Nanoparticles in Drug Loading Encapsulation and Adsorption-2019-03-31-20-59 PDF

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Journal Title

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DOI: 10.1177/ToBeAssigned

Laura Valentina Buendía Quintero, María Paula García Forero, Sara Castro Olaya, Laura
Sofía Espinosa Moreno and Mariana Salgado Sánchez

The importance of nanotechnology has been developed by groups of investigation, chemists and scientific, who try to
break traditional methods barriers with the implementation of this new technologies. One of the most investigated field
is the use of nanoparticles in pharmaceutics, focusing efforts on the prevention and solution of terminal diseases. This
article explains the process of medicines fabrication until the internal biological process, the benefits and, complications
that need a further research. There was made a recompilation of academic publications and reviews, that have been
investigated through the last decades, in order to understand in depth how nanotechnology is evolving and will continue
improving in different fields. It is concluded that the last investigation have shown improvements in drugs delivery, lasting
longer periods of time with less frequent dosing (sustained release) and having greater precision and penetration in
difficult access tissues; all of these, being useful to create customizable and safer treatments options.

Nanoparticles, Nanosphere, Nanocapsules, Polymers, Drug loading, Drug encapsulation, Drug adsorption, Intercellular
delivery, Drug targeting, Nanotheragnostics

Introduction through the application of nanotechnology, more specifically

in pharmaceutics.
The nanotechnology studies extremely small things and is The manufacture of nanoparticles has help to the
useful in multiple fields of science like biology, physics, development and advancement in different fields of science.
chemistry, among others. Nanotechnology nowadays is Nanoparticles have been created to alter biological processes,
employed as a tool to improve and explore the medical through the application of nanotechnology in medicine. It
field, principally focused in drug delivery and gene delivery is important the usage of nanoparticles for the manufacture
systems, so as artificial implants. of drugs, since it is very difficult to produce optimally
It provides solutions to cross frontiers forced by traditional the medicines, for this reason it is necessary to improve
medicine, understanding how the human body works and its efficacy to avoid the unwanted degradation. Its use
the possibilities to improve treatments and methods. For also improves bioavailability and provides controlled drug
example, some of the most recent advances include, DNA release.
applications or nanotechnology as an alternative for cancer Pharmaceutical companies have used this technology to
therapy and prevention, all of these looking for the key to give life to those drugs that were considered non-tradable
improve patients’ outcomes. because of their low solubility, bioavailability and high
As it comes to science specifically, nanotechnology has toxicity.
become increasingly important in developments in health- Characteristics of nanoparticle drug formulations:
care, for example, drug delivery and tissue engineering; two Nanoparticles enter the human body, through direct
of the major types of studies currently used in healthcare. For injection, inhalation and oral ingestion. The sha and size
instance, are essential to drug inner delivery. Also, polymeric of the nanoparticles establishes their distribution, targeting
nanoparticles have won a great interest because of its use for capacity and toxicity. For incurable diseases nanoparticles
therapeutic recovery, as it protects and targets drugs or genes cross the BBB providing sustained delivery of drugs.
in specific places. Multiple techniques are being developed When particle size becomes smaller, its surface-to-volume
every day to generate nanoparticles, given that these particles ratio is greater. For the creation of an optimal system it
can be modified in size, structure and shape of drug loading, is necessary a good performance of the medicines where
encapsulation and adsorption. the characteristics of the surface and the size are important
Over time, different advances in the manufacture of
medicines have been made for those diseases that were
considered cureless. These investigations are carrying
Corresponding author:
benefits for human beings, as well as they are opening Laura Valentina Buendía Quintero, ; María Paula García Forero, ; Sara
the doors to new problematics, side effects or risks if they Castro Olaya, ; Mariana Salgado Sánchez,
are not previously studied. In this way, the manufacture of Email: [email protected], [email protected],
nanoparticles has facilitated the advancement of medicine, [email protected], [email protected]

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factors. The particle must be large so that no leakage occurs for therapeutic use in humans and is so useful because
in the blood capillaries, but not very large, as this would produces effective hydrolysis in human body, leading them
cause the particle to become susceptible to the clearance of to many investigations in search of better alternatives for
macrophages. When manipulating the surface, clearing and cancer prevention and cure. PLGA nanoparticles are mostly
extension of the aggregation can be controlled. prepared by methods that include the dissociation or blend
By controlling bioavailability, reducing clearance and of substances, such as emulsification-diffusion, emulsion-
increasing stability, the medicine can be obtained from evaporation, deposition and nanoprecipitation.
tissues in the body that were previously inaccessible, thanks The PLGA are divided in other subcategories according
to the size and surface properties of nanoparticles. The to the type of drug that is being encapsulated, including
release of drugs depends on the temperature, pH, solubility, anticancer, diabetes, psychotic, hormones and tetanus drugs.
the diffusion of medicines by means of the matrix of The first and most investigated are anticancer drugs; these
nanoparticles and the erosion of the matrix. loaded nanoparticles oversee the components, especially the
ones with instability and insolubility properties, in order
to have a better penetration, cellular internalization and
Drug Loading endosomal escape.
Loading is the process by which different drugs are charged The second one is diabetes, characterized by the
in the nanoparticle weight, being the first step in the drug maintenance of insulin levels for a long-term period and
delivery chain. Selecting the different loading methods improving the oral administration way with nanoparticles
depends on the drug loading factors, which are determined and additives that fit with medical specifications. The
by the specifications of medicine. These specified conditions third one is the encapsulation of tetanus, appropriate to
are important specially in processes with nanoparticles, prevent the bacteria penetration and create effectively the
because they allow a total control of conditions such immunoreactive antigen, in order to allow the body, react
as pressure or temperature if they are correctly chosen. against the bacteria by itself. There are many others
The advantage of the new nanotechnologies’ investigations nanoparticules such as, Polylactic acid (PLA), Poly-ε-
is then, leading to an increase in the efficiency of the caprolactone (PCL), Chitosan, Gelatin, and, some options
drug, bioavailability, tolerability, easier administration and that are nowadays unauthorized for human application, being
reaching the major capacity in the total weight, without this the case of the Poly-alkyl-cyano-acrylates (PAC).
inducing non wanted reactions.
One of the most important advances in nanoparticles for
drug loading are nanocapsules, spherical structures enclosed
by different polymer membranes. With nanocapsules, the Due to the great impact of nanotechnology in the
improvement in loading drugs is a huge advantage in health industry, additional progresses were made in the
medicine, having unique characteristics as the dissolution of development of the administration of targeted drugs because
different densities drugs and a wide number of nanomaterials the nanoparticles are responsible for breaking those agents
that increase the stability and allow the whole drug to reach who damaged the tissues, it can be active or passive
and act in the human body, not before. segmentation according to their concentration gradient. An
efficient system must be able to reach, recognize and deliver
its load to pathological tissues avoiding the damage caused
Encapsulation by the drug.
Polymeric nanoparticles have been synthesized using various Drug nanoparticles molecules can work as modifiers on
methods to encapsulate depending on the purpose of its the human body in order to achieve the best surface for
application and the type of drug. Nanoparticles have an the desired drug action. Some of these characteristics are
extensive use in nanoencapsulation as in many bioactive hard to find in conventional pharmaceutic methods, but
molecules and medicinal drugs that leads to the develop in with nanoparticles, adsorption has improved substantially.
nanomedicine. Improvements include, the increment of the retention time
Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles are essential in in the bloodstream and improving the bioavailability of each
the drug delivery system, given that such particles pro- kind of medicine doses. Hence, nanoparticles are helping
vide control and sustainability. Moreover, nanomedicines lots of people with terminal diseases to think about a
are not toxic and stable in the circulatory system. Most possible solution, each time with less side effects and more
of biodegradable nanomedicines encapsulation are repre- effectiveness.
sented in nanospheres or inside a nanocapsule with com-
ponents like nonchromogenic, nonimmunogenic, noninflam-
matory, which does not activate neutrophils, biodegradable,
avoid reticuloendothelial system and applicable to various Even though nanotechnology has been a key for scientific
molecules such as drugs, proteins, peptides, or nucleic acids. advances and development in the pharmacy industry, there
The classification of nanoparticles nanoencapsulation, is an urgent need for changes in this technology. For
varies according to their properties, which are the ones more efficient loading and controlled release of drugs,
in charge of giving more efficiency to the drug. The there must be an introduction of bio materials which
first and most used type is known with the abbreviation count with an effective delivery system. In addition, multi
PLGA, which means Poly-D, L -lactide-co-glycolide). It functional nanoparticles design is a challenge for the
is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) scientific community. For example, the combination of

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Buendía Quintero et al. 3

many drugs acting together on biological target (such as, 2: nanostructures for drug delivery. Tropical Journal of
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this could cause an enhanced therapeutic activity, more Kumari, A., Yadav, S. K., & Yadav, S. C. (2010).
than a simple addition of the pharmacological activity of Biodegradable polymeric nanoparticles based drug delivery
each compound. A drug in association with an agent in systems. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 75(1),
the same nanoparticles that comes with a personalized 1–18. DOI:
treatment for the patient depending on the diagnosis 001
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concepts for nanoparticles to deliver nucleic acids efficiently Past, present and future. [online] ScienceDirect. Available
into cells, as viral particles for gene delivery are still much at:
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Although has allowed us to get through many obstacles
in pharmacy, such as protecting drugs from degradation and Author Biographies
metabolization, the control of its release and its distribution
as well as the delivery into intracellular compounds. A Laura Valentina Buendía Quintero Estudiante Ingeniería química
lot of improvements remains before nanoparticles can
be considered as the standard drug given by medical María Paula García Forero Estudiante de Ingeniería química
institutions. However, it is believed in the scientific
community that the formulation of drugs as nanoparticles Sara Castro Olaya Estudiante de Ingeniería química
could be seen as a solution for the pharmaceutical industry’s
drug discovery researchers. Laura Sofía Espinosa Moreno Estudiante de Ingeniería química

Mariana Salgado Sánchez Estudiante de Ingeniería química

Nanotechnology has become present in all sciences, in
which chemists, physicists, biologists and pharmaceutical
scientists have been essential for the development of new
modes of treatment and diagnosis. It can be concluded that
as a result of the application of nanotechnology in drug
administration and medicine new paths have been created
and provided a customizable and safer treatment option.
Treatment of cancer and HIV/AIDS, noninvasive images and
nutraceutical delivery have progressed with the application
of nanotechnology. Ultimately, through the manipulation
of molecular size and surface properties, researchers have
shown that deliver drugs last longer periods of time with
less frequent dosing (sustained release) and with greater
precision and penetration in difficult to access tissues.

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