Security PDF
Security PDF
Security PDF
Garhan Attebury
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]
Byrav Ramamurthy
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]
Wang, Yong; Attebury, Garhan; and Ramamurthy, Byrav, "A Survey of Security Issues In Wireless Sensor Networks" (2006). CSE
Journal Articles. 84.
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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in many applications in mil-
itary, ecological, and health-related areas. These applications often include
the monitoring of sensitive information such as enemy movement on the
battlefield or the location of personnel in a building. Security is therefore
important in WSNs. However, WSNs suffer from many constraints, includ-
ing low computation capability, small memory, limited energy resources,
susceptibility to physical capture, and the use of insecure wireless communi-
cation channels. These constraints make security in WSNs a challenge. In
this article we present a survey of security issues in WSNs. First we outline
the constraints, security requirements, and attacks with their corresponding
countermeasures in WSNs. We then present a holistic view of security
issues. These issues are classified into five categories: cryptography, key
management, secure routing, secure data aggregation, and intrusion detec-
tion. Along the way we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of vari-
ous WSN security protocols and further compare and evaluate these
protocols based on each of these five categories. We also point out the
open research issues in each subarea and conclude with possible future
research directions on security in WSNs.
CPU AT90LS8535 ATmega163 ATmega1031 MSP 430F149 40MHz ARM THUMB ARM core 12MHz
Radio RFM TR1000 916MHz RFM TR1001 868.35MHz RFM TR1000 916MHz BT 2.4 GHz
n Table 2. Sensor network layers and denial-of-service defenses. that host to request
the retransmission of
missed frames. If timed correctly, an attacker may degrade or
Hello Flood Attacks — Many protocols which use HELLO even prevent the ability of the end hosts to successfully
packets make the naive assumption that receiving such a exchange data, thus causing them to instead waste energy by
packet means the sender is within radio range and is therefore attempting to recover from errors which never really existed.
a neighbor. An attacker may use a high-powered transmitter A possible solution to this type of attack is to require
to trick a large area of nodes into believing they are neighbors authentication of all packets communicated between hosts [5].
of that transmitting node [26]. If the attacker falsely broad- Provided that the authentication method is itself secure, an
casts a superior route to the base station, all of these nodes attacker will be unable to send the spoofed messages to the
will attempt transmission to the attacking node, despite many end hosts.
being out of radio range in reality. Table 2 shows the possible DoS attacks and countermea-
sures in WSNs.
Acknowledgment Spoofing — Routing algorithms used in In the following sections we discuss cryptography, key man-
sensor networks sometimes require Acknowledgments to be agement protocols, secure routing protocols, secure data
used. An attacking node can spoof the Acknowledgments of aggregation, and intrusion detection for WSNs. For the
overheard packets destined for neighboring nodes in order to remainder of this article, we use the following notation:
provide false information to those neighboring nodes [26]. An • A, B are principals such as communicating nodes.
example of such false information is claiming that a node is • IDA denotes the sensor identifier of node A.
alive when in fact it is dead. • N A is a nonce generated by A (a nonce is an unpre-
dictable bit string, usually used to achieve freshness).
TRANSPORT LAYER • K AB denotes the secret pairwise key shared between A
and B.
The transport layer is responsible for managing end-to-end • MK is the encryption of message M with key K
connections [4]. Two possible attacks in this layer, flooding • MAC(K,M) denotes the computation of the message
and desynchronization, are discussed in this subsection. authentication code of message M with key K
• A → B denotes A unicasts a message to B
Flooding — Whenever a protocol is required to maintain • A → * denotes A broadcasts a message to its neighbors
state at either end of a connection it becomes vulnerable to
memory exhaustion through flooding [5]. An attacker may
repeatedly make new connection requests until the resources CRYPTOGRAPHY IN WSNS
required by each connection are exhausted or reach a maxi-
mum limit. In either case, further legitimate requests will be Selecting the most appropriate cryptographic method is vital
ignored. One proposed solution to this problem is to require in WSNs because all security services are ensured by cryptog-
that each connecting client demonstrate its commitment to raphy. Cryptographic methods used in WSNs should meet the
the connection by solving a puzzle [5]. The idea is that a con- constraints of sensor nodes and be evaluated by code size,
necting client will not needlessly waste its resources creating data size, processing time, and power consumption. In this
unnecessary connections. Given that an attacker does not like- section, we focus on the selection of cryptography in WSNs.
ly have infinite resources, it will be impossible for him/her to Public key cryptography, discussed first, is followed by sym-
create new connections fast enough to cause resource starva- metric key cryptography.
tion on the serving node. While these puzzles do include pro-
cessing overhead, this technique is more desirable than PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY IN WSNS
excessive communication.
