Weir Experiments.02
Weir Experiments.02
Weir Experiments.02
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Experiment # 2
Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Lab
Course Number: CEEN 3167-100
February 18, 2019
Background and Theory
Wires comprise of a partial barrier in a channel that causes the flowing fluid to accelerate over this
restriction with a free liquid surface. A relation occurs amongst the flow rate as well as the change
among the nappe and the crest. By using the Bernoulli’s equation towards a streamline after and
before a weir, to measure the flow this relation can be used in open channels. For the
incompressible, steady flow, and non-viscous fluid the Bernoulli’s equation uses the principles of
continuity as well as conversation of energy to solve for the flow rate Q. There are two assumptions
involves to using the Bernoulli’s equation. Firstly, the fluid stream-lines at the nappe are vertical
to a cross-sectional place and all are parallel to one another. Secondly, ahead of the weir the fluid
level is smooth as well as horizontal.
𝑉12 𝑃1 𝑉22 𝑃2
+ 𝑍1 + ≅ + 𝑍2 + (1)
2𝑔 𝛾 2𝑔 𝛾
By integrating the velocity over the opening are of the weir the discharge can be obtained for the
weirs. Furthermore, there are different types of the wires are used. In the current experiment the
rectangular, triangular (V), trapezoidal (Cippoletti), and linear weirs are used, the further details
are given below.
Rectangular Notch
The total discharge from the rectangular notch can be estimated by using the equation 3.
8 5
𝑄𝑇 𝑇𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 = 𝐶𝑑 (√2𝑔)(𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃) 𝐻 2 (4)
Linear Notch
The total discharge from the linear notch can be estimated by using the equation 6.
𝑄𝑇 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 𝐶𝑑 (2√2𝑔 ) 𝐻 (6)
Engineering Application
Wires are mostly used to prevent flooding, to either measure the flow rate or to control. Weirs are
of specific used in huge scale situations such as in canals, rivers, as well as in irrigation systems.
Furthermore, to estimate a hydroelectric project could be profitable and possible the flow data can
be used. Moreover, the v-type weirs are mostly used for a long-term dams monitoring, in tunnels
and dams for drainage systems, besides artesian and springs wells. In addition, the weirs can help
render rivers more navigable by boat [1, 2]. Moreover, rectangular weirs and triangular or v-notch
weirs are often used in water supply, wastewater and sewage systems.
Objective and Scope of investigation
For the open channel flow the discharge head characteristics investigation of a rectangular,
triangular (V), Trapezoidal (Cippoletti), and linear weirs was the objective of the present
experiment. Furthermore, the core objectives of the existing experiment are given below.
1. To estimate the water flow as well as the coefficient of discharge (Cd) in a rectangular,
triangular (V), Trapezoidal (Cippoletti), and linear weirs.
2. To determine the coefficient of discharge (Cd) from obtaining the slope of relationship among
the discharge of water for rectangular, triangular (V), Trapezoidal (Cippoletti), and linear weirs
corresponding to head H3/2, H5/2, H3/2, and H, respectively.
3. The estimation of discharge through using rectangular, triangular (V), Trapezoidal
(Cippoletti), and linear weirs are used in different number of ways.
4. The flow data man be also helpful to determine the hydroelectric project is a possible or not
and is this profitable or not.
5. The weirs have a lot of uses in the irrigation filed.
6. The weirs data are also most helpful for the ecosystem of a stream or river.
The Hydraulic bench P6100 with weirs apparatus is shown in figure 5. The current weirs
experiment was exactly performed as described in the manual. Everything was done according to
a lab manual, and further experimental procedure and cares during the experiment are given below.
1) Rectangular notch
2) V- notch
3) Trapezoidal notch
4) Linear notch
5) Hydraulic bench
6) Stopwatch
9) To avoid errors due to the presence of any significant amount of water, which may
rest on the horizontal step of the volumetric measuring Tank at high flow rates, ensure that the
starting point for volumetric measurements is above this “step,” (i.e., start
measurements at 15 liters or above.
10) When filling the weir channel to the weir crest level, ensure that overfilling does not take
place since this would cause a meniscus to form above the crest. This would lead to a
higher measured water level than the true datum.
11) The readings were taken five times for each weirs.
Rectangular Weir
Triangular Weir
Trapezoidal Weir
Discharge,Q (m3/s)
Linear Weir
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07
Head above the bttom of Weirs,H (m)
Figure 6: Graph of discharge (Q) m3/s, Vs Head above bottom of weir (H) m
Furthermore, the actual flow rate against 𝐻 𝑥 illustration is presented in the Figure 7. The value of
x is given in the below Table 1 corresponding to each weir.
