1258 Digital Image Processing
1258 Digital Image Processing
1258 Digital Image Processing
ABSTRACT scope of this project, we
built up a prototypical
A study on automatic animation
face morphing is generator that can take
proposed.The an arbitrary pair of
algorithms explains the facial images and
extra feature of points generate morphing
on face and based on between them.The
these feature points, results of both inter
images are portioned and intra personal
and morphing is morphing are
performed. The subjectively
algorithms has been satisfactory.
used to generate
morphing between
images of face of
different people as well
as between images of
face of individuals. To
do face morphing,
feature points are
applications are
usually specified
everywhere. Hollywood
manually in animation
film makers use novel
morphing technologies
However,this approach
to generate special
involved computation
effects, and Disney uses
of 3N dimensional
morphing to speed up
probability density
the production of
function, N being the
cartoons. Among so
number of pixels of the
many morphing
image, and we thought
applications, we are
the approach was too
specifically interested
much computation-
in face morphing
demanding.Within the
because we believe face otherwise need to
morphing should have implement a face-
much more important finding algorithm. Due
applications than other to time-limitation, we
classes of morphing. did not study automatic
face finder.
2.Outline of
Procedures adopted 2.2FeatureFinding
Our goal was to find
4 major feature points,
namely the two eyes,
and the two end-points
of the mouth. Within
the scope of this
project, we developed
an eye-finding
algorithm that
fig 1 successfully detect eyes
After finding the
eyes, we can specify the
points with the face
edges. Hence, totally
we have 10 feature
points for each face. In
the fig 4, the white dots
correspond to the
feature points.
2.3 Image
3. Cross-dissolve the
___ two images to generate
a new image. The new
face possesses the
features from both
Ally's and the lion's
_________ __
3.Recent Evolutions
(1) Morphing
between faces of
different cases: (2) Morphing
between different
- human and animal
images of the same
person :
- man and man
- man and woman We want to interpolate
the intermediate
In the following, the
expressions or poses by
very left and very right
images of each row are
original images, and the
Happy <===
intermediate ones are
===> Angry
synthesized morphed
4. Conclusion
An automatic face feature points we can
morphing algorithm is specify on the faces, the
proposed. The better morphing results
algorithm consists of a we can obtain. If we
feature finder followed can specify all the
by a face-morpher that important facial
utilizes affine and features such as the
bilinear coordinate eyes, the eyebrows, the
transforms. We believe nose, the edge points of
that feature extraction the mouth, the ears,
is the key technique and some specific
toward building points of the hair, we
entirely automatic face are confident that we
morphing algorithms. can generate very
Moreover, we believe smooth and realistically
that the eyes are the looking morphing from
most important one image to another.
features of human
faces.We hence 5. References
achieved an 84% of eye
[1] Martin Bichsel,
detection rate. Also, we
proposed red-ness,
Interpolation and
green-ness and blue-
Recognition of Face
ness function and
Images by
illustrated how we
would be able to find
proceedings of the 2nd
the mouth based on
these functions. Also,
conference on
we demonstrated
automatic face and
that face morphing
gesture recognition,
algorithm can help
[2] Jonas Gomes et al.
"Warping and
speaking, the more
morphing of graphical
objects ", Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers