Comparative Study and Design of Prestressed Concrete Solid and Voided Slab Bridges

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International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering

Volume 4, Issue 2, October-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718


Nipa Chauhan1, Prof. Farhan A. Vahora2

ABSTRACT: While designing prestressed slab bridges the This type of construction is very popular since it involves
common difficulties arising are – choice of economical minimum disruption of traffic. Post-tensioned prestressed
span and depth, type of cross-section and choice of method concrete finds extensive applications in long-span continuous
of construction. The superstructure of a bridge shall be girder bridges of variable cross-section. Not only does it
designed in such a way that it satisfies load carrying make for sleek. structures, but it also effects considerable
requirements along with necessary geometry. Till date a saving in the overall cost of construction. In recent years,
very limited data are available for the comparison between partially prestressed concrete (type-3 structure) has been
types of prestressed solid slabs. In the present study a preferred for bridge construction, because it offers
comparison of superstructures of two types of prestressed considerable economy in the use of costly high-tensile steel
slabs, that is prestressed solid slab and prestressed voided in the girder.
slab is done. The study is carried out with alternative spans
of bridge slab. For that purpose models with different span Slab type superstructure
length but same width will be prepared and analysis is done These types of structures require more steel and concrete
using SAP2000. A comparison for the bending moments compared to that of girder bridges of same span. The overall
and shear forces for different spans in both types of slabs is cost of construction of these bridges is lower and is easier to
done. From the results of analysis for both solid and voided construct. The limit of span of slab bridges depends on
slabs, a slab design for suitable span is done. magnitude of load and relative cost of frame work, materials
and labour. In slab type superstructure bridges, it is the slabs
I. INTRODUCTION that are major load carrying elements. The loads are directly
Bridge construction plays a vital role in development of cities transferred to substructure through slabs. Bridges are referred
and thus, has achieved great significance these days. It as slab bridges if ratio between W/D ≥ 5, where W =total
facilitates a free and undisturbed movement for traffic. It also width of slab and D= Depth of slab ( if W/D < 5, then the
plays an important role in development of trade and bridge is referred as beam bridge). Slab bridges can be
industries, enhancing progress of the nation. classified as per their construction: Solid slab bridges, voided
A prestressed concrete slab constitutes a great portion of slab bridges and ribbed bridges. The study here consists of
bridges all around the world. Prestressed concrete was solid slabs and voided slabs. A comparative analysis is done
introduced into bridge construction since very early period of for both type of slabs.
time. In past decades wide varieties of new techniques have
been developed. Along with new developments in Solid slab bridges
technologies spans became longer and aesthetics and Solid slab decks comprises of a solid section, without beams
appearance of bridge became more important. Prestressed or voids. This type of deck is commonly used in the
concrete bridges include a wide variety of different forms construction of short span bridges and culverts. As the slabs
like cast-in-situ or precast concrete; continuous or cable- are solid, the cross section from any point is a homogeneous
stayed; simply supported; box-girders,slabs or beams. structure. The construction of solid slab bridge decks is
Among wide variety of prestressed concrete bridges, a study straight forward and easier. Also the formwork required is
on solid and voided slabs has been carried out. A comparison very simple and easy. As the structure is solid and the cross
regarding forces and moment in both cases for different spans section homogeneous, the layout of reinforcement becomes
and sections is done; thus, analyzing both cases for a better very easy. There is no congestion of reinforcements created
section to be used. and thus, placing concrete becomes easier.


High-strength concrete and high-tensile steel, besides
being economical, make for slender sections, which are
aesthetically superior. Prestressed concrete bridges can be
designed as class I type structures without any tensile stresses
under service loads, thus resulting in a crack-free structure. In
comparison with steel bridges, prestressed concrete bridges
require very little maintenance. Prestressed concrete is
ideally suited for composite bridge construction in which
precast prestressed girders support the cast in situ slab deck. Fig 1 Typical solid slab Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 354

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 2, October-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

