This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the
companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work.
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of
intellectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in
this work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work
may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.
Table of Contents
1 Background 7
2 The vision 8
2.1 Rationale for the production of AUTOSAR C++14 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Objectives of AUTOSAR C++14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Scope 10
3.1 Allowed features of C++ language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.2 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4 Using AUTOSAR C++14 14
1 Background
See chapter 1. Background" in MISRA C++:2008, which is applicable for this document
as well.
This document specifies coding guidelines for the usage of the C++14 language as
defined by ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [3], in the safety-related and critical systems. The
main application sector is automotive, but it can be used in other embedded application
This document is defined as an update of MISRA C++:2008 [6]. The rules that are
adopted from MISRA C++ without modifications, are only referred in this document
by ID and rule text, without repeating their complete contents. Therefore, MISRA
C++:2008 is required prerequisite for the readers of this document. MISRA C++:2008
can be purchased over MISRA web store. The reference to the adopted MISRA
C++:2008 rules is not considered as a reproduction of a part of MISRA C++:2008.
Most of the rules are automatically enforceable by static analysis. Some are partially
enforceable or even non-enforceable and they need to be enforced by a manual code
Most of the rules are typical coding guidelines i.e. how to write code. However, for
the sake of completeness and due to the fact that some rules are relaxed with respect
to MISRA C+++:2008 (e.g. exceptions and dynamic memory is allowed), there are
also some rules related to compiler toolchain and process-related rules concerning
e.g. analysis or testing.
This document is not about the style of code in a sense of naming conventions, layout
or indentation. But as there are several C++ code examples, they need some form of
style guide convention. Therefore, the code examples are written in a similar way like
the MISRA C++:2008 code examples.
2 The vision
main application sector is automotive, but it can be used in other embedded application
The AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines addresses high-end embedded micro-
controllers that provide efficient and full C++14 language support, on 32 and 64 bit
micro-controllers, using POSIX or similar operating systems.
For the ISO 26262 clauses allocated to software architecture, unit design and
implementation, the document provides an interpretation of how these clauses apply
specifically to C++.
3 Scope
See also chapter "3. Scope" in MISRA C++:2008, which is applicable for this document
as well.
This document specifies coding guidelines for the usage of the C++14 language as
defined by ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [3], in the safety-related and critical environments, as
an update of MISRA C++:2008. The main application sector is automotive, but it can
be used in other embedded application sectors.
The document is built using the MISRA C++:2008 document structure, document logic
and convention and formatting. Each rule is specified using the MISRA C++:2008
pattern and style.
Several rules from MISRA C++:2008 were adopted without modifications. See A.1 for
the comparison. The adopted MISRA rules are only referenced by ID and title, without
providing the full contents.
The standard specifies 342 rules, from which:
1. 154 rules are adopted without modifications from MISRA C++:2008 (this means
67% of MISRA is adopted without modifications).
2. 131 rules are derived/based on existing C++ standards
3. 57 rules are based on research or other literature or other resources.
The MISRA C++:2008 rules are referenced by ID and title. The inclusion of ID and of
the rule title for the adopted rules is considered not be be a "reproduction".
Several other coding standards and resources are referenced in this document or used
as a basis of the rules in this document:
1. Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle C++ Coding Standards [7]
2. High Integrity C++ Coding Standard Version 4.0 [8]
3. CERT C++ Coding Standard [9]
4. C++ Core Guidelines [10]
5. Google C++ Style Guide [11]
const_cast conversion - X
dynamic_cast conversion - X
reinterpret_cast conversion - X
static_cast conversion - X
Lambda expressions C++11 X
Binary literals C++14 X
6.6 Statements
Range-based for loops C++11 X
goto statement - X
6.7 Declaration
constexpr specifier C++11 X
auto specifier C++11 X
decltype specifier C++11 X
Generic lambda expressions C++14 X
Trailing return type syntax C++11 X
Return type deduction C++14 X
typedef specifier - X
std::initializer_list C++11 X
asm declaration - X
6.8 Declarators
Default arguments - X
Variadic arguments - X
Bit-fields - X
6.10 Derived Classes
Inheritance - X
Multiple inheritance - X
Virtual functions - X
override specifier C++11 X
final specifier C++11 X
6.11 Member Access Control
friend declaration - X
3.2 Limitations
In the current release, the following are known limitations:
1. The rule set for parallel computing is not provided
2. The rule set for C++ standard libraries is only initial (incomplete)
3. The rule set for security (as long as it is not common to critical software or safety-
related software) is not provided
4. The traceability to JSF, ISO CPP contains some non-analyzed rules
5. The traceability to ISO 26262 is not provided
The limitations will be addressed in future versions of this document.
If the user of this document uses parallel computing, C++ standard libraries or develops
security-related software, then they are responsible to apply their own guidelines for
these topics.
The rules in this document are defined as a “delta” to MISRA C++:2008. Therefore,
the rules are of two types from this perspective:
The rules are classified according to enforcement by static code analysis tools:
• automated: These are rules that are automatically enforceable by means of static
• partially automated: These are the rules that can be supported by static code
analysis, e.g. by heuristic or by covering some error scenarios, as a support for
a manual code review.
• non-automated: These are the rules where the static analysis cannot provide any
reasonable support by a static code analysis and they require other means, e.g.
manual code review or other tools.
Most of the rules are automatically enforceable by a static analysis. A static code
analysis tool that claims a full compliance to this standard shall fully check all
“enforceable static analysis” rules and it shall check the rules that are “partially
enforceable by static analysis” to the extent that is possible/reasonable.
The compliance to all rules that are not “enforceable by static analysis” shall be ensured
by means of manual activities like review, analyses.
Known as a DU dataflow anomaly, this is a process whereby there is a data flow in
which a variable is given a value that is not subsequently used. At best this is inefficient,
but may indicate a genuine problem. Often the presence of these constructs is due to
the wrong choice of statement aggregates such as loops.
See: DU-Anomaly.
Loop control variables (see Section 6.6.5) are exempt from this rule.
1 //% $Id: A0-1-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <array>
3 #include <cstdint>
4 std::uint8_t fn1(std::uint8_t param) noexcept
5 {
6 std::int32_t x{
7 0}; // Non-compliant - DU data flow anomaly; Variable defined,
8 // but not used
9 if (param > 0)
10 {
11 return 1;
12 }
13 else
14 {
15 return 0;
16 }
17 }
18 std::int32_t fn2() noexcept
19 {
20 std::int8_t x{10U}; // Compliant - variable defined and will be used
21 std::int8_t y{20U}; // Compliant - variable defined and will be used
22 std::int16_t result = x + y; // x and y variables used
43 {
44 std::int32_t x{param +
45 1}; // Compliant - variable defined, and will be used in
46 // some of the branches
47 if (param > 20)
48 {
49 return x + 1;
50 }
51 else if (param > 10)
52 {
53 return x;
54 }
55 else
56 {
57 return 0;
58 }
59 }
60 void fn5() noexcept
61 {
62 std::array<std::int32_t, 100> arr{};
63 arr.fill(1);
See also
• MISRAC++2008: 0-1-6 A project shall not contain instances of non-volatile
variables being given values that are never subsequently used.
A called function may provide essential information about its process status and result
through return statement. Calling a function without using the return value should be a
warning that incorrect assumptions about the process were made.
Overloaded operators are excluded, as they should behave in the same way as built-in
The return value of a function call may be discarded by use of a static_cast<void> cast,
so intentions of a programmer are explicitly stated.
1 // $Id: A0-1-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <algorithm>
3 #include <cstdint>
4 #include <vector>
5 std::uint8_t fn1() noexcept
6 {
7 return 0U;
8 }
9 void fn2() noexcept
10 {
11 std::uint8_t x = fn1(); // Compliant
12 fn1(); // Non-compliant
13 static_cast<void>(fn1()); // Compliant by exception
14 }
15 void fn3()
16 {
17 std::vector<std::int8_t> v{0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5};
18 std::unique(v.begin(), v.end()); // Non-compliant
19 v.erase(std::unique(v.begin(), v.end()), v.end()); // Compliant
20 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 0-1-7 The value returned by a function having a non-
void return type that is not an overloaded operator shall always be used.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 17.5.1 Do not ignore the result of std::remove, std::remove_if or
Note: This rule enforces developers to statically and explicitly use every function in
the source code. A function does not necessarily need to be called at run-time. Rule
M0-1-1 detects all unreachable code occurrences.
Static functions or private class’s methods that are not used may be symptomatic of a
serious problems, such as poor software design or missing paths in flow control.
This rule applies to all defined static and non-static methods declared in class’s private
section and all defined static functions.
This rule enforces developers to statically and explicitly use every static function or
private method of a class in the source code. A function does not necessarily need to
be called at run-time. Rule M0-1-1 detects all unreachable code occurrences.
Note that the statement applies to private struct’s methods as well.
1 //% $Id: A0-1-3.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 static void f1() // Compliant
4 {
5 }
6 static void f2() // Non-compliant, defined static function never used
7 {
8 }
9 class C
10 {
11 public:
12 C() : x(0) {}
13 void m1(std::int32_t i) // Compliant, method m1 is used
14 {
15 x = i;
16 }
17 void m2(std::int32_t i,
18 std::int32_t j) // Compliant, never used but declared
19 // as public
20 {
21 x = (i > j) ? i : j;
22 }
24 protected:
25 void m1ProtectedImpl(std::int32_t j) // Compliant, never used but declared
26 // as protected
27 {
28 x = j;
29 }
31 private:
32 std::int32_t x;
33 void m1PrivateImpl(
34 std::int32_t j) // Non-compliant, private method never used
35 {
36 x = j;
37 }
38 };
39 int main(int, char**)
40 {
41 f1();
42 C c;
43 c.m1(1);
44 return 0;
45 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 0-1-10 required Every defined function shall be called
at least once.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 1.2.2 Ensure that no expression or sub-expression is redundant.
6.0.2 Storage
6.0.4 Arithmetic
Floating-point arithmetic has a range of problems associated with it. Some of these can
be overcome by using an implementation that conforms to IEEE 754 (IEEE Standard
for Floating-Point Arithmetic).
Note that the rule implies that toolchain, hardware, C++ Standard Library and C++
built-in types (i.e. float, double) will provide full compliance to IEEE 754 standard in
order to use floating-points in the project.
Also, see: A0-4-2.
10 static_assert(
11 std::numeric_limits<double>::is_iec559,
12 "type double does not comply with IEEE 754 double precision format");
13 static_assert(
14 std::numeric_limits<double>::digits == 53,
15 "Type double does not comply with IEEE 754 double precision format");
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 0-4-3 Floating-point implementations shall comply
with a defined floating-point standard.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 146 Floating point implementations shall
comply with a defined floating point standard.
The width of long double type, and therefore width of the significand, is implementation-
The width of long double type can be either:
• 64 bits, as the C++14 Language Standard allows long double to provide at least
as much precision as type double does, or
• 80 bits, as the IEEE 754 standard allows extended precision formats (see:
Extended-Precision-Format), or
• 128 bits, as the IEEE 754 standard defines quadruple precision format
1 //% $Id: A0-4-2.cpp 270021 2017-03-09 15:30:37Z piotr.tanski $
2 void fn() noexcept
3 {
4 float f1{0.1F}; // Compliant
5 double f2{0.1}; // Compliant
6 long double f3{0.1L}; // Non-compliant
7 }
See also
• none
Rule A0-4-3 (required, toolchain, automated)
The implementations in the chosen compiler shall strictly comply with the
C++14 Language Standard.
It is important to determine whether implementations provided by the chosen compiler
strictly follow the ISO/IEC 14882:2014 C++ Language Standard.
Since ISO/IEC 14882:2014 C++ Language Standard the integer division and modulo
operator results are no longer implementation-defined. “If both operands are
nonnegative then the remainder is nonnegative; if not, the sign of the remainder
is implementation-defined.” from ISO/IEC 14882:2003 is no longer present in the
standard since ISO/IEC 14882:2011. Note that this rule also covers modulo operator
as it is defined in terms of integer division.
Deducing a type of an auto variable initialized using ={} with a single element can
be implemented in non-standard way on some compilers. The deduced type of such
initialization should be of the variable type according to C++14 Language Standard,
while C++17 Language Standard defines that it should be of an std::initializer_list.
Other features provided by the chosen compiler also should follow the ISO/IEC
14882:2014 C++ Language Standard.
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 1-0-3 The implementation of integer division in the
chosen compiler shall be determined and documented.
6.1 General
6.1.1 Scope
The current version of the C++ language is as defined by the ISO International
Standard ISO/IEC 14822:2014(E) "Information technology - Programming languages -
The C++14 is the improved version of the C++11. It is also “the state of the art” of C++
development that is required by ISO 26262 standard [5].
Any reference in this document to “C++ Language Standard” refers to the ISO/IEC
14822:2014 standard.
Note that all of the deprecated features of C++ Language Standard are defined in
ISO/IEC 14882:2014 - Programming Language C++ Annexes C “Compatibility” and D
“Compatibility features”.
1 //% $Id: A1-1-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 void f(std::int32_t i)
5 {
6 std::int32_t* a = nullptr;
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 1-0-1 All code shall conform to ISO/IEC 14882:2003 “The
C++ Standard Incorporating Technical Corrigendum 1”
• JSF December 2005 [7]: 4.4.1 All code shall conform to ISO/IEC 14882:2002(E)
standard C++.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 1.1.1 Ensure that code complies with the 2011 ISO C++
Language Standard.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 1.3.4 Do not use deprecated STL library features.
If compiler enables the high warning level, then it is able to generate useful warning
messages that point out potential run-time problems during compilation time. The
information can be used to resolve certain errors before they occur at run-time.
Note that it is common practice to turn warnings into errors.
Also, note that enabling the highest compiler warning level may produce numerous
useless messages during compile time. It is important that the valid warning level for
the specific compiler is established in the project.
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 218 Compiler warning levels will be set in
compliance with project policies.
Enabling optimizations that disregard compliance with the C++ Language Standard
may create an output program that should strictly comply to the standard no longer
See also
• none
Vulnerabilities and errors in the compiler toolchain impact the binary that is built.
The following mechanisms could help to increase the Tool error Detection (TD) and
thus allowing to reduce the Tool Confidence Level:
1. Achievement of MC/DC code coverage on generated project assembly code
2. Diverse implementation of safety requirements at software or even at system level
(e.g. two micro-controllers)
3. Usage of diverse compilers or compilation options
4. Diversity at the level of operating system
5. Extensive testing (e.g. equivalence class testing, boundary value testing), testing
at several levels (e.g. unit testing, integration testing)
Note that in most automotive applications, the compiler is evaluated TCL3 or TCL2. In
case of TCL2 or TCL3, the following are typically performed (by compiler vendor or by
a project), see table 4 in ISO 26262-8:
1. Evaluation of the tool development process
2. Validation of the software tool, by performing automatic compiler tests that are
derived from the C++ language specification
See also
• ISO 26262-8 [5]: 11 Confidence in the use of software tools.
Code metrics that concern i.a. project’s structure, function’s complexity and size of a
source code shall be defined at the project level. It is also important to determine valid
boundaries for each metric to define objectives of the measurement.
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 8.3.1 Do not write functions with an excessive McCabe
Cyclomatic Complexity.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 8.3.2 Do not write functions with a high static program path count.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 8.2.2 Do not declare functions with an excessive number of
Source code metrics needs to be measured for the project and comply with defined
boundaries. This gives valuable information whether the source code is complex,
maintainable and efficient.
See also
• none
“The basic source character set consists of 96 characters: the space character, the
control characters representing horizontal tab, vertical tab, form feed, and new-line,
plus the following 91 graphical characters: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y
) < > % : ; . ? * + - / ^ & | ~ ! =, \ " ’
” [C++ Language Standard [3]]
It is permitted to use other characters inside the text of a wide string.
1 // $Id: A2-2-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn() noexcept
4 {
5 std::int32_t sum = 0; // Compliant
6 // std::int32_t £_value = 10; // Non-compliant
7 // sum += £_value; // Non-compliant
8 // Variable sum stores £ pounds // Non-compliant
9 }
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 9: Only those characters specified in the C++
basic source character set will be used.
Trigraphs are denoted to be a sequence of 2 question marks followed by a specified
third character (e.g. ??’ represents a ~character. They can cause accidental confusion
with other uses of two question marks.
The Trigraphs are: ??=, ??/, ??’, ??(, ??), ??!, ??<, ??>, ??-.
1 //% $Id: A2-5-1.cpp 270728 2017-03-16 10:38:20Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <iostream>
3 void fn1()
4 {
5 std::cout << "Enter date ??/??/??"; // Non-compliant, ??/??/?? becomes \\??
6 // after trigraph translation
7 }
8 void fn2()
9 {
10 std::cout << "Enter date dd/mm/yy"; // Compliant
11 }
See also
• MISRA C++2008: Rule 2-3-1 (Required) Trigraphs shall not be used.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 11 Trigraphs will not be used.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 2.2.1 Do not use digraphs or trigraphs.
The digraphs are: <%, %>, <:, :>, %:, %:%:.
The use of digraphs may not meet developer expectations.
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: advisory 2-5-1 Digraphs should not be used.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: 4.4.1 AV Rule 12 The following digraphs will not be
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 2.2.1 Do not use digraphs or trigraphs.
If the last character in a single-line C++ comment is \, then the comment will continue
in the next line. This may lead to sections of code that are unexpectedly commented
1 // $Id: A2-8-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn() noexcept
4 {
5 std::int8_t idx = 0;
6 // Incrementing idx before the loop starts // Requirement X.X.X \\
7 ++idx; // Non-compliant - ++idx was unexpectedly commented-out because of \
character occurrence in the end of C++ comment
14 }
See also
• none
Comments, using both C-style and C++ comments, should only be used to explain
aspect of the source code. Code that is commented-out may become out of date,
which may lead to confusion while maintaining the code.
Additionally, C-style comment markers do not support nesting, and for this purpose
commenting out code is dangerous, see: A2-8-4.
Note that the code that is a part of a comment (e.g. for clarification of the usage of
the function, for specifying function behavior) does not violate this rule. As it is not
possible to determine if a commented block is a textual comment, a code example or
a commented-out piece of code, this rule is not enforceable by static analysis tools.
1 // $Id: A2-8-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn1() noexcept
4 {
5 std::int32_t i = 0;
6 // /*
7 // * ++i; /* incrementing the variable i */
8 // */ // Non-compliant - C-style comments nesting is not supported,
9 // compilation error
10 for (; i < 10; ++i)
11 {
12 // ...
13 }
14 }
15 void fn2() noexcept
16 {
17 std::int32_t i = 0;
18 // ++i; // Incrementing the variable i // Non-compliant - code should not
19 // be commented-out
20 for (; i < 10; ++i)
21 {
22 // ...
23 }
24 }
25 void fn3() noexcept
26 {
27 std::int32_t i = 0;
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 2-7-2 Sections of code shall not be “commented out”
using C-style comments.
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 2-7-3 Sections of code should not be “commented
out” using C++ comments.
Every declaration needs to provide a proper documentation.
This is compatible with the C++ standard library documentation. This forces
a programmer to provide a clarification for defined types and its data members
responsibilities, methods and functions usage, their inputs and outputs specification
(e.g. memory management, ownership, valid boundaries), and exceptions that could
be thrown.
Note that the documentation style is also supported by external tools, e.g. doxygen.
1 //% $Id: A2-8-3.hpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
17 std::int16_t input1,
18 std::int16_t input2) noexcept(false); // Compliant documentation
35 private:
36 /// @brief Data member descpription
37 std::int32_t x;
38 /// @brief Data member descpription
39 float y;
40 };
See also
• none
C-style comment delimiters /* ... */are not supposed to be used as they make the
source code less readable and introduce errors when nesting a C-style comment in
the C-style comment.
1 // $Id: A2-8-4.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn(bool b1, bool b2) noexcept
4 {
5 // Introduces x of type std::int16_t // Compliant
6 std::int32_t x = 0;
7 // std::int16_t x = 0; // commented out temporarily, type too small //
8 // Compliant
9 if (b1)
10 {
11 if (b2)
12 {
13 /*
14 * Do something special here // Non-compliant
15 */
16 }
17 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 2-7-1 The character sequence /* shall not be used within a
C-style comment.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 2.3.1 Do not use the C comment delimiters /* ... */.
Naming a header file with a name of a type (e.g. a struct, a class, etc.) declared in it
makes include-directives and project view more readable.
See also
• none
6.2.11 Identifiers
If an identifier is declared in an inner scope and it uses the same name as an identifier
that already exists in an outer scope, then the innermost declaration will “hide” the
outer one. This may lead to developer confusion. The terms outer and inner scope are
defined as follows:
• Identifiers that have file scope can be considered as having the outermost scope.
• Identifiers that have block scope have a more inner scope.
• Successive, nested blocks, introduce more inner scopes.
Note that declaring identifiers in different named namespaces, classes, structs or enum
classes will not hide other identifiers from outer scope, because they can be accessed
using fully-qualified id.
An identifier declared within a namespace using the same name as an identifier of the
containing namespace does not violate the rule.
An identifier declared locally inside a lambda expression and not referring to a name
of a captured variable does not violate the rule.
1 //% $Id: A2-11-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 std::int32_t sum = 0;
4 namespace
5 {
6 std::int32_t sum; // Non-compliant, hides sum in outer scope
7 }
8 class C1
9 {
10 std::int32_t sum; // Compliant, does not hide sum in outer scope
11 };
12 namespace n1
13 {
14 std::int32_t sum; // Compliant, does not hide sum in outer scope
15 }
16 std::int32_t idx;
17 void f1(std::int32_t);
18 void f2()
19 {
20 std::int32_t max = 5;
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: required 2-10-2 Identifiers declared in an inner scope shall
not hide an identifier declared in an outer scope.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: 4.15 AV Rule 135 Identifiers in an inner scope shall not
use the same name as an identifier in an outer scope, and therefore hide that
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 3.1.1 Do not hide declarations.
Reusing a using name either as another using name or for any other purpose may
lead to developer confusion. The same using shall not be duplicated anywhere within
a namespace.
1 //% $Id: A2-11-2.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 namespace n1
4 {
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 2-10-3 (Required) A typedef name (including
qualification, if any) shall be a unique identifier.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: 4.15 AV Rule 135 Identifiers in an inner scope shall not
use the same name as an identifier in an outer scope, and therefore hide that
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 2.4.1 Ensure that each identifier is distinct from any other visible
Reusing a user-defined type name, either as another type or for any other purpose,
may lead to developer confusion. The user-defined type name shall not be duplicated
anywhere in the project, even if the declaration is identical. The term user-defined type
is defined as follows: - class - struct - union - enumeration - typedef / using
1 //% $Id: A2-11-3.cpp 272338 2017-03-28 08:15:01Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class Type
4 {
5 };
6 // struct Type { }; // Non-compliant, Type name reused
7 // enum class Type : std::int8_t { }; // Non-compliant, Type name reused
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: required 2-10-4 A class, union or enum name (including
qualification, if any) shall be a unique identifier.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: 4.15 AV Rule 135 Identifiers in an inner scope shall not
use the same name as an identifier in an outer scope, and therefore hide that
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 2.4.1 Ensure that each identifier is distinct from any other visible
No identifier with static storage duration should be re-used in the same namespace
across any source files in the project.
This may lead to the developer or development tool confusing the identifier with another
1 //% $Id: A2-11-4.cpp 272338 2017-03-28 08:15:01Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 // f1.cpp
4 namespace ns1
5 {
6 static std::int32_t globalvariable = 0;
7 }
9 // f2.cpp
10 namespace ns1
11 {
12 // static std::int32_t globalvariable = 0; // Non-compliant - identifier reused
13 // in ns1 namespace in f1.cpp
14 }
15 namespace ns2
16 {
17 static std::int32_t globalvariable =
18 0; // Compliant - identifier reused, but in another namespace
19 }
21 // f3.cpp
22 static std::int32_t globalvariable =
23 0; // Compliant - identifier reused, but in another namespace
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: advisory 2-10-5 The identifier name of a non-member
object or function with static storage duration should not be reused.
Regardless of scope, no identifier with static storage duration should be re-used across
any source files in the project. This includes objects or functions with external linkage
and any objects or functions with static storage class specifier. While the compiler
can understand this, the possibility exists for the developer or development tool to
incorrectly associate unrelated variables with the same name.
1 //% $Id: A2-11-5.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 // f1.cpp
4 namespace n_s1
5 {
6 static std::int32_t globalvariable = 0;
7 }
8 static std::int32_t filevariable = 5; // Compliant - identifier not reused
9 static void globalfunction();
11 // f2.cpp
12 namespace n_s1
13 {
14 // static std::int32_t globalvariable = 0; // Non-compliant - identifier reused
15 static std::int16_t modulevariable = 10; // Compliant - identifier not reused
16 }
17 namespace n_s2
18 {
19 static std::int16_t modulevariable2 = 20;
20 }
21 static void globalfunction(); // Non-compliant - identifier reused
22 static std::int16_t modulevariable2 = 15; // Non-compliant - identifier reused
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: advisory 2-10-5 The identifier name of a non-member
object or function with static storage duration should not be reused.
Rule M2-10-6 (required, implementation, automated)
If an identifier refers to a type, it shall not also refer to an object or a function
in the same scope.
6.2.14 Literals
The use of an undefined escape sequence leads to undefined behavior. The defined
escape sequences (ISO/IEC 14882:2014) are: \’, \", \?, \\, \a, \b, \f, \n, \r, \t, \v, \<Octal
Number>, \x<Hexadecimal Number>, \U<Unicode Character Name>
1 //% $Id: A2-14-1.cpp 266557 2017-02-07 13:08:19Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <string>
3 void f()
4 {
5 const std::string a = "\k"; // Non-compliant
6 const std::string b = "\n"; // Compliant
7 const std::string c = "\U0001f34c"; // Compliant
8 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: required 2-13-1 Only those escape sequences that are
defined in ISO/IEC14882:2003 shall be used.
Rule M2-13-2 (required, implementation, automated)
Octal constants (other than zero) and octal escape sequences (other than
“\0” ) shall not be used.
Concatenation of wide and narrow string literals leads to undefined behavior.
“In translation phase 6 (2.2), adjacent string-literals are concatenated. If both string-
literals have the same encoding-prefix, the resulting concatenated string literal has
that encoding-prefix. If one string-literal has no encoding-prefix, it is treated as a
string-literal of the same encoding-prefix as the other operand. If a UTF-8 string
literal token is adjacent to a wide string literal token, the program is ill-formed.
Any other concatenations are conditionally-supported with implementation-defined
behavior. [ Note: This concatenation is an interpretation, not a conversion. Because
the interpretation happens in translation phase 6 (after each character from a literal has
been translated into a value from the appropriate character set), a string-literal’s initial
rawness has no effect on the interpretation or well-formedness of the concatenation.
-end note ]” [C++14 Language Standard] [3]
1 //% $Id: A2-14-2.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
3 char16_t nArray[] =
4 u"Hello"
5 u"World"; // Compliant, "u" stands for char16_t type
7 char32_t nArray2[] =
8 U"Hello"
9 U"World"; // Compliant, "U" stands for char32_t type
11 wchar_t wArray[] =
12 L"Hello"
13 L"World"; // Compliant, "L" stands for wchar_t type - violates A2-14-3
14 // rule.
16 wchar_t mixed1[] =
17 "Hello"
18 L"World"; // Compliant
20 char32_t mixed2[] =
21 "Hello"
22 U"World"; // Compliant
24 char16_t mixed3[] =
25 "Hello"
26 u"World"; // Compliant
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: required 2-13-5 Narrow and wide string literals shall not be
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 2.5.1 Do not concatenate strings with different encoding prefixes
Width of wchar_t type is implementation-defined.
Types char16_t and char32_t should be used instead.
1 //% $Id: A2-14-3.cpp 266557 2017-02-07 13:08:19Z piotr.tanski $
2 char16_t string1[] = u"ABC"; // Compliant
3 char32_t string2[] = U"DEF"; // Compliant
4 wchar_t string3[] = L"GHI"; // Non-compliant
See also
• none
A header file is a file that holds declarations used in more than one translation unit
and acts as an interface between separately compiled parts of a program. A header
file often contains classes, object declarations, enums, functions, inline functions,
templates, typedefs, type aliases and macros.
In particular, a header file is not supposed to contain or produce definitions of global
objects or functions that occupy storage, especially objects that are not declared
“extern” or definitions of functions that are not declared “inline”.
1 //% $Id: A3-1-1.hpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void f1(); // Compliant
4 extern void f2(); // Compliant
5 void f3()
6 {
7 } // Non-compliant
8 static inline void f4()
9 {
10 } // Compliant
11 template <typename T>
12 void f5(T)
13 {
14 } // Compliant
15 std::int32_t a; // Non-compliant
16 extern std::int32_t b; // Compliant
17 constexpr static std::int32_t c = 10; // Compliant
18 namespace ns
19 {
20 constexpr static std::int32_t d = 100; // Compliant
21 const static std::int32_t e = 50; // Compliant
22 static std::int32_t f; // Non-compliant
23 static void f6() noexcept; // Non-compliant
24 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 3-1-1 It shall be possible to include any header file in
multiple translation units without violating the One Definition Rule.
This is consistent with developer expectations to provide header files with one of the
standard file name extensions.
1 //% $Id: A3-1-2.cpp 266557 2017-02-07 13:08:19Z piotr.tanski $
2 //#include <h3.h> // Compliant
3 //#include <h1.hpp> // Compliant
4 //#include <h2.hxx> // Compliant
5 //#include <h4.cpp> // Non-compliant
6 //#include <h5.c> // Non-compliant
7 //#include <h6.hdr> // Non-compliant
8 //#include <> // Non-compliant
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: 4.9.2 AV Rule 53 Header files will always have a file
name extension of ".h".
