BCA VI Sem Computer Graphics & Multimedia
BCA VI Sem Computer Graphics & Multimedia
BCA VI Sem Computer Graphics & Multimedia
Unit Contents
Pixel, frame, buffer, application of computer graphics, Raster
Graphics fundamentals.
Unit- I Display Devices- Random Scan, Raster Scan Monitors, Color CRT
Monitor, DVST
and Plasma Panel.
Graphics Primitives : Algorithms for line Generation, circle
Polygon generation and polygon filling algorithm, Anti aliasing
Unit- II
2D Transformation : Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Reflection,
homogeneous Coordinates.
3-D Transformation : Translation, Scaling, Rotation,
windowing & clipping windows, view port, line clipping, polygon
Unit- III clipping, windows & view port transformation.
Display file, Segment table, Segment creation, deletion, rename,
Unit – I
Interactive Computer Graphics: Whenever the user has control over the image by providing him
with an input device .For example the video game controller of the ping pong game. This helps
him to signal his request to the computer.The computer on receiving signals from the input
device can modify the displayed picture appropriately. To the user it appears that the picture is
changing instantaneously in response to his commands. He can give a series of commands, each
one generating a graphical response from the computer. In this way he maintains a conversation,
or dialogue, with the computer.
In real life interactive computer graphics may be used to train an airplane pilot by providing him
a simulator in place of the real airplane so that he may protect himself from any type of accident.
The flight simulator is a mockup of an aircraft flight deck, containing all the usual controls and
surrounded by screens on which we have the projected computer generated views of the terrain
visible on take-off and landing.
2. User interfaces: Most applications that run on personal computers and workstations, and
even those that run on terminals attached to timeshared computers and network computer
servers, have user interfaces that rely on desktop window systems to manage multiple
simultaneous activities, and on point and click facilities to allow users to select menu
items, icons, and objects on the screen. Word processing, spreadsheet, and desktop-
publishing programs are typical applications of user interface facility.
3. Plotting in business, science and technology: The next most common use of graphics
today is probably to create 2D and 3D graphs of mathematical, physical, and economic
functions; histograms, bar and pie charts; task-scheduling charts; inventory and
production charts, and the like . All these are used to present meaningfully and concisely
the trends and patterns gleaned from data, so as to clarify complex phenomena and to
facilitate informed decision making.
4. Office automation and electronic publishing: The use of graphics for the creation and
dissemination of information has increased enormously since the advent of desktop
publishing on personal computers. Many organizations whose publications used to be
printed by outside specialists can now produce printed materials in house.
5. Computer-aided drafting and design: In computer-aided design (CAD), interactive
graphics is used to design components and systems of mechanical ,
electrical,electromechanical, and electronic devices, including structure such as buildings,
automobile bodies, airplane and ship hulls, very large scale-integrated (VLSI) chips,
optical systems, and telephone and computer networks. Sometimes, the use; merely wants
to produce the precise drawings of components and assemblies, as for online drafting or
architectural blueprints Color Plate 1.8 shows an example of such a 3Ddesign program,
intended for nonprofessionals also a customize your own patiodeck” program used in
lumber yards. More frequently however the emphasis is on interacting with a computer
based model of the component or system being designed in order to test, for example, its
structural, electrical, or thermal properties. Often,the model is interpreted by a simulator
that feeds back the behavior of the system tothe user for further interactive design and
test cycles. After objects have been designed, utility programs can post process the design
database to make parts lists, to process ‘bills of materials’, to define numerical control
tapes for cutting or drilling parts, and so on.
6. Simulation and animation for scientific visualization and entertainment: Computer
produced animated movies and displays or the time-varying behavior of real and
simulated objects are becoming increasingly popular for scientific and engineering
visualization. We can use them to study abstract mathematical entries as well as
mathematical models of such phenomena as fluid flow, relativity, nuclear and chemical
reactions, physiological system and organ function, and deformation of mechanical
structures under various kinds of loads. Another advanced-technology area is interactive
cartooning. The simpler kinds of systems for producing ‘Flat” cartons are becoming cost-
effective in creating routine ‘in-between” frames that interpolate between two explicitly
specified ‘key frames”. Cartoon characters will increasingly be modeled in the computer
as 3D shape descriptions whose movements are controlled by computer commands,
rather than by the figures being drawn manually by cartoonists. Television commercials
featuring flying logos and more exotic visual trickery have become common, as have
elegant special effects in movies. Sophisticated mechanisms are available to model the
objects and to represent light and shadows.
