LOT 1 Narok Bomet Environmental and Social Management Plan PDF

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NAROK-BOMET DOUBLE CIRCUIT 132KV Eastings - 825264.4;

TRANSMISSION LINE Northings-9879148.3

Latitude: 105’31.70S

Longitude: 350 55’15.99E

Eastings -753992.71

Northings- 9914036.45

Latitude: 0046, 45.75’’S

Longitude: 35016’59.96


Project Client:
Kenya Power and
Lighting Company

Project Financial:
French Development
Agencies (AFD)

1|Pa g e ESMP for Kipevu – Mbaraki132kV Transmission Line

Environmental & Social Management Plan
1.1 Project Information
Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) through the assistance of French Development Agencies (AFD) plans to
construct, commission and operate a 85 Kilometers, 132kV power transmission line in Narok and Bomet Counties. This is in
response to an increase in demand for power and the need to expand electricity infrastructure. Power outages are common
occurrence especially in south rift region and its surrounding environments. The construction of the proposed transmission line
will result in reliable and quality power supply for the area and its environs. Since the proposed transmission line will impact
the environment both positively and negatively. This Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been prepared
to guide this project implementation.

1.2 Project Location and Route

The proposed route starts at Narok 132kV substation at (Eastings-825264.4, Northings-9879148.3 and Altitude-1959), plot no.
Ilmasharian 329 where the T-off point is proposed. It traverses through Ilmasharian and Olopito sub locations towards the
North West on a straight line for 8.25 kilometres where the second angle point is proposed at (Eastings-819858, Northings-
9885352 and Altitude-2022), Plot No. Olopito 1268, before the line crosses the Narok-Nakuru road just after the
telecommunication boosters.

The line takes a slight turn to the left and traverses through Olorroito and Nkareta sub locations on a straight line towards the
west for another 13.1 kilometers where another angle point (Eastings-807168, Northings-9888615 and Altitude-2016) , plot no.
Nkareta 149, is proposed. The proposed line is on the south side of Olorroitto primary school.

The proposed line takes a slight turn to the left and traverses Nkoben, kotelian, Olshapani and Ololulung’a sub locations
towards the west on a straight line for about 9 kilometers where another angle point at (Eastings-798616, Northings-9891997
and Altitude-2015), Plot No. Ololulunga 3/3454, is proposed at Ololulung’a. The line is on the northern side of Kotolian primary
school and also traverse between the school and the telecommunication booster at Kotolian centre. The line is on the northern
side of Ololulung’a market/ town. The line takes a slight angle to the left and traverse Ololung’a and melelo sub locations
towards the west on a straight line for about 13 Kilometers where another angle point at (Eastings-783973, Northings-9898660
and Altitude-1979) plot no. Ololulunga 155.

The line crosses to Bomet county at Amalo river which feeds into Mara river. The line descends from hills at Ilmotiook
sublocation where it take a turn at angle point B7 (Eastings 775319.82, Northings 9903452.80) near Aganga catholic church
to cross the river and traverse farms in Koibeyon sublocation before heading to Kiptulwa sublocation after crossing simwaga
river in Kapkimolwa location for 5.2kms where the line has another angle point NB8 (Eastings 770973.67, northings
9905610.51) in Kapkimolwa location near kiptulwa secondary school, the line then scale up the hills and valleys before
crossing to lebekwet area in Kongotik sublocation in Kembu where it runs for 14kms passing through Emitiot and Cheboin
sublocation in Cheboin location and Koitabsilbwet and Kyogong sublocations in Kyogong location where another angle point
NB 9 (Eastings 757600.71, northings 9910825.46) the line then turn westward and runs for 13kms to angle point NB10
(Easting 754810.71, northings 9912767.45) at Itembe sublocation at land LR No. Itembe 813. The line then proceeds for
another 2.5kms before another angle point NB11 (Eastings 753863.71, northings 9914008.64) turning towards northern part
to Bomet substation running for 0.85kms to join the terminal point ((Eastings 753992.71, northings 9914036.45) at the Bomet
132kV substation at sachagwan area.

Some of the notable and critical environmental and social issues along the route of traverse of the project are as shown as per
the screen shoots as shown below. The project map showing them will come as an attachment.

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Line crossing mainly wheat farms touching the baboon forest at the periphery

Small Section of Ole Keiwa farm forest crossed by the powerline

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Ilmotiook ridge crossing

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Ilmotiook ridge crossing enlarged


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1. Environmental Management Plan
Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for development projects provides a logical framework within which
identified negative environmental and socio–economic impacts can be mitigated and monitored. In addition, the ESMP assigns
responsibilities of actions to various actors and provides a timeframe within which mitigation measures and monitoring can be
done. ESMP is a vital output of an Integrated Environmental Impact Assessment as it provides a checklist for project monitoring
and evaluation. The ESMP outlined below addresses the identified potential negative impacts and mitigation measures of the
proposed Narok-Bomet 132kVTransmission Line during construction, operational and decommissioning phases, based on the
Chapter of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures of the expected Negative Impacts.