This is consistent with developer expectations to provide C++ implementation files with
the standard file name extension.
Note that compilers support various file name extensions for C++ implementation files.
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: 4.9.2 AV Rule 54 Implementation files will always have
a file name extension of ".cpp".
Although it is possible to declare an array of incomplete type and access its elements,
it is safer to do so when the size of the array can be explicitly determined.
1 //% $Id: A3-1-4.hpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 extern std::int32_t array1[]; // Non-compliant
4 extern std::int32_t array2[42]; // Compliant
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 3-1-3 When an array is declared, its size shall either
be stated explicitly or defined implicitly by initialization.
6.3.3 Scope
Placing the declarations of objects and functions with external linkage in a header file
means that they are intended to be accessible from other translation units.
If external linkage is not needed, then the object or function is supposed to be either
declared in an unnamed namespace or declared static in the implementation file.
This reduces the visibility of objects and functions, which allows to reach a higher
encapsulation and isolation.
Note that members of named namespace are by default external linkage objects.
This rule does not apply to main, or to members of unnamed namespaces.
1 //% $Id: A3-3-1.hpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 extern std::int32_t a1;
4 extern void f4();
5 namespace n
6 {
7 void f2();
8 std::int32_t a5; // Compliant, external linkage
9 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 3-3-1 Objects or functions with external linkage shall
be declared in a header file.
Using global and static variables of a non-POD type makes the API of a class to be
spurious about its true dependencies, as they can be accessed from any place of the
source code. Using static or global variables makes the code more difficult to maintain,
less readable and significantly less testable.
Another problem is that the order in which constructors and initializers for static
variables are called is only partially specified in the C++ Language Standard and can
even change from build to build. This can cause issues that are difficult to find or debug.
Note that the rule applies to:
• global variables (i.e. extern)
• static variables
• static class member variables
• static function-scope variables
Defining “static constexpr” variables of non-POD type is permitted.
1 // $Id: A3-3-2.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <limits>
4 #include <string>
5 class A // Non-POD type
6 {
7 public:
8 static std::uint8_t instanceId; // Compliant - static variable of POD type
9 static float const pi; // Compliant - static variable of POD type
10 static std::string const
11 separator; // Non-compliant - static variable of nonPOD type
13 // Implementation
14 };
15 std::uint8_t A::instanceId = 0;
16 float const A::pi = 3.14159265359;
17 std::string const A::separator = "==========";
19 class B
20 {
21 public:
22 // Implementation
24 private:
25 static A a; // Non-compliant - static variable of non-POD type
26 };
28 class C
29 {
30 public:
31 constexpr C() = default;
32 };
34 namespace
35 {
36 constexpr std::int32_t maxInt32 =
37 std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max(); // Compliant - static constexpr
38 // variable of POD type
42 constexpr C
43 c{}; // Compliant by exception - constexpr static variable of non-POD type
44 } // namespace
52 class D // Singleton
53 {
54 public:
55 D() = default;
56 D(D const&) = default;
57 D(D&&) = default;
58 D& operator=(D const&) = default;
59 D& operator=(D&&) = default;
60 ~D() = default;
62 private:
63 static B* instance; // Compliant - static variable of non-POD type, because
64 // it is a raw pointer
65 };
66 B* D::instance = nullptr;
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 3.3.1 Do not use variables with static storage duration.
• Google C++ Style Guide [11]: Static and Global Variables.
6.3.9 Types
The basic numerical types of char, int, short, long are not supposed to be used,
specific-length types from <cstdint> header need be used instead.
Fixed width integer types are:
• std::int8_t
• std::int16_t
• std::int32_t
• std::int64_t
• std::uint8_t
• std::uint16_t
• std::uint32_t
• std::uint64_t
The wchar_t does not need a typedef as it always maps to a type that supports wide
1 //% $Id: A3-9-1.cpp 271389 2017-03-21 14:41:05Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void f()
4 {
5 std::int32_t i1 = 5; // Compliant
6 int i2 = 10; // Non-compliant
7 std::int64_t i3 = 250; // Compliant
8 long int i4 = 50; // Non-compliant
9 std::int8_t i5 = 16; // Compliant
10 char i6 = 23; // Non-compliant
11 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 3-9-2 typedefs that indicate size and signedness
should be used in place of the basic numerical types.
Rule M3-9-3 (required, implementation, automated)
The underlying bit representations of floating-point values shall not be used.
the assignment operator =, the equality operators == and ! =, the unary &
operator, and the relational operators <, <=, >, >=.
Enumerations, i.e. enums or enum classes, have implementation-defined
representations and they are not supposed to be used in arithmetic contexts.
Note that only enums can be implicitly used as operands to other built-in operators, like
operators +, −, ∗, etc. Enum class needs to provide definitions of mentioned operators
in order to be used as operand.
It is allowed to use the enumeration as operand to all built-in and overloaded operators
if the enumeration satisfies the “BitmaskType” concept [15].
1 // $Id: A4-5-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 enum Colour : std::uint8_t
4 {
5 Red,
6 Green,
7 Blue,
8 ColoursCount
9 };
10 void f1() noexcept(false)
11 {
12 Colour colour = Red;
13 if (colour == Green) // Compliant
14 {
15 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 4-5-2 Expressions with type enum shall not be
used as operands to built-in operators other than the subscript operator [ ], the
assignment operator =, the equality operators == and !=, the unary & operator,
and the relational operators <, <=, >, >=.
Implicit conversions, casts and arithmetic expressions may lead to data loss, e.g.
overflows, underflows or wrap-around.
Integral expressions need to be performed on proper integral types that ensure that
the data loss will not occur or appropriate guards should be used to statically detect or
counteract such a data loss.
1 // $Id: A4-7-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 std::int8_t fn1(std::int8_t x, std::int8_t y) noexcept
5 {
6 return (x + y); // Non-compliant - may lead to overflow
7 }
8 std::int8_t fn2(std::int8_t x, std::int8_t y)
9 {
10 if (x > 100 || y > 100) // Range check
11 {
12 throw std::logic_error("Preconditions check error");
13 }
14 return (x + y); // Compliant - ranges of x and y checked before the
15 // arithmetic operation
16 }
17 std::int16_t fn3(std::int8_t x, std::int8_t y) noexcept
18 {
19 return (static_cast<std::int16_t>(x) + y); // Compliant - std::int16_t type
20 // is enough for this arithmetic
21 // operation
22 }
23 std::uint8_t fn4(std::uint8_t x, std::uint8_t y) noexcept
24 {
25 return (x * y); // Non-compliant - may lead to wrap-around
26 }
27 std::int8_t fn5(std::int16_t x)
28 {
29 return static_cast<std::int8_t>(x); // Non-compliant - data loss
30 }
31 std::int8_t fn6(std::int16_t x)
32 {
33 return x; // Non-compliant - data loss by implicit conversion
34 }
35 void f()
36 {
37 std::int8_t x1 =
38 fn1(5, 10); // Compliant - overflow will not occur for these values
39 std::int8_t x2 = fn1(250, 250); // Non-compliant - Overflow occurs
40 try
41 {
42 std::int8_t x3 =
43 fn2(250, 250); // Compliant - No overflow, range checks
44 // inside fn2() function
45 }
46 catch (std::logic_error&)
47 {
48 // Handle an error
49 }
50 std::int16_t x4 = fn3(250, 250); // Compliant - No overflow, arithmetic
51 // operation underlying type is wider than
52 // std::int8_t
53 std::uint8_t x5 = fn4(50, 10); // Non-compliant - Wrap-around occurs
54 std::int8_t x6 = fn5(100); // Compliant - data loss will not occur
55 std::int8_t x7 = fn5(300); // Non-compliant - Data loss occurs
56 std::int8_t x8 = fn6(300); // Non-compliant - Data loss occurs
58 std::int8_t x9 = 150;
59 std::int16_t x10 = static_cast<std::int16_t>(x9 + x9); // Non-compliant
60 x10 = x9 + x9; // Non-compliant
61 x10 = static_cast<std::int16_t>(x9) + x9; // Compliant
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 5-0-6 An implicit integral or floating-point conversion
shall not reduce the size of the underlying type.
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 5-0-8 An explicit integral or floating-point conversion
shall not increase the size of the underlying type of a cvalue expression.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 4.2.2 Ensure that data loss does not demonstrably occur in an
integral expression.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.46: Avoid lossy (narrowing, truncating) arithmetic
In C++, the literal NULL is both the null-pointer-constant and an integer type. To meet
developer expectations, only nullptr pointer literal shall be used as the null-pointer-
Note that, nullptr pointer literal allows parameters forwarding via a template function.
1 //% $Id: A4-10-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstddef>
3 #include <cstdint>
5 void f1(std::int32_t);
6 void f2(std::int32_t*);
7 void f3()
8 {
9 f1(0); // Compliant
10 f1(NULL); // Non-compliant - NULL used as an integer,
11 // compilable
12 // f1(nullptr); // Non-compliant - nullptr used as an integer
13 // compilation error
14 f2(0); // Non-compliant - 0 used as the null posinter constant
15 f2(NULL); // Non-compliant - NULL used as the null pointer constant
16 f2(nullptr); // Compliant
17 }
18 void f4(std::int32_t*);
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 2.5.3 Use nullptr for the null pointer constant
6.5 Expressions
6.5.0 General
Apart from a few operators (notably &&, ||, ?: and ,) the order in which sub-
expressions are evaluated is unspecified and can vary. This means that no reliance
can be placed on the order of evaluation of sub-expressions and, in particular, no
reliance can be placed on the order in which side effects occur. Those points in the
evaluation of an expression at which all previous side effects can be guaranteed to
have taken place are called “sequencing”. Sequencing and side effects are described
in Section 1.9(7) of ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [3].
Note that the “order of evaluation” problem is not solved by the use of parentheses, as
this is not a precedence issue.
1 // $Id: A5-0-1.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stack>
4 // The following notes give some guidance on how dependence on order of
5 // evaluation may occur, and therefore may assist in adopting the rule.
22 // 2) Function arguments
23 // The order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified.
24 extern std::uint8_t func(std::uint8_t x, std::uint8_t y);
25 void f3() noexcept(false)
26 {
27 std::uint8_t i = 0;
28 std::uint8_t x = func(i++, i);
29 }
30 // This will give different results depending on which of the functions two
31 // parameters is evaluated first.
33 // 3) Function pointers
34 // If a function is called via a function pointer there shall be no
35 // dependence
36 // on the order in which function-designator and function arguments are
37 // evaluated.
38 struct S
39 {
40 void taskStartFn(S* obj) noexcept(false);
41 };
42 void f4(S* p) noexcept(false)
43 {
44 p->taskStartFn(p++);
45 }
47 // 4) Function calls
48 // Functions may have additional effects when they are called (e.g. modifying
49 // some global data). Dependence on order of evaluation could be avoided by
50 // invoking the function prior to the expression that uses it, making use of a
51 // temporary variable for the value. For example:
52 extern std::uint16_t g(std::uint8_t) noexcept(false);
53 extern std::uint16_t z(std::uint8_t) noexcept(false);
54 void f5(std::uint8_t a) noexcept(false)
55 {
56 std::uint16_t x = g(a) + z(a);
57 }
58 // could be written as
59 void f6(std::uint8_t a) noexcept(false)
60 {
61 std::uint16_t x = g(a);
62 x += z(a);
63 }
64 // As an example of what can go wrong, consider an expression to take two values
65 // off a stack, subtract the second from the first, and push the result back on
66 // the stack:
67 std::int32_t pop(std::stack<std::int32_t>& s)
68 {
69 std::int32_t ret =;
70 s.pop();
71 return ret;
72 }
73 void f7(std::stack<std::int32_t>& s)
74 {
75 s.push(pop(s) - pop(s));
76 }
77 // This will give different results depending on which of the pop() function
78 // calls is evaluated first (because pop() has side effects).
108 // The rule addresses the order of evaluation problem with side effects. Note
109 // that there may also be an issue with the number of times a sub-expression is
110 // evaluated, which is not covered by this rule. This can be a problem with
111 // function invocations where the function is implemented as a macro. For
112 // example, consider the following function-like macro and its invocation:
113 #define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
114 // ...
115 void f10(std::uint32_t& i, std::uint32_t j)
116 {
117 std::uint32_t z = MAX(i++, j);
118 }
119 // The definition evaluates the first parameter twice if a > b but only once if
120 // a = b. The macro invocation may thus increment i either once or twice,
121 // depending on the values of i and j.
122 // It should be noted that magnitude-dependent effects, such as those due to
123 // floating-point rounding, are also not addressed by this rule. Although
124 // the
125 // order in which side effects occur is undefined, the result of an operation is
126 // otherwise well-defined and is controlled by the structure of the expression.
127 // In the following example, f1 and f2 are floating-point variables; F3, F4
128 // and
129 // F5 denote expressions with floating-point types.
131 // f1 = F3 + ( F4 + F5 );
132 // f2 = ( F3 + F4 ) + F5;
134 // The addition operations are, or at least appear to be, performed in the order
135 // determined by the position of the parentheses, i.e. firstly F4 is added to F5
136 // then secondly F3 is added to give the value of f1. Provided that F3, F4 and
137 // F5 contain no side effects, their values are independent of the order in
138 // which they are evaluated. However, the values assigned to f1 and f2 are not
139 // guaranteed to be the same because floating-point rounding following the
140 // addition operations are dependent on the values being added.
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 5-0-1 The value of an expression shall be the same
under any order of evaluation that the standard permits
If an expression with type other than bool is used in the condition of an if-statement
or iteration-statement, then its result will be implicitly converted to bool. The condition
expression shall contain an explicit test (yielding a result of type bool) in order to clarify
the intentions of the developer.
Note that if a type defines an explicit conversion to type bool, then it is said to be
“contextually converted to bool” (Section 4.0(4) of ISO/IEC 14882:2014 [3]) and can be
used as a condition of an if-statement or iteration statement.
A condition of the form type-specifier-seq declarator is not required to have type bool.
This exception is introduced because alternative mechanisms for achieving the same
effect are cumbersome and error-prone.
1 // $Id: A5-0-2.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <memory>
21 if (nullptr == ptr)
22 {
23 break;
24 }
26 // Code
27 } while (true); // Compliant
29 std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t> uptr;
30 if (!uptr) // Compliant - std::unique_ptr defines an explicit conversion to
31 // type bool.
32 {
33 // Code
34 }
55 std::uint8_t u = 8;
57 if (u)
58 ; // Non-compliant
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 5-0-13 The condition of an if-statement and the condition
of an iteration statement shall have type bool.
Use of more than two levels of indirection can seriously impair the ability to understand
the behavior of the code, and therefore should be avoided.
1 // $Id: A5-0-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 using IntPtr = std::int8_t*;
4 struct S
5 {
6 std::int8_t* s1; // Compliant
7 std::int8_t** s2; // Compliant
8 std::int8_t*** s3; // Non-compliant
9 };
10 S* ps1; // Compliant
11 S** ps2; // Compliant
12 S*** ps3; // Non-compliant
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 5-0-19 The declaration of objects shall contain no more
than two levels of pointer indirection.
Avoid use of “magic” numbers and strings in expressions in preference to constant
variables with meaningful names. Literal values are supposed to be used only in type
initialization constructs, e.g. assignments and constructors.
The use of named constants improves both the readability and maintainability of the
It is allowed to use literal values in combination with logging mechanism.
1 // $Id: A5-1-1.cpp 271929 2017-03-24 12:05:53Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <array>
3 #include <cstdint>
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <stdexcept>
6 namespace
7 {
8 const std::int32_t maxIterations = 10; // Compliant - assignment
9 const char* const loopIterStr = "iter "; // Compliant - assignment
10 const char separator = ’:’; // Compliant - assignment
11 }
12 void f1() noexcept
13 {
14 for (std::int32_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) // Non-compliant
15 {
16 std::cout << "iter " << i << ’:’ << ’\n’; // Compliant by exception
17 }
43 private:
44 std::int8_t x;
45 std::int32_t* y;
46 };
47 static std::int32_t* globalPointer = nullptr; // Compliant - assignment
48 void f3() noexcept
49 {
50 C c1;
51 // ...
52 C c2(0, globalPointer); // Compliant - initialization of C object
53 }
54 std::int32_t f4(std::int32_t x, std::int32_t y) noexcept
55 {
56 return x + y;
57 }
58 void f5() noexcept
59 {
60 std::int32_t ret = f4(2, 5); // Non-compliant
61 // ...
62 std::int32_t x = 2;
63 std::int32_t y = 5;
64 ret = f4(x, y); // Compliant
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.1.1 Use symbolic names instead of literal values in code.
Capturing variables explicitly helps document the intention of the author. It also allows
for different variables to be explicitly captured by copy or by reference within the lambda
It is allowed to implicitly capture variables with non-automatic storage duration.
1 // $Id: A5-1-2.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <algorithm>
3 #include <cstdint>
4 #include <vector>
5 void fn1(const std::vector<std::int32_t>& v)
6 {
7 std::uint64_t sum = 0;
8 std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [&](std::int32_t lhs) {
9 sum += lhs;
10 }); // Non-compliant
12 sum = 0;
13 std::for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), [&sum](std::int32_t lhs) {
14 sum += lhs;
15 }); // Compliant
16 }
17 void fn2()
18 {
19 constexpr std::uint8_t n = 10;
20 static std::int32_t j = 0;
21 [n]() {
22 std::int32_t array[n]; // Compliant
23 j += 1; // Compliant by exception
24 };
25 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.1.4 Do not capture variables implicitly in a lambda.
The lambda-declarator is optional in a lambda expression and results in a closure that
can be called without any parameters.
To avoid any visual ambiguity with other C++ constructs, it is recommended to explicitly
include (), even though it is not strictly required.
1 // $Id: A5-1-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn()
4 {
5 std::int32_t i = 0;
6 std::int32_t j = 0;
7 auto lambda1 = [&i, &j] { ++i, ++j; }; // Non-compliant
8 auto lambda2 = [&i, &j]() {
9 ++i;
10 ++j;
11 }; // Compliant
12 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.1.5 Include a (possibly empty) parameter list in every lambda
When an object is captured by reference in a lambda, lifetime of the object is not tied
to the lifetime of the lambda.
If a lambda object leaves the scope of one of its reference-captured object, the
execution of the lambda expression results in an undefined behavior once the
reference-captured object is accessed.
1 // $Id: A5-1-4.cpp 272338 2017-03-28 08:15:01Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <functional>
4 std::function<std::int32_t()> f()
5 {
6 std::int32_t i = 12;
7 return ([&i]() -> std::int32_t {
8 i = 100;
9 return i;
10 }); // Non-compliant
11 }
12 std::function<std::int32_t()> g()
13 {
14 std::int32_t i = 12;
15 return ([i]() mutable -> std::int32_t { return ++i; }); // Compliant
16 }
17 void fn()
18 {
19 auto lambda1 = f();
20 std::int32_t i = lambda1(); // Undefined behavior
21 auto lambda2 = g();
22 i = lambda2(); // lambda2() returns 13
23 }
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: EXP61-CPP. A lambda object must not outlive any of its
reference captured objects.
Rule A5-1-5 (advisory, implementation, non-automated)
If a lambda expression is used in the same scope in which it has been
defined, the lambda should capture objects by reference.
Copying objects captured to lambda by value may be a performance overhead. It is
correct to capture objects by reference when using the lambda expression locally only.
It is permitted to capture by copy objects that size is lesser or equal to 16 bytes (i.e.
4 * sizeof(std::uint32_t)).
1 // $Id: A5-1-5.cpp 272338 2017-03-28 08:15:01Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <functional>
4 namespace
5 {
6 constexpr std::int32_t bufferMax = 1024;
7 constexpr std::int8_t receiversMax = 10;
8 }
9 class UDPClient
10 {
11 // Implementation - size of UDPClient class exceeds 16 bytes
12 };
13 void f1() noexcept(false)
14 {
15 UDPClient client;
16 std::uint8_t buffer[bufferMax];
17 auto lambda1 = [client,
18 buffer]() // Non-compliant - it is inefficient to capture
19 // UDPClient and buffer objects by copy in lambda
20 {
21 // Code
22 };
23 lambda1(); // lambda1 used locally only
25 auto lambda2 =
26 [&client, &buffer]() // Compliant - be aware that this construct
27 // may introduce data races in parallel calls.
28 {
29 // Code
30 };
31 lambda2(); // lambda2 used locally only
59 // ...
60 receiver(); // Undefined behavior, client object went out of scope
61 }
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: F.52: Prefer capturing by reference in lambdas that
will be used locally, including passed to algorithms captured objects.
If a non-void return type lambda expression does not specify its return type, then it may
be confusing which type it returns. It leads to developers confusion.
Note that, while the return type is specified, implicit conversion between type of
returned value and return type specified in the lambda expression may occur. This
problem should not be ignored.
1 // $Id: A5-1-6.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn() noexcept
4 {
5 auto lambda1 = []() -> std::uint8_t {
6 std::uint8_t ret = 0U;
7 // ...
8 return ret;
9 }; // Compliant
10 auto lambda2 = []() {
11 // ...
12 return 0U;
13 }; // Non-compliant - returned type is not specified
14 auto x = lambda1(); // Type of x is std::uint8_t
15 auto y = lambda2(); // What is the type of y?
16 }
See also
• none
“The type of the lambda-expression (which is also the type of the closure object) is a
unique, unnamed non-union class type [...]” [C++14 Language Standard] [3]
Each lambda expression has a different unique underlying type, and therefore the type
is not to be used either as function argument, template argument or operand to built-in
or overloaded operator.
1 // $Id: A5-1-7.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <functional>
4 #include <vector>
5 void fn()
6 {
7 auto lambda1 = []() -> std::int8_t { return 1; };
8 auto lambda2 = []() -> std::int8_t { return 1; };
16 std::vector<decltype(lambda1)> v; // Non-compliant
17 // v.push_back([]() { return 1; }); // Compilation error, type of pushed
18 // lambda is different than decltype(lambda1)
19 // using mylambda_t = decltype([](){ return 1; }); // Non-compliant -
20 // compilation error
21 auto lambda3 = []() { return 2; };
22 using lambda3_t = decltype(lambda3); // Non-compliant - lambda3_t type can
23 // not be used for lambda expression
24 // declarations
25 // lambda3_t lambda4 = []() { return 2; }; // Conversion error at
26 // compile-time
27 std::function<std::int32_t()> f1 = []() { return 3; };
28 std::function<std::int32_t()> f2 = []() { return 3; };
See also
• none
Rule A5-1-8 (advisory, implementation, automated)
Lambda expressions should not be defined inside another lambda
Defining lambda expressions inside other lambda expressions reduces readability of
the code.
1 // $Id: A5-1-8.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn1()
4 {
5 std::int16_t x = 0;
6 auto f1 = [&x]() {
14 }; // Non-compliant
16 f1();
17 }
18 void fn2()
19 {
20 auto f5 = []() {
21 // Implementation
22 }; // Compliant
23 f5();
24 }
See also
• none
Implementations of dynamic_cast mechanism are unsuitable for use with real-time
systems where low memory usage and determined performance are essential.
If dynamic casting is essential for your program, usage of its custom implementation
should be considered. Also, usage of the dynamic_cast can be replaced with
polymorphism, i.e. virtual functions.
1 // $Id: A5-2-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 virtual void f() noexcept;
6 };
7 class B : public A
8 {
9 public:
10 void f() noexcept override {}
11 };
12 void fn(A* aptr) noexcept
13 {
14 // ...
15 B* bptr = dynamic_cast<B*>(aptr); // Non-compliant
17 if (bptr != nullptr)
18 {
19 // Use B class interface
20 }
21 else
22 {
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.146: Use dynamic_cast where class hierarchy
navigation is unavoidable.
• Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, Damian Dechev, Rabi
Mahapatra, Bjarne Stroustrup: Practical and Verifiable C++ Dynamic Cast for
Hard Real-Time Systems.
• Software-Practice and Experience, Michael Gibbs and Bjarne Stroustrup: Fast
dynamic casting.
C-style casts are more dangerous than the C++ named conversion operators. The C-
style casts are difficult to locate in large programs and the intent of the conversion is
not explicit.
Traditional C-style casts raise several concerns:
• C-style casts enable most any type to be converted to most any other type without
any indication of the reason for the conversion
• C-style cast syntax is difficult to identify for both reviewers and tools.
Consequently, both the location of conversion expressions as well as the
subsequent analysis of the conversion rationale proves difficult for C-style casts
Thus, C++ introduces casts (const_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, and
static_cast) that address these problems. These casts are not only easy to identify,
but they also explicitly communicate the developer’s intent for applying a cast.
1 // $Id: A5-2-2.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class C
4 {
5 public:
6 explicit C(std::int32_t) {}
7 virtual void fn() noexcept {}
8 };
9 class D : public C
10 {
11 public:
12 void fn() noexcept override {}
13 };
14 class E
15 {
16 };
17 std::int32_t g() noexcept
18 {
19 return 7;
20 }
21 void f() noexcept(false)
22 {
23 C a1 = C{10}; // Compliant
24 C* a2 = (C*)(&a1); // Non-compliant
25 const C a3(5);
26 C* a4 = const_cast<C*>(&a3); // Compliant - violates another rule
27 E* d1 = reinterpret_cast<E*>(a4); // Compliant - violates another rule
28 D* d2 = dynamic_cast<D*>(a2); // Compliant - violates another rule
29 std::int16_t x1 = 20;
30 std::int32_t x2 = static_cast<std::int32_t>(x1); // Compliant
31 std::int32_t x3 = (std::int32_t)x1; // Non-compliant
32 std::int32_t x4 = 10;
33 float f1 = static_cast<float>(x4); // Compliant
34 float f2 = (float)x4; // Non-compliant
35 std::int32_t x5 = static_cast<std::int32_t>(f1); // Compliant
36 std::int32_t x6 = (std::int32_t)f1; // Non-compliant
37 (void)g(); // Non-compliant
38 static_cast<void>(g()); // Compliant
39 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 5-2-4 C-style casts (other than void casts) and functional
notation casts (other than explicit constructor calls) shall not be used.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 185 C++ style casts (const_cast,
reinterpret_cast, and static_cast) shall be used instead of the traditional C-style
Removal of the const or volatile qualification may not meet developer expectations as
it may lead to undefined behavior.
Note that either const_cast and traditional C-style casts that remove const or volatile
qualification shall not be used.
1 // $Id: A5-2-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void f1(const char* str) noexcept(false)
4 {
5 *(const_cast<char*>(str)) =
6 ’\0’; // Non-compliant - const qualification removed
7 }
8 class C
9 {
10 public:
11 explicit C(std::int32_t) {}
12 };
13 void f2() noexcept(false)
14 {
15 C const a1 = C(10);
16 C* a2 = const_cast<C*>(&a1); // Non-compliant - const qualification removed
17 C* a3 = (C*)&a1; // Non-compliant - const qualification removed
18 }
19 extern volatile std::int32_t* f3() noexcept;
20 void f4() noexcept
21 {
22 volatile std::int32_t* ptr1 = f3();
23 // ...
24 std::int32_t* ptr2 = const_cast<std::int32_t*>(
25 ptr1); // Non-compliant - volatile qualification removed
26 // ...
27 std::int32_t* ptr3 =
28 (std::int32_t*)ptr1; // Non-compliant - volatile qualification removed
29 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 5-2-5 A cast shall not remove any const or volatile
qualification from the type of a pointer or reference.
Use of reinterpret_cast may violate type safety and cause the program to access a
variable as if it were of another, unrelated type.
19 private:
20 std::int32_t x;
21 };
22 class C : public B
23 {
24 };
25 class D : public B
26 {
27 };
28 void f2(A* ptr) noexcept
29 {
30 B* b1 = reinterpret_cast<B*>(ptr); // Non-compliant
31 std::int32_t num = 0;
32 A* a1 = reinterpret_cast<A*>(num); // Non-compliant
33 A* a2 = (A*)
34 num; // Compliant with this rule, but non-compliant with Rule A5-2-2.
35 B* b2 = reinterpret_cast<B*>(num); // Non-compliant
36 D d;
37 C* c1 = reinterpret_cast<C*>(&d); // Non-compliant - cross cast
38 C* c2 = (C*)&d; // Compliant with this rule, but non-compliant with Rule
39 // A5-2-2. Cross-cast.
40 B* b3 = &d; // Compliant - class D is a subclass of class B
41 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 5-2-7 An object with pointer type shall not be
converted to an unrelated pointer type, either directly or indirectly.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: Type.1: Don’t use reinterpret_cast.
To avoid undefined behavior, range checks should be coded to ensure that the array
access via pointer arithmetic or subscript operator is within defined bounds.
This could be also achieved by accessing an array via subscript operator with constant
indexes only.
Note that this rule applies to C-style arrays and all other containers that access their
elements using input index without range-checks.
Also, note that calculating an address one past the last element of the array is well
defined, but dereferencing it is not.
