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Icap Q: Preinstallation Requirements Guide

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Thermo Fisher Scientific

Preinstallation Requirements

Revision A - 1288020

Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

© 2012 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
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All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. provides this document to its customers with a product purchase to use
in the product operation. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of the whole or
any part of this document is strictly prohibited, except with the written authorization of Thermo
Fisher Scientific Inc.

Release History: Revision A released in January 2012.

Contacting Us
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The Customer Information Service site cis.thermo-bremen.com is
aimed at providing instant access to latest software updates and manuals,
application reports, and brochures.

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends that you register with the site as
soon as the instrument is installed. To register, visit
register.thermo-bremen.com/form/cis and fill in the registration form.
Once your registration has been finalized, you will receive confirmation
by e-mail.

Suggestions to the Manual

❖ To suggest changes to this manual

• Please send your comments (in German or English) to:

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Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) i
Contacting Us
Suggestions to the Manual

ii iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 1 Introduction................................................................................1-1

Chapter 2 Site...............................................................................................2-1
Entrance Requirements ..................................................... 2-2
Dimensions and Weights .................................................. 2-2
Placing the MS System...................................................... 2-5
Floor Space for the System ............................................. 2-5
Placing the Fore Vacuum Pump..................................... 2-6
Placing the Data System................................................. 2-8

Chapter 3 Operating Environment ............................................................3-1

Temperature ..................................................................... 3-2
Exhaust System ................................................................. 3-3
Heat Generation and Dissipation of System...................... 3-5
Heat Dissipation of Complete System............................ 3-6
Heat Dissipation without Chiller ................................... 3-7
Heat Dissipation without Chiller and Fore Vacuum
Pump ............................................................................. 3-8
Air Conditioning .............................................................. 3-9
Humidity .......................................................................... 3-9
Altitude............................................................................. 3-9
Vibration ........................................................................ 3-10
Airborne Noise Emission ................................................ 3-10
Radio Frequencies ........................................................... 3-10
Magnetic Fields............................................................... 3-11

Chapter 4 Line Power .................................................................................4-1

Electrical Power Requirements .......................................... 4-2
Delta-To-Y Conversion Transformer ................................ 4-3
Power Connections ........................................................... 4-4
Auxiliary Wall Outlets ...................................................... 4-6
Quality of Power............................................................... 4-6

Chapter 5 Cooling Water............................................................................5-1

Technical Data Recirculating Chiller ................................ 5-2

Chapter 6 Gas Supply..................................................................................6-1

Gas Supply Connections ................................................... 6-2
Plasma and Cooling Gas ................................................... 6-3

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) iii

CCT Gas .......................................................................... 6-4

Helium .......................................................................... 6-4
Two-stage Gas Pressure Regulator.................................. 6-4
Additional Gas .................................................................. 6-6
Oxygen .......................................................................... 6-6
Helium .......................................................................... 6-6
Argon............................................................................. 6-7

Chapter 7 Cleaning Agents ....................................................................... 7-1

Chapter 8 General Preinstallation Information..................................... 8-1

Instrument Arrival............................................................. 8-2
Transportation Risk ....................................................... 8-2
Installation ........................................................................ 8-3
Installing the System ...................................................... 8-3
Key Operator ................................................................. 8-4
Advanced Training Courses ........................................... 8-4
Preventive Maintenance ................................................. 8-4
Operating Environment .................................................... 8-5
Particulate Matter .......................................................... 8-5
Quality of Power............................................................ 8-5
Electrostatic Discharge ................................................... 8-7

Index ............................................................................................ I-1

iv iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 1 Introduction

Information in this manual helps you to prepare a suitable site for

installation of your system. The iCAP Q ICP-MS is designed to operate
reliably under controlled environmental conditions described in this

Operating a system or maintaining it in a condition outside the power

and operating environment specifications described in this guide might
cause failures of many types. The repair of such failures is specifically
excluded from the standard warranty and service contract coverage.

The customer is responsible for providing a suitable location, a suitable

operating environment, a source of power of acceptable quality, correct
gas and solvent supplies, and proper waste and exhaust systems.

For additional information, request specific preinstallation support

directly through your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 1-1

1-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 2 Site

Before your instrument can be installed by the Thermo Fisher Scientific

field service engineer, the site must be prepared. The hallways and doors
must be wide enough to allow passage of the instrument.

NOTICE It is your responsibility as the user to provide a suitable

location, a source of power of acceptable quality, a suitable operating
environment, and a proper exhaust system. ▲

More information on each of the requirements is available under the

following topics:

• “Entrance Requirements” on page 2-2

• “Dimensions and Weights” on page 2-2

• “Placing the MS System” on page 2-5

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 2-1
Entrance Requirements

Entrance Requirements
To allow moving a packed iCAP Q instrument, the entrance to your
facility and the width of all hallways, elevators, etc., should have a
minimum width of 89 cm (35.1 in). Also allow additional room for
maneuvering the system around corners, into elevators, or through

NOTICE Do not remove the instrument from its shipping container

unless authorized by Thermo Fisher Scientific personnel. Be sure that all
the contents of the container remain with the instrument. ▲

Dimensions and Weights

The iCAP Q system is shipped in a container. Other modules such as
the fore vacuum pump are shipped in separate containers. For
dimensions and weights see Table 2-1:

Table 2-1. Packing information of a typical iCAP Q system

Module Weight Gross/Net [kg] Dimensions
L x W x H [cm]
Basic unit 186/141 132 x 89 x 117
Container (installation kit, 126/116 120 x 80 x 128
computer, pump oil etc.)
Fore vacuum pump 58/52 80 x 60 x 52
Chiller (optional) 85/75 80 x 60 x 93
Total weight 455/384
Storage Space 3 m2

NOTICE Owing to the climatic conditions in some tropic regions, some

boxes may be replaced by special packings. As a result, the dimensions
will differ from those shown in Table 2-1. ▲

Additional weight and the dimensions of an auxiliary box might be

added, depending on the equipment ordered.

The floor of your laboratory must be able to accommodate the weight of

the instrument including all components and any options that are added
to the system.

