Sustainability 09 01814 v4 PDF
Sustainability 09 01814 v4 PDF
Sustainability 09 01814 v4 PDF
Application of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
to Solve Environmental Sustainability Problems:
A Comprehensive Review and Meta-Analysis
Abbas Mardani 1, * ID
, Dalia Streimikiene 2, * ID
, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas 3 ID
Fausto Cavallaro 4 ID
, Mehrbakhsh Nilashi 5 ID
, Ahmad Jusoh 1 and Habib Zare 6
1 Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai Johor 81310, Malaysia;
[email protected]
2 Lithuanian Energy Institute, Breslaujos 3, LT-44403 Kaunas, Lithuania
3 Department of Construction Technology and Management, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania; [email protected]
4 Department of Economics, Management, Society and Institutions (EGSI), University of Molise,
Via De Sanctis, 86100 Campobasso, Italy; [email protected]
5 Faculty of Computing, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Skudai Johor 81310, Malaysia;
[email protected]
6 Faculty of Economic, Management & Accounting, Yazd University, P.O. Box 89195-741, Yazd, Iran;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected] (A.M.); [email protected] (D.S.);
Tel.: +60-112-734-7432 (A.M.); +370-614-03424 (D.S.)
Abstract: Most methodological areas assume common serious reflections to certify difficult study and
publication practices, and, therefore, approval in their area. Interestingly, relatively little attention
has been paid to reviewing the application of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in environmental
sustainability problems despite the growing number of publications in the past two decades.
Therefore, the main objective of this study is to fill this gap by conducting a wide search in two main
databases including Web of Science and Scopus to identify the studies which used SEM techniques
in the period from 2005 to 2016. A critical analysis of these articles addresses some important key
issues. On the basis of our results, we present comprehensive guidelines to help researchers avoid
general pitfalls in using SEM. The results of this review are important and will help researchers to
better develop research models based on SEM in the area of environmental sustainability.
1. Introduction
Sustainability is the biggest challenge of the 21st century because civilization has reached a point
where natural resources are in rapid decline. Several previous studies have emphasized the vital
role of environmental sustainability in various applications areas such as waste management [1–4],
energy [5–8], sustainability performance [9–11], green product [12–15], low carbon and climate [16–18],
tourism [19–22], information and communication technology [23–26], health [27,28], behavioral
science [29,30], innovation [31–33], economic development [34–37], risk assessment [38–40], decision
making [41–44], tourist behaviour [45–48], business practices [49–52], industrial manufacturing [53–56],
agricultural [57–60], supply chain [61–64], and other applications. The environmental issues such as
global warming, ozone depletion, natural resource decline, ecosystem destruction, carbon emissions
have raised a concern for the causes of these problems. The conventional thoughts, principles and
methods are currently in question and the challenge we are facing today requires radical changes and
global leadership.
Sustainability can be seen as being linked to three main dimensions: the environmental, social,
and economic [65–67]. However, Njoh [68] and Luthra, Kumar [24] suggest that there are now
four interrelated but competing pillars that have emerged with regard to sustainability. Alongside
the biophysical (environmental), the economic, and the social systems, a fourth important dimension
is the political system through which power is exercised. This fourth sphere, the political or
institutional dimension, functions as the referee that arbitrates in relation to the different and often
incompatible claims made by the actors of the social and economic sphere [24]. How much emphasis
is placed on these different dimensions or pillars may be linked to different schools of thought,
discourses, rationalities or world views regarding the importance of the environment versus economic
growth [69–73].
The variety of environmental perspectives on sustainability demonstrates varying emphasis on
either altering the resource side or the demand side of the equation [74–83]. They reflect a spectrum
from a dark green ecological perspective [84] to a light green perspective (see [85]) which draws
on different epistemological assumptions and rationalities. The strong sustainability label is more
closely linked to the dark green spectrum, and the light green to the weak sustainability approach.
From a dark green perspective, an ecologically rational approach must have lexical priority [73],
and ecological values should drive environmental decisions. It is a holistic perspective recognising
the interdependence of environmental and social systems.
Collaboration between government, industry, and a strong science and technology sector with
requisite research and development funding is the key to solving environmental problems [79,86–88].
While accepting the contribution that science and technology have made in creating environmental
problems, they are seen as central to their resolution. Science, therefore, provides the means to
better detect environmental dangers, and technological innovation enables the development of
alternatives [89]. Talking about theories and models regarding environmental sustainability first
raises the question of how environmental sustainability is described in these circles. Scientists
doing research in the area of environmental sustainability often cite the definition of environmental
sustainability based on the conferences and publications presented in the United Nations program.