1 // $Id: A5-2-5.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <array>
3 #include <cstdint>
4 #include <iostream>
5 void fn1() noexcept
6 {
7 constexpr std::int32_t arraySize = 16;
8 std::int32_t array[arraySize]{0};
10 std::int32_t elem1 =
11 array[0]; // Compliant - access with constant literal that
12 // is less than ArraySize
13 std::int32_t elem2 =
14 array[12]; // Compliant - access with constant literal that
15 // is less than ArraySize
16 for (std::int32_t idx = 0; idx < 20; ++idx)
17 {
18 std::int32_t elem3 =
19 array[idx]; // Non-compliant - access beyond ArraySize
20 // bounds, which has 16 elements
21 }
27 std::int32_t index = 0;
28 std::cin >> index;
29 std::int32_t elem5 =
30 array[index]; // Non-compliant - index may exceed the ArraySize bounds
31 if (index < arraySize)
32 {
33 std::int32_t elem6 = array[index]; // Compliant - range check coded
34 }
35 }
36 void fn2() noexcept
37 {
38 constexpr std::int32_t arraySize = 32;
39 std::array<std::int32_t, arraySize> array;
40 array.fill(0);
42 std::int32_t elem1 =
43 array[10]; // Compliant - access with constant literal that
44 // is less than ArraySize
45 std::int32_t index = 40;
46 std::int32_t elem2 =
47 array[index]; // Non-compliant - access beyond ArraySize bounds
48 try
49 {
50 std::int32_t elem3 =
51; // Compliant - at() method provides a
52 // range check, throwing an exception if
53 // input exceeds the bounds
54 }
55 catch (std::out_of_range&)
56 {
57 // Handle an error
58 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.2.1 Ensure that pointer or array access is demonstrably within
bounds of a valid object.
The operand of typeid operator is evaluated only if it is a function call which returns a
reference to a polymorphic type.
Providing side effects to typeid operator, which takes place only under special
circumstances, makes the code more difficult to maintain.
1 // $Id: A5-3-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <typeinfo>
3 bool sideEffects() noexcept
4 {
5 // Implementation
6 return true;
7 }
8 class A
9 {
10 public:
11 static A& f1() noexcept { return a; }
12 virtual ~A() {}
14 private:
15 static A a;
16 };
17 A A::a;
18 void f2() noexcept(false)
19 {
20 typeid(sideEffects()); // Non-compliant - sideEffects() function not called
21 typeid(A::f1()); // Non-compliant - A::f1() functions called to determine
22 // the polymorphic type
23 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.1.6 Do not code side effects into the right-hand operands of:
&&, ||, sizeof, typeid or a function passed to condition_variable::wait.
The result is undefined if the right hand operand of the integer division or the remainder
operator is zero.
1 // $Id: A5-5-1.cpp 272338 2017-03-28 08:15:01Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 std::int32_t division1(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b) noexcept
5 {
6 return (a / b); // Non-compliant - value of b could be zero
7 }
8 std::int32_t division2(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b)
9 {
10 if (b == 0)
11 {
12 throw std::runtime_error("Division by zero error");
13 }
14 return (a / b); // Compliant - value of b checked before division
15 }
16 double fn()
17 {
18 std::int32_t x = 20 / 0; // Non-compliant - undefined behavior
19 x = division1(20, 0); // Undefined behavior
20 x = division2(20,
21 0); // Preconditions check will throw a runtime_error from
22 // division2() function
23 std::int32_t remainder = 20 % 0; // Non-compliant - undefined behavior
24 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.5.1 Ensure that the right hand operand of the division or
remainder operators is demonstrably non-zero.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.105: Don’t divide by zero.
The result of equality comparison between pointer to member virtual function and
anything other than null-pointer-constant (i.e. nullptr, see: A4-10-1) is unspecified.
1 // $Id: A5-10-1.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 virtual ~A() = default;
6 void f1() noexcept {}
7 void f2() noexcept {}
8 virtual void f3() noexcept {}
9 };
11 void fn()
12 {
13 bool b1 = (&A::f1 == &A::f2); // Compliant
14 bool b2 = (&A::f1 == nullptr); // Compliant
15 bool b3 = (&A::f3 == nullptr); // Compliant
16 bool b4 = (&A::f3 != nullptr); // Compliant
17 bool b5 = (&A::f3 == &A::f1); // Non-compliant
18 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.7.2 Ensure that a pointer to member that is a virtual function is
only compared (==) with nullptr.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 97.1 Neither operand of an equality operator
(== or !=) shall be a pointer to a virtual member function.
Using the result of the ternary conditional operator as an operand or nesting conditional
operators makes the code less readable and more difficult to maintain.
1 // $Id: A5-16-1.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 constexpr bool fn1(std::int32_t x)
4 {
5 return (x > 0); // Compliant
6 }
7 std::int32_t fn2(std::int32_t x)
8 {
9 std::int32_t i = (x >= 0 ? x : 0); // Compliant
11 std::int32_t j =
12 x + (i == 0 ? (x >= 0 ? x : -x) : i); // Non-compliant - nested
13 // conditional operator
14 // and used as a
15 // sub-expression
16 return (
17 i > 0
18 ? (j > 0 ? i + j : i)
19 : (j > 0 ? j : 0)); // Non-compliant - nested conditional operator
20 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.8.1 Do not use the conditional operator (?:) as a sub-
6.6 Statements
A switch statement constructed with less than two case-clauses can be expressed as
an if statement more naturally.
Note that a switch statement with no case-clauses is redundant.
1 // $Id: A6-4-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void f1(std::uint8_t choice) noexcept
4 {
5 switch (choice)
6 {
7 default:
8 break;
9 } // Non-compliant, the switch statement is redundant
10 }
11 void f2(std::uint8_t choice) noexcept
12 {
13 switch (choice)
14 {
15 case 0:
16 // ...
17 break;
19 default:
20 // ...
21 break;
22 } // Non-compliant, only 1 case-clause
30 // ...
31 }
33 // ...
34 switch (choice)
35 {
36 case 0:
37 // ...
38 break;
40 case 1:
41 // ...
42 break;
44 default:
45 // ...
46 break;
47 } // Compliant
48 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 6-4-8 Every switch statement shall have at least one
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 6.1.4 Ensure that a switch statement has at least two case labels,
distinct from the default label.
A for-loop that simply loops through all elements of the container and does not use its
loop-counter is equivalent to a range-based for statement that reduces the amount of
code to maintain correct loop semantics.
1 // $Id: A6-5-1.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <iterator>
4 void fn() noexcept
5 {
6 constexpr std::int8_t arraySize = 7;
7 std::uint32_t array[arraySize] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 6.2.1 Implement a loop that only uses element values as a range-
based loop.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.71: Prefer a range-for-statement to a for-statement
when there is a choice.
A for loop without a loop-counter is simply a while loop. If this is the desired behavior,
then a while loop is more appropriate.
Floating types, as they should not be tested for equality/inequality, are not to be used
as loop-counters.
1 // $Id: A6-5-2.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 namespace
4 {
5 constexpr std::int32_t xlimit = 20;
6 constexpr std::int32_t ylimit = 15;
7 constexpr float zlimit = 2.5F;
8 constexpr std::int32_t ilimit = 100;
9 }
10 void fn() noexcept
11 {
12 std::int32_t y = 0;
26 for (float z = 0.0F; z < zlimit; z += 0.1F) // Non-compliant, float with <
27 {
28 // ...
29 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 6-5-1 A for loop shall contain a single loop-counter
which shall not have floating type.
Using goto statement significantly complicates the logic, makes the code difficult to
read and maintain, and may lead to incorrect resources releases or memory leaks.
45 loop_break:; // ...
46 }
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 189 The goto statement shall not be used.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.76: Avoid goto.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: NR.6: Don’t: Place all cleanup actions at the end of a
function and goto exit.
6.7 Declaration
6.7.1 Specifiers
If data is declared to be const or constexpr then its value can not be changed by
mistake. Also, such declaration can offer the compiler optimization opportunities.
Note that the constexpr specifier in an object declaration implies const as well.
1 //% $Id: A7-1-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <limits>
4 void fn()
5 {
6 const std::int16_t x1 = 5; // Compliant
7 constexpr std::int16_t x2 = 5; // Compliant
8 std::int16_t x3 =
9 5; // Non-compliant - x3 is not modified but not declared as
10 // constant (const or constexpr)
11 }
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.25: Declare objects const or constexpr unless you
want to modify its value later on.
The constexpr specifier declares that it is possible to evaluate the value of the function
or variable at compile time, e.g. integral type overflow/underflow, configuration options
or some physical constants. The compile-time evaluation can have no side effects so
it is more reliable than const expressions.
Note that the constexpr specifier in an object declaration implies const, and when used
in a function declaration it implies inline.
Note also that since 2014 C++ Language Standard constexpr specifier in member
function declaration no longer implicitly implies that the member function is const.
1 //% $Id: A7-1-2.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 std::int32_t pow1(std::int32_t number)
4 {
5 return (number * number);
6 }
7 constexpr std::int32_t pow2(
8 std::int32_t number) // Possible compile-time computing
9 // because of constexpr specifier
10 {
11 return (number * number);
12 }
13 void fn()
14 {
15 constexpr std::int16_t i1 = 20; // Compliant, evaluated at compile-time
16 const std::int16_t i2 = 20; // Non-compliant, possible run-time evaluation
17 std::int32_t twoSquare =
18 pow1(2); // Non-compliant, possible run-time evaluation
19 const std::int32_t threeSquare =
20 pow1(3); // Non-compliant, possible run-time evaluation
21 // static_assert(threeSquare == 9, "pow1(3) did not succeed."); // Value
22 // can not be static_assert-ed
23 constexpr std::int32_t fiveSquare =
24 pow2(5); // Compliant, evaluated at compile time
25 static_assert(fiveSquare == 25,
26 "pow2(5) did not succeed."); // Compliant, constexpr
27 // evaluated at compile time
28 // constexpr std::int32_t int32Max =
29 // std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max() + 1; //
30 // Compliant - compilation error due to
31 // compile-time evaluation (integer overflow)
32 }
33 class A
34 {
35 public:
36 static constexpr double pi = 3.14159265; // Compliant - value of PI can be
37 // determined in compile time
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: Con.5: Use constexpr for values that can be computed
at compile time.
If the type is a typedef or a using name, placing const or volatile qualifier on the left
hand side may result in confusion over what part of the type the qualification applies
1 // $Id: A7-1-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 using IntPtr = std::int32_t*;
4 using IntConstPtr = std::int32_t* const;
5 using ConstIntPtr = const std::int32_t*;
6 void fn(const std::uint8_t& input) // Compliant
7 {
8 std::int32_t value1 = 10;
9 std::int32_t value2 = 20;
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.1.4 Place CV-qualifiers on the right hand side of the type they
apply to
This feature was deprecated in the 2011 C++ Language Standard [2] and may be
withdrawn in a later version.
Moreover, most compilers ignore register specifier and perform their own register
1 // $Id: A7-1-4.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 std::int32_t f1(register std::int16_t number) noexcept // Non-compliant
4 {
5 return ((number * number) + number);
6 }
7 void f2(std::int16_t number) noexcept // Compliant
8 {
9 register std::int8_t x = 10; // Non-compliant
10 std::int32_t result = f1(number); // Compliant
11 // ...
12 }
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 140 The register storage class specifier shall
not be used.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 1.3.2 Do not use the register keyword
Using the auto specifier may lead to unexpected type deduction results, and therefore
to developers confusion. In most cases using the auto specifier makes the code less
Note that it is allowed to use the auto specifier in following cases:
1. When declaring a variable that is initialized with a function call or initializer of
non-fundamental type. Using the auto specifier for implicit type deduction in such
cases will ensure that no unexpected implicit conversions will occur. In such case,
explicit type declaration would not aid readability of the code.
2. When declaring a generic lambda expression with auto parameters
3. When declaring a function template using trailing return type syntax
1 // $Id: A7-1-5.cpp 272338 2017-03-28 08:15:01Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <vector>
5 class A
6 {
7 };
8 void f1() noexcept
9 {
10 auto x1 = 5; // Non-compliant - initializer is of fundamental type
11 auto x2 = 0.3F; // Non-compliant - initializer is of fundamental type
12 auto x3 = {8}; // Non-compliant - initializer is of fundamental type
14 std::vector<std::int32_t> v;
15 auto x4 = v.size(); // Compliant with case (1) - x4 is of size_t type that
16 // is returned from v.size() method
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.1.8 Use auto id = expr when declaring a variable to have the
same type as its initializer function call.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: Use auto.
• Google C++ Style Guide [11]: Use auto to avoid type names that are noisy,
obvious, or unimportant.
The typedef specifier can not be easily used for defining alias templates. Also, the
typedef syntax makes the code less readable.
For defining aliases, as well as template aliases, it is recommended to use the using
syntax instead of the typedef.
Note that active issues related to the using syntax are listed below, in the “See also”
1 // $Id: A7-1-6.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <type_traits>
9 // template<typename T>
10 // typedef std::int32_t (*fPointer3)(T); // Non-compliant - compilation error
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: T.43: Prefer using over typedef for defining aliases
• C++ Standard Core Language Active Issues, Revision 96 [17]: 1554. Access and
alias templates.
• C++ Standard Core Language Defect Reports and Accepted Issues, Revision 96
[17]: 1558. Unused arguments in alias template specializations.
Declaring an identifier on a separate line makes the identifier declaration easier to find
and the source code more readable. Also, combining objects, references and pointers
declarations on the same line may become confusing.
It is permitted to declare an identifier in initialization statement of a for loop.
1 // $Id: A7-1-7.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <vector>
15 void fn2()
16 {
17 std::vector<std::int32_t> v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
18 for (auto iter{v.begin()}, end{v.end()}; iter != end;
19 ++iter) // Compliant by exception
20 {
21 // ...
22 }
23 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.1.1 Declare each identifier on a separate line in a separate
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 42 Each expression-statement will be on a
separate line.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: NL.20: Don’t place two statements on the same line.
Placing a non-type specifier, i.e. typedef, friend, constexpr, register, static, extern,
thread_local, mutable, inline, virtual, explicit, before type specifiers makes the source
code more readable.
1 // $Id: A7-1-8.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
7 class C
8 {
9 public:
10 virtual inline void f1(); // Compliant
11 inline virtual void f2(); // Compliant
12 void virtual inline f3(); // Non-compliant
13 private:
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.1.3 Do not place type specifiers before non-type specifiers in a
It is unspecified behavior if the evaluation of an expression with enum underlying type
yields a value which does not correspond to one of the enumerators of the enumeration.
Additionally, other rules in this standard assume that objects of enum type only contain
values corresponding to the enumerators. This rule ensures the validity of these
One way of ensuring compliance when converting to an enumeration is to use a switch
1 // $Id: A7-2-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 enum class E : std::uint8_t
4 {
5 Ok = 0,
6 Repeat,
7 Error
8 };
9 E convert1(std::uint8_t number) noexcept
10 {
11 E result = E::Ok; // Compliant
12 switch (number)
13 {
14 case 0:
15 {
16 result = E::Ok; // Compliant
17 break;
18 }
19 case 1:
20 {
21 result = E::Repeat; // Compliant
22 break;
23 }
24 case 2:
25 {
26 result = E::Error; // Compliant
27 break;
28 }
29 case 3:
30 {
31 constexpr std::int8_t val = 3;
32 result = static_cast<E>(val); // Non-compliant - value 3 does not
33 // correspond to any of E’s
34 // enumerators
35 break;
36 }
37 default:
38 {
39 result =
40 static_cast<E>(0); // Compliant - value 0 corresponds to E::Ok
41 break;
42 }
43 }
44 return result;
45 }
46 E convert2(std::uint8_t userInput) noexcept
47 {
48 E result = static_cast<E>(userInput); // Non-compliant - the range of
49 // userInput may not correspond to
50 // any of E’s enumerators
51 return result;
52 }
53 E convert3(std::uint8_t userInput) noexcept
54 {
55 E result = E::Error;
56 if (userInput < 3)
57 {
58 result = static_cast<E>(userInput); // Compliant - the range of
59 // userInput checked before casting
60 // it to E enumerator
61 }
62 return result;
63 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 7-2-1 An expression with enum underlying type shall
only have values corresponding to the enumerators of the enumeration.
The enumeration underlying type is implementation-defined, with the only restriction
that the type must be able to represent the enumeration values. Although scoped enum
will implicitly define an underlying type of int, the underlying base type of enumeration
should always be explicitly defined with a type that will be large enough to store all
1 // $Id: A7-2-2.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 enum class E1 // Non-compliant
4 {
5 E10,
6 E11,
7 E12
8 };
9 enum class E2 : std::uint8_t // Compliant
10 {
11 E20,
12 E21,
13 E22
14 };
15 enum E3 // Non-compliant
16 {
17 E30,
18 E31,
19 E32
20 };
21 enum E4 : std::uint8_t // Compliant - violating another rule
22 {
23 E40,
24 E41,
25 E42
26 };
27 enum class E5 : std::uint8_t // Non-compliant - will not compile
28 {
29 E50 = 255,
30 // E5_1, // E5_1 = 256 which is outside of range of underlying type
31 // std::uint8_t
32 // - compilation error
33 // E5_2 // E5_2 = 257 which is outside of range of underlying type
34 // std::uint8_t
35 // - compilation error
36 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.2.1 Use an explicit enumeration base and ensure that it is large
enough to store all enumerators
If unscoped enumeration enum is declared in a global scope, then its values can
redeclare constants declared with the same identifier in the global scope. This may
lead to developer’s confusion.
Using enum-class as enumeration encloses its enumerators in its inner scope and
prevent redeclaring identifiers from outer scope.
Note that enum class enumerators disallow implicit conversion to numeric values.
1 // $Id: A7-2-3.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
27 void f2()
28 {
29 f1(0);
35 f1(static_cast<std::int32_t>(
36 E2::E21)); // Only explicit conversion allows to
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: Enum.3: Prefer class enums over "‘plain"’ enums.
Rule A7-2-4 (required, implementation, automated)
In an enumeration, either (1) none, (2) the first or (3) all enumerators shall be
Explicit initialization of only some enumerators in an enumeration, and relying on
compiler to initialize the remaining ones, may lead to developer‘s confusion.
1 //% $Id: A7-2-4.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 enum class Enum1 : std::uint32_t
4 {
5 One,
6 Two = 2, // Non-compliant
7 Three
8 };
9 enum class Enum2 : std::uint32_t // Compliant (none)
10 {
11 One,
12 Two,
13 Three
14 };
15 enum class Enum3 : std::uint32_t // Compliant (the first)
16 {
17 One = 1,
18 Two,
19 Three
20 };
21 enum class Enum4 : std::uint32_t // Compliant (all)
22 {
23 One = 1,
24 Two = 2,
25 Three = 3
26 };
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 8-5-3 In an enumerator list, the = construct shall not
be used to explicitly initialize members other than the first, unless all items are
explicitly initialized.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.2.2 Initialize none, the first only or all enumerators in an
6.7.3 Namespaces
Inline assembly code restricts the portability of the code.
1 // $Id: A7-4-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 std::int32_t fn1(std::int32_t b) noexcept
4 {
5 std::int32_t ret = 0;
6 // ...
7 asm("pushq %%rax \n"
8 "movl %0, %%eax \n"
9 "addl %1, %%eax \n"
10 "movl %%eax, %0 \n"
11 "popq %%rax"
12 : "=r"(ret)
13 : "r"(b)); // Non-compliant
14 return ret;
15 }
16 std::int32_t fn2(std::int32_t b) noexcept
17 {
18 std::int32_t ret = 0;
19 // ...
20 ret += b; // Compliant - equivalent to asm(...) above
21 return ret;
22 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.5.1 Do not use the asm declaration.
“[...] Where a parameter is of const reference type a temporary object is introduced if
needed (7.1.6, 2.13, 2.13.5, 8.3.4, 12.2).” [C++14 Language Standard [3]]
Any attempt to dereferencing an object which outlived its scope will lead to undefined
References to const bind to both lvalues and rvalues, so functions that accept
parameters passed by reference to const should expect temporary objects too.
Returning a pointer or a reference to such an object leads to undefined behavior on
accessing it.
1 // $Id: A7-5-1.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class A
4 {
5 public:
6 explicit A(std::uint8_t n) : number(n) {}
7 ~A() { number = 0U; }
8 // Implementation
10 private:
11 std::uint8_t number;
12 };
13 const A& fn1(const A& ref) noexcept // Non-compliant - the function returns a
14 // reference to const reference parameter
15 // which may bind to temporary objects.
16 // According to C++14 Language Standard, it
17 // is undefined whether a temporary object is introduced for const
18 // reference
19 // parameter
20 {
21 // ...
22 return ref;
23 }
24 const A& fn2(A& ref) noexcept // Compliant - non-const reference parameter does
25 // not bind to temporary objects, it is allowed
26 // that the function returns a reference to such
27 // a parameter
28 {
29 // ...
30 return ref;
31 }
32 const A* fn3(const A& ref) noexcept // Non-compliant - the function returns a
33 // pointer to const reference parameter
34 // which may bind to temporary objects.
35 // According to C++14 Language Standard, it
36 // is undefined whether a temporary object is introduced for const
37 // reference
38 // parameter
39 {
40 // ...
41 return &ref;
42 }
43 template <typename T>
44 T& fn4(T& v) // Compliant - the function will not bind to temporary objects
45 {
46 // ...
47 return v;
48 }
49 void f() noexcept
50 {
51 A a{5};
52 const A& ref1 = fn1(a); // fn1 called with an lvalue parameter from an
53 // outer scope, ref1 refers to valid object
54 const A& ref2 = fn2(a); // fn2 called with an lvalue parameter from an
55 // outer scope, ref2 refers to valid object
56 const A* ptr1 = fn3(a); // fn3 called with an lvalue parameter from an
57 // outer scope, ptr1 refers to valid object
58 const A& ref3 = fn4(a); // fn4 called with T = A, an lvalue parameter from
59 // an outer scope, ref3 refers to valid object
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: A function shall not return a reference or a pointer to a
parameter that is passed by reference or const reference.
As the stack space is limited resource, use of recursion may lead to stack overflow at
run-time. It also may limit the scalability and portability of the program.
Recursion can be replaced with loops, iterative algorithms or worklists.
Recursion in variadic template functions used to process template arguments does not
violate this rule, as variadic template arguments are evaluated at compile time and the
call depth is known.
Recursion of a constexpr function does not violate this rule, as it is evaluated at compile
1 // $Id: A7-5-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 static std::int32_t fn1(std::int32_t number);
4 static std::int32_t fn2(std::int32_t number);
5 static std::int32_t fn3(std::int32_t number);
6 static std::int32_t fn4(std::int32_t number);
7 std::int32_t fn1(std::int32_t number)
8 {
9 if (number > 1)
10 {
11 number = number * fn1(number - 1); // Non-compliant
12 }
14 return number;
15 }
16 std::int32_t fn2(std::int32_t number)
17 {
18 for (std::int32_t n = number; n > 1; --n) // Compliant
19 {
20 number = number * (n - 1);
21 }
23 return number;
24 }
25 std::int32_t fn3(std::int32_t number)
26 {
27 if (number > 1)
28 {
29 number = number * fn3(number - 1); // Non-compliant
30 }
32 return number;
33 }
34 std::int32_t fn4(std::int32_t number)
35 {
36 if (number == 1)
37 {
38 number = number * fn3(number - 1); // Non-compliant
39 }
41 return number;
42 }
43 template <typename T>
44 T fn5(T value)
45 {
46 return value;
47 }
48 template <typename T, typename... Args>
49 T fn5(T first, Args... args)
50 {
51 return first + fn5(args...); // Compliant by exception - all of the
52 // arguments are known during compile time
53 }
54 std::int32_t fn6() noexcept
55 {
56 std::int32_t sum = fn5<std::int32_t, std::uint8_t, float, double>(
57 10, 5, 2.5, 3.5); // An example call to variadic template function
58 // ...
59 return sum;
60 }
61 constexpr std::int32_t fn7(std::int32_t x, std::int8_t n)
62 {
63 if (n >= 0)
64 {
65 x += x;
66 return fn5(x, --n); // Compliant by exception - recursion evaluated at
67 // compile time
68 }
69 return x;
70 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 7-5-4 Functions should not call themselves, either
directly or indirectly.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 119 Functions shall not call themselves, either
directly or indirectly (i.e. recursion shall not be allowed).
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.2.2 Ensure that functions do not call themselves, either directly
or indirectly.
6.8 Declarators
6.8.0 General
Use of trailing return type syntax avoids a fully qualified return type of a function along
with the typename keyword.
1 // $Id: A8-2-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 template <typename T>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 using Type = std::int32_t;
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 7.1.7 Use a trailing return type in preference to type
disambiguation using typename.
Passing arguments via an ellipsis bypasses the type checking performed by the
compiler. Additionally, passing an argument with non-POD class type leads to
undefined behavior.
Variadic templates offer a type-safe alternative for ellipsis notation. If use of a
variadic template is not possible, function overloading or function call chaining can
be considered.
1 // $Id: A8-4-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 8-4-1 Functions shall not be defined using the ellipsis
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 14.1.1 Use variadic templates rather than an ellipsis.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: Type.8: Avoid reading from varargs or passing vararg
arguments. Prefer variadic template parameters instead.
In a function with non-void return type, return expression gives the value that the
function returns. The absence of a return with an expression leads to undefined
behavior (and the compiler may not give an error).
A function may additionally exit due to exception handling (i.e. a throw statement).
1 // $Id: A8-4-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 std::int32_t f1() noexcept // Non-compliant
5 {
6 }
7 std::int32_t f2(std::int32_t x) noexcept(false)
8 {
9 if (x > 100)
10 {
11 throw std::logic_error("Logic Error"); // Compliant by exception
12 }
14 return x; // Compliant
15 }
16 std::int32_t f3(std::int32_t x, std::int32_t y)
17 {
18 if (x > 100 || y > 100)
19 {
20 throw std::logic_error("Logic Error"); // Compliant by exception
21 }
22 if (y > x)
23 {
24 return (y - x); // Compliant
25 }
26 return (x - y); // Compliant
27 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 8-4-3 All exit paths from a function with non-void
return type shall have an explicit return statement with an expression.
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: MSC52-CPP. Value-returning functions must return a value
from all exit paths.
6.8.5 Initilizers
To avoid confusion and possible use of uninitialized data members, it is recommended
that the initialization list matches the actual initialization order.
Regardless of the order of member initializers in a initialization list, the order of
initialization is always:
• Virtual base classes in depth and left to right order of the inheritance graph.
• Direct non-virtual base classes in left to right order of inheritance list.
• Non-static member data in order of declaration in the class definition.
Note that “The order of derivation is relevant only to determine the order of default
initialization by constructors and cleanup by destructors.” [C++14 Language Standard
1 // $Id: A8-5-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <string>
4 class A
5 {
6 };
7 class B
8 {
9 };
10 class C : public virtual B, public A
11 {
12 public:
13 C() : B(), A(), s() {} // Compliant
17 private:
18 std::string s;
19 };
20 class D
21 {
22 };
23 class E
24 {
25 };
26 class F : public virtual A, public B, public virtual D, public E
27 {
28 public:
29 F() : A(), D(), B(), E(), number1(0), number2(0U) {} // Compliant
30 F(F const& oth)
31 : B(), E(), A(), D(), number1(oth.number1), number2(oth.number2)
32 {
33 } // Non-compliant - incorrect
34 // order of initialization
36 private:
37 std::int32_t number1;
38 std::uint8_t number2;
39 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]:12.4.4 Write members in an initialization list in the order in which
they are declared
Braced-initialization using {} braces is simpler and less ambiguous than other forms
of initialization. It is also safer, because it does not allow narrowing conversions for
numeric values, and it is immune to C++’s most vexing parse.
The use of an equals sign for initialization misleads into thinking that an assignment is
taking place, even though it is not. For built-in types like int, the difference is academic,
but for user-defined types, it is important to explicitly distinguish initialization from
assignment, because different function calls are involved.
Note that most vexing parse is a form of syntactic ambiguity resolution in C++, e.g.
“Class c()” could be interpreted either as a variable definition of class “Class” or a
function declaration which returns an object of type “Class”.
Note that in order to avoid grammar ambiguities, it is highly recommended to use only
braced-initialization {} within templates.
If a class declares both a constructor taking std::initializer_list argument and a
constructor which invocation will be ignored in favor of std::initializer_list constructor,
this rule is not violated by calling a constructor using () parentheses.
1 // $Id: A8-5-2.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <initializer_list>
4 void f1() noexcept
5 {
6 std::int32_t x1 =
7 7.9; // Non-compliant - x1 becomes 7 without compilation error
8 // std::int32_t y {7.9}; // Compliant - compilation error, narrowing
9 std::int8_t x2{50}; // Compliant
10 std::int8_t x3 = {50}; // Non-compliant - std::int8_t x3 {50} is equivalent
11 // and more readable
12 std::int8_t x4 =
13 1.0; // Non-compliant - implicit conversion from double to std::int8_t
14 std::int8_t x5 = 300; // Non-compliant - narrowing occurs implicitly
15 std::int8_t x6(x5); // Non-compliant
16 }
17 class A
18 {
19 public:
20 A(std::int32_t first, std::int32_t second) : x{first}, y{second} {}
22 private:
23 std::int32_t x;
24 std::int32_t y;
25 };
26 struct B
27 {
28 std::int16_t x;
29 std::int16_t y;
30 };
31 class C
32 {
33 public:
34 C(std::int32_t first, std::int32_t second) : x{first}, y{second} {}
35 C(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t> list) : x{0}, y{0} {}
37 private:
38 std::int32_t x;
39 std::int32_t y;
40 };
41 void f2() noexcept
42 {
43 A a1{1, 5}; // Compliant - calls constructor of class A
44 A a2 = {1, 5}; // Non-compliant - calls a default constructor of class A
45 // and not copy constructor or assignment operator.
46 A a3(1, 5); // Non-compliant
47 B b1{5, 0}; // Compliant - struct members initialization
48 C c1{2, 2}; // Compliant - C(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
49 // constructor is
50 // called
51 C c2(2, 2); // Compliant by exception - this is the only way to call
52 // C(std::int32_t, std::int32_t) constructor
53 C c3{{}}; // Compliant - C(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>) constructor
54 // is
55 // called with an empty initializer_list
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.23 Prefer the {} initializer syntax.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: T.68: Use {} rather than () within templates to avoid
• Effective Modern C++ [12]: Item 7. Distinguish between () and {} when creating
If an initializer of a variable of type auto is enclosed in braces, then the result of type
deduction may lead to developer confusion, as the variable initialized using {} or ={} will
always be of std::initializer_list type.