The Figure 7 graphs shows that the discharge is increased with the power of x. The behavior of
the curves of the rectangular and trapezoidal notch were shows similar behavior, while the curve
of the triangular weir also has the same trend with different values. In addition, the figure 7 is
further used to estimate the coefficient of discharge (Cd), from the slope of the curves. The
maximum discharge 48 L/sec was achieved in case of triangular weir at the lowest head 5.05E-04
Discharge,Q (m3/s)
Rectangular Weir
Triangular Weir
Trapezoidal Weir -3.2
Linear Weir
Log Q
Log H
Figure 8: Graph of Log Q Against Log H
Through using the equations 1, 2, 3, and 4 for determination of coefficient of discharge (Cd) for
the rectangular notch, triangular-v notch, trapezoidal (Cippoletti) notch, and linear notch,
respectively which is presented in the table 2. These average obtained value of coefficient of
discharge (Cd) is 0.1344 for the rectangular notch, which is less because of high actual discharge,
similarly for the V-notch the Cd was estimated by 5.9408, which is also not expected because the
value of Cd is never greater than 1. Furthermore, for the trapezoidal notch, and linear notch the Cd
was estimated by 0.0585 and 0.0016, which is also not expected, because the value of Cd is so less
in these cases.
Table 2: Coefficient of discharge for each weir
Coefficient of Coefficient of Coefficient of
Coefficient of
Flow rate (Q) Discharge (Cd) Discharge (Cd) Discharge (Cd)
Discharge (Cd)
m3/sec Rectangular Triangular-V Trapezoidal
Linear notch
Notch Notch (Cippoletti) Notch
8.00E-04 0.1755 1.1209 0.1648 0.0014
6.67E-04 0.1750 3.5943 0.1727 0.0017
5.00E-04 0.1514 5.5337 0.1452 0.0017
3.33E-04 0.1108 10.1661 0.1095 0.0018
1.67E-04 0.0591 9.2889 0.0585 0.0014
Average value 0.1344 5.9408 0.0585 0.0016
The figure 9,10, and 11 are illustrations of the graphs discharge with 𝐻 3/2 , 𝐻 5/2 , 𝐻 3/2 for the
rectangular notch, triangular-v notch, trapezoidal (Cippoletti) notches, respectively. These graphs
slopes are used to estimate the coefficient of discharge (Cd) which are results given in the Table 3.
8.0E-04 y = 0.1021x - 0.0007
Discharge,Q (m3/s)
0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018
Head of the Weir,H^3/2 (m^3/2)
Discharge,Q (m3/s)
6.0E-04 y = 1.0094x + 0.0003
R² = 0.6696
0.00E+00 1.00E-04 2.00E-04 3.00E-04 4.00E-04 5.00E-04 6.00E-04
Head of the Weir,H^5/2 (m^5/2)
Chart Title
9.0E-04 y = 0.0907x - 0.0006
8.0E-04 R² = 0.8946
Discharge,Q (m3/s)
0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018
Head of the Weir,H^5/2 (m^3/2)
Trapezoidal (Cippoletti)
In this experiment the discharge and coefficient of discharge was measured through using the
rectangular notch, triangular-v notch, trapezoidal (Cippoletti) notch, and linear notches. The
coefficient of discharge (Cd) was estimated once from the ratio of actual discharge to theoretical
discharge. And then again estimated the coefficient of discharge by plotting the graphs between
discharge and head of 𝐻 3/2 , 𝐻 5/2 , 𝐻 3/2 for the rectangular notch, triangular-v notch, and
trapezoidal (Cippoletti) notches, respectively. The Cd was obtained by 0.34575, 0.71394, 0.30715
from the rectangular, triangular-v, and trapezoidal (Cippoletti) notches, respectively. Furthermore,
during the experiment the maximum and minimum discharge was estimated by 8.00E-04 m3/sec
and 1.67E-04 m3/sec, respectively.
Furthermore, from the discharge and head graphs for all weirs, it shows that the discharge is
increases with increasing the head. At the discharge of 1.67E-04 m3/sec the triangular weir and
linear weir have a head above the bottom of weir by 0.011 m and 0.013 m corresponding, with the
16.67% percentage difference. At the maximum Q 8.00E-04 m3/sec, the H of weir was found to
be for the linear, rectangular, triangular (V), and Trapezoidal by 0.065m, 0.062, 0.048m, 0.045m,
and respectively. Additionally, from the obtained results of figure 6 are accepted. The maximum
discharge obtained under the lowest H by 0.48m in the triangular weir, which is revealed that the
triangular weir is more effective than the other weirs for the purpose of discharge.
[1] Kundu, Pijush K.; Cohen, Ira M. (2008), Fluid Mechanics (4th revised ed.), Academic Press
[4]. Hamilton Smith, 1886, Hydraulics, the Flow of Water Through Orifices, Over Weirs, and
Through Open Conduits and Pipes.
Table 1: Flow rate and measured depth raw data
Trapezoidal (Cippoletti)
Rectangular Notch Triangular-V Notch Linear notch
Flow rate (Q) Depth Flow rate (Q) Depth Flow rate (Q) Depth Flow rate (Q) Depth
48 13.2 48 11.5 48 13.4 48 13.5
b (cm) 10
width of width (cm) 8
10 a (cm) 13
rectangle (cm) 2𝜃 (degree) 61.8
𝜃 (degree) 14