PRASHNA KUNDLI - Dharmesh Mehta
PRASHNA KUNDLI - Dharmesh Mehta
PRASHNA KUNDLI - Dharmesh Mehta
If Cancer, Virgo and Gemini are in the ascendant, you will get the answer to your query soon. The things
are moving towards you.
If Jupiter ruled saggi or pisces OR Venus ruled Taurus or Libra ascendants appear, the answer or result is
nearby, but if you try or approach it, you will get the results. It’s not so fast as compared to Moon or
Mercury ruled ascendants. Answer is positive only. It’s not been denied, but you need to approach the
person and get the results.
Mars and Saturn ascendants come - the objective / result is going away from you. Needs 200 or 300
percent efforts from you.
Ascendant, LoA, Question related house and it’s lord, when moon touches these you will get the answer