2-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Entrance Requirements

Figure 2-1 shows the external dimensions of the system without

autosampler. All values are given in mm:

Right View Front View Left View

748 771

Top View

Figure 2-1. Dimensions of the iCAP Q system without autosampler

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 2-3
Entrance Requirements

Figure 2-2 shows the external dimensions of the system with

autosampler housing attached. All values are given in mm:

Right View Front View Left View

1363 771


Top View

Figure 2-2. Dimensions of the iCAP Q system with autosampler

Ensure that the Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer has access
to the left and right of the instrument.

2-4 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Placing the MS System

Placing the MS System

The iCAP Q instrument is designed to be placed on a bench with its
rear panel against a wall. The bench surface should ideally be 80 to
85 cm above the floor.

On the left side panel, free access to the mains switch and circuit breaker
is needed to allow shutting off the instrument in an emergency at all

Allow at least 70 to 100 cm of clear space left of the system for clearance
of the gas lines, electrical connections, as well as for the exhaust line and
vacuum hose of the fore vacuum pump.

It is recommended to leave sufficient space on the right of the iCAP Q

instrument for the connections to the computer and peripheral devices.

Floor Space for the System

Figure 2-3 shows the typical required floor space for the system without
autosampler. All values are given in mm:

772 1


700 - 1000 1200

Labeled Components: 1=monitor, 2=mouse, 3=keyboard, 4=the iCAP Q instrument, 5=wall, 6=standard workbench
Figure 2-3. Required floor space for the iCAP Q instrument without autosampler

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 2-5
Placing the MS System

Figure 2-4 shows the typical required floor space for the system with
autosampler. All values are given in mm:

6 7


773 2
1391 3
700 - 1000 1400
2100 - 2400
3500 - 3800

Labeled Components: 1=monitor, 2=mouse, 3=keyboard, 4=the iCAP Q instrument, 5=wall, 6=autosampler housing,
7=computer table
Figure 2-4. Required floor space for the iCAP Q instrument with autosampler

Placing the Fore Vacuum Pump

The iCAP Q system is delivered with a fore vacuum pump, optionally a
noise reduction cover for the fore vacuum pump, a vacuum hose for
connecting the instrument to the fore vacuum pump, and an exhaust
hose for connecting the fore vacuum pump to the exhaust system.

2-6 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Placing the MS System

Install the fore vacuum pump on the floor beneath the workbench, see
Figure 2-5.



noise reduction


Figure 2-5. Connecting the fore vacuum pump

If no space for the pump is available beneath the workbench, you can
place the pump near the left side of the bench. In this case, the left side
of the MS ideally aligns with the left side of the workbench.

NOTICE Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends the use of the noise

reduction cover when installing the fore vacuum pump. ▲

A stainless steel vacuum hose with a length of 2 m and an OD of 34 mm

is delivered with the instrument. The flange diameter is 40 mm
(Iso-KF 25). For the exhaust connection, tubing of 2.5 m length with an
OD of 20 mm (ID 13 mm) is delivered with the instrument.

If you need a longer vacuum hose, contact Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Because of the large bending radius of the hose, the actual reach of the
vacuum hose is shorter than the given length. Either run the vacuum
hose left of the workbench or make a cutout through the bench for it.
The cutout must have minimum dimensions of 7 cm × 10 cm. Allow
for room to run the power cord and the exhaust tubing from the fore
vacuum pump through the cutout as well.

For information about the exhaust system, see “Exhaust System” on

page 3-3.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 2-7
Placing the MS System

Placing the Data System

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using one workbench with
minimum dimensions of 1.00 m × 1.20 m. The workbench must be
capable of supporting the weight of the data system, and a printer, if
applicable. A printer is not delivered with the instrument.

Figure 2-6 shows typical data system hardware components:



cables USB and
wall outlet for data system components
120 or 230 V AC

Figure 2-6. Typical data system workbench

The iCAP Q instrument is connected to the computer via USB cable.

Table 2-2 lists space requirements and weights of the typical data system
hardware components. The actual values depend upon your equipment.

Table 2-2. Typical data system space and load requirements

Module Height [cm] Width [cm] Length [cm] Weight [kg]
Monitor 36 41 18 6
Minitower 48 18 43 14

The USB communication cables between the computer and the mass
spectrometer must be no longer than 3 m each. The workbench that
holds the data system must be located next to the workbench that holds
the mass spectrometer. For a connection length of more than 3 m, an
active hub must be placed between the instrument and the computer.
The length of the USB cable between the iCAP Q instrument and the

2-8 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Placing the MS System

hub is limited to 3 m, whereas between the hub and the computer a

cable length of 5 m can be used. This hub must exclusively be used for
the control of the iCAP Q instrument.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 2-9
Placing the MS System

2-10 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 3 Operating Environment

Fulfilling the described the operating environment requirements ensures

continued high performance of your iCAP Q system. The air
conditioning must be capable of maintaining a constant temperature in
the immediate vicinity of the system without producing excessive draft.

NOTICE It is your responsibility as operator to provide an acceptable

operating environment. ▲

Operating environment includes the following:

• “Temperature” on page 3-2

• “Exhaust System” on page 3-3

• “Heat Generation and Dissipation of System” on page 3-5

• “Air Conditioning” on page 3-9

• “Humidity” on page 3-9

• “Altitude” on page 3-9

• “Vibration” on page 3-10

• “Airborne Noise Emission” on page 3-10

• “Radio Frequencies” on page 3-10

• “Magnetic Fields” on page 3-11

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 3-1
Operating Environment

NOTICE After arrival the iCAP Q instrument must be stored as packed
by Thermo Fisher Scientific for at least 24 hours at an environmental
condition of 15 to 35 °C and a relative humidity of 20 to 80% before
connecting to power supply. ▲

The mass spectrometer is designed to operate at the temperatures

specified in Table 3-1:

Table 3-1. Temperature requirements for the iCAP Q instrument

Specification Value
Laboratory temperature 15 to 35 °C
Optimum operation temperature 18 to 21 °C

NOTICE As the laboratory temperature increases, system reliability

decreases. All electronic components generate heat while operating. ▲

3-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Operating Environment
Exhaust System

Exhaust System
An exhaust system is needed for the instrument to remove gases that
may contain ozone and other noxious substances. Two exhaust ports are
situated at the top of the instrument, see Figure 3-1.

