Ziehm Exposcop 7000 8.13 - Floppy Disk Interface
Ziehm Exposcop 7000 8.13 - Floppy Disk Interface
Ziehm Exposcop 7000 8.13 - Floppy Disk Interface
The F L O P P Y D I S K I N T E R F A C E provides the operator the ability to copy images from memory
to a std I B M formatted 1.44 M B floppy disk 4 images in a B M P file format for review of images
with all patient information on a std I B M V G A display monitor. The images can be used for
teaching, etc..
The floppy is mounted with a bracket to the monitor brightness control box located directly under
the display monitors. The front of the control box is cut to allow easy access to the floppy drive.
The floppy controller is located in the Computer case and is attached to the controller with a 34 pin
ribbon cable. The power is connected from the internal power supply to the floppy by a 4 pin
The Floppy is set as a non bootable drive in the B I O S configuration of the mother board. The
B I O S is set for A : floppy but is turned off for direct booting. C: drive or the hard drive is selected
as the boot disk. Therefore the floppy is only able to read and store under direct commands to do
so. Under the service menu the service engineer will be able to update software by installing th
floppy disk then selecting the software update form the servcice menu.
The second use of the floppy drive is for image transfer from memory. The system will allow the
customer/operator to copy an image from memory to the floppy disk.
The operator inserts a disk in the drive then selecting the patient file key from the monitor control
keyboard. Once the patients files are displayed the operator press the right arrow key of the
keyboard to highlight the copy menu selection. Then the operator selects any image from the
patient files using the image recall F W D and R E V key. Whe the image is displayed in the
highlighted box in the P A T V I E W screen the operator presses the E N T E R key to copy the image to
the floppy drive. The copy routine w i l l take approximately 20 sec.
NOTE: The operator must use only new IBM formatted floppy disks formatted for 1.44 MB.
The images copied to the floppy disk are 8 bit B M P file format. This means the images are fully
compatible with most graphic image software programs for D O S / W I N D O W S applications, i.e.
Corel Draw, Paint, W o r d for Windows, Wordperfect, etc. The B M P file format refers to a B I T -
M A P P E D - G R A P H I C image. The original image was 10 bits but was converted and normalized for
the B M P file format and will retain good image quality.
To display the images the operator must use a high resoultion display card to produce the 256 gray
scale in the image. If a V G A is used the card must be able to produce at least 24 bit collor and the
software display for the monitor must be set for maximum color display resolution.
The diagrams in this section show the bracket and cable connections for the floppy drive. See
section 7 for location of floppy drive.
If the floppy disk drive fails to operate p roperly the drive must be replaced as a complete unit.
486 CPU
38 to 40" Computer
Jf4 conductor ATA
Power cable H/D
+12Vdc and +5Vdc Floppy
Fig 8.13-1