Updated in January 2017
Curriculum Re-structuring
BS Textile Sciences program
Textile Engineering Department
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Aromatic carbocycles:
Concept of a dye and a pigment, parts of a dye molecule. Organic and inorganic raw materials
for the manufacturing of dyes intermediates, Synthesis of dyestuff intermediates through
chemical conversion reactions. Resonance and orbital theory of color
Mono, di & polysaccharides, sources and structure of Starch & cellulose, properties and uses of
starch & cellulose. chemistry of cellulose and its degradation products. Physical properties of
cellulosic materials
Kinematics of Particles:
Rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles; Components of velocity and acceleration; Motion
relative to a frame in translation
Kinetics of Particles:
Newton’s Second Law; Dynamic equilibrium; Rectilinear and curvilinear motion; Work and
energy; Kinetic energy of particle; Principle of Work and Energy; Conservation of energy;
Impulse and omentum; Impulsive forces and conservation of momentum; Impact, direct and
oblique; Conservation of angular momentum
Rigid Bodies:
Equivalent systems of forces; Principle of transmissibility; Moment of a force; Couple;
Varignons Theorem. Centre of gravity of a three-dimensional body and centroid of a volume.
Moments of inertia, radius of gyration, parallel axis theorem
Laws of dry friction; Angles of friction; Wedges; Square-threaded screws; Journal and thrust
bearings; Belt friction
Analysis of Structures:
Internal forces and Newton’s Third Law; Simple and space trusses; Joints and sections; Frames
and machines. Forces in cables
Types of Listening
Problems in listening and coping strategies
Listening skills, Sub skills
Practice in Listening
Note taking
Vocabulary development
Enhancing current vocabulary to reflect a better usage of words in spoken and written
Tips / strategies in vocabulary enhancement
Practice in vocabulary development
Process of Writing
Informal Writing strategies
Writing Correctly
a. Structure
b. Types
c. Topic and the topic sentence
d. Unity
e. Adequate development and coherence in paragraphs
a. Types
b. Five paragraphs, long essays
c. Structure (thesis statement and the paragraphs)
Short Reports
a. Structure
b. Format and types (informational and analytical)
a. Elements, Styles
b. Formatting (digital letter writing)
c. Organization and structure of the letter
d. Types (Routine requests and intimation, invitation, thank you and condolence letters etc.)
Fibers: Types, properties and uses of Natural, Regenerated and synthetic fibers.
Ginning: Objectives and processes.
Textile Yarn Manufacturing Processes:
Yarn preparatory processes, carding, drawing, combing and spinning.
Winding: Study of different yarn packages, winding processes and machines.
Fabric forming processes:
Weaving; difference between weaving and knitting; warping, sizing, primary, secondary and
auxiliary motions of loom, different weft insertion mechanisms, Knitting, Types of Knitting and
basic Knitted Structures.
Wet processing: scouring, bleaching, Mercerization, Dying, Printing and Finishing.
Introduction to programming concepts & languages, Compilation & Interpretation, Overview of
modular programming, ASCII character set.
Building Blocks:
Identifiers and keywords, Data-types, Variables and Constants, Statements and Operators, Input
and Output Functions.
Branching Statements:
Conditional branching and Looping (Counter and condition controlled loops).
A brief overview, Defining a subroutine, Accessing a subroutine, Passing arguments, Returning
values and Recursion.
Set and Functions
Define rational, irrational and real numbers; rounding off a numerical value to specified value to
specified number of decimal places or significant figures; solving quadratic, and rational
inequalities in involving modulus with graphical representation; Definition of set, set operations,
Venn diagrams, DeMorgan’s laws, Cartesian product, Relation, Function and their types
(Absolute value, greatest integer and combining functions). Graph of some well-known
functions. Limit of functions and continuous and discontinuous functions with graphical
Differential Calculus
Differentiation and Successive differentiation and its application: Leibnitz theorem. Taylor and
Maclaurin theorems with remainders in Cauchy and Lagrange form, power series. Taylor and
Maclaurin series, L Hopitals rule, extreme values of a function of one variable using first and
second derivative test, asymptotes of a function, curvature and radius of curvature of a curve,
partial differentiation, exact differential and its application in computing errors, extreme values
of a function of two variables with and without constraints. Solution of non-linear equation,
using Newton Raphson method.
Integral Calculus
Indefinite integrals and their computational techniques, reduction formulae, definite integrals and
their convergence. Beta and Gamma functions and their identities, applications of integration.
Centre of pressure and depth of centre of pressure.
Land of Pakistan:
Geophysical conditions, Territorial situation and its importance, Natural Resources - MineralS
and Water
Constitutional Process:
Early effects to make constitution - Problems and issues. Constitution of 1956 and its abrogation.
The constitution of 1962 and its annulment. Constitutional and Political Crisis of 1971; The
constitution of 1973. Recent constitutional developments
Foreign Policy:
Relations with neighbors, Super powers and the Muslim World
o Constitutional provisions
o Comparative analysis of Western and Islamic perspective of Human Rights
o Pakistan’s Stand on national and international level
Review of vectors, vector derivatives. Line and surface Integrals. Gradient of a scalar
The limits of Mechanics. Coordinate systems. Motion under constant acceleration, Newton Laws
and their applications. Galilean invariance. Uniform circular motion. Frictional forces. Work and
energy. Potential energy. Energy conservation. Energy and our environment. Angular
Semiconductor Physics:
Energy levels in a semiconductor. Hole concept. Intrinsic and Extrinsic regions. Law of Mass
Action. P-N junction.Transistor. Simple circuits
Modern Physics:
Inadequacy of classical physics, Planck’s explanations of black body radiation Photoelectric
effect, Compton effect. Bohr theory of Hydrogen atom, Atomic spectra, Reduce mass, De-
Broglie hypothesis Braggs Law, Electron microscope, Uncertainty relations Modern atomic
model, Zeeman effect, Atomic nucleus, Mass-energy relation, Binding energy, Nuclear forces
and fundamental forces, Exponential decay and half-life. Radioactive equilibrium in a chain,
Secular equilibrium, Nuclear stability, Radiation detection instruments, Alpha decay, Beta decay,
Gamma decay attenuation Neclear radiation hazards and safety, Medical uses of Nuclear
Radiation. Fission, Energy release. Nuclear Reactors. Breeder Reactor, Nuclear Fusion
Regenerated Fibers:
Manufacturing methods of viscose, acetate, tencel and lyocell fibers. Their properties and uses in
textile industry.
Synthetic Fibers:
Manufacturing methods of polyester, polyamide and acrylic fibers. Their properties and uses in
textile industry. Manufacturing methods of various elastane fibers. Their properties and uses in
textile industry
Concept of Ibadat, Major Ibadat-Salat, Saom, Zakat, Hajj and Jehad
Sources of Knowledge:
Islamic approach to intuition, Reason and experience. Revelation Wahi as a source of knowledge
Machine Dynamics
Kinematics of Motion; kinetics of Motion; Simple Crank and Cam Mechanisms; Linkages;
Types of Links; Structure; Kinematic Pair; Mechanism; Cams
Principle of Design
Mechanical properties of Materials; Elasticity; Plasticity; Modulus of Resilience; Modulus of
Toughness; Ductility, Brittleness; Endurance limits Hardness; Creep; Stress concentration; Notch
Sensitivity; Wear, Theories of Failures including Fatigue failure; Soderberg and Goodman
Diagrams; Design Parameters and Operating Conditions; Safety and Reliability in Design
Couplings: Flanged and Muff Coupling, Flexible Coupling, Universal Coupling, Oldham
Coupling, Chain Coupling, Gear Coupling, Design of Key and Pins; Fluid Couplings.
Clutches: Friction Clutches; Types of Friction Clutches; Design of Single Disc or Plate Clutch,
Multiple Disc Clutch, Cone Clutch, Centrifugal Clutch.
Springs: Types of Springs, Helical Spring, Terms used in Helical Spring, Stresses in Helical
Spring of Circular wire, The Curvature Effect; Deflection in Helical Spring of Circular wore
Eccentric loading; Buckling of compression Springs, Energy stored in springs, Springs in Series
and Parallel, Concentric spring, Leaf Springs,
Flexible Mechanical Elements: Belts, Flat and Round Belt drives, V Belts, Timing Belts, Design
of a Belt Conveyor; Chain Drives, Roller Chains; Design of Chains including Drag Chain
Conveyor; Apron Feeder,
Brakes and Dynamometers: Types of Brakes; Materials of brake lining; Block or Shoe Brake;
Simple Band Brake; Differential Band Brake; Band and Block Brake; Internal Expanding Brake;
Dynamometer; Type of Dynamometer; Prony Brake Dynamometer
Measurement of Colour:
Spectrophotometer: components and effect of viewing geometry, sample size, specular
component and different illuminants on colour evaluation, types of spectrophotometers
Colorimeter, difference between colorimeter and spectrophotometer
Colour matching:
Recipe prediction for matching a shade Theory of Computer Colour Matching, Accuracy of
Match Prediction, Preparation of Database , Data Verification and Rectification . Measurement
of Reflectance, Compatibility of Dyes , Batch Correction
Strength Analysis of Dyes from Solution:
Lambert-Beer Law , Determining Strength Ratios from a Mixture of Dyes , Transmission
Measurements of modern color system , Relative dye strength and tone analysis,
Shade Sorting:
Purpose, factors affecting shade sorting, difference between shade sorting and pass-fail system
Shade sorting methods
Drawing Process:
Task of the draw frame; Theory of roller drafting; equalizing, parallelizing, blending, dust
removal, creel (sliver feed), the drafting arrangement, coiling, the delivery arrangement,
condensing, sliver coiling, can changers. Auto-leveling at draw frame. Evaluation of draw frame
Calculation of draft count and production of blow room, carding and draw frame
Aramid Fibres :
High strength high modulus, flame retardant fibres, Manufacturing techniques, structure,
properties, end uses
Carbon Fibres:
High strength high modulus fibre, Manufacturing techniques, sources of manufacturing,
structure, physical and chemical properties, end uses such as products used in aero-space
Glass Fibres
Commonly used for manufacturing composites and insulators, Methods of manufacturing,
physical and mechanical and chemical properties, applications
Linearity and linear dependence of vectors, basis, dimension of a vector space, field matrix and
type of matrices (singular, non-singular, symmetric, non-symmetric, upper, lower, diagonal tri-
diagonal matrix), Rank of a matrix using row operations and special method, echelon and
reduced echelon forms of a matrix, determination of consistency of a system of linear equation
using rank, transitions matrix, basic concept of tensors, eigen value and eigen vectors of a
matrix, diagonolization, Cayley-Hamiton theorem. Applications of linear algebra in Engineering
Geometric representation of vector, norm of vector, Euclidean inner product. projections and
orthogonal projections, Euclidean n spaces n properties Cauchy- Schwarz inequality, Euclidean
transformations, apply geometric transformations to plane figure, composition of transformations
Basic concept; Formation of differential equations and solution of differential equations by direct
integrations and by separating the variables; Homogeneous equations and equation reducible to
homogeneous form; Linear differential equations of the order and equations reducible to the
linear form; Bernoulli’s equations and orthogonal trajectories; Application in relevant
Special types of 2nd order differential equations with constant coefficients and their solution;
The operator D; Inverse operator 1/D; Solution of differential by operator D method; Special
cases, Cauchy’s differential equations; Simultaneous differential equations; simple application of
differential equations in relevant Engineering
Engineering economy defined; Measures of financial effectiveness; Non-monetary factors and
multiple objectives; principles of engineering economy
Comparing Alternatives:
Present economy; Selection among machines, materials, processes, and designs; Payback period
method; Present worth method; Uniform annual cost method; Rate of return method;
Alternatives having identical live, Alternatives having different lives
Linear Programming:
Mathematical statement of linear programming problems; Graphic solution; Simplex method;
Duality problems
Industrial Relations:
Labour problems; Labour organizations; Prevention & settlement of disputes
Lap Forming Process:
Lap former, preparation of stock for combing, conventional and modern preparation system.
Evaluation of sliver lap.
Combing Process:
Combing principles. Sequence of operations in a rectilinear comber. Combing theory.
Technology of combing. Waste removal. Automation in the combing section. Comparison of
carded and combed slivers.
Roving Formation:
Roving frame as a production necessity, tasks of the roving. Operating zones of the roving frame,
Imparting twist, winding system. Package formation; Machine drive system, mechanical drive
systems and electronic drive systems. Manual and automatic doffing, Transport of bobbins to
ring spinning machine. Evaluation of roving.
Ring Spinning:
Functions and mode of operation, Ring structure and its functions. Traveller, types, shape, mass
and traveler clearer. Machine drive and cop buildup. Automation, the potential for automation.