Labeled Components: 1=plasma exhaust, 2=heat exhaust

Figure 3-1. Exhausts of the iCAP Q instrument

The plasma exhaust 1 in Figure 3-1 is used to remove gases and heat
generated by the plasma. A flexible exhaust duct must be connected
during operation of the instrument.

The second port (2 in Figure 3-1) is used to remove heat generated by

the electronics of the instrument. At this port the connection of an
exhaust duct is optional, but recommended if there is, for example, no
air conditioning in the laboratory or in cleanroom laboratories.

NOTICE Thermo Fisher Scientific will only install your iCAP Q system
when an adequate exhaust system is present and functioning. Exhaust
gas venting must comply with all local environmental codes. ▲

NOTICE It is possible to use a T-piece to connect both exhaust ducts

before entry to the exhaust system of the laboratory. The T-piece must
be at least at a distance of 1 m from the exhaust ports of the
instrument. ▲

The exhaust ports at the iCAP Q instrument have an outer diameter of

60.3 mm for both the plasma exhaust and the optional heat exhaust. A
flexible duct with 63 mm ID is recommended for connection to the
exhaust port. Thermo Fisher Scientific delivers such an exhaust duct
with a length of 6 m.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 3-3
Operating Environment
Exhaust System

The velocity v at the end of the duct with an inner diameter (d) of
63 mm connected to the exhaust port of the iCAP Q instrument can be
measured with an anemometer (values in m/s) and can then be
converted to an exhaust flow f (m3/h) by the following equation:

d 2
f =    ---  v  3600
 2

Example: Velocity measured with an anemometer v = 6 m/s, duct

diameter d = 63 mm = 0.063 m

0.063 m 2 m3
f = 3.14   -------------------  6  ----  3600  67 ----
2 s h

The velocity v at the end of a flexible duct with an inner diameter of

63 mm and thus the flow rate should meet the specifications given in
Table 3-2:
Table 3-2. Specifications for the iCAP Q exhaust
Exhaust type Duct ID [mm] Exhaust velocity [m/s] Exhaust flow [m3/h]
Plasma 63 6 to 8 67 to 90
Heat 63 4 to 6 45 to 67

NOTICE The extraction system must be tested for leakage before you
connect it to the iCAP Q instrument. ▲

3-4 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Operating Environment
Heat Generation and Dissipation of System

Heat Generation and Dissipation of System

Heat generation and heat dissipation of the system depend on the
equipment employed. However, the iCAP Q system must always be
operated with active plasma exhaust. For a description of the exhaust
system, see “Exhaust System” on page 3-3.

For estimated values for the average heat generation of the mass
spectrometer and other heat sources during analysis, see Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. Heat generation for a typical iCAP Q system

Module Heat generation [W] at 50 Hz
iCAP Q instrument, without approx. 2400
plasma or heat exhaust port
Fore vacuum pump approx. 1100
Recirculating chiller 2200 (2500 at 60 Hz)
Monitor 35
Computer 470
Total approx. 6.2 kW
(6.5 kW at 60 Hz)

NOTICE Water-cooled chillers minimize the heat dissipation into the

laboratory environment. ▲

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 3-5
Operating Environment
Heat Generation and Dissipation of System

Heat Dissipation of Complete System

Estimated values for the average heat dissipation of the mass
spectrometer and other heat sources into the laboratory during analysis
are given in Table 3-4. The actual values depend on your equipment.

Table 3-4. Heat dissipation for a typical iCAP Q system and chiller
Module Heat dissipation [W] at 50 Hz
iCAP Q instrument, with active plasma 800
exhaust removal
iCAP Q instrument, with active plasma 450
and heat exhaust removal
Fore vacuum pump approx. 1100
Recirculating chiller 2200 (2500 at 60 Hz)
Monitor 35
Computer 470
Total approx. 4.6 kW
with active plasma exhaust removal (4.9 kW at 60 Hz)
Total approx. 4.3 kW
with active plasma and heat exhaust (4.6 kW at 60 Hz)

3-6 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Operating Environment
Heat Generation and Dissipation of System

Heat Dissipation without Chiller

If the chiller is connected to the house water supply or not placed in the
laboratory, the heat dissipation of the mass spectrometer and other heat
sources into the laboratory during analysis is further reduced, see
Table 3-5. The actual values depend on your equipment.

Table 3-5. Heat dissipation with house water supply or chiller not placed
in laboratory
Module Heat dissipation [W] at 50 Hz
iCAP Q instrument, with active plasma 800
exhaust removal
iCAP Q instrument, with active plasma 450
and heat exhaust removal
(chiller connected to house water supply -
or not placed in laboratory)
Fore vacuum pump approx. 1100
Monitor 35
Computer 470
Total approx. 2.4 kW
with active plasma exhaust removal
Total approx. 2.1 kW
with active plasma and heat exhaust

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 3-7
Operating Environment
Heat Generation and Dissipation of System

Heat Dissipation without Chiller and Fore Vacuum Pump

You can additionally remove the fore vacuum pump to outside the
laboratory for minimal heat dissipation of the complete system, see
Table 3-6:

Table 3-6. Heat dissipation of the iCAP Q instrument and computer only
Module Heat dissipation [W] at 50 Hz
iCAP Q instrument, with active plasma 800
exhaust removal
iCAP Q instrument, with active plasma 450
and heat exhaust removal
(chiller connected to house water supply -
or not placed in laboratory)
(fore vacuum pump not in laboratory) -
Monitor 35
Computer 470
Total approx. 1.3 kW
with active plasma exhaust removal
Total approx. 1.0 kW
with active plasma and heat exhaust

3-8 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Operating Environment
Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning
The air conditioning system must be capable of maintaining a constant
temperature as specified in “Temperature” on page 3-2 in the immediate
vicinity of the system.

For the approximate load for the air conditioning in a room containing
one instrument see “Heat Generation and Dissipation of System” on
page 3-5.

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends the installation of an air

conditioner if the specified limits are exceeded due to unfavorable
climatic conditions. For reliable operation of the iCAP Q system, a
stability of the room temperature < 2 °C/h is required.

NOTICE Do not locate the iCAP Q instrument under an air duct, near
windows, or near heating and cooling sources. ▲

The relative humidity of the operating environment must be between
20 and 80%, with non-condensing and non-corrosive atmosphere. It is
recommended that your laboratory be equipped with a temperature and
humidity monitor to insure that your laboratory is always within the
required temperature and humidity specifications.

NOTICE Operating an iCAP Q system at very low humidity might

cause the accumulation and discharge of static electricity, which can
shorten the life of electronic components. Operating the system at high
humidity might cause condensation, oxidation, and short circuits. ▲

The iCAP Q instrument is designed for indoor use at an altitude of up
to 2000 m (6562 ft) above sea level. For altitudes above 2000 m contact
Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 3-9
Operating Environment
Air Conditioning

Floors must be free of vibration caused, for example, by equipment in
adjoining locations.

NOTICE The fore vacuum pump must not have any mechanical contact
to the mass spectrometer with exception of the vacuum hose during
operation. The vibration of the fore vacuum pump might impede the
performance of the instrument. Install the fore vacuum pump on the
floor beneath the mass spectrometer. Do not install the fore vacuum
pump near the system on the workbench. ▲

Airborne Noise Emission

The emission sound measurement has been performed for the iCAP Q
instrument according to DIN 45636-01-KL2.

The mean value for the emission sound pressure level of the iCAP Q
instrument with and without noise reduction cover on the fore vacuum
pump are listed in Table 3-7:

Table 3-7. Mean values for emission sound pressure of the iCAP Q
Emission sound specification of the iCAP Q instrument Mean value
Fore vacuum pump without noise reduction cover 55.9 dB(A)
Fore vacuum pump with noise reduction cover 53.1 dB(A)

Radio Frequencies
The iCAP Q system withstands the electric fields and frequency ranges
listed in Table 3-8 without any influence to operation:

Table 3-8. Electric fields and frequencies

Electric field Frequency range
1 V/m 80 MHz - 1 GHz
1 V/m 1 GHz - 2.7 GHz

If strong radio transmitters are operating close to your laboratory, you

should contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office for advice.

3-10 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Operating Environment
Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Fields
The instrument site must be free of interfering magnetic fields. The
maximum acceptable field amplitude (AC) for any frequency is
5 x 10-6 T.

NOTICE Sources of disturbing fields are, for example, other analytical

instruments such as NMR systems or Zeeman AAS, train, tram, subway,
high power cables crossing the ceiling, large electric motors (elevators),
radio stations nearby. ▲

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 3-11
Operating Environment
Magnetic Fields

3-12 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 4 Line Power

The performance and longevity of your system can be affected by the

quality of line power delivered to the system. To ensure that your
instrument performs optimally and is not damaged by line power
fluctuations, verify that you comply with all power quality requirements
listed in this manual.

NOTICE It is your responsibility as the user to provide a source of power

of acceptable quality for the operation of your system. ▲

More information on each of the requirements is available under the

following topics:

• “Electrical Power Requirements” on page 4-2

• “Delta-To-Y Conversion Transformer” on page 4-3

• “Power Connections” on page 4-4

• “Auxiliary Wall Outlets” on page 4-6

• “Quality of Power” on page 4-6

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 4-1
Line Power
Electrical Power Requirements

Electrical Power Requirements

The basic power requirements for the iCAP Q instrument are listed in
Table 4-1:

Table 4-1. Basic power requirements for the iCAP Q instrument

Specification Value
Nominal voltage 230 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz AC
Wire Three-phase, 5-wire system in Y configuration
(neutral wire must be connected to earth)
Fuse Following the regulation in Germany, Thermo
Fisher Scientific recommends fusing each phase
with 16 A

The iCAP Q instrument must have a separate “clean” line leading to a

main fuse to guarantee disturbance-free operation.

The components of the data system (computer, monitor) require wall

outlets at a nominal voltage of 230 V AC or 120 V AC, 50/60 Hz.

4-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Line Power
Delta-To-Y Conversion Transformer

Delta-To-Y Conversion Transformer

In case of a  (Delta) configuration at your location (ask the responsible
technician), an isolation transformer is required which steps up the three
phases 120 V AC (Delta) to 230 V AC (Y) with respect to ground (see
Figure 4-1). For a suitable transformer contact your local Thermo Fisher
Scientific office.

(Delta configuration)

(Y configuration)
400 V AC between phases

230 V AC between phases and neutral

Line OUT
Line IN





ground (earth)

transformer (buck/boost)
15 KVA, transformation from delta to Y

Figure 4-1. Delta-to-Y conversion

NOTICE In Y configuration, the nominal voltage of 230 V AC must be

measured phase to ground. Between the phases 400 V AC is
measured. ▲

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 4-3
Line Power
Power Connections

Power Connections
The electrical wall outlet for the main power of the iCAP Q instrument
should be located at the wall near the intended location of the
instrument, ideally at the left side of the instrument.

The mains power cable for the iCAP Q mass spectrometer is a 5-wire
cable, length 5 m. A CECON plug, 5 poles, certified for 400 V, 16 A, is
mounted to the cable, see lower right photo in Figure 4-2. This power
cable and plug is already mounted to the instrument.

The lower left photo in Figure 4-2 shows the wall receptacle required for
the iCAP Q instrument. The receptacle is provided by Thermo Fisher
Scientific as part of the Preinstallation Kit.

Figure 4-2. Wall mounting of receptacle and plug of mains power cable

Local codes in your area may require another type of plug and receptacle
to be installed. The local Thermo Fisher Scientific organization (or
authorized dealer) will help you with further questions.

Power cables and connectors for the options are standard equipment
delivered by the manufacturers.

