Room Temperature Stable CO - Free H Production From Methanol With Magnesium Oxide Nanophotocatalysts
Room Temperature Stable CO - Free H Production From Methanol With Magnesium Oxide Nanophotocatalysts
Room Temperature Stable CO - Free H Production From Methanol With Magnesium Oxide Nanophotocatalysts
production from methanol with magnesium NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).
oxide nanophotocatalysts
Zhengqing Liu,1* Zongyou Yin,2,3*† Casandra Cox,3 Michel Bosman,4 Xiaofeng Qian,2 Na Li,1 Hongyang Zhao,1
Yaping Du,1† Ju Li,1,2† Daniel G. Nocera3†
Methanol, which contains 12.6 weight percent hydrogen, is a good hydrogen storage medium because it is a liquid at
room temperature. However, by releasing the hydrogen, undesirable CO and/or CO2 byproducts are formed during
catalytic fuel reforming. We show that alkaline earth metal oxides, in our case MgO nanocrystals, exhibit stable pho-
tocatalytic activity for CO/CO2-free H2 production from liquid methanol at room temperature. The performance of
MgO nanocrystals toward methanol dehydrogenation increases with time and approaches ~320 mmol g−1 hour−1 after
a 2-day photocatalytic reaction. The COx-free H2 production is attributed to methanol photodecomposition to form-
aldehyde, photocatalyzed by surface electronic states of unique monodispersed, porous MgO nanocrystals, which
Because of the high mobility of protons, hydrogen can be efficiently though photodecomposition has been reported at room temperature
converted into electricity by using low-temperature proton exchange with Ti-b and noble metals (Pt, Rh, Ir, Pd, and Au) deposited on
membrane fuel cells. However, it is not easy to store and transport TiO2 as photocatalysts. However, the photocatalytic reactions require
pure hydrogen. A liquid methanol–formaldehyde cycle could be useful methanol vapor, and a Pt-TiO2 catalyst is plagued by low H2 yields
for storing hydrogen (1) (<7 mmol H2 g−1 hour−1) and low stability (13–15).
Here, we show that magnesium oxide (MgO), a stable and cheap
CH3 OH⇌H2 ðgÞ þ CH2 O ð1Þ alkaline earth metal oxide that has been used as a photocatalyst for
CO2 reduction and organic contaminant degradation, an additive in
Methanol (CH3OH) has a boiling point of 64.7°C and is a liquid refractory materials, and an adsorbent for air purification, toxic waste
under ambient conditions. Formaldehyde (CH2O) has a boiling point remediation, and biomedicine (16–25), is also an ultrastable photo-
of −19.3°C, so only moderate pressure (~5 atm) is needed to liquefy it; catalyst for hydrogen production from methanol. We can mass pro-
furthermore, it exhibits 37 weight percent solubility in liquid water. duce monodispersed, porous MgO nanoparticles (NPs) with diameters
Reaction (1) in a closed loop releases no carbon into the atmosphere ranging from 40 to 170 nm that demonstrate stable COx-free H2 pro-
(2, 3). The difficulty in reaction (1) lies in efficient methanol de- duction from liquid methanol near room temperature.
hydrogenation to produce H2 at the site of end use (as opposed to Various wet chemical synthesis strategies have been developed to obtain
hydrogenation, which can be accomplished centrally), and so far, this MgO nanocrystals. Examples include sol-gel processes, hydrothermal/
has been far from economical. The reported dehydrogenation catalysts solvothermal methods, polyol-mediated thermolysis reactions, and
to producing hydrogen from methanol mainly include aqueous meth- microwave-assisted synthesis (26–29). However, most of the current
anol reforming and pure methanol decomposition. Aqueous methanol routes initially yield hydroxide precursors, such as Mg(OH)2 and
reforming, with H2O added for the water-gas (CO) shift reaction, nor- Mg2(OH)2CO3, which must be calcinated at high temperatures to pro-
mally requires high temperatures (≥200°C) and pressures (≥25 bar) duce crystalline MgO. These high-temperature processes are costly and
(4, 5), or mild temperatures (<100°C) but the use of ruthenium usually result in fusion of NPs into aggregates (30–33). To date, only
complexes (6) or lower-stability metal-organic complexes (7). For pure one study focused on the preparation and properties of nearly mono-
methanol decomposition, thermal decomposition is achieved at high dispersed MgO nanocrystals using an organometallic decomposition
temperatures (≥160°C) with noble metals (Pt and Pd) (8–12), al- method (34). However, the raw materials used in this approach are
toxic and expensive. To the best of our knowledge, until now, a facile,
Frontier Institute of Science and Technology jointly with College of Science, State environmentally friendly, and inexpensive synthetic route to mass pro-
Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an duce well-defined, porous MgO nanocrystals still remains a challenge,
710049, China. 2Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Materials Sci- and a systematic study on the synthesis and properties of monodispersed,
ence and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139,
USA. 3Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University, 12 Oxford
porous MgO nanocrystals has yet to be performed.
Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 4Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, Here, we demonstrate an inexpensive and green approach to synthe-
A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research), 2 Fusionopolis Way, Singa- sizing monodispersed, porous monocrystalline MgO NPs (Scheme 1)
pore 138634, Singapore. using magnesium acetylacetonate dihydrate [Mg(acac)2·2H2O]. The size
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] (Y.D.); [email protected] (Z.Y.); of the porous MgO nanocrystals can be tuned from ~40 to 170 nm, all
[email protected] (J.L.); [email protected] (D.G.N.) showing ultraviolet (UV) to blue emissions under UV light excitation
Synthesis and characterization of monodispersed porous
MgO nanocrystals
The synthesized MgO NPs have an exclusively face-centered cubic
phase [periclase type, space group: Fm3m, JCPDS (Joint Committee
on Powder Diffraction Standards): 45-0946], as confirmed by powder
x-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis (Fig. 1A) for various-sized MgO NPs,
with the calculated crystal parameters a = b = c = 4.211 Å. No diffrac- Fig. 1. Composition and morphology characterization of MgO NPs.
tion peaks from other chemical species, such as Mg(OH)2 or MgCO3, (A) XRD pattern of various-sized MgO NPs. (B) TEM image of 85-nm-sized
are detectable in all the samples. The average particle sizes of MgO porous MgO NPs, with a plane size distribution analysis (inset). (C to F) Tem-
perature effect on NP size. TEM images of MgO NPs with different sizes ob-
NPs determined by XRD using the Debye-Scherrer equation to the
tained from the thermolysis of 2 mmol of Mg(acac)2·2H2O in OM/OA/ODE =
(200) reflection were around 40, 85, 115, and 170 nm, respectively. 4:1:5 (molar ratio) at different temperatures for the same reaction time of
Sharpening of the diffraction peaks indicates the increased crystallinity 30 min: 265°C (C), 280°C (D), 300°C (E), and 320°C (F). From the TEM images,
of MgO NPs with increasing size. the average sizes of MgO NPs can be estimated to be ~40 nm (C), ~85 nm
Figure 1B shows a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image (D), ~115 nm (E), and ~170 nm (F), respectively.
of as-synthesized MgO nanocrystals; the MgO NPs are relatively
monodispersed with an average size of ~85 nm (inset for a histogram
of particle diameters). This suggests retention of capping ligands on XRD analysis (Fig. 1A). Moreover, as indicated by the TEM images
the nanocrystal surfaces, as validated by Fourier transform infrared in Fig. 1, the as-obtained MgO NPs gradually became smooth as the
(FTIR) spectroscopy (fig. S1). The scanning electron microscopy reaction temperature was elevated. Under a fixed reaction tempera-
(SEM; fig. S2A) image shows that the MgO NPs are spherically shaped. ture of 265°C, the thermolysis of 2 mmol of Mg(acac)2·2H2O in
Energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectroscopy (fig. S2B) confirms that OM/OA/ODE = 4:1:5 (molar ratio) for 60 min produces MgO
stoichiometric MgO is formed with an atomic ratio of Mg/O = 1:1. NPs with a size of ~60 nm (fig. S3A). When the reaction tempera-
The size of the MgO NPs was readily controlled by varying ture was raised to 280°C with all other conditions unchanged, the
the reaction temperature and time. For instance, with 2 mmol of size of MgO NPs increased to ~100 nm (fig. S3B). Our results show
Mg(acac)2·2H2O as the precursor in oleylamine/oleic acid/1-octadecene that the size of the as-obtained MgO NPs did not significantly
(OM/OA/ODE) = 4:1:5 (molar ratio), a reaction time of 30 min at change with the reaction time (30 to 60 min) and when the tem-
265°, 280°, 300°, or 320°C produced MgO NPs with an average di- perature was kept constant at 300° or 320°C (Fig. 1E versus fig. S3C
ameter of ~40 nm (Fig. 1C), ~85 nm (Fig. 1D), ~115 nm (Fig. 1E), and Fig. 1F versus fig. S3D). This suggests a temperature-driven
or ~170 nm (Fig. 1F), respectively, which is well consistent with the “size-focusing” process with increasing reaction temperature (35).