Many researchers believe that the code size, data size, pro-
Desynchronization — Desynchronization refers to the dis- cessing time, and power consumption make it undesirable for
ruption of an existing connection [5]. An attacker may, for public key algorithm techniques, such as the Diffie–Hellman
example, repeatedly spoof messages to an end host, causing key agreement protocol [29] or RSA signatures [30], to be
Skipjack (C) [47] 0.38ms The performance of symmetric key cryptography is mainly
decided by the following factors:
RC5 (C, assembly) [48] 0.26ms • Embedded data bus width: many encryption algorithms
n Table 6. Symmetric key cryptography: average Selecting the appropriate cryptography method for sensor
nodes is fundamental to providing security services in WSNs.
energy numbers for AES and SHA-1. (Source: However, the decision depends on the computation and com-
[7]). munication capability of the sensor nodes. Open research
issues range from cryptography algorithms to hardware design
as described below:
occurring only at a base station makes many security services • Recent studies on public key cryptography have demon-
using public key algorithms not available under these schemes. strated that public key operations may be practical in
Such services include peer-to-peer authentication and secure sensor networks. However, private key operations are
data aggregation. still too expensive in terms of computation and energy
In contrast, Tables 5 and 6 show the execution time and cost to accomplish in a sensor node. The application of
energy cost of two symmetric cryptography protocols on an private key operations to sensor nodes needs to be stud-
Atmel ATmega128 processor. In Table 5, the execution time ied further.
was measured on a 64 bit block using a 80 bit key. From the • Symmetric key cryptography is superior to public key
table we can see that symmetric key cryptography is faster and cryptography in terms of speed and low energy cost.
consumes less energy as compared to public key cryptography. However, the key distribution schemes based on symmet-
In the next section we focus on symmetric key cryptography. ric key cryptography are not perfect. Efficient and flexi-
ble key distribution schemes need to be designed.
SYMMETRIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY IN WSNS • It is also likely that more powerful motes will need to be
designed in order to support the increasing requirements
The constraints on computation and power consumption in for computation and communication in sensor nodes.
sensor nodes limit the application of public key cryptography
in WSNs. Thus, most research studies focus on symmetric key
cryptography in sensor networks. KEY MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS
Five popular encryption schemes, RC4 [51], RC5 [48],
IDEA [51], SHA-1 [49], and MD5 [51, 52], were evaluated on Key management is a core mechanism to ensure the security
six different microprocessors ranging in word size from 8 bit of network services and applications in WSNs. The goal of key
(Atmel AVR) to 16 bit (Mitsubishi M16C) to 32 bit widths management is to establish required keys between sensor
(StrongARM, XScale) in [53]. The execution time and code nodes which must exchange data. Further, a key management
memory size were measured for each algorithm and platform. scheme should also support node addition and revocation
The experiments indicated uniform cryptographic cost for while working in undefined deployment environments. Due to
each encryption class and each architecture class. The impact the constraints on sensor nodes, key management schemes in
of caches was negligible while Instruction Set Architecture WSNs have many differences with the schemes in ad hoc net-
(ISA) support was limited to specific effects on certain algo- works.
