Effect of Downsizing On Market Orientation in Nigeria: Critical Appraisal of Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) in Anambra State
Effect of Downsizing On Market Orientation in Nigeria: Critical Appraisal of Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) in Anambra State
Effect of Downsizing On Market Orientation in Nigeria: Critical Appraisal of Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) in Anambra State
Dr. CI Ezeanyeji
Department of Economics
Dr. CI Ezeanyeji, CBN Ibekilo and Imoagwu Chika Priscilla
Faculty of Social Sciences
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Abstract
Ojukwu University, Anambra This research work studied the effect of downsizing on market orientation in Nigeria with Guaranty
State, Nigeria Trust Bank Plc in Anambra State as the case study. The Survey method of data collection was used in
the course of the research. Analysis of the data, which were collected from the questionnaire, was done
CBN Ibekilo
using the simple percentage method, chi-square and goodness of fit. The results of the analyses showed
Department of Economics,
that downsizing affect market orientation of Guaranty Trust Bank in Anambra State. Also, it therefore
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu
Ojukwu University (COOU), infers that downsizing as financially effective and liberating for victims affect market orientation of
Anambra State, Nigeria Guaranty Trust Bank in Anambra State. It is therefore recommends that Guaranty Trust Bank Plc need
to adopt strategies to improve the market orientation as well as job satisfaction of survivors since the
Imoagwu Chika Priscilla success of downsizing rests on the shoulders of survivors who must provide both the core competencies
Department of Economics and corporate memory necessary for moving forward into a new era of business prosperity.
Nwafor Orizu College of
Education, Nsugbe Keywords: Downsizing, market orientation, financially effective, liberating for victims, guaranty trust bank
Anambra State, Nigeria
1. Introduction
Downsizing has become a legitimate option for business growth strategies especially after
the 1980s. In Nigeria, downsizing is, in fact, the most preferred option of companies to
sustain operating costs and comply with the existing scope of the business. Downsizing, if
properly conceived and implemented, has a tremendous potential for organizational survival
and futurity and boast for economic growth especially for a developing economy like Nigeria
(Ezeanyeji & Ejefobihi, 2015) [6]. Downsizing generally accompanies some kind of
restructuring and reorganizing, either as part of the downsizing plan or as a consequence of
downsizing. Since companies frequently lose a large number of employees when
downsizing, they usually must reallocate tasks and responsibilities in an effort to increase the
amount of work output relative to the amount of work input. Consequently, downsizing often
accompanies corporate calls for concentration on “core capabilities” or “core businesses”,
which refers to the interest in focusing on the primary revenue-generating aspects of a
business. The jobs and responsibilities that are not considered part of the primary revenue-
generating functions are the ones that are frequently downsized. These jobs might then be
outsourced or handled by outside consultants and workers on a contract basis (Ezeanyeji &
Ejefobihi, 2015) [6].
In Nigeria, the pervasiveness of restructuring is gaining in popularity. Many Nigerian
companies both in the manufacturing and service sectors are looking for ways to streamline
their operations and become lean and efficient. Many managers and Chief Executive Officers
(CEO’s) have embraced downsizing and restructuring as there are increases in quality and
productivity in those organizations that have embraces downsizing. Equally noteworthy is
the fact that competitive pressures are forcing many organizations to react to these changes
with improved quality services. Competitive pressures around the world are now prompting
Correspondence organizations to cut costs restructure and reduce their labour force. Akinola (2011) [1]
Dr. CI Ezeanyeji observed too that global economic recession has affected company’s structures and practices
Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Sciences
while global management has brought companies face-to-face with complex cross cultural
Chukwuemeka Odumegwu issues and competition. To survive this unprecedented period of global economic recession,
Ojukwu University, Anambra many Nigerian companies
State, Nigeria
International Journal of Applied Research
Have embarked on corporate downsizing and restructuring dissemination of intelligence within an organisation and
to remain Relevance in today’s competitive pressures. responsiveness to it. Also, Narver and Slater (1990) [17]
However, in today’s highly competitive global market, top defined market orientation as the organizational culture that
managers strive to improve their organizational most effectively and efficiently crates the necessary
effectiveness through execution of organizational strategies behaviours for the creation of superior value for buyers and
or capabilities that are linked to better performance. As a thus superior performance for business.
result, market orientation becomes a crucial strategy or However, market orientation may also be seen as a model of
capability of an organization to stay competitive in the market management behaviour which emphasis customer
current uncertain business environment (Goldman & satisfaction coordination of functional marketing activities,
Grinstein, 2010) [8]. sensitivity to competition and intelligence and mutually –
Despite the importance of market orientation to business satisfactory measures of performance (Martin & Grbac,
success, systematic inquiries to gain a deeper understanding 2003; Liu & Wang, 2009; Zhou, et al., 2009) [16, 15, 26].