7. Art and commerce: Overlapping the previous categories the use of computer graphics in
art and advertising here, computer graphics is used to produce pictures that express a
message and attract attention. Personal computers and Tele text and Video texts terminals
in public places such as in private homes, offer much simpler but still informative
pictures that let users orient themselves, make choices, or even “teleshop” and conduct
other business transactions. Finally, slide production for commercial, scientific, or
educational presentations is another cost-effective use of graphics, given the steeply
rising labor costs of the traditional means of creating such material.
8. Process control: Whereas flight simulators or arcade games let users interact with a
simulation of a real or artificial world, many other applications enable people or interact
with some aspect of the real world itself. Status displays in refineries, power plants, and
computer networks show data values from sensors attached to critical system
components, so that operators can respond to problematic conditions. For example,
military commanders view field data – number and position of vehicles, weapons
launched, troop movements, causalities – on command and control displays to revise their
tactics as needed; flight controller airports see computer-generated identification and
status information for the aircraft blips on their radar scopes, and can thus control traffic
more quickly and accurately than they could with the uninitiated radar data alone;
spacecraft controllers monitor telemetry data and take corrective action as needed.
A raster file is usually larger than a vector graphics image file. A raster file is usually difficult to
modify without loss of information, although there are software tools that can convert a raster
file into a vector file for refinement and changes. Examples of raster image file types are: BMP,
TIFF, GIF, and JPEG files.
Raster-scan display
In a raster- scan system, the electron beam is swept across the screen, one row at a time from top
to bottom. As the electron beam moves across each row, the beam intensity is turned on and off
to create a pattern of illuminated spots. Picture definition is stored in memory area called the
refresh buffer or frame buffer. This memory area holds the set of intensity values for all the
screen points. Stored intensity values are then retrieved from the refresh buffer and “painted” on
the screen one row (scan line) at a time (Fig). Each screen point is referred to as a pixel or pel
(shortened forms of picture element).The raster scan system is well suited for the realistic display
of scenes.
Intensity range for pixel position in a simple black and white system is one bit per pixel, as each
screen point is either ON or OFF. A bit value of 1 indicates that the beam intensity is to be ON,
while 0 indicates OFF. But if color and intensity variations can be displayed, then additional bits
are needed up to 24 bit per pixel are there in high quality system. the storage for the frame buffer
require 3 megabytes of memory, if the frame buffer is to define a system with 24 bit per pixel
and a screen resolution of 1024 by 1024.
The frame buffer is referred to as a bitmap in a black and white system. While, it is called as a
pixmap for a system with multiple bit per pixel.
Refreshing on raster-scan displays is carried out at the rate of 60 to 80 frames per second,
although some systems are designed for higher refresh rates. Sometimes, refresh rates are
described in units of cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz), where a cycle corresponds to one frame.
At the end of each scan line, the electron beam returns to the left side of the screen to begin
displaying the next scan line. The return to the left of the screen, after refreshing each scan line,
is called the horizontal retrace of the electron beam. And at the end of each frame, the electron
beam returns (vertical retrace) to the top left corner of the screen to begin the next frame.
Random-scan display
Random scan monitors draw a picture one line at a time and for this reason are also referred to as
vector displays (or stroke-writing or calligraphic displays). The component lines of a picture can
be drawn (Figure ) and refreshed by a random-scan system in any specified order.Example of
random scan system includes pen plotter etc.
Refresh rate on a random-scan system depends on the number of lines to be displayed. Picture
definition is now stored as a set of line-drawing commands in an area of memory referred to as
the refresh display file. Sometimes the refresh display file is called the display list, display
program, or simply the refresh buffer. To display a specified picture, the system cycles through
the set of commands in the display file, drawing each component line in turn.
After all line- drawing commands have been processed, the system cycles back to the first line
command in the list. Random-scan displays are designed to draw al the component lines of a
picture 30 to 60times each second.