Kolk and Mauser [90], explore in their review a wide number of different models of environmental
sustainability. According to their research, some authors see this as a continuous process towards
a higher level of sustainable behavior of the company, therefore called stage models. When researchers
do not assume a development over time, models are described more as a continuum of possible
strategies or simply choices between equal opportunities. Probably the first publication describing
strategies for environmental sustainability is the work of [91] and describes a classification of models
for environmental management, based on the survey of 132 managers of US firms. Petulla [91], explores
a range of possible strategies. Scholars from a wide range of disciplines and perspectives have sought to
unravel the high complexities of sustainability. A mature understanding of sustainability management
requires studies to adopt a multidisciplinary systemic lens capable of appreciating the interconnectivity
of economic, political, social and ecological issues across temporal and spatial dimensions [92].
Several reviews on sustainability research have been conducted in recent years. However, there is
still a gap in the literature regarding review papers in the field of environmental sustainability and
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).Therefore, the aim of this work is to conduct a systematic
literature review of the application of SEM in examining environmental sustainability. This paper
contributed to current literature by adding some new issues to environmental sustainability and SEM:
first of all, the developed a classification scheme with practical considerations; second, structurally
reviewed the environmental sustainability literature in a way to present a guide to the earlier research
carried out on the application of SEM techniques in assessment of environmental sustainability
problems and proposing several recommendations for further investigation. The third contribution
of this paper classifies and reviews the selected papers based on several important criteria such as
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 3 of 65
area, scope and sample, type of method (quantitative, qualitative or mix method), technique (partial
least squares (PLS), Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) or other techniques), unit of analysis
(individual, group and country), number of sample, respondents, related theory, measure validation
(Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) or Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)), data collection method
(Online or offline survey), name of variables, number of hypotheses, study purpose, gap and research
problem, name of author, year of publication, country of authors, and finally results and outcome.
Additionally, in we provided the developed frameworks of all selected papers based on the name of
author(s). We also present several recommendations and directions for future research in the area of
environmental sustainability.
The remainder of this review paper is structured in the following sections. Section 2 presents
the research method and procedure of this review paper. Section 3 presents classification of papers
based on the application areas. Section 4 provides the breakdown of articles based on scope. Section 5
presents breakdown of articles based on type of method. Section 6 provides breakdown of articles
based on technique. Section 7 provides breakdown of articles based on unit of analysis. Section 8
classified the article based related theory. Section 9 categories the article based on measure validation.
Section 10 classifies of articles based on data collection method. Section 11 presents the distribution of
articles by name of journals. Section 12 provides the articles by year of publication. Section 13 provides
breakdowns of articles based on nationality of authors. Section 14 presents the study discussion,
and finally Section 15 presents the conclusion, limitations and recommendations for future studies.
2. Research Method
For the research methodology in this study, we used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) provided by Moher, Liberati [93]. The purpose of the PRISMA
statement is an evidence-based minimum set of items to help scholars for enhancing the reporting
quality a wide array of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. PRISMA as a checklist is not only an
instrument for quality assessment for systematic reviews; it can be very valuable for critical assessment
objectives in all sections of articles such as title, abstract, introduction, method, results and discussion.
PRISMA emphasizes directions in which scholars could ensure a complete and transparent and
report of this type of research and presents the substantial transparency in the selection procedure of
articles in a systematic review. The flow diagram of PRISMA represents the flow of information in
the different stages of a systematic review. PRISMA has two main parts, including systematic reviews
and meta-analyses. Systematic reviews provide objective summaries of what has been conducted on
a specific research area. This is especially valuable in wide research areas, where many publications
exist, each focusing on a narrow aspect of the field [94]. Systematic reviews aim to provide a full
overview of research conducted in a specific area until the present date. All research procedures have to
be made explicit before the actual behaviour of the review to make the process objective and replicable.
Meta-analysis provides a means of mathematically integrating findings employing diverse statistical
approaches to study the diversity of the articles. In this kind of synthesis, original studies that are
compatible with their quality level are selected. This aspect may help and highlight different facts
which individual primary studies fail to do, e.g., it may prove that results are statistically significant
and relevant when small primary studies provide inconclusive and uncertain results with a large
confidence interval [95]. The main goal of PRISMA is to help researchers and practitioners to complete
a comprehensive and clear literature review [96].
There are some other reporting guidelines such as Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials
(CONSORT), Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy (STARD) statement, Standards for
Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA), Systematic Literature Reviews
(SLRs), Methodi Ordinatio methodology, however; we believed that the PRISMA is comprehensive
guideline for reporting the systematic review because of these benefits: determine quality of the review,
allow scholars to evaluate strengths and weaknesses, permits replication of review approaches, format
and structure the review through PRISMA headings. Several previous studies have been conducted
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 4 of 65
using PRISMA in various fields to develop a comprehensive literature review [97–99]. In order to
implement the PRISMA method in this study, we performed three main steps including: literature
search, choosing the eligible published papers, and extraction of data and summarization [97–99].
approach for the evaluation of environmental sustainability problem. Although a considerable amount
problem. Although a considerable amount of time was spent in the selection process, it helped us to
of time was spent in the selection process, it helped us to choose the most suitable publications in
choose the most suitable publications in conducting the review.
conducting the review.
