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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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A Project Study Presented to

The Faculty of the Education Department
Marvelous College of Technology, Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for

Educ 418-Special Research Project

Presented by



BTTE-Electronics Technology IV
October 2017
M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]


In every endeavor and its success, lie persons who have contributed and

helped unconditionally. The researchers would like to take this opportunity to

express their gratitude.

First, The researchers would like to thank our Almighty God, for giving us

guidance, knowledge and ideas, strength and perseverance which undeniably

helped us in creating this research. To our college dean as well as our adviser,

Dr. Cecilia S. Villena thank you for giving us this opportunity of digging deeply

our potentials as future educators and as researchers. We thank you for the

guidance and motivation whenever we ask for assistance. Thank you for helping

us cultivates our skills and potentials to make a change in the field of research.

To our loving and ever supportive parents who aided us with the financial

aspect for the success of this research. For motivating us when we are in verge

of giving up, helping us through words of wisdom and inspiration. For molding us

to become who we are today. For letting us grow through our mistakes and learn

through the realities of life. To our department head and teacher, Mr. Normandy

Elisan, for supplying us with adequate knowledge, tips and techniques on how to

deal with our research project.

Your invaluable supports in all means are very much appreciated.

The Researchers
M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]



This chapter includes the introduction, statement of the

problem, scope and limitation, and significance of the study.


Security is one of the most important factors today. Technology

develops day by day in the world. As the world becomes integrated

with technology, the security of people’s wellbeing and safety of the

establishments, household and possessions can become an issue.

This research project intends to provide an innovation on the

laser type security alarm system. The Laser Light Alarm Security

System is a device that provides warning when there is unauthorized

presence or intrusion within premises. The main component of this

project is the LDR and laser which compose the trigger part of the
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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

system. LDR is a component which has a resistance that alters when

there is change in light intensity. The feature has been applicable to

light sensing circuits.

This project has played a great role in household perimeters as

it provides comfort and safety measures. Innovations have emerged

and was introduced to the market, however, the said innovations were

applicable only to high security places such as museums, banks, and

big companies. The circuit and the components are also complicated

and pretty much racking in terms of creating or buying it.

The researchers have visualized a community where safety and

security is never a problem. The researchers have realized the

importance of this aspect which drives them to conceptualize this

study. This Laser Security System is very useful in places and

establishments prone to theft cases. The project are easy to install

and functional at both inside as well as outside houses. The output

can be used as an effective perimeter alarm system for individual

properties and establishments. The circuit is at a size unnoticeable at

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

first glance. Outside, it can easily be hidden behind shrubs or plants

without causing any damage. They consume less power when

compared to the laser system existing in the market as the whole,

which is expensive.

The laser systems can be installed at homes either by

individuals with knowledge of installation or by technicians. By

technological innovations cost of the security systems has been cut

to a large extent. So, making laser systems as one of affordable

security system options is safe and cost efficient. It has ability to

work continuously; it is not only human but also a small animal or any

other movable objects. Its alarming Sound does not stop until

somebody stops it. Now we can use this system in a wide range of


In this study, the researcher aims to simplify and minimize the

circuits and its components for household advantages. A great

example of this is the innovations on computers, the first versions

were huge and complex (Super Computer) and is not portable for
M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

commercial use. As the technology becomes move advanced, they

have developed things for more convenient and accessible ways like

netbooks, laptops, tablet pc’s and the like.

The researchers would like to reinvent the same concept but

with further advantages to be more applicable in ordinary

households. This aims to give practicality and comfort in a way that

smaller houses and other consumers can enjoy its benefits.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]


In this research project, the researchers will be creating a Laser

Light Security Alarm System. The researchers would like to create

modifications in the diagram, The researchers would like to:

1. Describe the Laser Light Alarm Security System and its component


2. Create and recreate the Laser Light Alarm Security System,

3. Test the efficiency of the project.


This study will be beneficial significantly to the students of

MCTI, especially the BTTE Department. This will be of great help to

the future innovations and projects they may be required from their

course. This paper and its content may serve as a guide to future

innovators and developer students of the institution in creating

related projects.
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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

This project will be of importance and significance to all people,

household and establishments. It can help prevent the chances of

crime cases which are likely to happen at night and even at day time.

