Drop Out: Unit 4
Drop Out: Unit 4
Drop Out: Unit 4
Geared up (PREPARADO)
gear up phrasal verb to prepare for something (PREPARARSE)
The organization is gearing up for a convention in May.
Run out of
run out phrasal verb
to use all of something and not have any more left
They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.
I ran out of time before I got to the last section.
Get away with (salirse con la suya)
get away with something phrasal verb1 to not
be caught or punished when you have done something wrong
No one insults my family and gets away with it!
Catch up (ALCANZAR)
catch up phrasal verb1 to improve and reach the same standard as other people in
your class, group etc
If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to catch up.
Watch out for (cuidado con)
watch (out) for something phrasal verbto pay close attention in a
particular situation because you are expecting something to happen or you want
to avoid something bad
Cut out for (hecho para)
have your work cut out (for you)informal used to say that it will be
very difficult to do something
Show up (Aparecer)
show up phrasal verb1 informal to arrive, especially at the place where someone
is waiting for you
Count on (Contar con)
count on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb1 to depend on
someone or something, especially in a difficult situation
Stick with
stick with something/somebody phrasal verb informal1 to continue
doing something the way you did or planned to do before
Abbreviate ( verb)
to make a word or expression shorter by not including letters or using only the first letter of
each word
The word "kilogram' is usually abbreviated to "kg'.
Affect (verb)
to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone’s situation
Our bad decisions, such as deforestation, affect our planet.
bul‧lynoun (plural bullies)
someone who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt someone who is weaker
bully 2
verb (bullied, bullying, bullies)
to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them
bullying noun [uncountable] an attempt to tackle the problem of bullying in schools
Dechiper (Descifrar)
de‧ci‧pher /dɪˈsaɪfə $ -ər/ verb [transitive]
to find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understand
Enact (promulgar, representar)
formal to act in a play, story etc
There's a drama enacted on a darkened stage
extremely important and necessary
A good diet is essential for everyone.
In close contact (En contacto cercano)
keep in close contact/touch
if two people keep in close contact, they see, talk to, or write to each other often
mɪnəməlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]
a style of art, design, music etc that uses only a very few simple ideas or patterns
This house is a good example of minimalism.
Popularity (Popularidad)
noun [uncountable] when something or someone is liked or supported by a lot of people
The president’s popularity has declined considerably.
verb [transitive] to officially speak or take action for another person or group of people
Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
Set off (partir)
set off phrasal verb1 to start to go somewhere
Set up (preparar)
set up phrasal verb1 to start a company, organization, committee etc
set something ↔ up to make the arrangements that are necessary for something to happen
There was a lot of work involved in setting up the festival
Text message(SMS)
noun [countable] a written message that is sent or received on a mobile phone or pager
He shows his girlfriend a text message sent by his boss.
trend noun [countable] 1 a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or
The current trend is towards more part-time employment.
Turn off(apagar)
turn-off noun 1 [countable] a smaller road that leads off a main road
turn off phrasal verb1 turn something ↔ off to make
a machine stop operating by pushinga button, turning a key
Don’t forget to turn the lights off when you leave.
Shut off (apagar)
shut off phrasal verb1 if a machine, tool etc shuts off or if you shut it off, it
stops operating
Harassing (ACOSAR)
har‧ass verb [transitive] 1 to make someone’s life unpleasant, for example by
frequently saying offensive things to them or threatening them
ar‧range /əˈreɪndʒ/ ●●● S2 W2 verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to organize or
make plans for something such as a meeting, party, or trip
This announcement was arranged carefully.
Figure out (DESCIFRAR)
figure somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb1 to think about a
problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened
You can figure out how to do it.
Stay in touch
Appeal (apelación)
noun an urgent request for something important
[verb] to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc
Church leaders have appealed for calm.
Charge (cargar) the amount of money you have to pay for goods or services
There is a charge for the use of the swimming pool.
Acceptable (Aceptable)
Appreciate (Apreciar)
Courteous (Cortés)
Respectful (Respetuoso)
Polite (Cortés)
Properly (Correctamente)
Impress (impresionar)
im‧press /ɪmˈpres/ verb to make someone feel admiration and respect
Gabriel borrowed his dad’s car to impress his girlfriend.
gen‧e‧rous /ˈdʒenərəs/ ●●○ W3 adjective 1 someone who is generous is willing
to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure
adjective 1 always thinking of the things you can do to make people happy or comfortable
guide‧lines /ˈgaɪdlaɪnz/ noun [plural]instructions on how people should do
or deal with something
We have to use many guidelines to organize the festival
Bid farewell (decir adios)
fare‧well 1
/ˌfeəˈwel◂ $ ˌfer-/ ●○○ noun 1 [countable, uncountable] old-
fashioned the action of saying goodbye
Disapprove (desaprobar)
Embarrassing (embarazoso)
Faux pas
faux pas noun [countable] an embarrassing mistake in a social situation
Talking business at dinner is a faux pas in France.
Inconsiderate (Desconsiderado)
Insult (Insulto)
Rude (Grosero)
Sloppy (poco riguroso)
slop‧py /ˈslɒpi $ ˈslɑːpi/ adjective 1 not done carefully or thoroughly
Taboo (Tabú)
Turn your nose up
turn your nose up (at something)informal to refuse to accept
something because you do not think it is good enough for you
My children turn their noses up at home cooking
Unimpressed (poco impresionado)