Utpras Guidelines

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UTPRAS Guidelines


Republic Act No. 7796, otherwise known as TESDA Act of 1994, empowers TESDA to establish and
maintain a system of accrediting, coordinating, integrating, monitoring and evaluating formal and
non-formal technical vocational education and training programs.

TESDA Board promulgated Resolution No. 98-03 last January 23, 1998 establishing a unified TVET
program registration and accreditation system which shall be in consonance with the pursuit of a
quality technical vocational education and training system.


1. Registration – (compulsory) compliance with minimum standards prescribed in Training

Regulations and anchored on competency-based system;
2. Accreditation – a form of quality assurance which is over and above the requirements for
Program Registration in UTPRAS which shall be voluntary in nature and a form of recognition
given by an accrediting body that the program or the institution has met the criteria set by
the accrediting body.


1. Institution/company representative visits/inquires about program registration requirements

and procedures.
2. Provincial Director/District UTPRAS focal person conducts orientation/briefing to the
applicant institution on the following:
 Program Registration requirements, policies and procedures
 Program Registration Compliance Audit
 Sanctions and penalties to erring institutions
 Payment of non-refundable application fee of P 2,000.00 per program application
3. The Institution submits required documents to the Provincial/District Office.
4. PO/DO UTPRAS focal person receives documents:
 Checks completeness of documents against program registration checklist
 Returns application if documents are not complete based on the registration
requirements with notation of deficiencies
 Officially receives (stamp received) if documents are complete.
 Issues Acknowledgment Letter together with the processed Program Registration
Requirement Checklist
 Advises applicant to pay the non-refundable Registration Fee during the ocular
inspection at the PO/DO
5. PO/DO UTPRAS focal person evaluates submitted documents in detail
 Evaluates the program registration documents against the Training Regulations e.g
curriculum, list of tools, equipment and facilities, etc.
 Determines compliance of the curriculum against the CBC definition/format
 For programs not covered by TR (NTR), review of the curriculum shall be done with
an expert
 If Documents are in order, the UPTRAS Focal Person
 Recommends to the PD/DD the conduct of ocular inspection; or
 Sends letter signed by the PD/DD informing of the deficiencies, the 10
calendar days to comply with the requirements and the return of the
 After the review of the Documents PO/DO UTPRAS focal person:
 Advises institution re conduct of inspection
 Prepares checklist for inspection
 Schedules team inspection
6. UPTRAS Inspection Team
 Inspects the tools, equipment, consumables, books, workshops/facility and support
services against the submitted Program Registration Requirements
 Prepares and signs inspection report
 Discusses results of inspection to the institution’s representative and requests for the
signature on the inspection report.
 Provides copy of the inspection report to the institution’s/company representative
 If there are deficiencies, informs the institution that they have 30 calendar days to
comply and that a re-inspection shall be conducted.
 Submits inspection report to the UTPRAS Focal Person the following day
7. UTPRAS Focal Person submits inspection report to the PD/DD within the day or not later
than the following day
8. For compliant institution/Company, the PD/DO endorses submits complete documents
together with the results of inspection and corresponding recommendation to RO
9. For institution with deficiencies, the PO/DO reminds in writing the institution within the day
after the conduct of inspection on the 30-calendar day allowable period to comply with the
requirements. In case the institution fails to comply with the requirements within the 30-
calendar day period, the PO/DO submits the documents to the RO and recommends
issuance of Letter of Denial
10. Within 4 calendar days upon receipt of documents, RO UTPRAS focal person conducts final
review of documents:
 If found to be in order, recommends issuance of CPTR.
 If there are deficiencies, notifies PO/DO of the deficiencies
11. Within the day after receipt of the notice, the PO/DO UTPRAS focal person notifies the
institution about the deficiencies, and the 5 calendar days to comply.
12. Upon receipt of the documents correcting the deficiencies from the institution and if found in
order, the PD/DD forwards the said documents to RO and recommends within the days
issuance of CTPR. In case the institution fails to comply, the PD/DD recommends issuance
of Letter of Denial.
13. Upon receipt of recommendations from PD/DD, RO focal person prepares CTPR or Letter of
14. RD approves and signs CTPR or Letter of Denial.
15. RO releases CTPR or Letter of Denial to PO/DO together with the institution’s documents.
16. RO releases CoPR or Letter of Denial to PO/DO together with the institution’s documents.
17. PO/DO releases CTPR or Letter of Denial to the Institution


1. All TVET programs offered by public and private institutions, including programs offered by
enterprise-based training centers, provided that programs that are offered are fee-charging
and open to the public;
2. All TVET programs in industrial trades and crafts, agriculture, fishery, services and home
3. TVET programs with permit and recognition certificates granted by the Secretary of
4. Apprenticeship programs undertaken by private enterprises shall be authorized on the basis
of existing apprenticeship guidelines. Compliance with apprenticeship guidelines is
considered as having the effect of UTPRAS registration;
5. TVET institutions with registered TVET programs which they desire to provide under the dual
system shall be accredited as dual training system institutions under the guidelines
implementing Republic Act No. 7686 in order that incentives provided for in the law may be
availed of by concerned TVET institutions;
6. A Certificate of Competency is the smallest unit that can be registered which corresponds to
a job in an industry.


1. Training Regulations prescribed minimum program standards;

2. Training regulations developed by experts and practitioners from public/private sector
(Experts Panel);
3. Training Regulations promulgated by the TESDA Board after national validation;
4. Training Regulations serves as basis for which the competency-based curriculum and
instructional materials and competency assessment tools are developed. This document
represents a specific qualification. It defines the competency standards for national
qualification and how such qualification can be gained, assessed and be given recognition.
(Procedures Manual on Development of TRs);
5. Training Regulation is a TESDA promulgated document that serves as basis for which the
competency-based curriculum and instructional materials and competency assessment tools
are developed. This document represents specific qualification. How the competencies in this
qualification can be gained, assessed and be given recognition is detailed in this
promulgated document. (The TVET Glossary of Terms)


TVET institutions which are found to have run TVET programs without complying with registration
requirements shall be liable for violation of these guidelines. As such appropriate sanctions shall be
imposed on the erring institution.

The sanctions shall be in accordance with Section 68, Chapter 1, Title V of the Education Act of 1982
which provides that any person upon conviction of an act in violation of the authorization
requirements shall be punished with a fine of not less than two thousand pesos (P2000) nor more
than ten thousand pesos (P10,000) or imprisonment for a maximum period of two (2) years, or
both, at the discretion of the court.

If the act is committed by a corporation, the school head, together with the person or persons
responsible for the offense shall be equally liable.
For fraud or deceit committed in connection with the application for registration, unauthorized
operation of a course or any component thereof, and unauthorized advertisements or
announcements relative thereto, the authority, through TESDA Regional Offices, shall revoke the
certificate of registration after due process.


Register the program with TESDA prior to acceptance of enrollees. Registration is compulsory with
or with out Training Regulations.

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