This section presents the environmental and social management plan (ESMP) for the proposed project. The ESMP specifies
the mitigation and management measures which the Proponent will undertake and shows how the Project will mobilize
organizational capacity and resources to implement these measures. The ESMP covers information on the management
and/or mitigation measures that will be taken into consideration to address impacts in respect of the following project phases:
design, construction, operation and decommissioning. Table 1 and 2 presents the generic and site-specific mitigation
measures for the potential impacts of the proposed project

2. Approach to Environmental Impact Management

The proposed ESMP will be the responsibility of the proponent and the contractor as outlined. The section below presents
the range of approaches that will be used to manage potential impacts of the proposed project. KPLC as the proponent will
have to constitute a team including project engineer and Environmental and Social specialist to coordinate implementation of
the ESMP. The contractor on his part will have to appoint EHS officer to coordinate ESMP implementation during construction
period. During construction KPLC Engineer and SHE officer will ensure continuous supervision and monitoring of activities by
the contractor as per recommendations in the ESMP. E&S reporting will be done on regular basis will be captured in the
construction site log, periodical E&S reviews with the Engineer, E&S monthly or quarterly. The Engineer will be required to
generate various reports including production of minutes of monthly site visits and quarterly supervision reports. While the
SHE Officer will be required to provide reports on environmental, social and safety issues compliance on quarterly basis. The
contractor will be required to regular report Environmental, social and safety issues on Monthly basis. The aspect to be
reported by the contractor will include safety issues i.e. hours worked, recordable incidents and corresponding Root Cause
Analysis (lost time incidents, medical treatment cases), first aid cases, high potential near misses, and remedial and
preventive activities required (for example, revised job safety analysis, new or different equipment, skills training etc);
Environmental incidents and near misses; noncompliance incidents with permits and national law; Training on E&S issues
(dates, number of trainees, and topics); Details of any security risks; Worker & External stakeholder grievances and E&S
inspections and audits by contractor, engineer, or others, including authorities.

Management of Impacts during Construction Phase

The ESMP will put in place measures to avoid and mitigate impacts and optimize benefits arising from activities during
construction phase of the project. The principal focus of project management for construction phase will include:
 Personnel and contractor management
 Conduct onsite management
 Landowners relations
 Maintenance of complaints register
 Emergency preparedness; and
 Management and mitigation of impacts such as noise, dust, safety and pollution.

Assignment of responsibility and contractor management is important during the construction and operation phase. The
contractor will be held to the highest EHS performance requirements to ensure they meet national and international standards

All the works for the project will be under the supervision of KPLC project Engineer.

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3. Management Plan during construction phase
The following management plans will be implemented during construction phase of the proposed project:
 Construction management plan
 Labour and human resources plan
 Workplace health and safety plan
 Community safety plan
 Emergency management and response plan
 Rehabilitation and closure management plan

3.1 Construction Management Plan

The construction management plan for the proposed project shall include the following:

a. Management of fuels and other hazardous materials

 The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, permit and approval conditions and requirements
relevant to the storage, use, and proper disposal of hazardous materials.

b. Management of the construction site

 The contractor shall prevent littering and the random discard of any solid waste on or around the construction site
 The contractor shall manage hazardous waste

c. Emergency Preparedness
 The Contractor shall develop an emergency plan that will enable rapid and effective response to all types of
environmental emergencies in accordance with recognized national and international standards. The emergency plan
shall include establishment of a network of communication between the Contractor and emergency services including
police, ambulance services, and fire brigades among others.

d. Fire Prevention and management

 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent fires caused either deliberately or accidentally during
construction process.
 The Contractor shall prepare a fire prevention and fire emergency plan as a part of the Environmental Plan to be
submitted to KPLC.

e. Management of air quality

 The Contractor shall institute appropriate measures to minimize or avoid air quality impacts. This can be achieved through
formulation of air quality management plan.

f. Neighboring land owner and occupier relations

 The Contractor shall respect the property and rights of neighboring landowners and occupiers at all times and shall treat
all persons with deliberate courtesy.
 The Contractor shall respect any special agreements between the Proponent and the neighbors e.g. the wayleaves
agreements signed between Kenya power and landowners will need to be respected by the contractors.

g. Complaints register
The Contractor shall establish and maintain a register for periodic review by the Proponent that logs all the complaints raised
by the neighbors or the general public about construction activities. The register shall be regularly updated, and records
maintained including the name of the complainant, his/her domicile and contact details, the nature of the complaint and any
action taken to rectify the problem.

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h. Health management
 The Contractor shall comply with all relevant legislative requirements governing worker health and safety (e.g. OSHA
2007 and its subsidiary legislations).
 The Contractor shall prepare and implement a programme to minimize diseases likely to be contracted by the
construction workers as a result of the proposed project such as HIV &AIDs.
 The contracted company's shall have obligations of managing the safety of its employees by
o Provision of appropriate PPEs to employee
o Training employees on competence
o Employing competence and qualified staff to powerlines
o Provision of first Aid Kit onsite
o Should have a trained first aider
o Safe work procedures and work instruction

 The contractor will manage accidents by having an emergence response plan which will include contacts for all
emergency service provider e.g. ambulances, fire brigade and nearest hospitals (Some of the hospitals which can be
utilized while working on route include (Narok County referral hospital, Longisa Hospital, Tenwek Hospital, Kapkimolwa
Health Centre)

i. Construction Control
The Construction control for the proposed project shall cover the following:

Control of access
The contractor shall ensure that the construction site is accessed by authorized persons only.

j. Control of material supply and burrow areas

 The Contractor shall, as far as possible, source all material needed to construct the proposed project from the licensed
mines and /or quarries in Narok and Bomet counties.
 In instances where materials are to be obtained from a new burrow area; the Contractor shall comply with relevant
 The Contractor shall prepare a method statement including plans, detailing the expected quantity of excavation,
temporary and permanent drainage control, the final contouring of the burrow pit and the proposed method of

 After completion of construction activities, the Contractor shall clear the site of construction materials and dispose wastes
in appropriate disposal sites.
 The Contractor shall remove all temporary works on the construction site and grow grass on the sloppy areas where
retaining wall will not be constructed to control soil erosion

3.2 Labour and Human Resources Plan

In designing the labour and human resources plan Contractor shall:
 Comply with the provisions of Employment Act, 2007
 Wherever possible, give priority to qualified local people when hiring employees.

3.3 Workplace Health and Safety Plan

The workplace health and safety plan to be implemented by the Contractor and KPLC shall include the following key
 All relevant national legislation, including the OSHA 2007 and related regulations, shall be adhered to ensure that
health and safety of proximate communities and the public at large are not threatened during construction and
operational phases of the Project.
 The Proponent shall ensure workplace health and safety during the operational phase of the project
 Health and safety performance will be continuously monitored, and procedures reviewed with the aim of eliminating
risk as far as reasonably practicable.
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3.4 Community health and safety plan
The community health and safety plan to be implemented by the Contractor and KPLC shall include:
• Adherence to OSHA 2007 Act and its subsidiary legislations to ensure that health and safety of immediate neighbors and
the public is not threatened.
• The Contractor to ensure that construction work is undertaken in manner not likely pose risks to community health and
• The Proponent to undertake an independent quantitative risk assessment prior to operation of the facility. The findings of
this assessment will inform the development of an emergency safety plan the Contractor and KPLC to create awareness
among the neighbors on the community safety procedures

4. Management of Impacts during Operation Phase

The operation phase of the proposed project will be mainly power supply, line maintenance and clearing of wayleaves. KPLC
will be responsible for all the mitigation measures for negative impacts during the operation phase. This will have done by
following the following steps
 Inspections
 Corrective Action
 Reporting

Impacts and mitigation/ management measures

Table 1 presents the ESMP for the proposed project. It covers on the proposed management and mitigation measures for the
identified impacts. In addition, the ESMP provides a schedule for the implementation of management/mitigation activities, sub-
divided by project phases. The schedule shows at a glance, the timing and responsibility of the many actions required under
the ESMP. It is particularly useful where management/mitigation measures extend across phases.

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Table 1: Generic Environment and Social Management Plan – For impacts that cut across the entire route
Mitigation of Impacts

Possible Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Duration Responsibility

Air quality & dust  The Contractor to protect stockpiles of friable material subject to Construction and Contractor
wind-throw by wetting, or with a barrier, vegetation, or windscreen; decommissioning
 Cover loads of friable material during transportation;
 Restrict speed on loose surface roads during dry or dusty
 Suppress dust during dry periods by use of water sprays;
 Maintain equipment in good running condition – no vehicles to be
used that generate excessive black smoke;
 Burning of woody debris & construction waste to be prohibited
within the wayleave
 The Contractor to ensure that all equipment used, and all facilities
erected on site are designed and operated to control the emission
of smoke, dust, fumes and any other air impurity into the
 Use of personnel protective equipments (PPE)
 Keep stockpiles and exposed soils compacted and re-vegetate as
soon as possible.
Solid waste generation  The wrappings and packaging materials should be reused or Construction, and Contractor
recycled where applicable Decommissioning
 Any service/Repair of vehicles to be done offsite in approved Operation KPLC
garages or service stations
 Construction wastes to be managed in accordance with standards.
 Scrap metals/ Conductors and other salvaged materials to be
disposed/recycled off-site by licensed vendors.
Noise & vibration  The Contractor shall comply with the legal requirements for the Construction and Contractor
management of noise impact as specified Environmental Decommissioning
Management and Coordination (Noise and Excessive Vibration

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Mitigation of Impacts

Possible Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Duration Responsibility

Pollution) (Control) Regulations, 2009.

 Provide silencers or enclosures for noise generating machines
such concrete mixtures, compressors, etc.
 Landowners along the routes to be notified about the construction
schedule & activities, including blasting, should it be required;
 Construction techniques and machinery selection to minimize
noise and vibration.
 Noise generating activities that take place near residential or
sensitive institutional receptors will be restricted to between 0600
and 2000hrs, which is defined as ‘daytime’ in the Kenyan noise
 Contractor is prohibited causing excessive vibration which annoys,
disturb, injure or endanger the comfort, repose, health or safety of
others and the environment or excessive vibrations which exceed
0.5 centimetres per second beyond any source property boundary
or 30 metres from any moving source.
 Provision of protective devices like earmuffs/earplugs to workers,
who are continuously exposed to high levels of noise during
construction activities.
Visual & aesthetic impacts  Extensive public consultation during the planning of power line and Pre-construction KPLC
power line right-of-way locations;
 Maximize straight-line runs to reduce the need for angle towers;
 Locate new towers adjacent to already existing high-impact visual
features, such as forests where possible
 Where possible, locate the new line adjacent to existing power
 Siting power lines, and designing substations, with due
consideration to landscape views and important environmental and
community features;
 Location of high-voltage transmission lines in less populated areas,
where possible

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Mitigation of Impacts

Possible Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Duration Responsibility

Socio Economic  Route selection to avoid existing settlements and minimize Preconstruction KPLC
 KPLC to follow Land Act 2012 Laws of Kenya and Land Acquisition
 Community sensitization on alternative land uses
 Compensation of the affected people at current Market rate for
land and other loss assets
 Prior to wayleave acquisition free and informed consent should be
 Consultation with PAP should continue throughout project phases
 KPLC will identify all potential Project Affected Persons (PAPs) &
develop a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) to address economic
losses, physical resettlement & loss of land or land rights. The RAP
should be framed in consultation with the PAP
 Appropriate ongoing consultation with local communities Operation KPLC
throughout Project construction as well as informing workers on
local cultural sensitivities and health matters
 Time thinning, slashing, and other maintenance activities to avoid Operation KPLC
forest fire seasons;
Impacts on Archaeological,  Diversion of the Right of Way for the proposed transmission line, to Pre -Construction KPLC
cultural and historic sites minimize the impacts of these sites if they are present.
 Selective tower placement to span archaeological site if any
 Avoid siting transmission line towers on cultural property (Graves,
shrines etc) consult with local community.
 If avoidance is not possible prepare a management plan to ensure
least damage to cultural, archaeological sites.
 Contractor to follow procedures for chance find and protection of Construction Contractor
Archaeological sites and contact the National Museums of Kenya

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Mitigation of Impacts

Possible Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Duration Responsibility

Construction Material  Ensure accurate budgeting to ensure only Necessary material is Construction phase Contractor
Sourcing ordered
 Proper storage to ensure minimal loss
 Strip & store topsoil separate from subsoil for major tower site
 Rehabilitation of exposed sites as soon as practicable
 Source Raw Materials from NEMA approved sites
 Use recycled and recyclable materials where possible
Occupational Health &  Staff Training and regular equipment service and testing Construction, and contractor
Safety  Only trained & certified workers to install, maintain or repair Decommissioning
electrical equipment; Operation KPLC
 Testing structures for integrity prior to undertaking work;
 Workers not directly associated with power transmission activities Construction Contractor
who are operating around power lines should adhere to local
legislation, standards, and guidelines relating to minimum
approach distances for excavations, tools, vehicles, pruning, and
other activities
 Use of signs, barriers and education/ public outreach to prevent
public contact with potentially dangerous equipment;
 Ensure provision and proper use of Personal Protective Equipment
(e.g. Safety harness, helmet, dust masks, etc)
 Follow safe work procedures
 Maintain a fully stocked and accessible first aid kit under trained
first aider
 Observe OSHA 2007 regulations
 Community policing to be encouraged to reduce vandalism of Operation KPLC
 Ensure there is no encroachment on the transmission line

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Mitigation of Impacts

Possible Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Duration Responsibility

EMFs  Routing or siting Transmission line is so as to avoid or minimize Preconstruction KPLC

exposure to the public and where it is unavoidable all resettlements
within the wayleave will be relocated.
 Installation of transmission lines above or adjacent to residential
properties or other locations intended for highly frequent human
occupancy, (e.g. schools or offices), should be avoided
 If EMF levels are expected to be above the recommended
exposure limits (International Commission on Non Ionizing
Radiation Protection ICNIRP 2010 guidelines) application of
engineering techniques should be considered to reduce the EMF
produced by power lines. Examples of these techniques include:
o Shielding with specific metal alloys
o Burying transmission lines
o Increasing height of transmission towers
o Modifications to size, spacing, and configuration of
Where each/any of these technics is employed, evidence of Contractor
adequacy in design proposal should be submitted with the bid
document (Electric and Magnetic Field calculations).

Hazardous Materials (Fuel,  The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, Construction and Contractor
Oil & chemical storage on permit and approval conditions and requirements relevant to the decommissioning
site) storage, use, and proper disposal of hazardous materials.
 The Contractor shall manage all hazardous materials and waste in
a safe and responsible manner, and shall prevent contamination of
soils, pollution of water and/or harm to people or animals as a
result of the use of these materials.
 The contractor shall place on-site tools and equipment, such as
generators, compressors on compact impermeable sheeting to
prevent oil spills/leaks from causing subsurface contamination.

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Mitigation of Impacts

Possible Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Duration Responsibility

 The contractor shall ensure oil spills/leaks are prevented or

minimized. This can be achieved through: instructing employees to
avoid spills and regular auditing to verify that no leaking or
defective equipment is brought/used onsite;
 The Contractor shall ensure that fueling and repairs are carried out
by trained personnel familiar with spill containment and clean-up
procedures and in Garages and licensed petrol stations
 The Contractor shall ensure that all the employees working onsite
are trained on good housekeeping practices
Community Health and  Adherence to OSHA 2007 Act and its subsidiary legislations to Construction, and Contractor
Safety ensure that health and safety of immediate neighbors and the decommissioning
public is not threatened.
 The Contractor to ensure that construction work is undertaken in
manner not likely pose risks to community health and safety.
 The contractor should use barricading tape to prevent members of
public from accessing excavated tower foundations and work sites
during construction
 The contractor should put in place adequate hazard
communication to the public by use of appropriate signages as
prescribed by national law and international best practice
 The contractor should conduct public awareness on safety
requirements within construction sites
 HIV & AIDS education and awareness
 Provide adequate security where necessary for the public and staff
 Public awareness of the public health issues identified.
 Provision of condoms for staff
 Distribution of HIV & AIDS awareness materials in collaboration
 Condone working sights and ensure controlled access
Fall from Heights  Follow safe work procedures Construction & Contractor

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Mitigation of Impacts

Possible Impacts Recommended Mitigation Measures Duration Responsibility

 Procure and enforce proper use of necessary protective equipment Operation KPLC





1. Soils Soil destabilization, Soil  Do proper soil investigation and analysis Pre- Contractor
erosion, Soil  Avoid siting pylons close to rivers and other construction
contamination/Pollution water ways
 The site preparation activities should be
scheduled to take place in dry season in
areas susceptible to soil erosion
 Use existing roads and routes to access
sites, contractor to avoid driving and parking Construction
on non-designated areas
 All disturbed areas should be rehabilitated
 Minimizing the area of ground clearance to
40m wayleave and short shrubs should be
left to stabilize soil
 Scraped topsoil should be used immediately

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for backfilling tower foundations to allow

natural regeneration of grass
 Areas susceptible to erosion shall be
properly sloped & compacted to reduce the
effect of runoff
2. Hilly areas/ Soil erosion, Landslides,  Avoid siting pylons on escarpments likely to Design  Contractor
Ridges Collapse of pylons face massive soil erosion, landslides &
undulating unstable grounds.
areas-  Giant reinforced tower will be required to
Kyogong Hills span the conductors on hilly areas

 Excavations will be done using compressors

or drilling machines hence need for
appropriate PPEs (Ear muffs/ plugs, dust
mask, leather gloves etc)
 Warning tape/ Barricading to prevent public
from accessing the site Construction
 Sensitize community members especially
sand harvesters during project
3. Rivers Soil erosion, Ground  Study rain patterns and river characteristics Pre- Construction Contractor
(Sikinteirr, destabilization, floods, and establish maximum and potential river
Ewaso, collapse of pylons banking
Enkare, Amalo
and Nyongores  Liaise with WRMA to show you highest flood
rivers zone / riparian zone during tower placement
near rivers

 Avoid siting pylons close to rivers, where

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possible modify pylons for greater strength

and height to accommodate long spans
across water ways.

 Span conductors across rivers and Contractor

ensureTower foundations are at least thirty
(30) meters away from each rivers’ highest
flood zone.
 Where necessary construct temporary
bridges to facilitate movement of workforce
and construction materials

 Prevent siltation from foundation spoils/

debris by doing construction such area
during dry season

 Avoid diversion of the river

Water Pollution  Contractor to ensure vehicles and machinery Construction Contractor

used are in a good state of repair to avoid oil
leakage and water pollution. Servicing and
repair of vehicles should be done only on
designated garages and not in the field.
 No camps should be constructed near rivers
or their catchment areas
 Contractor to provide sanitary conveniences
along the line routing
 Avoid massive disturbance and clearance of
vegetation along river banks

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Damage to timber bridge  Contractor to take caution of Timber Bridge Construction Contractor
across Ewaso river to ensure weight
transported across such a bridge can be
accommodated. The contractor should verify
transport logistics and take note that any
damage to existing infrastructure will be
replaced at his own cost.
4. Streams and Soil erosion, Water  In Olmotiook stream clear only blue gum Construction Contractor
springs pollution, water trees which may interfere with line during
(Tuiyobei, obstruction construction and operation
Olmotiiook,  Indigenous shrubs should be left to protect
Lebekwet and the stream banks since they don’t grow high
Kotab-silibwet  Spanning conductors, a cross the streams
streams) and springs
Chepkutbei &  Since some areas are sloppy put in place
Chepkirib soil erosion control measures
springs  Encourage working during dry season in
such areas to prevent erosion
 Prevent soil erosion to avoid sedimentation
of the community spring
 Minimize clearance of vegetation by limiting
to the 40m wayleaves
 Protection of the stream and springs can be
5. Forested areas Vegetation clearance  Mark wayleave traces and clear only the Construction Contractor
(Ole Keiwa necessary vegetation, at the edges do
forest, Ole branch trimming as far as practical
kurieta farm,  Avoid indigenous forest as much as possible
woodlots in  Compensate for all cut trees Construction KPLC