1. Beam Penetration method: This CRT is similar to the simple CRT, but it makes use of
multi coloured phosphorus of number of layers. Each phosphorus layer is responsible for one
colour. All other arrangements are similar to simple CRT. It can produce a maximum of 4 to 5
colours. The organization is something like this - The red, green and blue phosphorus are coated
in layers - one behind the other. If a low speed beam strikes the CRT, only the red colored
phosphorus is activated, a slightly accelerated beam would activate both red and green (because
it can penetrate deeper) and a much more activated one would add the blue component also.
But the basic problem is a reliable technology to accelerate the electronic beam to precise levels
to get the exact colors - it is easier said than done. However, a limited range of colors can be
conveniently produced using the concept.
This works, again, on the principle of combining the basic colors - Red, green and Blue - in
suitable proportions to get a combination of colors, but it's principle is much more sophisticated
and stable.
The shadow mask CRT, instead of using one electron gun, uses 3 different guns placed one by
the side of the other to form a triangle or a "Delta" as shown. Each pixel point on the screen is
also made up of 3 types of phosphors to produce red, blue and green colors. Just before the
phosphor screen is a metal screen, called a "shadow mask".
This plate has holes placed strategically, so that when the beams from the three electron guns are
focused on a particular pixel, they get focused on particular color producing pixel only i.e. If for
convenience sake we can call the electronic beams as red, blue and green beams (though in
practice the colors are produced by the phosphors, and until the beams hit the phosphor dots,
they produce no colors), the metal holes focus the red beam onto the red color producing
phosphor, blue beam on the blue producing one etc. When focused on to a different pixel, the red
beam again focuses on to the red phosphor and so on.
Now, unlike the beam penetration CRTs where the acceleration of the electron beam was being
monitored, we now manipulate the intensity of the 3 beams simultaneously. If the red beam is
made more intense, we get more of red color in the final combination etc. Since fine-tuning of
the beam intensities is comparatively simple, we can get much more combination of colors than
the beam penetration case. In fact, one can have a matrix of combinations to produce a wide
variety of colors.
The shadow mask CRT, though better than the beam penetration CRT in performance, is not
without it's disadvantages. Since three beams are to be focused, the role of the "Shadow mask"
becomes critical. If the focusing is not achieved properly, the results tend to be poor. Also, since
instead of one pixel point in a monochrome CRT now each pixel is made up of 3 points (for 3
colors), the resolution of the CRT (no. of pixels) for a given screen size reduces.
Another problem is that since the shadow mask blocks a portion of the beams (while focusing
them through the holes) their intensities get reduced, thus reducing the overall brightness of the
picture. To overcome this effect, the beams will have to be produced at very high intensities to
begin with. Also, since the 3 color points, though close to each other, are still not at the same
point, the pictures tend to look like 3 colored pictures placed close by, rather than a single
picture. Of course, this effect can be reduced by placing the dots as close to one another as
The above displays are called refresh line drawing displays, because the picture vanishes
(typically in about 100 Milliseconds ) and the pictures have to be continuously refreshed so that
the human persistence of vision makes them see as static pictures. They are costly on one hand
and also tend to flicker when complex pictures are displayed (Because refreshing because
These problems are partly overcome by devices with inherent storage devices - i.e. they continue
to display the pictures, till they are changed or at least for several minutes without the need of
being refreshed. We see one such device called the Direct View Storage Tube (DVST) below.
Direct View Storage Tube DVST:
Conceptually the Direct View Storage Tube (DVST) behaves like a CRT with highly persistent
phosphor. Pictures drawn on there will be seen for several minutes (40-50 minutes) before
fading. It is similar to CRT as far as the electronic gun and phosphor-coated mechanisms are
concerned. But instead of the electron beam directly writing the pictures on the phosphor coated
CRT screen, the writing is done with the help of a fine-mesh wire grid.
The grid made of very thin, high quality wire, is located with a dielectric and is mounted just
before the screen on the path of the electron beam from the gun. A pattern of positive charges is
deposited on the grid and this pattern is transferred to the phosphor coated CRT by a continuous
flood of electrons. This flood of electrons is produced by a "flood gun" (This is separate frame
the electron gun that produces the main electron beam).