The crystal structure of the individual MgO NPs was determined cause of a well-maintained balance between nucleation and growth
with high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) imaging and selected-area elec- during synthesis.
tron diffraction (SAED), as shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2A represents a typ- Through manipulation of capping ligands, solvents, and their rela-
ical TEM image for a single MgO NP; an amorphous surface layer can tive ratios, we have successfully synthesized size-controlled mono-
be clearly observed at the edge of the MgO NPs (inset of Fig. 2A). This dispersed porous MgO NPs. One unique characteristic of MgO is
amorphous surface layer may result from the applied capping ligands its chemical stability, which is essential for long-term performance un-
(OM and OA), which is consistent with the FTIR spectroscopy (fig. S1). der strong illumination. To remove surface capping ligands, we used
The enlarged TEM image in the inset of Fig. 2A and the high-angle an- an oxygen plasma treatment on dried MgO powders. As an example,
nular dark-field scanning TEM (HAADF-STEM) image in Fig. 2B dem- fig. S1 shows a comparison between the FTIR spectrum of the 85-nm
onstrate the local variation in density due to the porous nature of the MgO NPs before (black) and after (red) treatment. The oxygen plas-
MgO NPs. As seen in Fig. 2C, the HRTEM images taken from Fig. 2A ma treatment thus efficiently modifies the nanomaterial surface by re-
show clear rock salt crystal lattice along the [100]. The observed inter- moving the organic capping ligands.
planar distances between the lattice fringes are 0.21 and 0.15 nm, Figure 3 shows the room temperature UV-vis (visible) absorption
corresponding to the (200) and (220) planes of MgO, respectively. and photoluminescence (PL) spectra for MgO NPs. Figure 3A shows
The SAED pattern acquired on a single MgO NP displays a single set the UV-vis absorption spectra for MgO NPs of different sizes. All of
of clear diffraction spots (Fig. 2D), confirming the monocrystalline na- the colloidal MgO NPs exhibited continuous absorption across the
ture of the porous MgO NPs (36). UV wavelength range, with two broad absorption peaks centered
In the present synthesis, the combination of different capping li- around 220 nm (5.6 eV) and 270 nm (4.6 eV). These peaks arise from
Fig. 2. Crystal structure analysis of MgO NP. (A and B) TEM (A) and
HAADF-STEM (B) image of a single porous MgO NP with a diameter of
~85 nm. Inset of (A): Enlarged TEM images for the edge and center of the Fig. 3. Optical properties of MgO nanocrystals. (A and B) Room tempera-
MgO NPs. (C and D) HRTEM image (C) and the corresponding SAED pattern ture UV-vis absorption (A) and PL (lex = 270 nm) spectra (B) of differently
(D) recorded from (A). sized porous MgO NPs. a.u., arbitrary units.