of the construct began, following the pioneering work of Marketing orientation may be seen as a model of service
Kohli and Jaworski (1990) [14] and Narver and Slater (1990) marketing which emphasizes, six dimensions representing
. Since then, there have been several researches on market key organizational leverages, through which customer focus
orientation and performance. The studies have attempted to is implemented (Tomaz, 2005) [24].
assess the association of market orientation with different Shapiro (1988) [23] defined market orientation as a
performance measures such as profitability; Ruekert (1992), managerial decision-making practice with a commitment
Raju, Lonial and Gupta (1995) [21], Greenley (1995) [10], shared within the organization. Hilman and Kaliappen
Bhuian (1997) [3], market share; Deshpande, Farley and (2014) [11] identified market orientation as the set of
Webster (1993) [4], Pelham and Wilson (1996) [20], new organizational capabilities that facilitates to serve targeted
product success; Appiah-Adu (1997) [2] and customer customers and monitor the organization’s competitors more
satisfaction; Gray, Matear, Boshoff and Matheson (1998) [9]. efficiently. It is precisely concerned with intangible
The findings indicated that market orientation is positively competencies, namely organizational culture as
related to business performance. However, relatively few demonstrated by the link between competitor orientation
researches have addressed, in the empirical sense, the and customer orientation and performance. Thus, dynamic
proposition that the adoption of market orientation leads to capabilities were found to be an appropriate perspective to
improved organizational performance, especially in the describe this study that highlighted market orientation and
Nigerian context. Ikyanyon (2011) [13] found that performance linkages.
downsizing has improved the efficiency and profitability of
banks in Nigeria. Downsizing is commonly adopted by 2.2 Brief profile of guaranty trust bank
firms after making large investments in labour saving Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) Plc. Nigeria, was registered as
technologies. Banks in Nigeria have invested in private company on 20th July, 1990. It obtained a licence to
technologies as could be seen in the proliferation of ATMs operate as a commercial bank on 1 August 1990, and
and internet banking. This is perhaps one of the reasons for commenced business on 11 February 1991. It became a
massive downsizing in the sector since technology has public limited liability company on 2nd April, 1996, and its
replaced most human jobs. To fill this gap in the literature, shares were listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange on 9th
the present study attempts to examine the effect of September, 1996. The banks corporate head office is at
downsizing on market orientation in Nigeria – critical Plural House, Plot 1669, Oyin Jolayemi street Victoria
appraisal of Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB) in Anambra State. Island Lagos.
The Bank was issued a universal banking licence by the
The specific objectives are to Central Bank of Nigeria on 5 February 2001. The Bank’s
1. Establish the effect of downsizing on market orientation principal activity continues to be the provision of
of Guaranty Trust Bank in Anambra State, Nigeria. commercial banking services to its customers. Such services
2. Examine the effect of downsizing as financially include retail banking, granting of loans and advances,
effective and market orientation of Guaranty Trust equipment leasing, corporate finance, money market
Bank in Anambra State, Nigeria. activities and related services, as well as foreign exchange
3. Investigate the effect of downsizing as liberating for operations.
victims and market orientation of Guaranty Trust Bank Five years later, in September 1996, Guaranty Trust Bank
in Anambra State, Nigeria. plc became a publicly quoted company and won the
Nigerian Stock Exchange Presidential Merit award that
2. Literature Review same year and subsequently in the years 2000, 2003, 2005,
2.1 Conceptual Framework 2006, 2007 and 2008. In February 2002, the bank was
Ezeanyeji and Ejefobihi (2015) [6] refers downsizing as the granted a universal banking license and later appointed a
permanent reduction of a company’s workforce and is settlement bank by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in
generally associated with corporate reorganization, or 2003.
creating a “leaner, meaner” company. Downsizing is Guaranty Trust Bank undertook its second share offering in
undertaken in an effort to trim expenses and anticipated 2004 and successfully raised over N11bn from Nigerian
revenue shortfalls. Downsizing such as these are also investors to expand its operations and favourably compete
commonly called reorganizing, reengineering, restructuring, with other global financial institutions. This development
or rightsizing. ensured the bank was satisfactorily poised to meet the
Kohli and Jaworski (1990) [14] defines market orientation as N25bn minimum capital base for banks introduced by the
the organisation wide generation of market intelligence Central Bank of Nigeria in 2005, as part of the consolidation
pertaining to current and future needs of customers,
International Journal of Applied Research
exercise by the regulating body to sanitise and strengthen B.V. Netherlands, Guaranty Trust Bank (Cote D’Ivoire)
Nigerian banks. Limited, and Guaranty Trust Bank (Liberia) Limited.
