PART - A (10 X 2 20 Marks)
PART - A (10 X 2 20 Marks)
PART - A (10 X 2 20 Marks)
Duration: 3 hours Date: -04-2017 Maximum marks: 100 13.(a) Explain with neat diagram of OFDM Transmitter and (16)
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PART – A (10 x 2 = 20 marks) 13.(b)(i) Explain in briefly about cyclic prefix and windowing. (8)
1. Define: Frequency Reuse (ii) Explain in briefly about frequency and delay dispersion (8)
2. State the difference between small and large scale fading.
3. Mention a few techniques to expand the capacity of cellular 14.(a)(i) Explain in detail about MMSE with neat block diagram (8)
networks? (ii) Explain in detail about linear equalizer with neat block (8)
4. Mention the difference between wide and narrow band systems diagram
5. What is Link Budget Calculation? Or
6. Why GMSK is preferred for multiuser, cellular communication? 14.(b) Explain in detail about Macro Diversity with neat block (16)
7. Differentiate selection diversity and combining diversity. diagram
8. Define: Diversity and its principle?
9. Define: Transmitter and Receiver Diversity. 15.(a)(i) Explain in detail about capacity in fading and non-fading (12)
10. Define: CSI. channels
(ii) Explain in briefly about Pre-coding (4)
PART – B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
11.(a)(i) Explain in detail about an indoor propagation models (10) 15.(b) Explain in detail about Receiver diversity technique (16)
(ii) Explain in detail about fading due to multipath time delay (6)
spread 16.(a) Find the 3dB bandwidth of a Gaussian low pass filter
Or used to produce 0.25 GMSK with a channel data rate of
11.(b)(i) Explain in detail about two ray propagation model with neat (8) Rb = 270 kbps. What is the 90% power bandwidth in the
block diagram RF channel? Specify the Gaussian filter parameter.
(ii) Explain in detail about fading due to doppler spread (8)
16.(b) Briefly explain Peak Average Power Ratio(PAPR) in