Lesson Plan Framework Mathematics Secondary Pre Calc 11
Lesson Plan Framework Mathematics Secondary Pre Calc 11
Lesson Plan Framework Mathematics Secondary Pre Calc 11
Big Idea(s):
Quadratic relationships are prevalent in the world around us.
Curricular Competencies:
● Explain and justify mathematical ideas and decisions in many ways
● Think creatively and with curiosity and wonder when exploring problems
● Reflect on mathematical thinking
● Connect mathematical concepts with each other, with other areas, and with personal
● Quadratic functions and equations - Transformations
● linear and quadratic inequalities
Constructivist Elements
Accessing Student Prior Knowledge and Experiences: Build upon the prior knowledge of
Students use graphic organizer with learning objectives so students are dialed into the
learning. Teacher shows images of linear equations to review from Pre-Calculus 10 while
explaining the relationships and then shows images of parabolic equations and asks where
they might see this motion represented in real life? Equations are introduced for a basic y=x2
image and students are asked to map out the values to see how the line is formed in an
activation activity.
Metacognition: How will students reflect question and think about their own thinking?
Students will record in a math journal about the activities done each day and what they took
away from each. In this lesson, the journal will focus on how equations are graphed out and
the changes that occur with certain transformations.
Goals: How will you ensure that students understand what they are learning and why they are
learning it?
Students will have a graphic organizer detailing the learning objectives for the day. The
students will explain in their math journals at the end of the day how they were able to achieve
these and why they were successful. As the journals are part of the grade and teachers will be
reading them throughout the term, teachers can be warned of missed targets by students.
Synthesis: Provide opportunity for reflection, closure, sharing and discourse around where
learners will be going next.
The students will have ideas of where the learning goes next as the learning objectives in the
graphic organizer show this information. The students will write about how they think they
achieved each day’s learning objectives in their journals in order to reflect deeply.
Furthermore students will have a period of time to discuss their learnings with another student
in the time allotted and to jot down information from their partner if it was valuable.
Close: Synthesis
● To finish off the lesson students will write in their kept math journals and bring out their
graphic organizers with the learning objectives. Students will describe how they
believe they achieved the objectives through which means to encourage reflection.
● Finally students will share with each other about their thinking in regards to the days
learning and jot down any unique ideas from their partners to keep in the journal.
Assessment Notes:
● Formative assessment will occur throughout as the teacher rotates around during the
activation activity and monitors the computer activities from a master account and can
speak to each student at given times. As the experience is collaborative and ideas are
shared throughout the teacher can give feedback instantly.
● Further formative feedback is given through the journals each day or week as it is read