This is also applicable to schools, especially in MCTI’s premises,

laboratories, facilities within the perimeter of the school.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]



Security and comfort is an aspect that man seeks in living.

Ensurement of safety for family, possessions and wellbeing is

significant. There is an inseparable relationship between man and

their belongings as foretold by Alvin Toffler in his prediction of the

future in his book “FUTURE SHOCK”. Man gives importance to the

welfare of his family and protection from possible instances of

accidents and crime. With this matter, man has created and innovated

further security and safety.

In the past few years, the crimes and cases within Koronadal

has been gradually arising. The cases of theft has reached 26.82%,

robbery cases with 27.42%, crime vs. property with the percentage of

25.02%, car napping with the percentage of 2.89%, and crime vs.

persons 18.18 %( PNP annual report, 2015). The alarming percentages

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

of crimes have triggered the researchers to create this research


In this chapter, the researchers have made available

compilations of information on laser and its significance to the

innovations of security. The following accounts will be for greater

attainment of understanding about laser and security systems.

Studies about how these technologies have come into reality and the

efforts of humanity to elevate the innovations of the past generations

up to the present era.

What is Laser?

Since the beginning, light has played a great role in the life of

humanity. With mans curiosity, they have harnessed light and created

things out of the ordinary. Light can be seen fluorescent,

incandescent, LED lights and laser. Now, most people have heard of

the word “laser”, but how many actually know what a laser really is
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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

and how it works? The term "laser" originated as an acronym for

"Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

The light from a laser is very different from ordinary light that is

produced by a torch. It is different in three ways. Firstly, it is more

powerful. Lasers can therefore be used to cut very hard objects.

Secondly, laser light spreads out much less than ordinary light. This

mean, the laser can be used by surveyors to draw straight lines and

measure distances. Lastly, laser light contains light of only one color,

or wavelength whereas ordinary light is a mixture of many colors.

Since the discovery of laser, it has been experimented with to

explore various purposes and harness the benefits of mans effort.

When it was first invented, it was proved to be a difficult tool to use.

Some people thought that the new invention would be of no real value

to science or engineering. Today, the laser has a hundreds, if not

thousands of uses.

Nowadays, it is useful in many fields. For example, in medicine,

it is use as an instrument in delicate surgery, in communications; it

proves to be useful with the help of optical fibers to carry telephone

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

conversations. The information is put into the fiber through laser

beams. Also, surveyors have benefited with the discovery of laser, as

it produces a near perfect line, it is used for accurate alignment.

The military has also found many uses for lasers like the

“marked target seeker” which sense laser pointed at the target and

makes a direct hit. The industry of automotive uses this as heaters of

parts of gear systems of cars. It was also used to measure length of

distances in space “courtesy of NASA”, to know the distance of

planets and stars. There is also entertainment use for lasers like

holography by splitting laser beams to create images for effects in

films and videos.

At the present, it is integrated with more uses, one of which is

applicable in security systems. Laser becomes a revolutionary

discovery and still has much potential for possible use in the future.
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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]


During the 1900’s, Albert Einstein first introduced the theoretical

pillar for laser through his re-derivation of Planck’s Law of Radiation.

Rudolf W. Ladenburg confirmed the existence of the emission and

negative absorption. In 1939, Valentin A. Fabrikant proposed that this

emission can also be amplified in short waves. With the discovery of

hydrogen spectra, Willis E. Lamb, and R.C. Retherford accidentally

performed the first demonstration of stimulated emission.

