth and growth of new firms (see e.g., Tödtling and
Wanzenböck 2003: 352–3). However, there are other factors, often ignored in the
literature, which can work in the opposite direction. With increasing economic size and
density congestion costs will increase. Congestion costs include higher levels of
competition and barriers to entry and can also reflect a failure of small start-up firms to
benefit from knowledge spill-overs due to agglomeration (Acs and Varga 2004).
Tödtling and Wanzenböck (2003: 353) identify another channel through which
increasing agglomeration can have a discouraging effect on start-ups, namely through
the establishment of ‘lock-in’ situations due to industrial specialization. They point to
the dominance of sectors with high entry barriers and the absence of specialized
business services needed for new firm start-ups.
In our model both, benefits and disadvantages of urbanization and agglomeration via
increasing congestion costs, are covered. An increase in A is beneficial as long as
positive externalities overcompensate potentially increasing congestion costs. In this
case the loan demand curve shifts upward with an increasing A. Increasing congestion
costs indicated by ηε , A are covered by the parameter ε(A) which potentially raises start-
up costs with an increase in the agglomeration parameter A. If congestions costs become
high enough the loan demand curve in Figure 1b shifts downwards.
Which effect will dominate may largely be an empirical question, and differ between
localities. Naudé et al. (2008) find evidence of congestion effects in the metropolitan
areas of South Africa.
We illustrate the effect of access to finance (and bank concentration) with the help of
Figure 1b. In the figure concentration of market power is indicated by the number of
banks B operating in the local financial market. This reflects bank concentration and
monopoly power, as well as the physical proximity of entrepreneurs to banks. With a
decreasing number of banks (increased physical proximity) and an increasing local
market power the loan supply curve shifts upwards in Figure 1b. The equilibrium
spreads and loan rate increases and hence the start-up rate declines due to more
expensive loans. It can be noted that a similar effect will occur, if for some reason, a
bank’s monitoring costs increase—which could result if the number of potential
entrepreneurs which can be serviced by each branches increases. Increasing financial
concentration and lower proximity to a bank would therefore be a friction that reduces
the start-up rate of firms.
5 Concluding remarks
Start-up rates differ significantly between countries and within regions of the same
country. A large empirical literature studies the reasons for this and attempts to identify
the regional determinants of start-ups, and the obstacles or impediments to start-ups
across different regions. However, the theoretical literature which attempts the formal
modelling of the start-up process within a region and its impact on regional growth is
much smaller. In this paper, we try to contribute to this small literature by introducing a
general endogenous growth model of the entrepreneurial start-up process. The model
links start-up frictions to economic growth and can be applied to understand growth in a
regional context.
Our model has two crucial ‘foundational’ assumptions. We assume that when spatial
considerations come into play, alert entrepreneurs can identify region specific
opportunities and by utilizing these become local monopolists. In doing this they can
imitate technological innovations from other regions, or innovate. We also assume that
these entrepreneurs are especially active in supplying intermediate goods and services to
final good producers. This distinction has been shown in the literature to be important to
link entrepreneurs with qualitative and structural economic change in a region. It allows
us to relate increases in the number of start-ups (which correspond to greater diversity in
intermediate goods) to increases in economic growth.
We set out to provide a basic general theoretical model that could account for the start-
up process in a manner that allows for regional distinctions. Further extensions could
include linking it to the structural economic transformation experienced by economies
as they develop (so that start-ups not only influence the economic growth rate, but also
the structural composition and rate of urbanization in the economy), by allowing for
growth in firm sizes, and to model the process of firm exit.
