ISO 717-2:2013 Acoustics - Rating of Sound Insulation in Buildings and of Building Elements - Impact Sound Insulation

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This standard aims to standardize a method to convert frequency-dependent impact sound insulation values into a single number rating. It defines quantities for impact sound insulation in buildings and floors.

The purpose of ISO 717 is to standardize a method whereby the frequency-dependent values of impact sound insulation can be converted into a single number characterizing the acoustical performance.

ISO 717 consists of the following parts, under the general title Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements: — Part 1: Airborne sound insulation — Part 2: Impact sound insulation

ISO 717-2:2013

Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements —

Part 2:

Impact sound insulation


ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 717-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, Subcommittee SC 2, Building

This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 717-2:1996), which has been technically
revised. It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 717-2:1996/Amd. 1:2006.

The purpose of this revised version is to:

— allow weighting steps of 0,1 dB to be used for expression of uncertainty;

— update references.

ISO 717 consists of the following parts, under the general title Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in
buildings and of building elements:

— Part 1: Airborne sound insulation

— Part 2: Impact sound insulation

© ISO 2013 – All rights reserved v


Methods of measurement of impact sound insulation in buildings and of building elements have been
standardized in ISO 10140-3 and ISO 140-7. These methods give values for the impact sound insulation
which are frequency dependent. The purpose of this part of ISO 717 is to standardize a method whereby
the frequency-dependent values of impact sound insulation can be converted into a single number
characterizing the acoustical performance.

The method has been widely used since 1968. However, since there is some evidence that it could be
improved, a spectrum adaptation term is added and it is recommended that experience be gathered
with this.

References to standards which provide data for single-number evaluation are meant to be examples and
not complete surveys.

ii © ISO 2013 – All rights reserved

Acoustics — Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of
building elements —
Part 2:
Impact sound insulation

1 Scope
This part of ISO 717:

a) defines single-number quantities for impact sound insulation in buildings and of floors;

b) gives rules for determining these quantities from the results of measurements carried out in one-third-
octave bands in accordance with ISO 10140-3 and ISO 140-7, and in octave bands in accord-ance with
that option in ISO 140-7 for field measurements only;

c) defines single-number quantities for the impact sound reduction of floor coverings and floating floors
calculated from the results of measurements carried out in accordance with ISO 10140-3;

d) specifies a procedure for evaluating the weighted reduction in impact sound pressure level by floor
coverings on lightweight floors.

The single-number quantities in accordance with this part of ISO 717 are intended for rating impact
sound insulation and for simplifying the formulation of acoustical requirements in building codes. An
additional single-number evaluation in steps of 0,1 dB is indicated for the expression of uncertainty
(except for spectrum adaptation terms).The required numerical values of the single-number quantities
are specified according to varying needs.

The rating of results from measurements carried out over an enlarged frequency range is described in
Annex A.

A method for obtaining single-number quantities for bare heavy floors according to their performance
in combination with floor coverings is described in Annex B.

An example of the calculation of a single-number quantity is given in Annex C.

2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 140-7:1998, Acoustics — Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements —
Part 7: Field measurements of impact sound insulation of floors

ISO 10140-1, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 1:
Application rules for specific products

ISO 10140-3:2010, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements —

Part 3: Measurement of impact sound insulation

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ISO 10140-5, Acoustics — Laboratory measurement of sound insulation of building elements — Part 5:
Requirements for test facilities and equipment

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

single-number quantity for impact sound insulation rating derived from one-third-octave band
value of the relevant reference curve at 500 Hz after shifting it in accordance with the method specified
in this part of ISO 717

Note 1 This quantity is expressed in decibels.

single-number quantity for impact sound insulation rating derived from octave band
value of the relevant reference curve at 500 Hz after shifting it in accordance with the method specified
in this part of ISO 717, reduced by 5 dB

Note 1 Terms and symbols for the single-number quantity used depend on the type of measurement.
Examples are listed in Table 1 for impact sound insulation properties of building elements and in Table 2 for
impact sound insulation between rooms in buildings.

