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invented it yet? ‘Sciontstshave discovered and inventes many things: computers, space ravel, motile communication. But therearea lot more thing ‘they havent invented or we dort we in our everyéay if. Arethey allimpossbleor an we have them one day? 1 Invisible objects Many scientists have red to inventinvisible objects, but ‘thay haven't dono itOne scondet at Tekyo University tested ‘cameras ona cozt. The cameras flmed abjectsbehind the oat and showed them en the font of the coat. Unfortunately, the coat wasrt very comfortable! The car manufacturer ‘Mercedesalso tied these cameras witha car. They pus the «amen on one side ofthe car and showed theimeges on the ‘other tide, ut a¢ you can sea inthis phota the wheel arent invisible. 2 Flying car ‘Wah al the crs on the roadan the problems of taf, why haveing cars become popular? Ove reason isbecause care ate very heavy 2 they are dficulto fy. There ae other problemas well Cites have roads for car bt they cont have runways Ard we haveso mary problems on ou norma roads do we ealy vantthesame problems inthe sky?

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