Figure 1. Study
Figure1. Study flowchart
flowchart for
for the
the identification,
identification, screening,
screening, eligibility and included of articles.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 6 of 65
between level of green collaboration and the degree of green supplier assessment. In addition,
the influence of commitment on green collaboration is mediated by the purchasing department
capabilities. Moreover, the results showed that there is a positive relationship between environmental
performance and purchasing performance. Lee, Ooi [110] examined the relationship between GSCM
and technological innovation in 133 Malaysian manufacturing companies. The results of this paper
demonstrated that there was a positive and significant relationship between the internal environmental
management and technological innovation, and eco-design had a positive and significant relationship
with technological innovation, investment recovery had a positive and significant relationship with
technological innovation, and green purchasing and cooperation with customers had a positive and
significant relationship with the technological innovation.
According to Table A1 (see Appendix A), in total, 50 previous published papers [111–155] have
used SEM techniques for assessment of green and sustainable SCM. This table represents significant
distribution findings of green and sustainable SCM based on the author(s) names, year of publication
scope and sample of study, area of study, number of sample, respondents, related theory, variables,
study purpose, gap and research problem, and results and outcome.
development had the positive relationship between competitive advantage of the participating firms
and financial performance. Kang, Chiang [165] investigated the relationship between CSR and business
performance by using sustainability balanced scorecard in 200 hotels. To develop the framework,
this study used some variables such as corporate social responsibility, financial dimensions, customer
dimensions, business dimensions, learning and growth dimensions. The outcomes of this study
showed that there is a significant relationship between CSR and business performance in three groups
by using a balance score card. Table A2 (see Appendix A) [166–170] provided the important results of
CSR papers based on the author(s) names, year of publication scope and sample of study, area of study,
number of sample, respondents, related theory, variables, study purpose, gap and research problem
and results and outcome.
publication scope and sample of study, area of study, number of sample, respondents, related theory,
variables, study purpose, gap and research problem, and results and outcome.
3.7. Breakdown of Articles Based on Other Green and Sustainable Operation Management
The overall success of being able to assess the sustainability of a company’s operation management
is highly dependent on which set of indicators are used [250]. However, what to measure to truly
measure sustainability is difficult to define according to [251]. Indicators can provide a path for
the business in it its progress towards sustainability. It can also provide a link between green and
sustainability performance and business success. Several frameworks have been developed to guide
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 12 of 65
businesses in their quest for selecting appropriate indicators [252–254]. Sustainability is an initiative
increasingly essential to the core business model of many companies [255]. There are many diverse
perspectives on sustainability in operation management such as green product development [256],
green procurement and green supplier development [257], green shipping management capability [258],
green and environmental issues [259] and corporate sustainability [260] and other perspectives.
Some companies consider it to be the burden of more government regulations, new compliance
requirements and higher manufacturing costs. However, industry leading companies recognize
that sustainability can actually be a business driver for next-generation products, more efficient
operations and increased profitability. Previous and current literature has used various techniques and
methods to examine and analyze sustainable and green operation management areas such as SEM.
SEM methods have been used in various previously published papers; for example, Campón-Cerro,
Hernández-Mogollón [261] investigated the role of loyalty for sustainable advantage and identify
the loyalty factors for understanding destination loyalty in rural tourism destinations. Expectancy
disconfirmation theory was used as the underpinning theory with some additional factors such as
image, quality, value, attribute satisfaction, overall satisfaction and loyalty. The findings of this
paper showed that quality, destination attribute satisfaction and image were the direct antecedents
for loyalty in the rural tourism destination. Blohmke, Kemp [262] believed that there is a need to
analyze the interaction among environmental policy determinant; therefore, this study evaluated
the determinants of environmental policy on international environmental governance and national
environmental policy in private sectors data sets of 47 countries. For this paper, environmental policy
theory was used by incorporating some variables such as green advocacy, awareness, governance
capacity, international environmental governance and national environmental policy. Findings of this
study demonstrated that government capacity and green industry advocacy have a positive impact on
environmental policy.
Lai and Cheng [263] investigate the influence of undergraduate students regarding green
marketing practices and their attitude toward the environment, their environmental responsibility and
the seriousness of their perceived environmental problem. The results of this paper found that there is
a strong relationship between perceived environmental responsibility and green products purchase
willingness, there is no relationship between perceived seriousness of environmental problems and
undergraduate students’ green product purchase willingness and there are significant relationships
between students’ willingness to purchase green products and their green purchase behavior. Luzzini,
Brandon-Jones [264] found there is lack of focus in previous studies in relation of sustainability
commitments on development of collaborative capabilities for supply functions and purchasing on
sustainability performance; therefore, this study examined the relationship between sustainability
commitment, collaborative capabilities and performance. The finding of this paper showed that there
is a link between sustainability commitment and collaborative capabilities, cost performance and
social and environmental performance. Jabbour, Jugend [256] investigated the relationship between
GPD practices on firm performance such as market, environmental and operational aspects with some
factors such as environmental practices, operational performance, human/organizational aspects,
green performance, technological aspects and market performance. The results of this paper found that
GP practices affected firm performance and technical aspects. Table A7 (see Appendix A) mentioned
the analysis of 28 studies [265–283] regarding green and sustainable operation management based
on the author(s) names, year of publication scope and sample of study, area of study, number of
sample, respondents, related theory, variables, study purpose, gap and research problem and results
and outcome.
