Pproaches To Learning: Kindergarten To Grade 3 Guide

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Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Marilou Hyson, Ph.D.

Consultant, New Jersey Department of Education
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
EPPIC Skills: Core Expectations for Approaches to Learning,
Kindergarten to Grade 3 ............................................................................................................... 1

What Are “Approaches to Learning”?................................................................................................. 3

Approaches to Learning, Cognitive Development,

Social-Emotional Development, and “SEL” ..................................................................................... 5

Why Are Approaches-to-Learning Competencies So Important for Children in K-3?...... 6

How Do Teachers Support the Growth of EPPIC Skills?............................................................. 7

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors, and Teacher Supports

Component 1: Engagement ...................................................................................................... 10
Component 2: Planning and Problem-Solving................................................................... 14
Component 3: Initiative and Creativity.................................................................................. 17

Summary and Final Thoughts................................................................................................................ 20

Addressing Yes-But Concerns ................................................................................................................ 21

References and Resources ....................................................................................................................... 26

Appendix A
An Annotated Example: Opportunities for EPPIC Skill Development
Within a K-3 Curriculum Unit ................................................................................................... 29

Appendix B
Promoting EPPIC Skills with Remodeled Lessons ......................................................... 31

Appendix C
Including Approaches to Learning in K-3 Planning
Tools to Adapt and Use............................................................................................................... 34
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

As a teacher in kindergarten and the primary grades, you know that children’s progress depends
greatly on their motivation, interest, persistence, and ability to plan their work and manage their
emotions. Just as New Jersey educators are guided by standards in areas like literacy and mathematics,
expectations are needed for the critically important domain of Approaches to Learning. This Guide
describes each of the core expectations and indicators; defines Approaches to Learning and explains how
these competencies connect with other aspects of development; describes why Approaches to Learning
competencies are so important for K-3 children; gives you grade-by-grade examples of how children
demonstrate these competencies; and lists many examples of ways that you can support children’s EPPIC
skills: engagement in learning, their planning and problem-solving, and their initiative and creativity.

Implementing Approaches to Learning for K-3 Students:

What’s Here to Help You

This Guide has many features intended to help K-3 teachers provide children with what they
need to be successful learners, using the EPPIC skills of Engagement, Planning and Problem Solving,
and Initiative and Creativity. At various places in the Guide, you will find:

● Vignettes illustrating the importance of approaches to learning in the lives and learning of
individual students.
● “What’s So Important About . . . ?”—3 boxes, each of which briefly explains the importance of
one of the components of Approaches to Learning.
● “Yes, But . . .” boxes with questions or concerns that might be raised by administrators,
colleagues, or families—with answers you can use.
● Examples of “Remodeled Lessons” that continue to strengthen children’s competence in specific
content standards and curriculum areas while at the same time promoting skills in the three
components of Approaches to Learning.
● EPPIC child behaviors, grade-by-grade: Examples of children’s demonstrations of competence in
each ATL component: Engagement; Planning and Problem-Solving; and Initiative and
● Teacher supports, grade-by grade: Examples of specific ways that teachers can support growth
in each ATL component.
● Research evidence that shows why ATL are so important for overall development and learning,
AND how teachers’ everyday supports can strengthen each child’s ATL.

You may notice that the K-3 Approaches to Learning or EPPIC Skills are similar to but not exactly the
same as New Jersey’s Approaches to Learning standards for birth to age 3 and preschool. The K-3
standards are also organized somewhat differently than Approaches to Learning in the few other states
that have K-2 or K-3 standards in this domain. All the important aspects of Approaches to Learning are
here, but the expectations and indicators are organized to be (a) easy for teachers and administrators to
understand and remember—only 3 expectations with a few indicators under each, as compared with as
many as 5 standards and many more indicators in some other states—and (b) easily aligned with New
Jersey’s K-3 content standards and curriculum emphases.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide


EPPIC Skills: Core Expectations for Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3

1. Engagement: Demonstrates effortful, persistent engagement in learning activities.

✔ Becomes involved in a variety of classroom activities
✔ Sustains attention despite distractions
✔ Persists in activities

2. Planning and Problem-Solving: Demonstrates the use of planning and problem-solving

strategies to achieve goals.
✔ Plans work to accomplish learning tasks
✔ Uses varied, flexible strategies to deal with problems
✔ Shows appropriate self-regulation and resilience in the face of challenges

3. Initiative and Creativity: Demonstrates initiative, independence, and creativity in new,

challenging learning situations.
✔ Challenges self by trying out a variety of learning experiences
✔ Tries to broaden and deepen own learning
✔ Finds new connections across different ideas and learning tasks

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

What Are “Approaches to Learning”?

A Tale of Three Children
We begin this Approaches to Learning Guide with descriptions of three children, Marta, Joe, and
Taniesha. We meet them in the first weeks of their new school year. Perhaps their stories, and their
challenges, will sound familiar.

Marta has just begun first grade. Her family has recently moved from Mexico, and Marta is still
learning English. She has already made friends in the class and loves playing with them in the
dramatic play area and doing anything with markers and crayons. Although her teacher Ms. Abel’s
preliminary assessment indicates that Marta already has many competencies to support language
and literacy development in her home language and in English, so far Marta has tried to avoid
involvement in most of the class’s literacy-related activities. She seems to have difficulty paying
attention if something more interesting presents itself. If she participates, she usually gives up
quickly, saying that she doesn’t know the answer, cannot do the activity, or is too tired to keep
Joe is a third grader with an eager attitude. Every day he comes to class with a big smile and
“Hello!”--ready to jump into whatever Mr. Kennedy has planned. The problem is that he doesn’t think
before he acts. For example, the class is beginning to become involved in an in-depth project1 on
transportation in their city, integrating literacy, math, and social studies. During extended periods of
the day, small groups work in learning centers or “worksites,” each with a different specific focus
within the transportation theme. His teacher encourages the children to choose where they will
spend their time, but Joe tries to do everything at once—and then becomes frustrated when his too-
ambitious plans don’t work out well. As a result, his work, although showing great potential and
creativity, is never well-organized and seldom completed.
Taniesha has very strong academic skills compared to many of her kindergarten classmates, at
least at this point in the year. Her teacher, Ms. Henry, finds that she has few problems completing
literacy and math activities correctly. She follows directions and tries to help others who may be
struggling. However, Taniesha seldom takes the initiative, even when choices are offered. Most of the
time, she sticks to what she already knows and always waits for her teacher to give directions. When
it’s time for learning centers, Taniesha gravitates toward a few where she feels comfortable. In class,
Tanisha doesn’t ask many questions, but when she does her questions are factual. She rarely tries to
explore new ideas or new ways of using materials.

In the years from kindergarten through Grade 3, children are expected to develop competence in
academic areas: language and literacy, mathematics, science and technology, and social studies.
However, these vignettes show that academic competence needs strong support from other areas of
children’s development. Marta, Joe, and Taniesha all have the potential to be capable young learners, but
each of them has difficulty becoming deeply engaged, planning and following through, or exercising
initiative in learning and creative thinking. Without these competencies, their academic skills are unlikely
to develop as well as they might, and their motivation and enthusiasm for learning are unlikely to grow.

3 1
For information and detailed examples of project work, see the NJ DOE’s First, Second, and Third Grade Implementation Guide.
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

What Are “Approaches to Learning”?

Different names for these competencies, but agreement that they are essential. People have
called these competencies by different names. Here we call them “Approaches to Learning,” a term that has
been used by many states. In this guide we also use the acronym EPPIC Skills to make these core
competencies easier to remember. Starting in the 1980s, experts identified “Approaches to Learning” as one
of the key areas of school readiness, along with preschoolers’ physical, cognitive, social and emotional
development. Some researchers have used the term “learning behaviors,” both for preschoolers and older
children. Other writers have used phrases like “executive functions,”“habits of mind,”“grit,”“non-cognitive
abilities,” and “soft skills” to describe these characteristics in the children’s lives. In New Jersey, many of these
skills are represented in the New Jersey Career Ready practices
(http://www.state.nj.us/education/cte/hl/CRP.pdf) and have been identified as essential by New Jersey’s
business community (http://www.njbia.org/docs/default source/galinks/NJBIAWorkforce
So there are different names but strong agreement that Approaches to Learning—EPPIC Skills--are
important throughout the school years and in later life. For early childhood educators, the most
important questions are:
? What do these skills look like in children from kindergarten through grade 3? and
? How do educators support the development of these skills?