rithms. Moreover, hashing algorithms (MD5 and SHA-11) As shown above, public key cryptography suffers from limi-
incurred almost an order of a magnitude higher overhead tations in WSNs. Thus, most proposed key management
than encryption algorithms (RC4, RC5, and IDEA). schemes are based on symmetric key cryptography. Further, a
In [54], Law et al. evaluated two symmetric key algorithms: straight pairwise private key sharing scheme between every
RC5 and TEA [55]. They further evaluated six block ciphers, pair of nodes is also impractical in WSNs. A pairwise private
including RC5 and RC6 [56], Rijndael [50], MISTY1 [57], key sharing scheme requires predistribution and storage of n –
KASUMI [58], and Camellia [59] on IAR Systems’ 1 keys in each node, where n is the number of nodes in a sen-
MSP430F149 in [60]. The benchmark parameters were code, sor network. Due to the large amount of memory required,
data memory, and CPU cycles. The evaluation results showed pairwise schemes are not viable when the network size is
that Rijndael is suitable for high-security and energy-efficiency large. Moreover, most key pairs would be unusable since
requirements while MISTY1 is suitable for good storage and direct communication is possible only among neighboring
energy efficiency. The evaluation results in [60] disagreed with nodes. This scheme is also not flexible for node addition and
the work in [8] in which RC5 was selected as the revocation. In this section, we discuss key management proto-
encryption/decryption scheme, and with the work in [22] in cols in WSNs. Another investigation of key management
which RC6 was selected. The work in [60] provides a good mechanisms for WSNs can be found in [61].
resource for deciding which symmetric algorithm should be Figure 2 shows a taxonomy of key management protocols
adopted in sensor networks. in WSNs. According to the network structure, the protocols
All pairwise — n/a n/a Yes No No Low Low Low Low High
LEAP [63] n/a Yes Yes Yes Yes Good Low Low Low Low
BROSK [64] n/a Yes Yes No No Good Low Low Low Low
LKHW [62] LKH Yes Yes No Yes Limited Low Low Low Low
CDTKeying [65] Combinatorial n/a Yes No No Good Good Medium Medium High
IOS & DMBS [66] Combinatorial n/a Yes No No Good Good Medium Medium High
Basic random key [68] Random graph n/a Yes Yes No Good Good Medium Medium High
q-composite [69] Random graph n/a Yes Yes No Good Good Medium Medium High
Polynomial based [70] polynomial & n/a Yes Yes No Good Good Medium Medium High
random graph
Blom's method
II Blom based [72] & random n/a Yes Yes No Good Good Medium Medium High
[73] Random graph n/a Yes Yes No Good Good Medium Medium Medium
knowledge based
Cluster key
[74] Random graph n/a Yes Yes No Good Good Medium Medium High
Location based [77] Random graph n/a Yes Yes No Good Good Medium Medium Medium
Note: Category I denotes deterministic approaches and category II denotes probabilistic approaches. Master key is the key shared by all the
nodes in the network. Pairwise key is the key shared between two neighboring nodes. Path key denotes the key shared between any two
nodes which need exchange data but does not share a pairwise key. Cluster key denotes the common key shared by all cluster members.
K0 K1 K2 K3 K4 Time ters. Notice that µTESLA requires that the base station uni-
cast initial parameters to individual sensor nodes, thus incur-
ring a long delay to boot up a large-scale sensor network. Liu
and Ning proposed a multilevel key chain scheme for broad-
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 cast authentication to overcome this deficiency in [82, 83].
The basic idea in [82, 83] is to predetermine and broadcast
n Figure 3. Using a time-released key chain for source authenti- the initial parameters required by µTESLA instead of using
cation (Source: [8]). unicast-based message transmission. The simplest way is to
predistribute the µTESLA parameters with a master key dur-
ing the initialization of the sensor nodes. As a result, all sen-
secure routing schemes. sor nodes have the key chain commitments and other
necessary parameters once they are initialized, and are ready
BROADCAST AUTHENTICATION to use µTESLA as long as the starting time has passed. Fur-
thermore, Liu and Ning introduced a multilevel key chain
Previous proposals for authenticated broadcast are impractical scheme, in which the higher-level key chains are used to
in WSNs for the following reasons: authenticate the commitments of lower-level ones. However,
• Most proposals rely on public key cryptography for the the multilevel key chain scheme suffers from possible DoS
authentication. However, public key cryptography is attacks during the commitment distribution stage. Further,
impractical for WSNs; none of the µTESLA or multilevel key chain schemes is scal-
• Even one-time signature schemes that are based on sym- able in terms of the number of senders. In [84], a practical
metric key cryptography have too much overhead. broadcast authentication protocol was proposed to support a
µTESLA [10] and its extensions [82, 83] have been pro- potentially large number of broadcast senders using µTESLA
posed to provide broadcast authentication for sensor net- as a building block.
