B. D. P. English: Bachelor Degree Programme
B. D. P. English: Bachelor Degree Programme
B. D. P. English: Bachelor Degree Programme
d) Write briefly on the actual nativity play that 7. Identify and explain the figures of speech in any
one of the following passages : 5
follows the mock-nativity comedy of the
a) We look before and after,
Wakefield Second Shepherds’ play.
And pine for what is not :
Our sincerest laughter
4. Phonetically transcribe any three of the following With some pain is fraught ;
words & put the stress mark after transcription :
Our sweetest songs are those that tell of
3+3 saddest thought.
Blackbird, primary, govern, beauty, colour,
mountain, reed, youth.
b) Forlorn ! the very word is like a bell
5. Choose any two vowel phonemes and any two
To toll me back from thee to my sole self !
consonant phonemes which occur in the
Adieu ! the fancy cannot cheat so well
following words and describe them : 1×4
As she is famed to do, deceiving elf.
house, apple, eat, day, brother.
6. Scan any one of the following extracts, find the
main metre and metrical variations, if any : 5
a) He prayeth best who loveth best