Just behind the storage mesh is a second grid called the collector. The function of the collector is
to smooth out the flow of flood electrons. Since a large number of electrons are produced at high
velocity by the flood gun, the collector grid, which is also negatively charged reduces, the
acceleration on these electrons and the resulting low velocity flood pass through the collector and
get attracted by the positively charged portions of the storage mesh (Since the electrons are
negatively charged), but are repelled by the other portions of the mesh which are negatively
charged (Note that the pattern of positive charges residing on the storage mesh actually defines
the picture to be displayed).
Thus, the electrons attracted by the positive charges pass through the mesh, travel on to the
phosphor coated screen and display the picture. Since the collector has slowed the electrons
down, they may not be able to produce sharp and bright images. To over come this problem, the
screen itself is maintained at a high positive potential by means of a voltage applied to a thin
aluminum coating between the tube face and the phosphor. The dotted circle on the mesh is
created by positive charges the flood of electrons hit the mesh at all points. But only those
electrons that hit the dotted circle pass through and hit the CRT screen. The negatively charged
mesh repels others. Since the phosphor is of a very high persistence quality, the picture created
on the CRT screen will be visible for several minutes without the need for being refreshed. Now
the problem arises as to how do we remove the picture, when the time for it's erasure or
modification comes up. The simple method is to apply a positive charge to the negatively
charged mesh so that it gets neutralized. This removes all charges and clears the screen. But this
technique also produces a momentary flash, which may be unpleasant to the viewer. This is
mainly so when only portions of the picture are to be modified in an interactive manner. Also,
since the electrons hit the CRT screen at very low speeds (though they are slightly accelerated in
the last part of their journey to the CRT by a positively charged aluminum coating), the contrasts
are not sharp. Also, even though the pictures stay for almost an hour, there will be a gradual
degradation because of the accumulation of the background glow.
The other popular display device is the plasma panel device, which is partly similar to the DVST
in principle, but over comes some of the undesirable features of the DVST.
Plasma Panel: In a plasma panel display, two glass plates having horizontal and vertical gold
electrodes are kept. These gold electrodes are covered with dielectric material. In between these
two glass plates there is another glass plate filled with neon gas. When voltage is applied through
the gold electrodes the neon gas is split in to independent cells and they start to glow. By
applying voltages through the gold electrodes this glow can be controlled, thus, creating a
display. No refresh is required in a Plasma panel display.
∑ Earlier generation displays were more susceptible to screen burn-in and image retention.
Recent models have a pixel orbiter that moves the entire picture slower than is noticeable to
the human eye, which reduces the effect of burn-in but does not prevent it.[14]
∑ Due to the bistable nature of the colour and intensity generating method, some people
will notice that plasma displays have a shimmering or flickering effect with a number of
hues, intensities and dither patterns.
∑ Earlier generation displays (circa 2006 and prior) had phosphors that lost luminosity over
time, resulting in gradual decline of absolute image brightness. Newer models have
advertised life spans exceeding 100 000 hours, far longer than older CRTs.
∑ Uses more electrical power, on average, than an LCD TV using an LED backlight. Older
CCFL backlights for LCD panels used quite a bit more power, and older plasma TVs used
quite a bit more power than recent models.
∑ Does not work as well at high altitudes above 6,500 feet (2,000 metres) due to pressure
differential between the gases inside the screen and the air pressure at altitude. It may cause a
buzzing noise. Manufacturers rate their screens to indicate the altitude parameters.
∑ For those who wish to listen to AM radio, or are amateur radio operators (hams) or
shortwave listeners (SWL), the radio frequency interference (RFI) from these devices can be
irritating or disabling.
∑ Plasma displays are generally heavier than LCD, and may require more careful handling
such as being kept upright.
Unit – II
Algorithm for line Generation: There is basically two line generating algorithm:
1) DDA (Digital Differential Algorithm)
2) Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm
DDA algorithm:
Step 1: Input to the function is two endpoints (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
Step 2: length ← abs(x2-x1);
if (abs(y2-y1) > length) then length ←abs(y2-y1);
Step 3: xincrement ← (x2-x1) / length;
yincrement ← (y2-y1) / length;
Step 4: x ←x + 0.5; y ← Y + 0.5;
Step 5 : ???=?=←=N=??=??????=??????=?????=S=??=T
Step 6 : ????=E?????E?FI?????E?FFX
Step 7: ?=←=?=H??????????=X
?← ?=H=??????????=X
Step 8: ?????
q ??=a a ?=?????????=??=??????=????=???=??????=???=??=???=????=????????=?????=??=??????????=??????=??=
Advantages of DDA Algorithm
N?=f? =??=???=????????=?????????=???=??=????=???=???????=???????=??????=???=???????????????