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bomet  KPLC should identify and implement

vegetation restoration by organizing and
supporting tree planting in public institutions /
areas along route of traverse
 Reforestation of the section of the affected
farms using native tree species
Risk of fire*  Avoid lighting of fires or burning of anything Construction Contractor
along route of traverse
 Charcoal burning should not be allowed
along route of traverse to minimize risk of
kilns breaking and causing spread of fires
 Cleared vegetation should left to the
respective owners who shall determine
appropriate use
 Cigarette buts should be handled with care
to ensure they are completely extinguished
before disposing off
 Construction of the power line should be up
to set standards to ensure no arcing, no
possibility of disruptions of other existing
electrical infrastructure which could lead to
short circuits, sparks hence fire hazards
Ensure no loose connections and Operation KPLC
maintenance of wayleave trace.
6. Farm land  Contractor to exercise precaution to Construction Contractor
(Large tracks minimize damage to crops
of wheat and  Do proper pegging and drive and park only
Maize farm, on designated areas

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 24


Commercial Risk of fire*  Cigarette butts should be handled with care

grass farms to ensure they are completely extinguished
(boma before disposing off
Rhodes)  Apply all above precautions of mitigating
against fire
Crop destruction  All destroyed crops/grass should be valued Construction KPLC
and compensated at market rates
7. Roads Traffic congestions, road  Where possible build elevated cross-overs Construction Contractor
accidents, Road tear and across roads to ensure that cables are pulled
wear and construction of and stringed without disrupting roads
access roads,  Install proper signages and warnings for
work sites proximal or along roads
 Workers should put on reflective clothing and
exercise caution and respect for other road
 Apply for necessary permits and advertise
on newspapers with highest circulation the
days and time when heavy line materials will
be transported along the roads, Vehicles to
be marked wide load as necessary
 Contractor should choose traffic routes to
reduce the impact in the neighborhood
avoiding, as far as practical any sensitive
 Employment of a road safety coordinator to
oversee implementation of the traffic controls
8. Existing Local Power disruptions/  The proposed 132 KV line will be routed Construction Contractor
distribution damage of existing local above other existing power lines along route

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 25


powerlines power distribution lines of traverse. Build elevated cross-overs

(33 and 11KV powerline) across existing lines to ensure conductors
are stringed without disruption of existing
 Follow KPLC electrical safety rules and
 Seek clearance from KPLC when working
close to existing powerlines
 Where 132kv line is crossing 33 or 11kV
provide safety net
9. Wild animals/ Disturbance, habitat loss,  Precaution should be exercised to avoid Construction Contractor
Fauna hunting getting into close proximity with zebras in
Electrocutions Narok side which can cause harm if terrified
 Clear only necessary areas to avoid massive
destruction of terrestrial animals’ habitats.
 Pylons erected across forested areas mainly
in Ole Keiwa and Ole Kurieta forest farms
should be installed with some razor wire or
spikes to deter Baboons from climbing up
the poles even though Baboons unlike
chimpanzees are not arboreal.
 Ensure No hunting is carried out by workers
 Close monitoring across the forested areas Operation KPLC
should be carried out in the first 12 months
after the line is energized to study any
Electrocutions  Ensure no trees along the forested areas are Operation KPLC
in proximity to conductors to prevent

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 26


electrocutions – Maintain wayleave trace

10. Birds Electrocutions, collision  At design stage, Space conductors in such a Preconstruction Contractor
way to allow for the birds’ easy movement
between lines so as to prevent cases of
collision and electrocution.

 More attention on birds to paid to areas such Construction Contractor

as hilly places, forested areas like ole keiwa
and Kurieta farms, Community dam in
Lekimbo area and riparian areas along the
main rivers like Amalo, Ewaso, Nyokores,
Enkare and Sikiterr. Contractor to install
visibility enhancement objects such as
marker balls, bird deterrents, or diverters
placed at intervals along conductor for
greater visibility.
Habitat loss  There are no endangered species in the Construction Contractor
area along proposed route of traverse;
neither are there known migratory paths for
birds between Narok and Bomet. Clear only
the necessary areas of the wayleave trace.

Hunting of Guinea fowls  Guinea fowl are dominant on the Narok site Construction Contractor
hence need to ensure No hunting is carried
out by workers

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 27


Electrocutions, collision  Keen monitoring in the first 12 months after Operation KPLC
the line is energized should be undertaken to
ascertain safety of birds along the powerline.

 In case of any deaths due to collisions, the

proponent should install flaps to act as
reflectors for birds that may occasionally
cross the area.

11. Residential Involuntary resettlement  The people whose structures will be affected Pre-construction KPLC
and associated by the proposed line should be notified in
structures advance, sensitized, educated and given the
(Cattle sheds, various options available including
chicken compensation, actual resettlement by the
houses, proponent, and compensation for damages
latrines, fences that the construction of the proposed line
may cause. Livelihood restoration for
relevant project affected persons should also
be effected by the proponent.

