Unit 1 Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Unit 1 Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Unit 1 Fundamentals of Cloud Computing
Front-end device
Back-end platform
Cloud-based delivery
Front-end Devices − These are basically the devices that are used by
clients to access the data or program using the browser or special
Back-end Platform − There are various computers, servers, virtual
machines, etc. that combine to become a back-end platform.
The evolution of cloud computing
Cloud computing can be seen as an innovation in different
ways. From a technological perspective it is an advancement of
computing, applying virtualization concepts to utilize hardware more
efficiently. Yet a different point of view is to look at cloud computing
from an IT deployment perspective. In this sense cloud computing has
the potential to revolutionize the way, how computing resources and
applications are provided, breaking up traditional value chains and
making room for new business models. In the following section we are
going to describe the emergence of cloud computing from both
4.1 A new computing paradigm
To judge, whether cloud computing is a new computing
paradigm, one needs to reflect its development in the context of
computing history. In this chapter we are going to provide a short
summary of the history starting with the calculating machine,
describing the development of computers and the internet and
eventually the beginnings of cloud computing. We also describe a
layered model of the constituting components of cloud computing
4.1.1 From the calculating machine to cloud computing
Computing history can be traced back to the invention of the
first calculating machine. In 1623 Wilhelm Schickard was the first who
documented the assembly of such a calculating machine, which worked
according to the principle of Napier's bones, a sort of abacus (Freytag-
Löringhoff et al. 2002). Another milestone in computing history is
Charles Babbage’s description of the Analytical Engine in 1837, a
mechanical calculating machine for general purpose tasks (Babbage
1864). Additional milestones were Allan Marquand’s draft of an
electrical logic machine (1885) and Herman Hollerith’s development of a
tabulating machine (1890). The electrical logic machine was first
realized in 1936 by Benjamin Burack (1949). However, the actual
history of the modern computer began with Konrad Zuse’s construction
of the Z3 in 1941. Zuse’s machine was the first functioning digital
computer, it was based on the binary digit system, programmable, and
Turing capable (Rojas 1997). In 1945, John Mauchley and J. Presper
Eckert have built ENIAC, an Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer, which was considered the first fully electronic tube computer
(Goldstine et al. 1946). The ENIAC was as well programmable and
Turing capable, but was based on the decimal system. Depending on the
definition of the term “Computer”, either the Z3 or the ENIAC is
considered the first Computer in the world.
Types of Cloud
Public Cloud –
A service provider makes the clouds available to the general
public which is termed as a public cloud. These clouds are accessed
through internet by users. These are open to public and their
infrastructure is owned and operated by service providers as in case of
Google and Microsoft.
Hybrid Cloud –
When two or more clouds are bound together to offer
the advantage of both public and private clouds, they are termed as
Hybrid Cloud. Organizations can use private clouds for sensitive
application, while public clouds for non-sensitive applications. The
hybrid clouds provide flexible, scalable and cost-effective solutions to
the organizations.
Community Cloud:
A Community Cloud can be a Private Cloud, Virtual
Private Cloud, Public Cloud, or Hybrid Cloud. A Community Cloud is
specifically designed to meet the defined needs of a community. Such
communities involve individuals or organizations that have shared
interests. This includes industrial groups, research groups, standard
groups, and so on. Therefore, a Community Cloud is not so much a type
of Cloud as it is a way to look at how Clouds could be used. The data
center that supports the Community Cloud could be one of the member
organizations or it could also be in a location away from all member
A Community Cloud can be a Private Cloud, Virtual Private
Cloud, Public Cloud, or Hybrid Cloud. A Community Cloud is designed
to meet the needs of a community. Such communities involve people or
organization that have shared interests. This includes industrial
groups, research groups, standards groups, and so on. So, a Community
Cloud is not so much a type of Cloud as it is a way to look at how Clouds
could be used. The data center supporting the Community Cloud could
be one of the member organizations or it could be in a location separate
from all member organizations.
Personal Cloud
There is a Private Cloud implemented utilizing an
organization a data center infrastructure of hardware and software
that’s used by an organization. The data center can be on-premises or
off-premises. It isn’t shared with another organization. In case the data
center is shared, that’s a Virtual Personal Cloud.
The Cloud Computing Stack in a Personal Cloud is
dedicated for the organization. In case the data center is shared but not
the Cloud Computing Stack, that’s a Virtual Personal Cloud. If the data
center and the Cloud Computing Stack are shared, that’s a Public
Cloud. A Personal Cloud might participate in a Hybrid Cloud.
