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Equality in The European Union

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DOI 10.14746/ssp.2015.3.

Uniwersytet Miko³aja Kopernika w Toruniu

Equality in the European Union

Abstract: Gender equality is a vital aspect of the European integration process. Al-
though specific legislation concerning gender issues was included in the establishing
Treaties, in the Charter of fundamental rights and in a dozen other directives, non-dis-
criminatory principle has also been strengthened by the jurisdiction of the Court of Jus-
tice of the European Union which formed a judgment in more than 200 cases.
Nowadays, the EU equality legislation has moved far beyond basic gender issues, and
this is also discussed in the article. It focuses not only on the fundamentals of EU legis-
lation concerning gender equality but also on the level of its implementation and its
most important limitations. Such considerations are broadened by a discussion on the EU
actions which may be also treated as the implementation of non-discriminatory legislation.

Keywords: gender, equality, the European Union, gender mainstreaming, women’s


I. Introduction

T he people of Europe, in creating an ever closer union, are resolved to
share a peaceful future based on common values.”1 It is not exception
that the first phrase of an important European act refers to “values” as a vi-
tal aspect of the integration process. It is justified to define those values as
a binder of all ideas that were created and implemented during a long-
-drawn-out integration period. Without common values, it would not be
possible to persuade politicians and societies that it is necessary to make
difficult decisions. Terms like freedom, solidarity, dignity and respect of
every single being, together with a will of undisturbed and stable growth
of the European nations were sufficient reasons to surmount difficulties
and settle a new era of the European dialogue.2

Charter of the fundamental rights of the European Union, Preamble, Official
Journal of the European Communities C 364/01, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/char-
The values mentioned were also guaranteed on a much wider scale by the Euro-
pean Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
106 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

Obviously we will not achieve democracy and lasting peace in the

world unless women have the same opportunities as men to influence de-
velopments at all levels of society (Amanpour, 2012, Foreword). There-
fore, for purposes of this essay, I have decided to reflect on equality, a value
which, at the beginning of the integration process in Europe, was not often
discussed. However, evolution of European reality has effected equality
issues which have slowly become an important part of the present Euro-
pean debate. Ensuring a full preservation of women rights, equality is
one of the priorities of the EU. Accurate legislation3 concerning gender
issues was included in establishing Treaties, in Charter of fundamental
rights and in dozen of directives. Additionally, non-discrimination prin-
ciple has also been applied by jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the
European Union which formed judgments in more than 200 cases. Now-
adays, the EU equality legislation has moved far beyond the basic gender

II. Feminism, gender and the EU

Notions like gender and feminism are an arena in which we face diffi-
cult practical issues about justice, identity and even survival. There is
a great deal of prejudice, myth and outright falsehood. Many people be-
lieve that woman and men are psychological opposites, that men are more
intelligent than women and are naturally violent, or that gender patterns
never change. Such beliefs are factually wrong. Many people think of
masculinity, femininity and gender relations only in terms of their own lo-
cal gender system. They miss the vast diversity of gender patterns across
cultures and down in history. The costs of privilege may be high. Even the
definitions of who is a man and who is a woman can be contested
(Connell, 2009, preface).
The process of making and implementing EU gender policies is fasci-
nating. In spite of feminist critiques of “European construction” which

However in times when permanent and intense changes in societies (together with sci-
entific and technological developments) are in progress, it has been decided to make
those rights more visible. This is why within the EU they are also guaranteed by the
Treaty, Directives and the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the EU.
SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 107

supports a neoliberal slim-down of the welfare state and reduces gender is-
sues to mere equality in the labour market, fifty years of EU gender poli-
cies have significantly influenced European reality. Over the years, EU
legislation and jurisprudence have spilled over beyond the realm of equal
rights to include issues such as parental leave, pregnancy, positive action
and sexual harassment (van der Vleuten, 2007, p. 1).
In this context, the relations of feminist political activity with national
and EU political institutions is critically important (Walby, 2004, p. 14).
What is more, the development of feminist practices in the EU needs to be
perceive within a wider context of international feminism from which the
EU draws and to which it contributes (see Ford, 2011, p. 19–28). In order
to understand feminist interventions, it is vital to distinguish policies
where the EU has legal and political supremacy, from those where it does
not. In the latter, the political dynamic continues to focus on national
states. But in the former sphere, on employment-related issues where the
EU has been legally superior since 1993,4 EU-wide feminism has devel-
oped most effectively. There are three kinds of political pressure for ad-
vancing women’s political interests: feminist movements in civil society,
elected female representatives in parliaments and the gender machinery
(women’s bodies) in government administrative bureaucracies (Walby,
2004, p. 15).