Note 2 In order to distinguish clearly between values with and without flanking transmission, primed symbols

(e.g. Ln ) are used to denote values obtained with flanking transmission.

Note 3 This quantity is expressed in decibels.

weighted reduction in impact sound pressure level
difference between the weighted normalized impact sound pressure levels derived with a bare heavy
reference floor or with a lightweight reference floor without and with a floor covering, obtained in
accordance with the method specified in this part of ISO 717

Note 1 The quantity derived with a bare heavy reference floor is denoted by ΔLw and is expressed in decibels.

Note 2 The quantity derived with a bare heavy reference floor is denoted by ΔLt,w and is expressed in decibels.
According to the type of reference floor it may be denoted by ΔLt1,w, ΔLt2,w, ΔLt3,w.

spectrum adaptation term
value, in decibels, to be added to the single-number quantity to take account of the unweighted impact
sound level, thereby representing the characteristics of typical walking noise spectra

equivalent weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of a bare heavy floor
sum of the weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of the bare floor under test with the
reference floor covering and the weighted reduction in impact sound pressure level of the reference
floor covering obtained in accordance with the method specified in this part of ISO 717

Note 1 This quantity is denoted by Ln,eq,0,w and is expressed in decibels.

Table 1 — Single-number quantities of impact sound insulation properties of floors

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Derived from one-third-octave band values
Defined in
Single-number quantity Term and symbol
Weighted normalized impact sound Normalized impact sound pressure
ISO 10140-3:2010 Formula (1)
pressure level, Ln,w level, Ln

Table 2 — Single-number quantities of impact sound insulation between rooms in buildings

Derived from one-third-octave band values or octave-band values
Defined in
Single-number quantity Term and symbol
Weighted normalized impact sound Normalized impact sound pressure
ISO 140-7:1998 Formula (2)
pressure level, L�
n,w level, L�

Weighted standardized impact Standardized impact sound

ISO 140-7:1998 Formula (3)
sound pressure level, L�
nT ,w pressure level, L�

4 Procedure for evaluating single-number quantities for impact sound

insulation rating


The values obtained in accordance with ISO 10140-3 and ISO 140-7 are compared with reference values
(see 4.2) at the frequencies of measurement within the range 100 Hz to 3 150 Hz for measurements in
one-third-octave bands or 125 Hz to 2 000 Hz for measurements in octave bands.

The comparison shall be carried out in accordance with 4.3.

4.2Reference values

The set of reference values used for comparison with measurement results shall be as given in Table 3.
The reference curves are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

NOTE The reference values for the octave bands 125 Hz to 1 000 Hz are equivalent to the energetic sum
(rounded to integers) of these for the relevant one-third-octave band values. The reference value for the octave
band 2 000 Hz has been reduced to take care of the one-third-octave band 3 150 Hz, which (for bare heavy floors)
may contribute considerably to the unfavourable deviations.

4.3Method of comparison

4.3.1 Measurements in one-third-octave bands

To evaluate the results of a measurement of Ln, L� �

n or LnT in one-third-octave bands, the measurement
data shall be given to one decimal place. 1 Shift the reference curve in increments of 1 dB (0,1 dB for the

1The different parts of ISO 140 state that the results shall be reported “to one decimal place”. However, if the octave or
one-third-octave values have been reported with more than one decimal digit, the values shall be reduced to one
decimal place before use in the calculation of the single number rating. This is done by taking the value in tenths of a
decibel closest to the reported values: XX,XYZ ZZ … is rounded to XX,X if Y is less than 5 and to XX,X  0,1 if Y is
equal to or greater than 5. Software developers should ensure that this reduction applies to the true input values and
not only to the displayed precision (as shown on the screen or printed on paper). Generally this can be implemented by
the following sequence of instructions: multiply the (positive) number XX,XYZ ZZ … by 10 and add 0,5, take the
integer part and then divide the result by 10. For further details see ISO 80000-1.[1]

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purpose of expression of uncertainty) towards the measured curve until the sum of unfavourable
deviations is as large as possible but not more than 32,0 dB.

