Lesson Plan SHS PER DEV
Lesson Plan SHS PER DEV
Lesson Plan SHS PER DEV
Mental Health and Well- Identify his/her own EsP-PD11/12MHWB- Interpret the concepts ACCOMPLISHED
being in Middle and Late vulnerabilities and Ih7.1 of mental health and
Adolescence make a plan on how EsP-PD11/12MHWB- psychological well-
to stay mentally Ii7.2 being in everyday
healthy EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii- observations about
7.3 mental health
EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii- problems during
7.4 adolescence
Identify his/her own
Make a mind map on
ways of achieving
psychological well-
Create a plan to stay
mentally healthy
during adolescence
Emotional Intelligence Identify ways to EsP-PD11/12EI-Ii-j-8.1 Discuss that ACCOMPLISHED
communicate and EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2 understanding the
manage emotions in a EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.3 intensity and
healthy manner differentiation of
emotions may help in
Explore one’s
positive and negative
emotions and
how one expresses
or hides them
Demonstrate and
create ways to
manage various