In 1951, Joseph Weber submitted a paper on using stimulated

emissions to make a microwave amplifier to the Institute of Radio

Engineers Vacuum Tube Research Conference at Ottawa. In 1953,

Charles Hard Townes and graduate students James P. Gordon and

Herbert J. Zeiger produced the first microwave amplifier, a device

operating on similar principles to the laser, but amplifying microwave

radiation rather than infrared or visible radiation. Townes's maser was

incapable of continuous output. Meanwhile, in the Soviet Union,

Nikolay Basov and Aleksandr Prokhorov were independently working

on the quantum oscillator and solved the problem of continuous-

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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output systems by using more than two energy levels. These gain

media could release stimulated emissions between an excited state

and a lower excited state, not the ground state, facilitating the

maintenance of a population inversion. In 1955, Prokhorov and Basov

suggested optical pumping of a multi-level system as a method for

obtaining the population inversion, later a main method of laser


In 1964 Charles H. Townes, Nikolay Basov, and Aleksandr

Prokhorov shared the Nobel Prize in Physics, "for fundamental work

in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to the construction

of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser–laser principle".

Simultaneously, at Columbia University, graduate student

Gordon Gould and Townes met and talked about radiated emission as

general subject. Afterwards Gould noted his ideas for a "laser",

including using an open resonator. At a conference in 1959, Gordon

Gould published the term “LASER” in the paper “The LASER”.

` On May 16, 1960, Theodore H. Maiman operated the first

functioning laser at Hughes Research Laboratories, Malibu,

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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California, ahead of several research teams, including those of

Townes, at Columbia University, Arthur Schawlow, at Bell Labs, and

Gould, at the TRG (Technical Research Group) company. Later that

year, the Iranian physicist Ali Javan, and William R. Bennett, and

Donald Herriott, constructed the first gas laser, using helium and

neon that was capable of continuous operation in the infrared (U.S.

Patent 3,149,290); later, Javan received the Albert Einstein Award in

1993. Basov and Javan proposed the semiconductor laser diode

concept. In 1962, Robert N. Hall demonstrated the first laser diode

device. Later that year, Nick Holonyak, Jr. demonstrated the first

semiconductor laser with a visible emission. In 1970, ZhoresAlferov,

in the USSR, and Izuo Hayashi and Morton Panish of Bell Telephone

Laboratories also independently developed room-temperature,

continual-operation diode lasers, using the heterojunction structure.

Since then, the laser has played a great role in various fields of study.
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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]


There are many types of lasers available for research, medical,

industrial, and commercial uses. Lasers are often described by the

kind of lasing medium they use - solid state, gas, excimer, dye, or


Solid state lasers Solid-state lasers are lasers based on solid-

state gain media such as crystals or glasses doped with rare

earth or transition metal ions, or semiconductor lasers.

Gas lasers are a laser in which an electric current is discharged

through a gas to produce coherent light. The gas laser was the first

continuous-light laser and the first laser to operate on the principle of

converting electrical energy to a laser light output. It emits energy in

the far-infrared, 10.6 micrometers, and are used for cutting hard


Excimer lasers (the name is derived from the

terms excited and dimers) use reactive gases such as chlorine and

fluorine mixed with inert gases such as argon, krypton, or xenon.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

When electrically stimulated, dimer is produced and when lased,

produces light in the ultraviolet range.

Dye lasers use complex organic dyes in liquid solution or suspension

as lasing media. They are tunable over a broad range of wavelengths.

Semiconductor lasers, sometimes called diode lasers, are not solid-

state lasers. These electronic devices are generally very small and

use low power. They may be built into larger arrays for example, the

writing source in some laser printers or compact disk players.


A laser pointer is a cheap, hand-held laser that is used for

different purposes--ufor example, during presentations to point out a

particular area of the slide or in classrooms to point out a particular

section/formula to students. The laser pointer’s history is closely

intermingled with that of laser, as the development of the laser laid

the foundation for the creation of laser pointer.

With the passage of time, the laser has became accessible for

commercial use and has became cheaper that they could be

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

employed everyday devices, thus giving birth to laser pointer. Laser

pointer produces light that were much powerful than initial ones.

Laser pointers are fitted with external optics or lenses to focus the

light better.

Security system

The most basic definition of any security system is found in its

name. It is literally a means or method by which something is secured

through a system of interworking components and devices.