12. Graves Pylon siting on  At the design stage; communal graveyards Preconstruction Contractor
grave/graveyard and public cemeteries should be avoided. At
the design stage; communal graveyards and
public cemeteries should be avoided.
In case Pylon siting  In case a pylon siting encounters a new Construction KPLC
encounters a new grave, the contractor with approval from
grave/grave yard Kenya Power shall look for options of moving
such a pylon. In case it is inevitable to move
the pylon, the affected persons should be
compensated in line with the society’s

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 28


cultural norms to migrate the grave at the

cost of the proponent.
13. Public No public institutions  At survey stage public institutions and town Pre-construction KPLC
institutions like under the trace, they centers have been avoided.
schools, were avoided during  There is no public institution located within
churches, and survey. the wayleaves
town centers

14. Social ills Spread of sexually  The contractor and the proponent should Construction Contractor
transmitted diseases, respect the culture and norms of the society.
unwanted pregnancies, Proper disciplinary measures shall be
family breakdowns instilled on culprits. HIV/AIDs awareness
should be done by the contractor to staff and
the public through notices. Contractor should
contact safety talks and include HIV/AIDs
and drug and alcohol abuse in the sessions
and records maintained as proof. The
contractor should provide condoms to the
15. Sanitary Land pollution, spread of  The contractor should provide mobile toilets Construction Contractor
conveniences food and water to the work force throughout the line routing.
contaminable diseases
like dysentery, diarrhea,
typhoid, tapeworms etc.

16. Low sagging Public electrocutions,  The proposed line should be constructed Construction Contractor
power lines energizing of low voltage according the KPLC standards and best
lines, risk of fire. practice in the energy sector to guarantee
structural strength, adequate ground
clearance, and safety of other existing power

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 29


 Any incidences, accidents or near misses
should be reported to KPLC and Directorate
of Occupational Health and Safety and
proper corrective actions implemented as
17. Buried/ Damage  Contractor should conduct extensive ground Construction Contractor
underground investigations where pylons will be sited to
infrastructure ensure that no damage is caused on buried/
including underground infrastructure. The contractor
cables from will be liable for damages and associated
third parties, costs for any of the infrastructure he may
water pipes, tamper with during implementation and
sewer systems installation of the proposed Narok – Bomet
18. Olmotiiok Vegetation clearance  Avoid cutting of shrubs on top of the ridge Construction Contractor
Ridge (NB6- (The areas has short since they are short and scattered and will
NB7) shrubs of Tamarindus not interfere with line construction or
indica (Lemechwet) operation of the transmission powerline.
Clear on the necessary areas to pave way
for construction of the pylons.
Excavation  Since the ridge is rocky and stony use of
drilling machines and compressors is
inevitable inform the community on the
drilling activity and timings
 No drilling will be done at night since a
section of the ridge is inhabited.
 Ensure hazard communication is put in place
since farmers do graze animals on top of the
Noise and dust  Provide workers with ear muffs due to noise

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 30


and Dust masks to prevent dust

19. Community Loss of Habitats  Spanning conductors, across the dam Construction Contractor
Dam Soil erosion, siltation and  Put place flaps or bird warning devices since
sedimentation the dam attracts birds
 Avoid destruction of avifauna habitat
 No hunting of birds since the dam is
characterized by several avifauna types with
the cranes foraging in the area
 Create awareness amongst the public on
safety issues during project implementation

In implementation of the ESMP, the contractors should take note of the mitigation measures for each aspect and should make their financial offers based on
their own estimates on cost for each item.

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 31

Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan (ESMP)

The proposed programmes and plans will be subjected to monitoring. Monitoring will have two elements: routine monitoring
against standards or performance criteria; and periodic review or evaluation. Monitoring will often focus on the effectiveness
and impact of the programme or plan as a whole.

During construction phase, the Proponent shall monitor the contractor’s activities in order to verify that the management
measures/procedures/specifications are implemented as contained in the EMP. Compliance will mean that the Contractor is
fulfilling their contractual obligation.

During operation phase, the Proponent will monitor facility’s operations to ensure compliance with management measures in
the EMP and operation procedures. As part of this monitoring, the Proponent will undertake statutory initial environmental
audit as required by the EIA/EA Regulations, 2003 and subsequent annul self-environmental audits.

Programme Monitoring
The Proponent shall regularly monitor programme implementation. The process will include the regular monitoring of:
• Erosion of soil resulting in the immediate surroundings of the facility caused by the presence of facility or impacting on
structures associated with the facility
• Air quality and ambient emissions, including dust generated by construction activities
• Noise generation during construction, operation and decommissioning phases

Plan Monitoring
All of the management plans make provision for monitoring and evaluation. Special attention should be given to the monitoring
arrangements relating to biophysical impacts, occupational health and safety, facility operational and emergency response.

During the construction phase of the project, the Contractor’s HSE Officer shall report all environmental impacts as well as
accidents and incidents to the Proponent’s HSE Officer.