variables. It states that green marketing involves the marketing strategies used to achieve a firm’s
financial as well as strategic goals while reducing its negative impact on the environment [284].
Kumar and Anand [285] and Ottman [286] have characterized green marketing as an integration of
ecological concerns into marketing aspects including production, distribution and logistics, promotion
and packaging along with marketing communications. On the other hand, Prakash [287] defines
green marketing as an environmentally considered strategy that consists of disclosing information
to consumers at different levels like industry, firm and product level. Green marketing is associated
with identifying the consumer needs and satisfying those needs in a valuable and sustainable
manner [288]. It can be inferred from various literature that green marketing basically bridges
the communication between environmentally conscious firms and consumers, in turn strengthening
their relationship. Empirical researches have recognised that issues regarding sustainability, awareness
about environmental issues and green brands are becoming a focal point in developed and developing
nations, with added consciousness from the government and population in general. Various other
studies have been pursued on green marketing and the strategies used for communication in order to
influence the consumer purchase behaviour. It is observed that a correlation exists between consumers’
environmental beliefs and their confidence in the performance of green products [289]. Empirical
researches have used several methods and approaches like SEM. For example, De Giovanni and
Esposito Vinzi [290] analyzed the relationship between environmental training and environmental
management maturity in 178 manufacturing companies. This study found there is a lack of work in
previous studies regarding empirical study related to external and internal environmental management
and firms performance. The results of this paper showed that the European Union’s Emissions
Trading System (ETS) should focus on internal environmental management, internal environmental
practices to improve the economic performance, and supplier collaboration which can slightly affect
firms’ performance.
Martínez-Martínez, Cegarra-Navarro [291] investigated the role of the SECL model mediated
between the environmental knowledge and organizational performance with socialisation,
externalisation, combination, internalisation and business performance. The finding of this paper
showed that time is an important factor for implementation of the SECI model in organizations
operating. Jabbour, Jabbour [292] believe that there are no studies related to environmental
management, operational performance human resource and lean manufacturing. Therefore, this study
examined the impact of environmental management on operational performance by incorporating
human resources and lean manufacturing. Human resources, operational performance, environmental
management and lean manufacturing were the main factors for this study. The results of this
paper demonstrated that human resources had a significant relationship with environmental
management, lean manufacturing and influence on environmental management compared to
operational performance and there was a positive relationship between environmental management
and operational performance. Xia, Chen [293] investigated the relationship among green technology
selection, firm performance and circumstance pressure by using ecological theory. The findings
of this paper demonstrated that there is a significant relationship between certain task-oriented
circumstances and macro circumstances and green technology selection. The authors of [294]
investigated the role of core Environmental Management System (EMS) in sustainable competitive
advantage in manufacturing firms. The theory of production competency, RBV theory and contingency
theory have been used for this study. The findings of this paper showed that environmentally
responsible suppliers, cross-functional cooperation and top management team’s strategic perception
were the important factors for successful implementation of EMSs. Yu and Ramanathan [295] believe
that there is a need for more study in relationships among stakeholder pressures, internal green
management, green product/process design and environmental performance; thus, this study explores
stakeholder pressures, internal green management, green product/process design and environmental
performance by implementing the stakeholder theory in 167 Manufacturing firms. The main factors
of this study were stakeholder pressures, internal green management, green product/process design
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 14 of 65
Energy industry
Transportation firms
It has been noted that “information is considered qualitative in nature if it cannot be analysed by means
of mathematical techniques. This characteristic may also mean that an incident does not take place
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 15 of 63
often enough
Sustainability to 9,allow
2017, 1814 reliable data to be collected” [320]. In this study, to show the type of method, 15 of 63
we divided the selected studies into three types of methods, including: quantitative, qualitative and
method, we divided the selected studies into three types of methods, including: quantitative,
a method,
mix of quantitative
we divided andthequalitative methods.
selected studies into three types of methods, including: quantitative,
qualitative and a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods.
