Etl - Test - Plan

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This document contains the future
testing activities to be done like
number of resources required, test TESTING
environment, types of testing to be CAMPUS
done, defect tracking procedure etc.
Document History

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This Document is maintained in Clear Case

documentation Database.

Revision History
Date of this revision: Date of next revision NA

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This document requires following approvals.
Name Title
Pankaj Test Manager
Harsha Project Manager

This document has been distributed to
Name Title
Pankaj Test Manager
Pankaj Project Manager
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Pankaj Architect
Pankaj Developer

1. Brief Description..........................................................4
2. Test Objective:.............................................................4
3. Test Scope....................................................................5
3.1 List of features to be tested :..................................5
3.2 List of features not to be tested:............................7
4. Approach.....................................................................8
5. Assumption:..............................................................10
6. Risk............................................................................11
7. Mitigation Plan/Back Up plan/Contingency Plan......11
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8. Types Of Testing........................................................12
9. Roles and Responsibilities:........................................12

........................................................................................ 7

1. Brief Description
GMAIL is a web based application with heaps of
storage capacity given to the user. Using GMAIL
user will we able to send an email, receive an
email, forward an email etc. The complete
requirement document of the application is
available in clear case.

2. Test Objective:
The main objective of the test is to make sure the
application works according to the business
requirements, find as many defects as possible
and communicate the same to the developers and
ensure that at the end of test life cycle a quality
application is delivered to the client.
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3. Test Scope
This defines the boundaries of testing of GMAIL
3.1 List of features to be tested :
Features Description
Compose User can compose any
new emails and can
send it along with the
Inbox Any new email received
should be available in
Sent Items Should contain the list
of emails sent by the
Draft End User compose an
email and then save
that in the draft, which
can be reused latter
Trash Deleted emails should
be available in trash
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Buzz Buzz is a social

networking, micro
blogging and
messaging tool that
was developed by
Google and integrated
into their web-based
email program, Gmail.

Important Gmail has

automatically started
important, indicating
how important the
incoming message
Starred This feature will
provide a user a
flexibility to use them
as a visual reminder
that you need to
follow-up on a
message or
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Spam SPAM diverts

messages that are
suspected of being
unwanted messages
into SPAM and
keeping that out
from your inbox

3.2 List of features not to be tested:

The features mentioned below are the
external applications integrated with GMAIL.
Here the scope of testing is to just check how
well the application is integrated with GMAIL.
We will not test these applications as it will
not be within the scope of testing.

Features Description
Orkut External
Picasa External
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Google Docs External

Google+ External
Groups External
You tube External
Blogs External

4. Approach
There will be two teams – onsite team and
India team. Daily work assignment would be
sent to the respective test leads through
email by the test manager. Test leads are
then responsible to assign the work to their
respective team members. Once the work is
completed the respective test engineers
should then send the status email containing
the progress of the work by end of the day to
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the test lead and test manager. On daily

basis, STCM should be updated by respective
team member, which will be maintained in
the SharePoint under 2012 releases folder.

Once the development team has finished

developing the product, they will give the
demo to both the onsite and India team
about the new features added.

Every day 7:30PM IST, there will be triage

call. In the triage call the development,
testing and business team will be discussing
about the defects found.

Every time we get a new build, Team has to

start with smoke testing followed by other
types of testing specified under types of
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5. Assumption:
Some of the assumptions in this project from
testing perspective are as follows:
1. Total number of human resources would be four
throughout the project(Excluding the Test Lead)
2. A "full-time" resource will work for at least 40
3. Any code changes or fixes done which needs to be
moved to test environment while the testing is in
progress should be communicated to the test
4. Test Environment: The Test URLS, user ids and
databases are available and documented before
starting smoke testing

6. Risk
Some of the risk identified in the project is as

1. Staff is on Vacation or has left the organization

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2. Lack of application knowledge.

3. Application unavailability highly impacts the test
4. Development risks highly impacts the testing
5. Problem caused by hardware or system software
such as: 1. System crash
2. Configuration

7. Mitigation Plan/Back Up
plan/Contingency Plan
1. Trainees would be appointed as back up staff
2. Regular trainings on the domain and application
will be organized.

8. Types Of Testing
1. Smoke Test
2. Functional Testing
3. Integration Testing
4. System Testing
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5. Adhoc Testing
6. Compatibility Testing
7. Exploratory Testing
8. Globalization Testing
9. Performance Testing

10. Usability Testing

9. Roles and Responsibilities:

Test Manager:
1. Write or review test plan
2. Interact with customer, developer, testers and
3. Handle escalations
4. Test Estimations like number of resources
required, time taken to complete the testing
activity etc.
5. Sign of release note
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Test Lead:
1. Write or review test plan
2. Assigning work to the test engineers
3. Approving leaves of test engineers
4. Prepare monthly status work report and send
it to test manager.
5. Write test cases
6. Execute Test Cases
7. Review test cases

Test Engineer:

1. Write test plan

2. Write test cases
3. Execute test cases
4. Prepare traceability matrix
5. Update STCM daily
6. Execute and maintain automation script
7. Send individual daily work status emails to the
test lead
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10. Defect Tracking:

10.1 Procedure to track the defect
10.2 Severity: Blocker or show stopper,
Critical, Major, Minor
10.3 Priority: High, Medium, Low
10.4 Which defect tracking tool to be used

11. Schedule:
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System Study Write Test Cases Execute the test cases Release Date

12/Dec/2011 13/Jan/2012 17/Feb/2012 21/Mar/2012

12/Dec/2011 13/Jan/ 2012
17/Feb/2012 21/Mar/ 2012
12. Entry and Exit Criteria:

Entry Criteria
White Box testing should be
Test Cases should be ready
Product should be available
with the required
test environment
Resources should be

Test data should be ready

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Exit Criteria
Based on % of Test Cases
Based on % of Test Cases
Based on % of severity
defects found & fixed

Entry Criteria
Exit criteria of functional
testing should be met and
minimum features should
be available to perform
integration testing
Test Cases should be ready
Product should be available
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with the required test

Resources should be

Test data should be ready

Exit Criteria
Based on % of Test Cases
Based on % of Test Cases
Based on % of severity
defects found & fixed

System Testing

Entry Criteria
Exit criteria of integration
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testing should be met and

minimum features should
be available to perform
system testing
Test Cases should be ready
Product should be available
with the required test
Resources should be

Exit Criteria
All of the Test Cases
should be executed
There should be No critical
& major defects

13. Test Environment:

1. Will explain about types of hardware and software’s

2. Procedure to install the software
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Server Sun Starcat 1500

Client 15 computers with
following configurations:
1. Processor: i3
2. RAM: 4GB
3. Harddisk:500GB


Server Operating System: Suse

Web Server: Tom Cat
Application Server: Web
Database server: MySql
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Client Operating System :

Windows XP
Browsers: I7, Mozilla
Others: Adobe 10.1,
beyond compare etc

14. Template:

14.1 Test case template:

14.2 Review Template
14.3 Traceability Matrix
14.4 STCM template

15. Deliverable:

15.1 Test Plan:

15.2 Test Case
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15.3 Traceability Matrix

15.4 STCM
15.5 Graphs and matrices
15.6 Release Note : Is always signed off by the
Test Manager
15.6.1 Number of defects found and fixed
15.6.2 Platforms on which you tested the
15.6.3 What new features was added in this
15.6.4 Installation guide
15.6.5 User Manual/Demo CD
15.6.6 Version Number of the build

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