Note that some compilers, e.g. GCC or Clang, can implement this differently -
initializing a variable of type auto using {} will deduce an integer type, and initializing
using ={} will deduce a std::initializer_list type. This is desirable type deduction which
will be introduced into the C++ Language Standard with C++17.
1 // $Id: A8-5-3.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <initializer_list>
4 void fn() noexcept
5 {
6 auto x1(10); // Compliant - the auto-declared variable is of type int, but
7 // not compliant with A8-5-2.
See also
• Effective Modern C++ [12]: Item 2. Understand auto type deduction.
• Effective Modern C++ [12]: Item 7. Distinguish between () and {} when creating
If an object is initialized using {} braced-initialization, the compiler strongly prefers
constructor taking parameter of type std::initializer_list to other constructors. Usage
of constructors taking parameter of type std::initializer_list needs to be limited in order
to avoid implicit calls to wrongly deduced constructor candidate of a class.
A class that internally stores a collection of objects is the case in which constructors
taking parameter of type std::initializer_list are reasonable, allowing readable
initialization of a class with a list of its elements.
1 // $Id: A8-5-4.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <algorithm>
3 #include <cstdint>
4 #include <initializer_list>
5 #include <vector>
6 class A
7 {
8 public:
9 A() : x(0), y(0) {}
10 A(std::int32_t first, std::int32_t second) : x(first), y(second) {}
11 A(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t> list)
12 : x(0), y(0) // Non-compliant - class A does not store a collection
13 // of objects
14 {
15 // ...
16 }
18 private:
19 std::int32_t x;
20 std::int32_t y;
21 };
22 class B
23 {
24 public:
25 B() : collection() {}
26 B(std::int32_t size, std::int32_t value) : collection(size, value) {}
27 B(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t> list)
28 : collection(
29 list) // Compliant - class B stores a collection of objects
30 {
31 }
33 private:
34 std::vector<std::int32_t> collection;
35 };
36 class C
37 {
38 public:
39 C() : array{0} {}
40 C(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t> list)
41 : array{0} // Compliant - class C stores a collection of objects
42 {
43 std::copy(list.begin(), list.end(), array);
44 }
46 private:
47 static constexpr std::int32_t size = 100;
48 std::int32_t array[size];
49 };
50 class D : public C
51 {
52 public:
53 D() : C() {}
54 D(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t> list)
55 : C{list} // Compliant - class D inherits a collection of objects
56 // from class C
57 {
58 }
59 };
60 class E
61 {
62 public:
63 E() : container() {}
64 E(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t> list)
65 : container{list} // Compliant - class E stores class C which
66 // stores a collection of objects
67 {
68 }
70 private:
71 C container;
72 };
73 void f1() noexcept
74 {
75 A a1{}; // Calls A::A()
76 A a2{{}}; // Calls A::A(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
77 A a3{0, 1}; // Calls A::A(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
78 A a4(0, 1); // Calls A::A(std::int32_t, std::int32_t)
79 }
80 void f2() noexcept
81 {
82 B b1{}; // Calls B::B()
83 B b2{{}}; // Calls B::B(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
84 B b3{1, 2}; // Calls B::B(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
85 B b4(10, 0); // Calls B::B(std::int32_t, std::int32_t)
86 }
87 void f3() noexcept
88 {
89 C c1{}; // Calls C::C()
90 C c2{{}}; // Calls C::C(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
91 C c3{1, 2, 3}; // Calls C::C(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
92 }
93 void f4() noexcept
94 {
95 D d1{}; // Calls D::D()
96 D d2{{}}; // Calls D::D(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
97 D d3{1, 2, 3}; // Calls D::D(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
98 }
99 void f5() noexcept
100 {
101 E e1{}; // Calls E::E()
102 E e2{{}}; // Calls E::E(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
103 E e3{1, 2, 3}; // Calls E::E(std::initializer_list<std::int32_t>)
104 }
See also
• Effective Modern C++ [12]: Item 7. Distinguish between () and {} when creating
6.9 Classes
By implementing class interfaces with member functions the implementation retains
more control over how the object state can be modified and helps to allow a class to be
maintained without affecting clients. Returning a handle to data that is owned by the
class allows for clients to modify the state of the object without using an interface.
Note that this rule applies to data that are owned by the class (i.e. are class-data). Non-
const handles to objects that are shared between different classes may be returned.
See: Ownership.
Classes that mimic smart pointers and containers do not violate this rule.
1 // $Id: A9-3-1.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <memory>
4 #include <utility>
5 class A
6 {
7 public:
8 explicit A(std::int32_t number) : x(number) {}
9 // Implementation
10 std::int32_t&
11 getX() noexcept // Non-compliant - x is a resource owned by the A class
12 {
13 return x;
14 }
16 private:
17 std::int32_t x;
18 };
19 void fn1() noexcept
20 {
21 A a{10};
22 std::int32_t& number = a.getX();
23 number = 15; // External modification of private class data
24 }
25 class B
26 {
27 public:
28 explicit B(std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr) : sharedptr(std::move(ptr)) {}
29 // Implementation
30 std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> getSharedPtr() const
31 noexcept // Compliant - sharedptr is a variable being shared between
32 // instances
33 {
34 return sharedptr;
35 }
37 private:
38 std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> sharedptr;
39 };
40 void fn2() noexcept
41 {
42 std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr = std::make_shared<std::int32_t>(10);
43 B b1{ptr};
44 B b2{ptr};
45 *ptr = 50; // External modification of ptr which shared between b1 and b2
46 // instances
47 auto shared = b1.getSharedPtr();
48 *shared = 100; // External modification of ptr which shared between b1 and
49 // b2 instances
50 }
51 class C
52 {
53 public:
54 explicit C(std::int32_t number)
55 : ownedptr{std::make_unique<std::int32_t>(number)}
56 {
57 }
58 // Implementation
59 const std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t>& getOwnedPtr() const
60 noexcept // Non-compliant - only unique_ptr is const, the object that
61 // it is pointing to is modifiable
62 {
63 return ownedptr;
64 }
65 const std::int32_t& getData() const noexcept // Compliant
66 {
67 return *ownedptr;
68 }
70 private:
71 std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t> ownedptr;
72 };
73 void fn3() noexcept
74 {
75 C c{10};
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 9-3-2 Member functions shall not return non-const
handles to class-data.
6.9.5 Unions
6.9.6 Bit-fields
Explicitly declaring a bit-field unsigned prevents unexpected sign extension, overflows
and implementation-defined behavior.
Note that if a bit-field has enumeration type, then the enumeration base needs to be
declared of an explicitly unsigned type.
1 // $Id: A9-6-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 enum class E1 : std::uint8_t
4 {
5 E11,
6 E12,
7 E13
8 };
9 enum class E2 : std::int16_t
10 {
11 E21,
12 E22,
13 E23
14 };
15 enum class E3
16 {
17 E31,
18 E32,
19 E33
20 };
21 enum E4
22 {
23 E41,
24 E42,
25 E43
26 };
27 class C
28 {
29 public:
30 std::int32_t a : 2; // Non-compliant - signed integral type
31 std::uint8_t b : 2U; // Compliant
32 bool c : 1; // Non-compliant - it is implementation-defined whether bool is
33 // signed or unsigned
34 char d : 2; // Non-compliant
35 wchar_t e : 2; // Non-compliant
36 E1 f1 : 2; // Compliant
37 E2 f2 : 2; // Non-compliant - E2 enum class underlying type is signed
38 // int
39 E3 f3 : 2; // Non-compliant - E3 enum class does not explicitly define
40 // underlying type
41 E4 f4 : 2; // Non-compliant - E4 enum does not explicitly define underlying
42 // type
43 };
44 void fn() noexcept
45 {
46 C c;
47 c.f1 = E1::E11;
48 }
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 154 Bit-fields shall have explicitly unsigned
integral or enumeration types only.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 9.2.1 Declare bit-fields with an explicitly unsigned integral or
enumeration type.
Multiple inheritance exposes derived class to multiple implementations. This makes
the code more difficult to maintain.
See: Diamond-Problem, Interface-Class
1 // $Id: A10-1-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class A
4 {
5 public:
6 void f1() noexcept(false) {}
8 private:
9 std::int32_t x{0};
10 std::int32_t y{0};
11 };
12 class B
13 {
14 public:
15 void f2() noexcept(false) {}
17 private:
18 std::int32_t x{0};
19 };
20 class C : public A,
21 public B // Non-compliant - A and B are both not interface classes
22 {
23 };
24 class D
25 {
26 public:
27 virtual ~D() = 0;
28 virtual void f3() noexcept = 0;
29 virtual void f4() noexcept = 0;
30 };
31 class E
32 {
33 public:
34 static constexpr std::int32_t value{10};
36 virtual ~E() = 0;
37 virtual void f5() noexcept = 0;
38 };
39 class F : public A,
40 public B,
41 public D,
42 public E // Non-compliant - A and B are both not interface classes
43 {
44 };
45 class G : public A,
46 public D,
47 public E // Compliant - D and E are interface classes
48 {
49 };
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 88 Multiple inheritance shall only be allowed in
the following restricted form: n interfaces plus m private implementations, plus at
most one protected implementation.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 10.3.1 Ensure that a derived class has at most one base class
which is not an interface class.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.135: Use multiple inheritance to represent multiple
distinct interfaces.
A non-virtual member function specifies an invariant over the hierarchy. It cannot be
overridden in derived classes, but it can be hidden by a derived class member (data or
function) with the same identifier. The effect of this hiding is to defeat polymorphism
by causing an object to behave differently depending on which interface is used to
manipulate it, resulting in unnecessary complexity and error.
1 // $Id: A10-2-1.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 virtual ~A() = default;
6 void f() noexcept {}
7 virtual void g() noexcept {}
8 };
10 class B : public A
11 {
12 public:
13 void
14 f() noexcept // Non-compliant - f() function from A class hidden by B class
15 {
16 }
17 void g() noexcept override // Compliant - g() function from A class
18 // overridden by B class
19 {
20 }
21 };
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 94 An inherited nonvirtual function shall not be
redefined in a derived class.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.12: Do not reuse names in nested scopes.
Specifying more than one of these three specifiers along with virtual function
declaration is redundant and a potential source of errors.
It is recommended to use the virtual specifier only for new virtual function declaration,
the override specifier for overrider declaration, and the final specifier for final overrider
Note that this applies to virtual destructors and virtual operators, too.
1 // $Id: A10-3-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 virtual ~A() {} // Compliant
6 virtual void f() noexcept = 0; // Compliant
7 virtual void g() noexcept final = 0; // Non-compliant - virtual final pure
8 // function is redundant
9 virtual void
10 h() noexcept final // Non-compliant - function is virtual and final
11 {
12 }
13 virtual void k() noexcept // Compliant
14 {
15 }
16 virtual void j() noexcept {}
17 virtual void m() noexcept // Compliant
18 {
19 }
20 virtual void z() noexcept // Compliant
21 {
22 }
23 virtual A& operator+=(A const& rhs) noexcept // Compliant
24 {
25 // ...
26 return *this;
27 }
28 };
29 class B : public A
30 {
31 public:
32 ~B() override {} // Compliant
33 virtual void f() noexcept override // Non-compliant - function is specified
34 // with virtual and override
35 {
36 }
37 void k() noexcept override
38 final // Non-compliant - function is specified with override and final
39 {
40 }
41 virtual void m() noexcept // Compliant - violates A10-3-2
42 {
43 }
44 void z() noexcept override // Compliant
45 {
46 }
47 void j() noexcept // Non-compliant - virtual function but not marked as
48 // overrider
49 {
50 }
51 A& operator+=(A const& rhs) noexcept override // Compliant - to override
52 // the operator correctly,
53 // its signature needs to be
54 // the same as in the base
55 // class
56 {
57 // ...
58 return *this;
59 }
60 };
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.128: Virtual functions should specify exactly one of
virtual, override, or final.
Explicit use of the override or final specifier enables the compiler to catch mismatch of
types and names between base and derived classes virtual functions.
Note that this rule applies to virtual destructor overriders, too.
Also, note that this rule applies to a pure virtual function which overrides another pure
virtual function.
1 // $Id: A10-3-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 virtual ~A() {}
6 virtual void f() noexcept = 0;
7 virtual void g() noexcept {}
8 virtual void z() noexcept {}
9 virtual A& operator+=(A const& oth) = 0;
10 };
11 class B : public A
12 {
13 public:
14 ~B() override {} // Compliant
15 void f() noexcept // Non-compliant
16 {
17 }
18 virtual void g() noexcept // Non-compliant
19 {
20 }
21 void z() noexcept override // Compliant
22 {
23 }
24 B& operator+=(A const& oth) override // Compliant
25 {
26 return *this;
27 }
28 };
29 class C : public A
30 {
31 public:
32 ~C() {} // Non-compliant
33 void f() noexcept override // Compliant
34 {
35 }
36 void g() noexcept override // Compliant
37 {
38 }
39 void z() noexcept override // Compliant
40 {
41 }
42 C& operator+=(A const& oth) // Non-compliant
43 {
44 return *this;
45 }
46 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 10.2.1 Use the override special identifier when overriding a virtual
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.128: Virtual functions should specify exactly one of
virtual, override, or final.
Declaring a class as final explicitly specifies that the class cannot be inherited.
Declaring a virtual function inside a class specifies that the function can be overriden
in the inherited class, which is inconsistent.
1 // $Id: A10-3-3.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 virtual ~A() = default;
6 virtual void f() noexcept = 0;
7 virtual void g() noexcept {}
8 };
9 class B final : public A
10 {
11 public:
12 void f() noexcept final // Compliant
13 {
14 }
15 void g() noexcept override // Non-compliant
16 {
17 }
18 virtual void h() noexcept = 0; // Non-compliant
19 virtual void z() noexcept // Non-compliant
20 {
21 }
22 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 9.1.5 Do not introduce virtual functions in a final class.
If an overloaded operator is declared virtual in a base class A, then in its subclasses
B and C identical arguments list needs to be provided for the overriders. This allows
to call an assignment operator of class B that takes an argument of type C which may
lead to undefined behavior.
Note that this rule applies to all assignment operators, as well to copy and move
assignment operators.
1 // $Id: A10-3-4.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 virtual A& operator=(A const& oth) = 0; // Non-compliant
6 virtual A& operator+=(A const& rhs) = 0; // Non-compliant
7 };
8 class B : public A
9 {
10 public:
11 B& operator=(A const& oth) override // It needs to take an argument of type
12 // A& in order to override
13 {
14 return *this;
15 }
16 B& operator+=(A const& oth) override // It needs to take an argument of
17 // type A& in order to override
18 {
19 return *this;
20 }
21 B& operator-=(B const& oth) // Compliant
22 {
23 return *this;
24 }
25 };
26 class C : public A
27 {
28 public:
29 C& operator=(A const& oth) override // It needs to take an argument of type
30 // A& in order to override
31 {
32 return *this;
33 }
73 B b2;
74 C c2;
75 b -= b2;
76 c -= c2;
77 }
See also
• none
6.11.0 General
Types that are not POD types are supposed to be defined as class objects, as a class
specifier forces the type to provide private access control for all its members by default.
This is consistent with developer expectations, because it is expected that a class has
its invariant, interface and could provide custom-defined constructors.
1 // $Id: A11-0-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <limits>
4 class A // Compliant - A provides user-defined constructors, invariant and
5 // interface
6 {
7 std::int32_t x; // Data member is private by default
9 public:
10 static constexpr std::int32_t maxValue =
11 std::numeric_limits<std::int32_t>::max();
12 A() : x(maxValue) {}
13 explicit A(std::int32_t number) : x(number) {}
14 A(A const&) = default;
15 A(A&&) = default;
16 A& operator=(A const&) = default;
17 A& operator=(A&&) = default;
37 private:
38 std::int32_t x; // Need to provide private access specifier for x member
39 };
40 struct C // Compliant - POD type defined as struct
41 {
42 std::int32_t x;
43 std::int32_t y;
44 };
45 class D // Compliant - POD type defined as class, but not compliant with
46 // M11-0-1
47 {
48 public:
49 std::int32_t x;
50 std::int32_t y;
51 };
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.2: Use class if the class has an invariant; use struct
if the data members can vary independently.
• [16]: When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?
This is consistent with developer expectations that a class provides its invariant,
interface and encapsulation guarantee, while a struct is only an aggregate without any
class-like features.
An example of a struct type is POD type.
See: POD-type.
1 // $Id: A11-0-2.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 struct A // Compliant
4 {
5 std::int32_t x;
6 double y;
7 };
8 struct B // Compliant
9 {
10 std::uint8_t x;
11 A a;
12 };
13 struct C // Compliant
14 {
15 float x = 0.0f;
16 std::int32_t y = 0;
17 std::uint8_t z = 0U;
18 };
19 struct D // Non-compliant
20 {
21 public:
22 std::int32_t x;
24 protected:
25 std::int32_t y;
27 private:
28 std::int32_t z;
29 };
30 struct E // Non-compliant
31 {
32 public:
33 std::int32_t x;
34 void fn() noexcept {}
36 private:
37 void f1() noexcept(false) {}
38 };
39 struct F : public D // Non-compliant
40 {
41 };
See also
• [16]: When should you use a class vs a struct in C++?
6.11.3 Friends
Friend declarations reduce encapsulation and result in code that is more difficult to
1 // $Id: A11-3-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 A& operator+=(A const& oth);
6 friend A const operator+(A const& lhs, A const& rhs); // Non-compliant
7 };
8 class B
9 {
10 public:
11 B& operator+=(B const& oth);
12 };
13 B const operator+(B const& lhs, B const& rhs) // Compliant
14 {
15 // Implementation
16 }
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 70 A class will have friends only when a function
or object requires access to the private elements of the class, but is unable to be
a member of the class for logical or efficiency reasons.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 11.2.1 Do not use friend declarations.
6.12.0 General
function definition, then all of the special member functions shall be defined.
Semantics of all of the special member functions are closely related to each other.
If any special member function needs to be non-default, then all others need to be
defined too.
Note that this rule is also known as “the rule of five” or “the rule of six”.
Also, note that the rule allows to follow “the rule of zero” for types that do not need to
define any special member function.
1 // $Id: A12-0-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class A // Compliant - the class A follow the "Rule of six" rule
4 {
5 public:
6 A(); // Non-default constructor
7 ~A() = default;
8 A(A const&) = default;
9 A& operator=(A const&) = default;
10 A(A&&) = delete;
11 A& operator=(A&&) = delete;
12 };
13 class B // Non-compliant - some special functions are defined but not all of
14 // them
15 {
16 public:
17 B();
18 ~B();
20 private:
21 std::int32_t* pointer;
22 };
23 struct C // Compliant - no special functions are defined
24 {
25 std::int32_t number;
26 };
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.21: If you define or =delete any default operation,
define or =delete them all.
6.12.1 Constructors
A constructor of a class is supposed to completely initialize its object. Explicit
initialization of all virtual base classes, direct non-virtual base classes and non-static
data members reduces the risk of an invalid state after successful construction.
1 // $Id: A12-1-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class Base
4 {
5 // Implementation
6 };
7 class VirtualBase
8 {
9 };
10 class A : public virtual VirtualBase, public Base
11 {
12 public:
13 A() : VirtualBase{}, Base{}, i{0}, j{0} // Compliant
14 {
15 }
16 A(A const& oth)
17 : Base{}, j{0} // Non-compliant - VirtualBase base class and member
18 // i not initialized
19 {
20 }
22 private:
23 std::int32_t i;
24 std::int32_t j;
25 static std::int32_t k;
26 };
27 std::int32_t A::k{0};
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 12-1-2 All constructors of a class should explicitly call
a constructor for all of its immediate base classes and all virtual base classes.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]:12.4.2 Ensure that a constructor initializes explicitly all base
classes and non-static data members.
Since 2011 C++ Language Standard it is allowed to initialize a non-static member
along with the declaration of the member in the class body using NSDMI (“non-static
data member initializer”). To avoid possible confusion which values are actually used,
if any member is initialized by NSDMI or with a constructor, then all others should be
initialized the same way.
The move and copy constructors are exempt from this rule, because these constructors
copy the existing values from other objects.
1 // $Id: A12-1-2.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <utility>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 A() : i1{0}, i2{0} // Compliant - i1 and i2 are initialized by the
8 // constructor only. Not compliant with A12-1-3
9 {
10 }
11 // Implementation
13 private:
14 std::int32_t i1;
15 std::int32_t i2;
16 };
17 class B
18 {
19 public:
20 // Implementation
22 private:
23 std::int32_t i1{0};
24 std::int32_t i2{
25 0}; // Compliant - both i1 and i2 are initialized by NSDMI only
26 };
27 class C
28 {
29 public:
30 C() : i2{0} // Non-compliant - i1 is initialized by NSDMI, i2 is in
31 // member in member initializer list
32 {
33 }
34 C(C const& oth) : i1{oth.i1}, i2{oth.i2} // Compliant by exception
35 {
36 }
37 C(C&& oth)
38 : i1{std::move(oth.i1)},
39 i2{std::move(oth.i2)} // Compliant by exception
40 {
41 }
42 // Implementation
44 private:
45 std::int32_t i1{0};
46 std::int32_t i2;
47 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]:12.4.3 Do not specify both an NSDMI and a member initializer in
a constructor for the same non static member
Rule A12-1-3 (required, implementation, automated)
If all user-defined constructors of a class initialize data members with
constant values that are the same across all constructors, then data
members shall be initialized using NSDMI instead.
Using NSDMI lets the compiler to generate the function that can be more efficient
than a user-defined constructor that initializes data member variables with pre-defined
constant values.
1 // $Id: A12-1-3.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <string>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 A() : x(0), y(0.0F), str() // Non-compliant
8 {
9 }
10 // ...
12 private:
13 std::int32_t x;
14 float y;
15 std::string str;
16 };
17 class B
18 {
19 public:
20 // ...
22 private:
23 std::int32_t x = 0; // Compliant
24 float y = 0.0F; // Compliant
25 std::string str = ""; // Compliant
26 };
27 class C
28 {
29 public:
30 C() : x(0), y(0.0F), str() // Compliant
31 {
32 }
33 C(std::int32_t i, float f, std::string s) : x(i), y(f), str(s) // Compliant
34 {
35 }
36 // ...
38 private:
39 std::int32_t x =
40 0; // Non-compliant - there’s a constructor that initializes C
41 // class with user input
42 float y = 0.0F; // Non-compliant - there’s a constructor that initializes C
43 // class with user input
44 std::string str = ""; // Non-compliant - there’s a constructor that
45 // initializes C class with user input
46 };
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.45: Don’t define a default constructor that only
initializes data members; use in-class member initializers instead.
The explicit keyword prevents the constructor from being used to implicitly convert a
fundamental type to the class type.
See: Fundamental-Types.
1 // $Id: A12-1-4.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class A
4 {
5 public:
6 explicit A(std::int32_t number) : x(number) {} // Compliant
7 A(A const&) = default;
8 A(A&&) = default;
9 A& operator=(A const&) = default;
10 A& operator=(A&&) = default;
12 private:
13 std::int32_t x;
14 };
15 class B
16 {
17 public:
18 B(std::int32_t number) : x(number) {} // Non-compliant
19 B(B const&) = default;
20 B(B&&) = default;
21 B& operator=(B const&) = default;
22 B& operator=(B&&) = default;
24 private:
25 std::int32_t x;
26 };
27 void f1(A a) noexcept
28 {
29 }
30 void f2(B b) noexcept
31 {
32 }
33 void f3() noexcept
34 {
35 f1(A(10));
36 // f1(10); // Compilation error - because of explicit constructor it is not
37 // possible to implicitly convert integer
38 // to type of class A
39 f2(B(20));
40 f2(20); // No compilation error - implicit conversion occurs
41 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 12-1-3 (Required) All constructors that are callable
with a single argument of fundamental type shall be declared explicit.
6.12.4 Destructors
If an object is supposed to be destroyed through a pointer or reference to its base
class, the destructor in the base class needs to be virtual. Otherwise, destructors for
derived types will not be invoked.
Note that if it is prohibited to destroy an object through a pointer or reference to its base
class, the destructor in the base class is supposed to be protected.
1 // $Id: A12-4-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 ~A() // Non-compliant
6 {
7 }
8 };
9 class B : public A
10 {
11 };
12 class C
13 {
14 public:
15 virtual ~C() // Compliant
16 {
17 }
18 };
19 class D : public C
20 {
21 };
22 class E
23 {
24 protected:
25 ~E(); // Compliant
26 };
27 class F : public E
28 {
29 };
30 void f1(A* obj1, C* obj2)
31 {
32 // ...
33 delete obj1; // Only destructor of class A will be invoked
34 delete obj2; // Both destructors of D and C will be invoked
35 }
36 void f2()
37 {
38 A* a = new B;
39 C* c = new D;
40 f1(a, c);
41 }
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 78 All base classes with a virtual function shall
define a virtual destructor.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 12.2.1 Declare virtual, private or protected the destructor of a
type used as a base class.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.35: A base class destructor should be either public
and virtual, or protected and nonvirtual.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: Discussion: Make base class destructors public and
virtual, or protected and nonvirtual.
If a public destructor of a class is non-virtual (i.e. no virtual, override or final keyword),
then the class is not supposed to be used as a base class in inheritance hierarchy.
Note that a destructor needs to be virtual in a base class in order to correctly destroy
an instance of a derived class through a pointer to the base class.
1 // $Id: A12-4-2.cpp 270924 2017-03-17 14:50:50Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A // Non-compliant - class A should not be used as a base class because
3 // its destructor is not virtual, but it is
4 // not declared final
5 {
6 public:
7 A() = default;
8 A(A const&) = default;
9 A(A&&) = default;
10 A& operator=(A const&) = default;
11 A& operator=(A&&) = default;
12 ~A() = default; // Public non-virtual destructor
13 };
14 class B final // Compliant - class B can not be used as a base class, because
15 // it is declared final, and it should not be derived
16 // because its destructor is not virtual
17 {
18 public:
19 B() = default;
20 B(B const&) = default;
21 B(B&&) = default;
22 B& operator=(B const&) = default;
23 B& operator=(B&&) = default;
24 ~B() = default; // Public non-virtual destructor
25 };
26 class C // Compliant - class C is not final, and its destructor is virtual. It
27 // can be used as a base class
28 {
29 public:
30 C() = default;
31 C(C const&) = default;
32 C(C&&) = default;
33 C& operator=(C const&) = default;
34 C& operator=(C&&) = default;
35 virtual ~C() = default; // Public virtual destructor
36 };
37 class AA : public A
38 {
39 };
40 // class BA : public B // Compilation error - can not derive from final base
41 // class B
42 //{
43 //};
44 class CA : public C
45 {
46 };
47 void fn() noexcept
48 {
49 AA obj1;
50 CA obj2;
51 A& ref1 = obj1;
52 C& ref2 = obj2;
See also
• none
6.12.6 Initialization
Using the constructor’s member initializers is more efficient than assigning a copy
of passed values to data members in the constructor’s body. Also, it supports the
programmer to prevent “data usage before initialization” errors.
Note that if a data member is already initialized using member initializer, then changing
its value in the constructor’s body does not violate this rule.
1 // $Id: A12-6-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <string>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 A(std::int32_t n, std::string s) : number{n}, str{s} // Compliant
8 {
9 }
10 // Implementation
12 private:
13 std::int32_t number;
14 std::string str;
15 };
16 class B
17 {
18 public:
19 B(std::int32_t n, std::string s) // Non-compliant - no member initializers
20 {
21 number = n;
22 str = s;
23 }
24 // Implementation
26 private:
27 std::int32_t number;
28 std::string str;
29 };
30 class C
31 {
32 public:
33 C(std::int32_t n, std::string s) : number{n}, str{s} // Compliant
34 {
35 n += 1; // This does not violate the rule
36 str.erase(str.begin(),
37 str.begin() + 1); // This does not violate the rule
38 }
39 // Implementation
41 private:
42 std::int32_t number;
43 std::string str;
44 };
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.49: Prefer initialization to assignment in
If a user-defined version of a special member function is the same as would be provided
by the compiler, it will be less error prone and more maintainable to replace it with
“=default” definition or leave it undefined to let the compiler define it implicitly.
Note that this rule applies to all special member functions of a class.
See: Implicitly-Defined-Default-Constructor, Implicitly-Defined-
Copy-Constructor, Implicitly-Defined-Move-Constructor,
Implicitly-Defined-Copy-Assignment-Operator, Implicitly-Defined-
Move-Assignment-Operator, Implicitly-Defined-Destructor
1 // $Id: A12-7-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <utility>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 A() : x(0), y(0) {} // Compliant
8 A(std::int32_t first, std::int32_t second) : x(first), y(second) {} //
9 // -
10 // anyway, such
11 // a constructor
12 // cannot be
13 // defaulted.