works. µTESLA provides broadcast authentication for base sta-
µTESLA is an authenticated broadcast protocol which was tions but is not suitable for local broadcast authentication.
proposed by Perrig et al. for the SPINS protocol [8]. µTESLA This is because µTESLA does not provide immediate authen-
introduces asymmetry through a delayed disclosure of sym- tication. For every received packet, a node has to wait for one
metric keys resulting in an efficient broadcast authentication µTESLA interval to receive the MAC key used in computing
scheme. µTESLA requires that the base station and nodes be the MAC for the packet. As a result, if µTESLA is used for
loosely time synchronized, and that each node knows an local broadcast authentication, a message traversing l hops
upper bound on the maximum synchronization error. will take at least l µTESLA intervals to arrive at the destina-
To send an authenticated packet, the base station simply tion. In addition, a sensor node has to buffer all the unverified
computes a MAC on the packet with a key that is secret at packets. Both the latency and the storage requirements limit
that point in time. When a node gets a packet, it can verify the scheme for authenticating infrequent messages broadcast
that the corresponding MAC key was not yet disclosed by the by the base station. Zhu et al. proposed a one-way key chain
base station. Since a receiving node is assured that the MAC scheme for one-hop broadcast authentication in LEAP [63].
key is known only by the base station, the receiving node is In this scheme, every node generates a one-way key chain of
assured that no adversary could have altered the packet in certain length and then transmits the commitment (i.e., the
transit. The node stores the packet in a buffer. At the time of first key) of the key chain to each neighbor, encrypted with
key disclosure, the base station broadcasts the verification key their pairwise shared key. Whenever a node has a message to
to all receivers. When a node receives the disclosed key, it can send, it attaches to the message the next authenticated key in
easily verify the correctness of the key. If the key is correct, the key chain. The authenticated keys are disclosed in an
the node can now use it to authenticate the packet stored in order that is reverse to their generation. A receiving neighbor
its buffer. can verify the message based on the commitment or an
Each MAC key is a key from the key chain, generated by a authenticated key it received from the sending node more
public one-way function F. To generate the one-way key recently.
chain, the sender chooses the last key Kn from the chain, and
repeatedly applies F to compute all other keys: Ki = F(Ki+1). SECURE ROUTING
Figure 3 shows an example of µTESLA. The receiver node
is loosely time-synchronized and knows K0 in an authenticated The goal of a secure routing protocol is to ensure the integri-
way. Packets P1 and P2 sent in interval 1 contain a MAC with ty, authentication, and availability of messages. The proposed
key K1. Packet P3 has a MAC using key K2. If P4, P5, and P6 secure routing protocols for WSNs in the literature are based
are all lost, as well as the packet that disclosed key K 1, the on symmetric key cryptography, except the work in [85], which
receiver cannot authenticate P1, P2, and P3. In interval 4 the is based on public key cryptography.
base station broadcasts key K2, which the nodes authenticate SPINS is a suite of security protocols optimized for sensor
by verifying K0 = F(F(K2)), and hence also know K1 = F(K2), networks [8]. SPINS includes two building blocks: SNEP and
so that they can authenticate packets P1, P2 with K1, and P3 µTESLA. SNEP provides data confidentiality, two-party data
with K2. authentication, and data freshness for peer-to-peer communi-
SPINS limits the broadcasting capability to only the base cation (node to base station). µTESLA provides authenticated
station. If a node wants to broadcast authenticated data, the broadcast as discussed before. We discuss SNEP in this sub-
node has to broadcast the data through the base station. The section.
data is first sent to the base station in an authenticated way. It SPINS assumes that each node is predistributed with a
is then broadcasted by the base station. master key K which is shared with the base station at creation
To bootstrap a new receiver, µTESLA depends on a point- time. All other keys, including a key K encr for encryption, a
to-point authentication mechanism in which a receiver sends a key K mac for MAC generation, and a key K rand for random
request message to the base station and the base station number generation, are derived from the master key using a
replies with a message containing all the necessary parame- strong one-way function. SPINS uses RC5 for confidentiality.