An unfavourable deviation at a particular frequency occurs when the results of measurements exceed
the reference value. Only the unfavourable deviations shall be taken into account.

The value, in decibels, of the reference curve at 500 Hz, after shifting it in accordance with this
procedure, is Ln,w, L� �
n,w or LnT ,w respectively.

Table 3 — Reference values for impact sound

Reference values
Hz One-third-octave bands Octave bands
100 62
125 62 67
160 62
200 62
250 62 67
315 62
400 61
500 60 65
630 59
800 58
1 000 57 62
1 250 54
1 600 51
2 000 48 49
2 500 45
3 150 42
4.3.2 Measurements in octave bands

To evaluate the results of a measurement of L� �

n or LnT in octave bands, the measurement data shall be
given to one decimal place.1) Shift the reference curve in increments of 1 dB (0,1 dB for the purpose of
expression of uncertainty) towards the measured curve until the sum of unfavourable deviations is as
large as possible but not more than 10,0 dB.

The value, in decibels, of the reference curve at 500 Hz, after shifting it in accordance with this
procedure and then reducing it by 5 dB is L� �
n,w or LnT ,w , respectively.

An unfavourable deviation at a particular frequency occurs when the results of measurements exceed
the reference value. Take into account only the unfavourable deviations.

4.4Statement of results

The appropriate single-number quantity shall be given with reference to this part of ISO 717. The
results of measurements shall also be given in the form of a diagram as specified in ISO 10140-3 and
ISO 140-7.

The uncertainty of the weighted single-number quantities may also be stated. In this case the numbers
shall be given to one decimal place.

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Ln,w = 53,2 dB �0,8 dB

Spectrum adaptation terms do not have uncertainty values of their own.

For field measurements in accordance with ISO 140-7, it shall be stated whether the single-number
quantity is calculated from measuring results in one-third-octave bands or octave bands. In general,
there can be differences between single-number quantities calculated from one-third-octave or octave
band measurements of about ±1 dB. Ratings based on one-third-octave band measurements are

reference value frequency

Figure 1 — Curve of reference values for impact sound, one-third-octave bands

reference value frequency

Figure 2 — Curve of reference values for impact sound, octave bands

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5 Procedure for evaluating the weighted reduction in impact sound pressure
level by floor coverings on bare heavy floors


The reduction of impact sound pressure level (improvement of impact sound insulation), ΔL, of floor
coverings when tested on a homogeneous concrete slab floor as described in ISO 10140-1 is
independent of the normalized impact sound pressure level of the bare floor, Ln,0. However, the weighted
normalized impact sound pressure levels of the floor with and without a floor covering depend to some
extent on Ln,0. In order to obtain comparable values for ΔLw between laboratories, it is therefore
necessary to relate the measured values of ΔL to a reference floor.

5.2Reference floor

The reference floor is defined by the values for the normalized impact sound pressure level Ln,r,0 given in
Table 4.

Table 4 — Normalized impact sound pressure level

of the reference floor
Frequency Ln,r,0
Hz dB
100 67
125 67,5
160 68

200 68,5
250 69
315 69,5

400 70
500 70,5
630 71

800 71,5
1 000 72
1 250 72

1 600 72
2 000 72
2 500 72

3 150 72
The weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference floor, Ln,r,0,w, evaluated in
accordance with 4.3.1, is 78 dB.

NOTE The values given in Table 4 represent a straight-line idealization of the normalized impact sound
pressure level of a 120 mm homogeneous concrete floor slab, levelling off, as in the practical case, at frequencies
above 1 000 Hz.


Calculate the weighted reduction of impact sound pressure level ΔLw according to Formulae (1) and (2):

Ln,r = Ln,r,0 - DL (1)

8 Error: Reference source not found

DLw = Ln,r,0,w - L n,r,w = 78 dB - Ln,r,w (2)


Ln,r is the calculated normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference floor with
the floor covering under test;

Ln,r,0 is the defined normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference floor (see
Table 4);

ΔL is the reduction in impact sound pressure level measured in accordance with

ISO 10140-1;

Ln,r,w is the calculated weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference
floor with the floor covering under test;

Ln,r,0,w is obtained from Ln,r,0 in accordance with 4.3.1.