A security alarm is a system designed to detect intrusion or

unauthorized entry into a building or other area. Security alarms are

used in residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties for

protection against burglary (theft) or property damage, as well as

personal protection against intruders. Car alarms likewise help

protect vehicles and their contents. Prisons also use security

systems for control of inmates. Museums use security system to

ensure safety of valuable artifacts and historical items. Banks such as

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

the pentagon has been integrated with high security system for

money security and other valuable items. Government establishment

such Malacañang Palace and the Coconut Palace use security system

for safety of confidential government files and other documents.

Innovation of security system

Home security systems are devices that sense trespasser.

While people have an idea in their head of what a security system

should be, the concept has existed for centuries. Every

generation of mankind has needed protection of some form or

another and they couldn’t always stay awake with a weapon to do

the job themselves.

Not many people consider the history of home security

systems but these historical devices helped man learn how to

defend his home. These tactics and methods worked for centuries

and may have helped mans ancestors survive.

Ancient Surveillance
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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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The present generation has the entire new tech thanks to the

efforts of our ancestors, though we may or not even acknowledge

their help to give us what we have today. Ancient man has many

ideas that have solved problems they encountered. They create

one solution, they solve more than one problem and the only

method they had was curiosity. They helped resolve the setbacks

that man has difficulty to cope with for generations. Man has

cleverly acquired daily things they use to gave birth to various

forms of security systems.

An example of this is the “baolis”. A stepwell developed in

india in the third century. These wells became incredibly

important to ancient Indian culture and many have been

decorated with intrinsic detail. However, one of the more

fascinating uses of a baoli comes from a Muslim temple

in Lucknow, India. What makes this baoli particularly interesting

is its dual use as a well and surveillance system.

In the history of home security, few developments are more

important than the creation of the lock. While other civilizations

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

had created locks long before, the Romans took the concept to a

whole new level. Along with door locks, excavations of Roman

ruins have found strongboxes and safety deposit boxes with

tumbler locks and padlocks. The earliest known examples of such

locks date back over 2,000 years.

Medieval Security

Humans have been worrying about defending their homes

since the advent of agriculture. The Romans, Greeks, Chinese,

and Egyptians each had their own approach to home security but

few took it to the same level that Europeans did during the Dark


Following the fall of Rome, Europe quickly fell into chaos as

new rulers fought for their share of the once great empire. To

defend their new kingdoms, these rulers would build massive

fortifications, known as castles, which could withstand attack for

months, even years, on end. Some of the more innovative

developments created by these paranoid Europeans include

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

towers designed for defense and double-defended gates that

could trap intruders inside. Of course, security measures during

medieval times were a little more vicious than modern methods

but they were effective. Castles protected kings and peasants

alike for over 800 years but they proved little use against newer

technologies, such as cannons.

Modern security

The modern security system is a relatively recent

development in human history but the first designs go back

further than most people realize. Augustus Pope was the first

person who created a modernized security system. But his alarm

have problem, because as the door closes the alarm would stop.

Pope sold his patent to Edwin Holmes who is now known as “The

Father of the Modern Security Industry”. Pope died shortly after

selling his patent but he left an indelible mark on home security.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Security Revolution

The modern burglar alarm was just one half of the modern

home security system; the revolution had yet to be

monitored. E.A. Calahan was responsible for the first monitored

fire and burglar alarms in 1871. His system used telegraph signals

and was ahead of its time, going so far as to develop the central

monitoring station to keep track of alarms. Calahan was a prolific

inventor during his life time. His creations include the stock

ticker, ticker tape, and the multiplex telegraph system. Today,

security monitoring is accomplished through landline phone,

cellular, or broadband internet connections. Though the

technology may have changed, Calahan’s basic model for central

monitoring stations is still in place today.

Some home security devices are strange and a little

humorous. It’s easy to imagine people thinking the same thing

of Marie Brown’s visual security system when it debuted in 1966.

To be fair, Brown’s invention was a little unwieldy and expensive.