The Bank has five non-bank subsidiaries: Guaranty Trust As at 31st December, 2012, the bank had Asset base of over
Assurance Plc which, is engaged in the provision of 1.734 trillion Naira, and shareholders’ equity in excess of
insurance services, GTB Registrars Limited, which acts as N283 billion and staff strength of about 2,901 employees. In
registrars to public companies, GTB Finance B.V. December 2009, Guaranty Trust Bank once again set the
Netherlands, a special purpose entity used to raise its $350 pace by successfully completing the first tranche of its 200
million Eurobond Guarantee Notes, GT Homes Limited, a million dollars corporate Bond – The first corporate bond in
licensed Primary Mortgage Institution, which is engaged in Nigeria for a very long while. The bank, which commences
mortgage activities, and GTB Asset Management Limited, business only few years ago, is today an icon in banking
an asset management and securities trading company. scene. With its growth rate and current policies, many
The Bank has seven (7) overseas subsidiaries namely analysts regard the bank as the best indigenous bank in
Guaranty Trust Bank (Gambia) Limited, Guaranty Trust Nigeria today. The fig. 1 below shows the organogram of
Bank (Sierra Leone) Limited, Guaranty Trust Bank (Ghana) Guaranty Trust Bank PLC.
Limited, Guaranty Trust Bank (UK) Limited, GTB Finance
2.3 Empirical Literature Nigeria. The study uses a contextualized and literature based
Using a cross-sectional research design, Oluwatoyin, research instrument to measure the application of market
Olufunke and Salome (2018) [19] examined the impact of orientation “construct” by 120 hotels operating in Nigeria.
market orientation on performance of selected hotels in Data were gathered through self-administered
Ondo State, Nigeria. The study collected data with the aid of questionnaires directed to the top, and middle-level
questionnaire from 68 hotels. The findings indicate that managers of three –to-five star rated hotels in Nigeria. The
market orientation has impact on the performance of hotels. research instrument showed encouraging evidence to a high
It was also found that the size of a hotel has no influence on extent of reliability and validity. Data were interpreted by
market orientation practices but it is influenced by the age of factor analysis. The study found that market orientation is
the hotel. Therefore, the study provides new insights into the practiced by the surveyed hotels as their core marketing
understanding of market orientation practices in the hotel strategy. Market orientation practices were positively linked
industry. Udegbe (2017) [25] examined the effects of market to business performance. Using a simple literature survey
orientation practices on business performance of hotels in method, Ezeanyeji and Ejefobihi (2015) [6] investigated the
International Journal of Applied Research
downsizing as a strategic tool for corporate performance and the productivity of the banks. The method and procedure
economic growth of Nigeria and the study concludes that tobe used in carrying out this study. The research design
downsizing strategies are highly necessary for adopted in this study is the quantitative research design. A
organizational competitiveness and efficiency in the new field research survey was undertaken in different offices of
world order. It further stresses inter alia that downsizing be Guaranty Trust Bank Plc to gather the opinions of
tailored as both a defensive and offensive strategy in the respondents on the subject matter. The survey was done
best interest for any organization in the troubled times that through the administration of questionnaire among the staff
the Nigerian economy is witnessing in the recent past. of the bank.
Ezeanyeji and Anuche (2014) [5] investigate the effect of The population of the study includes the staff (both
organizational downsizing on economic growth of Nigeria. management and non-management staffs) of Guaranty Trust
The literature survey was employed to discuss the issues Bank. The 2012 Annual Reports shows that there is 2,901
raised in the study. the study concluded that in Nigeria, staff in the bank across Nigeria. The respondents cut across
downsizing has primarily taken the form reduction of different departments of the bank. It cut across all the levels
workforce through the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) of organizational hierarchy to include top management and
and went onto point that the indiscriminate use of VRS in clerical staffs. All these people will be included in order to
the public sector in Nigeria has not only led to organizations have a representation of all shades of opinions.
losing their best employees but has also pushed profitable A total of seventy (70) respondents were selected for the
companies into red on account of massive cash outflows. purpose of this analysis. The sampling was done randomly
Ikyanyon (2012) [12] determined how survivors’ perception where every member of the population was given an equal
of downsizing as financially effective, inevitable, and chance of being selected. The research instrument of this
liberating for victims affects their job satisfaction. The study study is the questionnaire. The questionnaires, which were
employed Pearson product moment correlation coefficient administered by the respondent, have thirty-one (31) items.