The frequency
qualitative and a of
mix each
of method
quantitative is provided
and in Figure
qualitative 3. According to Figure 3, from 171 reviewed
The frequency of each method is provided in Figure 3. According to Figure 3, from 171 reviewed
papers, The
168 frequency
papers of
use each
the method
quantitative is provided
papers, 168 papers use the quantitative method and no paper in Figure
and no 3.
uses theto Figure 3, method.
qualitative from 171However,
method. reviewed
themix 168
mixmethod papers
methodwas use
wasused the
usedin quantitative
threepapers. method
papers. In and no
our review
In our paper
review paper, uses
paper, we the
focusedon onthe method. However,
inthe mix
previous method
studies; was used in
therefore, three
for papers.
this reasonIn our
the review
number paper,
of we
studies focused
in previous studies; therefore, for this reason the number of studies which used the qualitative on
used the
qualitativeof SEM
was previous
method The studies;
zero. was zero. Thetherefore,
breakdown forofthis
of articles
breakdown based reason
articles theof
type number
on type ofof
method is studies is which
method used
in Figure
presented the
in4. qualitative
Figure 4.
method was zero. The breakdown of articles based on type of method is presented in Figure 4.
of of
0 Quantitative Quantitative and Qualitative
Quantitative Quantitative
qualitativeand Qualitative
No. articles 168 qualitative
3 0
No. articles 168 3 0
Figure 3.Breakdown
Figure of
Breakdown of articles
of articles based
articles based on
basedon type
ontype of
typeof method.
According to the findings, we found that most of the published papers have used SmartPLS with
105 papers. AMOS has the second rank among 171 selected papers with 26 percent. The information
regarding the percentages of techniques is provided in Figure 4.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 16 of 63
Individual level
Organization level
country level
This indicates that the resource-based method is seen as an effective and efficient application for
all useful resources that will help environmental sustainability developers in determining their
competitive advantage. In addition, although, as discussed earlier, several empirical studies have
been conducted
Sustainability 2017, 9,for
1814environmental sustainability development by investigating the critical success
17 of 63
factors incorporated to the research theories, the results presented in this study can be seen as
this study2017,
comprehensive 9, 1814
canbecause most
be seen as theories along
comprehensive with their
because mostfactors are
theories reported
along in this
with their studyare
factors 17 offirst
the 63
time in study
in this the literature.
for the first time in the literature.
in this study can be seen as comprehensive because most theories along with their factors are reported
in this study for the first time in the literature.
Frequency of Theories
Frequency of Theories
26 19
19 12
12 6 6 5 4 4 4 4
3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 6 5
4 4 4 4 3 3
of… of…
of planned…
of reasoned…
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
of emotion
of planned…
of reasoned…
Social capital theory
Stakeholder theory
of emotion
According to the findings of this section, EFA has been used in the selected papers with
105 records and CFA with 65 records. Figure 7 represents the frequency of measure validation
use in the selected articles.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 18 of 63
Hence, based on the results of this section, we can conclude that these selected journals can be
considered as the main journals on environmental sustainability. Table 2 presents the list of journals
where such work has been published.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 20 of 65
2005 2006
2006 2007
2007 2008
2008 2009
2009 2010
2010 2011
2011 2012
2012 2013
2013 2014
2014 2015
2015 2016
Year of Publication
Year of Publication
Figure 9.
9. Breakdown
Breakdown of
of articles
articles by year of
by year of publication.
Figure 9. Breakdown of articles by year of publication.
Accordingly, itit can
can bebe indicated
indicated that nowadays there are many researchersresearchers in in the
the field
field ofof
environmental it can
environmentalsustainability be indicated
sustainability and that nowadays there are many
and it can be predicted that in coming years theseresearchers
these numbers in
numbers will the field
increase. of
environmental sustainability and it can be predicted that in coming years these numbers will increase.
Breakdown of of Articles
Articles Based
Based on Nationality of Authors
13. Breakdown of Articles Based on Nationality of Authors
This review
review paper
paper attempted
attempted to show the difference among countries related related toto environmental
This review paper
sustainability. attempted to show the difference among countriescharacteristics
related to environmental
sustainability. Two
Two kinds
kinds ofof principles
principles were used for identifying the characteristics in selected
in selected
articles, Two
including kinds
the of principles
articles, including the information were
gained used for
directly identifying
from the the
papers characteristics
or the in selected
nationality of
nationality of the articles,
the first
author. the
author.Figure information
Figure 10
10 shows
shows thatgained directly
that authors from the papers or the nationality of
authors from 31 nationalities and countries used SEM the first
SEM in author. Figure
in environmental
environmental 10
shows that authors
sustainability. from 31 nationalities and countries used SEM in environmental sustainability.
1% Frequency
Frequency based on nationality of authors
1% 1% 1%
1% 1% 1% 1%
1% 1%1%
1% 1% 1% Spain United States
United States
2% 1%
1% Taiwan China
2% 2%
2% 14% Malaysia Germany
United Kingdom
Kingdom Republic
Republic of
of Korea
2% Brazil The
The Netherlands
Hong Kong India
14% France Canada
3% Portugal Turkey
4% Italy Australia
Iran Denmark
9% Belgium Philippines
4% Singapore Slovenia
5% Greece Finland
7% Saudi Arabia Mexico
5% Mexico
5% 6% Pakistan Nigeria
Figure 10.Breakdown
Figure 10.Breakdown of articles based on nationality of authors.