This very long list of benefits should make it obvious why so many
people are excited about the idea of cloud computing. Cloud computing
is not a panacea, however. In many instances, cloud computing doesn’t
work well for particular applications.
Benefits of Cloud
There are many benefits of clouds. Some of them are listed below.
Cloud service offers scalability. Allocation and de-allocation of
resources is dynamically as per demand.
It saves on cost by reducing capital infrastructure.
It allows the user to access the application independent of their
location and hardware configuration.
It simplifies the network and lets the client access the application
without buying license for individual machine.
Storing data on clouds is more reliable as it is not lost easily.
Reduced Cost:
There are a number of reasons to attribute Cloud
technology with lower costs. The billing model is pay as per usage; the
infrastructure is not purchased thus lowering maintenance. Initial
expense and recurring expenses are much lower than traditional
Increased Storage:
With the massive Infrastructure that is offered
by Cloud providers today, storage & maintenance of large volumes of
data is a reality. Sudden workload spikes are also managed
effectively & efficiently, since the cloud can scale dynamically.
This is an extremely important characteristic. With
enterprises having to adapt, even more rapidly, to changing business
conditions, speed to deliver is critical. Cloud computing stresses on
getting applications to market very quickly, by using the most
appropriate building blocks necessary for deployment.
Benefits of Cloud Computing
5. File storage
Cloud can offer you the possibility of storing your files
and accessing, storing and retrieving them from any web-enabled
interface. The web services interfaces are usually simple. At any time
and place you have high availability, speed, scalability and security for
your environment. In this scenario, organizations are only paying for
the amount of storage they are actually consuming, and do so without
the worries of overseeing the daily maintenance of the storage
There is also the possibility to store the data either on or off
premises depending on the regulatory compliance requirements. Data is
stored in virtualized pools of storage hosted by a third party based on
the customer specification requirements.
6. Disaster recovery
This is yet another benefit derived from using
cloud based on the cost effectiveness of a disaster recovery (DR) solution
that provides for a faster recovery from a mesh of different physical
locations at a much lower cost that the traditional DR site with fixed
assets, rigid procedures and a much higher cost.
7. Backup
Backing up data has always been a complex and time-
consuming operation. This included maintaining a set of tapes or drives,
manually collecting them and dispatching them to a backup facility
with all the inherent problems that might happen in between the
originating and the backup site. This way of ensuring a backup is
performed is not immune to problems such as running out of backup
media , and there is also time to load the backup devices for a restore
operation, which takes time and is prone to malfunctions and human
Cloud-based backup, while not being the panacea, is certainly a
far cry from what it used to be. You can now automatically dispatch
data to any location across the wire with the assurance that neither
security, availability nor capacity are issues.
Issues of Cloud Computing
1.Data Security concern
When we talk about the security concern of the cloud
technology, then a lot of questions remain unanswered. Multiple serious
threats like virus attack and hacking of the client’s site are the biggest
cloud computing data security issues. Entrepreneurs have to think on
these issues before adopting cloud computing technology for their
business. Since you are transferring your company’s important details
to a third party so it is important to ensure yourself about the
manageability and security system of the cloud.
8.Cost barrier
For efficient working of cloud computing you have to bear
the high charges of the bandwidth. Business can cut down the cost on
hardware but they have to spend a huge amount on the bandwidth. For
smaller application cost is not a big issue but for large and complex
applications it is a major concern. For transferring complex and
intensive data over the network it is very necessary that you have
sufficient bandwidth. This is a major obstacle in front of small
organizations, which restrict them for implementing cloud technology in
their business.
9.Lack of knowledge and expertise
Every organization does not have sufficient knowledge about
the implementation of the cloud solutions. They have not expertise staff
and tools for the proper use of cloud technology. Delivering the
information and selection the right cloud is quite difficult without right
direction. Teaching your staff about the process and tools of the cloud
computing is a very big challenge in itself. Requiring an organization to
shift their business to cloud based technology without having any
proper knowledge is like asking for disaster. They would never use this
technology for their business functions.
10.Consumption basis services charges
Cloud computing services are on-demand services so it is
difficult to define specific cost for a particular quantity of services.
These types of fluctuations and price differences make the
implementation of cloud computing very difficult and complicated. It is
not easy for a normal business owner to study consistent demand and
fluctuations with the seasons and various events. So it is hard to budget
for a service that could consume several months of budget in a few days
of heavy use.