4-4 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Line Power
Power Connections

The iCAP Q instrument provides a power output socket for the fore
vacuum pump and a power output socket for the optionally shipped the

At the left side, the iCAP Q instrument provides a power output socket
for the fore vacuum pump of the instrument, see 2 in Figure 4-3:

Labeled Components: 1=mains power connection of the iCAP Q instrument,

2=power connection to fore vacuum pump
Figure 4-3. Electric power supply for fore vacuum pump

At the right side, the iCAP Q instrument provides a power output

socket to be solely used for the optional autosampler housing, see 1 in
Figure 4-4:

Labeled Components: 1=power connection for autosampler housing

Figure 4-4. Electric supply for autosampler housing (optionally shipped)

Power cables and connectors for the options are standard equipment
delivered by the manufacturers.

For connecting additional devices such as recirculating chillers, see

“Auxiliary Wall Outlets” on page 4-6.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 4-5
Line Power
Auxiliary Wall Outlets

Auxiliary Wall Outlets

Additional single-phase 230 V (or 120 V) AC outlets are needed for
additional parts such as computer and water chiller. Thermo Fisher
Scientific recommends at least three spare 230 V (120 V) outlets in the
near vicinity of the left of the system and three close to the workbench
space within the your laboratory.

The NESLAB ThermoFlex 2500 recirculating chiller requires a

dedicated power outlet that complies with the specifications listed in
Table 4-2.
Table 4-2. Power outlet requirements for NESLAB ThermoFlex 2500
Option Voltage [V AC] Frequency [Hz] Phase Receptacle Rating [A]
1 208 to 230 60 1Ø 20
2 230 50 1Ø 13 to 16
country specific,
refer to the manual
of the manufacturer

NOTICE Single-phase auxiliary wall outlets should use the same ground
as the instrument. ▲

NOTICE Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends connecting computer,

monitor and printer via a separated and filtered power line, and the use
of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) equipment. ▲

Quality of Power
The iCAP Q instrument complies with the requirements listed in
Table 4-3:

Table 4-3. Immunity compliance of the iCAP Q instrument

Description Requirement
Immunity to Electrical Fast Transient/Burst DIN EN 61326-1, DIN EN 61000-4-4
Immunity to Electrical Slow Transient/Surge DIN EN 61326-1, DIN EN 61000-4-5
Immunity to Conducted RF Voltage DIN EN 61326-1, DIN EN 61000-4-6
Immunity to Voltage Dips, Short Interruptions and Voltage DIN EN 61326-1, DIN EN 61000-4-11

See “General Preinstallation Information” on page 8-1 for details on the

required quality of power.

4-6 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 5 Cooling Water

For operation of the iCAP Q system, cooling of some components, for

example, the interface and the RF generator, is required. The cooling
water should be free of suspended matter to avoid clogging of the
cooling circuit. An in-line filter is supplied with the instrument to
guarantee consistent water quality. See Table 5-1 for the cooling water

Table 5-1. Cooling water specifications

Cooling water specifications Specification
Supply rate > 5.5 L/min
Temperature 15 to 25 °C, optimum at 21 °C
Pressure 0.25 to 0.55 MPa (2.5 to 5.5 bar)
Solid residual < 50 μm particle size
pH 7 to 8
Fluid distilled water

The water temperature should be in the range specified in Table 5-1.

Lower temperatures could lead to a condensation of atmospheric water
vapor. It is mandatory to use distilled water due to lower concentration
of bacteria and residual organic matter.

A water hose (black) with an OD of 12 mm (ID 8 mm) and a length of

10 m is delivered with the instrument. The cooling water connections to
the iCAP Q system are shown in Figure 5-1:

Figure 5-1. Cooling water connections at the left of the iCAP Q system

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 5-1
Cooling Water
Technical Data Recirculating Chiller

Technical Data Recirculating Chiller

The iCAP Q instrument is optionally delivered with the recirculating
chiller NESLAB ThermoFlex 2500 with closed circuit, cooled by a
refrigerating device. A schematic of the water-circulation is shown in
Figure 5-2:

water in
water out

water in Chiller

water out

Figure 5-2. Cooling circuit with recirculating water chiller

Table 5-2 lists the technical specifications for the NESLAB ThermoFlex
2500 recirculation chiller optionally shipped with the iCAP Q system:
Table 5-2. Chiller specifications
Chiller component Specification
Cooling capacity 2.2 kW (50 Hz), 2.5 kW (60 Hz)
(at 20 °C ambient temperature)
Ambient Temperature 10 to 40 °C
Water temperature 5 to 40 °C
Stability of temperature ±0.1 °C
Reservoir Volume 7.2 L
Flow rate
Turbine pump (60 Hz) 13.2 L/min at 0.41 MPa (4.1 bar)
Turbine pump (50 Hz) 9.5 L/min at 0.41 MPa (4.1 bar)
Unit dimensions (H × W × L) 73.6 cm × 43.6 cm × 67.3 cm
Unit weight 79.6 kg

NOTICE For information on the chiller’s power supply see “Auxiliary

Wall Outlets” on page 4-6. ▲

5-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 6 Gas Supply

The iCAP Q system requires argon gas to generate the inductively

coupled plasma and for controlling internal functions with the aid of
pneumatics. Additional gases might be required depending on the type
of analysis planned.

The iCAP Q system uses approx. 17 L/min (max. 24 L/min) of argon.

It is essential that the gases be delivered with the necessary pressure and
purity. For information on gas connections, gas purity and gas pressure
that your system requires, see:

• “Gas Supply Connections” on page 6-2

• “Plasma and Cooling Gas” on page 6-3

• “CCT Gas” on page 6-4

• “Additional Gas” on page 6-6

NOTICE All gas flow rates given relate to standard conditions. ▲

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 6-1
Gas Supply
Gas Supply Connections

Gas Supply Connections

For the CCT gases, stainless steel capillaries are installed inside the
iCAP Q instrument from the connector to the optional CCT mass flow
controller. Two stainless steel capillaries of 3 m length for the
connection to 1 and 2 in Figure 6-1 are supplied with the models
iCAP Q Qc and iCAP Q Qs.

Labeled Components: 1=CCT 1 gas inlets (for example for standard CCT gas
He), 2=CCT 2 gas inlets (for example H2/He), 3=argon in, 4=additional gas 1
inlet, 5=additional gas 2 inlet
Figure 6-1. Gas connection at the left of the iCAP Q instrument

Argon gas is connected at 3 in Figure 6-1. A rigid plastic tubing

(polyurethane) of 3 m length for the connection of argon is supplied
with the instrument.

