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B. D. P. English: Bachelor Degree Programme

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EEG-I (UT-17N/17) EEG-I (UT-17N/17) 2

Bachelor Degree Programme

2. Answer any three of the following questions :
B. D. P.
10 × 3 = 30
Term End Examination — December 2016 & June 2017
Elective Course a) Show your acquaintance with the Middle
ENGLISH English Miracle plays.
( New Syllabus )
( First Paper : From the Beginnings to Chaucer : b) How does the Wakefield Master treat the
Literature and Language in Evolution ) theme of marriage in the ‘Second
( Enrolled from July 2015 )
Shepherd’s Play’ ?
Time : Four Hours Full Marks : 100
( Weightage of Marks : 70% ) c) Write a short essay on the Old English
elegies with special reference to any two.
Special credit will be given for accuracy and relevance
in the answer. Marks will be deducted for incorrect d) What was the impact of the Norman
spelling, untidy work and illegible handwriting. Conquest on the English language ?
The weightage for each question has been
indicated in the margin. e) Why do you think the manners of the
Prioress are inappropriate to her position ?
f) Assess the contributions of Alfred to Old
1. Answer any two of the following questions :
English prose.
20 × 2 = 40
a) Assess the nature and extent of the 3. Answer any two of the following questions :
Scandinavian influence on the English
5 × 2 = 10
b) Show how the history of Bible translations a) Write a short note on The Anglo Saxon
in English indicates the development of
English prose in general.
c) Write a short essay on Old English heroic b) Write a short note on the historical
poetry. background of the Middle English period.
d) Assess the contribution of Chaucer to
English literature. c) Write a brief note on John Wycliff.

B.A.-3166-W [ P.T.O. B.A.-3166-W

3 EEG-I (UT-17N/17) EEG-I (UT-17N/17) 4

d) Write briefly on the actual nativity play that 7. Identify and explain the figures of speech in any
one of the following passages : 5
follows the mock-nativity comedy of the
a) We look before and after,
Wakefield Second Shepherds’ play.
And pine for what is not :
Our sincerest laughter
4. Phonetically transcribe any three of the following With some pain is fraught ;
words & put the stress mark after transcription :
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of
3+3 saddest thought.
Blackbird, primary, govern, beauty, colour,
mountain, reed, youth.
b) Forlorn ! the very word is like a bell
5. Choose any two vowel phonemes and any two
To toll me back from thee to my sole self !
consonant phonemes which occur in the
Adieu ! the fancy cannot cheat so well
following words and describe them : 1×4
As she is famed to do, deceiving elf.
house, apple, eat, day, brother.
6. Scan any one of the following extracts, find the
main metre and metrical variations, if any : 5
a) He prayeth best who loveth best

All things both great and small;

For the dear God who loveth us
He made and loveth all.
b) Break, break, break
At the foot of thy crags, O sea!
But the tender grace of a day that is dead

Will never come back to me.

B.A.-3166-W [ P.T.O. B.A.-3166-W

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