5.4Statement of results

The single-number quantity ΔLw shall be given with reference to this part of ISO 717. The results of
measurements shall also be given in the form of a diagram as specified in ISO 10140-1.

The uncertainty of ΔLw may also be stated. In this case the numbers shall be given to one decimal place.


DL w = 18,9 dB �0,8 dB

Spectrum adaptation terms do not have uncertainty values of their own.

The reduction in impact sound pressure level measured on a concrete floor slab as defined in
ISO 10140-1 and the single-number quantity ΔLw may only be used in connection with similar types of
massive floors (concrete, hollow concrete, hollow bricks, etc.); it is not appropriate for use on other
types of construction.

6 Procedure for evaluating the weighted reduction in impact sound pressure

level by floor coverings on lightweight floors


The reduction of impact sound pressure level (improvement of impact sound insulation), ΔLt,1, ΔLt,2, ΔLt,3,
of floor coverings when tested on one of the three lightweight reference floors as described in
ISO 10140-5 is independent of the normalized impact sound pressure level of the bare reference floor
Ln,t1,0, Ln,t2,0 and Ln,t3,0, respectively.

However, the weighted, normalized impact sound pressure levels of a lightweight floor with and without
a floor covering depend on the Ln,t,0 value for the bare floor on which the floor covering is used. In order
to obtain values for ΔLt,,w, which are comparable between laboratories and especially which can be used
to calculate the normalized impact sound pressure level of lightweight floors with the floor covering, it
is necessary to relate the measured values of ΔLt,1, ΔLt,2 and ΔLt,3 to the respective reference curves for
the lightweight floors in ISO 10140-5.

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6.2Reference curves for the reference lightweight floors used to calculate ΔLt,w

In ISO 10140-5, there are three different reference lightweight floors and, therefore, it is necessary to
define different types of reference curves for the calculation of ΔLt,w. The reference curves are defined by
the relevant values for Ln,t,r,0. Table 5 contains the reference values for Ln,t,r,0 along with the weighted,
normalized impact sound pressure levels for the different reference floors.

Table 5 — Normalized impact sound pressure level for the lightweight reference floors
Ln,t,r,0 Ln,t,r,0
Frequency for floors of type No 1 and for floors of type No. 3 in
No 2 in ISO 10140-5 ISO 10140-5
Hz dB dB
100 78 69
125 78 72
160 78 75
200 78 78
250 78 78
315 78 78
400 76 78
500 74 78
630 72 78
800 69 76
1 000 66 74
1 250 63 72
1 600 60 69
2 000 57 66
2 500 54 63
3 150 51 60
Weighted normalized impact 72 75
sound pressure level
Values of ΔLt,w calculated with the reference floor for type No. 1 or 2 shall be designated as ΔLt,1,w or
ΔLt,2,w respectively; values of ΔLt,w calculated with the reference floor for type No. 3 shall be designated
as ΔLt,3,w.


The calculation shall be carried out as specified in 5.3, substituting Table 5 for Table 4 and substituting
nothing else.

6.4Statement of results

The single number quantity ΔLt,1,w, ΔLt,2,w or ΔLt,3,w shall be given with reference to Clause 6. The results
of measurements shall be given in the form of a diagram as specified in ISO 10140-1.

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Annex A

Additional weighting procedure

This annex introduces an additional rating method by describing an adaptation term based on the
unweighted linear impact sound level.

The rating by Ln,w has been shown to be quite adequate in characterizing impact noise like walking for
wooden floors and concrete floors with effective coverings such as carpets or floating floors. However, it
insufficiently takes into account level peaks at single (low) frequencies, for instance with timber joist
floors, or the behaviour of bare concrete floors in this respect. There is clear evidence (see References
[2]–[5]) that the unweighted impact level of the tapping machine is more representative of the A-
weighted impact levels as caused by walking for all types of floor, while this rating is also more
restrictive to single noise peaks (replacing thereby the 8 dB rule which was used in ISO 717-2:1982.

