Drop Out: Unit 4

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 Dropped out of (ABANDONAR)

drop out (phrasal verb)
to no longer do an activity or belong to a group
 Handed in (ENTREGADO)

 Cut off (CORTAR)

a limit or level at which you stop doing something

 Geared up (PREPARADO)
gear up phrasal verb to prepare for something (PREPARARSE)
 The organization is gearing up for a convention in May.
 Run out of
run out phrasal verb
to use all of something and not have any more left
 They ran out of money and had to abandon the project.
 I ran out of time before I got to the last section.
 Get away with (salirse con la suya)
get away with something phrasal verb1 to not
be caught or punished when you have done something wrong
 No one insults my family and gets away with it!
 Catch up (ALCANZAR)
catch up phrasal verb1 to improve and reach the same standard as other people in
your class, group etc
 If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to catch up.
 Watch out for (cuidado con)
watch (out) for something phrasal verbto pay close attention in a
particular situation because you are expecting something to happen or you want
to avoid something bad
 Cut out for (hecho para)
have your work cut out (for you)informal used to say that it will be
very difficult to do something
 Show up (Aparecer)
show up phrasal verb1 informal to arrive, especially at the place where someone
is waiting for you
 Count on (Contar con)
count on/upon somebody/something phrasal verb1 to depend on
someone or something, especially in a difficult situation
 Stick with
stick with something/somebody phrasal verb informal1 to continue
doing something the way you did or planned to do before
 Abbreviate ( verb)
to make a word or expression shorter by not including letters or using only the first letter of
each word
 The word "kilogram' is usually abbreviated to "kg'.
 Affect (verb)
to do something that produces an effect or change in something or in someone’s situation
 Our bad decisions, such as deforestation, affect our planet.
 Bullying
bul‧lynoun (plural bullies)
someone who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt someone who is weaker
bully 2
verb (bullied, bullying, bullies)
to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them
bullying noun [uncountable] an attempt to tackle the problem of bullying in schools
 Dechiper (Descifrar)
de‧ci‧pher /dɪˈsaɪfə $ -ər/ verb [transitive]
to find the meaning of something that is difficult to read or understand
 Enact (promulgar, representar)
formal to act in a play, story etc
 There's a drama enacted on a darkened stage
 Essential
extremely important and necessary
 A good diet is essential for everyone.
 In close contact (En contacto cercano)
keep in close contact/touch
if two people keep in close contact, they see, talk to, or write to each other often
 Minimalist
mɪnəməlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]
a style of art, design, music etc that uses only a very few simple ideas or patterns
 This house is a good example of minimalism.
 Popularity (Popularidad)
noun [uncountable] when something or someone is liked or supported by a lot of people
 The president’s popularity has declined considerably.
 Representing
verb [transitive] to officially speak or take action for another person or group of people
 Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
 Set off (partir)
set off phrasal verb1 to start to go somewhere
 Set up (preparar)
set up phrasal verb1 to start a company, organization, committee etc
set something ↔ up to make the arrangements that are necessary for something to happen
 There was a lot of work involved in setting up the festival
 Text message(SMS)
noun [countable] a written message that is sent or received on a mobile phone or pager
 He shows his girlfriend a text message sent by his boss.
 Trend(tedencia)
trend noun [countable] 1 a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or
 The current trend is towards more part-time employment.
 Turn off(apagar)
turn-off noun 1 [countable] a smaller road that leads off a main road
turn off phrasal verb1 turn something ↔ off to make
a machine stop operating by pushinga button, turning a key
 Don’t forget to turn the lights off when you leave.
 Shut off (apagar)
shut off phrasal verb1 if a machine, tool etc shuts off or if you shut it off, it
stops operating
 Necessary
 Harassing (ACOSAR)
har‧ass verb [transitive] 1 to make someone’s life unpleasant, for example by
frequently saying offensive things to them or threatening them
 Arrange(PREPARAR)
ar‧range /əˈreɪndʒ/ ●●● S2 W2 verb 1 [intransitive, transitive] to organize or
make plans for something such as a meeting, party, or trip
 This announcement was arranged carefully.
 Figure out (DESCIFRAR)
figure somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb1 to think about a
problem or situation until you find the answer or understand what has happened
 You can figure out how to do it.
 Stay in touch
 Appeal (apelación)
noun an urgent request for something important
[verb] to make a serious public request for help, money, information etc
 Church leaders have appealed for calm.
 Charge (cargar) the amount of money you have to pay for goods or services
 There is a charge for the use of the swimming pool.
 Acceptable (Aceptable)
 Appreciate (Apreciar)
 Courteous (Cortés)
 Respectful (Respetuoso)
 Polite (Cortés)
 Properly (Correctamente)
 Impress (impresionar)
im‧press /ɪmˈpres/ verb to make someone feel admiration and respect
 Gabriel borrowed his dad’s car to impress his girlfriend.
 Generous
gen‧e‧rous /ˈdʒenərəs/ ●●○ W3 adjective 1 someone who is generous is willing
to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give them pleasure
 Thoughtful(pensativo)
adjective 1 always thinking of the things you can do to make people happy or comfortable

 Guidelines
guide‧lines /ˈgaɪdlaɪnz/ noun [plural]instructions on how people should do
or deal with something
 We have to use many guidelines to organize the festival
 Bid farewell (decir adios)
fare‧well 1
/ˌfeəˈwel◂ $ ˌfer-/ ●○○ noun 1 [countable, uncountable] old-
fashioned the action of saying goodbye

 Disapprove (desaprobar)
 Embarrassing (embarazoso)
 Faux pas
faux pas noun [countable] an embarrassing mistake in a social situation
 Talking business at dinner is a faux pas in France.
 Inconsiderate (Desconsiderado)
 Insult (Insulto)
 Offensive
 Rude (Grosero)
 Sloppy (poco riguroso)
slop‧py /ˈslɒpi $ ˈslɑːpi/ adjective 1 not done carefully or thoroughly
 Taboo (Tabú)
 Turn your nose up
turn your nose up (at something)informal to refuse to accept
something because you do not think it is good enough for you
 My children turn their noses up at home cooking
 Unacceptable
 Impolite
 Inappropriate
 Unimpressed (poco impresionado)

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