Figure 10. Breakdown of articles based on nationality ofauthors.
Most of
Most of the
the published
published papers
papers were
were from
from Spain
Spain with
with 25
25 publications
publications followed
followed byby United
United States,
Taiwan and
Taiwan and China
China with
with 23,
23, 15
15 and
and 12
12 publications,
publications, respectively.
respectively. Figure
Figure 10
10 shows
shows the
the breakdown
breakdown of of
articles based on the nationality of authors. The comparison of the results presented by Figure
articles based on the nationality of authors. The comparison of the results presented by Figure 10 is 10 is
interesting as
interesting as we
we can
can see
see that
that some
some developing
developing countries
countries such
such asas China
China and
and Malaysia
Malaysia are
are relatively
good at
good at conducting
conducting research
research onon environmental
environmental sustainability.
sustainability. However,
However, wewe can
can find
find some
some research
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 21 of 65
Most of the published papers were from Spain with 25 publications followed by United States,
Taiwan and China with 23, 15 and 12 publications, respectively. Figure 10 shows the breakdown of
articles based on the nationality of authors. The comparison of the results presented by Figure 10 is
interesting as we can see that some developing countries such as China and Malaysia are relatively
good at conducting research on environmental sustainability. However, we can find some research in
the literature that shows research into environmental sustainability being conducted separately for
some countries. However, such results for the majority of developing and developed countries are
reported in this study for the first time in the literature.
14. Discussion
There are some challenges regarding the application of SEM in environmental sustainability
problem areas that could be interesting for discussion and future studies. The interesting result
of this review paper was the outcome regarding the data collection method, which, in this review,
we divided into two main groups: online survey and offline survey. According to the outcome of this
section, we found that 60 percent of reviewed papers have used an online survey for data collection.
These results show that, nowadays, use of the internet by managers, students, tourist, employees,
consumers, customer, organizations, hotels, companies, universities, firms and other people and sectors
has increased dramatically. The last decade has seen a tremendous increase in computer-mediated
communication and internet use. Scholars in several disciplines use the internet as a successful field for
conducting survey research. As the cost of computer software and hardware continues to decrease and
the acceptance of the internet increases, more sectors of society are using the internet for information
and communication. Another exacting result was regarding the number of countries that participated
in this review paper. The results of this section showed that, in total, 31 nationalities and countries were
focused on the sustainability environmental fields. Among these countries, there are some developing
countries, and this shows that in recent years these countries have also attempted to focus more on
environmental sustainability issues.
In addition, in our review paper, the results were interesting regarding the scope of studies.
In the section of scope, we classified the sectors and organizations based on hospitality industry
service and manufacturing industries, transportation industry, firms, and universities. According to
the results, although manufacturing industries had the first rank among other sectors and industries
with 53 percent, the service industry had only 17 percent. Based on this result, we can indicate that,
nowadays, manufacturing industries have more focus on environmental sustainability compared to
other sectors. Furthermore, in this review paper, there are some challenges regarding underpinning
theories that selected studies have implemented to develop study models and frameworks.
According to the results of this paper, in total, 40 theories have contributed to the field of environmental
sustainability. Some of the important theories were: RBV, stakeholder theory, INT, TPB, transaction
cost theory, TCT, RDT, social capital theory, TRA, contingency theory, ecological modernization theory,
technology acceptance model, organizational theory, expectancy theory, theory of dynamic capabilities,
agency theory, motivation theory, Schwartz’s theory, absorptive capacity theory and social network
theory. According to our findings, the theory of RBV contributed more to the fields of environmental
sustainability more than other theories, with 26 records. The second theory which contributed in this
field was stakeholder theory with 24 records. There was a challenge regarding using the TPB theory
in the fields of environmental sustainability. By extending the TPB, as seen in [322], which claims
that users’ intentions are a very powerful predictor of actual behavior, a number of researchers have
investigated a consumer’s intention in order to predict the actual purchases [323,324]. The TPB is one of
the most commonly used models in explaining and predicting the individual behavioral intention [323].
TPB is an attitude-intention-behavior model, which posits that an individual’s behavior is determined
by perceived behavioral control and intention. Intention, in turn, is determined by attitude, subjective
norm, and perceived behavioral control [323]. Although in this paper we attempted to present
a comprehensive review paper regarding environmental sustainability, nonetheless, only a few
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 22 of 65
previous papers have used TPB. According to this result, we can indicate that, in recent years,
behavioral intention was not an important issue in the field of environmental sustainability.