Therefore an adaptation term CI is introduced to take this effect into account, given as a separate
number which cannot be confused with the value for Ln,w. This term is so defined that for massive floors
with effective coverings its value is about zero, while for timber joist floors with dominating low
frequency peaks it will be slightly positive. For concrete floors without cover or with less effective
covering, it will range from −15 dB to 0 dB.

If these effects are to be taken into account in requirements, these could be written as the sum of L�
and CI.

A.2Calculation of spectrum adaptation term

A.2.1 Spectrum adaptation term for impact sound level

The results of a measurement of Ln, L� �

n or LnT in one-third-octave bands in the frequency range 100 Hz
to 2 500 Hz or in octave bands in the frequency range 125 Hz to 2 000 Hz shall be given to one decimal
place, then added up on an energetic basis Ln,sum, L� �
n,sum or LnT ,sum and rounded to an integer.

NOTE The summation on an energetic basis is calculated for k frequency bands by

Lsum = 10 lg �10 i L /10
i =1

The resulting spectrum adaptation term CI is then calculated as an integer from one of Formulae (A.1) to

2XX,YZZ Z … is rounded to XX if Y is less than 5 and to XX 1 if Y is greater than or equal to 5. For further details
see ISO 80000-1.[1] Software implementers should be aware that calculation of the spectrum adaptation terms involves
floating-point calculations that are never exact and may incur rounding errors. In some rare cases, this may lead to a
difference of 1 dB or -1 dB in the final result. In order to avoid rounding errors, it is strongly recommended that the
highest possible machine accuracy available be used for floating-point representation and mathematical operations.

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C I = Ln,sum - 15 - Ln,w dB ) (A.1)

C I = L� ( �
n,sum - 15 - Ln,w dB ) (A.2)

C I = L� ( �
nT ,sum - 15 - LnT ,w dB ) (A.3)

NOTE Calculations of the spectrum adaptation term can additionally be carried out for an enlarged frequency
range (including 50 Hz + 63 Hz + 80 Hz). The term is then denoted as CI,50–2 500 or CI,63–2 000.

An example of the calculation of the single-number quantity and the adaptation term is given in
Annex C.

A.2.2 Spectrum adaptation term for the impact sound reduction of floor coverings

To gather experience in the field of the unweighted impact sound level in addition to the calculation of
the weighted reduction in impact sound pressure level ΔLw based on the reference curve (Figure 1), a
spectrum adaptation term for flat response for the impact sound reduction may be determined and
stated. This spectrum adaptation term CIΔ is calculated from

C ID = C I,r,0 - C I,r (A.4)


CI,r is the spectrum adaptation term for the reference floor with the floor covering under test;

CI,r,0 is the spectrum adaptation term for the reference floor with Ln,r,0 in accordance with A.2.1
(CI,r,0 = −11 dB).

A single-number reduction based on the unweighted linear impact sound pressure level ΔLlin may be
calculated from

DLlin = Ln,r,0,w  C I,r,0 - (Ln,r,w  C I,r ) = DLw  C I,D (A.5)


Ln,r,w is the calculated normalized impact sound pressure level of the reference floor with
the floor covering under test;

Ln,r,0,w is obtained from Ln,r,0 in accordance with 4.3.1 (Ln,r,0,w = 78 dB).

A.2.3 Spectrum adaptation term for the impact sound reduction of floor coverings on lightweight

To gather experience with the unweighted impact sound level for lightweight floors, a spectrum
adaptation term for flat response for the impact sound reduction may also be calculated for the floor
coverings on lightweight floors. The spectrum adaptation term, CIΔ,t, is calculated from Formula (A.6):

C ID ,t = C I,t,r,0 - C I,t,r (A.6)


CI,t,r is the spectrum adaptation term for the reference floor with the floor covering under

12 Error: Reference source not found

CI,t,r,0 is the spectrum adaptation term for the reference floor with Ln,t,r,0 — it takes the value
0 dB for the reference curve for floors of type Nos. 1 and 2 and −3 dB for the reference
curve for floors of type No. 3.