Additional gases can be added to the aerosol formed in the spray

chamber. Inside the iCAP Q instrument, tubes are already installed
from the connector to the optional mass flow controller. The connectors
for additional gases are also situated on the left side of the iCAP Q
instrument, see 4 and 5 in Figure 6-1.

6-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gas Supply
Gas Supply Connections

Table 6-2 lists the connectors for the gases to be provided by the

Table 6-1. Gas tubings to be provided by the customer

Gas Connector Tubing
Argon push-in fitting 6 mm OD
CCT 1 Swagelok™ 1/16 in OD
CCT 2 Swagelok 1/16 in OD
Add 1 SERTO™ 6 mm OD
Add 2 SERTO 6 mm OD

Plasma and Cooling Gas

Table 6-2 details the argon gas requirements:

Table 6-2. Argon gas requirements for the iCAP Q instrument

Gas requirements Specification
Purity 99.996% or better
Maximum water content < 5 ppmv
Supply rate max. 24 L/min
Pressure 0.6 MPa (6 bar)

It is important that the argon supply to the iCAP Q system is stable. A

high quality 2-stage regulator at the source is recommended. See
Table 6-4 for suppliers.

Connection of the laboratory argon supply to the iCAP Q instrument is

made via a push-in fitting. A recommended set-up for the argon supply
is shown in Figure 6-2:


(left side) pressure gauge

argon inlet
shut-off valve

gas source

Figure 6-2. Argon connection of the iCAP Q instrument

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 6-3
Gas Supply
Gas Supply Connections

NOTICE The polyurethane tubing supplied with your iCAP Q system

should not be used between the gas source and the pressure regulator
because polyurethane is not specified for pressure approx. above
0.8 MPa (8 bar). ▲

Collision Cell Technology (CCT) allows the selective removal of
polyatomic interferences. If an iCAP Q model including CCT is
ordered (iCAP Q Qc or iCAP Q Qs), CCT operation at the system is
possible. Thermo Fisher Scientific supplies 2 × 3 meters of gas tubing
with the iCAP Q model including CCT.

NOTICE The CCT gas outlet should be located within 2 to 3 meters to

the left of the iCAP Q instrument. ▲

The following services must be supplied by the customer:

• gas

• two-stage pressure regulator

For the iCAP Q model including CCT, a CCT installation test is
performed with helium gas to pressurize the CCT cell. See Table 6-3 for
details of the helium gas requirements:

Table 6-3. CCT gas requirements for helium

Gas requirements Specification
Purity 99.999% or better
Maximum water content 2 ppmv
Supply rate max. 10 mL/min
Pressure 0.1 MPa (1 bar)

Two-stage Gas Pressure Regulator

The quality of the gas regulator is critical to ensure optimum
performance. A high quality two-stage pressure regulator is absolutely
essential.The plasma gas regulator should have a specification of 20 MPa
(200 bar) primary pressure and 1 MPa (10 bar) outlet pressure. The
CCT gas regulator should have a specification of 20 MPa (200 bar)
primary pressure and 0.3 MPa (3 bar) outlet pressure.

6-4 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gas Supply
Gas Supply Connections

Each country has a different standard outlet fitting for its gas supplies
and therefore each country will require a different regulator. Examples
for regulators are given by region in Table 6-4. If your region is not
listed, contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific service office for

Table 6-4. Regulator suppliers

Country Manufacturer Reference Code Gas Application
Europe Linde C 106/2 Plasma
Linde C 202/2 CCT
Linde C 200hv/2 CCT
Spectrolab LM62 Plasma
US Matheson 3810-CGA580 CCT

Thermo Fisher Scientific supplies the 1/16-inch to 1/4-inch adapter for

the optional iCAP Q model including CCT, to connect this CCT gas
tubing to the gas bottle regulator. If the outlet from your regulator is not
1/4 inch you will need to provide a suitable adapter.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 6-5
Gas Supply
Additional Gas

Additional Gas
Depending on the application, a variety of additional gases may be
employed. The use of mass flow controllers is required when working
with additional gases.

For the analysis of organic solvents the use of oxygen may be required.
The gas requirements are detailed in Table 6-5.

Table 6-5. Additional gas requirements for oxygen

Gas Requirements Specification
Purity 99.996%
Maximum water content < 5 ppmv
Supply rate max. 1 L/min
Pressure regulator output 0.6 MPa (6 bar)

NOTICE Temperature down to -10 °C will be required for the analysis

of organic solvents. This is controlled via the Peltier cooler. ▲

For laser ablation analysis, helium gas may be needed. The gas
requirements are detailed in Table 6-6.
Table 6-6. Additional gas requirements for helium
Gas Requirements Specification
Purity 99.996%
Maximum water content < 5 ppmv
Supply rate max. 1 L/min
Pressure regulator output 0.6 MPa (6 bar)

6-6 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Gas Supply
Additional Gas

For some applications, the use of additional argon gas is beneficial. The
gas requirements are detailed in Table 6-7.

Table 6-7. Additional gas requirements for argon

Gas Requirements Specification
Purity 99.996%
Maximum water content < 5 ppmv
Supply rate max. 1 L/min
Pressure regulator output 0.6 MPa (6 bar)

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 6-7
Gas Supply
Additional Gas

6-8 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 7 Cleaning Agents

We recommend having the following cleaning agents available:

• A solvent like isopropanol or ethanol (in accordance with your local

safety practices).

• Several liters of distilled water.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 7-1
Cleaning Agents

7-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Chapter 8 General Preinstallation Information

This chapter provides general preinstallation information for your MS


• “Instrument Arrival” on page 8-2

• “Installation” on page 8-3

• “Operating Environment” on page 8-5

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 8-1
General Preinstallation Information
Instrument Arrival

Instrument Arrival
When your lab site preparation is completed, and the system is
delivered, call your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office to arrange for
an installation date.

Thermo Fisher Scientific instruments are transported either by carriers

who specialize in the handling of delicate machinery, or for long
distance shipment by airfreight. Occasionally, however, equipment
inadvertently does get damaged in transit.