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning,
Cognitive Development,
Social-Emotional Development, and “SEL”
The Approaches to Learning competencies that your K-3 children develop are closely connected with,
but are not the same as, their cognitive and social-emotional competencies. For example, engagement is
an essential element of children’s approaches to learning. Children who are deeply engaged in learning
experiences certainly have an emotional commitment to what they are doing. Engagement also depends
on children’s cognitive ability to identify, focus on, and solve the problems that learning experiences can
present. However, Approaches to Learning competencies are important enough to deserve their own
unique position in children’s development. The following image illustrates these overlapping connections:

Cognitive Social-Emotional
Development Learning Development

“SEL,” or Social-Emotional Learning:

What Is It, and How Does It Connect to Approaches to Learning?
According to CASEL, the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
(www.casel.org), social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults
acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage
emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain
positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
The New Jersey Department of Education has established a Working Group to develop core
competencies and indicators for SEL from kindergarten through Grade 12. New Jersey’s SEL Core
Competencies include:
● Self-Awareness
● Self-Management
● Social Awareness

● Responsible Decision-Making

● Relationship Skills

ATL and SEL: Partners in Learning in School and in Life. The SEL Working Group is in close
communication with the work on K-3 Approaches to Learning standards and teacher guidance. SEL and
Approaches to Learning expectations can and should support one another. For example, competencies
in “Social Awareness” (an SEL competency) can help children become competent in “Planning” (an ATL
competency), because planning and problem-solving strategies are more effective when children are
sensitive and respectful of classmates’ perspectives. Similarly, as teachers help children develop their
skills in the ATL competency of “Engagement” (effortful, persistent engagement in learning activities),
they are likely to strengthen several SEL areas at the same time, including “Self-Management.”
It’s also important to remember that both Approaches to Learning and Social-Emotional Learning
support children’s academic progress and prepare them for New Jersey’s Career Ready Practices.
Throughout this Approaches to Learning Guide, you’ll see examples of how teachers can
strengthen the connections across these key areas of children’s development, and how all of these
support and are integrated into implementation of K-3 standards for literacy, math, science and

technology, and social studies.
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Why Are Approaches-to-Learning

Competencies So Important for Children
in K-3?
Your own teaching experience, and the examples of Marta, Joe, and Taniesha, reinforce the belief
that children need to become engaged in learning, persist at difficult tasks, explore new experiences with
curiosity, make and implement plans, and develop other EPPIC Skills. Of course, positive Approaches to
Learning are valuable in themselves, but they also predict children’s competence in other areas of
development and learning. A few examples from research:
● Children who show greater engagement in kindergarten learning tasks are likely to develop a
higher level of academic skill in later years.
● Children’s early self-regulation abilities predict later success in areas such as math.
● Strong “competence motivation”—being involved in learning for the purpose of becoming more
capable—often leads to better academic outcomes.
● Children who develop a “growth mindset,” believing that their abilities can grow rather than
being fixed, are more likely to take on challenging academic tasks.
● Children who are motivated to read—who are behaviorally engaged or dedicated to reading--
usually develop higher levels of reading competence over time.
The References at the end of this document include many studies that have found these kinds of
connections. It’s clear, then, that if we want to help children meet challenging academic standards, we
must intentionally support their development of the EPPIC competencies included in Approaches to

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

How Do Teachers Support

Approaches-to-Learning Competencies?
Some people think that children are simply born with different levels of Approaches to Learning.
They may think that certain children are just more motivated, more eager, or more persistent than others.
That is not the case: Although genetics or inborn temperament may play a small role, for the most part
children’s Approaches to Learning are a product of their environments. Experiences that children have,
especially in the early years, help build—or, at times, undermine--these competencies.
In providing experiences that will promote Approaches-to-Learning skills for each and every
child, teachers are the key. Certainly, children will arrive in your classroom with great variations in their
approaches to learning. Joe had a hard time focusing and following through even in preschool; in
contrast, his classmate Aaron never gives up no matter how hard the task is for him. However, the
kindergarten and primary-grade years are a wide-open window of opportunity. Your intentional efforts
to create ATL-supportive classroom environments and interactions can pay off with more engaged,
planful, curious, and motivated children. And, in turn, these characteristics will help children gain
competencies in every other area of their development and learning: A child who has learned strategies
to help her persist will be able to stick with new, difficult math challenges such as those posed in the
Common Core; a child whose self-regulation abilities have improved because of your efforts will be
better prepared to make and sustain positive relationships with classmates even in the face of conflicts.
These strategies will serve students well throughout the later years of school, as you can see in this video
of an award-winning high school robotics team [link].
Teachers Are the Key: Evidence from Research. We have overwhelming evidence about the
critically important role of classroom teachers in promoting children’s Approaches to Learning. Here are
illustrations of this research, with classroom examples adapted from the First, Second, and Third Grade
Implementation Guide. Citations may be found in the References.
● Teaching approaches that strengthen children’s executive functions lead to improved math

[First grade teacher Ms. Abbott has introduced a daily “planning time,” when each child describes
what he or she will accomplish during their work time, representing the plan by writing and drawing.
Planning, implementing, and flexibly modifying plans are all executive functions essential for
academic competence, including math competence.]
● When content is taught through activities that children find inherently enjoyable (such as small-
group work), their intrinsic motivation to learn increases.
[At the beginning of a class project about communities, Ms. Jackson creates small groups to
brainstorm questions they might ask when interviewing community members. In their groups, even
the quieter students offer creative ideas, which are then shared with the whole class.]
● Close relationships between teachers and children have positive effects on both engagement
and achievement.
[Mr. Mendez often shares his enthusiasm for baseball with his similarly baseball-obsessed third
graders. Often disengaged from academic work in the past, these children are working harder this
year, eager to receive their teachers’ approval.]
● Especially early in the school year, teachers who use daily routines to build children’s self-
regulation (they know what to do without being told) find that students are more deeply
engaged throughout the year.
[Kindergarten teacher Mr. Davis invests much time during the first weeks of school building the
children’s comfort and confidence in the daily routine. Individual, small group, and class

responsibilities are practiced and reinforced with picture schedules and other visual reminders.]
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

How Do Teachers Support Approaches-to-Learning Competencies?

● Teachers who intentionally model characteristics like enthusiasm for learning, persistence, and
self-regulation influence those qualities in the children.
[Ms. Donatello is learning to knit. She sometimes brings her knitting to class and shows the
students what she is doing, including her mistakes and her strategies for problem-solving as she
persists in trying to finish the scarf for her son.]
● Supporting children’s autonomy by allowing children to make choices leads to greater
engagement and achievement in academic subjects.
[As a class of second graders was learning about their town and the town where their pen pals
lived, their teacher encouraged different groups of children to choose different media to communicate
with the pen pal class: some learned how to do a podcast; others used Word to write a letter; and
another group created a Power Point about their town.]
● Acknowledging children for their hard work and improvement, not just children’s performance,
predicts higher levels of effort over time.
[Ms. Kim intentionally and frequently uses specific language to affirm the value of children’s
efforts—“I know this part of our math curriculum has been really challenging, but let’s look at all the
things you have learned this week. I noticed how hard you were working on those problems, and
see—it paid off!”]
● Teachers’ consistent emotional support promotes children’s positive feelings and motivation to
[Although she would not consider herself a “touchy-feely” person, Ms. Palkow’s warm, quiet voice
and personally encouraging manner constantly show that she values, knows, and understands each
member of the class. The result is a happy place in which to work and learn together.]