Values of CIΔ,t calculated with the reference floor for type Nos. 1 or 2 shall be designated as CIΔ,t1 or CIΔ,t2.

Values of CIΔ,t calculated with the reference floor for type No. 3 shall be designated as CIΔ,t3.

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Annex B

Procedure for evaluating the equivalent weighted normalized impact sound

pressure level of bare heavy floors

For the rating of impact sound properties of floors in general, the weighted normalized impact sound
pressure level Ln,w is used. However, a bare concrete floor is seldom used without a floor covering.

Therefore in this annex a method to calculate an equivalent weighted normalized impact sound
pressure level for bare concrete floors is given to describe the impact sound insulation of a bare floor
with respect to the effect of a floor covering on this floor.

The equivalent weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of a bare heavy floor, Ln,eq,0,w (see 3.5),
can be used to calculate the weighted normalized impact sound pressure level Ln,w, of this bare floor
with a floor covering with known ΔLw, as follows:

Ln,w = Ln,eq,0,w - DLw (B.1)

NOTE It is possible to show that Ln,eq,0,w can be substituted by (Ln,0,w + CI,0 + 11) and that Ln,w for a bare floor
characterized by Ln,0,w with a covering characterized by ΔLw and ΔLlin is given by

Ln,w = Ln,0,w  C I,0  11 - DLw ) dB (B.2)


Ln,w  C I = Ln,0,w  C I,0 - DLlin ) Ln,0,w  C I,0 - ( DL w  C ID ) �
dB = �
� � dB (B.3)

where CI,0 is the spectrum adaptation term for the bare floor.

B.2Reference floor covering

The reference floor covering is defined by the values for the reduction of impact sound pressure level
(improvement of impact sound insulation), ΔLr, given in Table B.1.

The weighted reduction in impact sound pressure level of the reference floor covering, ΔLr,w, evaluated
in accordance with Clause 5, is 19 dB.

NOTE The values given in Table B.1 represent a straight-line idealization of the general shape of the
reduction in impact sound pressure level by a floor covering, with a slope of 12 dB per octave.

14 Error: Reference source not found

Table B.1 — Reduction in impact sound pressure level
of the reference floor covering
Frequency ΔLr
Hz dB
100 0
125 0
160 0
200 2
250 6
315 10
400 14
500 18
630 22
800 26
1 000 30
1 250 30
1 600 30
2 000 30
2 500 30
3 150 30

The equivalent weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of bare massive floors, Ln,eq,0,w, is
calculated using Formulae (B.4) and (B.5):

Ln,1 = Ln,0 - DLr (B.4)

Ln,eq,0,w = Ln,1,w  DLr,w = Ln,1,w  19 dB (B.5)


Ln,1 is the calculated normalized impact sound pressure level of the floor under test with the
reference floor covering;

Ln,0 is the normalized impact sound pressure level of the bare floor under test, measured in
accordance with ISO 10140-3;

ΔLr is the defined reduction in impact sound pressure level of the reference floor covering
(see Table B.1);

Ln,1,w is the calculated weighted normalized impact sound pressure level of the floor under
test with the reference floor covering and is obtained from Ln,1 in accordance with 4.3.

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Annex C

Examples of the evaluation of a single-number quantity

Examples are given of the evaluation of a single-number quantity based on the result of:

a) measurements in a laboratory with:

— determination of the impact sound level of a bare heavy floor, and of that floor with a floor covering
Table C.1),
— determination of the reduction in impact sound pressure level of the floor covering (Table C.2);
b) measurements in situ with determination of the impact sound level of the floor (Table C.3).

NOTE In these examples, the addition has been performed including 3 150 Hz, which is not in accordance
with the text: maximum is 2 500 Hz.