Take the following precautions when receiving material:

• Check carefully for obvious damage or evidence of rough handling.

• If external damage is apparent, take photographs, note this fact on

all copies of the receiving documents and describe briefly the extent
of the damage. The driver should sign (or initial) next to your
comments to signify agreement with your observations.
• Contact your Thermo Fisher Scientific office to report the damage
and – please – let the Thermo Fisher Scientific people check for
further damage.

NOTICE If the instrument shipping container, Shock Watch™, or other

indicator shows any evidence of damage or mishandling during
shipment, do NOT open the container. Call your Thermo Fisher
Scientific representative for instructions on what to do. If the system
arrives safely, proceed with the following instructions. ▲

NOTICE Freight insurance requires that obvious damage be noted on

the receiving documents. Thermo Fisher Scientific will not accept
liability for damage if materials are received with obvious damage and
the damage is not recorded on the receiving documents. ▲

When your system arrives, move it to a protected location indoors,

preferably the installation site. Take the specifications described in the
chapters “Temperature” on page 3-2 and “Humidity” on page 3-9 of
this guide as a guideline for the temperature and humidity in the storage
room. If you have questions about moving your system, contact your
local Thermo Fisher Scientific office.

Transportation Risk
Transportation risk depends on the terms of delivery agreed. The terms
of shipment determine who has responsibility for filing a claim against
the carrier if the system is damaged in transit.

8-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
General Preinstallation Information

It is the policy of Thermo Fisher Scientific that the customer should not
unpack the system or accessory items prior to installation of the system.

NOTICE Where buck/boost transformers or power conditioning units

are supplied, it is the responsibility of the customer to have these units
installed by an electrician prior to instrument installation. ▲

NOTICE A forklift or a palette-jack will be of great benefit for

unpacking and inhouse transportation of the instrument components. ▲

Installing the System

When your new mass spectrometer system is on site, ready for
installation, a Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer will install

During the installation, the Thermo Fisher Scientific field service

engineer will demonstrate the following:

• The basics of equipment operation and routine maintenance.

• The performance specifications that are in force at the time of the

purchase of the system.

NOTICE Consumables sent with the system are intended for use by the
Thermo Fisher Scientific field service engineer during the installation. ▲

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 8-3
General Preinstallation Information

Key Operator
Experience has shown that the maximum benefit can be derived from a
scientific instrument if there is one person, a key operator, who has
major responsibility for that instrument. It is recommended that you
designate a key operator to oversee the operation and maintenance of
the system in your laboratory. This person will also be the key figure in
the communication between your laboratory and Thermo Fisher

NOTICE Do not plan to use your new system for sample analysis until
the installation is complete and the Acceptance Form has been signed. ▲

Advanced Training Courses

Thermo Fisher Scientific provides both introductory and advanced
training courses in analytical techniques, together with specialized
operation and maintenance courses for Thermo Scientific products.

It is also recommended that some months after your mass spectrometer

system has been installed, the key operator receive an advanced training
for the operation and maintenance of the system from Thermo Fisher
Scientific. After this training, the key operator can conduct an in-house
training program on your site for your own people and certify others to
operate the instrument.

For information concerning course schedules and fees, please contact

the following address or your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office:

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Hanna-Kunath-Str. 11
28199 Bremen


Phone: +49 (0) 421 - 54 93 0

Fax: +49 (0) 421 - 54 93 426
E-mail: [email protected]

Preventive Maintenance
Routine and preventive maintenance of mass spectrometer is in the
responsibility of the customer. Included in this category are replacement
of the cone, exchange of pump oil, replacement of filters, etc. on a
regular basis. Refer also to the manufacturers manuals delivered with the
instrument – especially for the maintenance of mechanical pumps and

8-4 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
General Preinstallation Information

Regular preventative maintenance is essential. Regular preventive

maintenance will increase the life of the system, result in maximum
uptime of your system, and provide you with optimum system
performance. Maintenance techniques are covered in the Operating
Manual and manuals that come with your data system computer and
other modules of your system.

Operating Environment
These general specifications for your the operating environment help
ensuring continued high performance of the system.

Particulate Matter
Particulate matter may contaminate the samples and the ion source and
may limit the background level of the instrument.

The air in your laboratory must not have excessive dust, smoke, or other
particulate matter. For reference, the air should contain fewer than
3500000 particles per cubic meter (100000 particles per cubic foot) in
excess of 5 μm.

Dust can clog the air filters, causing a reduction in airflow around
electronic components. Dust will also form a layer on electronic
components that will act as an insulating blanket and thus reduce the
transfer of heat from the components to the surrounding air.

Quality of Power
The quality of power supplied to your system is very important. The
quality of line voltage must be stable and within the specifications listed
in this manual. The line voltage must be free of fluctuations due to slow
changes in the average voltage, surges, sags, or transients.

Below are definitions for the most common voltage disturbances:

• Harmonic distortion is a high-frequency disturbance that may affect

operation of your mass spectrometer instrument. This disturbance
appears as distortion of the fundamental sine wave.

• Slow average is a gradual, long-term change in average root mean

square (RMS) voltage level, with typical durations greater than 2 s.

• Sags and surges are sudden changes in average RMS voltage level,
with typical durations between 50 μs and 2 s.

• Transients (or impulses) are brief voltage excursions of up to several

thousand volts with durations of less than 50 μs.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 8-5
General Preinstallation Information

Harmonic distortion causes noise in the power supply lines and

degrades instrument performance. Constant high line voltage, impulses,
or surges in voltage can cause overheating and component failures.
Constant low line voltage or sags in voltage can cause the system to
function erratically or not at all. Transients, even of a few microseconds
duration, can cause electronic devices to fail catastrophically or to
degrade and eventually shorten the lifetime of your system.

Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends using power monitoring and

conditioning devices. Contact your local Thermo Fisher Scientific office
and see “Technical Assistance” on page 8-6 for electrical equipment

Uninterruptible Power Supply

If your local area is susceptible to corrupted power or power disruptions,

then an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) should be installed in your

NOTICE For compliance and safety, ensure that your uninterruptible

power supply (UPS) devices are certified by recognized domestic and
international organizations (for example, UL, CSA, TÜV, and VDE). ▲

Technical Assistance

Occasionally, Thermo Fisher Scientific encounters line-voltage sources

of unacceptable quality that adversely affect the operation of the mass
spectrometer. Rectifying such power-supply problems is the
responsibility of the operator. However, (upon request) Thermo Fisher
Scientific will attempt to assist in diagnosis, but does not undertake to
isolate and correct power-supply quality problems.

Contact your Thermo Fisher Scientific office for assistance in

monitoring the line voltage in your laboratory, in selecting a line
conditioner or in locating a power consultant in your area.

Specifying power conditioning equipment is a complex task that is best

handled by a company or consultant specializing in that field.

8-6 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
General Preinstallation Information

A selection of such companies is listed in Table 8-1:

Table 8-1. Companies specifying power conditioning equipment

Company Address or comment Internet
General Electric Company Worldwide distribution network www.ge.com
JOVYATLAS Elektrische Groninger Straße 29-37 www.jovyatlas.info
Umformtechnik GmbH 26789 Leer, Germany
Phone: +49 (491) 6002 0
Fax: +49 (491) 6002 48
Junge Störschutz Nord GmbH Zum Steenshoop 17 —
27412 Tarmstedt, Germany
Phone: +49 (4283) 9303-0
OnLine Power, Inc. Conform to all applicable standards, www.onlinepower.com
POWERVAR, Inc. www.powervar.com
Sola/ Hevi-Duty www.sola-hevi-duty.com
Warner Electric, Inc. Motors and Controls division www.warnernet.com

Electrostatic Discharge
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage the electronic components of
your MS system. Thermo Scientific instruments are designed to
withstand electrostatic discharges (ESD) up to 4 kV (air discharge) and
4 kV (contact discharge) with all panels in place. However, if the panels
are removed and the PCBs are handled without proper precautions, the
electronic components might be damaged or fail prematurely. Static
electricity can develop in a variety of ways. A few examples of how
electrostatic charge can develop are as follows:

• When walking across a carpet in a room that is at 20% relative

humidity, as much as 35000 V of electrostatic potential can be
generated on the surface of your body. This same motion in a room
at 80% relative humidity generates about 1500 V of electrostatic

• Sitting and working in a chair padded with polyurethane foam in a

room at 20% relative humidity can cause as much as 18000 V of
electrostatic potential to develop on your skin or 1500 V at 80%
relative humidity.

• Working in laboratory coats and clothing made of synthetic fibers

can cause the accumulation of static electricity on your skin.

• Styrofoam cups and packing materials typically have a considerable

electrostatic charge on them.

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) 8-7
General Preinstallation Information

The discharge of static electricity is not perceptible to a human being

until the potential is at least 4000 V. Many electronic components can
be damaged by a discharge of electrostatic potential of as little as 50 V.
ESD damage can be catastrophic causing your system to cease
functioning. More commonly, however, ESD damage might cause latent
problems that are detrimental to sensitive electrical components, causing
premature failures. Therefore, Thermo Fisher Scientific recommends
the following precautions, especially when you are operating your
system at the lower end of the relative humidity specification listed

• Use a static-dissipating floor covering (such as tile or conductive

linoleum) in the room that houses your instrument.

• Use laboratory chairs covered with natural fiber or other static

dissipating material.

• When operating the instrument, wear laboratory coats and clothing

made of natural fiber or other static-dissipating material.

• Do not place Styrofoam cups or packing materials on the


8-8 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
acceptance form 8-4 filtering solvents 7-1
advanced training courses 8-4 floor space
air conditioning 3-9 with autosampler 2-6
airborne noise emission 3-10 without autosampler 2-5
fore vacuum pump
connecting 2-7
exhaust 2-7
C heat generation 3-5
cleaning agents 7-1 location 2-6
collision cell technology gas 6-4 power connection 2-7
heat generation 3-5
placing the data system 2-8
cooling water 5-1 heat dissipation
fore vacuum pump 2-7 complete system 3-6
cooling capacity 5-2 without chiller 3-7
without chiller or fore vacuum pump 3-8
cooling water
connections 5-1 heat generation
computer 3-5
specifications 5-1
fore vacuum pump 3-5
CTT gas 6-4
monitor 3-5
system 3-5
water chiller 3-5
D humidity 3-9
data system 2-8
dimensions 2-8
placing 2-5 K
workbench 2-8
key operator 8-4
dimensions and weights 2-2
dimensions, of packed units 2-2, 2-8
distilled water
as cleaning agent 7-1 L
as cooling fluid 5-1 laboratory
floor space 2-5
temperature 3-2
electrostatic discharge 8-7
emission sound pressure level 3-10 M
entrance requirements 2-2 magnetic fields 3-11
exhaust monitor
fore vacuum pump 2-7 heat generation 3-5
port location 3-3 location 2-8
system 3-3

Thermo Fisher Scientific iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) I-1
Index: N–W

noise emission 3-10 technical assistance 8-6
noise reduction cover 2-7 temperature
cooling water 5-1
laboratory 3-2
training courses 8-4
transportation risk 8-2
operator responsibilities 2-1, 4-1

vacuum hose 2-7
particulate matter, in air 3-10
vibration 3-10
pH value cooling water 5-1
electrical quality 4-6
fore vacuum pump 2-7 W
outlets 2-7 wall outlet
quality 4-6 chiller 4-6
pressure computer 4-6
cooling water 5-1 water chiller
two-stage gas regulator 6-4 heat generation 3-5
preventive maintenance 8-4 technical data 5-2
equipment 2-2, 2-8
instrument 2-2
quality electrical power 4-6

radio frequencies 3-10
recirculating chiller 5-2
responsibilities operator 2-1, 4-1

solid residual in cooling water 5-1
solvents for cleaning 7-1
specifications 5-2
supply rate cooling water 5-1
dimensions and weights 2-2
heat generation 3-5

I-2 iCAP Q Preinstallation Requirements Guide (P/N 1288020, Revision A) Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc.
81 Wyman Street
P.O. Box 9046
Waltham, Massachussetts 02454-9046
United States


Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

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