Marist October 30, 2010 - NY Governor - Complete Survey Findings

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Marist College Institute for Public Opinion

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601  Phone 845.575.5050  Fax 845.575.5111

New York Governor’s Race: Solid Democrat

*** Complete Tables for Poll Appended ***
For Immediate Release: Saturday, October 30, 2010

Contact: Lee M. Miringoff

Barbara L. Carvalho
Mary E. Azzoli
Marist College, 845.575.5050

This Marist Poll Reports:

Among likely voters including early voters and those who are undecided yet leaning toward
a candidate, Democrat Andrew Cuomo has a 19 percentage point lead over Republican Carl
Paladino in the race for Governor in New York. Cuomo receives 56% to Paladino’s 37%.
This Marist Poll data was collected from Tuesday, October 26, 2010 through Thursday,
October 28, 2010 with 5 days until Election Day.
New York: Governor
Question: If next week’s election for Governor in New York State were held today, whom would you support if the
candidates are: [If undecided: If you had to decide today, are you leaning more towards:]
Cuomo Paladino Other Undecided
NY LV Oct. 30, 2010 56% 37% 3% 4%
NY LV Oct. 22, 2010 60% 37% 1% 2%
Party Registration
Democrat 84% 12% 1% 3%
Republican 23% 67% 6% 5%
Non-enrolled 49% 42% 6% 4%
October 30, 2010 Marist Poll New York Likely Voters including early voters and those who are undecided yet
leaning toward a candidate N= 415 MOE +/- 5%. Totals may not add to 100 due to rounding.

Democrats Close Enthusiasm Gap

41% of registered voters are very enthusiastic about voting in Tuesday’s elections.
Although Democrats enjoy a wide party enrollment advantage in New York State, up until
now, Republicans were far more enthusiastic about voting than Democrats. But, that’s no
longer the case. 46% of Republicans and 43% of Democrats currently have a high level of
In the previous Marist survey, 53% of Republicans were very enthusiastic about voting on
Election Day to 39% for the Democrats.
New York: Those Very Enthusiastic to Vote 2010
Question: Thinking about next week’s elections overall, would you say you are very enthusiastic, somewhat
enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all about voting in the elections next week?
October 30, 2010 October 22, 2010
NY Registered Voters 41% 43%
Party Registration
Democrat 43% 39%
Republican 46% 53%
Non-enrolled 33% 35%
Tea Party Supporters 58% 60%
Enthusiasm of Candidates’
Voters for Cuomo 36% 37%
Voters for Paladino 54% 57%
October 30, 2010 Marist Poll New York Registered Voters including early voters N= 805 MOE +/- 3.5 %. Totals
may not add to 100 due to rounding.
Key Findings:
 Andrew Cuomo leads Carl Paladino among likely voters by a very wide margin in
New York City and has a double-digit lead in the suburbs of New York City. Cuomo
and Paladino are closely matched upstate. Cuomo also leads Paladino by more
than two-to-one among women, but among men, the contest is tight.
 69% of those who are likely to vote in New York strongly support their choice of
candidate. More Cuomo supporters -- 77% -- compared with Paladino backers --
58% -- are firmly committed to their choice of candidate.
 Cuomo is viewed favorably by 57% of likely voters statewide while 38% perceive him
unfavorably. Paladino is seen favorably by 31% of likely voters while 63% have a
negative impression of him.
 73% of registered voters view Cuomo as fit to be governor. 21% do not. 32%
perceive Paladino as fit to hold this office. 59% do not.
 Among all registered voters in New York, Cuomo takes 62% to Paladino’s 28%.
 58% of registered voters rate the job Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is doing in
office as excellent or good.
 17% of registered voters in New York State view the job Governor David Paterson is
doing in office as excellent or good. This matches Paterson’s lowest approval rating
since he assumed office.
 78% of registered voters think the state is headed in the wrong direction.

About The Marist Poll’s Methodology:

Telephone numbers were selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from
throughout the state. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was
represented in proportion to turnout in comparable elections. In an effort to increase
coverage, this land-line sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random
dialing of cell phone numbers. The land-line and cell phone samples were then combined.

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Marist Poll
New York Survey Tables
October 30, 2010*

Governor: Solid Democrat

*Data collection ended five days before

Election Day.
Nature of the Sample: 805 New York State Registered Voters

This survey of 805 New York State registered voters was conducted on October 26th through
October 28th, 2010. Registered voters were interviewed by telephone in proportion to the voter
registration in each county in New York and adjusted for turnout in statewide elections.
Telephone numbers were selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout
the state. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in
proportion to its turnout in comparable elections. In an effort to increase coverage, this land-line
sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cell phone
numbers. The land-line and cell phone samples were then combined. Results are statistically
significant within ±3.5 percentage points. There are 415 likely voters. The results for this subset
are statistically significant within ±5.0 percentage points. The error margin increases for cross-

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