As a busy teacher, it’s important for

you to know that most supports for
Approaches to Learning can be built into
what you already do. Looking at the
examples, you’ll see that some supports
come from your everyday relationships with
children; others have to do with teaching
and learning strategies; and others are
related to how the classroom environment
and curriculum are organized. As you
implement curriculum that addresses every
content area, you will see how strategic
choices about curriculum-related activities
and interactions can increase children’s
engagement, planning skills, and initiative.
Appendix A illustrates how one teacher’s
social studies curriculum project on
“Communities” (described in detail in the
“New Jersey First, Second, and Third Grade
Implementation Guide”) is strengthening
EPPIC skills at the same time that it builds
competencies in multiple standards areas.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

How Do Teachers Support the Growth of EPPIC Skills?

Individual and Cultural Differences in Approaches to Learning

In the next section of this Guide, you will see lists of children’s expected behaviors grade by
grade, for each of the three core components of K-3 Approaches to Learning. These expectations are
useful, but you should keep a few cautions in mind:
Individual children’s development varies a great deal—in Approaches to Learning as well as in
other domains. You will see all children in your class make progress, but even at the end of the year
some children’s behavior may still be more typical of a child in a lower grade. This slower progress
may reflect a specific disability, or it may reflect a more general delay in this area of development. For
example, some children may enter your class with very few experiences that have supported their
EPPIC skills (Engagement; Planning and Problem-Solving; Initiative and Creativity). The supports you
provide in school, as suggested in this Guide, will help. To scaffold some children’s progress, you may
find that the suggested supports for lower grades are a better fit, at least for a while.
A child’s culture may also influence how he or she demonstrates some Approaches to Learning.
For example, some cultures value individual initiative more than others. Some children, who may be
growing up in families that strongly value interdependence and collaboration, may be more comfort-
able showing initiative as part of their contribution to group projects rather than in a solo activity.
Knowing the cultural norms and appropriate behaviors for the children and families you serve will
help you understand and encourage positive Approaches to Learning, but in a way that is responsive
to each child’s culture.
The Bottom Line:

Positive approaches to learning are essential for every child’s development and school
success. Teachers can ensure progress by paying attention to children’s individual characteris-
tics and cultural contexts.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components,

Child Behaviors, and Teacher Supports
Component 1: Engagement
Definition: Demonstrates effortful, persistent involvement in learning activities.
● Becomes involved in a variety of classroom activities
● Sustains attention despite distractions
● Persists in activities

Six Months Later: Marta Revisited

At the beginning of the year, Marta did her best to avoid most of the first grade literacy activities. She
had trouble persisting and focusing, and only enjoyed being part of a few activities, such as dramatic
play and art work. Now, six months later, her teacher sees real growth in Marta’s engagement as well as
significant development of her language and literacy skills in her home language and in English. Marta’s
active involvement has now expanded to a greater number of activities, and even when these are
challenging Marta does not give up so easily. What’s happened? Many things. Her teacher Ms. Abel has
made a special effort to develop a warm relationship with Marta and her family, which has seemed to
foster Marta’s willingness to try things that are hard for her. Ms. Abel has also used Marta’s creative
talents to connect with specific literacy competencies—for example, a recent project on legends and
fairy tales tapped into Marta’s creative abilities while encouraging deeper, more focused engagement.
Ms. Abel has created more frequent, and longer, small group times than in the past, making it easier for
Marta and other children to stay focused than in whole-group literacy activities. Marta seems proud of
her own ability to concentrate and persist—a new favorite phrase is, “It was hard, but I did it!”

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors,

and Teacher Supports
What’s So Important about Engagement?
Think about your proudest accomplishments, whether in your work or other interests. Those
accomplishments were fueled by hours, days, weeks, and often years of sustained, deep effort. Feelings
of curiosity and keen desire to learn more motivated you to keep going, even when the going was tough.
“Engagement” is one way to describe this experience of immersion in learning. From early childhood
onwards, when learners become fully engaged, the results are striking. Both typically developing
children and children with disabilities benefit when they spend more time engaged—and more deeply
engaged—in worthwhile activities. Researchers who study engagement find great variations in
children’s levels of engagement, and those variations predict how much children will learn. A positive
cycle is set up: children’s emotional, cognitive, and behavioral engagement help them master important
content, and their feelings of accomplishment from that learning motivate them to continue and deepen
their engagement.
As children move into secondary school, engagement remains critically important. Not surprisingly,
high school students who report greater engagement in school are more likely to stay in school even if
other factors predict that they may drop out. As adults in the workplace, success often depends on
persistence, on staying focused and curious, whether the work is as a scientist, an entrepreneur, a health
professional, or an educator.
The good news, as with all aspects of Approaches to Learning, is that engagement is not an inborn
trait that some children have and others do not. Developmental and educational research are clear that
both family and school environments can build and sustain engagement, feeding children’s intrinsic
motivation, excitement about learning, and persistence in challenging academic tasks.
In this section of the Approaches to Learning Guide we describe expected child behaviors that
demonstrate engagement, and we share examples of teacher supports for this essential learning

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors,

and Teacher Supports
Examples of Child Behaviors Demonstrating Engagement, Grade by Grade

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

● Concentrates on a specific ● Begins to be able to focus on ● Stays focused on tasks for ● Sustains involvement in
learning activity for tasks assigned by others. longer periods of time. complex learning activities
extended periods of time, ● Listens with attention for ● Remembers and consistently extending over several
especially if activity is of longer periods. applies directions. weeks or more.
personal interest. ● With support, begins to be ● Shifts focus of attention with ● Works collaboratively with

● Listens with attention for able to shift focus of minimal prompting from classmates exerting
brief periods. attention when needed adults. collective effort on learning
● Perseveres at tasks with (transitions to new lesson or ● Uses skills in reading and activities.
adult support. activity or topic). math for a wider variety of ● Uses academic skills flexibly

● Shows social competences ● Accepts redirection when purposes. for multiple purposes.
that will help the child focus of attention is not ● Perseveres at difficult ● Encourages other children

become involved in appropriate to the situation. academic tasks in class and become engaged or stay
collaborative learning ● Intentionally sets up own in home assignments. focused on learning activity
activities. learning situation to avoid or ● Shows pleasure at own that they are working on
● Recalls and carries out minimize distraction (e.g., ability to remain focused or together.
simple directions. choosing quiet corner of to persevere when learning ● In extended group

classroom to write). tasks are difficult. discussions keeps focus on

● Perseveres at academic tasks ● Often demonstrates a self- the topic with pertinent
even when these present image as a persistent, questions and responses.
challenges. effective learner. ● Consistently demonstrates

● Resists temptation to self-image as persistent,

abandon involvement in a effective learner.
group activity that does not
interest him/her.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors,

and Teacher Supports
Examples of Examples of Teacher Supports for Engagement, Across Grades and Grade by Grade

To Promote Engagement: Supports Across All Grades

● Emphasize frequent small group activities
● Schedule substantial blocks of time to allow deeper engagement
● Acknowledge children’s effort and persistence
● Adjust engagement expectations to align with children’s individual and developmental characteristics.
● “Remodel” some of the specifics of existing lessons to increase the opportunities for deeper
engagement, persistence, and focused attention. (See Appendix B for examples of remodeled lessons.)

