Friction Forces Are Everywhere in Our Daily Life
Friction Forces Are Everywhere in Our Daily Life
Friction Forces Are Everywhere in Our Daily Life
FN = mg
fS,max = µSFN F
You press your physics book flat against a vertical
wall with your hand, what is the direction of the
friction force on the book exerted by the wall?
A) downward
B) upward
C) out from the wall
D) into the wall
A crate is located at the center of a flatbed truck. The
truck accelerates toward the east, and the crate
moves with it, not sliding on the bed of the truck.
What is the direction of the friction force exerted
by the bed of the truck on the crate.
A) to the west
B) to the east
C) there is no friction because the crate is not sliding
Food for thought