~0.38 mg ml−1 exhibit the best performance. Lower concentrations The H2 production yields for various sizes of MgO nanocrystals
likely dilute the concentration of intermediate products, radicals, are presented in fig. S6. Among the different sizes, the highest H2
and/or protons because of the lower availability of surface active sites production rates (~55 mmol g−1 hour−1) occur from 85-nm MgO
or photoexcited charges from MgO, resulting in a lower performance. NPs. The higher surface area of the smaller-sized MgO nanocrystals
On the other hand, high concentrations can cause light blocking/ (85 nm), as compared to the larger-sized MgO nanocrystals (115 and
screening between the adjoining MgO nanocrystals, thus lowering 170 nm), leads to an enhanced photocatalytic reaction with metha-
light-harvesting efficiency. This is further supported by the fact that nol. The surface area was verified using the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller
MgO’s absorbance of light rises much slower compared with its con- (BET) method: the 40-, 85-, 115-, and 170-nm-sized MgO NPs have
centration increase (fig. S6A). surface areas of 28.5, 19.7, 17.4, and 13.9 m2 g−1, respectively (fig. S7).
Fig. 4. H2 production from methanol photodecomposition based on ~85-nm MgO nanocrystals. (A) Illumination wavelength effect using the
long-wave pass filters with different cut-on wavelengths. (B) MgO concentration effect with constant 3 mg of MgO powder dispersed in different
volumes of methanol. (C) Performance endurance of H2 production by continuing to use the same MgO (3 mg)/methanol (8 ml) reaction materials
for the whole three-cycle testing. (D) XRD pattern for MgO after a total 48-hour photocatalytic reaction.
The smallest-sized MgO nanocrystals (40 nm), with the largest BET
surface area, did not yield the highest H2 production rate per weight.
This is most likely the result of the lower crystal quality of 40-nm-
sized MgO nanocrystals (fig. S8) as compared to the 85-nm-sized
MgO nanocrystals (Fig. 2D). The production of H2 from pure MgO
nanocrystals indicates that photoexcited electrons and holes in the
surface defect energy levels of MgO can be harvested to oxidize meth-
anol and reduce the generated protons (H+) for H2 production. At the
same time, this result demonstrates that an oxygen plasma treatment
is an effective method to remove the organic surfactants from nano-
materials synthesized via this oil phase strategy. After oxygen plasma
treatment, MgO crystals have hydrophilic surfaces and become dis-
persible in polar liquids, such as methanol and water. This method
enhances the direct contact between the MgO nanocrystal surface
and methanol, enabling a more efficient photoreaction.
The H2 production from MgO NPs is stable, and the rate actually
improves with time (Fig. 4C and fig. S9). This is in contrast to many
H2 production systems, which often deteriorate in performance over Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of proposed hydrogen production mecha-
treatment itself does not make a notable contribution to H2 produc- MATERIALS AND METHODS
tion in this work; O2 plasma treatment is mainly used to make MgO Chemicals
nanocrystals hydrophilic. The obviously more H2 produced from the Magnesium 2,4-pentanedionate hydrate [Mg(acac)2·2H2O, >98%, Alfa
MgO in this work, as compared with commercial MgO, demonstrates Aesar], OM (70%, Sigma-Aldrich), OA (90%, Sigma-Aldrich), ODE
that the unique structure with low-coordinate surface sites of our (>90%, Sigma-Aldrich), ethanol [analytical reagent (AR)], acetone
MgO directly contributes to efficient H2 production from methanol (AR), glycerin (AR), and cyclohexane (AR) were used as received
under photocatalytic reaction. without further purification.
Aqueous methanol reforming, one of the methanol dehydro-
genation reactions, produces carbon dioxide (CO2) via the water-gas Synthesis of porous MgO NPs
shift reaction. Conversely, complete decomposition of methanol gen- The synthesis of the 85-nm-sized porous MgO NPs was used as an
erates carbon monoxide (CO) and H2 (5). In our MgO/methanol re- example. A slurry containing 2 mmol (0.445 g) of Mg(acac)2·2H2O,
action system, neither CO2 (fig. S11, A and C) nor CO (fig. S12, A and 16 mmol (4.288 g) of OM, 4 mmol (1.128 g) of OA, and 20 mmol
B) was observed in the products. On the basis of this observation, the (5.05 g) of ODE in a three-necked flask (100 ml) was heated to 140°C
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