III. The EU legislation concerning gender equality

Although the issue of the status of women and men in the European
Community had appeared already in Roma Treaties in the late fifties, it
was not treated with appropriate attention until the 1970s. Regulations at
that time only concerned the sphere of employment and reflected the pre-
sumption that, with adequate legal protection, women can successfully
compete with men on equal terms. In the nineties, the EU began to treat
equality issues in a special way by implementing legislation protecting
pregnant women and by regulating parental leave. Nevertheless, the Euro-
pean Union required only minimal standards to be obeyed by the Member
States. This practice allowed states with lower standards to catch up lead-

It means that the EU has responsibility for the provision of regulation, according
to which Member States must carry out a coordinated policy.
108 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

ers, while, at the same time, minimal standards do not prevent those lead-
ers from implementing higher, more sophisticated ways of resolving
equality dilemmas.
Equality in the European Union refers to the principle underlying all
European constitutions “everyone is equal before the law.”5 Such rules are
non-discriminative statements which claim that “any discrimination based
on any ground such shall be prohibited.”6 Although protection against dis-
crimination based on sex was generally settled in the earlier article no. 21,
Charter of the fundamental rights of the European Union broadens it
again, and states that “equality between women and men must be ensured
in all areas, including employment, work and pay. The principle of equal-
ity shall not prevent the maintenance or adoption of measures providing
for specific advantages in favor of the under-represented sex.”7 The imple-
mentation of this principle means provision of the same access to voca-
tional training, promotion and equal and fair competition between sexes in
the same working conditions.
To strengthen statements included in The Charter of the Fundamental
Rights of the European Union, there are few points in the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union which are vital for implementation of
equality regime within the EU. It is said that “the EU shall support and
complement the activities of the Member States in the field of equality be-
tween men and women with regard to labour market opportunities and
treatment at work.”8 However, a more significant part of the Treaty is pre-
sented in article 19 indicating the exact regulation on equality issues. It de-
cides that “without prejudice to the other provisions of this Treaty, [...] the
EU institutions may take appropriate action to combat discrimination
based on sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or
sexual orientation.”9
However, equality between men and women has its significant mis-
conception especially with respect to the background of occupation.
Therefore, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union states

Charter of the fundamental rights of the European Union…, Art. 20.
Ibidem, Art. 21.
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Official Journal of the Euro-
pean Communities C 115/47, Art. 153, paragraph ‘i’, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/
Ibidem, Art. 19.
SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 109

firmly that “each Member State shall ensure that the principle of equal
pay10 for male and female workers for equal work or work of equal value is
applied.”11 This article also ensures that “full equality in practice between
men and women in working life, the principle of equal treatment shall not
prevent any Member State from maintaining or adopting measures provid-
ing for specific advantages in order to make it easier for women to pursue
a vocation or to prevent or compensate for disadvantages in professional
careers.”12 The Court of Justice of the European Union adjudged equal pay
for male and female workers for equal work as one of the European funda-
mental concerns (Brodecki, 2006, pp. 494–496), which means that article
157 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union has not just
a normative character but it is also a guideline for both national and Euro-
pean legislations.
It is also worth to noting that the Court of Justice of the European Un-
ion divides discrimination into two kinds: direct and intermediary. Direct
appears when a man and a woman employed on the same positions have
different salaries. Intermediary discrimination may apply to neutral legal
acts which, on first sight, do not discriminate people on the basis of sex
(See more: Maliszewska-Nienartowicz, 2012, p. 14–28). There are two
criteria of discovering intermediary discrimination. The collectivity crite-
rion reveals which group is particularly affected by this act. The second
criterion aims at the final result of such legal act, testing how it influences
the exact chosen group (Walby, 2004, p. 18).
Nowadays, employment and other key aspects of equality policy in the
EU law become a subject of the “Open Method of Coordination” (See
more: Troubek, 2005, p. 344–360). This approach replaces the “harder”
Directives with “softer” pressures on the member states to reform by set-
ting common objectives and then monitoring the progress of the member
states toward their realization by means of peer review (Lewis, 2006,
p. 422).

Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Art. 157.
For the purpose of this article, ‘pay’ means the ordinary basic or minimum wage
or salary and any other consideration, whether in cash or in kind, which the worker re-
ceives directly or indirectly from his/her employer in respect of his/her employment,
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Art. 157.
110 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

IV. The EU actions, programs and pacts as an implementation

of non-discrimination legislature

An example of action undertaken on the basis of article no. 19 was the

Council Decision of 27 November 2000, establishing the Community Ac-
tion Programme to combat discrimination.13 The aim of this programme
was to encourage specific measures to combat discrimination and to sup-
plement the (mainly legislative) activities of the European Union and the
Member States.14 However, legislative measures alone are not enough to
combat discrimination effectively. Experience shows that legislation must
be backed up by specific action. Therefore, following the European direc-
tives on racial equality and equal treatment in employment, the EU Council
launched an action programme to make the European anti-discrimination
policy a reality.
By implementing this programme, the EU wanted to achieve specific
aims. Firstly, it was important to improve the understanding of all issues
related to discrimination and to increase general awareness. Secondly, it
was crucial to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of previous practices.
Finally, for making efforts for combating discrimination more effective, it
was necessary to create European networks to exchange information
among local authorities, NGOs and social partners.15
In previous years, activities promoting equality has been defined as
a gender mainstreaming, which means including a gender cultural dimen-
sion into every sphere of social and economic activity (Maliszewska-Nie-
nartowicz, 2012, p. 49–50). Mainstreaming is a commitment which
guarantees that every part of an organisation assumes responsibility to
ensure that policies impact woman and man equally. The move to
mainstreaming has been driven, at least in part, by frustration with the fact
that efforts on behalf of women have tended to be located in separate insti-

Community Action Programme to Combat Discrimination (2001 to 2006), Offi-
cial Journal of the European Communities L, 2000/750/EC; http://eur-lex.europa.eu/
Community Action Programme to combat discrimination lasted six years (from
December 2000 to December 2006) with total budget of EUR 98.4 million. For more
visit: http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/employment_and_social_policy/anti-
SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 111

tutional units, away from seats of power. Hence, the directives of those
units, it is argued, could easily be ignored (Bacchi, 2010, p. 20–21).
It is important that the European Union successfully realizes this idea
which seems to be a globally established strategy (See more: True, 2010,
p. 194–195). However, it is important to notice that mainstreaming is not
an aim in itself but a means of achieving gender equality. It involves ensur-
ing that gender perspective is central to all activities.16 In practice, it deter-
mines that the Member States should analyze how their decisions result in
meeting the commitments referring to men and women equality.17 How-
ever, evaluations of gender mainstreaming reveal that there has been lim-
ited change to gender equality and it has been very fragmented across EU
countries (Bendl, Schmidt, 2013, p. 364–381).
What is important, as a part of the political process, mainstreaming
might be in danger; of not being “considered” and of being used instru-
mentally to serve the dominant policy frame thus losing purchase on spe-
cific gender equality issues relating to the evaluation of difference and
redistribution of goods, privileges and powers and of losing a possibility
of becoming a policy priority, because it treats gender equality as a “hori-
zontal principle” (Lewis, 2006, p. 433).
The EU structures which fluently implement gender mainstreaming
ideas into practice are Women’s Right and Gender Equality Commission
(FEMM)18 in the European Parliament and Employment, Social Affairs
& Inclusion (EMPL) Directorate-General of The European Commission.19
FEMM was created in the European Parliament back in 1984 and;
since then, it is seen as a parliamentary engine in defining, promoting and
securing gender equality within the EU. What is more, FEMM verifies
whether the law stated by the European Union institutions respects the
principle of equal opportunities. FEMM’s opinions are presented during
the preparation of directives referring to the internal market, public health

http://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/gendermainstreaming.htm, 22.05.2013.
For more: Manual for gender mainstreaming, Directorate-General for Employ-
ment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Brussels 2008, p. 10.
For more: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/femm/home.html.
It ensures the effective transposition and implementation of Community legisla-
tion and initiates new legislative proposals if necessary. Awareness raising is an
important aspect of the effective implementation of gender equality legislation. Legis-
lation currently covers 13 Directives in the area of employment, social security and
goods and services.
112 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

