Know Your Car Problems
Know Your Car Problems
Know Your Car Problems
Director & National Treasurer
Indian Institute of Insurance Surveyor & Loss Assessors, India
Completing routine service and maintenance is vital to keeping your car, truck, or SUV
running strong. At times, however, car issues will arise, and every vehicle will display
certain warning signs. To reduce the potential for breakdown, and expensive repairs, we've
listed the 12 most common car problems that tend to pop up.
1. Warning Lights
2. A Sputtering Engine
5. Flat Tires
7. Alternator Failure
The alternator is the part on your vehicle that
keeps all electrical systems running once the
car starts. It’s also responsible for supplying a
charge to your battery to keep it in peak
condition. When an alternator breaks, it will
eventually cause the battery to wear out
prematurely and other starting issues. Check
your recommended service intervals and
replace the alternator before it breaks to avoid
this hassle.
8. Broken Starter Motor
11. Overheating
All cars require maintenance to remain operable. Even when you stay on top of suggested support
services, like oil changes and tire rotations, issues will occur. Driving style or car model may leave
your car more prone to certain problems than others. Check out Car Complaints to see specific car
troubles you want to be aware of for your car’s make, model, and year. No matter your choice of
vehicle, you’ll want to be on the lookout for the previously listed car problems.