14 A(const A& oth)
15 : x(oth.x),
16 y(oth.y) // Non-compliant - equivalent to the implicitly
17 // defined copy constructor
18 {
19 }
20 A(A&& oth)
21 : x(std::move(oth.x)),
22 y(std::move(
23 oth.y)) // Non-compliant - equivalent to the implicitly
24 // defined move constructor
25 {
26 }
27 ~A() // Non-compliant - equivalent to the implicitly defined destructor
28 {
29 }
31 private:
32 std::int32_t x;
33 std::int32_t y;
34 };
35 class B
36 {
37 public:
38 B() {} // Non-compliant - x and y are not initialized
39 // should be replaced with: B() : x{0}, y{0} {}
40 B(std::int32_t first, std::int32_t second) : x(first), y(second) {} //
41 B(const B&) =
42 default; // Compliant - equivalent to the copy constructor of class A
43 B(B&&) =
44 default; // Compliant - equivalent to the move constructor of class A
45 ~B() = default; // Compliant - equivalent to the destructor of class A
47 private:
48 std::int32_t x;
49 std::int32_t y;
50 };
51 class C
52 {
53 public:
54 C() = default; // Compliant
55 C(const C&) = default; // Compliant
56 C(C&&) = default; // Compliant
57 };
58 class D
59 {
60 public:
61 D() : ptr(nullptr) {} // Compliant - this is not equivalent to what the
62 // implicitly defined default constructor would do
63 D(C* p) : ptr(p) {} // Compliant
64 D(const D&) = default; // Shallow copy will be performed, user-defined copy
65 // constructor is needed to perform deep copy on ptr variable
66 D(D&&) = default; // ptr variable will be moved, so ptr will still point to
67 // the same object
68 ~D() = default; // ptr will not be deleted, the user-defined destructor is
69 // needed to delete allocated memory
71 private:
72 C* ptr;
73 };
74 class E // Compliant - special member functions definitions are not needed as
75 // class E uses only implicit definitions
76 {
77 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 12.5.2 Define special members =default if the behavior is
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.80: Use =default if you have to be explicit about
using the default semantics.
It is expected behavior that the move/copy constructors are only used to move/copy
the object of the class type and eventually set copied-from or moved-from object to a
valid state.
Move and copy constructors of an object are frequently called by STL algorithms and
containers, so they are not supposed to provide any performance overhead or side
effects that could affect moving or copying the object.
1 // $Id: A12-8-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <utility>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 // Implementation
8 A(A const& oth) : x(oth.x) // Compliant
9 {
10 }
12 private:
13 std::int32_t x;
14 };
15 class B
16 {
17 public:
18 // Implementation
19 B(B&& oth) : ptr(std::move(oth.ptr)) // Compliant
20 {
21 oth.ptr = nullptr; // Compliant - this is not a side-effect, in this
22 // case it is essential to leave moved-from object
23 // in a valid state, otherwise double deletion will
24 // occur.
25 }
26 ~B() { delete ptr; }
28 private:
29 std::int32_t* ptr;
30 };
31 class C
32 {
33 public:
34 // Implementation
35 C(C const& oth) : x(oth.x)
36 {
37 // ...
38 x = x % 2; // Non-compliant - unrelated side-effect
39 }
41 private:
42 std::int32_t x;
43 };
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 12-8-1 A copy constructor shall only initialize its base
classes and the nonstatic members of the class of which it is a member.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 12.5.3 Ensure that a user defined move/copy constructor only
moves/copies base and member objects.
Using a non-throwing swap operation in the copy and move assignment operators
helps to achieve Strong Exception Safety. Each assignment operator is also simplified
because it does not require check for assignment to itself.
1 // $Id: A12-8-2.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <utility>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 A(const A& oth)
8 {
9 // ...
10 }
11 A(A&& oth) noexcept
12 {
13 // ...
14 }
15 A& operator=(const A& oth) & // Compliant
16 {
17 A tmp(oth);
18 swap(*this, tmp);
19 return *this;
20 }
21 A& operator=(A&& oth) & noexcept // Compliant
22 {
23 A tmp(std::move(oth));
24 swap(*this, tmp);
25 return *this;
26 }
27 static void swap(A& lhs, A& rhs) noexcept
28 {
29 std::swap(lhs.ptr1, rhs.ptr1);
30 std::swap(lhs.ptr2, rhs.ptr2);
31 }
33 private:
34 std::int32_t* ptr1;
35 std::int32_t* ptr2;
36 };
37 class B
38 {
39 public:
40 B& operator=(const B& oth) & // Non-compliant
41 {
42 if (this != &oth)
43 {
44 ptr1 = new std::int32_t(*oth.ptr1);
45 ptr2 = new std::int32_t(
46 *oth.ptr2); // Exception thrown here results in
47 // a memory leak of ptr1
48 }
50 return *this;
51 }
52 B& operator=(B&& oth) & noexcept // Non-compliant
53 {
54 if (this != &oth)
55 {
56 ptr1 = std::move(oth.ptr1);
57 ptr2 = std::move(oth.ptr2);
58 oth.ptr1 = nullptr;
59 oth.ptr2 = nullptr;
60 }
62 return *this;
63 }
65 private:
66 std::int32_t* ptr1;
67 std::int32_t* ptr2;
68 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 12.5.6 Use an atomic, non-throwing swap operation to implement
the copy and move assignment operators
Except in rare circumstances, an object will be left in an unspecified state after its
values has been moved into another object. Accessing data members of such object
may result in abnormal behavior and portability concerns.
It is permitted to access internals of a moved-from object if it is guaranteed to be left in
a well-specified state.
The following Standard Template Library functions are guaranteed to leave the moved-
from object in a well-specified state:
• move construction, move assignment, “converting” move construction and
“converting” move assignment of std::unique_ptr type
• move construction, move assignment, “converting” move construction,
“converting” move assignment of std::shared_ptr type
• move construction and move assignment from a std::unique_ptr of
std::shared_ptr type
• move construction, move assignment, “converting” move construction and
“converting” move assignment of std::weak_ptr type
• std::move() of std::basic_ios type
• move constructor and move assignment of std::basic_filebuf type
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: EXP63-CPP Do not rely on the value of a moved-from object.
Rule A12-8-4 (required, implementation, automated)
Move constructor shall not initialize its class members and base classes
using copy semantics.
Data members or base classes initialization in move constructor needs to be done
with move semantics. Move construction is an optimization strategy and the copy-
initialization for data members and base classes will have negative impact on the
program’s performance, as well as it does not meet developer expectations.
In move constructor, copy initialization for data members of scalar types does not
violate this rule.
See: Scalar-Types.
1 // $Id: A12-8-4.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <string>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 // ...
8 A(A&& oth)
9 : x(std::move(oth.x)), // Compliant
10 s(std::move(oth.s)) // Compliant
11 {
12 }
14 private:
15 std::int32_t x;
16 std::string s;
17 };
18 class B
19 {
20 public:
21 // ...
22 B(B&& oth)
23 : x(oth.x), // Compliant by exception, std::int32_t is of scalar
24 // type
25 s(oth.s) // Non-compliant
26 {
27 }
29 private:
30 std::int32_t x;
31 std::string s;
32 };
33 class C
34 {
35 public:
36 // ...
37 C(C&& oth)
38 : x(oth.x), // Compliant by exception
39 s(std::move(oth.s)) // Compliant
40 {
41 }
43 private:
44 std::int32_t x = 0;
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: OOP11-CPP Do not copy-initialize members or base classes
from a move constructor.
User-defined copy assignment operator and move assignment operator need to
prevent self-assignment, so the operation will not leave the object in an indeterminate
state. If the given parameter is the same object as the local object, destroying
object-local resources will invalidate them. It violates the copy/move assignment
Note that STL containers assume that self-assignment of an object is correctly handled.
Otherwise it may lead to unexpected behavior of an STL container.
Self-assignment problem can also be solved using swap operators. See rule: A12-8-2.
1 // $Id: A12-8-5.cpp 271773 2017-03-23 13:16:53Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 struct A
5 {
6 std::int32_t number;
7 std::int32_t* ptr;
8 // Implementation
9 };
10 class B
11 {
12 public:
13 // ...
14 B& operator=(B const& oth) // Non-compliant
15 {
16 i = oth.i;
17 delete aPtr;
19 try
20 {
21 aPtr = new A(*oth.aPtr); // If this is the self-copy case, then
22 // the oth.a_ptr is already deleted
23 }
24 catch (std::bad_alloc&)
25 {
26 aPtr = nullptr;
27 }
29 return *this;
30 }
32 private:
33 std::int16_t i = 0;
34 A* aPtr = nullptr;
35 };
36 class C
37 {
38 public:
39 C& operator=(C const& oth) // Compliant
40 {
41 if (this != &oth)
42 {
43 A* tmpPtr = new A(*oth.aPtr);
45 i = oth.i;
46 delete aPtr;
47 aPtr = tmpPtr;
48 }
49 return *this;
50 }
51 C& operator=(C&& oth) // Compliant
52 {
53 if (this != &oth)
54 {
55 A* tmpPtr = new A{std::move(*oth.aPtr)};
57 i = oth.i;
58 delete aPtr;
59 aPtr = tmpPtr;
60 }
61 return *this;
62 }
64 private:
65 std::int16_t i = 0;
66 A* aPtr = nullptr;
67 };
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: OOP54-CPP Gracefully handle self-assignment.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.62: Make copy assignment safe for self-assignment.
Invoking copy or move constructor or copy assignment or move assignment operator
from the top of a class hierarchy bypasses the underlying implementations. This results
in “slicing” where only the base sub-objects being copied or moved.
1 // $Id: A12-8-6.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <memory>
3 #include <utility>
4 #include <vector>
5 class A // Abstract base class
6 {
7 public:
8 A() = default;
9 A(A const&) = default; // Non-compliant
10 A(A&&) = default; // Non-compliant
11 virtual ~A() = 0;
12 A& operator=(A const&) = default; // Non-compliant
13 A& operator=(A&&) = default; // Non-compliant
14 };
15 class B : public A
16 {
17 };
18 class C // Abstract base class
19 {
20 public:
21 C() = default;
22 virtual ~C() = 0;
24 protected:
25 C(C const&) = default; // Compliant
26 C(C&&) = default; // Compliant
27 C& operator=(C const&) = default; // Compliant
28 C& operator=(C&&) = default; // Compliant
29 };
30 class D : public C
31 {
32 };
33 class E // Abstract base class
34 {
35 public:
36 E() = default;
37 virtual ~E() = 0;
38 E(E const&) = delete; // Compliant
39 E(E&&) = delete; // Compliant
40 E& operator=(E const&) = delete; // Compliant
92 public:
93 I() = default;
94 ~I() = default;
96 protected:
97 I(I const&) = default; // Compliant
98 I(I&&) = default; // Compliant
99 I& operator=(I const&) = default; // Compliant
100 I& operator=(I&&) = default; // Compliant
101 };
102 class J : public I
103 {
104 public:
105 J() = default;
106 ~J() = default;
107 J(J const&) = default;
108 J(J&&) = default;
109 J& operator=(J const&) = default;
110 J& operator=(J&&) = default;
111 };
112 void fn2() noexcept
113 {
114 std::vector<I> v1;
115 // v1.push_back(J{}); // Compilation-error on calling a deleted move
116 // constructor of I class, slicing does not occur
117 // v1.push_back(I{}); // Compilation-error on calling a deleted move
118 // constructor of I class
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 12-8-2 The copy assignment operator shall be
declared protected or private in an abstract class.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 12.5.8 Make the copy assignment operator of an abstract class
protected or define it =delete.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.67: A base class should suppress copying, and
provide a virtual clone instead if "‘copying"’ is desired.
User declared assignment operators differ from built-in operators in a way that they
accept rvalues as parameters, which is confusing. Adding & to the function declaration
prohibits rvalue parameters and ensures that all of the calls can only be made on lvalue
objects, which results with the same behavior as for built-in types.
Note that this rule applies to all assignment operators, e.g. operator=(), operator*=(),
1 // $Id: A12-8-7.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class A
4 {
5 public:
6 A() = default;
7 A& operator*=(std::int32_t i) // Non-compliant
8 {
9 // ...
10 return *this;
11 }
12 };
13 A f1() noexcept
14 {
15 return A{};
16 }
17 class B
18 {
19 public:
20 B() = default;
21 B& operator*=(std::int32_t) & // Compliant
22 {
23 // ...
24 return *this;
25 }
26 };
27 B f2() noexcept
28 {
29 return B{};
30 }
31 std::int32_t f3() noexcept
32 {
33 return 1;
34 }
35 int main(int, char**)
36 {
37 f1() *= 10; // Temporary result of f1() multiplied by 10. No compile-time
38 // error.
39 ;
40 // f2() *= 10; // Compile-time error due to ref-qualifier
41 ;
42 // f3() *= 10; // Compile-time error on built-in type
43 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 12.5.7 Declare assignment operators with the ref-qualifier &.
• [15]: Assignment operators.
6.13 Overloading
User-defined literals permits only following types for parameter lists:
• const char*
• unsigned long long int
• long double
• char
• wchar_t
• char16_t
• char32_t
• const char*, std::size_t
• const wchar_t*, std::size_t
• const char16_t*, std::size_t
• const char32_t*, std::size_t
A programmer has limited control on the types of parameters passed to user-defined
conversion operators. Also, it is implementation-defined whether fixed-size types from
<cstdint> header are compatible with the types allowed by user-defined literals.
Note that user-defined literals are not widespread in C++ Standard Library. They are
used to convert literals to objects of type std::chrono::duration (i.e. h, min, s, ms, us,
ns), std::complex and basic_string.
See also
• none
Suffixes that do not begin with the underscore character are reserved for operators
provided by the standard library.
1 // $Id: A13-1-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 constexpr long double operator"" _m(long double meters) // Compliant
3 {
4 // Implementation
5 return meters;
6 }
7 constexpr long double operator"" _kg(long double kilograms) // Compliant
8 {
9 // Implementation
10 return kilograms;
11 }
12 constexpr long double operator"" m(long double meters) // Non-compliant
13 {
14 // Implementation
15 return meters;
16 }
17 constexpr long double operator"" kilograms(
18 long double kilograms) // Non-compliant
19 {
20 // Implementation
21 return kilograms;
22 }
23 void fn()
24 {
25 long double weight = 20.0_kg;
26 long double distance = 204.8_m;
27 }
See also
• none
It is expected behavior that the user-defined literals operators are only used to convert
passed parameters to the type of declared return value. User-defined literals are not
supposed to provide any other side-effects.
1 // $Id: A13-1-3.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <iostream>
4 struct Cube
5 {
6 unsigned long long int volume;
7 constexpr explicit Cube(unsigned long long int v) : volume(v) {}
8 };
9 constexpr Cube operator"" _m3(unsigned long long int volume)
10 {
11 return Cube(volume); // Compliant
12 }
13 struct Temperature
14 {
15 unsigned long long int kelvins;
16 constexpr explicit Temperature(unsigned long long int k) : kelvins(k) {}
17 };
18 constexpr Temperature operator"" _K(unsigned long long int kelvins)
19 {
20 return Temperature(kelvins); // Compliant
21 }
22 static void sumDistances(std::int32_t distance)
23 {
See also
• none
Returning a type “T&” from an assignment operator is consistent with the C++ Standard
1 // $Id: A13-2-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 class A
3 {
4 public:
5 // ...
6 A& operator=(const A&) & // Compliant
7 {
8 // ...
9 return *this;
10 }
11 };
13 class B
14 {
15 public:
16 // ...
17 const B& operator=(const B&) & // Non-compliant - violating consistency
18 // with standard types
19 {
20 // ...
21 return *this;
22 }
23 };
25 class C
26 {
27 public:
28 // ...
29 C operator=(const C&) & // Non-compliant
30 {
31 // ...
32 return *this;
33 }
34 };
36 class D
37 {
38 public:
39 // ...
40 D* operator=(const D&) & // Non-compliant
41 {
42 // ...
43 return this;
44 }
45 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 13.2.2 Ensure that the return type of an overloaded binary
operator matches the built-in counterparts.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: F.47: Return T& from assignment operators.
Returning a type “T” from binary arithmetic and bitwise operators is consistent with the
C++ Standard Library.
See: prvalue.
1 // $Id: A13-2-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
4 class A
5 {
6 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 13.2.2 Ensure that the return type of an overloaded binary
operator matches the built-in counterparts.
Returning a type “bool” from a relational operator is consistent with the C++ Standard
1 // $Id: A13-2-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
4 class A
5 {
6 };
11 }
12 bool operator<(A const&, A const&) noexcept // Compliant
13 {
14 return false;
15 }
16 bool operator!=(A const& lhs, A const& rhs) noexcept // Compliant
17 {
18 return !(operator==(lhs, rhs));
19 }
20 std::int32_t operator>(A const&, A const&) noexcept // Non-compliant
21 {
22 return -1;
23 }
24 A operator>=(A const&, A const&) noexcept // Non-compliant
25 {
26 return A{};
27 }
28 const A& operator<=(A const& lhs, A const& rhs) noexcept // Non-compliant
29 {
30 return lhs;
31 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 13.2.2 Ensure that the return type of an overloaded binary
operator matches the built-in counterparts.
A template parameter that is declared “T&&” (Scott Meters called it a “universal
reference”, while C++ Language Standard calls it a “forwarding reference”) will deduce
for any type. Overloading functions with “forwarding reference” argument may lead to
developer’s confusion on which function will be called.
Declaring an overloading function that takes a “forwarding reference” parameter to be
“=delete” does not violate this rule.
1 // $Id: A13-3-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 template <typename T>
4 void f1(T&& t) noexcept(false)
5 {
6 }
7 void f1(
8 std::int32_t&& t) noexcept // Non-compliant - overloading a function with
9 // forwarding reference
10 {
11 }
12 template <typename T>
13 void f2(T&& t) noexcept(false)
14 {
15 }
16 void f2(std::int32_t&) = delete; // Compliant by exception
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 13.1.2 If a member of a set of callable functions includes a
universal reference parameter, ensure that one appears in the same position for
all other members.
• Effective Modern C++ [12]: Item 26. Avoid overloading on universal references.
A non-const overload of the subscript operator allows an object to be modified, by
returning a reference to member data, but it does not allow reading from const objects.
The const version of “operator[]” needs to be implemented to ensure that the operator
can be invoked on a const object.
Note that one can provide a const version of operator[] (to support read-only access to
elements), but without a non-const version.
17 private:
18 static constexpr std::int32_t maxSize = 10;
19 std::int32_t container[maxSize];
20 };
21 void fn() noexcept
22 {
23 Container1 c1;
24 std::int32_t e = c1[0]; // Non-const version called
25 c1[0] = 20; // Non-const version called
26 Container1 const c2{};
27 e = c2[0]; // Const version called
28 // c2[0] = 20; // Compilation error
29 }
30 class Container2 // Non-compliant - only non-const version of operator[]
31 // implemented
32 {
33 public:
34 std::int32_t& operator[](std::int32_t index) { return container[index]; }
36 private:
37 static constexpr std::int32_t maxSize = 10;
38 std::int32_t container[maxSize];
39 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 13.2.4 When overloading the subscript operator (operator[])
implement both const and non-const versions.
every 3 digits, (2) for hexadecimal, every 2 digits, (3) for binary, every 4 digits.
Since C++14 Language Standard it is allowed (optionally) to separate any two digits in
digit sequences with separator ’. However, to meet developer expectations, usage of
separator in integer and floating-point digit sequences should be unified:
• for decimal values, separator can be placed every 3 digits, e.g. 3’000’000,
• for hexadecimal values, separator can be placed every 2 digits, e.g.
• for binary values, separator can be placed very 4 digits, e.g. 0b1001’1101’0010
1 // $Id: A13-6-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn() noexcept
4 {
5 std::uint32_t decimal1 = 3’000’000; // Compliant
6 std::uint32_t decimal2 = 4’500; // Compliant
7 std::uint32_t decimal3 = 54’00’30; // Non-compliant
8 float decimal4 = 3.141’592’653; // Compliant
9 float decimal5 = 3.1’4159’265’3; // Non-compliant
10 std::uint32_t hex1 = 0xFF’FF’FF’FF; // Compliant
11 std::uint32_t hex2 = 0xFAB’1’FFFFF; // Non-compliant
12 std::uint8_t binary1 = 0b1001’0011; // Compliant
13 std::uint8_t binary2 = 0b10’00’10’01; // Non-compliant
14 }
See also
• none
• ISO 26262-6 [4]: 8.4.4 e) readability and comprehensibility
6.14 Templates
6.14.0 General
If a template class or function requires specific characteristics from a template type
(e.g. if it is move constructible, copyable, etc.), then it needs to check whether the type
matches the requirements to detect possible faults. The goal of this rule is to ensure
that a template defines all of the preconditions that a template argument needs to fulfill
without having any information about the specific class.
This can be achieved in compile time using static_assert assertion.
1 // $Id: A14-1-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <utility>
3 class A
4 {
5 public:
6 A() = default;
7 ~A() = default;
8 A(A const&) = delete;
9 A& operator=(A const&) = delete;
10 A(A&&) = delete;
11 A& operator=(A&&) = delete;
12 };
13 class B
14 {
15 public:
16 B() = default;
17 B(B const&) = default;
18 B& operator=(B const&) = default;
19 B(B&&) = default;
20 B& operator=(B&&) = default;
21 };
22 template <typename T>
23 void f1(T const& obj) noexcept(false)
24 {
25 static_assert(
26 std::is_copy_constructible<T>(),
27 "Given template type is not copy constructible."); // Compliant
28 }
29 template <typename T>
30 class C
31 {
32 // Compliant
33 static_assert(std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>(),
34 "Given template type is not trivially copy constructible.");
36 // Compliant
37 static_assert(std::is_trivially_move_constructible<T>(),
38 "Given template type is not trivially move constructible.");
40 // Compliant
41 static_assert(std::is_trivially_copy_assignable<T>(),
42 "Given template type is not trivially copy assignable.");
44 // Compliant
45 static_assert(std::is_trivially_move_assignable<T>(),
46 "Given template type is not trivially move assignable.");
48 public:
49 C() = default;
50 C(C const&) = default;
51 C& operator=(C const&) = default;
52 C(C&&) = default;
53 C& operator=(C&&) = default;
55 private:
56 T c;
57 };
58 template <typename T>
59 class D
60 {
61 public:
62 D() = default;
63 D(D const&) = default; // Non-compliant - T may not be copyable
64 D& operator=(D const&) = default; // Non-compliant - T may not be copyable
65 D(D&&) = default; // Non-compliant - T may not be movable
66 D& operator=(D&&) = default; // Non-compliant - T may not be movable
68 private:
69 T d;
70 };
71 void f2() noexcept
72 {
73 A a;
74 B b;
75 // f1<A>(a); // Class A is not copy constructible, compile-time error
76 // occurs
77 f1<B>(b); // Class B is copy constructible
78 // C<A> c1; // Class A can not be used for template class C, compile-time
79 // error occurs
80 C<B> c2; // Class B can be used for template class C
81 D<A> d1;
82 // D<A> d2 = d1; // Class D can not be copied, because class A is not
83 // copyable, compile=time error occurs
84 // D<A> d3 = std::move(d1); // Class D can not be moved, because class A is
85 // not movable, compile-time error occurs
86 D<B> d4;
87 D<B> d5 = d4;
88 D<B> d6 = std::move(d4);
89 }
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: T.150: Check that a class matches a concept using
If a type used as a template argument does not provide all the members used by the
template, the instantiation of the template will result in an ill-formed program. It is not
clear for developer whether the template should be used with the type.
1 // $Id: A14-7-1.cpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class A
4 {
5 public:
6 void setProperty(std::int32_t x) noexcept { property = x; }
7 void doSomething() noexcept {}
9 private:
10 std::int32_t property;
11 };
12 struct B
13 {
14 };
15 class C
16 {
17 public:
18 void doSomething() noexcept {}
19 };
20 template <typename T>
21 class D
22 {
23 public:
24 void f1() {}
25 void f2()
26 {
27 T t;
28 t.setProperty(0);
29 }
30 void f3()
31 {
32 T t;
33 t.doSomething();
34 }
35 };
54 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 14-7-2 (Required) For any given template
specialization, an explicit instantiation of the template with the template
arguments used in the specialization shall not render the program ill-formed.
If a function template or function specialization and a non-template overloading function
are equivalent after overload resolution, the non-template overloading function will be
chosen by the compiler. This may be inconsistent with developer expectations.
This rule does not apply to copy constructors or copy assignment operators.
1 // $Id: A14-8-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 template <typename T>
4 void f1(T t)
5 {
6 // Implementation
7 }
8 void f1(std::int16_t n)
9 {
10 // Implementation
11 }
12 void fn1() noexcept
13 {
14 std::int16_t x = 0;
15 f1(x); // f1(std::int16_t) is called
16 f1(x + 10); // f1(T) is called with T = int
17 f1<>(x); // explicit call to f1(T) with T = short int
18 f1<>(x + 10); // explicit call to f1(T) with T = int
19 }
20 template <typename T>
21 void f2(T t)
22 {
23 // Implementation
24 }
25 template <>
26 void f2<std::int16_t>(std::int16_t n)
27 {
28 // Implementation
29 }
30 void f2(std::int16_t n)
31 {
32 // Implementation
33 }
34 void fn2() noexcept
35 {
36 std::int16_t x = 0;
37 f2(x); // f2(std::int16_t) is called
38 f2(x + 10); // f2(T) is called with T = int
39 f2<>(x); // explicit call to f2<std::int16_t>(std::int16_t)
40 f2<>(x + 10); // explicit call to f2(T) with T = int
41 f2<std::int16_t>(x +
42 10); // explicit call to f2<std::int16_t>(std::int16_t)
43 }
44 void f3(std::int16_t n)
45 {
46 // Implementation
47 }
48 void f3(std::int32_t n)
49 {
50 // Implementation
51 }
52 void fn3() noexcept
53 {
54 std::int16_t x = 0;
55 f3(x); // f3(std::int16_t) is called
56 f3(x + 10); // f3(std::int32_t) is called
57 }
58 template <typename T>
59 void f4(T t)
60 {
61 // Implementation
62 }
63 template <>
64 void f4<std::int16_t>(std::int16_t n)
65 {
66 // Implementation
67 }
68 void fn4() noexcept
69 {
70 std::int16_t x = 0;
71 f4(x); // f4(T) with T = short int is called
72 f4(x + 10); // f4(T) with T = int is called
73 f4<std::int16_t>(x + 100); // explicit call to f4(T) with T = short int
74 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 14-8-2 (Advisory) The viable function set for a function
call should either contain no function specializations, or only contain function
Additional exit point from functions ISO 26262-6 (Table *) highly recommends “one
entry and one exit point in subprograms and
functions” for ASIL A software. Therefore, the
Rule A15-0-1 prohibits the usage of exceptions for
normal control flow of software - they are allowed
only for errors where a function failed to perform its
assigned task. Moreover, AUTOSAR C++ Coding
Guidelines does not force developers to strictly
follow single-point of exit approach as it does not
necessarily make the code more readable or easier
to maintain.
Exception safety and The Rule A15-0-2 requires that functions provide at
program state consistency after exception is least “basic exception safety” (Note: this C++ term
thrown is not related to functional safety)
Impact on runtime performance If a function does not throw an exception (i.e. error
conditions do not occur), then there could be a little
overhead due to exception handling mechanism
initialization. However, some compilers offer “zero
cost exception handling”, which means that there
is no performance overhead if the exception is not
Impact on worst-case execution time The A15-0-7 rule requires that the
exception handling mechanism provides real-time
implementation. Note that this is not the case for
e.g. GCC compiler that allocates dynamic memory
on throwing an exception. However, it is possible to
fix it simply by avoiding memory allocation.
Tool support There are several tools that support exceptions well:
compilers (e.g. gcc, clang, visual studio), IDEs
(e.g. eclipse, clion, visual studio), static analysis
tools (e.g. QA C++, Coverity Prevent) and compiler
validation suites (e.g. supertest).
– runtime_error
“Checked exceptions are a wonderful feature of the Java programming language.
Unlike return codes, they force the programmer to deal with exceptional conditions,
greatly enhancing reliability.” [Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]]
The following sections specify several specific rules defining the usage of exceptions,
in particular concerning the use of unchecked and checked exceptions.
6.15.0 General
“The notion of an exception is provided to help get information from the point where an
error is detected to a point where it can be handled. A function that cannot cope with
a problem throws an exception, hoping that its (direct or indirect) caller can handle the
problem. A function that wants to handle a kind of problem indicates that by catching
the corresponding exception.” [The C++ Programming Language [13]]
Exceptions are only supposed to be used to capture incorrect, and which is not
expected to be seen in normal program, execution. Using exception handling
mechanism to transfer control back up the call stack, in error-free situation, leads to
code that is difficult to understand and significantly less efficient than returning from a
Note that most of the monitoring or supervision functions are not supposed to throw an
exception when an error is detected.