Monitoring systems and auxiliary equipment. Developments in ring spinning; Compact spinning:
principle and advantages of compacting
Calculation of draft count and production of comber, roving frame and ring frame, Mill Planning
Warping process; types of machines (ball, direct, and indirect warping); creel types (V and
parallel); advancement and tension control on warping machines; production, yarn breakage rate,
efficiency and machine speed; cost factors
Sizing process; machine parts and their functions; types of machine and beam creel; machine
drive; tension control and advanced mechanisms; yarn breakage rate; its effects and production
and efficiency of the process
Identification of different sizes onto the fabric, Desizing mechanisms and process design for
cellulosic materials and their blends, desizing of synthetic materials
Mechanism of removal of impurities, Processes and machinery for scouring and bleaching of
cotton, wool, flax, and re-generated fibres, Bio-scouring, Crabbing and carbonization of wool.
Scouring of blended fabrics.
Bleaching agents in textiles and their limitations, Chemistry of bleaching for cellulosic, woolen
and regenerated fibres and their blends, Role of stabilizers and process parameters in bleaching
Thermal behaviour of synthetic fibres, Stages and methods of heat-setting Heat-setting
conditions for different kinds of fibres and blended fabrics, Effect of heat-setting on properties of
synthetic fibres, machines for heat setting
Conditions for mercerization and caustisization, Changes in properties of cellulose on
mercerization, yarn and fabric mercerization, Slack & Tension Mercerization both in the cold
and hot conditions,
Pretreatment faults:
Identification and classification of faults during different pre-treatment processes and their
remedial measures
Selection of Samples for Testing, Techniques for fibre, Yarn and Fabric sampling
Fibre Testing:
Determination of length and length uniformity, Fineness, Strength, Maturity, Trash Content and
colour by conventional and modern testing instruments and techniques
Yarn Testing:
Determination of count, Twist, Strength, Elongation, Evenness, Hairiness of yarn by
conventional and modern testing instruments Evaluation of lap, sliver and Roving irregularities
and Grading of Yarn
Fabric Testing:
Measurement of fabric strength viz Tensile, Tear, Bursting, Seam Strength, stretch and recovery
and their relation with usage of fabric, Assessment of fabric construction
Air-jet Spinning
Principle of operation, Raw material requirements, Yarn structure and properties, False twist and
its structure, Downstream processing and end products; Economics. Comparison of air-jet and
vortex spinning systems.
Friction Spinning
Principle and raw material preparation, process and machine parameters affecting product
quality. Assessment of DREF-II and DREF-III yarn structures and properties.
Control Charts:
Properties of the distribution of sample means, sample range estimation of standard deviation,
chance and assignable causes, control charts for mean and range, control charts for mean and
standard deviation, control charts for proportion defective and defects per assembly. Tests of
significance to compute confidence limits
Acceptance Sampling:
Introduction, OC curve, consumer and producer risks, AQL & LTPD, sampling errors,
acceptance sampling for continuous production, acceptance by variables, single, double, and
sequential sampling
Theory of dyeing
Relationship between fiber structure and dyes during the dyeing process, dyeing equilibrium,
thermodynamics of dyeing, isotherms, dyeing kinetics, Essential definitions and terms used in
dyeing and their explanation
Blend dyeing
Objective and need of blending, Dyeing of P/C blend with disperse/vat and disperse/reactive
dyes by different methods, Different routes adopted in continuous dyeing of p/c blend, Design
of recipes and processes for dyeing different blends
Dyeing machinery
Descriptions of machines used in dyeing of fibre, yarn and fabric forms. Dyeing Machinery for
knit and pile fabrics. Continuous and batch processes for dyeing and their comparison
Review of PECs’ Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct
Comparison between PEC’s Codes & those of similar international bodies
Power generation:
Basic principles and Cycles used; Steam Power Plant and its types; Gas Power Plant; Combined
Heat and Power Generation; Solar Cells and Fuel Cells
Stoichiometric Equations; Higher and Lower Heating Values; Fuel Rating; Adiabatic Flame
Water supply:
Sources and Demand of Water; Quality and Treatment of water; Water Desalination
Steam generation:
Properties of Steam, Boilers and Types; Heating Surface Area calculations; Fuels, Feed Water
Systems; Air Preheaters; Economizers; Super heaters; Condensers; Separators; Ejectors
Steam and Gas Turbines: Classification, Operation and Maintenance
Printing auxiliaries:
Auxiliaries for printing with pigments and dyes, General characteristics of, classification,
Rheology and selection criteria for thickeners
Pigment printing:
Pigment systems and preparations, different style of application
Dyestuff printing
Printing system for Direct, Reactive and Vat dyes with various styles
Printing machines:
Block, Roller, Manual and automatic carriage flat screen printing machine, rotary printing
machine and dryers for printing. Rotary Screen Engraving, CAD/CAM
Inkjet printing machines
Fixation machine:
Fixation Mechanism for dyes and pigments. Different types of steamers and agers their
advantages and disadvantages. After treatment machines for printing
Dimensional stability:
Factors affecting dimensional stability, types of shrinkages, drying procedures, methods and
equipment used for measuring dimensional change; Care labelling and its importance;
Appearance of fabrics and garments after laundering; methods and equipment used for
measuring skew and bow
Fibre Identification:
Methods and equipment used for the identification of fibre in yarn/fabric/garment
Flammability of textile:
Difference between flame retardant, flame resistant and flame proof fabric, Factors affecting
flammability of Textile, 45 degree flammability Test and vertical flammability test
Nonwoven texchnology:
Web formation processes: Carding , Parallel-lay , Cross-lay , Perpendicular-lay, Air-lay, and
Wet-lay processes; Spunbond and Meltblown technologies. Web bonding processes: Mechanical
bonding; Thermal bonding; Chemical bonding
Braiding technology:
Types of braided structures; Horizontal and vertical braiding machines; Braiding geometry; 2-
step and 4-step braiding process; 2D & 3D braiding products
Special fabric manufacturing:
Denim: Mechanisms and calculations of Denim warping, dyeing, re-beaming and sizing. Terry-
towel, Carpet and Velvet weaving: Structure, Mechanisms, and machine setting. 3D Woven
Fabrics: 3D concept of weaving; Multilayer fabric formation. Narrow Fabrics: Technologies to
manufacture narrow fabrics such as labels, ribbons, belts, ropes and laces
Fabric defects:
Fabric defects based on fibre, yarn and fabric manufacturing and their remedies
Mechanical finishing:
Processes and machines involved in mechanical finishing of various textile substrates viz Heat
Setting, Napping, Shearing, Sueding, Calendering, Sanforizing, Compacting, Relaxation,
Chemical finishing:
Application processes and mechanism of chemical finishing of various textiles substrates.
Softening finishes, Hand-building finishes, Easy-care and durable press finishes, Oil and Water
repellent finishes, Soil release finishes, Flame retardant finishes, Antistatic and Anti-pilling
finishes, Elastomeric finishes, Nonslip finishes. Finishes to improve colour fastness; Ultraviolet
protection finishes, Antimicrobial and bio-finishes
Water pollution:
Waste water characteristics, effluents standards, terminology in waste water treatments, primary
treatments, secondary treatments, recycle and reuse of waste water
Overview of the garment industry; apparel development process charts; apparel sizing and
measurements; pattern making; fabric spreading and cutting; sewing and other textile joining
methods; types and components of sewing machines; fundamentals of sewing process; garment
washing, finishing, pressing and packing; garment quality control: performance, appearance, fit
and c
omfort; garment care labeling
Introduction to Merchandizing and scope; Merchandize: Raw and Finished merchandizes; Main
markets and potential markets; Sampling and new developments; Outsourcing; Costing;
Communication; coordination and follow-ups; Merchandizing process: Program purchase order,
Time & Action, Approval Phases, Fabric working, Follow up, Inspections, Shipments, Export
documents, shipment, Modes of payment; Complaints handling and Claims; Quality assurance
and compliance; Retail trends: International markets and local market; International trends and
policies; Case Studies
Application areas:
Requirements, Functions, Manufacturing and Applications of Technical Textiles in the field of
Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Automobile Industry, Sports Industry, Packaging Industry,
Medicine, Protective Clothing, Home Textiles, and Environmental Protection
Method Study:
Definition; Objectives; Procedure; Process chart symbols; Outline process chart; Flow process
charts; Multiple activity chart; Two handed chart; Critical examination, Principles of motion
economy, Case studies and Application
Work Measurement:
Definition; Objectives; Techniques of work measurement; Stop watch time study; Timing
methods; Performance rating; Standard timing; Allowance factors. Work sampling; Confidence
level; Determination of samples size; Making random observations; Scope of work sampling.
Predetermined time standards; Definition; Advantages and criticisms; Motion classification;
TMU; Use of PTS systems
Types of maintenance; Breakdown maintenance; Preventive maintenance; Individual versus
group replacement; Internal versus external maintenance; Queuing theory; Application of
queuing theory; Input characteristics; Queue characteristic; Service characteristic; Mathematical