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13th Age Class

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“d20s? I never touch ‘em...”
Play Style: The Fool is kind of a joke class. A
playable joke, but a joke nonetheless. Think of
The Fool as the melee-focused counterpart of
the Chaos Mage, or the chaotic counterpart to
the Occultist. This class is simple to pick up
and play but has some odd features, so
beware… things may not be like you are used
to. Also, playing this class online is tricky—a
lot relies on minis, physical dice, and similarly
solid ephemera.
Ability Scores: You gain a +2 bonus to an
attribute of your choosing, but not the same
attribute you increased with your racial bonus.
Races: Lord, what fools these mortals be!
Anybody can be a fool, but only The Fool is
The Fool.
Backgrounds: Here are some background ideas
for The Fool: a true myth, deeply superficial, filled
with sweet sorrow, genuine fake shemp, honest
thief, knower of an open secret, natural actor,
painfully beautiful, the only choice, weirdly normal,
wielder of the dark light.
Icons: See class features.

The Fool Multiclassing

Sure, The Fool can multiclass. The deal is this—
you create two versions of your character,
possibly of two different races, and one is The
Fool and the other one is of a different class. At
the start of each day roll randomly to discover
which class, attributes, etc. you have for that
Gear Armor
At 1st level, The Fool will have the usual basic The Fool prefers fighting in light armor, the
adventuring equipment: dagger, rope, a lantern, better to run around doing foolish things.
a walking staff, tent, blanket, etc. and some The Fool Armor and AC
sturdy clothing. They’ll also have armor (usually Type Base AC
light armor) and a weapon (usually a sword, None 10
axe, or a comically big mallet). The Fool will also Light 14
have a couple of minor oddities—trick dice, a Heavy (-2 attk) 16
rubber chicken, strange bottles, a jester’s stick
Shield (-1 attk) +1
(that is secretly the sheaf for a concealed
The Fool likes to carry big weapons into fights,
The Fool starts with 1d100-1d100 gp. If this
The Fool might be a fool but they are no idiot.
means The Fool starts with negative money they
have a handful of copper coins and a debt that
The Fool Melee Weapons
they need to pay or face the consequences. One-Handed Two-Handed
1d4 1d6
weighted jester’s juggling club,
ribbons, dagger staff
Light or Simple
Basic Attacks 1d6 1d8
shortsword, spear
Melee Attack
hand axe
Heavy or Martial
Target: One enemy
1d8 1d10
Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC longsword, greatsword,
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage big axe huge mallet
Miss: Level The Fool Ranged Weapons
Thrown Crossbow Bow
Ranged Attack Small
At-Will 1d4 1d4

Target: One enemy throwing hand
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC knife crossbow
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage Light or Simple
Miss: — 1d6 1d6 1d6
javelin, light crossbow shortbow
juggling club
Heavy or Martial
1d8 1d8

hvy crossbow longbow
The Fool Level Progression
The Fool Level-Up Damage Bonus
Total Feats Talents
Level Ability Bonuses from Ability Score
Level 1
1 adventurer 1 ability modifier
Level 1 1 adventurer 1 ability modifier
Level 2 2 adventurer 1 ability modifier
Level 3 3 adventurer 1 ability modifier
Level 4 4 adventurer 1 +1 to 3 abilities ability modifier
4 adventurer
Level 5 1 2 x ability modifier
1 champion
4 adventurer
Level 6 1 2 x ability modifier
2 champion
4 adventurer
Level 7 1 +1 to 3 abilities 2 x ability modifier
3 champion
4 adventurer
Level 8 3 champion 1 3 x ability modifier
1 epic
4 adventurer
Level 9 3 champion 1 3 x ability modifier
2 epic
4 adventurer
Level 10 3 champion 1 +1 to 3 abilities 3 x ability modifier
3 epic

The Fool Stats

+2 Strength or Constitution
Ability Bonus Recoveries 8
(different from racial bonus)
(1d4+1d6 x Level) + CON
Initiative DEX mod + Level Recovery Dice
Armor Class 14 + middle of 8 points, max 5 in any one
(light armor) CON/DEX/WIS + Level background
10 + middle of Icon
Physical Defense See class features
STR/CON/DEX + Level Relationships
10 + middle of INT/WIS/CHA
Mental Defense Talents See class features
+ Level
Hit Points See class features Feats 1 per Level
The Talentless Fool
Class Features The Fool has no talents. Instead you take one
The Fool has the following class features: talent from another class. The rub is that if
The Only One somebody from that class is in your party or
There are many fools, but only one The Fool in joins it, you lose the talent. Not to worry, you
any campaign. You are it. can immediately gain another talent from
another class, provided it isn’t a class that is in
No d20s! the party.
Instead of d20s you roll 2d10. Attack rolls? 2d10.
If you spend feats on the talent from another
Saves? 2d10. Skill checks? 2d10. If the rules ever
class and lose the talent, you get to respend
say you should roll a d20, you roll 2d10 instead.
them immediately.
Crits: A natural 20 (a 10+10) is a crit, and any
And by immediately, I mean you can do this
melee attack that rolls a double (1+1, 2+2, 3+3,
mid-battle if a new character joins the party.
etc.) is also a critical hit.
You can also change your talent for a new one
Natural 1s: As you can’t roll a 1 on 2d10, you
whenever you level up.
can never roll a natural 1 on for what other
classes would be a d20 roll—which means on Hit-Point Flux
skill checks you always have the option of The Fool starts each day with maximum hit-
failing forwards. points equal to the following chart:

Eclectic Mystic The Fool Level Total Hit-Points

As The Fool you are in touch with the flows of Level 1 Multiclass 5d12
the universe, have been kicked out of dozens of Level 1 5d12
cults and religions, and learn new magics easily.
Level 2 7d12
You can spend feats to learn at-will spells,
Level 3 9d12
utility spells, cantrips, etc. from other classes,
spells that you cast at your Level. You can also Level 4 11d12
spend feats on those spells. Level 5 14d12
You can’t learn recharge spells, cyclic spells, Level 6 17d12
per-battle spells, daily spells, etc. as you just Level 7 20d12
don’t have the patience for deep study. You also Level 8 27d12
can’t take more than one spell from any one
Level 9 34d12
class (champion: two spells per class; epic: three
Level 10 41d12
spells per class)—if you learn a wizard at-will
spell at 1st Level you have to wait until 5th Level You could choose to take the average of some
to learn another wizard at-will spell. or all of the dice, but where’s the fun in that?

Uncork the Folly! Fickle Fool

You have ten foolish spells known as follies. You At the start of each day you gain a new 4-point
start each day with access to no follies. Every positive icon relationship with an icon that you
time you roll a 2d10 note the results, as one or haven’t recently had a relationship with (you
two of the spells just became available to you (if pick who), and you lose all other icon
the 2d10s were the same result, you only uncork relationships. You quickly fall out of favor, but
the folly that relates to that number). make new friends easily.
Casting a folly usually expends it for the day, Heaven Protects Fools
they are daily spells. If you uncork that folly The Fool always automatically passes death
again, you can’t use it if it is expended. saves and last gasp saves. The Fool can still be
Every time you uncork a new spell it recorks killed outright through taking enough damage.
any spells you’ve previously uncorked.
Follies Coinwalking
To use a folly it must be uncorked. To have a Close-quarters spell
folly uncorked your last 2d10 skill roll, attack Daily
roll, save, etc., must have had a d10 that showed Target: You
the number of the folly, and you must not have Effect (good): Until the end of the battle you fly
already expended it’s daily use that day. by levitation. Stack coins under your mini, to
Uncorking represent how high you are levitating.
Number Special: The coins just represent how high you
1 Fool’s First Gambit are, they aren’t really part of the battlefield.
2 Coinwalking You can only fly as high as you (the player)
3 Three Fools Rush In have coins in your pocket, wallet, purse, etc.
and if the stack falls over The Fool also crashes
4 Use the Fours
out of the air and takes damage as determined
5 The Fifth Fool’s Quarrel
by the GM—so beware of stacking too high!
6 Wall of Six
7 Sevenfold Crown of Folly Three Fools Rush In
8 Eight Realignments Close-quarters spell
9 Nine Infectious Follies Daily
10 Tenfold Dodecahedron of Power Target: You
Effect (good): Until the end of the battle you
cannot be targeted by attacks while moving,
and have a +1 bonus to your defenses (AC, PD,
and MD) if you are engaged with the toughest
enemy that the party is facing (champion +2;
epic: +3).
Aftereffect: 1d3 times per battle when you
charge into engagement, up to two allies next