???=????=???=??????=???=??=????????=?=?=??=H=?? =
=??????????=???=??????? ???????=??=???=????????=??=??????=???=??=??????=???????????????I=??=???? =
Consider the line from (0,0) to (4,6). Use the simple DDA algorithm to rasterize this line.
Sol. b ?????????=?????=N=??=R=??=???=a a ?=?????????=??=????
u ??=M= v N ?=M
u O ?=?= v O ?S
i ?????=?=?v OJv N?=?=S
∆u =?=? u OJ u ??
=L=i ?????
∆v =?=? v OJ v ??
=L=i ?????
u =?=MH=M? R=G=p???=EM? SSSSTF=?=M?
v =?=M=H=M? R=G=p???=ENF=?=M?R
=b ?????????=?????=N=??=R=??=???=a a ?=?????????=??=????
u ??=M= v N ?=M
u O ?=J S= v O ?J S
i ?????=?=???E=u OJu N= F=??=???Ev OJv N= F?=S
∆u =?=∆v =?=JN
u =?=M=H=M?R=G=p???=EJNF=?JM? R
v =?=M=H=M?R=G=p???=EJNF=?JM? R
q ??=???????=???=???????=??=?????=??=???=c ???
??=??????=????????XkHNI ???=????????=???????????=????=?
??dupper ???dlower?
Algorithm:(here m<1)
Step 1: f????=???=???=????=?????????=???=?????=???=????=????????=??E?MI?MF
Step 2: i ???=E=?MI?MF=????=???=?????=??????X=????=??=I=????=???=?????=??????
Step 3: ?????????=?????????∆?I ∆?IO∆?=???=O∆?=JO∆?=I=???=??????=???=????????=?????=???=???=
p0 = 2 ∆y – ∆x
Step 4 : ???=????=??I=???=????=?????=???=????=I=????????=??=??MI=???????=???=?????????=????W
?=????=??=E?? H=N=I?? F=???
pk+1 = pk + 2 ∆y
l ????????I=???=????=????? =??=????=??=E?? H=NI=?? HNF=???
pk+1 = pk + 2 ∆y – 2 ∆x
Step 5: o ?????=????=?∆?=??????
i ??=??=????=???=?????????=??=?=????=??=EOMI=NMF=???=EPMINUF
q ???=????=???=?=?????=??=M?U=????=∆??NM=???=∆??U
q ??=???????=????????=?????????=???=???=?????=
p0 = 2 ∆y – ∆x
2∆y =16 2 ∆y – 2∆x=-4
t ?=????=???=???????=?????=E?MI?MF?EOMINMFI=???=?????????=??????????=?????=????????=?????=???=????=
K Pk (xk+1,yk+1) K Pk (xk+1,yk+1)
0 6 (21,11) 5 6 (26,15)
1 2 (22,12) 6 2 (27,16)
2 -2 (23,12) 7 -2 (28,16)
3 14 (24,13) 8 14 (29,17)
4 10 (25,14) 9 10 (30,18)
??????=???=????=???=???=??=????????=??= ???=??????=????=????=????=????????=????=
??????????=?????????? a a ?=??????????
q ???=???=??=???????=??=???=????????=?????????d?
∑ f? =?=Y?=MI=????=k Eu HNI=v F=??=??=??=??????=??=????=??????
∑ f? =?=[ =MI=????=pEu HNI=v JNF=??=??=??=??????=??=???=????=??
Step 9: b ???
2) Mid-Point Circle ( Xc, Yc, R):
i ??==u ?=???=v ?=??????=???=?=???????????=???=?=???????????=??=???=??????=??=???=???????