and the economy. FEMM gathers to prepare reports which are the basis for
European Parliament resolutions.20
While considering enactment of gender policies on the Commission’s
level, it is interesting to notice Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion Di-
rectorate-General of the European Commission groups’ experts, who
monitor the development of legislation, analyze obstacles, problems and
challenges which women have to face in the open market. In support of the
EU family policy, they also search for different family structures, gather
and process data on demographic changes, and prepare conclusions to in-
fluence various political programmes.21 What is more, the European Com-
mission in every sphere of its concerns, stimulates debate and activity of
partners, creating a multiplicity of committees (thus realizing the idea of
comitology). Those committees are consultative and advisory bodies also
in relation to gender issues. As an example, the Advisory Committee on
Equal Opportunities for Women and Men22 ensures a flow of information
on actions which were already undertake concerning the idea of equality.
It consists of representatives of various institutions established by every
Member State to verify the adoption of anti-discriminatory law.23
Nevertheless, overall coordination of gender mainstreaming and spe-
cific action measures is necessary to promote the objective of gender
equality (see: Joannine, 2012, p. 163–170). This is why a Roadmap for
equality between women and men for 2006–2010 was adopted by the
Commission on 1 March 2006.24 The Roadmap examines the Commis-
sion’s commitment to driving the gender equality agenda forward. The ac-
tivities projected in the Roadmap constitute the driving force in achieving
gender equality.25 Hence, the map referred to all aspects of European gen-
der policy. It is fair to claim, that the map was an important part of gender
policy because it supported full implementation of already standing law

For more: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/comparl/femm/opinions/default_en.htm.
For more: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=1.
For more: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/other-institutions/advi-
As a support there are also active European Women’s Lobby and European Net-
work of Women whose aim is to influence the EU institutions and deciding bodies for
awareness of preservation of woman rights.
A Roadmap for equality between women and men 2006–2010, COM/2006/0092 fi-
nal, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:52006DC0092:
For more: http://www.ludenet.org/membersservices/Library/equality_en.htm.
SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 113

concerning non-discrimination issues and was also focused on monitoring

all actions planned by the map itself. Roadmap for Equality between
Women and Men defined six priority fields for European gender equality
actions for upcoming years:
– Equal economic independence for women and men;
– Balance of work, private and family life;
– Equal participation of women and men in decision-making;
– Elimination of gender stereotypes;
– Eradication of gender-based violence and trafficking;
– Promotion of gender equality outside the EU.26
As a result of the Roadmap, the European Pact for Gender Equality
was approved by the Member States at the European Council on 23 and
24 March 2006, and it reflected the Member States’ determination to im-
plement policies aimed at promoting equality. What was original in com-
parison to previous arrangements in gender sphere, was the fact that the
Pact attempted to make full use of the productive potential of the European
labour force. To reduce gender gaps in employment, it aimed at creating
higher standards for social protection by facing demographic challenges
and promoting a better work-life balance for women and men. Another
important aspect of the Pact for Gender Equality was its commitment to
eradicate gender stereotypes in the labour market.27
In the programming period of 2007–2013, the Commission decided to
continue its efforts and proposed the establishment of a new integrated
programme known as Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity
(PROGRESS).28 Its section IV, entitled Anti-discrimination and diversity,
aims at supporting effective implementation of non-discrimination and
promotion of its mainstreaming in all EU policies by improving under-
standing in discrimination issues, mostly through studies and technical
analyses, supporting implementation of EU anti-discriminatory legisla-
tion, and monitoring and organizing seminars.29 Non-discrimination is

A Roadmap for equality between women and men 2006–2010…
With a budget of EUR 743.2 million, PROGRESS is open to all EU Member
States, EU candidates and EFTA/EEA countries. It targets national governments, local
and regional authorities, public employment services and national statistics offices.
However, specialized bodies, universities and research institutes, as well as the social
partners and NGOs can also participate.
For more: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?langId=en&catId=987.
114 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

