DMNCP - Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements
DMNCP - Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements
DMNCP - Imbalanced Nutrition Less Than Body Requirements
Subjective Cues: Imbalanced Nutrition: Diabetes can lead to After 8 hours of nursing 1. Observe for signs of After 8 hours of nursing
“Dire gud ak yana gin Less than Body various complications care, the client will be hypoglycemia: 1. Hypoglycemia can care, the client was able
gaganahan pag kaon” Requirements related such as yeast able to: Cold and occur once blood to:
as verbalized. to insulin deficiency infections causing Clammy Skin glucose level is
pyrexia. Diabetes 1. Ingest Tachycardia reduced and 1. Ingest
Mellitus Type II is an appropriate Hunger carbohydrate appropriate
Objective Cues: insulin resistant type of amounts of Irritability metabolism amounts of
Vital Signs: diabetes resulting to calories/nutrients Headache resumes and calories/nutrient
BP: 130/90 mmHg decreased glucose Anxiety insulin is being s
HR: 76 bpm 2. Display Lightheadedness given.
uptake. These
RR: 20 cpm conditions contribute increased energy Shakiness 2. Display
Temp: 36.4⁰C level increased energy
to decreased appetite,
2. Weigh daily as level
which leads to 2. Weighing serves as
Feeling of fatigue 3. Enumerate at ordered
decreased food intake an assessment tool
Increased thirst least 3 food that 3. Enumerate at
and poor nutrition. to determine the
Increased urination could be least 3 food that
consumed for a adequacy of could be
Polyphagia . nutritional intake
diabetic diet consumed for a
3. Ascertain patient’s diabetic diet
dietary program 3. Identifies deficits
and usual pattern and deviations
then compare with from therapeutic
recent intake. needs.