and regression analysis. The study revealed that survivors’ Both primary and secondary data were used in the course of
perception of downsizing as financially effective and this research work. The primary data shall be sources via the
inevitable negatively affect their job satisfaction. Though survey method that is, the questionnaire designed by the
the relationship between survivors’ perception of researcher and distributed to the respondents. The researcher
downsizing as liberating for victims and job satisfaction was would then collect the filled questionnaire from the
positive, it was not statistically significant. The analysis of respondents in order to analyse the data collected with the
variance showed that there was no difference in survivors’ appropriate statistical instruments(s).
perception of downsizing among the banks studied, while The secondary data were gathered from the statement of
their level of job satisfaction varied. On the whole, we account and Annual reports of the bank and also analysed
conclude that downsizing negatively affects the job using statistical instruments like table and charts and simple
satisfaction of survivors. mathematical calculations such as the percentages.
Using a structural equation modeling approach (SEM), The data, which will be collected from the questionnaire,
Farrell (2011) [7] examined the effect of downsizing on will be analysed using the simple percentage method and
market orientation – the mediating roles of trust and chi-square, goodness of fit. The chi-square method will be
commitment. The findings suggest that downsizing-seeking calculated thus:
efficiencies through reducing the number of employees have
a negative effect on employee trust and employee
commitment to a customer focus. Results suggest that
employee trust has a positive effect on employee
commitment to a customer focus and market orientation, Where
and employee commitment to customer focus has a positive X2 - Chi-square
effect on market orientation. O - Observed frequencies
Nwokah (2008) [18] conducted a study on the extent to which E - Expected frequencies
market orientation impacts the business performance of an
organization. The commentary adopts a triangulation 4. Data Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis
approach and the study conclude that the commentary This section is devoted to analysing of the results of the
validates earlier instruments but does not find any strong research and the testing of the hypothesis through the use of
association between market orientation and business various modes of analysis. Chi-square statistical technique
performance in the Nigerian context using food and was used to test the existence of relationships predicted in
beverages organizations. The reasons underlying the weak the hypotheses. The justification for the use of this
relationship between the market orientation and business technique lies in the nature of our variables; ordinal level of
performance of food and beverages organizations include measurement used for the data, and the multivariate nature
government policies, new product development, of predicts relationships between variables in the hypotheses
diversification, innovation and devaluation of the Nigerian and its effect of market orientation of GTB performance.
currency. Frequency tables were worked out manually based on
answers given to the questions on the questionnaire. The
3. Methodology data analyses and interpretations shall be based on the 50
This research is designed to critically evaluate the effects of questionnaires that were returned.
Training and Motivation on workers performance in the
banking sector and to assess the extent to which these affect
International Journal of Applied Research
Table 1: Socio-economic characteristics of effect of downsizing on market orientation in Nigeria: the study of guaranty trust bank (GTB) in
Anambra State
Characteristics Frequency Distributions (n = 50) Percentages (%)
Distribution of Respondents by Sex
Male 17 34
Female 33 66
Total 50 100
Distribution of Respondents by Age
20 years - Below 2 6
21-30 years 22 44
31 – 40 years 16 32
41 years and above 9 18
Total 50 100
Distribution of Respondents by Marital Status
Single 29 58
Married 18 36
Divorced 2 4
Widowed 0 0
Separated 1 2
Total 50 100
Distribution of Respondents by Religion
Christianity 50 100
Muslim (Islam) 0 0
Others 0 0
Total 50 100
Distribution of Respondents by Educational Qualification
Primary School 0 0
SSCE 1 2
NCE/Polytechnic 18 36
University (B.Sc) 26 52
Others 5 10
Total 50 100
Distribution of Respondents by Position
Junior staff 22 44
Senior staff 16 32
Managerial staff 6 12
Others 6 12
Total 50 100
Distribution of Respondents by Length of Services
Below 5 years 25 50
5 – 10 years 16 32
11 – 15 years 8 16
16 – Above 1 2
Total 50 100
Distribution of Respondents by their Annual Salary
Below N10,000 0 0
N10, 000 – N25,000 1 2
N26, 000 – N30,000 6 12
N31, 000 – Above 43 86
Total 50 100
Source: Author’s Fieldwork, 2019
The above table one shows that the percentage of male that are between the ages of 41 and above years. The
respondents is 34%, while 66% is for female. This explains respondents of ages of 20 years and below had the lowest
the simple fact that higher percentages of workers in the frequency with 6%. This result reveals to us that the ages
banking industry are female. In recent times, there has been between 21 and 30 years are mostly employed in the
increase in the number of female graduates employed in the banking industry because of their youthfulness and agility.
banking industry basically into the marketing department. The applicants between the ages of 21 and 30 and those
The persuasive nature of the female fox and the tough between 31 and 40 are employers’ favourites because they
competition in the industry has been cited as being are still very active and interested in building a strong
responsible for this trend. foundation for their career.
