Class of 2018

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College and Career Readiness Indicators

Class of 2018

More high school completers are improving on a number of

college readiness indicators.
Despite more rigorous graduation requirements, a higher percentage of students are completing
high school on time and earning honors certificates.
A number of innovative programs and strategies are underway
at Hawai‘i’s public schools to help students get on the path to
82% On-time Grad, 84% college enrollment and completion, and to bring Hawai‘i closer
to achieving its 55 by ‘25 education goal: 55% of working age
adults hold a two- or four-year degree by the year 2025. In
order to reach that goal, our students need to graduate high
school on time and be prepared to succeed in college and
Any Honors, 28% career. With the Class of 2016, Hawai‘i made its high school
18% graduation requirements more rigorous and introduced
honors certificates, which are awarded to students who earn
at least a 3.0 GPA and take additional math, science, or Career
2013 2018
and Technical Education (CTE) courses.

The percent of completers taking an AP exam has steadily increased and participation in dual credit
has tripled.
The academic rigor and expectations associated with
Advanced Placement (AP) and dual credit courses are
preparing more students for college. Students who take AP AP, 35%
and dual credit courses have the opportunity to earn college 27%
credit while in high school, saving costs on college. Further, Dual Credit, 18%
students develop college and career readiness skills such as 6%
critical thinking, problem solving, and time management.
2013 2018

More students are immediately taking college-level math and English at UH, inclusive of credit
earned in high school.
The majority of Hawai‘i’s high school completers who go to
English, 64% college are enrolling at one of the ten University of Hawai‘i
campuses. The CCRI tracks college readiness by looking at the
46% Math, 44% first fall enrollment in math and English at UH. A number of
33% efforts are in place to improve these outcomes, including a
revised UH placement policy, DOE to UH alignment efforts,
and high school transition courses.
2013 2018

The College and Career Readiness Indicators report is an annual collaboration between the Hawai‘i State Department of
Education and the University of Hawai‘i System, and is coordinated by Hawai‘i P-20 Partnerships for Education. Hawai‘i P-
20 publishes this report each spring for the previous year’s graduating class.To track the progress of our students and
view more trends like these, visit our interactive CCRI dashboard at
College and Career Readiness Indicators

Class of: 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

High School Outcomes
High School Completers 1 11,275 11,216 10,927 11,003 10,887 11,370
High School Diploma 98% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99%
Certificate of Completion 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%

Diploma w/ Any Honors 2 * * * 18% 25% 28%

Academic Honors * * * 16% 21% 23%
CTE Honors * * * 5% 9% 12%
STEM Honors * * * 3% 3% 3%
On-time Graduation Rate 82% 82% 82% 83% 83% 84%
State Assessments 3

English Language Arts (SBA) * * * 54% 57% 58%

Mathematics (SBA) * * * 30% 31% 32%
Science Assessment * * * 30% 33% 35%
# (%) taking the ACT * 9,500 (85%) 9,521 (87%) 9,765 (89%) 9,375 (86%) 9,808 (86%)
% College Ready: English ≥ 18 * 35% 38% 39% 39% 41%
% College Ready: Math ≥ 22 * 20% 21% 23% 21% 22%
% College Ready: Science ≥ 23 * 14% 16% 17% 20% 17%
Dual Credit 4
# (%) participating 723 (6%) 879 (8%) 1,058 (10%) 1,573 (14%) 1,823 (17%) 2,015 (18%)
# (%) earning ≥ 6 credits 295 (3%) 321 (3%) 417 (4%) 753 (7%) 899 (8%) 1,045 (9%)
Advanced Placement (AP)
# (%) taking AP exams 3,022 (27%) 3,158 (28%) 3,268 (30%) 3,644 (33%) 3,532 (32%) 3,927 (35%)
# (%) scoring ≥ 3 on an exam 1,245 (11%) 1,355 (12%) 1,379 (13%) 1,597 (15%) 1,558 (14%) 1,812 (16%)
Career Technical Ed (CTE)
# (%) finishing a CTE program * 3,486 (31%) 3,792 (35%) 4,269 (39%) 4,590 (42%) ^ 6,501 (57%)

Nationwide College Enrollment and Persistence

College Enrollment 6,054 (54%) 6,234 (56%) 6,093 (56%) 6,013 (55%) 6,012 (55%) 6,236 (55%)
2-year 26% 26% 25% 23% 23% 22%
4-year 28% 30% 31% 32% 32% 33%
College Persistence 5 77% 77% 78% 78% 78% *
University of Hawai‘i System: High School to College Transition
College Enrollment 4,258 (38%) 4,136 (37%) 3,956 (36%) 3,888 (35%) 3,753 (34%) 3,805 (33%)
2-year 26% 26% 25% 23% 22% 21%
4-year 12% 11% 11% 12% 12% 12%
Math: # (%) enrolled in UH
College-level 1,347 (32%) 1,248 (30%) 1,188 (30%) 1,309 (34%) 1,260 (34%) 1,426 (37%)
Credit Earned in High School 6 53 (1%) 186 (4%) 198 (5%) 257 (7%) 193 (5%) 256 (7%)
Below College-level 1,342 (32%) 1,280 (31%) 1,101 (28%) 899 (23%) 822 (22%) 736 (19%)
Not Enrolled in Math Courses 1,516 (35%) 1,422 (34%) 1,469 (37%) 1,423 (37%) 1,478 (39%) 1,387 (36%)
English: # (%) enrolled in UH
College-level 1,780 (42%) 1,789 (43%) 1,709 (43%) 1,870 (48%) 1,956 (52%) 1,895 (50%)
Credit Earned in High School 6 188 (4%) 277 (7%) 334 (8%) 443 (11%) 468 (12%) 545 (14%)
Below College-level 1,311 (31%) 1,221 (30%) 976 (25%) 735 (19%) 482 (13%) 447 (12%)
Not Enrolled in English Courses 979 (23%) 849 (21%) 937 (24%) 840 (22%) 847 (23%) 918 (24%)
* Data not available/reported † Data not reported due to small cell size For more info, see the Technical Report at:
^ The definition of finishing a CTE program has changed with the Class of 2018. Please see the Technical Report for more information.
1 For this report, high school completers include those who have earned diplomas or certificates of completion.
2 Students may earn multiple Honors Certificates, but are counted only once in the “Diploma w/ Any Honors” row.
3 Percent of high school completers who took and met/exceeded standard on the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) and End-of-Course Biology exam.
4 Dual Credit participants are high school completers who took at least one credit course from the University of Hawai‘i while they were still enrolled in high school.
5 Percent of high school completers who enrolled in postsecondary during the first fall after high school who also enrolled in postsecondary during the second fall.
6 College credit earned from UH via dual credit, Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate exams, or in the first summer after high school.

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