16 Error: Reference source not found

Table C.1 — Example: Measurements in a laboratory (in one-third-octave bands) on a bare heavy floor and on that floor with a floor covering, then
calculation of Ln,W and CI
Bare massive floor With floor covering
Reference values shifted by Unfavourable Reference values shifted by Unfavourable
fI Ln Ln
+19 dB deviation +4 dB deviation
Hz dB dB dB dB dB dB
100 62,1 81 — 59,1 66 —
125 63,2 81 — 59,5 66 —
160 63,5 81 — 61,6 66 —
200 66,2 81 — 63,2 66 —
250 68,5 81 — 65,3 66 —
315 70,0 81 — 66,5 66 0,5
400 71,7 81 — 67,7 65 2,7
500 73,1 79 — 67,0 64 3,0
630 73,8 78 — 67,1 63 4,1
800 73,5 77 — 66,5 62 4,5
1 000 73,8 76 — 66,1 61 5,1
1 250 73,3 73 0,3 62,5 58 4,5
1 600 73,1 70 3,1 57,9 55 2,9
2 000 73,0 67 6,0 52,7 52 0,7
2 500 72,4 64 8,4 47,0 49

3 150 71,2 61 10,2 48,0 46 2,0

Sum Sum
Ln,sum = 83,261 3... = 83 dB Ln,sum = 76,052 5... = 76 dB
28,0 < 32,0 30,0 < 32,0
CI = 83 − 15 − 79... = −11 dB CI = 76 − 15 − 64 = −3 dB
Ln,w = 79 dB Ln,w = 64 dB

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Table C.2 — Example: Measurements in a laboratory (in one-third-octave bands) on a floor covering on a standard floor, then calculation of ΔLw and

Bare floor With covering Reduction Reference floor Reduction Reference value Unfavourable
Ln,0 Ln ΔL = Ln,0 − Ln Ln,r,0 −ΔL(Ln,r) + 3 dB deviation
Hz dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
100 65,2 62,2 3,0 67,0 64,0 65 —
125 66,3 62,6 3,7 67,5 63,8 65 —
160 68,0 66,1 1,9 68,0 66,1 65 1,1
200 68,5 65,5 3,0 68,5 65,5 65 0,5
250 68,0 64,8 3,2 69,0 65,8 65 0,8
315 69,0 65,5 3,5 69,5 66,0 65 1,0
400 69,3 65,3 4,0 70,0 66,0 64 2,0
500 70,2 64,1 6,1 70,5 64,4 63 1,4
630 70,7 64,0 6,7 71,0 64,3 62 2,3
800 71,2 64,2 7,0 71,0 64,5 61 3,5
1 000 71,5 63,8 7,7 72,0 64,3 60 4,3
1 250 72,1 61,3 10,8 72,0 61,2 57 4,2
1 600 73,0 57,8 15,2 72,0 56,8 54 2,8
2 000 74,0 53,7 20,3 72,0 51,7 51 0,7
2 500 73,5 48,1 25,4 72,0 46,6 48 —
3 150 73,1 49,9 23,2 72,0 48,8 45 3,8
Ln,sum = 75,710 4... = 76 dB
28,4 < 32,0
CI = 76 − 15 − 63 = −2 dB
Ln,w,r = 63 dB
ΔLlin = 78 − 11 − (63 − 2) = 6 dB
ΔLw = 78 − 63 = 15 dB

18 Error: Reference source not found

Error: Reference source not found 19
Error: Reference source not found 1
Table C.3 — Example: Measurement in situ (in octave bands), then calculation of Ln,w and CI
Reference value shifted
fI Ln Unfavourable deviation
by −6 dB
Hz dB dB dB
125 65,3 61 4,3
250 64,5 61 3,5
500 58,0 59 —
1 000 55,8 56 —
2 000 43,0 43 —

Ln,sum = 68,596 14... = 69 dB
7,8 < 10,0 dB
CI = 69 − 15 − 54 = 0 dB
Ln,w = 54 dB

2 Error: Reference source not found


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