=o =??=???=
??????? =
Step 1W =p??=u =?=M=???=v =?=o =
Step OW =p??=m=?=N=?o =
Step PW =o ?????=t ????=Eu =Y=v F=
Step ?W =????=a ???=??????Eu ?I=v ?I=u I=v F=
Step RW =p??=u =?=u =H=N=
Step SW =f?=Em=Y=MF=q ???=
Step TW =m=?=m=H=Ou =H=S=
Step UW =b ???=
Step VW =p??=v =?=v =?N=
Step NW ?=m=?=m=H=OEu =?v F=H=N=
xb ??=??=f?z=
Step NNW =????=a ???=??????Eu ?I=v ?I=u I=v F=
xb ??=??=t ????z=
Step NOW =b ??
Step 1 −=f?????????=???=?????=??=????=?????=E?????I=?????FI=??????=???=?????
Step 2 −=a ?????=???=????????=??????=??=???=????????
Step 3 −=?????=??=???=???????=????=?????=??=??=???????=?????I=????=??????=???=?????=?=???=R=????=???=
f?????????E?I ?F?????=??????????=????=????R
Step 4 −=??????=???=???????=?????=????=???=????=?????=??=???=????=??????
Step 5 −=o ??????????=??????=???=?????????=????=????=????????????=???????
c ????c ???=E?????=?NI=?????I=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????=H=NI=?????I=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????I=?????=J NI=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????=?NI=?????=H=NI=????I=????F
Step 6 −=b ???
q ????=??=?=???????=????=????=??????????
???=??????=???????=e ???I=???=?????=??=??????=????=??????????
8-Connected Polygon
f?=????=?????????=UJ?????????=??????=???=????=??=?????=??=???=??????? =t ?=???=???????=??????=
??=????????=q ???=???????=????=????????=?????=??=????=?=????????=????=?????????=??????
Step 1 −=f?????????=???=?????=??=????=?????=E?????I=?????FI=??????=???=?????
Step 2 −=a ?????=???=????????=??????=??=???=????????
Step 3 −=?????=??=???=???????=????=?????=??=??=???????=?????=????=??????=???=?????=?=???=R=????=???=
Step 4 −=??????=???=???????=?????=????=???=????=?????=??=???=????=??????
Step 5 −=o ??????????=??????=???=?????????=????=????=?????????????=??????
c ????c ???=E?????=?NI=?????I=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????=H=NI=?????I=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????I=?????=J NI=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????I=?????=H=NI=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????=?NI=?????=H=NI=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????=H=NI=?????=H=NI=????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????=H=NI=?????=J NI ????I=????F
c ????c ???=E?????=?NI=?????=J NI=????I=????F
Step 6 −=b ???
q ??=?J?????????=?????=?????????=??????=??=????=???=????=??=??????=??=???=?????????=??????=?????=
Transformations ???=???=??=???=???????????=??????????=????=???=?????????=??=????????=????????? =
????=?????=??????????=??????? =q ??????????????=???=????==??????=??=??????????
????F? =l ??=???=????=??????==??????????????=??=???=?????????????=????W
Homogenous Coordinates
q ?=???????=?=????????=??=??????????????=????=??=???????????=????????=??=????????=???=???????I=
∑ q? ???????=???=???????????I
∑ o ?? ???=???=??????????=???????????I=???=????
∑ p??? ?=???=???????=???????????=??=????????=???=?????????=???????????????
q ?=???????=????=???????I=??=????=??=???=P?P=??????????????=??????=???????=??=O?O=??????????????=
???????=q ?=???????=?=O?O=??????=??=P?P=????? ?I=??=????=??=???=??=?????=?????=??????????=t ?
f?=? ???=???I=??=???=?????????=? ??=?????=??=P=???????=? ??????=??=O=???????I=?????=? ?=
??????Homogenous Coordinate ??????? =f?=????=??????I=??=???=?????????=???=???=??????????????=
?????????= ??= ?????
?= ???????????????= ???= ?????????= ?????= mEu I= v F= ???= ??= ?????????= ??=
??????????=???????????=??=m?=Eu ?I=v ?I=?F?
=v ??=???=?????????=?=?????=??=
Oa =??=??????=???????????=??????????=E? ?I=?
?=???=????????=??????????=Eu I=v F=??=???=???=???=
??????????=Eu ?I=v ?F?
c ???=???=?????=??????I=??????=?????=????=−
X’ = X + tx
Y’ = Y + ty
q ??=????=E??I=??F=??=??????=???=???????????=??????=??=?????=??????? =q ??=?????=?????????=???=????=??=
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