We also found that there are some challenges in the literature regarding environmental
sustainability fields, for example, in the field of sustainable rural tourism destinations. Future
studies require us to continue to extend our understanding of the role of loyalty in the area of rural
tourism destinations and sustainable ways to take the benefits of socioeconomic of tourism in rural
environments. Furthermore, further research would allow us to examine the relationships between
perceived sustainability and behavioral constructs or other different perceptions in the area of tourism
experience, like overall image, attitude towards the destination, loyalty and behavioral intention.
In the field of sustainable and green SCM, some studies focused on the improvement of supplier
operational performance only; therefore, it is necessary to explore the influence of supplier sustainable
development on the performance of suppliers’ marketing and financial situation. In addition, further
studies need to advance the understanding of the behavioral implications and assessment of green
consumer perceptions in reverse green SCM. Moreover, further research might focus on the strategic
sustainability orientation to better explain the sustainability behaviors which are implemented in a firm.
Future studies can also emphasize the various types of green SCM that could be worth considering
by conducting the research to examine differences by size, industry or age of company to develop
the inter-organizational relationships. In the area of environmental orientation, further research
would explore the role of green SCM on the impact of some management-based practice mediation
mechanisms, such as marketing-based downward stream management practice and performance
relationship. In the area of reverse logistics and supply chain, future research is required to emphasize
some antecedents and outcomes such as financial performance agility and trading partner relationship
satisfaction. However, in the field of green and sustainable SCM there are some other topics which
would be interesting for further research to consider.
Finally, compared to the research found in the literature, our study contributed to the literature
by analyzing the papers conducted by a statistical technique, SEM, which is a powerful analytical
tool for methodological evaluation of models by multivariate analysis. In addition, in our study,
a complete collection of research papers conducted empirically for environmental sustainability
developments were analyzed and the results were reported. The findings can be interesting as
the theories and their factors for environmental sustainability developments were comprehensively
investigated for developed and developing countries in this study for the first time in the literature.
In addition, compared to the empirical qualitative and quantitative research found in the literature,
this study analysed the papers conducted on environmental sustainability on several methodological
aspects which can give researchers insights into their data analysis and model development from
new perspectives.
15. Conclusions
This review paper presented a comprehensive overview of recent SEM methods in the various
applications areas of environmental sustainability. In total, 171 papers were selected for systematic
review and meta-analysis in the period 2005–2016 from popular international journals accessible in
the Web of Science and Scopus databases. We carefully selected and reviewed 171 studies about
environmental sustainability and SEM based on the title, abstract, introduction, research methods and
conclusions. These selected papers were categorised into eight application areas. Also, all papers were
classified based on the name of the author, year of publication, country of authors, area, scope and
sample, type of method (quantitative, qualitative or mix method), technique (PLS, AMOS or other
techniques), unit of analysis (individual, group and country), number of sample, respondents, related
theory, measure validation (EFA and CFA), data collection method (Online or offline survey), name of
variables, number of hypotheses, study purpose, gap and research problem, and finally results and
outcome. In addition, in the Appendix A we provided the developed frameworks in the selected
papers based on the name of author(s).
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 23 of 65
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the Research Management Center (RMC) at Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia (UTM) and Ministry of Higher Education (Malaysia) for supporting and funding this research under
the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) (Vote No. FRGS/1/2016/TK03/UTM/02/14).
Author Contributions: All authors contributed equally to this work.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 24 of 65
Appendix A
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Findings of this paper showed that preferred
Supplier’s trust, Preferred customer There is lack of previous customer status and trust were
Examine role of supplier
Nagati and Canadian Senior executives or status, Dynamism of the environment, studies related to sustainable two antecedents of supplier in sustainable
201 Expectancy theory participation in
Rebolledo [106] manufacturers production managers Participation in supplier development development regarding development. In addition, there is a positive
sustainable development.
activities, Performance improvement supplier’s perspective. relationship between suppliers’ participation
and operational performance.
Results of this study found that there is a
strong relationship between buying decision
Transaction cost
process and perceived value and positive
economics; social
Flash Barometer Buying Decision, Product information, Investigated consumer Need to focus on Behavior of relationship willingness to pay and product
network theory;
Couto et al. [111] from 28 26,573 Consumers Perceived value and consumer behavior regarding reserve consumers regarding to pay or information and no relationship between
stakeholder theory;
European countries willingness to pay or buy. GSCM perspective. buy green product. perceived value and product information,
and institutional
willingness to pay and perceived value and
willingness to pay and the buying
decision process.
sustainable purchasing practices,
Need to examine effect of
sustainable supply practices Our findings reveal that a firm’s
U.S. manufacturing Examined the relationship different firm orientation on
Mariadoss environmental orientation, cultural environmental and cultural orientations affect
and 149 managers Managers Stakeholder theory between firm’s orientation supply chain practices and
et al. [107] preservation orientation, societal its SPPs and SSPs, while local community
service industries and sustainable SCM. firm purchasing in view of
orientation, and local community orientation drives SPPs only in large firms.
