Jurnal GIS
Jurnal GIS
Jurnal GIS
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1. Introduction
GIS can be defined as „a computer system that can hold and use data
describing places on the earth‟s surface‟ (Rhind: 1989-28). Fuller (1986-6) has
defined it as „a set of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at will, transforming, and
displaying spatial data from the real world for a particular set of purposes‟. In general,
these definitions of GIS cover three main components.
They reveal that GIS is a computer system more than just a series of
computer boxes, but includes Hardware, Software and appropriate procedures. It uses
spatially referenced data that carries out various management and analysis tasks. It
draws on concepts and ideas from many different disciplines like Cartography,
Computer Science, Engineering, Surveying, Landscape etc. Thus GIS involves not
only the study of fundamental issues arising from the creation, handling, storage and
use of geographic information, but it also examines the impacts of GIS on individuals
and society and the influences of society on GIS (Goodchild, 1997). GIS is a
computer software package that links information about spatial objects and the data
related to that object. It is a combination of a map and data linked with the map.
Unlike with a paper map, where „what you see is what you get‟, a GIS map can
combine many layers of information comes from a database and is shown only if the
user chooses to show it [4].
The major applications of GIS are in the field of land development, social
sciences, resource management, environmental assessment, understanding population
dynamics of human, animals, birds, insects and others [1]. Application of GIS in
Mining is relatively a new and fast evolving concept [5]. Geography provides the
framework to acquire, develop, and interpret the complex spatial and tabular datasets
used for Mining and the Earth sciences. Mapping, spatial concepts, and time / space
operations technology is absolutely essential to effective mining [9].
Banerjee, Roy & Dey 131
The decision of mine site selection, mine pit layout, optimum utilization of
HEMM, location of central workshop and railway siding, blasting pattern, slope
stability issues and others are major consideration during production phase [9]. The
management would like to map the entire area showing all mine boundaries and
formations, topography, drainage patterns, service buildings, coal seams, mine entries,
etc. in one layer, all power supply feeder lines, sub-stations, transmission towers, gate
end boxes, ACBs and OCBs, switches, circuits, mining and lighting cable diagrams,
etc in another layer [7].
132 Journal of Management Policies and Practices, Vol. 2(2), June 2014
Now the General Manager of the area can view a particular coal seam by
zooming into the map and then merge the electrical transmission system layer on the
coal seam layer and decide whether a new line needs to be drawn to meet the need of
mine advancement. Similarly, it becomes easier to monitor history of machine
breakdown, power grid failure, condition of haul road, stock and consumption of
gasoline for dump trucks and any other day-to-day operation [5].
Decision can also be taken for ecologically sensitive areas by creating a buffer
zone of „nointerference‟ with mining activities. If an entire village or a cluster of
houses need to be rehabilitated during production phase, GIS will be the ideal tool for
alternative site selection, providing water and electricity lines, developing new roads
and computing inter-visibility between points, etc. [12]. Monitoring of water and air
quality at different parts of the mine is also possible by querying the digital maps, as
well as by displaying results from the database. In this way, the General Manager has
the capability to view any particular features on the map just by clicking on a
particular object [3]. Pipelines, electric lines, roads, ramps, and other mining facilities
change frequently. Engineers and operations staff use GIS for facility planning
applications. Keeping track of existing infrastructure and integrating with the mine
plan and block models can be achieved with GIS. GIS can be used to integrate recent
survey data with block models or mine design data from other mining software
packages such as SURPAC2000™ , or DATAMine™ which is currently being used in
Industry. Often, items positioned along a linear feature such as a pipeline are
referenced by station numbers or mileposts. A high-end GIS can create special
features that can be referenced by this stationing. Valves and other point features can
be placed along the pipeline by a single station reference, while attributes that apply to
a section of the pipe can be associated by referencing a beginning and ending station.
Thus, here there is a need to have a holistic and integrated platform that can
reduce production delays and can improve productivity and thus can result in a better
underground coal mine management.
Banerjee, Roy & Dey 133
The users of the system can be looked from three conceptual perspectives.
They are:
Doers: The lowest rung of the data will be at the field level. Various types of
data can be downloaded from different „points-of-use‟, collected in a sequential and
systematic manner, saved in suitable databases to be used for future queries and
analysis. This data will be used to create base maps and other analysis.
134 Journal of Management Policies and Practices, Vol. 2(2), June 2014
At the individual field and functional areas, the users will generate and retrieve
georeferenced information, create thematic maps and regularly monitor the various
processes based on information posted from the database. Thus at this level, the GIS
project is developed using the raw data and the interpretation of geo-referenced data
is undertaken.
Users: The data collected and stored at the sites will now be shared by the
GIS users at the area level. The basic maps of the areas will be converted into digital
formats at this level and given to the GIS doers at the field levels, where they can
attach data with the map features.
The planners at the area level (GM/CGMs of the areas) can analyze the map
features, calculate necessary parameters and depict them with desired calculations.
These information and reports will then be sent to the GIS doers at the fields.
Thus the preliminary GIS project will be created, analyzed and vector maps
prepared for further use at the field sites for advanced GIS applications. At the area
level the GIS system can be completed with the technical inputs from the Users and
the field data from the Doers.
1. Maps
Geological : Formation maps, soil and alluvium, structural set up, strike and dip,
faults, folds, coal seams, sequence, roof and floor ,dirt bands, grade wise reserves,
outcrop, etc.
Mining : All mine boundaries, mine plans and layouts, formations, structure, mine
area, sequence of coal seams, physico-mechanical properties, strata control details,
ventilation, explosive magazines , etc.
Excavation : All work faces and benches with survey maps, dragline and shovel
locations, blast hole drills, dumping yards, haul roads, unit, regional and central
workshops, HSD oil depots and dispensing units etc.