If A wants to send a message to base station B, the complete (CA) [86]. However, the signature verification operations are
message that A sends to B is still too expensive for sensor nodes, as depicted in Table 3
and 4. Du et al. proposed an efficient alternative that uses
A → B : D〈Kencr,C〉,MAC(Kmac,C|D)〈Kencr,C〉 only a one-way hash function for the public key authentica-
tion. The proposed scheme can be divided into two stages. In
while D is the transmitted data and C is a shared counter the predistribution stage, a Merkle tree R is constructed with
between the sender and the receiver for the block cipher in each leaf Li corresponding to a sensor node (more informa-
counter mode. The counter C is incremented after each mes- tion on Merkle trees is given below). Let pki represent node
sage is sent and received in both the sender and receiver i’s public key, V be an internal tree node, and Vleft and Vright
sides. SNEP also provides a counter exchange protocol to syn- be V’s two children. The value of an internal tree node is
chronize the counter value in both sides. denoted by φ. The Merkle tree can then be constructed as fol-
SNEP offers the following properties: semantic security, lows:
data authentication, replay protection, weak freshness, and
low communication overhead. SPINS identifies two types of φ(Li) = h(idi, pki), for i = 1, …, N
freshness: weak freshness and strong freshness. Weak fresh-
ness provides partial message ordering and carries no delay φ(V) = h(φ(Vleft) || φ(Vright))
information while strong freshness provides a total order on a
request–response pair and allows for delay estimation. where “||” represents the concatenation of two strings and h
• Semantic security: The counter value is incremented after is a one-way hash function such as MD5 or SHA-1. Let R be
each message and thus the same message is encrypted the root of the tree. Each sensor node v needs to store the
differently each time. root value φ(R) and the sibling node values λ1, …, λH along
• Data authentication: A receiver can be assured that the the path from v to R. If node A wants to authenticate B’s pub-
message originated from the claimed sender if the MAC lic key, B sends its public key pk, along with the value of λ1,
verifies correctly. …, λ H to node A. Then, A can use the same procedure to
• Replay protection: The counter value in the MAC pre- reconstruct the Merkle tree R′ and calculate the root value
vents replaying old message. φ(R′). A will trust B to be authentic if φ(R′) = φ(R). A sensor
• Weak freshness: The counter also maintains a message node only needs H + 1 storage units for the extra hash values.
ordering in the receiver side and yields weak freshness. Based on this scheme, Du et al. further extended the idea to
SNEP provides weak data freshness only because there is reduce the height of the Merkle tree in order to improve the
no absolute assurance to node A that a message was cre- communication overhead of the scheme. The proposed
ated by node B in response to an event in node A. scheme is more efficient than signature verification on certifi-
• Low communication overhead: The counter state is kept cates. However, the scheme requires that some hash values be
at each end point and does not need to be sent in each distributed in a predistribution stage. This results in some
message. scalability issues when new sensors are added to an existing
The directed diffusion routing protocol was proposed by WSN.
Intanagonwiwat et al. without considering security issues [79]. The above discussion is summarized in Table 8.
Pietro et al. proposed an extension of the directed diffusion
protocol which provides secure multicasting in [62]. The OPEN RESEARCH ISSUES
extended scheme, Logical Key Hierarchy for WSNs (LKHW),
provides robustness in routing and security and supports both The development of secure routing protocols is challenging
backward and forward secrecy for sensor join and leave oper- because sensor nodes are prone to failures and the topology
ations. However, it does not provide data authentication. of a sensor network changes frequently due to node failures
Inspired by the work on public key cryptography [6, 7, 33, and possible mobility. Key open research issues include the
43], Du et al. investigated the public key authentication prob- following:
lem [85]. The use of public key cryptography eases many • The proposed secure routing protocols for WSNs focus
problems in secure routing, for example, authentication and on static sensor networks only, ignoring mobility. Secure
integrity. However, before a node A uses the public key from routing protocols for mobile sensor networks need to be
another node B, A must verify that the public key is actually investigated.