The one and major backdrop of solid slabs is a very large Concrete is strong in compression; but is weak in tension.
volume of concrete. This effects cost and self weight both. Concrete experiences prestressing because of the force that is
Due to high concrete volume, these slabs have a greater self transferred between the prestressed tendon and concrete. The
weight. This can be avoided to certain extent by providing tendons when pulled or stressed are under tension. This
suitable variations in thickness of the slab. But this shall be tension in tendons is balanced by compression in concrete.
checked properly before commencing. Another method to Thus, an external compressive force applied to concrete
reduce self weight is by providing voids in the slabs. This is counteracts the tensile stresses generated under shear forces
explained in voided slabs. and bending moments caused due applied loading. The
tendons can be externally placed or can be internal tendons.
Voided slab Bridges Also, it can be bonded tendons or unbounded tendons.
Voided slabs are characterized by presence of voids within Again, they could be pre-tensioned or post tensioned.
the slab. As it was discussed in solid slab section voids in the However, its effect and principles remains the same. The
slab helps reducing the self weight of structure. Thus, the concrete if prestressed fully; that is full prestressed concrete,
major function of voided slabs is to reduce the concrete ensures longitudinal stress in compression always and a
volume and thereby decrease the self weight of slab. When partially prestressed concrete allows a part of tension to
the concrete is being cast, the void formers are subjected to occur under some specific loading conditions.
large buoyancy forces. These buoyancy forces are resisted by
straps tied to bearers below the formwork. If proper care is Materials and techniques for prestressing
not taken during this process, it can create major difficulties; With the continuous development of technologies in the field
sometimes to the extent of demolishing the slab. Hence, it of construction, there are various different systems allowing
should be properly designed and the formers to be used must to obtain prestressing force in the structural members.
be sufficiently rigid, thoroughly sealed and tied before Certain popular systems in India are Freyssinet,
commencement. The voids are usually cylindrical and are MagnelBlaton and Gifford Udall systems. Apart from above
constructed using a hollow thin walled steel sections placed systems, there many other local systems developed recently
in the slab. If designed properly, it can reduce the self weight in the country.
of slab up to 35% as compared to solid slab for same section A method in which the reinforcement bars are tensioned
and span. The voided slabs can be modelled and designed by prior to placement of concrete is termed as pretensioning.
the method same as that used for solid slab in case of void Similarly, when tendons are stressed and anchored after the
diameters less than 60% of the depth of slab. In case of process of concrete casting is complete is termed as post
diameters larger than 60% of slab depth the behaviour of the tensioning.
same becomes a cellular behaviour. Apart from reducing the
slab weight and concrete volume of the slab, the voided slabs BRIDGE LOADING
helps providing advantages also like; it provides large open General perspective on loading
floor areas. Also, large spans are possible to construct In order to have uniformity over entire country in designing
without beams by providing voided slabs. The biaxial forces the structure for bridges uniform standards are laid regarding
created helps in reduction of deflection. Again by reducing loads to be considered while designing. Detailed guidelines
material consumption, it is thus economic compared solid are laid in standard specifications and codes by The Indian
slab or beams. Roads Congress (IRC). These specifications are collectively
called Bridge Codes. The bridge codes are now consisting of
eight sections; with general features of design in section 1
like specifications for primary data collection, clearances and
foundations; loads and stresses in section 2. Rest of sections
provides guidance for designing bridge super structure;
section 3 comprises cement concrete; Bricks stone and
masonry in section 4; Steel road bridges are included in
section 5 and composite structures in section 6; whereas
sections 7 and 8 includes foundations, substructures and
bearings respectively.

IRC standard live loads

Live loads are caused by vehicles that pass over the bridge.
Fig 2 Typical voided slab Live loads are very difficult to estimate precisely. There are
certain standard loads determined for which the road bridges
are designed. These are of four different types.
Principles of prestrressing vehicles are specified under this category grouped as tracked
Prestressing of any concrete structure is obtained by transfer and wheeled vehicles. The IRC Class AA tracked vehicle
of forces between prestressing tendons and concrete. (simulating an army tank) of 700 KN and a wheeled vehicle Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 355

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 2, October-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

(heavy duty army truck) of 400 KN as shown in following Impact Effect

figure. The track vehicle considered here is similar to a Usually the live load trains considered while designing
combat army tank. The length of track in contact with ground causes more stresses than the same caused if vehicles were
is 3600mm and nose to tail length of vehicle is 7200mm. The stationary. An impact allowance is considered in order to get
minimum spacing between noses to tail of two successive simpler statical analysis with the differential increase in
vehicles shall be 900mm. For a multilane bridge, among a stresses caused due to dynamic action. Hence, impact factors
train of class AA tracked vehicle or a wheeled vehicle the are generally applied to a moving vehicle or distributed loads
one which creates a severe condition shall be considered to enhance their magnitude inorder to include their dynamic
while deciding a two lane width. When class AA train is effects on the bridge deck. The impact allowance to be
considered on bridge, no other live load shall be included. All considered is expressed as a fraction of applied live load
bridges on national and state highways shall be designed for which can be computed for different load cases:
this class AA heavy loading only. These loadings are also I = (A)/(B+L) where,
considered for the bridges accommodated within certain I = Impact factor fraction
municipal localities and also along certain specific highways. A = Constant of a value 4.5 for reinforced concrete bridges.
B = Constant of value 6.0 for reinforced concrete bridges.
(b). IRC CLASS 70R LOADING: This loading was included L = Span in meters.
originally to rate existing bridges. But later and specially in
recent years there is an increasing demand of specifying IRC Summary of Bridge loading
class 70R instead of class AA loading. IRC class 70R While the main purpose of any bridge is to support the traffic
consists of three types of loading. passing over the bridge in a safest possible manner, the
1. Tracked vehicle of 700 KN with two tracks. It is similar to dominant loading for almost all bridges is the self weight of
class AA loading except that the contact length of tracks with the bridge. Along with the dead and traffic loads, the bridge
ground is 4.57m; nose to tail length of vehicle is 7.92m and must also be capable enough to withstand safely the
minimum specified spacing between successive vehicles is environmental effects like wind pressure, water pressure if
30m. any, thermal variations and also seismic effects. The design
2. The wheeled vehicle is 15.22m in length with seven axles of bridge must investigate safety of bridge in its different
weighing 1000KN in total. construction stages as well as in its final configuration.
3. The wheeled vehicle comprising of four wheels each with Usually analysis of any bridge is done separately for the
a load of 100KN. transverse direction and longitudinal direction of the bridge.
In case of tracked vehicles, the spacing between vehicles is Like, moments and axial loads are checked in a transverse
measured from rear most point of contact with ground of the direction and then in a separate analysis response in
leading vehicle to the forward most point of ground contact longitudinal direction is then checked assuming that the cross
of the following vehicle. For wheeled vehicles the same is section is rigid. The design in transverse direction is typically
measured from centre of rear most wheel of the leading dominated either by moment due to dead loads or moment
vehicle to the centre of the first axle of following vehicle. due to uniform live loads. The moment caused by the
concentrated wheel loads usually spread out along a
(c). IRC CLASS A LOADING: Class A loading comprises considerable length of the bridge. This reduces the demand
of a wheel loaf train with a driving vehicle as well as trailers. of considering these loads over the section. In certain cases, a
These are of a specific axle spacing and loads. The spacing dispersion angle of 45° is assumed to estimate the moments
nose to tail between two consecutive trains shall be a due to concentrated loads
minimum of 18.5m. No other live load is considered to cover
any part of carriage way while the train is on the bridge. IV. MODELLING ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
(d). IRC CLASS B LOADING: Class B loading has a train DATA FOR MODEL
similar to that of class A but the axle loads are lesser. This Table 1. Data For Modelling of Slab Bridge
type of loading is usually adopted for timber made bridges,
temporary These loads specified by IRC shall be arranged in
a way as to produce the severe effect of bending moment or
shear at any given cross section of the bridge.