1 //% $Id: A15-0-1.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <fstream>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 #include <string>
5 #include <vector>
6 std::uint8_t computeCrc(std::string& msg);
7 bool isMessageCrcCorrect1(std::string& message)
8 {
9 std::uint8_t computedCRC = computeCrc(message);
10 std::uint8_t receivedCRC =;
12 if (computedCRC != receivedCRC)
13 {
14 throw std::logic_error(
15 "Computed CRC is invalid."); // Non-compliant - CheckMessageCRC()
16 // was able to perform
17 // its task, nothing exceptional about its invalid result
18 }
20 return true;
21 }
22 bool isMessageCrcCorrect2(std::string& message)
23 {
24 bool isCorrect = true;
25 std::uint8_t computedCRC = computeCrc(message);
26 std::uint8_t receivedCRC =;
28 if (computedCRC != receivedCRC)
29 {
30 isCorrect =
31 false; // Compliant - if CRC is not correct, then return "false"
32 }
34 return isCorrect;
35 }
36 void sendData(std::string message)
37 {
38 if (message.empty())
39 {
40 throw std::logic_error("Preconditions are not met."); // Compliant -
41 // SendData() was
42 // not able to
43 // perform its
44 // task
45 }
49 // Implementation
50 if (sendTimeoutReached)
51 {
52 throw std::runtime_error(
53 "Timeout on sending a message has been reached."); // Compliant -
54 // SendData()
55 // did not
56 // perform its
57 // task
58 }
59 }
60 std::int32_t findIndex(std::vector<std::int32_t>& v, std::int32_t x) noexcept
61 {
62 try
63 {
64 std::size_t size = v.size();
65 for (std::size_t i = 0U; i < size; ++i)
66 {
67 if ( == x) // throws an std::out_of_range exception
68 {
75 catch (std::size_t
76 foundIdx) // Non-compliant - nothing exceptional about finding a
77 // value in vector
78 {
79 return foundIdx;
80 }
82 catch (std::out_of_range&
83 e) // Compliant - std::out_of_range error shall be handled
84 {
85 return -1;
86 }
88 return -1;
89 }
90 bool readFile(std::string& filename) noexcept
91 {
92 try
93 {
94 std::ifstream file(filename, std::ios_base::in);
96 if (!file.is_open())
97 {
98 throw std::runtime_error(
99 "File cannot be opened"); // Compliant - error on opening a
100 // file is an exceptional case
101 }
105 if (!file.good())
106 {
107 throw std::runtime_error(
108 "Cannot read from file"); // Compliant - error on reading from
109 // file is an exceptional case
110 }
111 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-0-1 (Document) Exceptions shall only be used for error
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: E.3: Use exceptions for error handling only
• Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]: Item 57: Use exceptions only for exceptional
• The C++ Programming Language [13], 13.1.1. Exceptions
Exceptions introduce additional data flow into a program. It is important to consider all
the effects of code taking such paths to always recover from an exception error properly
and always preserve object’s invariants.
“Well-designed functions are exception safe, meaning they offer at least the basic
exception safety guarantee (i.e., the basic guarantee). Such functions assure callers
that even if an exception is thrown, program invariants remain intact (i.e., no data
structures are corrupted) and no resources are leaked. Functions offering the strong
exception safety guarantee (i.e., the strong guarantee) assure callers that if an
exception arises, the state of the program remains as it was prior to the call.” [effective
modern c++]
The C++ standard library always provides one of the following guarantees for its
operations, the same needs to be followed by code compliant to the guidelines. “
• Basic guarantee for all operations: The basic invariants of all objects are
maintained, and no resources, such as memory, are leaked. In particular, the
basic invariants of every built-in and standard-library type guarantee that you can
destroy an object or assign to it after every standard-library operation
• Strong guarantee for key operations: in addition to providing the basic guarantee,
either the operation succeeds, or it has no effect.
• Nothrow guarantee for some operations: in addition to providing the basic
guarantee, some operations are guaranteed not to throw any exception.
” [C++ Programming Reference]
Nothrow means in this context that the function not only does not exit with an exception,
but also that internally an exception cannot occur.
1 //% $Id: A15-0-2.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <cstring>
4 class C1
5 {
6 public:
7 C1(const C1& rhs)
8 {
9 copyBad(rhs); // Non-compliant - if an exception is thrown, an object
10 // will be left in an indeterminate state
11 copyGood(rhs); // Compliant - full object will be properly copied or
12 // none of its properties will be changed
13 }
14 ~C1() { delete[] e; }
15 void copyBad(const C1& rhs)
16 {
17 if (this != &rhs)
18 {
19 delete[] e;
20 e = nullptr; // e changed before the block where an exception can
21 // be thrown
22 s = rhs.s; // s changed before the block where an exception can be
23 // thrown
25 if (s > 0)
26 {
27 e = new std::int32_t[s]; // If an exception will be thrown
28 // here, the
29 // object will be left in an indeterminate
30 // state
31 std::memcpy(e, rhs.e, s * sizeof(std::int32_t));
32 }
33 }
34 }
35 void copyGood(const C1& rhs)
36 {
37 std::int32_t* eTmp = nullptr;
39 if (rhs.s > 0)
40 {
41 eTmp = new std::int32_t[rhs.s]; // If an exception will be thrown
42 // here, the
43 // object will be left unchanged
44 std::memcpy(eTmp, rhs.e, rhs.s * sizeof(std::int32_t));
45 }
47 delete[] e;
48 e = eTmp;
49 s = rhs.s;
50 }
52 private:
53 std::int32_t* e;
54 std::size_t s;
55 };
56 class A
57 {
58 public:
59 A() = default;
60 };
61 class C2
62 {
63 public:
64 C2() : a1(new A), a2(new A) // Non-compliant - if a2 memory allocation
65 // fails, a1 will never be deallocated
66 {
67 }
69 private:
70 A* a1;
71 A* a2;
72 };
73 class C3
74 {
75 public:
76 C3() : a1(nullptr), a2(nullptr) // Compliant
77 {
78 try
79 {
80 a1 = new A;
81 a2 = new A; // If memory allocation for a2 fails, catch-block will
82 // deallocate a1
83 }
85 catch (...)
86 {
87 delete a1;
88 a1 = nullptr;
89 delete a2;
90 a2 = nullptr;
91 throw;
92 }
93 }
95 private:
96 A* a1;
97 A* a2;
98 };
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR56-CPP. Guarantee exception safety
Supplying an external function with an object that throws an exception on specific
operations (e.g. in special member functions) may lead to function’s unexpected
Note that the result of a function call supplied with an object which throws on specific
operations may differ when the function guarantees the basic exception safety and the
strong exception safety.
1 //% $Id: A15-0-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 #include <vector>
5 class A
6 {
7 public:
8 explicit A(std::int32_t value) noexcept(false) : x(value)
9 {
10 if (x == 0)
11 {
12 throw std::invalid_argument("Constructor: Invalid Argument");
13 }
14 }
16 private:
17 std::int32_t x;
18 };
19 int main(int, char**)
20 {
21 constexpr std::int32_t limit = 10;
22 std::vector<A> vec1; // Constructor and assignment operator of A class
23 // throw exceptions
25 try
26 {
27 for (std::int32_t i = 1; i < limit; ++i)
28 {
29 vec1.push_back(A(i)); // Constructor of A class will not throw for
30 // value from 1 to 10
31 }
33 vec1.emplace(vec1.begin(),
34 0); // Non-compliant - constructor A(0) throws in an
35 // emplace() method of std::vector. This leads to
36 // unexpected result of emplace() method. Throwing an
37 // exception inside an object constructor in emplace()
38 // leads to duplication of one of vector’s elements.
39 // Vector invariants are valid and the object is destructible.
40 }
41 catch (std::invalid_argument& e)
42 {
43 // Handle an exception
44 }
46 std::vector<A> vec2;
47 vec2.reserve(limit);
48 try
49 {
50 for (std::int32_t i = limit - 1; i >= 0; --i)
51 {
52 vec2.push_back(A(i)); // Compliant - constructor of A(0) throws for
53 // i = 0, but in this case strong exception
54 // safety is guaranteed. While push_back()
66 return 0;
67 }
See also
• none
Problems that are unpreventable and not expected by the caller are represented with
instances of unchecked exceptions category. Such problems include:
• Software errors, i.e. preconditions/postconditions violations, arithmetic errors,
failed assertions, sanity checks or invalid variable access, that in C++ are
represented by logic_error, bad_exception, bad_cast and bad_typeid exceptions
or their subclasses
• Internal errors of the executable (like VirtualMachineError of Java language), that
in C++ are represented by bad_alloc and bad_array_new_length exceptions
It is not possible to recover from such errors in a meaningful way.
1 //% $Id: A15-0-4.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class InvalidArguments : public std::logic_error // Compliant - invalid
5 // arguments error is
6 // "unchecked" exception
7 {
8 public:
9 using std::logic_error::logic_error;
10 };
11 class OutOfMemory : public std::bad_alloc // Compliant - insufficient memory
12 // error is "unchecked" exception
13 {
14 public:
15 using std::bad_alloc::bad_alloc;
16 };
17 class DivisionByZero : public std::logic_error // Compliant - division by zero
18 // error is "unchecked"
19 // exception
20 {
21 public:
22 using std::logic_error::logic_error;
23 };
24 class CommunicationError : public std::logic_error // Non-compliant -
25 // communication error
26 // should be "checked"
27 // exception but defined to be "unchecked"
28 {
29 public:
30 using std::logic_error::logic_error;
31 };
32 double division(std::int32_t a, std::int32_t b) noexcept(false)
33 {
34 // ...
35 if (b == 0)
36 {
37 throw DivisionByZero(
38 "Division by zero error"); // Unchecked exception thrown correctly
39 }
41 // ...
42 }
43 void allocate(std::uint32_t bytes) noexcept(false)
44 {
45 // ...
46 throw OutOfMemory(); // Unchecked exception thrown correctly
47 }
48 void initializeSocket() noexcept(false)
49 {
50 bool validParameters = true;
52 // ...
53 if (!validParameters)
54 {
55 throw InvalidArguments("Invalid parameters passed"); // Unchecked
56 // exception
57 // thrown
58 // correctly
59 }
60 }
61 void sendData(std::int32_t socket) noexcept(false)
62 {
63 // ...
64 bool isSentSuccessfully = true;
66 // ...
67 if (!isSentSuccessfully)
68 {
69 throw CommunicationError("Could not send data"); // Unchecked exception
70 // thrown when checked
71 // exception should
72 // be.
73 }
74 }
See also
• Effective Java: Item 58: Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions and
runtime exceptions for programming errors, Item 60: Favor the use of standard
All expected by the caller, but also reasonable to recover from, problems are
represented with instances of checked exceptions, in C++ represented by instances or
subclasses of std::exception and std::runtime_error exceptions. Such problems include
input/output and other application’s runtime errors. It is possible to handle such errors
in a meaningful way.
“Overuse of checked exceptions can make an API far less pleasant to use. If a method
throws one or more checked exceptions, the code that invokes the method must handle
the exceptions in one or more catch blocks, or it must declare that it throws the
exceptions and let them propagate outward. Either way, it places a nontrivial burden
on the programmer.
The burden is justified if the exceptional condition cannot be prevented by proper
use of the API and the programmer using the API can take some useful action once
confronted with the exception. Unless both of these conditions hold, an unchecked
exception is more appropriate.” [Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]]
1 //% $Id: A15-0-5.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class CommunicationError
5 : public std::exception // Compliant - communication error is "checked"
6 {
7 public:
8 explicit CommunicationError(const char* message) : msg(message) {}
9 CommunicationError(CommunicationError const&) noexcept = default;
15 private:
16 const char* msg;
17 };
18 class BusError
19 : public CommunicationError // Compliant - bus error is "checked"
20 {
21 public:
22 using CommunicationError::CommunicationError;
23 };
24 class Timeout : public std::runtime_error // Compliant - communication timeout
25 // is "checked"
26 {
27 public:
28 using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
29 };
30 class PreconditionsError : public std::exception // Non-compliant - error on
31 // preconditions check should
32 // be "unchecked" but is
33 // defined to be "checked"
34 {
35 // Implementation
36 };
37 void fn1(std::uint8_t* buffer, std::uint8_t bufferLength) noexcept(false)
38 {
39 bool sentSuccessfully = true;
41 // ...
42 if (!sentSuccessfully)
43 {
44 throw CommunicationError(
45 "Could not send data"); // Checked exception thrown correctly
46 }
47 }
48 void fn2(std::uint8_t* buffer, std::uint8_t bufferLength) noexcept(false)
49 {
50 bool initSuccessfully = true;
52 if (!initSuccessfully)
53 {
54 throw PreconditionsError(); // An exception thrown on preconditions
55 // check failure should be "Unchecked", but
56 // PreconditionsError is "Checked"
57 }
59 // ...
60 bool sentSuccessfully = true;
63 // ...
64 if (!sentSuccessfully)
65 {
66 throw BusError(
67 "Could not send data"); // Checked exception thrown correctly
68 }
70 // ...
71 if (isTimeout)
72 {
73 throw Timeout("Timeout reached"); // Checked exception thrown correctly
74 }
75 }
76 void fn3(std::uint8_t* buffer) noexcept(false)
77 {
78 bool isResourceBusy = false;
80 // ...
81 if (isResourceBusy)
82 {
83 throw std::runtime_error(
84 "Resource is busy now"); // Checked exception thrown correctly
85 }
86 }
See also
• Effective Java: Item 58 - Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions and
runtime exceptions for programming errors.
Note that the worst-case execution time and behavior of exception handling can be
hardware specific. This rule requires only that the exception handling is deterministic
in the sense that it has a deterministic behavior.
Note: this analysis can be performed by the compiler supplier or it can be done by the
See also
• none
Compilers, i.e. GCC or Clang, uses dynamic memory allocation in order to allocate
currently thrown exception in their exception handling mechanism implementations.
This causes a non-deterministic execution time and run-time allocation errors. A
possible working approach is to modify the memory allocator so that the dynamic
memory does not need to be obtained (from OS) when an exception is thrown.
A static code analysis can search for a use of dynamic memory in the implementation of
the try/catch mechanism of the compiler, to show if worst-case time cannot be ensured.
GCC compiler uses following gcc library’s functions to provide exception handling
mechanism routines:
• __cxa_allocate_exception
• __cxa_throw
• __cxa_free_exception
• __cxa_begin_catch
• __cxa_end_catch
• Specific stack unwinding functions, i.e. _Unwind_RaiseException,
_Unwind_Resume, _Unwind_DeleteException, etc.
1 //% $Id: A15-0-7.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdlib>
3 #include <cstring>
4 struct __cxa_exception
5 {
6 // Exception’s structure implementation
7 };
8 extern "C" void fatalError(const char* msg)
9 {
10 // Reports an error and terminates the program
11 }
19 if (!buffer)
20 {
24 memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(__cxa_exception));
25 return buffer + 1;
26 }
27 extern "C" void* static_malloc(size_t size)
28 {
29 void* mem = NULL;
30 // Allocates memory using static memory pool
31 return mem;
32 }
33 extern "C" void* __cxa_allocate_exception_statically(size_t thrownSize)
34 {
35 size_t size = thrownSize + sizeof(__cxa_exception);
36 __cxa_exception* buffer = static_cast<__cxa_exception*>(static_malloc(
37 size)); // Compliant - memory allocation on static memory pool used
39 if (!buffer)
40 {
41 fatalError("Not enough memory to allocate exception!");
42 }
44 memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(__cxa_exception));
45 return buffer + 1;
46 }
See also
• none
Some systems require a guarantee that an action will be performed within predictable
time constraints. Such real-time systems are allowed to use exception handling
mechanism only if there is a tool support for accurate predicting such maximum time
“Before deciding that you cannot afford or don’t like exception-based error handling,
have a look at the alternatives; they have their own complexities and problems. Also, as
far as possible, measure before making claims about efficiency.” [C++ Core Guidelines]
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-0-1 (Document) Exceptions shall only be used for error
If an object that inherits from std::exception is thrown, there’s a guarantee that it serves
to document the cause of an exception in an unified way. Also, "it makes your code
easier to learn and re-use, because it matches established conventions with which
programmers are already familiar.". [Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]]
This means that only standard library exceptions or user-defined exceptions that inherit
from std::exception base class shall be used for exceptions.
Note that direct instances of std::exception are not to be thrown as they can not be
1 //% $Id: A15-1-1.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <memory>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class A
5 {
6 // Implementation
7 };
8 class MyException : public std::logic_error
9 {
10 public:
11 using std::logic_error::logic_error;
12 // Implementation
13 };
14 void f1()
15 {
16 throw - 1; // Non-compliant - integer literal thrown
17 }
18 void f2()
19 {
20 throw nullptr; // Non-compliant - null-pointer-constant thrown
21 }
22 void f3()
23 {
24 throw A(); // Non-compliant - user-defined type that does not inherit from
25 // std::exception thrown
26 }
27 void f4()
28 {
29 throw std::logic_error{
30 "Logic Error"}; // Compliant - std library exception thrown
31 }
32 void f5()
33 {
34 throw MyException{"Logic Error"}; // Compliant - user-defined type that
35 // inherits from std::exception thrown
36 }
37 void f6()
38 {
39 throw std::make_shared<std::exception>(
40 std::logic_error("Logic Error")); // Non-compliant - shared_ptr does
41 // not inherit from std::exception
42 }
43 void f7()
44 {
45 try
46 {
47 f6();
48 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 15.1.1 Only use instances of std::exception for exceptions
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: E.14: Use purpose-designed user-defined types as
exceptions (not built-in types)
• Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]: Item 60: Favor the use of standard exceptions
If an exception object of pointer type is thrown and that pointer refers to a dynamically
created object, then it may be unclear which function is responsible for destroying it,
and when. This may lead to memory leak.
If an exception object of pointer type is thrown and that pointer refers to an automatic
variable, it allows using a variable after its destruction, leading to undefined behavior.
This ambiguity does not exist if a copy of the object is thrown.
1 //% $Id: A15-1-2.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 class A
4 {
5 // Implementation
6 };
7 void fn(std::int16_t i)
8 {
9 A a1;
10 A& a2 = a1;
11 A* a3 = new A;
13 if (i < 10)
14 {
15 throw a1; // Compliant - copyable object thrown
16 }
41 }
43 else
44 {
45 throw new A; // Non-compliant - pointer type thrown
46 }
47 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-0-2 An exception object should not have pointer type.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: E.13: Never throw while being the direct owner of an
Defining unique exceptions in the project significantly simplifies debug process.
An exception is considered to be unique if at least one of the following conditions is
• The type of the exception does not occur in any other place in the project
• The error message (i.e. message itself, error code, etc.) of the exception does
not occur in any other place in the project
1 //% $Id: A15-1-3.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <sstream>
4 #include <stdexcept>
5 #include <string>
6 static std::string composeMessage(const char* file,
7 const char* func,
8 std::int32_t line,
9 const std::string& message) noexcept
10 {
11 std::stringstream s;
12 s << "(" << file << ", " << func << ":" << line << "): " << message;
13 return s.str();
14 }
15 void f1()
16 {
17 // ...
18 throw std::logic_error("Error");
19 }
20 void f2()
21 {
22 // ...
23 throw std::logic_error("Error"); // Non-compliant - both exception type and
24 // error message are not unique
25 }
26 void f3()
27 {
28 // ...
29 throw std::invalid_argument(
30 "Error"); // Compliant - exception type is unique
31 }
32 void f4() noexcept(false)
33 {
34 // ...
35 throw std::logic_error("f3(): preconditions were not met"); // Compliant -
36 // error
37 // message is
38 // unique
39 }
40 void f5() noexcept(false)
41 {
42 // ...
43 throw std::logic_error(composeMessage(
44 __FILE__,
45 __func__,
46 __LINE__,
58 catch (std::invalid_argument& e)
59 {
60 std::cout << e.what() << ’\n’; // Only f3() throws this type of
61 // exception, it is easy to deduce which
62 // function threw
63 }
65 catch (std::logic_error& e)
66 {
67 std::cout << e.what() << ’\n’; // f1() and f2() throw exactly the same
68 // exceptions, unable to deduce which
69 // function threw
70 }
72 try
73 {
74 f4();
75 f5();
76 }
78 catch (std::logic_error& e)
79 {
80 std::cout << e.what() << ’\n’; // Debugging process simplified, because
81 // of unique error message it is known
82 // which function threw
83 }
84 }
See also
• Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]: Item 63: Include failure-capture information in
detail messages
If the only handler to dynamically allocated memory or system resource (e.g. file, lock,
network connection or thread) goes out of scope due to throwing an exception, memory
leak occurs. Memory leaks lead to performance degradation, security violations and
software crashes.
Allocated memory or system resource can be released by explicit call to resource
deinitialization or memory deallocation function (such as operator delete), before each
return/try/break/continue statement. However, this solution is error prone and difficult
to maintain.
The recommended way of releasing dynamically allocated objects and resources is
to follow RAII ("‘Resource Acquisition Is Initialization"’) design pattern, also known as
Scope-Bound Resource Management or “Constructor Acquires, Destructor Releases”
(CADRe). It allows to bind the life cycle of the resource to the lifetime of a scope-bound
object. It guarantees that resources are properly deinitialized and released when data
flow reaches the end of the scope.
Examples of RAII design pattern that significantly simplifies releasing
objects/resources on throwing an exception are C++ smart pointers: std::unique_ptr
and std::shared_ptr.
1 //% $Id: A15-1-4.cpp 272338 2017-03-28 08:15:01Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <memory>
4 #include <stdexcept>
5 extern std::uint32_t f1();
6 void fVeryBad() noexcept(false)
7 {
8 std::logic_error* e = new std::logic_error("Logic Error 1");
9 // ...
10 std::uint32_t i = f1();
12 if (i < 10)
13 {
14 throw(*e); // Non-compliant - fVeryBad() is not able to clean-up
15 // allocated memory
16 }
18 // ...
19 delete e;
20 }
21 void fBad() noexcept(false)
22 {
23 std::int32_t* x = new std::int32_t(0);
24 // ...
25 std::uint32_t i = f1();
27 if (i < 10)
28 {
29 throw std::logic_error("Logic Error 2"); // Non-compliant - exits from
30 // fBad() without cleaning-up
31 // allocated resources and
32 // causes a memory leak
33 }
44 // ...
45 delete x; // Deallocates claimed resource only in the end of fBad() scope
46 }
47 void fGood() noexcept(false)
48 {
49 std::int32_t* y = new std::int32_t(0);
50 // ...
51 std::uint32_t i = f1();
53 if (i < 10)
54 {
55 delete y; // Deletes allocated resource before throwing an exception
56 throw std::logic_error("Logic Error 4"); // Compliant - deleting y
57 // variable before exception
58 // leaves the fGood() scope
59 }
79 }
81 // ...
82 delete y; // Deallocates claimed resource also in the end of fGood() scope
83 }
84 void fBest() noexcept(false)
85 {
86 std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t> z = std::make_unique<std::int32_t>(0);
87 // ...
88 std::uint32_t i = f1();
90 if (i < 10)
91 {
92 throw std::logic_error("Logic Error 6"); // Compliant - leaving the
93 // fBest() scope causes
94 // deallocation of all
95 // automatic variables, unique_ptrs, too
96 }
116 // ...
117 // z is deallocated automatically here, too
118 }
119 class CRaii // Simple class that follows RAII pattern
120 {
121 public:
122 CRaii(std::int32_t* pointer) noexcept : x(pointer) {}
123 ~CRaii()
124 {
125 delete x;
126 x = nullptr;
127 }
129 private:
130 std::int32_t* x;
131 };
132 void fBest2() noexcept(false)
133 {
134 CRaii a1(new std::int32_t(10));
135 // ...
136 std::uint32_t i = f1();
161 // ...
162 // a1 is deallocated automatically here, too
163 }
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR57-CPP. Do not leak resources when handling
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: E.6: Use RAII to prevent leaks.
An execution boundary is the delimitation between code compiled by differing
compilers, including different versions of a compiler produced by the same vendor.
For instance, a function may be declared in a header file but defined in a library that is
loaded at runtime. The execution boundary is between the call site in the executable
and the function implementation in the library. Such boundaries are also called ABI
(application binary interface) boundaries because they relate to the interoperability of
application binaries.
Throwing an exception across an execution boundary requires that both sides of the
execution boundary use the same ABI for exception handling, which may be difficult to
If it can be ensured that the execution boundaries use the same ABI for exception
handling routines on both sides, then throwing an exception across these execution
boundaries is allowed.
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR59-CPP. Do not throw an exception across execution
Before the program starts executing the body of main function, it is in a start-up phase,
constructing and initializing static objects. There is nowhere an exception handler can
be placed to catch exceptions thrown during this phase, so if an exception is thrown it
leads to the program being terminated in an implementation-defined manner.
Such errors may be more difficult to find because an error message can not be logged,
due to lack of exception handling mechanism during static initialization.
1 //% $Id: A15-2-1.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class A
5 {
6 public:
7 A() noexcept : x(0)
8 {
9 // ...
10 }
11 explicit A(std::int32_t n) : x(n)
12 {
13 // ...
14 throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected error");
15 }
16 A(std::int32_t i, std::int32_t j) noexcept : x(i + j)
17 {
18 try
19 {
20 // ...
21 throw std::runtime_error("Error");
22 // ...
23 }
25 catch (std::exception& e)
26 {
27 }
28 }
30 private:
31 std::int32_t x;
32 };
33 static A a1; // Compliant - default constructor of type A is noexcept
34 static A a2(5); // Non-compliant - constructor of type A throws, and the
35 // exception will not be caught by the handler in main function
36 static A a3(5, 10); // Compliant - constructor of type A is noexcept, it
37 // handles exceptions internally
38 int main(int, char**)
39 {
40 try
41 {
42 // program code
43 }
44 catch (...)
45 {
46 // Handle exceptions
47 }
49 return 0;
50 }
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR51-CPP. Handle all exceptions.
Leaving the constructor with invalid object state leads to undefined behavior.
24 private:
25 A* a1;
26 A* a2;
27 };
28 class C2
29 {
30 public:
31 C2() noexcept(false) : a1(nullptr), a2(nullptr)
32 {
33 try
34 {
35 a1 = new A;
36 a2 = new A; // If memory allocation for a2 fails, catch-block will
37 // deallocate a1
38 }
40 catch (std::exception& e)
41 {
42 throw; // Non-compliant - whenever a2 allocation throws an
43 // exception, a1 will never be deallocated
44 }
45 }
47 private:
48 A* a1;
49 A* a2;
50 };
51 class C3
52 {
53 public:
54 C3() noexcept(false) : a1(nullptr), a2(nullptr), file("./filename.txt")
55 {
56 try
57 {
58 a1 = new A;
59 a2 = new A;
61 if (!file.good())
62 {
63 throw std::runtime_error("Could not open file.");
64 }
65 }
67 catch (std::exception& e)
68 {
69 delete a1;
70 a1 = nullptr;
71 delete a2;
72 a2 = nullptr;
73 file.close();
74 throw; // Compliant - all resources are deallocated before the
75 // constructor exits with an exception
76 }
77 }
79 private:
80 A* a1;
81 A* a2;
82 std::ofstream file;
83 };
84 class C4
85 {
86 public:
87 C4() : x(0), y(0)
88 {
89 // Does not need to check preconditions here - x and y initialized with
90 // correct values
91 }
92 C4(std::int32_t first, std::int32_t second)
93 noexcept(false) : x(first), y(second)
94 {
95 checkPreconditions(x,
96 y); // Compliant - if constructor failed to create a
97 // valid object, then throw an exception
98 }
99 static void checkPreconditions(std::int32_t x,
100 std::int32_t y) noexcept(false)
101 {
102 if (x < 0 || x > 1000)
103 {
104 throw std::invalid_argument(
105 "Preconditions of class C4 were not met");
106 }
115 private:
116 std::int32_t x; // Acceptable range: <0; 1000>
117 std::int32_t y; // Acceptable range: <0; 1000>
118 };
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: C.42: If a constructor cannot construct a valid object,
throw an exception
Unchecked exceptions (e.g. bad_alloc, out_of_range, length_error, invalid_argument)
either are a consequence of faulty logic within the program or are unpreventable and
the program can not recover from them with meaningful action. In this case, propagate
the exception up the call tree to the main (or thread’s main) function where one common
handler will be executed.
This rule does not apply to C++ Standard Library, as it can provide different error
handling mechanisms that depend on user input or usage.
1 //% $Id: A15-3-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class OutOfMemory : public std::logic_error // Unchecked exception
5 {
6 public:
7 using std::logic_error::logic_error;
8 };
9 void f1() noexcept(false)
10 {
11 // ...
12 throw OutOfMemory("Not enough memory");
13 }
14 void f2() noexcept
15 {
16 try
17 {
18 f1();
19 }
20 catch (OutOfMemory& e) // Non-compliant - program is not able to handle an
21 // OutOfMemory error in a meaningful way, the error
22 // will still exist
23 {
24 // Handle an exception
25 }
26 }
27 void f3() noexcept(false)
28 {
29 // ...
30 try
31 {
32 // ...
33 f1();
34 }
35 catch (OutOfMemory& e)
36 {
37 // Nothing to do, just re-throw
38 throw; // Non-compliant - it is inefficient to catch and re-throw an
39 // error that can not be handled in f3()
40 }
41 }
42 void f4() noexcept(false)
43 {
44 // ...
45 f1(); // Compliant - OutOfMemory error can not be handled in f4()
46 // ...
47 }
48 int main(int, char**)
49 {
50 try
51 {
52 f4();
53 }
54 catch (OutOfMemory& e) // Compliant - OutOfMemory caught in main() function
55 // so the program can clean-up and exit correctly
56 {
57 // Report the error and exit from the program correctly
58 }
60 return 0;
61 }
See also
• none
Provide checked exception handlers only for functions that actually are able to take
recovery actions. Implementing meaningless exception handlers that only re-throw
caught exception results in a code that is inefficient and difficult to maintain.
1 //% $Id: A15-3-2.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <stdexcept>
5 class CommunicationError : public std::exception
6 {
7 // Implementation
8 };
9 /// @throw CommunicationError Exceptional communication errors
10 extern void send(std::uint8_t* buffer) noexcept(false);
11 void sendData1(std::uint8_t* data) noexcept(false)
12 {
13 try
14 {
15 send(data);
16 }
18 catch (CommunicationError& e)
19 {
20 std::cerr << "Communication error occured" << std::endl;
21 throw; // Non-compliant - exception is not handled, just re-thrown
22 }
23 }
24 extern void busRestart() noexcept;
25 extern void bufferClean() noexcept;
26 void sendData2(std::uint8_t* data) noexcept(false)
27 {
28 try
29 {
30 send(data);
31 }
33 catch (CommunicationError& e)
34 {
35 std::cerr << "Communication error occured" << std::endl;
36 bufferClean();
37 throw; // Compliant - exception is partially handled and re-thrown
38 }
39 }
40 void f1() noexcept
41 {
42 std::uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
44 // ...