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Appendix 1a: Maximize the expected present value of the cash flow, of the new firm including
probability of success 1 − and failure :
EV m t 1 − p j − c x x j e −r d v,tv−t dv 0,
1 −
r d p j − c x Hi p j
dEV m
max : EV m t → 0
pj dp j
1 − 1 − −1
1 1
dEV m
A 1−
− 1 p j − c x H A
dp j rd H p j 1 − rd pj
p j 2
1 − A
p j − c x 1
1− 0
r d Hi p j 1 − pj
p j cx
d j
Determining the resulting periodic profit: j and profit reactions: dc x
j p j − c x x j with c x c̄ x
1 − 1 c x H A 2 1−
1 1
1 − HA 1− 1− c x1−
d j 1 1 −
−HA 1− 1− c x 1−
dc x
EV m 1 r− p j − c x H A
d pj
1 r− c x
1 − 1H A 2 1−
d cx
− 1
1 r− c x1− 1 − −1 H 2 1− A 1− c x 1− 1−
1 1 1
1 r− c x 1− 1 − HA 1− − 1− 1−
1 1− 2
1 r− 1 − H A
1 1−
d cx
− 1
A − 1− −
1− 1− r l 1 − 1 − H 2 A 1 1−
cx c x
− −2
13 2
AP 1− r l 1 − 1 − H2 c x1− 1− A 1−
1 − 1 − 2 1−
13 2
rl H P c x1− 1− A 1−
Proof of Proposition 1:
⎛ 1 ⎞ rd − ρ
rd = ( (1 − ϑ ) rl − cb ) ⎜ 1 + ⎟, γC =
⎝ Bη ⎠ θ
⎛ ⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞ ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞
= ⎜ (1 − ϑ ) ⎜ H P cx α A ⎟⎟ − cb ⎟⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟
⎜ ⎜ ε ( A)
⎝ ⎝ ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ Bη ⎠
⎛ (1−ϑ )2 (1−α ) 2 1−α −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞
⎜ ε ( A) H P cx α A − cb ⎟ (1 + Bη ) − ρ
γ N = γC = ⎝ ⎠
1 ⎡⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞⎛ ⎤
1 ⎞
γ N = ⎢⎜ H P cx α A − cb ⎟ ⎜1 + − ρ ⎥
θ ⎢⎜⎝ ε ( A) ⎟ ⎝ Bη ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎠
Y AH1− Nx → Ẏ AH1− x Ṅ → Y Y N
d N
Appendix 2: Show positive relation between N and potential human capital H , dH
Proof of Proposition 2:
1 ⎡⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞⎛ ⎤
1 ⎞
γ N = ⎢⎜ H P cx α A − cb ⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟ − ρ ⎥
θ ⎢⎝⎜ ε ( A) ⎟ Bη ⎠
⎣ ⎠⎝ ⎦⎥
d γ N 2 ⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) ⎞⎛
−2 α 1+3α 1 ⎞
HP cx1−α α 1−α A1−α
= ⎜ ⎟ ⎜1 +
dH θ ⎜ ε ( A) ⎟ ⎝ Bη ⎟⎠
⎝ ⎠
Appendix 3: show a positive relation between N and potential periodic monopoly profits j ,
d N
if e.g. costs of running the business will decrease c x : d j
Proof of proposition 3:
1 ⎡⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎤
γN = ⎢⎜⎜ H P cx α A − cb ⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟
⎟ ⎝ Bη ⎠
− ρ⎥
θ ⎣⎢⎝ ε ( A) ⎠ ⎦⎥
1 − 1 − 2 1−
− 1
dN − 1 2 1 1 dc x
13 2
H P c x 1− 1− A 1−
1− A B
1 1 −
d j
d j −HA 1− 1− c xj 1− dc xj → dc xj −
1 −
HA 1− 1− c x 1−
1 − 2 1−
− 1 d j
dN 2 H P c x 1− 1− A 1− 1 1
13 2
A B 1 1 − 1
HA 1− 1− c x 1−
dN 1 −
2 HP 1− c x 1− 1− A 1− 1 1
2 1
d j A B
Appendix 4: show a negative relation between N and business environment indicated by the
d N
risk of failure : d
Proof of proposition 4:
1 ⎡⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞⎛ ⎤
1 ⎞
γN = ⎜ ⎢ H P cx α A − cb ⎟ ⎜1 + ⎟ − ρ⎥
θ ⎢⎝⎜ ε ( A) ⎟ ⎝ Bη ⎠
⎠ ⎥⎦
dγ N 2 ⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
=− ⎜ H P cx α A ⎟ ⎜ 1 + ⎟<0
dϑ θ⎝ ⎜ ε ( A) ⎟
⎠ ⎝ Bη ⎠
Appendix 5: Show an ambiguous relation between N and degree of urbanization and
d N
agglomeration A : dA
Proof of proposition 5:
1 ⎡⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞⎛ ⎤
1 ⎞
γ N = ⎢⎜ H P cx α A − cb ⎟ ⎜1 + − ρ ⎥
θ ⎢⎜⎝ ε ( A) ⎟ ⎝ Bη ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎠
1− 2 1− 13 2
H2 P 1− c x1− 1−
A 1−
dN 1 1 1 dA
B 1− 2 1−
13 2
− H P2 1−
cx 1−
1− A 1−
A 2 dA
1 1 1 1 − r l 2 1 − 1 − r 1 d dA
B 1− A l
A dA
1 1 1 1 − r l 2 −
dA A B 1−
Proof of proposition 6:
1 ⎡⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞⎛ ⎤
1 ⎞
γ N = ⎢⎜ H P cx α A − cb ⎟ ⎜1 + − ρ ⎥
θ ⎢⎝⎜ ε ( A) ⎟ ⎝ Bη ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦
⎣ ⎠
1 ⎛ (1 − ϑ ) (1 − α ) 2 1−αα −1−2αα 11+−3αα 1−2α ⎞
dγ N
=− 2 ⎜ H P cx α A − cb ⎟
dB θ B η ⎜⎝ ε ( A) ⎟