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

● Create expectable classroom ● Within lessons, create ● Extend expectations for ● Continue to intentionally
routines and responsibilities opportunities for students to focused attention while broaden the kinds of
to maximize time available shift focus of their attention acknowledging difficulties experiences children become
for deeper and longer or level of engagement and successes. engaged in.
engagement. (varied instructional ● Continue to provide choices ● Challenge children to

● From early in the year, develop strategies). within curriculum, leading to maintain their focus even in
individual supportive ● Praise/describe children’s deeper engagement. the face of significant
relationships with children demonstrations of effort and ● Use curriculum (such as distractions.
(known to predict greater persistence (rather than literature units or extended ● Increasingly, base projects on

engagement and persistence). focusing primarily on social studies projects) to the interests of individuals
● Praise children’s hard work performance). build and document 3 kinds and groups of children
and persistence even if ● Create the kinds of tasks that of engagement—behavioral, (known to foster
relatively brief. inherently build deeper cognitive, emotional—and engagement).
● Suggest strategies individual engagement in learning (e.g., engagement at deeper, more ● Identify and praise children’s

children can use to help reading tasks that involve sustained levels. use of strategies to keep
themselves pay attention. responding to texts, not just ● Create projects extending themselves focused.
● Model strategies for focusing isolated practice). over several weeks or longer. ● Involve children in more

and sustaining one’s attention ● Help children internalize cues ● Use stories about persistence complex reading and writing
and resisting distractions. and reminders to engage or from historical figures, about their own and others’
● Provide many opportunities focus attention. scientific leaders, and others engagement skills and
for children to make choices, ● Find and read stories to illustrate its importance. strategies.
which promotes attention illustrating value of ● Involve children in self-

and engagement. persistence in the face of evaluation of their efforts to

● Play games that help develop difficulties. maintain focus and
children’s focused attention persistence in academic tasks.
● Keep expectations for

attention brief enough that

children will experience
● Create cues to prompt

children’s focused attention or

shifts in attention—picture
schedules, verbal prompts,

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components,

Child Behaviors, and Teacher Supports
Component 2: Planning and Problem-Solving
Definition: Demonstrates the use of planning and problem-solving strategies to achieve goals
● Plans work to accomplish learning tasks
● Uses varied, flexible strategies to deal with problems
● Shows appropriate self-regulation and resilience in the face of learning challenges

Six Months Later: Joe Revisited

Mr. Kennedy thinks that Joe may always remain the friendly but impulsive, somewhat disorganized
little guy that he was in the first weeks of third grade. Nevertheless, his teacher can see real progress for
Joe and many of his classmates. The class’s focus on in-depth projects has continued, and the quality of
Joe’s project contributions has improved thanks to the supports Mr. Kennedy began to implement. Every
day, the teacher begins with a “project check-in,” referring to the planning tools that each child uses to
keep track—especially helpful for Joe. In parent conferences, Mr. Kennedy has shared these strategies
with Joe’s family and others, recommending these for use at home to help children organize out-of-
school plans. Joe’s teacher also taps into Joe’s social skills and leadership potential by often designating
him as his team’s “master planner.” Joe is happily rising to this challenge. Finally, Joe is also making
progress in managing his frustration when his first attempt to implement his plans doesn’t work. One
especially helpful aspect of Mr. Kennedy’s program is that the literature curriculum includes books
featuring characters who face significant challenges, trying varied strategies to solve their problems.
Class discussions help children consider and apply these strategies to their own situations.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors,

and Teacher Supports
What’s So Important about Planning and Problem Solving?
Planning and problem-solving are key skills. People who are able to formulate and implement well-
organized plans have the foundation for a wide array of competencies.
Children who can plan and carry out their own activities are likely to develop stronger language and
cognitive skills. Their planning and problem-solving skills also equip them to deal effectively with social
challenges. Planning and problem solving require children to make and test predictions about what is
likely to happen, a key characteristic needed in mathematical and scientific thinking.
By encouraging children to make plans and use a varied repertoire of approaches to address
difficulties, we can contribute to what Carol Dweck and others have called a “growth mindset”—that is,
the belief that one’s own intelligence and other abilities can be grown rather than being predetermined
or “fixed.” Having this growth-focused belief (which is not inborn but developed through experiences
and supports) is associated with positive outcomes not only in schools but in the corporate world as well.
With this mindset, mistakes or temporary failures are seen as learning opportunities, an attitude that is
part of scientists’ approach to their work.
Children who are able to learn on their own can be described as self-regulated learners, with the
ability to devise plans, adjust their plans when not successful at first, and monitor their own learning. All
of these skills are important both for success in simple, everyday tasks and in much broader, in complex
challenges that children face as they move through school and beyond.
In this section of the Approaches to Learning Guide we describe expected child behaviors that
demonstrate planning and problem solving, and we share examples of teacher supports for these
essential competencies.

Examples of Child Behaviors Demonstrating Planning and Problem-Solving, Grade by Grade

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

● With adult support, plans ● Develops ways to remember ● Individually and with ● Individually and with
own involvement in concrete, information. classmates, thinks about and classmates, develops and
short-term play-and-learning ● Makes and follows multi-step carries out longer term systematically implements
activities. plans for completing essential learning plans of greater long-term, multi-part
● Applies familiar behaviors in tasks. complexity. learning plans.
new situations. ● Describes plan in advance, ● Develops written plans with ● Evaluates and modifies plans

● Begins to make and follow and what result the plan will strategies and expected to achieve goals.
multi-step plans for lead to . results. ● Uses reflection on results of

completing tasks. ● Modifies plans on the basis of ● Makes and follows sequential problem-solving and flexibly
● With adult support, identifies results. plans. implements different
and tries out different ● Adapts problem-solving ● Evaluates original plan and approaches.
strategies to solve academic strategies to complete makes changes as needed ● Uses appropriate coping

and social problems. unfamiliar activities, or in ● Is increasingly capable and strategies to deal effectively
● Uses concrete methods to new contexts. reflective about how to with significant frustration
regulate own emotional ● Becomes increasingly able to anticipate and cope with and challenge in learning
response to frustrating regulate responses to frustration. activities.
learning situations. frustration during ● Anticipates possible problems

● With adult support, able to challenging learning and plans solutions in

return to learning activities activities. advance.
after frustration or

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors,

and Teacher Supports
Examples of Teacher Supports for Planning and Problem-Solving, Across Grades and Grade by Grade

To Promote Planning and Problem-Solving: Supports Across All Grades

● Build in time for children to develop individual and group plans.
● Provide multiple ways for children to represent their plans—in words, in writing, in drawing, etc.
● Help children think about, talk about, use, and evaluate strategies to solve academic and social problems.
● As needed, give children emotional and practical supports to help their academic and social problem-
solving efforts.
● Use a variety of discussions, games, and stories to help children learn flexibility in applying different
strategies or rules: “What might work here?”

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

● Every day, create a routine ● Use follow-up questions to ● Explicitly teach children steps ● Create opportunities within
that helps children practice encourage children to in problem-solving, as used the curriculum for small
concrete planning—e.g., describe the problems they by inventors, scientists, and groups of children to develop
which learning center will I are dealing with, using others (e.g., sequence of [a] and implement plans—for
choose to begin Activity Time? increasingly complex identifying the problem; [b] example, to research a topic
● Use small groups for Planning language. gathering information; in social studies.
Time. ● Continue to provide hints and [c]modeling and analyzing ● Support children’s use of

● Support children in drawing scaffolded support when possible solutions; [d] trying planning folders, wall charts,
pictures of their plans children’s problem-solving out and analyzing solutions; and other planning tools,
(“Playing with Blocks”) or attempts are not working. [e] communicating about the including electronic media.
writing a few words about ● Encourage children to use solution to others using ● Create routines in which

their plan. classmates as resources when multiple means of children self-evaluate the
● Use group time later in the trying to make or implement representation.2 effectiveness of their plans
day to review and discuss plans (“Maybe Josue has ● Encourage children to (for example, for getting
children’s plans. some ideas you can try; last elaborate on their plans by homework submitted on
● Use self-talk to model how to week he was working with asking them questions to add time) and brainstorm
plan (“After school today I’m that . . .”]. depth (e.g., “What are some alternate approaches.
going to pick up my twins and ● Continue to structure other ideas about how your ● Encourage children to think

go grocery shopping. I think I children’s individual group can share what you are ahead about problems they
need a list.”). development of their daily learning about clouds?”). may encounter and various
● When children are “stuck,” “Learning Plans” using ways that the problems
encourage them to come up writing skills. might be addressed.
with own solutions before ● Continue to emphasize

jumping in. opportunities for

● Help children put their collaborative planning in
problem and possible small groups (research shows
solutions into words, this is especially helpful for
verbalizing it for them if younger children].
● Help children increase their

“problem solving” vocabulary

and language (e.g., I’m really
frustrated; I’m annoyed because
this isn’t working, etc.).