only one strand of the programme which supports the work of national gov-
ernments in promoting more and better jobs and equal opportunities for all
in the EU. PROGRESS also funds activities connected with employment,
social inclusion and protection, working conditions and gender equality.
It is worth mentioning that in 2006, the European Union settled and fi-
nanced the European Institute for Gender Equality30. It acts as a center of
excellence and it is focused mostly on raising awareness of EU gender pol-
icy as well as gathering, analyzing data and developing new methodologi-
cal tools for resolving these dilemmas.31
Even though EU special actions have lasted for three decades, the ef-
fectiveness in implementing equality policy still needs the support of spe-
cial funds and programmes. So, on 20 June 2007, the European Parliament
and the Council adopted Decision no. 779/2007/EC establishing for the
period 2007–2013 a special programme aimed at preventing and combat-
ing violence against children, young people and women and protecting
victims and groups at risk.32 Daphne III programme33 is a part of the Gen-
eral Programme Fundamental Rights and Justice.34 The general objective
of the Daphne III is to contribute to the protection of children, young peo-
ple and women against all forms of violence and to attain a high level of
health protection, wellbeing and social cohesion. The programme shall
contribute to the development of the EU policies, particularly those re-
lated to public health, human rights and gender equality as well as actions
aimed at protecting children’s rights, countering human trafficking and
sexual exploitation.35 Daphne aimed at all non-governmental organizations
and private and public institutions who were keen to lead projects fitting

For more: http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/employment_and_so-
Decision 779/2007, Official Journal of the European Communities L 173/19, p. 1,
The DAPHNE III PROGRAMME is the follow-up of the Daphne II Programme
(2004–2008), the Daphne Programme (2000–2003) and the Daphne Initiative
(1997–1999). These community actions and programmes funded 460 projects in all ar-
eas of violence for a total amount of EUR 56.7 million; http://ec.europa.eu/jus-
http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/index_en.htm; http://ec.europa.eu/
For more: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/grants/programmes/daphne/.
SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 115

into general framework. After fulfilling all necessary legal requirements

they can be granted.
The fund which also significantly contributes to the realization of the Eu-
ropean Union gender strategy is EQUAL.36 It is based on European Employ-
ment Strategy37 and refers to the social inclusion process. It aims at promoting
a better model of working life by countering discrimination and exclusion.
In the UE institutional sphere, the Commission seems to be the main
institution standing for equality and launching new priorities. This ap-
proach will contribute to improving the place of women in the labour
market, in society and in decision-making in the European Union and else-
where. This is the main reason for recognizing the importance of the Strat-
egy for equality between women and men 2010–2015.38
This strategy is a follow-up to the roadmap 2006–2010 for gender
equality. It adopts the priorities defined by the women’s charter and it
forms the Commission’s work programme. It also outlines the crucial ac-
tion-plan for the period 2010–2015 and serves as a basis for cooperation
between the Commission and other European institutions, Member States
and stakeholders, as a part of the European Pact for gender equality be-
tween women and men.
Main fields of interest of the Strategy are:
– Economic independence of women;
– Equal pay;
– Equality in decision-making;
– Dignity, integrity and an end to gender-based violence;
– Gender equality in external actions.39
As to the economic aspect of women independence, the increase in the
female employment rate over the past decade may be hailed a success.
However it has to be continued if the objective of 75% employment rate,
as set by the Europe 2020 strategy40, is to be met. It also needs to be ex-

COM (2010) 491 final, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?
uri= CELEX:52010DC0491:EN:NOT.
Strategy for equality between women and men, p. 7, http://ec.europa.eu/so-
COM (2010) 2020 final, Europe 2020 – A strategy for smart, sustainable and in-
clusive growth, p. 19, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:
116 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

tended to groups of women with the lowest employment rates. Progress is

needed in order to improve the quality of jobs and work/life reconciliation
To fulfill this expectation, the Commission is going to undertake initia-
tives aimed at promoting equality as a part of the Europe 2020 strategy and
through EU funding, as well as promoting female entrepreneurship and
self-employment. It also involves the assessment of workers’ rights with
regard to leave for family reasons and assessing Member States’ perfor-
mance with regard to childcare facilities and the important aspect of sup-
porting gender equality in matters of immigration and the integration of
While referring to equal pay as the second objective of this Strategy,
the Commission highlights that the gender pay gap still exists,42 both for
equal work and work of equal value. There are many reasons for this pay
gap, in particular, disparity in education and in the labour market. To help
eliminate unequal pay, the Commission together with social partners will
explore possible ways to improve the transparency of pay and support
equal pay initiatives in the workplace such as equality labels, ‘charters’
and awards. To draw attention to this, the Commission established the Eu-
ropean Equal Pay Day.43 It is worth to mentioning that it is important to
make efforts to encourage women to enter non-traditional professions, for
example in the ‘green’ and innovative sectors.44
The third objective of this Strategy is equality in decision-making.
Women are still under-represented in the decision-making processes, in
parliaments and national governments and on the management boards of
large companies, despite making up half of the workforce and more than
half of new university graduates in the EU. This problem has its back-
ground deep in European societies, being rooted in the process of social-
ization. Standing forward to progressive expectation, the Commission is
going to propose targeted initiatives to improve the situation and it will
monitor progress made towards achieving the 25% top-level decision-mak-
ing positions in research for women. It is also important to increase the
number of women in the committees and expert groups established by the