Fool’s First Gambit to you can move along with you as a free
Close-quarters spell
Daily Use the Fours
Target: The ally that is furthest away from you Close-quarters spell
Effect (good): The target doubles their next d20 Daily
roll, using the doubled roll as their natural d20 Effect: Drop four d4s anywhere over onto the
result. For example, if they roll a 5 it counts as a play area, from a height of four inches. Keep
natural 10, if they roll a 7 it counts as a natural 14, picking up any that didn’t roll a 4 and
and if they roll a 16 it counts as a natural 32! If the dropping them again. Leave the d4s that show
target normally crits on a 20, then for this roll 4 whenever they land, provided they didn’t
they crit on a ‘natural’ 20+. bounce out of the battlefield. Until the end of
Effect (bad, but not for you): Until the start of the battle you can teleport from next to one d4
their next turn the target has a penalty to all to another as a move action.
their defenses equal to the undoubled d20 roll. Special: These dice are physical things for you
Yep, this folly gives your allies a really good and others on the battlefield, appearing as
thing, and a sharp downside. Allies who don’t giant indestructible objects. Any miniatures or
want to be targeted with this spell should stick scenery accidentally moved by the falling d4s
close to you. are moved in the game too.
The Fifth Fool’s Quarrel Sevenfold Crown of
Close-quarters spell Folly
Close-quarters spell
Target: You
Effect (good): The Fool loudly argues that
Target: You
reality doesn’t work a certain way, and
Effect (good): The next time an ally makes an
provided your explanation has some twisted
attack, as a free action you can make the same
logic to it for a brief moment reality gets
attack—using whatever feats, talents, class
confused. For example, you could argue that if you
features, spells, magic item bonuses, etc. they
hum at the right pitch you should be able to vibrate
used, and using their attack roll and damage.
trough a solid door, or if you run fast enough you
The only difference is that the attack originates
should be able to run sideways on a wall, or that if
with you, and you get to pick the targets. If the
you beat silver coins together you get gold. If there
attack misses, the daily use of this folly isn’t
is doubt that what you are trying to trick
reality into accepting would work, roll a save
Effect (strange): You take on an aspect of the
(2d10, naturally), and on an 11+ it works.
ally you copy—maybe you gain their eye
Effect (weird): There are strange side effects if
color, or hair color, or your clothing shifts
the GM doubts what you are trying and asks
slightly to be like theirs. Its always minor stuff,
you to roll the save, and you roll less than 11.
and mostly temporary changes (unless you
You’ve confused reality, but not in a way that
decide otherwise).
benefits you. It might be bad or not, but it will
be bizarre. Eight Realignments
Wall of Six Close-quarters spell
Target: You
Effect: Roll six d6s, and keeping those numbers
face-up stack them in a straight or curved wall Effect (good): As a free action cast a daily spell
(either a wall of six dice, a wall two dice high and of your Level from another class.
three dice long, a wall two long and three high, or a Effect (might be good or bad): Normally this
column of six dice). When you or an ally are next game doesn’t use alignments, but this spell
to one of the d6s that doesn’t have a d6 under does. Roll a d8, and switch alignment until the
it, as a free action you can remove it and add end of the day or until an ally slaps you hard
the d6 result to a save or disengage check. enough that you are forced to spend a
Special: These dice are physical things for you recovery (1= Lawful Good, 2 = Neutral Good, 3=
and others on the battlefield, appearing as Chaotic Good, 4= Chaotic Neutral, 5= Chaotic Evil,
giant indestructible objects. You, your allies, 6= Neutral Evil, 7= Lawful Evil, 8= Lawful
and your enemies can climb on the d6s. Neutral).
Special: When you cast this spell place the d8
anywhere on the battlefield. This die is a
physical thing for you and others on the
battlefield, appearing as a giant indestructible
object. You, your allies, and your enemies can
climb on the d8.
Nine Infectious Follies
Close-quarters spell
Target: One nearby ally
Effect (good): Pick a daily spell from a class not
represented in the party, on their next turn the
ally can cast that spell as a free action.
Effect (bad): If the ally doesn’t cast the spell, or
is unable to (due to being unconscious,
hampered, etc.), the ally loses a recovery.

Tenfold Dodecahedron
of Power
Close-quarters spell
Effect: Place a d12 on the battlefield next to your
character. Any time a character next to the d12
moves or uses a move action (including trying
to climb on it), before they move you flick the
d12. Any enemies that the d12 comes to rest
next to take force damage equal to the d12
result (champion: 2x the result; epic: 3x the
result). If you flick the d12 off the battlefield it
vanishes. You can flick the dodecahedron of
power up to ten times during the battle, and
can choose not to flick it when a creature next
to it moves.
Special: This die is a physical thing for you and
others on the battlefield, appearing as a giant
glowing orb of destructive energy.
Name: One Unique Thing:
Level: Backgrounds
& icon
Strength Mod: Mod+lvl: relationships

Constitution Mod: Mod+lvl:

Dexterity Mod: Mod+lvl:

Intelligence Mod: Mod+lvl:

Wisdom Mod: Mod+lvl:

Charisma Mod: Mod+lvl:

Melee attack Ranged attack

Attack roll: Attack roll:
(Str+Lvl vs AC) (Dex+Lvl vs AC)
Hit damage: Hit damage:
Miss damage: Miss damage:
(Level) (—)
Weapon & Notes: Weapon & Notes:

Current Talent: Used

Uncorking Number Folly today?
1 Fool’s First Gambit

2 Coinwalking

3 Three Fools Rush In

4 Use the Fours

5 The Fifth Fool’s Quarrel

6 Wall of Six

7 Sevenfold Crown of Folly

8 Eight Realignments

9 Nine Infectious Follies

10 Tenfold Dodecahedron of Power
Extra human feat:




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