E&M : Pumping installations, drainage maps, power transmission units, overhead
conductor lines, mining and lighting cable maps, Trailing cables, sub-stations,
trans-switch units, all indoor and outdoor installations, coal handling plants,
conveyor systems, vehicle repair and maintenance units etc.
Civil Engineering : Residential and office buildings, water supply and sewerage
units, service buildings, approach roads and culverts, land records and status map
for land acquisition, canals, rivers, etc.
Safety: Rescue Stations, ventilation installations, cap lamp stores, dust extraction
and water spraying systems, rescue training centers, fire hydrants, lighting and
signaling arrangements etc.
Personnel and welfare: Miners quarters, welfare stations, primary schools,
community centers, banks, post offices, police stations, training schools and
vocational training units etc.
Environmental: Forest covers and a forestation maps, wild life, plantation maps,
sewerage treatment plants etc.
Materials Management: Unit, regional and Central store units, HSD depots,
scrap and disposal yards, etc.
Despatch: Road transportation routes, railway yards, marshalling and goods yards,
wagon handling and shunting yards, major dispatch routes to coresector linked
customers, alternate routes etc.
Medical: Hospitals and dispensaries units.
Area level maps integrating all mine level maps for the above user groups.
Head-Quarter level maps integrating all area level maps for the above user groups.
This map will also show the state and district boundaries, rivers and canals,
national and state highways, bridges and culverts etc
136 Journal of Management Policies and Practices, Vol. 2(2), June 2014
2. Databases
All object level databases in industry standard RDBMS format showing related data
for each item, namely:
4. Solution Architecture
Each project office will be consolidating the maps and related information of
day-to-day operation. The project office may continue with their existing system for
such consolidation or may opt for implementing the appropriately customized version
of computerized map updating and GIS data entry. Then, project office will send the
computerized maps and data in a prescribed format to the respective area offices. At
this stage cross validation can be made to eliminate any data reduplication.
138 Journal of Management Policies and Practices, Vol. 2(2), June 2014
Area office will then be generating queries, thematic maps and reports using
newly developed GIS backbone system and will then forward the consolidated data to
the company Headquarters, in the prescribed format, through established
communication links. Headquarters will further generate queries, thematic maps and
required reports using this system.
We would develop and supply proper GIS engine, customized to meet the
specific information need of the mining areas. Industry standard GIS, mapping and
viewing software will be integrated with the solution to be developed and configured
on desktops connected on a LAN. One desktop based GIS application systems will
be developed and implemented at each area, at the area office.
140 Journal of Management Policies and Practices, Vol. 2(2), June 2014
The company will need no further investment on GIS software count. A fully
featured remote sensing processing software will also be provided by us at each area
for viewing and analyzing raw satellite image data.
For the implementation of GIS backbone system for the company, a top
down approach with three phases has been adopted. These three phases together will
form the backbone of Geographic Information Infrastructure for enhancing the quality
and the effectiveness of managerial decision.
Phase I: During this phase, an extensive GIS backbone will be created at the
project and area level and integrated into a company GIS Backbone. This is the heart
of the GIS system and will focus the development of an enterprise GIS system in a
modular, flexible and scalable GIS backbone, which will encompass all maps and
database in each project operated by the company.
During this phase, digitization of the entire range of maps and drawings
depicting all spatial information e.g. maps such as cadastral, geological, land
acquisition, mining, environmental etc will be carried out along with acquisition of all
attribute data related to such surface and subsurface features. This will lead to
standardization of computerized map generation, platform, technology and
application across the project level.
Phase II: During this phase, the GIS backbone will be connected on-line to
the respected area offices and the company Headquarters. At this stage, all the
projects under the jurisdiction of a particular area will be integrated into one system to
share and interchange spatial and non-spatial information. The entire GIS backbone
of the maps and databases will be made web-enabled to be able to be ported on a web
server and connected in a closed group intra-net or Internet using TCP/IP protocol.
Suitable telecommunication links through V-Sats will be installed by the company to
activate this type of data sharing.
142 Journal of Management Policies and Practices, Vol. 2(2), June 2014
The area office can obtain real-time spatial information about any colliery. As
for example, information regarding the current mine layout, land acquisition,
production, washeries, CHP and others for any colliery will be available with map
interface just by the click of a button. The CGMs and GMs will have greater flexibility
to obtain spatial information with respective maps from any colliery and execute
timely decision on any particular problem.
Phase III: In this phase GIS backbone system will be connected to the
company head office. All the subsidiary companies will be linked either by the
Internet or through intra-net to access real-time GIS information from any collieries
and areas or subsidiary headquarters. Company Head Quarter will be able to access all
maps and database related to every projects and area offices as mentioned in Phase I
and II. The integrated GIS backbone system will be hosted on a remote server to
access any maps in real-time and get information regarding day-to-day operation.
6. Conclusions
A grand, unified, GIS compatible, integrated, smart, digital platform for the
underground coal mining company would definitely remove all data redundancy and
duplication of efforts. The system will help all tiers of people right from the project to
the head quarter in taking real time decisions and thus can do away with retention,
distribution, preservation and deterioration of quality of cumbersome paper maps. So,
a transparency among various departments and cross-checking facilities to improve
spatial data accuracy and to reduce the scope of spatial data manipulation would
prevail among various departments. The successful implementation of the system will
enable management to have greater controls for day-today operation. This will help in
having a quick and fast response to any accident with the power of GIS and thus
enhancing security mechanism of the company. Moreover, this integrated and holistic
system will bring more uniformity among all collieries within the Company to have a
„better‟ management in reducing delays, man-hours and thus improving productivity.
Banerjee, Roy & Dey 143
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