In Stone-Macdonald et al., Engaging young engineers, the authors use the following shorthand description for young children’s planning
and problem solving cycle: “Think About It; Try It; Fix It; Share It.”
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components,

Child Behaviors, and Teacher Supports
Component 3: Initiative and Creativity
Definition: Demonstrates initiative, independence, and creativity in new, challenging learning
● Challenges self by trying out a variety of learning experiences
● Tries to broaden and deepen own learning
● Finds new, innovative connections across different ideas and learning tasks.

Six Months Later: Taniesha Revisited

Ms. Henry sees that Tanisha’s development has accelerated and broadened quite a bit, especially in
the last month or so. Taniesha has a cautious temperament, so it has taken a while for her to respond to
Ms. Henry’s supports. She’s now branching out into more innovative ways of using materials, and she is
more eager to act independently instead of always waiting for directions. Taniesha’s curiosity, which had
been hidden early in the year, is peeking out now, although still mostly during familiar activities. To
promote the children’s initiative and innovative thinking, Ms. Henry has redesigned or “remodeled” a
number of lessons that she’s used for years. Both in whole groups and small groups, the remodeled
lessons encourage children to experiment and try out new ideas. A recent math estimation activity using
pumpkin seeds is just one example. Ms. Henry’s frequent questions, such as “What’s another way you
could do this?” and her interested acknowledgement of children’s initiative and innovation seem to be
giving children—including Taniesha—the confidence to step beyond their comfort zones to take risks in
their learning.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors,

and Teacher Supports
What’s So Important about Initiative and Creativity?
In school, higher education, and in every kind of career, the ability to take the initiative in tackling
challenging tasks, coming up with innovative ideas, and connecting and applying knowledge in new ways,
is essential to success. Look at this award-winning high school robotics team [video link]; their success
depends on their playful, creative approach to their work.
The 21st Century Learning Framework includes creativity as one of its “4Cs,” together with critical
thinking, communication, and collaboration. Also, the first student standard of the International Society
for Technology in Education’s (ISTE) standards) focuses on “Innovation and Creativity.” People who have an
“I can do it”—or better yet, “We can do it” attitude have been responsible for advances in science,
medicine, technology, business, education, and every other field one can think of. Initiative—a self-
directed focus on a challenging goal—is also essential throughout
life. Late childhood and adolescence are critical times for
developing initiative, but the foundation for this and other “Habits
of Mind” must be laid in the K-3 years ? is Like each of the other
components of Approaches to Learning, children’s development of
Initiative and Creativity doesn’t just happen. It needs to be
nurtured in K-3 classrooms.
In this section of the Approaches to Learning Guide we
describe expected child behaviors that demonstrate initiative and
creativity, and we share examples of teacher supports for these
essential competencies. !

Examples of Child Behaviors Demonstrating Initiative and Creativity, Grade by Grade

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

● Asks concrete questions ● Asks varied questions ● Asks more complex, ● Asks increasingly complex,
showing curiosity about new showing curiosity about new questions such as “Why could higher order questions such as
ideas and experiences. ideas and experiences. that happen?” “What would happen if”.
● With adult encouragement, ● Independently tries a range ● Explores a wide range of new ● Independently seeks out and

tries a range of new of new experiences experiences. explores new experiences in

experiences. connected to interests. ● Adds new ideas to individual depth.
● Experiments with new uses ● Begins to bring or group tasks/projects. ● Shows enthusiasm for trying a

for familiar materials, toys, concepts/ideas together from ● Evaluates which ideas may be range of new academic
and games. different areas of learning. best. challenges.
● Takes initiative in ● Uses materials in innovative ● Frequently brings concepts ● Takes appropriate risks in order

participating in class projects. ways. together from diverse to gain skills in new learning
● Demonstrate that he or she ● Joins with others in shared learning areas. areas.
sees new connections across interests. ● Selects from options given in ● Takes active role in

different materials and assignments and activities to collaboratively planning class

experiences (e.g.). pursue own special interests. projects, games, and activities.
● Use familiar materials in new ● Uses concreate materials and ● Tries to solve problems during

ways. ideas in innovative ways. class activities without adult

● Use complex language to

describe new connections

between different areas of
learning (e.g.).
● Use familiar materials, ideas,

and language in new ways.
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Approaches to Learning Components, Child Behaviors,

and Teacher Supports
Examples of Teacher Supports for Initiative and Creativity, Across Grades and Grade by Grade

To Promote Initiative and Creativity: Supports Across All Grades

● Offer choices and encourage children to take initiative.
● Redo or “remodel” some existing lessons to increase opportunities for children to exercise greater
initiative and creative thinking (Again, see Appendix B).
● Decrease emphasis on external rewards, while recognizing examples of individual and group initiative
and of children’s innovative thinking and actions.
● Ensure that each day’s activities include opportunities for children to explore innovative solutions on
their own or in groups.

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3

● In concrete situations, talk ● Talk with individual and small ● Share examples of initiative ● Share your own examples of
about your own use of groups of children about and intrinsic motivation in initiative and “growth mindset”
initiative (“I thought about following their interests— your own or your family’s while eliciting children’s
our story for today and here is “What do you really want to experience (“I’m working so descriptions (“Last weekend,
what I decided.”). do, what are you most curious hard to learn to play the what choices did you make
● Help children exercise about?” guitar—just because I want about when to do your
initiative with concrete ● Increase opportunities for the challenge.”) homework?”).
supports like “choice boards”. self-motivated choices (e.g., ● Use more complex curriculum ● Continue initiative-promoting

● Review and modify, as choosing a learning center, units and projects to promote opportunities in the
needed, curriculum activities creating small groups, etc.). individual initiative—“Which curriculum, emphasizing self-
to expand opportunities for ● Continue to offer many part of the project will you reflection on students’
creative and innovative work. creative opportunities, work on?” development of initiative and
● Simulate children’s curiosity extending over longer periods ● Encourage children to identify intrinsic motivation—e.g., at
with concrete materials— of time. and discuss new connections the end of projects.
mystery boxes, intriguing ● Identify opportunities within across projects, curriculum ● Use project work to further

objects, etc. content standards (e.g., New areas, between past and highlight children’s initiative
● Begin to build children’s Generation Science present activities, etc. and creativity, sharing with
ability to go deeper in their Standards) to promote ● Continue to ensure that other classes and families.
own learning: “How can we children’s inquiry and standards-based curriculum ● Help children develop or apply

find out more about turtles? innovation. includes strong inquiry rubrics to self-assess their
Let’s see what this book says.” ● Use project-based learning to emphasis. contributions to group
deepen children’s knowledge ● Offer opportunities to learn projects, especially in
in areas of individual and about scientists, artists, and implementing novel ideas
class interest, increasing other creative, innovative and self-directed
responsibility for their own women and men (across investigations.
learning. grades).

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Summary and Final Thoughts

This Approaches to Learning Guide is intended to give K-3 teachers information and practical help in
developing each child’s EPPIC Skills: Engagement; Planning and Problem-Solving, and Initiative and
Creativity. The Guide closely connects with and supports other resources, including the Implementation
Guide for First, Second, and Third Grade. The planning tools in Appendix C may help you think about
integrating specific EPPIC skills into lessons, units, or projects along with relevant Common Core State
Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and other competencies. Together, these resources and
others listed here will support children’s progress in all curriculum content areas while at the same time
supporting positive Approaches to Learning and social-emotional competence. Research and
experience indicate that this is likely to be a winning combination now and as children move forward in
their education.

“In sum, learning occurs through a process of engagement and participation in a relationship with a
caring and trusted other who models the process of and provides opportunities for self-directed learning.
In acquiring the capacity for self-regulated learning, social–emotional skills that foster the relationship
and executive function skills that promote self-regulation are quite literally foundational for learning.”
(Blair & Diamond, 2008, p. 11)

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Addressing Yes-But Concerns

Administrators, teachers, and families may have questions or concerns about this emphasis on developing
EPPIC Skills in K-3. Here are examples of these concerns and ideas about how to address them.”

