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CPD Dev Plan Set Up Brochure

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How to set up

your Development
Plan and how to
add an activity
Guidance that helps you create a structured career path
Section A: The Development Plan and Diary
Please consider the following points when setting up your Development Plan

- What are my current main duties and responsibilities?

- What knowledge, skills and experience am I expected to demonstrate? Do I have all of these?

- Do I need to update any of my current knowledge or skills?

- What are my career objectives?

- What knowledge, skills and experience would I like to develop?

- Do I need any formal training?

- Are there any foreseeable circumstances that may affect my CPD? (For example, a long-term project.)

- Which sections of the framework do I need to focus on? (For example, early in your career, you’ll probably need to
concentrate on development more than maintenance, but bear in mind that you need to cover maintenance too.)

Section A: Setting up your Development Plan
Name, Title Box Start Date End Date Status Notes Box Box A
Development Plan This is the This date should The status This is where Development Plan
date your CPD be set at least should be set as you enter your and Diary.
requirement three to six “Started” Development Plan Simply put a tick
started and is months ahead information. in this box and
usually the date then click “save”
you joined or Please see the to set up your
transferred to example below Development Plan.
either Technical or of the layout However, it will
Graduate member and information not be completed
status required until you add
the required

Notes Box

Duties and responsibilities

Under this heading, please describe your current duties and responsibilities. These could include areas in your current job

You can also upload documents to support your Development Plan through the upload facility.

Under this heading you can enter any objectives that you are working towards, either professionally or personally, over the
next six or 12 months. These objectives should, wherever possible, map against the notes in your Development Plan, as you
will revisit this area periodically to assess your progress against your objectives.

Personal development
This is a personal statement where you can add any plans you may have to develop your skills and knowledge. You can
include courses or training you plan to undertake or you may opt to do a brief self-analysis of your strengths and weaknesses,
and then add notes on how you intend to address any weaknesses.

Section A: Development Plan example
Title Start End Status
Development Plan 01 Jan 2014 31 Dec 2017 Started

Notes Box

Duties and responsibilities

My primary role is to provide a resource to contact members on a pro-active basis to support a range of initiatives including
membership retention activity, Continuing Professional Development compliance, advising members on IPD, delivering
internal and external presentations on the benefits of CPD and IPD.

Seeking and converting membership recruitment opportunities and processing membership information.

I advise and assist members with membership enquiries and queries.

Primary contact tools are phone, email, letters, and communication via the internal CRM system.

I also advise and support members with their professional development, guiding them on the routes to achieve chartered
status of the organisation.

I deliver internal and external presentations and workshops to increase members’ CPD and IPD understanding.

Over the next 12 months my main objective is to seek opportunities within the organisation to move into a more face-to-
face interactive role and utilise my core skills.

I want to continue to develop further the work I have started on the Member Contact Framework and the Engage, Service
and Retain initiative that I have created.

I also plan to continue to work on and improve the welcome and retention processes, in line with the organisation’s overall

Another objective I have is to provide the membership manager with a performance monitoring sheet which captures the
outcomes from all the previous months’ membership activities.

To comply with BSI/ ISO, I have set an objective to work on assigned membership processes to ensure that they are up-to-
date and meet the required standards. This objective will be monitored in monthly one-to-one meetings with my line
manager and will be reviewed at my next annual performance review meeting in July 2017

Personal development
I aim to develop email quality in line with a directive received from the Head of Corporate Affairs.

The Head of Corporate Affairs will assess email quality using a structured form and will provide development areas for me
to work on over the next 12 months. I also want to increase my confidence in using Microsoft Excel and other IT support
tools to be able to complete tasks and reports. I have arranged with the IT department for this training to be delivered on a
monthly basis.

Save your Development Plan by putting a tick in box A and then clicking “save”
A: Development Plan and Diary √
B: Maintenance of Skills
C: New Professional Skills
D: Transferable Management Skills

Your Development Plan is now set up

How to add an activity
Title Give your activity a name, for example “Branch meeting / Internal audit / Training course / NEBOSH
Diploma / NVQ Level 5”

Status Started, Finished, Planned or Cancelled, whichever is appropriate

Start/End Enter the start and finish dates of your activity

Notes Box Type in: “Reflective statement” (see below)

Saving an activity Select where you want to place the activity, to best demonstrate the learning outcome from completing
that activity. You should place all Completed or Finished activities under either B, C or D. There should
be no activities should under Section A: this area is where you place your Development Plan.

Title Start End Status

Company audit 16 Jul 2015 18 Jul 2015 Finished
Notes Box

Reflective statement

1) What the activity was
2) Why you carried out the activity
3) What you felt you gained from completing the activity
4) How you intend to use or apply the knowledge gained

Save your activities by putting a tick in your chosen box and then clicking “save” (see below)
B: Maintenance of Skills – This area demonstrates that you are keeping your learning up-

to-date and current
C: New Professional Skills – This is where you place activities that reflect new or fresh

learning activities and outcomes
D: Transferable Management Skills – This is where you place transferrable activities,

such as audits, presentations, toolbox talks and so on

Example of how to add an activity
Title Start End Status Type
The Route to Chartered Status 17 Jul 2016 17 Jul 2016 Finished External presentation

Notes Box

Reflective statement
This was a member engagement event on IPD / CPD aimed at members from a group of companies.

The event was held in the conference room at Terminal 2 London Heathrow Airport and my role was to deliver the Route to
Chartered presentation to the 60 members who attended.

I delivered the Route to Chartered presentation that I had re-written and was signed-off by the creative team for corporate
delivery using a simplified narrative.

I delivered the presentation in the following format:

1) A description and explanation of the IPD process
2) What does the Skills Development Portfolio process look like, and what is required to complete it?
3) What does the Electronic Online Assessment look like, and what is required to complete it successfully?
4) What is required to complete the CPD audit successfully?
5) What the Peer Review Interview entails and how to prepare for it

By delivering the presentation in this format clearly and simply, I am ensuring that members who are either going through
the IPD process or are about to enrol on the process have a full and clear understanding of what is required to give
themselves the best chance of achieving their goals and objectives.

This reflective statement is supported by the uploaded document (you can now upload documents to support your reflective

Save your activities by putting a tick in your chosen box and then clicking “save”
B: Maintenance of Skills √
C: New Professional Skills
D: Transferable Management Skills

NB: The minimum number of activities required over a 12-month period is six activities, preferably with an activity added every
two months. You can, of course, add as many activities as you wish.

IOSH IOSH is the Chartered body for health and safety
The Grange professionals. With more than 44,000 members
Highfield Drive in over 120 countries, we’re the world’s largest
Wigston professional health and safety organisation.
LE18 1NN We set standards, and support, develop and
UK connect our members with resources, guidance,
events and training. We’re the voice of the
t +44 (0)116 257 3100 profession, and campaign on issues that affect
www.iosh.co.uk millions of working people.

twitter.com/IOSH_tweets IOSH was founded in 1945 and is a registered

facebook.com/IOSHUK charity with international NGO status.


Institution of Occupational
Safety and Health
Founded 1945
Incorporated by Royal Charter 2003
Registered charity in England and Wales 1096790
Registered charity in Scotland SC043254 FS 60566

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