The reported impacts and incidents will be captured on a database to ascertain trends and track progress in the
implementation of preventive and corrective actions, and benchmarking against other, similar operations.

Depending on the level of severity, accidents and incidents will be investigated by the Contractor’s SHE section, with key input
from the line management to ensure accountability.

During operation, the Proponent’s SHE department will monitor the health and safety of personnel and contractors, in
compliance with legislative requirements. Emergency incidents should be reported to the relevant authorities. The reported
impacts and incidents will be captured on a database to identify weakness in the emergency response plan and track progress
in the implementation of preventative and corrective and benchmarking against other similar operations.

The Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan (ESMP) will provide the basis for monitoring of Potential Environmental
Impacts associated with the Transmission Line Project. The implementation of the Monitoring Plan together with the
Environmental and Social Management Plan will provide a benchmark for future environmental audits. The ESMP provides
effective observation and documentation of monitorable parameters that will help in analyzing the effectiveness of the
proposed mitigation measures with the advantages of improving operational efficiency, promoting competitive advantage,
improving risk management, reducing liabilities and improving business performance.

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 32

Environmental and Social Monitoring by Contractors
KPLC will require that contractors monitor, keep records and report on the following environmental and social issues for their

1. Safety: hours worked, recordable incidents and corresponding Root Cause Analysis (lost time incidents, medical
treatment cases), first aid cases, high potential near misses, and remedial and preventive activities required (for example,
revised job safety analysis, new or different equipment, skills training, and so forth).

2. Environmental incidents and near misses: environmental incidents and high potential near misses and how they have
been addressed, what is outstanding, and lessons learned.

3. Major works: those undertaken and completed, progress against project schedule, and key work fronts (work areas).

4. E&S requirements: noncompliance incidents with permits and national law (legal noncompliance), project commitments,
or other E&S requirements.

5. E&S inspections and audits: by contractor, engineer, or others, including authorities—to include date, inspector or auditor
name, sites visited, and records reviewed, major findings, and actions taken.

6. Workers: number of workers, indication of origin (expatriate, local, nonlocal nationals), gender, and skill level (unskilled,
skilled, supervisory, professional, management).

7. Training on E&S issues: including dates, number of trainees, and topics.

8. Footprint management: details of any work outside boundaries or major off-site impacts caused by ongoing
construction—to include date, location, impacts, and actions taken.

9. External stakeholder engagement: highlights, including formal and informal meetings, and information disclosure and
dissemination—to include a breakdown of women and men consulted and themes coming from various stakeholder
groups, including vulnerable groups (e.g., disabled, elderly, children, etc.).

10. Details of any security risks: details of risks the contractor may be exposed to while performing its work—the threats may
come from third parties external to the project.

11. Worker grievances: details including occurrence date, grievance, and date submitted; actions taken and dates; resolution
(if any) and date; and follow-up yet to be taken—grievances listed should include those received since the preceding
report and those that were unresolved at the time of that report.

12. External stakeholder grievances: grievance and date submitted, action(s) taken and date(s), resolution (if any) and date,
and follow-up yet to be taken—grievances listed should include those received since the preceding report and those that
were unresolved at the time of that report. Grievance data should be gender-disaggregated.

13. Major changes to contractor’s environmental and social practices.

14. Deficiency and performance management: actions taken in response to previous notices of deficiency or observations
regarding E&S performance and/or plans for actions to be taken—these should continue to be reported until KPLC
determines the issue is resolved satisfactorily.

The environmental and social parameters monitoring procedures and techniques for proposed project are summarized in table

Table 3: Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan (ESMP)

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 33

Potential Parameter to be Timing Frequency Responsibility
Environmental monitored
/Social impact
Noise Measure the Noise Level Construction and Quarterly Contractor
within the Project area Decommissioning
and at distances of 30 phases
from the transmission Operation Quarterly KPLC
Vegetation and Quantify the area of During Construction Monthly Contractor
Habitat Loss cleared forest
Soil erosion Assess size of rills or Operation phase Quarterly KPLC
Gulleys forming from
accelerated run off from
compacted areas
Increased water Record amount of Litres During Construction Monthly Contractor
Demand used and
Oil Spills Record any leakages During construction Monthly Contractor
from construction phase
equipment. Record all
accidental spills and
number of litres
Encroachment Record any new During Operation Monthly KPLC
settlements within the during the first
Transmission Wayleave six Months
trace and maintain from start of
wayleaves clear Construction
and Quarterly
for the first
one year of
operation then
Fire hazards Record any Fire Construction and Monthly Contractor
incidences and decommissioning
investigate on possible Operation Quarterly KPLC
Occupational Record any incident, Construction and Through out Contractor
Health and accidents and Possible decommissioning
Safety Issues hazard scenarios Operation Through out KPLC
Birds Collisions Record any dead birds Construction Quarterly Contractor
within the project site Operation Quarterly KPLC
Aircraft accidents Record any plane Operation Bi annually KPLC
crashes due to collision
with the transmission line
Fall from Heights No of accidents Construction and Through out Contractor
Operation Through out KPLC

Narok-Bomet 132kV Powerline ESMP Page 34

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