Yes, But . . .
Q: I’m an administrator. From my classroom observations, using a daily planning time and
daily reflection about children’s plans and problem-solving strategies seems very time-consuming. Is
it really beneficial?

A: Higher-level thinking and problem-solving skills are essential for academic success as children
move through the elementary years and beyond. When teachers encourage children to plan, make
thoughtful choices, discuss, and try out different ways of dealing with learning tasks, all areas of their de-
velopment are supported, including those critically important executive functions. Making time for plan-
ning, flexible problem-solving, and reflection pays off. These are the kinds of skills that will be needed for
children to be college and career ready.

Reference: Epstein, A.S. (2003). How planning and reflection develop young children’s thinking
skills. Young Children, 58 (5), 28-36.
On line: https://www.naeyc.org/files/yc/file/200309/Planning&Reflection.pdf

Yes, But . . .
Q: Isn’t this emphasis on Approaches to Learning taking time away from important academic

A: Approaches to Learning are an investment worth making. Children who develop EPPIC skills (En-
gagement; Planning and Problem Solving; Initiative and Creativity) are more likely to do well academically.
If they have opportunities to practice these skills every day, children will become more motivated, involved,
and effective learners. This practice can easily be woven into the design of activities and lessons that are
already part of the NJ K-3 curriculum. Children’s strengthened Approaches to Learning will then help them
become more competent across all curriculum areas: literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and

Reference: Hughes, J. N., Luo, W., Kwok, O.-M., & Loyd, L. K. (2008). Teacher–student support, ef-
fortful engagement, and achievement: A 3-Year longitudinal study. Journal of Educational Psychology,
100(1), 1–14. http://doi.org/10.1037/0022-0663.100.1.1

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Addressing Yes-But Concerns

Yes, But . . .
Q : Administrators have to be concerned about assessment. Is it possible to assess Approaches
to Learning?

A: Yes, it is possible, and some New Jersey school districts are beginning to do so. It’s important for
teachers to have simple assessment tools that will help them focus on individual children’s strengths and
needs in each of the EPPIC Skill areas: Engagement; Planning and Problem Solving; and Initiative and
Creativity. Quick observations using a simple checklist can help teachers see whether, and how deeply,
children are engaged during specific activities. Rubrics can be used to identify (and help students self-
identify) their use of innovative, creative approaches to various learning tasks. As discussed in the
Assessment section of New Jersey’s First, Second, and Third Grade Implementation Guide, assessment—
including but not only Approaches to Learning assessment--should primarily aim to help teachers improve
their teaching and individualize their supports.

Reference: Chen J. Q., & McNamee G. D. (Eds.). (2007). Bridging: Assessment for teaching and
learning in early childhood classrooms, PreK–3. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Yes, But . . .
Q: Shouldn’t these skills just be taught at home?
A: Certainly, home environments play a very important part in building what we are calling EPPIC
skills. However, just as in other areas of learning, these skills will develop better if they are emphasized
both at home and at school. A coordinated effort is likely to produce the best results. Schools can share
what they are doing with families, giving concrete examples of how teachers are helping every child
become more engaged, planful, independent, and creative as a learner. When they understand how these
skills help their children, most families welcome tips about how to encourage positive approaches to
learning at home—in homework practices, household tasks, out-of-school sports or music activities, and
more. Parental involvement works, and teamwork is the key.

Reference: Reynolds, A. & Clements, M. (2005). Parental involvement and children’s school
success. In E. Patrikakou et al. (Eds.), School-family partnerships: Promoting the social, emotional, and
academic growth of children. New York: Teachers College Press.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Addressing Yes-But Concerns

Yes, But . . .
Q: In my experience, some children are just not very motivated. Teachers can’t do much about that.
A: Many educators and parents think that children are born with more, or fewer, EPPIC competen-
cies. They may have heard that some children are simply more motivated or more creative. It’s more com-
plicated than that. Of course, children are born with different tendencies. But in Approaches to Learning,
as in other areas of development, research shows that children’s early environments are critically impor-
tant. Children may enter teachers’ K-3 classrooms with little apparent enthusiasm for, or engagement in
learning—but each school year is a new beginning. Opportunities provided in school can guide a child to-
ward developing greater engagement, planfulness, initiative, and other key EPPIC skills. Teachers, indeed,
are among the most powerful influences on children’s approaches to learning—which is the reason for this

Reference: Hyson, M. (2008). Enthusiastic and engaged learners: Approaches to learning in the
early childhood classroom. New York: Teachers College Press and Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Yes, But . . .
Q : Administrators have to be concerned about over-burdening teachers. Teachers have so
much to do already. How can we add yet another area for them to emphasize?

A: This is an important concern, shared by administrators and teachers. In this Guide, we emphasize
strategies that teachers can use to integrate Approaches to Learning skills into New Jersey’s core curricu-
lum. There is no need for a separate Approaches to Learning curriculum. Many examples in this Guide
show how daily routines, content area lessons, and curriculum projects can be enriched by giving children
opportunities to be more deeply engaged, plan and follow through on their plans, solve challenging,
meaningful problems, and exercise initiative and creativity. Skilled teachers integrate these skills already;
in this Guide we highlight additional opportunities. The payoff is that children will at the same time
strengthen their academic and EPPIC skills.

Reference: Brophy, J., Alleman, J., & Knighton, B. (2010). A learning community in the primary
classroom. New York: Routledge.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Addressing Yes-But Concerns

Yes, But . . .
Q : Visiting K-3 classrooms, I often see “Learning Centers,” where small groups of children are
doing different things at the same time, often as part of time-consuming projects. Isn’t it more effi-
cient to teach directly, with everyone learning the same thing at the same time?

A : If we want children to develop the critical EPPIC skills (Engagement; Planning and Problem Solv-
ing; Initiative and Creativity), schools must think about the conditions that are most likely to provide op-
portunities to learn and practice those skills. As emphasized in NJ’s Implementation Guide for Grades 1-3,
and as supported by research, small-group work is very effective in promoting initiative and deeper, more
focused engagement with learning tasks. Described in depth in the Grades 1-3 Guide, project-based learn-
ing, in which blocks of time allow children to work on different aspects of the project in centers or “work-
sites,” has great potential to support the development of positive Approaches to Learning as well as a
range of academic competencies.

References: Marzano, R. (2007). The art and science of teaching. Alexandria, VA: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development; Jacobs, G., & Crowley, K. (2014). Supporting students,
meeting standards: Best practices for engaged learning in first, second, and third grades. Washing-
ton, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Yes, But . . .
Q : In my years in education, I’ve seen fads come and go. Is “Approaches to Learning” just an-
other educational fad?

A: It’s not surprising that experienced administrators and teachers may doubt whether Approaches
to Learning is an idea that is here to stay. This Guide summarizes a growing consensus from researchers in
child development and education, the business community, policymakers, and others: This set of compe-
tencies is truly essential for success in school and in life. Although different names have been given to these
skills, there is strong agreement about their importance. New Jersey is in the forefront of this movement,
both with these K-3 Approaches to Learning expectations and with the ongoing, closely related work on K-
12 Social and Emotional Learning Standards.

References: Dweck, C. (2006 ). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Ballantine;
Tough, P. (2012). How children succeed: Grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Addressing Yes-But Concerns

Yes, But . . .
Q : With the Common Core, there is so much new, challenging content in mathematics. Won’t
the children be better off if our teachers covered this content with the whole class, instead of having
so much small group work?

A : In many districts, children are struggling with mathematics, as reflected both in test scores and in
their negative feelings about this important part of the curriculum. Research indicates that children are
likely to be more mathematically successful, and have more positive attitudes about mathematics, if
teachers promote Approaches to Learning competencies within the mathematics curriculum. For
example, teachers can engage children in interesting, meaningful math tasks; involve children in rich
conversations about mathematical ideas; encourage innovative ways to solve problems; listen reflectively
and with interest to children’s own mathematical ideas; and scaffold children’s attempts to solve problems
using multiple strategies. All of this takes time and a classroom organization that moves away from whole-
group didactic instruction to more time spent in small, interactive groups that foster EPPIC skills:
engagement; planning and problem-solving; and initiative and creativity.