45 try
46 {
47 sendData2(buffer);
48 }
50 catch (CommunicationError& e)
51 {
52 std::cerr << "Communication error occured" << std::endl;
53 busRestart();
54 // Compliant - including SendData2() exception handler, exception is now
55 // fully handled
56 }
57 }
58 void sendData3(std::uint8_t* data) noexcept
59 {
60 try
61 {
62 send(data);
63 }
65 catch (CommunicationError& e)
66 {
67 std::cerr << "Communication error occured" << std::endl;
68 bufferClean();
69 busRestart();
70 // Compliant - exception is fully handled
71 }
72 }
See also
• none
If a program throws an unhandled exception in main function, as well as in init thread
function, the program terminates in an implementation-defined manner. In particular,
it is implementation-defined whether the call stack is unwound, before termination, so
the destructors of any automatic objects may or may not be executed. By enforcing
the provision of a “last-ditch catch-all”, the developer can ensure that the program
terminates in a consistent manner.
Note that the objective of the previous rule is that a program should catch all exceptions
that it is expected to throw. This rule’s objective is to ensure that exceptions that were
not expected are also caught.
1 //% $Id: A15-3-3.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <stdexcept>
3 int mainGood(int, char**) // Compliant
4 {
5 try
6 {
7 // program code
8 }
9 catch (std::runtime_error& e)
10 {
11 // Handle runtime errors
12 }
13 catch (std::logic_error& e)
14 {
15 // Handle logic errors
16 }
17 catch (std::exception& e)
18 {
19 // Handle all expected exceptions
20 }
21 catch (...)
22 {
23 // Handle all unexpected exceptions
24 }
26 return 0;
27 }
28 int mainBad(int,
29 char**) // Non-compliant - unexpected exceptions are not caught
30 {
31 try
32 {
33 // program code
34 }
35 catch (std::runtime_error& e)
36 {
37 // Handle runtime errors
38 }
39 catch (std::logic_error& e)
40 {
41 // Handle logic errors
42 }
43 catch (std::exception& e)
44 {
45 // Handle all expected exceptions
46 }
48 return 0;
49 }
50 void threadMainGood() // Compliant
51 {
52 try
53 {
54 // thread code
55 }
56 catch (std::exception& e)
57 {
58 // Handle all expected exception
59 }
60 catch (...)
61 {
62 // Handle all unexpected exception
63 }
64 }
65 void threadMainBad() // Non-compliant - unexpected exceptions are not caught
66 {
67 try
68 {
69 // thread code
70 }
71 catch (std::exception& e)
72 {
73 // Handle all expected exceptions
74 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-3-2 There should be at least one exception handler to
catch all otherwise unhandled exceptions.
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR51-CPP. Handle all exceptions
• Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]: Item 65: Don’t ignore exceptions
Catching an exception through catch-all handlers does not provide any detailed
information about caught exception. This does not allow to take meaningful actions
to recover from an exception other than to re-throw it. This is inefficient and results in
code that is difficult to maintain.
1 //% $Id: A15-3-4.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <stdexcept>
3 #include <thread>
4 extern std::int32_t fn(); // Prototype of external third-party library function
5 void f1() noexcept(false)
6 {
7 try
8 {
9 std::int32_t ret = fn();
10 // ...
11 }
13 // ...
14 catch (...) // Compliant
15 {
16 // Handle all unexpected exceptions from fn() function
17 }
18 }
19 void f2() noexcept(false)
20 {
21 std::int32_t ret =
22 fn(); // Non-compliant - can not be sure whether fn() throws or not
35 throw std::overflow_error("Error");
36 }
38 else
39 {
40 throw std::range_error("Error");
41 }
42 }
43 void f3() noexcept(false)
44 {
45 try
46 {
47 f2();
48 }
81 // ...
82 catch (std::exception& e) // Compliant
83 {
84 // Handle all expected exceptions
85 }
99 // ...
100 catch (std::exception& e) // Compliant
101 {
102 // Handle all expected exceptions
103 }
104 catch (...) // Compliant
105 {
106 // Handle all unexpected exceptions
107 }
108 }
109 int main(int, char**)
110 {
111 try
112 {
113 ExecutionManager execManager;
114 execManager.execute();
115 // ...
116 std::thread t(&threadMain);
117 // ...
118 f4();
119 }
121 // ...
122 catch (std::exception& e) // Compliant
123 {
124 // Handle all expected exceptions
125 }
126 catch (...) // Compliant
127 {
128 // Handle all unexpected exceptions
129 }
131 return 0;
132 }
See also
• none
If a class type exception object is caught by value, slicing occurs. That is, if the
exception object is of a derived class and is caught as the base, only the base class’s
functions (including virtual functions) can be called. Also, any additional member data
in the derived class cannot be accessed. If the exception is caught by reference or
const reference, slicing does not occur.
1 //% $Id: A15-3-5.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class Exception : public std::runtime_error
5 {
6 public:
7 using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
8 const char* what() const noexcept(true) override
9 {
10 return "Exception error message";
11 }
12 };
13 void fn()
14 {
15 try
16 {
17 // ...
18 throw std::runtime_error("Error");
19 // ...
20 throw Exception("Error");
21 }
24 {
25 // Handle exception
26 }
27 catch (std::runtime_error& e) // Compliant - caught by reference
28 {
29 std::cout << e.what() << "\n"; // "Error" or "Exception error message"
30 // will be printed, depending upon the
31 // actual type of thrown object
32 throw e; // The exception re-thrown is of its original type
33 }
35 catch (
36 std::runtime_error
37 e) // Non-compliant - derived types will be caught as the base type
38 {
39 std::cout
40 << e.what()
41 << "\n"; // Will always call what() method from std::runtime_error
42 throw e; // The exception re-thrown is of the std::runtime_error type,
43 // not the original exception type
44 }
45 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-3-5 A class type exception shall always be caught by
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR61-CPP. Catch exceptions by lvalue reference
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: E.15: Catch exceptions from a hierarchy by reference
This feature was deprecated in the 2011 C++ Language Standard (See: Deprecating
Exception Specifications).
Main issues with dynamic exception specifications are:
1. Run-time checking: Exception specifications are checked at runtime, so the
program does not guarantee that all exceptions will be handled. The run-time
failure mode does not lend itself to recovery.
2. Run-time overhead: Run-time checking requires the compiler to produce
additional code that hampers optimizations.
3. Unusable in generic code: It is not possible to know what types of exceptions
may be thrown from templates arguments operations, so a precise exception
specification cannot be written.
In place of dynamic exception-specification, use noexcept specification that allows to
declare whether a function throws or does not throw exceptions.
1 //% $Id: A15-4-1.cpp 270728 2017-03-16 10:38:20Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <stdexcept>
3 void f1() noexcept; // Compliant - note that noexcept is the same as
4 // noexcept(true)
5 void f2() throw(); // Non-compliant - dynamic exception-specification is
6 // deprecated
7 void f3() noexcept(false); // Compliant
8 void f4() throw(std::runtime_error); // Non-compliant - dynamic
9 // exception-specification is deprecated
10 void f5() throw(
11 ...); // Non-compliant - dynamic exception-specification is deprecated
12 template <class T>
13 void f6() noexcept(noexcept(T())); // Compliant
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: E.12: Use noexcept when exiting a function because
of a throw is impossible or unacceptable
• [17]: open std Deprecating Exception Specifications
• mill22: A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications
If a function declared to be noexcept, noexcept(true) or noexcept(true condition) throws
an exception, then std::terminate() is called immediately. It is implementation-defined
whether the call stack is unwound before std::terminate() is called.
To ensure that the rule is not violated, if function’s noexcept specification can not be
determined, then always declare it to be noexcept(false).
1 //% $Id: A15-4-2.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <stdexcept>
3 // library.h
4 void libraryFunc();
5 // project.cpp
6 void f1() noexcept
7 {
8 // ...
9 throw std::runtime_error("Error"); // Non-compliant - f1 declared to be
10 // noexcept, but exits with exception.
11 // This leads to std::terminate() call
12 }
13 void f2() noexcept(true)
14 {
15 try
16 {
17 // ...
18 throw std::runtime_error(
19 "Error"); // Compliant - exception will not leave f2
20 }
21 catch (std::runtime_error& e)
22 {
23 // Handle runtime error
24 }
25 }
26 void f3() noexcept(false)
27 {
28 // ...
29 throw std::runtime_error("Error"); // Compliant
30 }
31 void f4() noexcept(
32 false) // Compliant - no information whether library_func() throws or not
33 {
34 libraryFunc();
35 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-5-3 The terminate() function shall not be called implicitly.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 15.3.2 Ensure that a program does not result in a call to
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR50-CPP. Do not abruptly terminate the program
If any declaration of a function has a noexcept specification, other declarations of
the same function have to specify either the same or more restrictive noexcept-
specification. The same restriction apply to all overriders of a member function.
1 //% $Id: A15-4-3.cpp 270728 2017-03-16 10:38:20Z piotr.tanski $
2 // f1.hpp
3 void fn() noexcept;
4 // f1.cpp
5 // #include <f1.hpp>
6 void fn() noexcept // Compliant
7 {
8 // Implementation
9 }
10 // f2.cpp
11 // #include <f1.hpp>
12 // void fn() noexcept(false) // Non-compliant - different exception specifier
13 // {
14 // Implementation
15 // }
16 class A
17 {
18 public:
19 void f() noexcept;
20 void g() noexcept(false);
21 virtual void v1() noexcept = 0;
22 virtual void v2() noexcept(false) = 0;
23 };
24 void A::f() noexcept // Compliant
25 // void A::f() noexcept(false) // Non-compliant - different exception specifier
26 // than in declaration
27 {
28 // Implementation
29 }
30 void A::g() noexcept(false) // Compliant
31 // void A::g() noexcept // Non-compliant - different exception specifier than
32 // in declaration
33 {
34 // Implementation
35 }
36 class B : public A
37 {
38 public:
39 void v1() noexcept override // Compliant
40 // void v1() noexcept(false) override // Non-compliant - looser exception
41 // specifier in derived method,
42 // non-compilable
43 {
44 // Implementation
45 }
46 void v2() noexcept override // Compliant
47 {
48 // Implementation
49 }
50 };
See also
• none
Noexcept specification is a method for a programmer to inform the compiler whether
or not a function should throw exceptions. The compiler can use this information to
enable certain optimizations on non-throwing functions as well as enable the noexcept
operator, which can check at compile time if a particular expression is declared to throw
any exceptions.
Noexcept specification is also a method to inform other programmers that a function
does not throw any exceptions.
A non-throwing function needs to declare noexcept specifier. A function that may
or may not throw exceptions depending on a template argument, needs to explicitly
specify its behavior using noexcept(<condition>) specifier.
Note that it is assumed that a function which does not contain explicit noexcept
specification throws exceptions, similarly to functions that declare noexcept(false)
1 //% $Id: A15-4-4.cpp 271715 2017-03-23 10:13:51Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 void f1(); // Compliant - f1, without noexcept specification, declares to throw
5 // exceptions implicitly
16 catch (std::exception& e)
17 {
18 // Handle exceptions
19 }
24 try
25 {
26 f4(); // Exception handling needed, f4 is noexcept(false)
27 }
29 catch (std::exception& e)
30 {
31 // Handle exceptions
32 }
33 }
34 template <class T>
35 void f6() noexcept(noexcept(T())); // Compliant - function f6() may be
36 // noexcept(true) or noexcept(false)
37 // depending on constructor of class T
38 template <class T>
39 class A
40 {
41 public:
42 A() noexcept(noexcept(T())) // Compliant - constructor of class A may be
43 // noexcept(true) or noexcept(false) depending on
44 // constructor of class T
45 {
46 }
47 };
48 class C1
49 {
50 public:
51 C1()
52 noexcept(
53 true) // Compliant - constructor of class C1 does not throw exceptions
54 {
55 }
56 // ...
57 };
58 class C2
59 {
60 public:
61 C2() // Compliant - constructor of class C2 throws exceptions
62 {
63 }
64 // ...
65 };
66 void f7() noexcept // Compliant - f7 does not throw exceptions
67 {
68 std::cout << noexcept(A<C1>()) << ’\n’; // prints ’1’ - constructor of
69 // A<C1> class is noexcept(true)
70 // because constructor of C1 class
71 // is declared to be noexcept(true)
72 std::cout << noexcept(A<C2>()) << ’\n’; // prints ’0’ - constructor of
73 // A<C2> class is noexcept(false)
74 // because constructor of C2 class
75 // has no noexcept specifier
76 }
See also
• none
In C++ language, all exceptions are unchecked, because the compiler does not force
to either handle the exception or specify it. Because dynamic-exception specification is
obsolete and error prone, an alternative mechanism of specifying checked exceptions
using C++ comments along with function declarations is used. It is a concept that is
based on Java exception handling mechanism.
When analyzing a given function f, a static code analysis needs to analyze functions
invoked by f and analyze if they throw any checked exceptions that are not caught by f
and not listed by f in the function comment.
Within generic code, it is not generally possible to know what types of exceptions may
be thrown from operations on template arguments, so a precise exception specification
cannot be written. Therefore, this rule does not apply for templates.
1 //% $Id: A15-4-5.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class CommunicationError : public std::exception
5 {
6 // Implementation
7 };
8 class BusError : public CommunicationError
9 {
10 // Implementation
11 };
12 class Timeout : public std::runtime_error
13 {
14 public:
15 using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
16 // Implementation
17 };
18 /// @throw CommunicationError Communication error
19 /// @throw BusError Bus error
20 /// @throw Timeout On send timeout exception
21 void send1(
22 std::uint8_t* buffer,
23 std::uint8_t bufferLength) noexcept(false) // Compliant - All and only
24 // those checked exceptions
25 // that can be thrown are
26 // specified
27 {
28 // ...
29 throw CommunicationError();
30 // ...
31 throw BusError();
32 // ...
33 throw Timeout("Timeout reached");
34 // ...
35 }
36 /// @throw CommunicationError Communication error
37 void send2(
38 std::uint8_t* buffer,
39 std::uint8_t bufferLength) noexcept(false) // Non-compliant - checked
40 // exceptions that can be
41 // thrown are missing from
42 // specification
43 {
44 // ...
45 throw CommunicationError();
46 // ...
47 throw Timeout("Timeout reached");
48 // ...
49 }
50 class MemoryPartitioningError : std::exception
51 {
52 // Implementation
53 };
54 /// @throw CommunicationError Communication error
55 /// @throw BusError Bus error
56 /// @throw Timeout On send timeout exception
57 /// @throw MemoryPartitioningError Memory partitioning error prevents message
58 /// from being sent.
59 void send3(
60 std::uint8_t* buffer,
61 std::uint8_t bufferLength) noexcept(false) // Non-compliant - additional
62 // checked exceptions are
63 // specified
64 {
65 // ...
66 throw CommunicationError();
67 // ...
68 throw Timeout("Timeout reached");
69 // ...
70 }
See also
• Effective Java 2nd Edition [14]: Item 62: Document all exceptions thrown by each
Unchecked exceptions are those which do not have an appropriate application-specific
handling by the caller - it is only needed to catch them in main (or in task main
functions). Specifying them is a significant overhead, while they do not bring added
value and they restrict the evolution of functions. Such exceptions can occur anywhere
in a program, and in a typical one they can be very numerous. Having to add such
exceptions in every method declaration would reduce a program’s clarity.
Specifying unchecked exceptions in function declarations by C++ Standard Library
does not violate this rule. Standard library can not know if an exception is meaningful
for the caller.
1 //% $Id: A15-4-6.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <stdexcept>
4 class InvalidInitParameters : public std::logic_error
5 {
6 public:
7 using std::logic_error::logic_error;
8 };
9 /// @throw InvalidInitParameters Error caused by passing invalid initialization
10 /// parameters
11 void send1(std::uint8_t* buffer, std::uint8_t bufferLengtd) noexcept(
12 false) // Non-compliant - unchecked exception documented
13 {
14 // ...
15 throw InvalidInitParameters("Invalid parameters");
16 }
17 void send2(std::uint8_t* buffer, std::uint8_t bufferLengtd) noexcept(
18 false) // Compliant - unchecked exception not documented
19 {
20 // ...
21 throw InvalidInitParameters("Invalid parameters");
22 }
See also
• none
When an exception is thrown, the call stack is unwound up to the point where the
exception is to be handled. The destructors for all automatic objects declared between
the point where the exception is thrown and where it is to be handled will be invoked. If
one of these destructors or “delete” operators exits with an exception, then the program
will terminate in an implementation-defined manner.
Move constructor and move assignment operator are intended to be noexcept. If they
throw exceptions, strong exception safety can not be guaranteed, because the original
type values could be already modified or partially modified.
The standard-library containers and algorithms will not work correctly if a swap of two
elements exits with an exception.
Note that if move constructor is not noexcept, then the standard library containers will
use the copy constructor rather than the move constructor.
Note that it is acceptable for a destructor to throw an exception that is handled within
this destructor, for example within a try-catch block.
Also, note that a destructor is noexcept by default, but the keyword noexcept needs to
be specified to explicitly state that it can not throw any exception.
1 //% $Id: A15-5-1.cpp 270728 2017-03-16 10:38:20Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <stdexcept>
3 class C1
4 {
5 public:
6 C1() = default;
7 C1(C1&& rhs)
8 noexcept // Compliant - move constructor declared to be noexcept
9 {
10 }
11 C1& operator=(C1&& rhs) noexcept // Compliant - move assignment operator
12 // declared to be noexcept
13 {
14 return *this;
15 }
16 ~C1() noexcept // Compliant - no exceptions thrown from destructor
17 {
18 }
19 };
20 void swap(C1& lhs, C1& rhs) noexcept // Compliant - swap function does not exit
21 // with an exception
22 {
23 // Implementation
24 }
25 class C2
26 {
27 public:
28 C2() = default;
29 C2(C2&& rhs)
30 noexcept // Compliant - move constructor declared to be noexcept
31 {
32 try
33 {
34 // ...
35 throw std::runtime_error(
36 "Error"); // Exception will not leave move constructor
37 }
39 catch (std::exception& e)
40 {
41 // Handle runtime error
42 }
43 }
44 C2& operator=(C2&& rhs) noexcept // Compliant - move assignment operator
45 // declared to be noexcept
46 {
47 try
48 {
49 // ...
50 throw std::runtime_error(
54 catch (std::exception& e)
55 {
56 // Handle runtime error
57 }
59 return *this;
60 }
61 ~C2() // Non-compliant - the destructor does not contain the noexcept
62 // specification
63 {
64 try
65 {
66 // ...
67 throw std::runtime_error(
68 "Error"); // Exception will not leave the destructor
69 }
71 catch (std::exception& e)
72 {
73 // Handle runtime error
74 }
75 }
76 };
77 void swap(C2& lhs, C2& rhs) noexcept(
78 false) // Non-compliant - swap function declared to be noexcept(false)
79 {
80 // Implementation
81 throw std::runtime_error("Swap function failed"); // Non-compliant - swap
82 // function exits with an
83 // exception
84 }
85 class C3
86 {
87 public:
88 C3() = default;
89 C3(C3&& rhs) // Non-compliant - move constructor throws
90 {
91 // ...
92 throw std::runtime_error("Error");
93 }
94 C3& operator=(C3&& rhs) // Non-compliant - move assignment operator throws
95 {
96 // ...
97 throw std::runtime_error("Error");
98 return *this;
99 }
100 ~C3() // Non-compliant - destructor exits with an exception
101 {
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-5-1 A class destructor shall not exit with an exception.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 15.2.1 Do not throw an exception from a destructor
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: E.16: Destructors, deallocation, and swap must never
fail, C.85: Make swap noexcept
Functions that are used to terminate the program in an immediate fashion, i.e.
std::abort(), std::quick_exit(), std::_Exit(), do so without calling exit handlers or calling
destructors of automatic, thread or static storage duration objects. It is implementation-
defined whether opened streams are flushed and closed, and temporary files are
The std::terminate() function calls std::abort() implicitly in its terminate handler, and it
is implementation-defined whether or not stack unwinding will occur.
Calling an std::exit() function from main() or from task main functions is acceptable,
because it properly deallocates resources and calls std::atexit() handlers.
1 //% $Id: A15-5-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdlib>
3 #include <exception>
4 void f1() noexcept(false);
45 if (std::atexit(&f3) != 0)
46 {
47 // Handle an error
48 }
50 // ...
51 return 0;
52 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-5-3 (Required) The terminate() function shall not be
called implicitly.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 15.3.2 Ensure that a program does not result in a call to
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: ERR50-CPP. Do not abruptly terminate the program
It is implementation-defined whether the call stack is unwound before std::terminate() is
called. There is no guarantee that the destructors of automatic thread or static storage
duration objects will be called.
These are following ways to call std::terminate() function implicitly, according to
(std::terminate() in CppReference [15]):
1. an exception is thrown and not caught (it is implementation-defined whether any
stack unwinding is done in this case)
2. an exception is thrown during exception handling (e.g. from a destructor of some
local object, or from a function that had to be called during exception handling)
3. the constructor or the destructor of a static or thread-local object throws an
4. a function registered with std::atexit or std::at_quick_exit throws an exception
5. a noexcept specification is violated (it is implementation-defined whether any
stack unwinding is done in this case)
6. a dynamic exception specification is violated and the default handler for
std::unexpected is executed
7. a non-default handler for std::unexpected throws an exception that violates the
previously violated dynamic exception specification, if the specification does not
include std::bad_exception
8. std::nested_exception::rethrow_nested is called for an object that isn’t holding a
captured exception
9. an exception is thrown from the initial function of std::thread
10. a joinable std::thread is destroyed or assigned to
1 //% $Id: A15-5-3.cpp 271752 2017-03-23 12:07:07Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <stdexcept>
3 #include <thread>
4 extern bool f1();
5 class A
6 {
7 public:
8 A() noexcept(false)
9 {
10 // ...
11 throw std::runtime_error("Error1");
12 }
13 ~A()
14 {
15 // ...
16 throw std::runtime_error("Error2"); // Non-compliant - std::terminate()
17 // called on throwing an exception
18 // from noexcept(true) destructor
19 }
20 };
21 class B
22 {
23 public:
24 ~B() noexcept(false)
25 {
26 // ...
27 throw std::runtime_error("Error3");
28 }
29 };
30 void f2()
31 {
32 throw;
33 }
34 void threadFunc()
35 {
36 A a; // Throws an exception from a’s constructor and does not handle it in
37 // thread_func()
38 }
39 void f3()
40 {
41 try
42 {
43 std::thread t(&threadFunc); // Non-compliant - std::terminate() called
44 // on throwing an exception from
45 // thread_func()
47 if (f1())
48 {
49 throw std::logic_error("Error4");
50 }
52 else
53 {
54 f2(); // Non-compliant - std::terminate() called if there is no
55 // active exception to be re-thrown by f2
56 }
57 }
58 catch (...)
59 {
60 B b; // Non-compliant - std::terminate() called on throwing an
61 // exception from b’s destructor during exception handling
63 // ...
64 f2();
65 }
66 }
67 static A a; // Non-compliant - std::terminate() called on throwing an exception
68 // during program’s start-up phase
69 int main(int, char**)
70 {
71 f3(); // Non-compliant - std::terminate() called if std::logic_error is
72 // thrown
73 return 0;
74 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: 15-5-3 (Required) The terminate() function shall not be
called implicitly.
6.16.0 General
C++ provides safer, more readable and easier to maintain ways of achieving what is
often done using the pre-processor. The pre-processor does not obey the linkage,
lookup and function call semantics. Instead, constant objects, constexprs, inline
functions and templates are to be used.
1 // $Id: A16-0-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #pragma once // Non-compliant - implementation-defined feature
9 #ifdef WIN32
10 #include <windows.h> // Compliant - conditional file inclusion
11 #endif
13 #ifdef WIN32
14 std::int32_t fn1(
15 std::int16_t x,
16 std::int16_t y) noexcept; // Non-compliant - not a file inclusion
17 #endif
42 // ...
46 // ...
50 // ...
54 // ...
56 #endif // Non-compliant - endif not used for file inclusion or include guards
57 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 16-2-1 The pre-processor shall only be used for file
inclusion and include guards.
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 16-2-2 C++ macros shall only be used for: include
guards, type qualifiers, or storage class specifiers.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 26 Only the following pre-processor directives
shall be used: 1. #ifndef 2. #define 3. #endif 4. #include.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 27 #ifndef, #define and #endif will be used to
prevent multiple inclusions of the same header file. Other techniques to prevent
the multiple inclusions of header files will not be used.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 28 The #ifndef and #endif pre-processor
directives will only be used as defined in AV Rule 27 to prevent multiple inclusions
of the same header file.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 29 The #define pre-processor directive shall
not be used to create inline macros. Inline functions shall be used instead.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 30 The #define pre-processor directive shall not
be used to define constant values. Instead, the const qualifier shall be applied to
variable declarations to specify constant values.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 31 The #define pre-processor directive will
only be used as part of the technique to prevent multiple inclusions of the same
header file.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 32 The #include pre-processor directive will
only be used to include header (*.h) files.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 16.1.1 Use the preprocessor only for implementing include
guards, and including header files with include guards.
It is undefined behavior if the ’, ", /*, //, \\ characters are used in #include
directive, between < and > or “ ” delimiters.
1 // $Id: A16-2-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 16-2-4 The ’, ", /* or // characters shall not occur in a
header file name.
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 16-2-5 The \character shall not occur in a header file
Presence of unused include directives considerably slows down compilation phase,
makes the code base larger and introduces unneeded dependencies.
1 // $Id: A16-2-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <algorithm> // Non-compliant - nothing from algorithm header file is
3 #include <array> // Non-compliant - nothing from array header file is used
4 #include <cstdint> // Compliant - std::int32_t, std::uint8_t are used
5 #include <iostream> // Compliant - cout is used
6 #include <stdexcept> // Compliant - out_of_range is used
7 #include <vector> // Compliant - vector is used
8 void fn1() noexcept
9 {
10 std::int32_t x = 0;
11 // ...
12 std::uint8_t y = 0;
13 // ...
14 }
15 void fn2() noexcept(false)
16 {
17 try
18 {
19 std::vector<std::int32_t> v;
20 // ...
21 std::uint8_t idx = 3;
22 std::int32_t value =;
23 }
24 catch (std::out_of_range& e)
25 {
26 std::cout << e.what() << ’\n’;
27 }
28 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 16.1.5 Include directly the minimum number of headers required
for compilation.
Rule A16-2-3 (required, implementation, non-automated)
All used include directives shall be explicitly stated.
All header files that define types used in a file should be included explicitly. Relying on
inclusion dependencies of other header files makes the code more difficult to maintain.
Note that in header files some include directives could be easily replaced with forward
1 // $Id: A16-2-3.hpp 271696 2017-03-23 09:23:09Z piotr.tanski $
2 #ifndef HEADER_HPP
3 #define HEADER_HPP
5 #include <array>
6 #include <cstdint>
12 class OutOfRangeException
13 : public std::out_of_range // Non-compliant - <stdexcept> which defines
14 // out_of_range included
15 // implicitly through <array>
16 {
17 public:
18 using std::out_of_range::out_of_range;
19 };
21 class A
22 {
23 public:
24 // Interface of class A
26 private:
27 std::array<std::uint32_t, 10>
28 m_array; // Compliant - <array> included explicitly
29 B* m_b;
30 std::int32_t m_x; // Compliant - <cstdint> included explicitly
31 };
33 #endif
See also
• none
Note: Operators # and ## are anyway not allowed, see M16-3-2. This rule is kept in
case M16-3-2 is disabled in a project.
Rule M16-3-2 (advisory, implementation, automated)
The # and ## operators should not be used.
Using the pre-processor #error directive may lead to code that is complicated and not
clear for developers. The #error directive can not be applied to templates as it will not
be evaluated as a per-instance template deduction.
Static assertion, similarly to #error directive, provides a compile-time error checking.
However, static_assert behaves correctly in all C++ concepts and makes the code
more readable and does not rely on pre-processor directives.
Note: “#error” is anyway not allowed, see A16-0-1. This rule is kept in case A16-0-1 is
disabled in a project.
1 // $Id: A16-6-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <type_traits>
4 constexpr std::int32_t value = 0;
5 #if value > 10
6 #error "Incorrect value" // Non-compliant
7 #endif
8 void f1() noexcept
9 {
10 static_assert(value <= 10, "Incorrect value"); // Compliant
11 // ...
12 }
13 template <typename T>
14 void f2(T& a)
15 {
16 static_assert(std::is_copy_constructible<T>::value,
17 "f2() function requires copying"); // Compliant
18 // ...
19 }
See also
• none
The #pragma directive is implementation-defined and causes the implementation to
behave in implementation-defined manner.
1 // $Id: A16-7-1.hpp 270497 2017-03-14 14:58:50Z piotr.tanski $
2 // #pragma once // Non-compliant - implementation-defined manner
3 #ifndef A16_7_1_HPP // Compliant - equivalent to #pragma once directive
4 #define A16_7_1_HPP
6 // ...
8 #endif
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 16-6-1 All uses of the #pragma directive shall be
6.17.1 General
It is generally bad practice to #undef a macro that is defined in the standard library.
It is also bad practice to #define a macro name that is a C++ reserved identifier, or
C++ keyword or the name of any macro, object or function in the standard library. For
example, there are some specific reserved words and function names that are known
to give rise to undefined behavior if they are redefined or undefined, including defined,
__LINE__, __FILE__, __DATE__, __TIME__, __STDC__, errno and assert.
Refer to C++ Language Standard for a list of the identifiers that are reserved. Generally,
all identifiers that begin with the underscore character are reserved.