Dead loads
For majority of bridges, the dominant loading is the self
weight of bridge itself. The dead loads to be considered for
any bridge consists of its own weight and any fixed weight
supported by its members. Dead loads can be estimated
during its designing and can alsobe controlled accordingly.
Usually it is initially assumed approximately and later
checked after designing process is complete. Based on above data models were prepared and analysis is
performed in SAP 2000. Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 356

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 2, October-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Table 2 B.M. at Exterior Point Due to DL+LL+MOV

Span Solid Slab (kN m) Voided Slab (kN m) Diff (%)
20 1961.558 1536.807 21.65
25 2666.5 2230.995 16.33
30 4448.058 3898.27 12.36

Figure 3: Model Of Solid Slab Bridge In SAP 2000.

Figure 7: Comparison Graph of B.M. at Exterior Point Due

Table 3 B.M. at Interior Point Due to DL+LL+MOV
Span Solid Slab (kN m) Voided Slab (kN m) Diff (%)
20 2961.672 2631.4 11.15
25 4517.595 4166.55 7.77
Figure 4: Model Of Voided Slab Bridge In SAP 2000. 30 6972.024 6591.89 5.45


Figure 5: Response Plot ForExteriorPoint

(Distance Vs Bending Moment)

Figure 8: Comparison Graph of B.M. at Interior Point Due to


Table 4 S.F. at Exterior Point Due to DL+LL+MOV

Span Solid Slab (kN) Voided Slab (kN) Diff (%)
20 5846.21 5581.369 4.53
25 7005.084 6350.475 9.34
Figure 6: Response Plot ForInterior Point
(Distance Vs Bending Moment) 30 7862.3 7234.91 7.98 Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 357

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 2, October-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

Figure 11: Comparison Graph of Prestress Forces

Figure 9: Comparison Graph of S.F. at Exterior Point Due to Table 7 Number of tendon Required
Span Solid Slab Voided Slab
Table 5 S.F. at Interior Point Due to DL+LL+MOV
Span Solid Slab (kN) Voided Slab (kN) Diff (%) 20 08 05
20 7629.515 6405.604 16.04 25 10 08
25 8689.318 7687.268 11.53 30 13 11
30 9898.614 9187.733 7.18

Figure 12: Comparison Graph of required number of tendons

The following conclusions can be drawn from the present
Comparatively the shear force and bending moment are
Figure 10: Comparison Graph of S.F. at Interior Point Due to higher in solid slabs with a maximum for 40 m span.
DL+LL+MOV Based on bending moments and shear forces obtained
Design Of Deck Slab through analysis, it be said that the voided slabs are more
convenient and efficient as compared to solid slab for bridge
Table 6 Prestress Forces design.
Span Solid Slab (kN) Voided Slab (kN) From Comparative study it is clear that decrease in moments
20 6266.527 4894.158 for solid slabs to voided slabs are 11.15% , 7.77% and 5.45%
respectively for 20m , 30m and 40m spans.
25 6924.34 5333.64 Similarly, the decrease in shear force for solid slabs to
30 7615.37 6226.71 voided slabs are 16,04%, 11.53% and 7.18% respectively for
20m , 30m and 40m spans. Copyright 2016.All rights reserved. 358

International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 2, October-2016 ISSN (Online): 2347 - 4718

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