References: Copley, J. (2014). Goals for early childhood mathematics teachers. In H.P. Ginsberg, M.
Hyson, & T.A. Woods (2014). Preparing early childhood educators to teach math (pp. 75-95). Baltimore,
MD: Brookes; National Research Council (2009). Mathematics learning in early childhood: Paths toward
excellence and equity. C.T. Cross, T.A. Woods, & H. Schweingruber, Eds. Committee on Early Childhood
Mathematics. Washington, DC: National Research Council.

Yes, But . . .
Q: Kindergarten children seem too young to be learning these skills.
A: Actually, Approaches to Learning skills have been identified and intentionally promoted, even
with children birth to age 3 (see the New Jersey standards, for example). Kindergarten is an especially im-
portant time to emphasize EPPIC skills: According to the National Center for Education statistics, first-time
kindergartners who demonstrated these positive learning behaviors “very often” in the fall of kindergarten
had higher average reading and mathematics assessment scores than kindergartners who demonstrated
these behaviors less often. In Looking at this Guide’s descriptions of child behaviors and teacher supports
grade-by grade, you can see how competencies gradually develop every year, with later skills building on
earlier ones. And of course, the experiences that build EPPIC Skills should be developmentally appropri-
ate—well-matched to children’s ages, individual, and cultural characteristics.

Reference: NCES Blog (June, 2015). Children’s approaches to learning and academic achieve-
ment in the early grades. National Center for Education Statistics. On line:

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

References and Resources

Note: “E” = resources that have especially practical suggestions for classroom teachers and other
school personnel.
Abbott-Chapman, J., Martin, K., Ollington, N., Venn, A., Dwyer, T., & Gall, S. (2014). The longitudinal association
of childhood school engagement with adult educational and occupational achievement: findings from
an Australian national study. British Educational Research Journal, 40 (1), 102-120.
Anderman, E.M., & Anderman, L.H. (2014). Classroom motivation. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson.
Blair, C., & Diamond, A. (2008). Biological processes in prevention and intervention: The promotion of self-
regulation as a means of preventing school failure. Development and Psychopathology, 20(3), 899–
911. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579408000436
Blair, C., & Razza, R. P. (2007). Relating effortful control, executive function, and false belief understanding
to emerging math and literacy ability in kindergarten. Child Development, 78(2), 647–663.
Bohn, C. M., Roehrig, A. D., & Pressley, M. (2004). The First Days of School in the Classrooms of Two More
Effective and Four Less Effective Primary-Grades Teachers. The Elementary School Journal, 104(4),
269–287. [E]
Brophy, J. (2004). Motivating students to learn. 2nd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Brophy, J., Alleman, J., & Knighton, B. (2010). A learning community in the primary classroom.
New York: Routledge. [E]
Butler, R. (2005). Competence assessment, competence, and motivation between early and middle childhood.
In A.J. Elliot & C.S. Dweck (Eds.), Handbook of competence and motivation (pp. 202-221). New York:
Guilford Press.
Chen J. Q., & McNamee G. D. (Eds.). (2007). Bridging: Assessment for teaching and learning in
early childhood classrooms, PreK–3. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. [E]
Christenson, S.L., Rechley, A.L., & Wylie, C. (Eds.) (2012). Handbook of research on student engagement.
New York: Springer.
Copley, J. (2014). Goals for early childhood mathematics teachers. In H.P. Ginsberg, M. Hyson, &
T.A. Woods (2014). Preparing early childhood educators to teach math (pp. 75-95). [E]
Downer, J.T., Rimm-Kaufman, S.E., & Pianta, R.C. (2007). How do classroom conditions and children’s risk for
school problems contribute to children’s behavioral engagement in learning? School Psychology
Review, 36, 413-432.
Dusenbery, L., Weissberg, R.P., Goren, P., & Domitrovich, C. (2014). State standards to advance social and
emotional learning. Findings from CASEL’s State Scan of Social and Emotional Learning Standards,
Preschool through High School, 2014. Chicago: Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional
Dweck, C. (2006 ). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Ballantine. [E]
Eccles, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational beliefs, values, and goals. Annual Review of Psychology,
53, 109–132.
Elliot, A.J., & Dweck, C.S. (2005). Handbook of competence and motivation. New York: Guilford Press.
Epstein, A. S. (2003). How planning and reflection develop young children’s thinking skills. Young Children,
58 (5), 28-36. [E]

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

References and Resources

Goslin, D.A. (2003). Engaging minds: Motivation and learning in America’s schools. Lanham, MD:
Scarecrow Press.
Guthrie, J.T., Wigfield, A., & You, W. (2012). Instructional contexts for engagement and achievement in
reading. In S.L. Christenson, A.L. Reschly, & C. Wylie (Eds.), Handbook of research on student
engagement (pp. 601–634). New York: Springer.
Hughes, J. N., Luo, W., Kwok, O.-M., & Loyd, L. K. (2008). Teacher–Student Support, Effortful Engagement,
and Achievement: A 3-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100(1), 1–14.
Hughes, J., & Kwok, O. (2007). Influence of student-teacher and parent-teacher relationships on lower
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Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

References and Resources

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recommendations. Educational Psychology Review, 20 (4), 463-467.
Skinner, E. A., Kindermann, T. A., & Furrer, C. (in press). A motivational perspective on engagement and
disaffection: Conceptualization and assessment of children's behavioral and emotional
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Theoretical perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Appendix A
An Annotated Example:
Opportunities for EPPIC Skill Development
Within a K-3 Curriculum Unit
Note: The following description of part of a social studies unit is excerpted from the New Jersey First,
Second, and Third Grade Implementation Guide. Here we have inserted notes in bold italics to highlight
the unit’s many opportunities to build children’s EPPIC Skills.

The Social Studies Unit on Community

“To begin the unit, Mrs. Thompson consults the Common Core Standards for English Language Arts
(ELA) and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS) for social studies, as well as the
curriculum guides provided by her district. [To add a focus on Approaches to Learning, she can also
consult that guide, selecting one or more EPPIC skills for special emphasis—although all will
probably be addressed]. She then composes “I can” statements describing both the overarching
(throughout unit) objectives.
I can describe a community.
I can describe the people in my community.
I can describe the places in my community.
I can join with other students to learn more about something that interests us.
I can use many different ways to work on a problem.
To ensure she is responsive to the needs of her students, Mrs. Thompson begins the unit by eliciting
her students’ understanding of community. On the carpet in the literacy center, Mrs. Thompson begins:
Over the next few weeks, we are going to be reading stories about the people and places in the
community. Each of you will also choose a place [Research shows that engagement is promoted
when students are given choices] in the community you would like to learn more about. You will
meet with other students who are interested in that place in our community and work together as a
team [Small group work encourages focused attention and persistence.] to find facts that you can
share with the rest of the class. Your team will create a model of that part of the community. That
means you will use cardboard, construction paper, and other materials to make a smaller copy of what
your location looks like. Once everyone is done researching and creating [Note the emphasis on
creativity and innovative solutions to representing their chosen location in the community], we
will put all of your pieces of the community into a community map.
Mrs. Thompson introduces the book On the Town: A Community Adventure by Judith Caseley. After
reading the story, she posts the sentence strip containing the statement, “What do we want to know
about a community?” on the easel. Mrs. Thompson shows the children the KWL chart and asks them to
help her complete the K - “What they want to know.” She then asks them to share their “wonderings”
about communities [This part of the activity encourages varied responses and respects children’s
individual and cultural characteristics, as “community may mean different things to different children
and families] and records these comments:

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Appendix A

Can we go on a community adventure?