Strategy for equality…
Woman in economic decision-making in the EU: Progress report – A Europe 2020
initiative, http://ec.europa.eu/justice/gender-equality/files/women-on-boards_en.pdf.
Strategy for equality…
SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 117

Commission, to at least 40%. Since the European Parliament is one of the

EU core institutions, it is vital to promote greater participation of women
in the EP elections.45
Other objectives concern issues of dignity, integrity and violence. Ac-
cording to estimates, 20% to 25% women living in the EU have suffered
physical violence at least once in their lifetime and up to half a million
have been subjected to genital mutilation. Such statistics are a threat to
a stable, positive evolution of European society. To deal with such prob-
lems, the Commission is going to propose an EU-wide strategy on com-
bating violence, ensuring that EU asylum legislation takes account of
gender equality considerations and also monitor gender issues in the field
of health.46
Since the EU acts as a unit in many international trade and political
agreements, it has been decided that the EU’s external policy will in-
clude gender equality and women’s empowerment in external actions.
To fulfill this, the Commission is going to intensify its actions aimed at
equal gender treatment in candidate and potential candidate countries
and is going to implement the EU Plan of Action on Gender Equality and
Women’s Empowerment in Development (2010–2015). To promote gen-
der equality, the EU will also conduct regular dialogues and exchanges
of experience with neighboring European countries and integrate equal
treatment considerations into humanitarian aid operations.47 Such an ap-
proach might result in acceleration of the process of implementing Euro-
pean standards of equality in countries which cooperate with the EU and
don’t have themselves sophisticated solutions dealing with equality di-
And finally, according to horizontal issues, the Commission is com-
mitted to progressing equal treatment between women and men, paying
particular attention to the role of men in introducing gender equality by
disseminating good practices on redefining gender roles in youth, education,
culture and sport. In this aspect, it is important to monitor the proper im-
plementation of European legislation, particularly Directive 2004/113/EC48
on equal treatment in the access to and supply of goods and services and

Ibidem, p. 20.
Ibidem, p. 24.
Ibidem, p. 30.
Directive 2004/113/EC, Official Journal L 373/37, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/
118 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

Directive 2006/54/EC49 on equal opportunities. The Commission is also

committed to progressing the governance and tools of gender equality,
particularly through the drafting of an annual report on gender equality50
in order to contribute to a yearly top-level Gender Equality Dialogue in-
volving the European Parliament, the Commission, Member States and
key stakeholders.51
The Strategy for equality between women and men 2010–2015, which
is described above, should be considered together with a new European
Pact for gender equality for the period 2011–2020 which was adopted in
March 2011 by the Council. The new Pact, annexed to Council conclu-
sions (7166/11), reaffirms the EU’s commitments to closing gender gaps in
employment, education and social protection, promoting better work-life
balance for women and men, and combatting all forms of violence against
women. It urges action by the Member States and the Union, to take mea-
sures to eliminate gender stereotypes, ensure equal pay for equal work and
promote equal participation of women in decision-making. It is also fo-
cused on improving the supply of affordable and high-quality childcare
services and promoting flexible working arrangements. It also aims to pre-
vent violence against women and the protection of victims, and focuses on
the role of men and boys in order to eradicate violence.52 This approach
also reaffirms the importance of integrating the gender perspective into all
policies including external actions of the EU.

V. Threats to the EU gender acts and programs

The precise nature of links in the policymaking processes is the exten-

sive discussion as to whether the same tools can be used to address much
different types of inequality. A broad definition of equality has been im-
plied in Treaty objectives. However, a right-based anti-discriminatory ap-
proach necessarily involves an individualist approach in the EU context,
which raises the question as to how far civil rights are linked to social

