Ijert Ijert: Simulation and Comparision of AODV and AOMDV Routing Protocols in MANET
Ijert Ijert: Simulation and Comparision of AODV and AOMDV Routing Protocols in MANET
Ijert Ijert: Simulation and Comparision of AODV and AOMDV Routing Protocols in MANET
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
Abstract— One of the main challenges of Mobile Ad Hoc all nodes is maintained at each node with respect to the time.
Networks is the design of robust routing algorithms that adapt to Routes are built from each node to every other node before
the frequent and randomly changing network topology. MANET they are needed. Any changes occurring in topology is
is a dynamic wireless network that need no pre-existing broadcasted through the network, notifying all the nodes of the
infrastructure in which each node acts as a router. Each node changes. Proactive protocols hence maintain routing
acts as an end system but also as a router to forward packets. information about the available paths in the network even if
These nodes are free to move and organizes themselves in the these paths are not currently used. The major drawback of
network and changes their positions frequently. The routing these approaches is that the maintenance of unused paths may
protocols are categorized as Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid
occupy an important part of the available bandwidth if the
protocols. Reactive routing approach is widely popular routing
category for MANET. The design follows the idea that each node topology changes frequently [17].
tries to reduce routing overhead by sending routing packets In on-demand or reactive routing protocols, the routes are
whenever a communication is needed. In this paper we compare created on requirement basis. To find a path from source to
AODV and AOMDV routing protocols for MANETs. The AODV destination, it invokes the route discovery mechanisms. Only
is a unipath routing protocol and AOMDV is a multipath version the routes that are currently in use are maintained, thereby
of AODV. AOMDV was designed primarily for highly dynamic
maintaining low control overhead and reducing the network
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
In our paper we mainly concentrate on AODV and to get multiple link-disjoint routes, the destination replies to
AOMDV routing protocols. duplicate RREQs, the destination only replies to RREQs
arriving via unique neighbors. After the first hop, the RREPs
II. BACKGROUND follow the reverse paths, which are node disjoint and thus link-
A. Ad hoc on demand distance vector (AODV) protocol disjoint. The trajectories of each RREP may intersect at an
intermediate node, but each takes a different reverse path to
AODV is a destination based reactive protocol. This protocol the source to ensure link disjointness. The advantage of using
inherits the feature of route discovery from DSR. However, AOMDV is that it allows intermediate nodes to reply to
AODV resolves the problem of large headers found in DSR. RREQs, while still selecting disjoint paths. But, AOMDV has
This problem can cause significant performance degradation more message overheads during route discovery due to
especially when the actual data contents are small. AODV increased flooding and since it is a multipath routing protocol,
maintains routing tables on the nodes instead of including a the destination replies to the multiple RREQs those results are
header in the data packet. The source node initiates the route in longer overhead
discovery process in the same way as in DSR. An intermediate
node may reply with a route reply (RREP) only if it knows a III. METRICS FOR PERFORMANCE COMPARISION
more recent path than the one known by the sender node to the
destination. A destination sequence number is used to indicate The six important performance metrics are considered for
how recent the path is as follows. A new route request evaluation of these routing protocols are as follows:
generated by the sender node is tagged with a higher sequence
number and an intermediate node that knows the route to the Throughput - Throughput is the measure of how fast we can
destination with a smaller sequence number cannot send the actually send packets through network. The number of packets
RREP message. Forward links are setup when a RREP travels delivered to the receiver provides the throughput of the
back along the path taken by RREQ. So the routing table network. The throughput is defined as the total amount of data a
entries are used to forward the data packet and the route is not receiver actually receives from the sender divided by the time
included in the packet header. If an intermediate node is it takes for receiver to get the last packet
unable to forward the packet to the next hop or destination due
to link failures, it generates the route error (RERR) message Packets Dropped - Some of the packets generated by the
by tagging it with a higher destination sequence number. source will get dropped in the network due to high mobility of
When the sender node receives the RERR message, it initiates a the nodes, congestion of the network etc.
new route discovery for the destination node.
3. Packet Delivery Ratio - The ratio of the data packets
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
2) Packets dropped:
Table 1 Simulation parameters for varying pause time The number of packets dropped in AOMDV are very low in
compared to AODV.With incresing pause time packets
dropped for both protocols increses but AOMDV drops less
S.No Value packets than AODV. Multipath nature of AOMDV attributes
Parameters to less packet drop.
l 1 Number of nodes 50
2 Simulation Time 200sec.
3 Area 500 *500m2
10 Bandwidth 10Mbps
11 Delay 10 ms
12 Mobility model used Random way point
1) Throughput:
Fig. 2 Comparison between AODV and AOMDV on the basis of
The pause time was increased (low mobility) and the Packets dropped
throughput changes at every pause time during complete
simulation period. AOMDV shows a better throughput then 3) Packet Delivery Ratio:
AODV at every pause time. At starting throughput of AODV In order to calculate packet delivery ratio (PDR) ,the no of
decreases rapidly. When a link becomes over utilized and packets received by the destination will be divided by the no
causes congestion, AOMDV can choose to divert through of packets originated. The better PDR implies the more
alternate paths and hence throughput increases. accurate and suitable routing network. With increasing pause
time the packet delivery ratio of AODV decreases rapidly but
AOMDV follows a straight line. So a very little change in
packet delivery ratio of AOMDV is observed. Thus AOMDV
has better packet delivery ratio than AODV because of the
availability of multiple paths.
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
Fig. 3 Comparison between AODV and AOMDV on the basis of Packet Fig. 5 Comparison between AODV and AOMDV on the basis of End to
Delivery Ratio End Delay
Pause time is varied again and results show that routing AOMDV has better optimal path length than AODV with
overhead decreases at lower pause time but increases at higher increasing pause time. Because of multipath property
pause time for both protocols but AOMDV has low routing AOMDV selects the best optimal path for routing. With
overhead at every pause time compared to AODV protocol. increasing pause time Optimal path length for AOMDV is
always smaller than of AODV.
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 9, September- 2014
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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)