Lesson Plan SHS PER DEV

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Daily Lesson Log

Subject: Personal Development Track: STEM

Grade Level: Grade 11 Semester: 2nd
Quarter: 3rd School Year: 2018-2019
Learning Area Objectives/Competencies Remarks
Lesson Objectives Code Competencies (CG)
Knowing Oneself  Conduct self- EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.1  Explain that knowing ACCOMPLISHED
exploration and EsP-PD11/12KO-Ia-1.2 oneself can make a
simple disclosure EsP-PD11/12KO-Ib-1.3 person accept his/her
strengths and
limitations and
dealing with others
 Share his/her unique
habits, and
 Maintain a journal

Developing the Whole  Illustrate the EsP-PD11/12DWP-  Discuss the ACCOMPLISHED

Person connections Ib2.1 relationship among
 between thoughts, EsP-PD11/12DWP- physiological,
feelings, Ib2.2 cognitive,
 and behaviors in a EsP-PD11/12DWP- psychological,
person’s holistic Ic2.3 spiritual, and social
development development to
understand his/her
thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors
 Evaluate his/her own
thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors
 Show the
connections between
thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors in
actual life situations
Developmental Stages  Make a list of ways to EsP-PD11/12DS-Ic-3.1  Classify various ACCOMPLISHED
in Middle and Late become responsible EsP-PD11/12DS-Id-3.2 developmental tasks
Adolescence adolescents prepared EsP-PD11/12DS-Id-3.3 according to
for adult life developmental stage
 Evaluate one’s
development in
comparison with
persons of the same
age group
 List ways to become
a responsible
adolescent prepared
for adult life
The Challenges of  Clarify and manage EsP-PD11/12CA-Id-4.1  Discuss that facing ACCOMPLISHED
Middle and Late the demands of the EsP-PD11/12CA-Ie-4.2 the challenges during
Adolescence teen years (middle EsP-PD11/12CA-Ie-4.3 adolescence
and late adolescence) may able to clarify
and manage the
demands of teen
 Express his/her
feelings on the
expectations of the
significant people
around him/her
(parents, siblings,
friends, teachers,
community leaders)
 Make affirmations
that help one become
more lovable and
capable as an
Coping with Stress in  Identify personal EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.1  Discuss that ACCOMPLISHED
Middle and Late ways of coping for EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.2 understanding stress
Adolescence healthful living EsP-PD11/12CS-Ig-5.3 and its sources
during adolescence
may help in identifying
ways to cope and
have a healthful life
 Identify sources of
one’s stress and
illustrate the effect of
stress on one’s
 Demonstrate personal
ways of coping with
stress for healthful
The Powers of the Mind  Identify ways to EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-6.1  Discuss that ACCOMPLISHED
improve learning EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig- understanding the left
using both the left h6.2 and right brain may
and right brain EsP-PD11/12PM-Ih-6.3 help in improving
one’s learning
 Explore two types of
techniques, each
suited to right brain-
or left brain-dominant
thinking styles
 Make a plan to
improve learning
using left and right
brain through mind-
mapping activities

Mental Health and Well-  Identify his/her own EsP-PD11/12MHWB-  Interpret the concepts ACCOMPLISHED
being in Middle and Late vulnerabilities and Ih7.1 of mental health and
Adolescence make a plan on how EsP-PD11/12MHWB- psychological well-
to stay mentally Ii7.2 being in everyday
healthy EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii- observations about
7.3 mental health
EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ii- problems during
7.4 adolescence
 Identify his/her own
 Make a mind map on
ways of achieving
psychological well-
 Create a plan to stay
mentally healthy
during adolescence
Emotional Intelligence  Identify ways to EsP-PD11/12EI-Ii-j-8.1  Discuss that ACCOMPLISHED
communicate and EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.2 understanding the
manage emotions in a EsP-PD11/12EI-Ij-8.3 intensity and
healthy manner differentiation of
emotions may help in
 Explore one’s
positive and negative
emotions and
how one expresses
or hides them
 Demonstrate and
create ways to
manage various

Subject: Personal Development Track: STEM

Grade Level: Grade 11 Semester: 2nd
Quarter: 3rd School Year: 2018-2019
Learning Area Objectives/Competencies Remarks
Lesson Objectives Code Competencies (CG)
Personal Relationships  Appraise one’s EsP-PD11/12PR-IIa-9.1  Discuss an ACCOMPLISHED
present relationships EsP-PD11/12PR-IIa-9.2 understanding of
and make plans for EsP-PD11/12PR-IIb-9.3 teen-age
building responsible relationships,
future relationships including the
acceptable and
expressions of
 Express his/her ways
of showing attraction,
love, and
 Identify ways to
become responsible
in a relationship
Social Relationships in  Identify the different EsP-PD11/12SR-IIb10.1  Distinguish the various ACCOMPLISHED
Middle and Late roles of leaders and EsP-PD11/12SR-IIc10.2 roles of different
Adolescence followers in society EsP-PD11/12SR-IIc10.3 individuals in society
and how they can
influence people
through their
leadership or
 Compare one’s
perception of
himself/herself and
how others see
 Conduct a mini-survey
on Filipino
(family, school, and
Family Structures and  Identify the firm and EsP-PD11/12FSL-  Appraise one’s family ACCOMPLISHED
Legacies gentle sides of family IId11.1 structure and the type
care that affect a EsP-PD11/12FSL-IId- of care he/she gives
person’s development e11.2 and receives, which
during middle and late EsP-PD11/12FSL- may help in
adolescence IIe11.3 understanding
himself/herself better
 Make a genogram and
trace certain physical,
personality, or
behavioral attributes
through generations
 Prepare a plan on how
to make the family
members firmer and
gentler with each
Persons and Careers  Set a personal career EsP-PD11/12PC-IIf-  Explain that through ACCOMPLISHED
goal based on the 12.1 understanding of the
results of self- EsP-PD11/12PC-IIf- concepts of career
assessment of 12.2 and life goals can
various personal EsP-PD11/12PC-IIg12.3 help in planning
factors his/her career
 Identify the personal
factors influencing
career choices
 Take a self-
assessment tool to
know his/her
personality traits and
other personal factors
in relation to
his/her life goals
Career Pathways  Make a career plan EsP-PD11/12CP-IIg13.1  Discuss the external ACCOMPLISHED
based on his/her EsP-PD11/12CP-IIh13.2 factors influencing
personal goal, and EsP-PD11/12CP-IIh- career choices that
external factors i13.3 may help in career
influencing career decision making
choices  Identify pros and
cons of various
career options with
the guidance of
parent, teacher, or
 Prepare a career plan
based on his/her
personal goal and
external factors
influencing career
Insights into One’s  Analyze and EsP-PD11/12IOPD-  Explain the factors in ACCOMPLISHED
Personal Development synthesize his/her IIi14.1 personal
personal development development that
as an important EsP-PD11/12IOPD-IIih- may guide him/her in
component of setting making important
career and life goals career decisions
as adolescents
EsP-PD11/12IOPD-  Share insights that
IIj14.3 make him/her realize
the importance of
development in
making a career
decision as
 Construct a creative
visualization of
his/her personal
development through
of the various stages
he/she went
through, stressors,
influences, and
points, and a
personal profile

Prepared by: Approved by:

Seleena Anne R. Briones Linda B. Baylon

(Teacher) (Principal)

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