Directive 2006/54/EC, Official Journal L 204/23, http://eur-lex.europa.eu/
Progress on equality between women and men in 2012, http://ec.europa.eu/jus-
For more: http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/employment_and_social_pol-
Strategy for equality…
SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 119

rights and social citizenship entitlements, and how far they may be con-
vergent. There is also the issue of how far these anti-discriminatory rights
are seen as means of promoting diverse equalities in all spheres of life, and
how far they are intended primarily to serve the dominant policy frame of
access to the market and employability (Lewis, 2006, p. 434).
There are many opinions about the extent to which social and political
development in the EU is associated with the reduction of gender inequal-
ity, varying from very considerable to very limited (for more: Pascall,
2012, p. 6–7). Typically, scholars recognize that the EU influenced gender
equality mostly because of its binding legal directives on equal treatment
in employment (see: Maliszewska-Nienartowicz, 2013, p. 10–40). Even
so, they see significant limitations on EU potential for further reductions
of gender inequality. There are a few identified major limitations.
First of all, EU actions are limited by its primary concern with standard
employment. Women are more employed in part-time and temporary em-
ployment, and so do not benefit from its regulations. Moreover, imple-
mentation of the EU equality directives and other policies is uneven as
a result of national differences in a variety of institutions, including legal
machinery, political will and differences in the transposition of EU law. This
is important, because the present EU strategy for taking forward gender
equality project, gender mainstreaming, is supported by “soft” law interven-
tions, that is they are advisory rather than judicially enforceable, such as the
new open method of policy coordination (Walby, 2004, p. 6–7).

VI. Summary

In the last 20 years gender equality has become more firmly embedded
in the EU. However, the wider policy context also signals a more instrumen-
tal approach to it. In addition, when changes in equality policies, work/fam-
ily reconciliation and social policies are taken together, it seems that the
commitment to equality as same treatment according to the male main-
stream model remains predominant. At the same time, work/family recon-
ciliation policies have moved away from their clear association with equal
opportunity policies in the early and mid-1990s, to a much more unequivo-
cal instrumental link to employment policies. So we have evidence of gen-
der equality defined primarily in terms of the labour market, with less
attention to promoting the equal sharing of unpaid care work between men
and women and in changing the behavior of men (Lewis, 2006, p. 436).
120 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

Equality is one of the core values of the European Union. Through the
combined efforts of the European Union and its Member States, the situa-
tion of men and women in Europe has been genuinely transformed in
many areas. For example, female participation in employment has steadily
increased and women today have a higher level of education than men.53
Nevertheless, stereotypes in the economic sphere are still not as pleasant
for woman as they should be. So the preservation of women rights increases
and it is supported by various programmes, pacts, funds and actions.
However, a lot still needs to be done. Reports shows that even if the Eu-
ropean Union’s efforts to increase women’s participation in decision-mak-
ing processes have been consistent and certain progress has been achieved,
women are still under-represented in most spheres of power in most Mem-
ber States and in the EU Institutions.54 Generally, this conclusion can be
adopted to every sphere of life in European reality. But it needs to be un-
derlined that European Union gender policy is just a starting-point and not
a final solution of the problem of gender inequality. Therefore, all Member
States have an important role and should make unavoidable and coordi-
nated decisions in the name of equality.


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122 Micha³ Piechowicz SP 3 ’15

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SP 3 ’15 Equality in the European Union 123

Internet resources:


Równoœæ w Unii Europejskiej


Równoœæ p³ci stanowi kluczowy aspekt procesu integracji europejskiej. Szcz-

egó³owe przepisy reguluj¹ce kwestie p³ci zawarto w traktatach za³o¿ycielskich, Karcie
praw podstawowych i kilkunastu innych dyrektywach, ale zasada niedyskryminacji
zosta³a dodatkowo wzmocniona decyzjami Trybuna³u Sprawiedliwoœci Unii Europej-
skiej, który wyda³ decyzje w ponad dwustu sprawach. Obecnie przepisy unijne do-
tycz¹ce równoœci wychodz¹ daleko poza podstawowe kwestie p³ci, o czym mowa jest
w niniejszym artykule. Koncentruje siê on nie tylko na podstawowych przepisach UE
dotycz¹cych równoœci p³ci, ale tak¿e na kwestiach dotycz¹cych poziomu ich realizacji
i najwa¿niejszych jej ograniczeniach. Rozwa¿ania te poszerzono o dyskusjê na temat
tych dzia³añ UE, które mo¿na równie¿ traktowaæ jako element wdra¿ania prawodaw-
stwa niedyskryminacyjnego.

S³owa kluczowe: p³eæ, równoœæ, Unia Europejska, polityka równoœci p³ci (gender ma-
instreaming), prawa kobiet

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