Note that this rule applies regardless of which header files, if any, are actually included.
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 17-0-1 Reserved identifiers, macros and functions in
the standard library shall not be defined, redefined or undefined.
Note that library code can be provided as source code or be provided in a compiled
form. The rule applies for any form of libraries.
As for any rule in this standard, a deviation procedure can be performed for this rule
and the project needs to argue what are the measures ensuring that non-compliant
libraries can be used in a project, addressing:
1. interference from the non-compliant code (for example, a library function
overwrites the stack or heap of the caller)
2. residual errors in non-compliant code resulting with its wrong outputs, which are
subsequently used (for example, a library function delivers wrong return value
used by the caller).
If a function is defined in a library or any third-party user code but it is ensured that the
function will not be used (directly or indirectly) in the project, then the function may not
conform to the AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines.
See also
• none
The C Standard Library leaves the responsibility for handling errors, data races and
security concerns up to developers. Therefore, use of the C Standard Library needs
to be separated and wrapped with functions that will be fully responsible for all specific
checks and error handling.
1 // $Id: A17-1-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cerrno>
3 #include <cstdio>
4 #include <cstring>
5 #include <iostream>
6 #include <stdexcept>
27 // ...
28 }
29 catch (std::system_error& e)
30 {
31 std::cerr << "Error: " << e.code() << " - " << e.what() << ’\n’;
32 }
33 }
50 try
51 {
52 // ...
53 fclose(handle);
54 }
55 catch (std::system_error& e)
56 {
57 fclose(handle);
58 }
59 catch (std::exception& e)
60 {
61 fclose(handle);
62 }
64 return errno;
65 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 19-3-1 The error indicator errno shall not be used.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 17.2.1 Wrap use of the C Standard Library.
• JSF December 2005 [7]: Chapter 4.5.1: Standard Libraries, AV Rule 17 - AV Rule
6.17.3 Definitions
6.18.0 General
C libraries (e.g. <stdio.h>) also have corresponding C++ libraries (e.g. <cstdio>). This
rule requires that the C++ version is used.
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 18-0-1 (Required) The C library shall not be used.
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 1.3.3 Do not use the C Standard Library .h headers.
These functions have undefined behavior associated with them when the string cannot
be converted.
Since C++11 Language Standard, new numeric conversion functions (See: std::stoi,
std::stol, std::stoll [15]) were introduced. They guarantee defined behavior.
1 // $Id: A18-0-2.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <cstdlib>
4 #include <string>
5 std::int32_t f1(const char* str) noexcept
6 {
7 return atoi(str); // Non-compliant - undefined behavior if str can not
8 // be converted
9 }
10 std::int32_t f2(std::string const& str) noexcept(false)
11 {
12 return std::stoi(str); // Compliant - throws a std::invalid_argument
13 // exception if str can not be converted
14 }
See also
• MISRA C++ 2008 [6]: Rule 18-0-2 The library functions atof, atoi and atol from
library <cstdlib> shall not be used.
A call to the setlocale function introduces a data race with other calls to setlocale
It may also introduce a data race with calls to functions that are affected by the current
locale settings: fprintf, isprint, iswdigit, localeconv, tolower, fscanf, ispunct, iswgraph,
mblen, toupper, isalnum, isspace, iswlower, mbstowcs, towlower, isalpha, isupper,
iswprint, mbtowc, towupper, isblank, iswalnum, iswpunct, setlocale, wcscoll, iscntrl,
iswalpha, iswspace, strcoll, wcstod, isdigit, iswblank, iswupper, strerror, wcstombs,
isgraph, iswcntrl, iswxdigit, strtod, wcsxfrm, islower, iswctype, isxdigit, strxfrm, wctomb.
See also
• JSF December 2005 [7]: AV Rule 19 <locale.h> and the setlocale function shall
not be used.
6.18.1 Types
C-style array is implicitly convertible to raw pointer and easily loses information about
its size. This construct is unsafe, unmaintainable and is a source of potential errors.
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.27: Use std::array or stack_array for arrays on the
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: SL.con.1: Prefer using STL array or vector instead of
a C array.
The std::vector<bool> specialization does not work with all STL algorithms as
expected. In particular operator[] does not return a contiguous sequence of elements
as it does for other types.
The C++ Language Standard guarantees that elements of an STL container can be
safely concurrently modified, except for an std::vector<bool>.
Note that fixed-size std::array of bools, std::deque<bool> or creating POD wrapper for
bool type and using it with std::vector are possible alternatives.
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 17.1.1 Do not use std::vector<bool>.
The std::auto_ptr smart pointer is deprecated since C++11 Language Standard and it
is planned to be withdrawn in C++17 Language Standard.
The std::auto_ptr provides unusual copy semantics and it can not be placed in STL
containers. It is recommended to use std::unique_ptr instead.
1 // $Id: A18-1-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <memory>
4 #include <vector>
5 void fn() noexcept
6 {
7 std::auto_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr1(new std::int32_t(10)); // Non-compliant
8 std::unique_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr2 =
9 std::make_unique<std::int32_t>(10); // Compliant
10 std::vector<std::auto_ptr<std::int32_t>> v; // Non-compliant
11 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 1.3.4 Do not use deprecated STL library features.
• [15]: std::auto_ptr.
Memory allocated for array type needs to be deallocated using delete[] syntax. Shared
pointers do not have such information, and it is not possible to pass a custom array
deleter to std::make_shared function.
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 17.3.4 Do not create smart pointers of array type.
A parameter of type const std::unique_ptr& provides constness benefits for
std::unique_ptr only, not for an object it is pointing to. This may lead to confusion
whether a function is allowed to modify the underlying pointer or not.
Instead, const pointer or const reference to the underlying object should be passed.
1 // $Id: A18-1-5.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <memory>
30 void fn5()
31 {
32 fn1(std::make_unique<std::int32_t>(0));
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 8.2.4 Do not pass std::unique_ptr by const reference.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: R.33: Take a unique_ptr<widget>& parameter to
express that a function reseats the widget.
Not deterministic execution time of memory Memory allocator used in the project needs to
allocation and deallocation guarantee that memory allocation and deallocation
are executed within defined time constraints that
are appropriate for the response time constraints
defined for the real-time system and its programs
C-style allocation/deallocation using malloc/calloc/realloc/free functions is not type safe
and does not invoke class’s constructors and destructors.
Note that invoking free function on a pointer allocated with new, as well as invoking
delete on a pointer allocated with malloc/realloc/calloc function, result in undefined
Also, note that realloc function should only be used on memory allocated via malloc or
calloc functions.
This rule does not apply to dynamic memory allocation/deallocation performed in user-
defined overloads of new and delete operators or malloc and free functions custom
1 // $Id: A18-5-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <cstdlib>
4 void f1() noexcept(false)
5 {
6 // Non-compliant
7 std::int32_t* p1 = static_cast<std::int32_t*>(malloc(sizeof(std::int32_t)));
8 *p1 = 0;
10 // Compliant
11 std::int32_t* p2 = new std::int32_t(0);
13 // Compliant
14 delete p2;
16 // Non-compliant
17 free(p1);
19 // Non-compliant
20 std::int32_t* array1 =
21 static_cast<std::int32_t*>(calloc(10, sizeof(std::int32_t)));
23 // Non-compliant
24 std::int32_t* array2 =
25 static_cast<std::int32_t*>(realloc(array1, 10 * sizeof(std::int32_t)));
27 // Compliant
28 std::int32_t* array3 = new std::int32_t[10];
30 // Compliant
31 delete[] array3;
33 // Non-compliant
34 free(array2);
36 // Non-compliant
37 free(array1);
38 }
39 void f2() noexcept(false)
40 {
41 // Non-compliant
42 std::int32_t* p1 = static_cast<std::int32_t*>(malloc(sizeof(std::int32_t)));
43 // Non-compliant - undefined behavior
44 delete p1;
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.3.2 Allocate memory using new and release it using delete.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: R.10: Avoid malloc() and free().
If a resource returned by operator new is assigned to a raw pointer, then a developer’s
mistake, an exception or a return may lead to memory leak.
It is highly recommended to follow RAII design pattern or use manager objects that
manage the lifetime of variables with dynamic storage duration, e.g.:
• std::unique_ptr along with std::make_unique
• std::shared_ptr along with std::make_shared
• std::string
• std::vector
If the result of explicit resource allocation using new operator is immediately given to a
manager object or a RAII class which does not provide a safe alternative for memory
allocation, then it is not a violation of the rule.
This rule does not apply to dynamic memory allocation/deallocation performed in user-
defined RAII classes and managers.
1 // $Id: A1-7-2.cpp 270728 2017-03-16 10:38:20Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <memory>
4 #include <vector>
5 std::int32_t fn1()
6 {
7 std::int32_t errorCode{0};
9 std::int32_t* ptr =
10 new std::int32_t{0}; // Non-compliant - new called explicitly
11 // ...
12 if (errorCode != 0)
13 {
14 throw std::runtime_error{"Error"}; // Memory leak could occur here
15 }
16 // ...
18 if (errorCode != 0)
19 {
20 return 1; // Memory leak could occur here
21 }
22 // ...
23 return errorCode; // Memory leak could occur here
24 }
25 std::int32_t fn2()
26 {
27 std::int32_t errorCode{0};
37 std::shared_ptr<std::int32_t> ptr3 =
38 std::make_shared<std::int32_t>(0); // Compliant
43 if (errorCode != 0)
44 {
45 throw std::runtime_error{"Error"}; // No memory leaks
46 }
47 // ...
48 if (errorCode != 0)
49 {
50 return 1; // No memory leaks
51 }
52 // ...
53 return errorCode; // No memory leaks
54 }
55 template <typename T>
56 class ObjectManager
57 {
58 public:
59 explicit ObjectManager(T* obj) : object{obj} {}
60 ~ObjectManager() { delete object; }
61 // Implementation
63 private:
64 T* object;
65 };
66 std::int32_t fn3()
67 {
68 std::int32_t errorCode{0};
70 ObjectManager<std::int32_t> manager{
71 new std::int32_t{0}}; // Compliant by exception
72 if (errorCode != 0)
73 {
74 throw std::runtime_error{"Error"}; // No memory leak
75 }
76 // ...
77 if (errorCode != 0)
78 {
See also
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: R.11: Avoid calling new and delete explicitly.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: R.12: Immediately give the result of an explicit
resource allocation to a manager object.
• C++ Core Guidelines [10]: ES.60: Avoid new and delete outside resource
management functions.
Plain and array forms of new and delete operators must not be mixed. If new or new[]
operator was used to allocate the memory, then respectively delete or delete[] operator
is supposed to be used to deallocate it.
1 // $Id: A18-5-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 void fn1()
4 {
5 std::int32_t* array =
6 new std::int32_t[10]; // new[] operator used to allocate the
7 // memory for an array
8 // ...
9 delete array; // Non-compliant - delete[] operator supposed to be used
10 }
11 void fn2()
12 {
13 std::int32_t* object = new std::int32_t{0}; // new operator used to
14 // allocate the memory for an
15 // integer type
16 // ...
17 delete[] object; // Non-compliant - delete operator supposed to be used
18 }
19 void fn3()
20 {
21 std::int32_t* object = new std::int32_t{0};
22 std::int32_t* array = new std::int32_t[10];
23 // ...
24 delete[] array; // Compliant
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 5.3.3 Ensure that the form of delete matches the form of new
used to allocate the memory.
Since C++14 Language Standard it is allowed to overload both sized and unsized
versions of the “delete” operator. Sized version provides more efficient way of memory
deallocation than the unsized one, especially when the allocator allocates in size
categories instead of storing the size nearby the object.
1 //% $Id: A1-7-4.cpp 270728 2017-03-16 10:38:20Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdlib>
3 void operator delete(
4 void* ptr) noexcept // Compliant - sized version is defined
5 {
6 std::free(ptr);
7 }
8 void operator delete(
9 void* ptr,
10 std::size_t size) noexcept // Compliant - unsized version is defined
11 {
12 std::free(ptr);
13 }
See also
• none
Memory management errors occur commonly and they can affect application stability
and correctness. The main problems of dynamic memory management are as
3 #define __GNU_SOURCE
4 #include <dlfcn.h>
5 #include <cstddef>
14 void freeBad(void* ptr) // Non-compliant, malloc from libc does not guarantee
15 // deterministic execution time
16 {
17 void (*libc_free)(void*) = dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "free");
18 libc_free(ptr);
19 }
See also
• none
The worst-case execution time and behavior of memory management functions are
specific to each implementation. In order to use dynamic memory in the project, an
analysis needs to be done to determine possible errors and worst-case execution time
of allocation and deallocation functions.
Note that standard C++ implementation violates some of this requirements. However,
listed problems can be addressed by implementing a custom memory allocator.
See also
• none
If worst-case execution time of memory management functions can not be determined,
then dynamic memory usage is prohibited during realtime program phase, but it can
be used e.g. during initialization or non-realtime state transitions.
See: Real-time.
See also
• none
Using the std::bind function makes the function call less readable and may lead to the
developer confusing one function parameter with another. Also, compilers are less
likely to inline the functions that are created using std::bind.
It is recommended to use lambda expressions instead.
1 // $Id: A18-9-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <functional>
4 class A
5 {
6 // Implementation
7 };
8 void fn(A const& a, double y) noexcept
9 {
10 // Implementation
11 }
12 void f1() noexcept
13 {
14 double y = 0.0;
15 auto function = std::bind(&fn, std::placeholders::_1, y); // Non-compliant
16 // ...
17 A const a{};
18 function(a);
19 }
20 void f2() noexcept
21 {
22 auto lambda = [](A const& a) -> void {
23 double y = 0.0;
24 fn(a, y);
25 }; // Compliant
26 // ...
27 A const a{};
28 lambda(a);
29 }
See also
• Effective Modern C++ [12]: Item 34: Prefer lambdas to std::bind
The std::move function unconditionally casts an rvalue reference to rvalue, while the
std::forward function does the same if and only if the argument was initialized with an
rvalue. Both functions should be used as follows:
• std::move should be used for forwarding rvalue references to other functions, as
rvalue reference always bounds to rvalue
• std::forward should be used for forwarding forwarding references to other
functions, as forwarding reference might be bound to lvalue or rvalue
Note that parameter of type “auto&&” is also considered as a forwarding reference for
the purpose of this rule.
1 // $Id: A18-9-2.cpp 271927 2017-03-24 12:01:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <string>
4 #include <utility>
5 class A
6 {
7 public:
8 explicit A(std::string&& s)
9 : str(std::move(s)) // Compliant - forwarding rvalue reference
10 {
11 }
13 private:
14 std::string str;
15 };
16 class B
17 {
18 };
19 void fn1(const B& lval)
20 {
21 }
22 void fn1(B&& rval)
23 {
24 }
25 template <typename T>
26 void fn2(T&& param)
27 {
28 fn1(std::forward<T>(param)); // Compliant - forwarding forwarding reference
29 }
30 template <typename T>
31 void fn3(T&& param)
32 {
33 fn1(std::move(param)); // Non-compliant - forwarding forwarding reference
34 // via std::move
35 }
36 void fn4() noexcept
37 {
38 B b1;
39 B& b2 = b1;
40 fn2(b2); // fn1(const B&) is called
41 fn2(std::move(b1)); // fn1(B&&) is called
42 fn3(b2); // fn1(B&&) is called
43 fn3(std::move(b1)); // fn1(B&&) is called
44 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]:17.3.2 Use std::forward to forward universal references
• Effective Modern C++ [12]: Item 25. Use std::move on rvalue references,
std::forward on universal references.
If an object is declared const or const&, then it will actually never be moved using the
1 // $Id: A18-9-3.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <utility>
3 class A
4 {
5 // Implementation
6 };
7 void f1()
8 {
9 const A a1{};
10 A a2 = a1; // Compliant - copy constructor is called
11 A a3 = std::move(a1); // Non-compliant - copy constructor is called
12 // implicitly instead of move constructor
13 }
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 17.3.1 Do not use std::move on objects declared with const or
const& type.
Depending on the value category of parameters used in the call, std::forward may
result in a move of the parameter. When the value is an lvalue, modifications to the
parameter will affect the argument of the caller. If the value is an rvalue, the value may
be in indeterminate state after the call to std::forward.
1 // $Id: A18-9-4.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <utility>
5 template <typename T1, typename T2>
6 void f1(T1 const& t1, T2& t2){
7 // ...
8 };
9 template <typename T1, typename T2>
10 void f2(T1&& t1, T2&& t2)
11 {
12 f1(std::forward<T1>(t1), std::forward<T2>(t2));
13 ++t2; // Non-compliant
14 };
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 17.3.3 Do not subsequently use the argument to std::forward.
6.23.1 General
The Standard Template Library introduced methods for returning const iterators to
containers. Making a call to these methods and immediately assigning the value they
return to a const_iterator, removes implicit conversions.
1 //% $Id: A23-0-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <cstdint>
3 #include <vector>
See also
• HIC++ v4.0 [8]: 17.4.1 Use const container calls when result is immediately
converted to a const iterator.
6.27.1 General
An “attacker” who fully or partially controls the content of an application’s buffer can
crash the process, view the content of the stack, view memory content, write to random
memory locations or execute code with permissions of the process.
This rule concerns network inputs, as well as inputs that are received from other
processes or other software components over IPC or through component APIs.
1 // $Id: A27-0-1.cpp 271687 2017-03-23 08:57:35Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <string.h>
3 #include <cstdint>
4 #include <cstdio>
5 void f1(const char* name) // name restricted to 256 or fewer characters
6 {
7 static const char format[] = "Name: %s .";
8 size_t len = strlen(name) + sizeof(format);
9 char* msg = new char[len];
11 if (msg == nullptr)
12 {
13 // Handle an error
14 }
16 std::int32_t ret =
17 snprintf(msg,
18 len,
19 format,
20 name); // Non-compliant - no additional check for overflows
22 if (ret < 0)
23 {
24 // Handle an error
25 }
26 else if (ret >= len)
27 {
28 // Handle truncated output
29 }
31 fprintf(stderr, msg);
32 delete[] msg;
33 }
34 void f2(const char* name)
35 {
36 static const char format[] = "Name: %s .";
37 fprintf(stderr, format, name); // Compliant - untrusted input passed as one
38 // of the variadic arguments, not as part of
39 // vulnerable format string
40 }
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: FIO30-C. Exclude user input from format strings.
To prevent buffer overflows, it needs to be ensured that the destination is of sufficient
size to hold the character data to be copied and the null terminator.
Note that C-style string requires additional space for null character to indicate the end
of the string, while the C++ std::basic_string does that implicitly.
1 // $Id: A27-0-2.cpp 270728 2017-03-16 10:38:20Z piotr.tanski $
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <string>
4 void f1() noexcept
5 {
6 char buffer[10];
7 std::cin >> buffer; // Non-compliant - this could lead to a buffer overflow
8 }
9 void f2() noexcept
10 {
11 std::string string1;
12 std::string string2;
13 std::cin >> string1 >> string2; // Compliant - no buffer overflows
14 }
15 void f3(std::istream& in) noexcept
16 {
17 char buffer[32];
19 try
20 {
21, sizeof(buffer));
22 }
24 catch (std::ios_base::failure&)
25 {
26 // Handle an error
27 }
37 try
38 {
39, sizeof(buffer));
40 }
42 catch (std::ios_base::failure&)
43 {
44 // Handle an error
45 }
See also
• SEI CERT C++ [9]: STR50-CPP. Guarantee that storage for strings has sufficient
space for character data and the null terminator.
7 References
[1] ISO/IEC 14882:2003, The C++ Standard Incorporating Technical Corrigendum 1,
International Organization for Standardization, 2003.
[2] ISO/IEC 14882:2011, ISO International Standard ISO/IEC 14882:2011(E) -
Programming Language C++, International Organization of Standardization, 2011.
[3] ISO/IEC 14882:2014, ISO International Standard ISO/IEC 14882:2014(E) -
Programming Language C++, International Organization for Standardization, 2016.
[4] ISO 26262-6, Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 6: Product development at
the software level, International Organization for Standardization, 2011.
[5] ISO 26262-8, Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 8: Supporting processes,
International Organization for Standardization, 2011.
[6] MISRA C++:2008 Guidelines for the use of the C++ language in critical systems,
The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association, 2008.
[7] Joint Strike Fighter Air Vehicle C++ Coding Standards for the System Development
and Demonstration Program, Document Number 2RDU00001 Rev C, Lockheed
Martin Corporation, 2005.
[8] High Integrity C++ Coding Standard Version 4.0, Programming Research Ltd, 2013.
[9] Software Engineering Institute CERT C++ Coding Standard, Software Engineering
Institute Division at Carnegie Mellon University, 2016.
[10] Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter, C++ Core Guidelines, 2017.
[11] Google C++ Style Guide, Google, 2017.
[12] Scott Meyers, Effective Modern C++, ISBN: 978-1-491-90399-5, O’Reilly, 2015.
[13] Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, Fourth Edition, ISBN: 978-
0-321-56384-2, Addison-Wesley, 2013.
[14] Joshua Bloch, Effective Java, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0321356680, Addison-
Wesley, 2008
[15], online reference for the C and C++ languages and standard
libraries, 2017
[16], community of programmers, 2017
[17], site holding a number of web pages for groups producing open
standards, 2017
1-0-1 (Required) All code shall 2 - Small differences A1-1-1 Specified that the
conform to ISO/IEC 14882:2003 “The code shall conform
C++ Standard Incorporating Technical to ISO/IEC
Corrigendum 1”. 14882:2014.
2-3-1 (Required) Trigraphs shall not be 2 - Small differences A2-5-1 All trigraphs listed
used. in rationale.
Example extended.
7-5-3 (Required) A function shall not 3 - Significant differences A7-5-2 Rule reformulated
return a reference or a pointer to a so it is allowed to
parameter that is passed by reference return a reference
or const reference. or a pointer to non-
const reference
Example reworked.
8-4-3 (Required) All exit paths from a 2 - Small differences A8-4-2 Rule reformulated
function with non-void return type shall so it applies
have an explicit return statement with to void return type
an expression. functions. Example
reworked so there
is no throwing an
exception of type
12-1-3 (Required) All constructors that 2 - Small differences A12-1-4 Example reworked.
are callable with a single argument
of fundamental type shall be declared
5.3.3 Ensure that the form of delete 2 - Small differences A18-5-3 Note that operators
matches the form of new used to new and
allocate the memory. delete shall not be
used explicitly, see:
5.4.3 Do not convert from a base class 3 - Small differences M5-2-2, M5- Note that the
to a derived class. 2-3, A5-2-1 dynamic_cast is
unsuitable for use
with real-time
7.1.6 Use class types or typedefs to 3 - Significant differences A3-9-1 AUTOSAR C++
abstract scalar quantities and standard Coding Guidelines
integer types. forces to use
typedefs for built-in
numerical types.
8.2.3 Pass small objects with a trivial 4 - Rejected The rule is vague,
copy constructor by value. “small” has no
technical meaning.
8.3.2 Do not write functions with a high 4 - Rejected Code metrics are
static program path count. not covered
Coding Guidelines.
14.1.1 Use variadic templates rather 3 - Significant differences A8-4-1 AUTOSAR C++
than an ellipsis. Coding Guidelines
prohibits usage of
16.1.2 Do not include a path specifier 3 - Significant differences A16-2-1 Path specifier /is
in filenames supplied in #include allowed to specify
directives. a path relative to
path passed to the
17.3.4 Do not create smart pointers of 3 - Significant differences A18-1-4 This especially
array type. concerns
provides partial
specialization for
array types.
18.2.3 Do not share volatile data 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency”
between threads. chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
18.2.4 Use std::call_once rather than 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency”
the Double-Checked Locking pattern. chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
18.3.1 Within the scope of a lock, 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency”
ensure that no static path results in a chapter is not yet
lock of the same mutex. covered, this will
be addressed in
18.3.2 Ensure that order of nesting of 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency”
locks in a project forms a DAG. chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
18.3.4 Only use std::unique_lock when 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency”
std::lock_guard cannot be used. chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
18.3.5 Do not access the members of 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency”
std::mutex directly. chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
18.3.6 Do not use relaxed atomics. 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
AV Rule 48 Identifiers will not differ by: 4 - Rejected Coding style is not
(a) Only a mixture of case, (b) The covered
presence/absence of the underscore by AUTOSAR C++
character, (c) The interchange of the Coding Guidelines.
letter “O”, with the number “0” or the
letter “D”, (d) The interchange of the
letter “I”, with the number “1” or the
letter “l”, (e) The interchange of the
letter “S” with the number “5”, (f) The
interchange of the letter “Z” with the
number “2”, (g) The interchange of the
letter “n” with the letter “h”.
AV Rule 49 All acronyms in an identifier 4 - Rejected Coding style is not
will be composed of uppercase letters. covered
Coding Guidelines.
AV Rule 50 The first word of the name 4 - Rejected Coding style is not
of a class, structure, namespace, covered
enumeration, or type created with by AUTOSAR C++
typedef will begin with an uppercase Coding Guidelines.
letter. All others letters will be
AV Rule 51 All letters contained in 4 - Rejected Coding style is not
function and variable names will be covered
composed entirely of lowercase letters. by AUTOSAR C++
Coding Guidelines.
STR53-CPP. Range check element 3 - Significant differences A5-2-5 The specific case
access. of A5-2-5.
F.46: int is the return type for main(). 5 - Not yet analyzed - -
C.20: If you can avoid defining default 2 - Small differences A12-0-1 Following “the rule
operations, do. of
zero” is permitted if
no special member
functions need to
be defined.
C.83: For value-like types, consider 3 - Significant differences A12-8-2 The swap
providing a noexcept swap function. function is explicitly
for copy and move
operators only.
R.6: Avoid non-const global variables. 3 - Significant differences A3-3-2 There shall be no
POD type objects
with static storage
duration besides
static constexpr
ES.27: Use std::array or stack_array 3 - Significant differences A18-1-1 C-style arrays shall
for arrays on the stack. not be used, and
it is recommended
to use std::array
ES.31: Don’t use macros for constants 2 - Small differences A16-0-1 Usage of macros is
or “functions”. prohibited.
CP.1: Assume that your code will run 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
as part of a multi-threaded program. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.4: Think in terms of tasks, rather 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
than threads. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.8: Don’t try to use volatile for 55 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
synchronization. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.20: Use RAII, never plain 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
lock()/unlock(). and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.22: Never call unknown code while 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
holding a lock (e.g., a callback). and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.27: Use plain std::thread for 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
threads that detach based on a run- and Parallelism”
time condition (only). chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.30: Do not pass pointers to local 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
variables to non-raii_threads. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.31: Pass small amounts of data 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
between threads by value, rather than and Parallelism”
by reference or pointer. chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.41: Minimize thread creation and 55 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
destruction. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.42: Don’t wait without a condition. 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.43: Minimize time spent in a critical 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
section. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
P.50: Define a mutex together with the 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
data it guards. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.60: Use a future to return a value 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
from a concurrent task. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.102: Carefully study the literature. 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.110: Do not write your own double- 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
checked locking for initialization. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
CP.200: Use volatile only to talk to non- 5 - Not yet analyzed The “Concurrency
C++ memory. and Parallelism”
chapter is not yet
covered, this will
be addressed in
E.17: Don’t try to catch every 2 - Small differences A15-3-1, AUTOSAR C++
exception in every function. A15-3-2 Coding Guidelines
introduces checked
and unchecked
Whether they
be propagated or
caught, It depends
on the type of an
T.10: Specify concepts for all template 4 - Rejected Concepts are not
arguments. part of the C++14
T.12: Prefer concept names over auto 4 - Rejected Concepts are not
for local variables. part of the C++14
T.13: Prefer the shorthand notation for 4 - Rejected Concepts are not
simple, single-type argument part of the C++14
concepts. Language
B Glossary
cvalue expression An expression that should not undergo further conversions, either
implicitly or explicitly, is called a cvalue expression.
POD Type POD (Plain Old Data) type is the type that is compatible with
types used in the C programming language, can be manipulated
using C library functions, and can be exchanged with C libraries
directly in its binary form.
Dead Code Dead code (also known as redundant code) consists of evaluated
expressions whose removal would not affect the output program.
Diamond Problem The “diamond problem” is an ambiguity that arises when two
classes B and C inherit from A, and class D inherits from both B
and C. If there is a method provided by class A, that is overriden
in both B and C and D does not override it, then there is an
ambiguity which version of the method does D actually inherit.
See: for more details.
Extended precision format The IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754)
specifies extended precision formats, that are recommended for
allowing a greater precision format than that provided by the
basic formats.
For an extended format the exponent range must be as great
as that of the next wider basic format. For instance, 64-bit
extended precision binary number must have an “exponent max”
of at least 16383, which is equal to “exponent max” of 128-
bit binary floating-point. The 80-bit extended format meets this
Fundamental types C++ built-in types defined in C++ Language Standard [3] in
chapter 3.9.1, e.g. char, signed char, unsigned char, int, long
long int, wchar_t, bool, float, double, void, std::nullptr_t, etc.
Scalar types A scalar type is a type that provides built-in functionality for the
addition operator without overloads. Following types are scalar
• integral types
• floating point types
• pointers
• scoped and unscoped enumerations
• std::nullptr_t
xvalue An xvalue refers to an object, usually near the end of its lifetime,
so that its resources may be moved.
Implicitly-defined destructor Implicitly-defined destructor has an empty body. After the body of
the destructor is executed, the destructors for all non-static non-
variant data members of the class are called, in reverse order
of declaration. Then it calls destructors of all direct non-virtual
base classes, in reverse order of construction, and then it calls
the destructors of all virtual bases.