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Management, Vol. 8, 2003, 2, pp.

M. Boban, Ž. Požgaj, H. Sertić: Strategies for successful software development risk management

Figure 3. Activities of flexible risk management strategy

The selection of a suitable risk management strategy should be primarily

based on organizational experience and the quality of project organization, but
software development project complexity, use of new technologies, stability of
requirements and competencies of project members should also be considered.
We believe that the careful risk management strategy should be used in the
initial project phase and that the risk management strategy should be
reconsidered and possibly changed to typical or flexible on each project
milestone. Proposed strategies are the result of a theoretical study based on real
experiences from software development projects at Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
Activities defined in the careful risk management strategy are a result of
experiences from the IP Telex development project, whose project goal was to
build a telecom exchange solution based on a commonly used computer
platform. The two other strategies are a theoretical proposition for more mature
development projects than the current ones at Ericsson Nikola Tesla Company
and should be tested in the future.


This work describes risks in software development. Risks are present in

every software development project because software development is based on
knowledge and new technologies, and the chances for success of a software
development project are closely connected with successful risk addressing. As a
result of that, we have closely investigated risks and risk impact areas in
software development projects. With this paper, we propose a key element of
modern software development practices to be software risk management. In
order to achieve efficient risk management, we have proposed three risk
management strategies suitable for different software development projects
according to the amount of risk impact.

We have also proposed a risk-based approach to development planning and

risk management as an attempt to address and retire the highest impact risks as
early as possible in the development process. The risk-based approach to
software development should enable early risk addressing and conclusion when
the expenses connected with risk materialization and project failure are small
and insignificant. Strategies proposed in this work should enhance risk
management on software development projects and increase project chances for

Management, Vol. 8, 2003, 2, pp. 77-91
M. Boban, Ž. Požgaj, H. Sertić: Strategies for successful software development risk management

From the global business perspective, the success of many enterprises is

becoming increasingly dependent on the success or failure of the software they
build. It is not important if software is intended to be sold, internally used or to
drive business transactions, the future of many enterprises is connected with the
software they develop. Thus, risk management is not only a crucial
development practice, but also a vital business practice.


1. Hall, E. (1998): Managing Risk: Methods for Software System

Development, Addison-Wesley, New York
2. Jones, C. (1994): Assessment and Control of Software Risk, Prentice-Hall,
New York
3. Sertić, H. (2002): Applying Unified process on complex software system
development, Master Thesis, Economic Faculty, University of Zagreb,
4. Booch, G.; Rambaugh, J.; Jacobson, I. (2001): The Unified Software
Development Process, Addison-Wesley, New York
5. Karolak, W. (1995): Software Engineering Risk Management, Wiley-IEEE
Press, San Francisco
6. Royce, W. (1998): Software Project Management: A unified framework,
Addison-Wesley, New York
7. Larman, C. (2002): Applying UML and Patterns, Prentice Hall, Upper
Saddle River
8. Robertson, S.; Robertson J. (2001): Mastering the Requirements Process,
Addison-Wesley, New York
9. Capers, J. (1994): Assessment and Control of Software Risks, Prentice Hall
PTR, Upper Saddle River NJ
10. Ould, M. (1996): Strategies for Software Engineering: The Management of
Risk and Quality, John Wiley & Sons, San Francisco
11. Charette, R. (1989): Software Engineering Risk Analysis and Management,
McGraw Hill, New York
12. Ould, M. (1998): Managing Software Quality and Business Risk, John
Wiley & Sons, San Francisco

Management, Vol. 8, 2003, 2, pp. 77-91
M. Boban, Ž. Požgaj, H. Sertić: Strategies for successful software development risk management




Softver je danas postao jednim od ključnih čimbenika poslovanja. Razvoj softvera je

aktivnost povezana s razvijenom tehnologijom i visokom razinom znanja. Proizvodnja
uspješnog softverskog sustava traži uspješno smanjivanje rizika u projektu softverskog
razvoja. Jedan od čestih razlika za neuspjeh projekta leži u nedostatku planiranog
pristupa upravljanju rizikom. Ovaj rad istražuje temeljna područja djelovanja rizika,
kako bi se stvorio opći teorijski pristup upravljanju rizika u razvoju softvera, a s ciljem
poboljšanja uspješnosti softverskih projekata. Na temelju tipičnih područja djelovanja
rizika na proces softverskog razvoja, predlažu se tri strategije upravljanja rizikom,
pogodne za veliki broj poduzeća i projekata razvoja softvera, koje obilježava različita
razina rizika. Predloženim se strategijama definiraju aktivnosti koje bi trebalo obavljati
u okviru uspješnog upravljanja rizikom, kao i aktivnosti vezane uz poboljšanje
percepcije rizika i uklanjanje problema nastalih uslijed negativnih posljedica rizika.
Autori također predlažu pristup utemeljen na upravljanju rizikom kao pokušaj
identificiranja i uklanjanja najznačajnijih oblika rizika projekta softverskog razvoja, i to
u što ranijoj fazi projekta. Predložene bi strategije trebale poboljšati upravljanje rizikom
u projektima razvoja softvera, te pomoći u stvaranju uspješnih softverskih rješenja.


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