Syllabus PDF
Syllabus PDF
Syllabus PDF
Instructor: Gregg Winters Office Hours: By Appointment
Voice Mail: (203) 341-1570 E-Mail: [email protected]
Course Description:
This class is an introduction to the use of computers in music production, music notation,
and music education. Basic software and concepts in educational and music technology
will be emphasized. Sources, selection, evaluation, creation, and implementation of
electronic media for the musician and music educator will be covered in this course.
Course Goals:
• Identify the basic components of a computer music workstation and their function
• Correctly configure and connect workstation hardware/software
• Demonstrate an understanding of common MIDI and audio applications such as:
notation, sequencing, plug-ins, loop-based, software instruments, tutorial, and
accompaniment software
• Demonstrate the ability to utilize a computer music workstation (hardware,
software, and the Internet) to create musical compositions and multimedia
Class Schedule:
• MED/MUS 318-71: Tuesday Evenings 5:25pm-7:55pm White Hall 219
• MED/MUS 318-72: Wednesday Evenings 5:25pm-7:55pm White Hall 219
Both sections (71 & 72) are identical classes. The Wednesday section is only offered when enrollment
warrants. In the case of an unavoidable conflict, and only if both sections are offered, students may request
to attend the other class meeting that week (if space allows).
MED/MUS 318-72 Music Technology Syllabus
The following formula will be used to determine your semester grade:
-- Semester Overview --
2nd Class Meeting Workstation Hardware & Software Overview Assignment #1 Due
Assignment #2: Read chapter 3 and search the Internet to find three different music
applications that were not discussed in class. Utilize Microsoft Word to write a one-page review of
the three applications, including their URL addresses and system requirements. Attach your MS
Word file to a WebCT E-mail message and send it to me by the next class meeting.
5th Class Meeting Finale: Lead Sheets & Piano Parts Assignment #4 Due
Assignment #5: Use Finale to recreate the National Anthem lead sheet distributed in class.
Select “Split Into Two Staves” from the Record Mode option, under the Hyperscribe menu, in
order to record the piano part onto the Grand Staff. Make your version look identical to the
example provided. Follow the directions provided in class to complete and submit this
7th Class Meeting MID-TERM EXAM & Intro To Sequencing Assignment #6 Due
Homework: Read chapters 4, 8, 9, & 12 in the text to prepare for MIDI sequencing next week.
10th Class Meeting Introduction To Mixing & Mastering Audio Assignment #7b Due
Assignment #7c: Read chapter 14 in the text to prepare for scoring music to video next week.
To complete your sequencing assignment, utilize the material discussed in class to “mix” your
arrangement using automation & plug-ins. Bounce your final mix to disk and export it as a stereo
AIFF file. Create a new Digital Performer project and import the stereo file you just exported.
Use EQ, compression, or other plug-ins to master the project. Add a fade in, fade out, or both.
Export the finished mix as an AIFF file and convert it to an MP3. Refer to the directions
distributed in class regarding how to hand in your final master mix (assignment #7c).
11th Class Meeting Scoring Music To Picture (Part 1) Assignment #7c Due
Assignment #8a: Import the QuickTime video (distributed in class) into Digital Performer.
Copy the movie’s audio to a DP stereo audio track. Utilize markers to identify “hit” points.
Compose a simple MIDI/audio underscore to the video using Digital Performer. Use the MIDI
editing features within DP to fix mistakes. Save your sequence as a Standard MIDI File (SMF)
and follow the directions provided in class to complete and submit assignment #8a.
12th Class Meeting Scoring Music To Picture (Part 2) Assignment #8a Due
Assignment #8b: Convert all your finished MIDI tracks to audio, mix as needed, bounce all
the audio tracks to disk, and export the final stereo mix as an AIFF file. This audio file will be a
combined mix of the movie’s original sound track & your musical score. Use iMovie to import
the QuickTime video footage and delete its audio track. Import the AIFF audio file to add your
score mix to the video. Export the finished project as a new QuickTime movie. Refer to the
directions distributed in class regarding how to hand in your finished assignment #8b.
13th Class Meeting 2nd Quiz / Tutorial & Accompaniment Software Assignment #8b Due
Assignment #9: Search the Internet to find three different music tutorial and / or
accompaniment applications (or web sites) that were not discussed in class. Utilize Microsoft
Word to write a one-page review of the three music applications/web sites, including their URL
addresses and/or system requirements. Attach you MS Word file to a WebCT E-mail message
and send it to me by the next class meeting.
15th Class Meeting Review / Make-Up Work Session Assignment #10a/b Due
This final class meeting will be utilized to review for the final exam and finish any outstanding