Who works in the community?
What is the community?
Is the park part of the community? How owns the park?
Who belongs to my community?
How do we make our community better? [Encouraging these ideas builds competence motivation
and a growth mindset, important elements of positive approaches to learning. The children will be
motivated to gather information to answer their own questions, becoming more informed—growth
mindset—through their own efforts.
As Mrs. Thompson plans her next lessons on the community unit, she works toward balancing her
learning objectives from the social studies curriculum with these student-generated questions. . . .
Students use their new understanding of community and key resources to work in groups to research
places such as the grocery store, community park, fire station, and post office.” [As the unit continues in
the coming days and weeks, the class will be developing planning and problem-solving skills as they
strategize about how to gather information and how to represent it to others.]

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Appendix B
Promoting EPPIC Skills with Remodeled Lessons

Almost any activity or lesson can be enhanced or “remodeled” to help children develop one or more
EPPIC skills. Here are three examples.
Example 1
Brief Description of Kindergarten Math Lesson on Measurement (found on the internet):
Common Core State Standards
● Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several

measurable attributes of a single object.

● Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has

“more of”/“less of” the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare
the heights of two children and describe one child as taller/shorter.
Activity: Teacher collects a variety of classroom objects of different lengths (e.g., paper clip, crayon,
ruler, etc.) and gives each child a set of these objects. Using a strip on the floor as a base, each child puts
his or her set in order from shortest to longest. Teacher gives help as needed and encourages children
who finish quickly to mix their items up and do it again.
Analysis in light of Approaches to Learning: The activity seems to have little potential to engage
children. It is likely that some children will find it very easy and finish quickly, while others will have
much more difficulty and perhaps give up. Problem-solving strategies could be further highlighted.
There is also little opportunity for innovative thinking.
Ideas for Possible “Remodeling”
EPPIC Skills to Emphasize: Engagement (sustaining attention and persisting); Planning and
problem solving (planning ahead; using varied strategies); Initiative and creativity (making connections
across different ideas and learning tasks).
● Increase intrinsic motivation by changing this from an individual task to a small-group activity
where 4-5 children are given a set of objects (6-12 of different lengths) and work together to
put them in order of length. (Note: It could also involve the whole class working together—it
is more challenging with more items, but therefore likely to be even more engaging.)
● Give small groups time to discuss and make plans for how they will go about this task. How

do they want to begin? What will they do first?

● Circulate among groups, affirming their hard work and persistence, and describing their

strategies (“Oh, I see that you have started with the longest and shortest ones, and you’ve left
room for the others!”)
● Consider adding a new level of challenge by combining small groups after the first step, either

the whole class or teams of 8.

● In a follow-up discussion, each group will explain how they arranged their objects. Encourage

children to compare how different small groups went about doing this.
● In the follow-up discussion, encourage children to make connections to other things they

have put in order of length or would like to (e.g., lining up by height).
● Other ideas?
Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Appendix B
Example 2
Brief Description of Science Lesson (adapted from internet)
NGSS: K-ESS2-1 Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over
time (and other NGSS components)
Activity: Teacher reads a Dr. Seuss book about weather and asks children what they learned from
the read aloud. Teacher tells children they will be observing the weather every day for a month. Each
student will take a turn serving as class meteorologist and lead a discussion of current weather
conditions. A class chart will track observations. Each student will also keep a journal of the days’
forecasts and actual weather.
Analysis in light of Approaches to Learning: The activities in the unit have potential but can be
modified in light of important EPPIC skills. Much of the work is individual, and the plan does not respond
to diversity in students’ interests and experience. The daily activity of recording the weather could easily
become a simple ritual, lacking sufficient depth and challenge. Greater attention to problem-solving
would also strengthen children’s Approaches to Learning skills.
Ideas for Possible “Remodeling”
EPPIC Skills to Emphasize: Engagement (sustaining attention and persisting); Planning and
problem solving (planning ahead; using varied strategies); Initiative and creativity (making connections
across different ideas and learning tasks).
● Instead of having one child be the “meteorologist” each day, teams of children can serve this
function for several days in a row. This also allows each team to have time for in-depth thinking
about their observations in light of weather forecasts and perhaps see patterns over several days
rather than just one day.
● In the introduction to the weather investigation, the teacher can draw upon children’s own

experiences with weather and weather instruments, rather than just relying on a storybook.
Individual children may already have deep interest and curiosity about weather; some children
may also have lived in places with quite different weather patterns.
● Instead of the teacher pre-planning what the weather chart and recording process will look like,

it is possible to increase emphasis on planning and problem-solving with students sharing ideas
about good ways to keep track of the weather. Also, individual children or teams may organize
their weather notebooks in different ways, sharing ideas with classmates.
● The teacher might encourage teams of “meteorologists” to find innovative ways of sharing the

day’s weather findings with the class. These might include a drawing of the day’s weather, a
question for the class, or acting out what the forecast was for the day (miming strong winds, for

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Appendix B
Example 3
Brief Description of Science Lesson (adapted from internet)
NGSS: K-PS2-1 Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different strengths or
different directions of pushes and pulls on the motion of an object. (and other NGSS standards)
Activity: As part of a larger unit, teacher has children individually complete a “Different Ways Objects
Move” worksheet to check if the object is moving up or down, right or left, or in a circle. Afterwards,
teacher begins a KWL chart about the different ways that non-living things can move. Children then
participate in an activity in which small groups try to balance sorter and longer pencils on a table to see
which falls faster. They make predictions about possible differences, and whether it rolls in a certain
direction after it falls. The teacher introduces the concept of “gravity” to explain why pencils fall down
and not up. New vocabulary is placed on the word wall. At the end, children are asked to draw pictures
that would remind them of what the new vocabulary words mean.
Analysis in light of Approaches to Learning: The lesson does not seem to have much potential for
engagement or extended investigation of interesting phenomena. Children work in groups for some of
the lesson but they are not being encouraged to use varied problem-solving strategies. The pencil-
falling activity has potential for encouraging persistence and flexibility in using different strategies, but
the time seems too limited for deeper exploration.
Ideas for Possible “Remodeling”
EPPIC Skills to Emphasize: Engagement (sustaining attention and persisting); Planning and
problem solving (planning ahead; using varied strategies); Initiative and creativity (making connections
across different ideas and learning tasks).
● Using real objects instead of a worksheet would help to stimulate children’s curiosity. In pairs or
small groups, they could experiment with the objects and describe how they move or can be
made to move. This would respond to individual differences in children’s interests and skills, and
would build in more time for small group work, which movivates children’s learning.
● More time could be devoted to the pencil-falling activity, including encouragement to

experiment with different ways of helping the pencils remain upright, different methods of
recording what happens, and other innovations.
● During the small group pencil-falling activity, the teacher can notice and comment on children’s

ability to persist in the task: “Yes, it’s kind of frustrating when one pencil falls before you can get
the other one to stand up. What are your ideas for how to deal with that?”
● The teacher can encourage children to broaden and deepen their learning by asking them to

think of other objects whose movement they might explore, either in class or at home. With the
teacher, the children can make a list of those objects and follow up.
● Instead of the rather uninteresting task of drawing pictures related to the new vocabulary,

perhaps the lesson could be extended with a class mural or a class book, in which each child
could draw a picture of an object of his or her choice, showing ways that the object could be
made to move (for example, by falling down, by someone throwing it, by being blown by the
wind, etc.). Children would be using new vocabulary but also strengthening EPPIC skills
including initiative and creativity.

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Appendix C
Including Approaches to Learning in K-3 Planning
Tools to Adapt and Use
Here is a simple tool that teachers can adapt and use in planning curriculum for Grades K-3. It can help
remind you to intentionally include EPPIC Skills (Engagement; Planning and Problem Solving; Initiative
and Creativity) in your plans, along with specific content standards in literacy, mathematics, social
studies, and science and technology.

Activity, Unit, or Project ____________________________________________________

Standards and Experiences and Assessment

Domains Indicators Activities Plans
Language and Literacy (CCSS)

Mathematics (CCSS)

Science (NGSS)

Social Studies

Approaches to Learning
--Planning and Problem-
--Initiative and Creativity

Approaches to Learning, Kindergarten to Grade 3 Guide

Appendix C
And here is another tool for teachers to use or adapt.


Topic: Teacher: Grade Level:
(ELA, Math, Science, Learning
Social Studies) (EPPIC Skills)



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