However, she did create the first CCTV surveillance system.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Brown’s version used a series of peep holes and a mechanized

track to keep the camera hidden. Though the device proved to be

commercially unsuccessful, Brown was widely recognized for her

achievement. She lived most of her life in Queens, New York,

where she died in 1999 at the age of 76. Since then, security

system has been improved, innovated and still gradually

changing in accordance to mans’ need.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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The Device Components and their Function

Below are the components of the device and their specific

functions. There are three major components featured, namely Laser,

LDR or light dependent Resistor and Piezoelectric Buzzer.

Laser is a handheld device emitting a narrow low powered beam

of light. The laser serves as the trigger to the LDR; which in return

triggers the buzzer when the connection of the laser and the LDR is


LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), a light sensing device that

varies its resistance to the amount light and darkness it receives.

When the light received increases, its resistance decreases and when

the light decreases, the resistance increases.

Buzzer - A buzzer or beeper is an audio signaling device, it could

be mechanical, electromechanical, or piezoelectric. Mostly, uses

of buzzers and beepers include alarm devices, timers, and

confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke. When

the connection between the laser and LDR is interrupted the buzzer is

triggered and emits a high pitched siren.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Circuit Variables

Ohm’s Law is the formula, describing the interrelationship

between resistance, current and voltage in an electrical circuit. It is

the fundamental law which states that the voltage across a resistance

is directly proportional to the current flowing through it. The constant

of proportionality is known as the resistance. This concept can be

generalized to include the relationship between the voltage and

current in all situations, including alternating voltages and currents.

It is conceptualized by Georg Simon Ohm.

Resistance is the opposition to current flow in various degrees.

The practical unit of resistance is called the ohm. A resistor on one

ohm is physically very large but provides only small resistance to

current flow. The unit of resistance is represented by the Greek letter

omega. Resistance can be attained when voltage is divided by the

current. Current is attained when voltage is divided by resistance,

while voltage is the result of current multiplied by resistance. This is

the interrelation of the formula of the Ohms law.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Represented by the letter I in the formula of Ohms Law, it is the

flow or rate of electric charge. This flowing electric charge is carried

by moving electrons in a metallic conductor such as resistors and

transistors as an example. The unit of current is ampere; it is named

after a French mathematician, Andre Marie Ampere. It is measured

using a device called ammeter. The conventional symbol (I) originates

from the French phrase “intensite de courant” meaning current



Also known as electric potential difference, denoted simply as V.

it is the difference in electric potential energy between two points per

unit electric charge namely positive and negative. The voltage

between two points is equal to the work done. Volt meter is the

instrument used to measure voltage between two points in a circuit.

The volt or V is the derived unit for voltage. It is named in the honor of

the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta who invented the voltaic file,

possible the first chemical battery.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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AC and DC current

The abbreviation AC and DC means alternating and direct

current. Direct current is the unidirectional flow electric charge. These

type of current is commonly produced by sources such as batteries

and thermocouples solar cells. Direct current mat flow in a conductor

such as a wire, but can also flow through semiconductors, insulators,

or even through a vacuum as in electron or ion beams. The electric

charge flows in a constant direction distinguishing it from alternating

current or AC. A term formerly used for direct current was galvanic


AC current is the movement of electric charge periodically

reverses direction. The usual wave form on an AC power circuit is the

sine wave.
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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Chapter III


The researchers used experimentation method of research. They

would like to create a project of Laser Light Security Alarm System.

They will have to undergo to an actual testing of the components and

materials needed.

Data Gathering Process

As the researchers go on with the said project, they have to

meet different people and read different books in order to formulate

and make ideas about the research. They have met with Mr.

Normandy Elisan, their electronic adviser. Textbooks;

The Researcher’s think of an innovation on how to protect the

properties, establishments and as well as the safety of the people.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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That is the main reason why the researchers came up with the idea of

innovating the laser light security alarm system. This concept is

actually present in the market but we are making it lesser in cost.


In the testing and experimentation, the following materials and

components were used:

1. Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) –

is a light sensing device that

lowers its resistance when receiving light and gets higher

resistance when it is dark.

2. Laser- is a device that produces a

narrow and powerful beam of light

that has many special uses in

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

medicine, industry etc. It produces light to the LDR that when it

is being interrupt the device will alarm.