Also, the above table one shows that majority of the The table one above shows that majority of the respondents
respondents are between the ages of 21and 30 years, then indicates they are single with 58%, while 36% were
followed by the respondents that are between the ages of 31 married. This simply means that both single and married
and 40 years. This was followed by 18% for the respondents people are more employed in the banking industry than any
International Journal of Applied Research
other class of people in the country. None of the respondents 4.2 Hypotheses Testing
was widowed, while divorced and separated were 4% and The statistical analysis that would be used in analysing the
2% respectively. data collected is the Chi-Square (X2) Statistical Test as
According to the data, it was realized that all the mentioned earlier. This statistical analysis would be used in
respondents were Christians with 100%, and no respondent analyzing questions that are related to each hypothesis listed
signified any other religion. This could simply imply that below and the result of this analysis would be used to
Christianity constitutes the greatest percentage of people interpret the hypothesis (whether to accept or reject). Chi-
that are employed in the industry. square (X2) test involves the testing of observed frequency
The table one shows that majority of our respondents had (Oi) against expected frequencies (Ei) and is given by chi-
square (X2)
University degree that is, 52% followed by
NCE/Polytechnic diploma holders 36%; then others that
were not mentioned are 10%, SSCE holders are 2%, while
there were no Primary school certificate holders in the
respondents. The information presented in the above table
Where degree of freedom is K-1 for one-way classification
one, shows that most of the respondents to the questionnaire
(where K is the number of categories of classes). But for
are junior staffs -44%, followed by the senior staffs (32%). two-way classification degree of freedom (d.f.) = (r-1) (c-1)
Equal percentages of the respondents – 12 % are both for where “r” means number of rows and “c” stands for number
the managerial staffs and others not indicated in the of columns.
From the questionnaire collected, which is presented in The three null Hypotheses are as follows
above table one, half of the respondents have spent below 5 1. Downsizing does not affect market orientation of
years in the industry while 32% of the respondents have Guaranty Trust Bank in Anambra State, Nigeria.
spent between 5 and 10 years. Those that have spent
2. There is no effect of downsizing as financially effective
between 11 and 15 years and 16 years and above are 16%
and market orientation of Guaranty Trust Bank in
and 2% respectively. It is evident from the above
Anambra State
information that majority of the respondents are relatively
new in the industry.
3. Downsizing as liberating for victims does not effect on
market orientation of Guaranty Trust Bank in Anambra
The table one above shows that majority of our respondents
had University degree i.e 52% followed by
NCE/Polytechnic diploma holders 36%; then others that
Hypothesis One
were not mentioned are 10%, SSCE holders are 2%, while
Downsizing does not affect market orientation of Guaranty
there were no Primary school certificate holders in the
Trust Bank in Anambra State, Nigeria.
Table 2: Shows the responses of the respondents on the question that is related to the hypothesis one
The result obtained from the chi-square (X2) test shows that
chi-square calculated is greater than chi-square tabulated
therefore we shall reject the hull hypothesis and accept the
alternative hypothesis. This reveals to us that downsizing
has negative effect market orientation of Guaranty Trust
International Journal of Applied Research
From the table0.01 d.f. 2= 9.21 mysterious. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to
investigate the effect of downsizing on market orientation in
Nigeria – critical appraisal of Guaranty Trust Bank (GTB)
in Anambra State. The study employed simple percentage
and chi-square method for the analysis. The study revealed
that downsizing affect market orientation of Guaranty Trust
Bank in Anambra State. Also, it therefore infers that
downsizing as financially effective and liberating for
victims affect market orientation of Guaranty Trust Bank in
Anambra State. This means though that survivors are
concerned about those who leave the organization as a result
of downsizing; this is not enough to improve their job
satisfaction. However this study recommends that
management of GTB need to adopt strategies to improve
market orientation and job satisfaction of survivors since the
success of downsizing rests on the shoulders of survivors
who must provide both the core competencies and corporate
memory necessary for moving forward into a new era of
business prosperity. Also, there should be performance
measurement systems in place to detect the effect of
investment in market orientation with the aim of learning
how the firm works.
Table 8: Chi-square (X2) test of research hypothesis three
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International Journal of Applied Research