Deepti G Deshpande: Curriculum Vitae
Deepti G Deshpande: Curriculum Vitae
Deepti G Deshpande: Curriculum Vitae
Mobile : +91-9740532542.
E-Mail : [email protected]
Objective : To reach a place where I can learn new skills and be able to implement innovation and creativity in the
Projects I take in to my hands.
Educational Qualification
Skill Set
Place : APSCE.
Duration : 3 Months.
Language : Java swings.
This project presents the intrusion detection based on single detector and multi detector, which checks the
authentication of the user to provide security for the system by detecting several types intruders.
Personal Details
Name : Deepti G Deshpande.
Father Name : Dr G R Deshpande.
Gender : Female.
Marital status : Single.
Date of birth : 26th Juy 1988.
Place of birth : Raichur (Karnataka)
Blood Group : A+
Language proficiency: English/Hindi/Kannada.