B’s (i.e., A must authenticate B’s public key); otherwise, man- • Current broadcast authentication schemes such as µTES-
in-the-middle attacks are possible. In general networks, public LA and its extensions require the sensor network to be
key authentication involves a signature verification on a cer- loosely time-synchronized. This requirement is often
tificate signed by a trusted third party Certificate Authority hard to meet and new techniques that do not require
upstream stage requires that a pairwise key be shared between multiplicative homomorphic [12].
an aggregator and its sensor nodes. The proposed scheme in [95], Concealed Data Aggregation
Çam et al. proposed an energy-efficient secure pattern- (CDA), is based on the PH proposed in [97], although the
based data aggregation (ESPDA) protocol for wireless sensor study in [98] has shown that the proposed PH in [97] is unse-
networks in [89, 90]. ESPDA is applicable for hierarchy-based cure against chosen plain text attacks for some parameter set-
sensor networks. In ESPDA, a cluster head first requests sen- tings. In [95] the authors claimed that, for the WSN data
sor nodes to send the corresponding pattern code for the aggregation scenario, the security level is still adequate and
sensed data. If multiple sensor nodes send the same pattern the proposed PH method in [97] can be employed for encryp-
code to the cluster head, only one of them is permitted to tion. CDA can be used to calculate SUM and AVERAGE in
send the data to the cluster head. ESPDA is secure because it a hierarchical WSN. To calculate AVERAGE, an aggregator
does not require encrypted data to be decrypted by cluster- needs to know the number of sensor nodes n.
heads in order to perform data aggregation. Castelluccia et al. proposed a simple and provable secure
Further, the authors introduced a secure differential data additively homomorphic stream cipher (HSC) that allows for
aggregation (SDDA) scheme based on pattern codes [91]. the efficient aggregation of encrypted data [96]. The new
SDDA prevents redundant data transmission from sensor cipher uses modular addition and is therefore very well suited
nodes by implementing the following schemes: SDDA trans- for CPU-constrained devices such as those in WSNs. The
mits differential data rather than raw data, SDDA performs aggregation based on this cipher can be used to efficiently
data aggregation on pattern codes representing the main char- compute statistical values such as the mean, variance, and
acteristics of sensed data, and SDDA employs a sleep proto- standard deviation of sensed data while achieving significant
col to coordinate the activation of sensing units in such a way bandwidth gain.
that only one of the sensor nodes capable of sensing the data
is activated at a given time. In the SDDA data transmission OPEN RESEARCH ISSUES
scheme, the raw data from sensor nodes is compared to refer-
ence data with the difference data being transmitted. The ref- Data aggregation is essential for WSNs and security is abso-
erence data is obtained by taking the average of previously lutely necessary to defend against compromised sensor nodes.
transmitted data. Open research issues include the following:
Du et al. proposed a witness-based data aggregation • Several secure data aggregation protocols have been pro-
(WDA) scheme for WSNs to assure the validation of the data posed; however, no comparisons have been conducted on
sent from data fusion nodes to the base station [92]. In order these protocols. Further evaluation and comparison are
assume that the sensor nodes and the base station are station-
ary. However, there may be situations, such as battlefield
environments, where the base station and possibly the sensors
[1] D. Estrin et al., “Instrumenting the World with Wireless Sensor
need to be mobile. The mobility of sensor nodes has a great Networks,” Proc. Int’l. Conf. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Pro-
influence on sensor network topology and thus raises many cessing, Salt Lake City, UT, May 2001.
issues about secure routing protocols. In particular, we identi- [2] H. Chan and A. Perrig, “Security and Privacy in Sensor Net-
a recipient of the Indian National Talent Search scholarship and
was a fellow of the Professors for the Future program at UC
Davis. He is a recipient of the UNL Research Council Grant-in-Aid
Y ONG W ANG ([email protected]) is a Ph.D. candidate in the award (1999), the College of Engineering and Technology Faculty
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Research Award (2000), and the UNL CSE Dept. Students Choice
University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He received B.S. and M.S.E Award for the Best Graduate Professor (2002–2003). His research
degrees from Wuhan University, China in 1995 and 1998, respec- areas include optical networks, wireless/sensor networks, network
tively. Before joining the CSE department, he has worked as a security, distributed computing, and telecommunications. His
senior telecom engineer at ZTE Corp. and UTStarcom Inc., in research is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation,
China. His research focuses on secure group communication and Agilent Tech., and OPNET Inc.