3. Resistor – a component that is

used to resist the flow of current

through the circuit and therefore

limits the amount of current that

could pass through a component.

4. Capacitor – a component which stores a

static electricity. It restores the amount of

current in the circuit.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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5. Transistor – it controls the flow of current

to a specific component.

6. IC- in transistor form. It functions as the

voltage regulator in the circuit.

7. Light Emitting Diode – this project uses

one color of LED, white. This component

indicates (if it is lightning) that the LDR

doesn’t receive any light from the laser

therefore there is an intruder.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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8. Matrix Circuit Board - this is a type of

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) which contains

holes for the easier placing of components.

In this project, we used a 2*3 Matrix Board.

9. Power supply -220 volts AC- step down to 6

volts AC. Provides current to the circuit.

10. Rectifier Diode- converts AC to DC

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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11. Buzzer- provides sound as an

indicator that there is an intruder.

12. Switch- control power of the circuit.

Used to cut the flow of current.

13. Relay- functions as the “self-

holding” component of the circuit.

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9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
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Other Materials Used:

1. Soldering Iron- one of the most important materials in the

making of the project. It is used to connect all the components

by melting the solder.

2. Soldering Pump- used to remove soldering lead from the circuit


3. Soldering Lead- a material that melts using a soldering iron. It is

used to connect the components.

4. Screwdriver- used to tighten or loosen screw.

5. Wires- a component used to connect parts.

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

Materials Expenditures:

Materials Quantity Price (Php) Amount

1. LDR (5mm) 1 pc 35.00 35.00

2. Laser Point 1 pc 25.00 25.00

3. Capacitor 1 pc 20.00 20.00

4. Matrix Board 2 pcs 2 * 35.00 70.00

5. Resistor 4 pcs 4* 1.00 4.00

6. Transistor 2 pcs 2*18.00 36.00

7. IC Regulator 1 pc 19.00 19.00

8. Switch 2 pcs 2*25.00 50.00

9. LED 1 pc 10.00 10.00

10. Buzzer 1 pc 25.00 25.00

1 Relay 1 pc 20.00 20.00

TOTAL Php.314.00

As the table shows, the total expenditure of the project is 314

pesos excluding the transformer.

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

Schematic Diagram


1. Slotting

- Placing of components in it’s appropriate positions

according to the schematic diagram.

2. Connecting Parts and Soldering

- After placing the components, connect the components

using the soldering iron and soldering lead.

3. Testing

- Test the device if it is functioning. Use 6V power supply.

- The LED light and the buzzer should function, this

means that the device is functioning.

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

Chapter IV

Data Presentation and Analysis

This chapter will explain how the device works. It will determine

and explain how each component function in the circuit for deeper

understanding of the operation of the device.

Device Testing and Analysis

As the researchers test the device, an input of 220v AC is

supplied into the transformer. The transformer then regulates the

input to 6v AC (step down process) and then goes into the bridge type

diode. The diode rectifies the AC to DC and then continues to the

filter capacitor, which filters the current flow. The current flow

continues to the IC regulator producing a constant 5v output. The

resistor then limits the current supply going to the LED to 3v DC

output; the LED which is parallel to the buzzer receiving 5v and is

series to the LDR.

M.H. Del Pilar Street, Barangay Zone IV
9506 City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
Telefax +63 083 2288756 / email: [email protected]

Case 1:

After the Researchers assembled the device, it is now ready for

testing. As the researchers connect the device to its power supply,

the device works well, but when the laser light is cut off the device

will alarm and when the intruder goes, the connection of the Laser

and the LDR is returned, the alarm will stop. The researchers analyzed

that there is a missing components which will help to self-hold the

alarm. So, the researchers added the relay which functions as the

self-holding component to prolong the alarm.

Case 2:

After consulting the researcher’s adviser, relay was added to the

circuit and was tested. The researchers tested the device; however

the placement of the relay is wrong. The LED indicator is on and the

buzzer functions well, the diagnose trouble is that the buzzer does not

self hold and turns off when the laser is reconnected with the LDR.

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