Proposed a novel study
model to investigate the
Relational benefits, Relational
relationship of factors Need to highlight the role of Results of this study found that there is a
Cheng and Green 451 senior management proclivity, Connectedness,
Behavior theory influencing the quality of value-based partnership in the positive relationship between strategy quality
Sheu [112] manufacturing firms manufacturing team Opportunistic behavior, Dysfunctional
strategies developed and relational and economic views. and relationship orientation.
conflict and Quality of strategy.
relationships in the green SC.
Few previous studies have
focused on the relationship
Outcomes of this paper showed that there is
Internal environmental orientation, among environmental
positive relationship between green purchase,
External environmental orientation, orientation, GSCM activities
194 foreign Examined the relationship customer cooperation and external and
Organizational Green Purchase, Customer and corporate performance,
Foreign invested 30 senior executives among environmental internal environmental orientations, and a
Chan et al. [113] learning theory and Cooperation, Investment Recovery, despite the potential for
invested enterprises enterprises working orientation, GSCM activities positive relationship with corporate
institutional theory Competitive Intensity Corporate employing GSCM to improve
operating and corporate performance. performance, also there is a positive
Performance and Social Desirability marketing practices and
relationship between customer cooperation
Bias. ultimately enhance firm
and corporate performance.
competitiveness such
United States Goal-setting theory There is hardly any literature Results of this article found that specified
Cost effectiveness, Processing Investigated antecedents of
Department of and the regarding antecedents and goals and information systems were the most
Hazen et al. [114] 60 Senior management effectiveness, IS capability, Goals reverse logistics metric
Defense knowledge-based outcomes of reverse logistics important antecedents of reverse logistics
and metrics. development.
supply chain view metric development. metric development.
Findings of this paper indicated that top
Regarding the global
Information sharing, mutual trust, top Examine the relationship management support, organizational
environmental requirements,
management support, organizational between strategic supply compatibility and mutual trust had the direct
Manufacturing need to explore and integrate
Youn et al. [108] 141 Top management None compatibility, strategic operational chain partnership (SSCP) effect on strategic information sharing and
firms ESCM and SSCP for attain the
information sharing, environmental and environmental supply indirect and positive effects on operational
sustainable competitive
and business performance chain management (ESCM). information sharing by mediate the strategic
information sharing.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 25 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Findings of this paper showed that there is a
Strategic level of purchasing,
Few previous studies have direct influence between level of green
Environmental commitment,
Investigated the relationship paid attention to the collaboration and the degree of green
Purchasing’s environmental
among the drivers of green development process of the supplier assessment. In addition, the
Large and Gimenez capabilities, Green supplier assessment,
Purchasing industry 181 Customers Antecedent theory SC performance and preconditions required to influence of commitment on green
Thomsen [109] Green collaboration with suppliers,
purchasing performance and modify the supplier collaboration is mediated by the purchasing
Environmental performance
environmental performance. environmental improvement department capabilities. Moreover, there is a
improvement and Purchasing
approaches. positive relationship between environmental
performance and purchasing performance.
There is a need to consider to
Findings of this paper showed that there is
three dimensions of
positive relationship between customer
sustainability including
Customer satisfaction, customer The main purpose of this satisfaction, customer loyalty, willingness to
economic, social and
Xu and Means-end theory loyalty, customer willingness to pay, study to examine the impact pay a premium and environmental and
Hospitality 499 Consumers environmental in all section of
Gursoy [115] and social theory environmental and economic and of SSCM on customers’ economic criteria, there was negative
hospitality industry such as
social dimensions. behaviors and attitudes. relationship between social criteria and
collaboration with
willingness to pay a premium, and a positive
stockholders involve
relationship with customer satisfaction.
supply chain.
Internal environmental management, The main aim of this paper is Results of this paper found that internal EM
Need to use performance as
De Giovanni and Internal environmental management, to investigate the increased the performance compared with
Italian firms 138 Executives None the formative variable in green
Esposito Vinzi [116] Environmental performance and relationship between EM external EM, although it did not increase
supply chain management.
economic performance. and performance in GSCM. economic performance.
Findings of this paper found that, there were
some similarities between Iran and China;
Sustainable procurement, Sustainable Investigated and compared
128 manufacturing Resource There is a need for more also results found that SSCM adoption
Esfahbodi distribution, Sustainable design, the effect of sustainable SCM
firms (72 in China 128 Managers dependence theory investigations to understand practices in higher levels of the
et al. [117] Investment recovery, Environmental adoption on cost and
and 56 in Iran) (RDT) SSCM in developing countries. environmental performance but does not
performance, Cost performance environmental performance.
necessarily lead to improved cost
The results of this paper demonstrated that
there was positive and significant relationship
between internal environmental management
Internal environmental management, The main goal of this paper Lack of attention on and technological innovation, and eco-design
Eco-design, Investment recovery, is to examine the technological innovation in had a positive and significant relationship
Malaysian Resource-based
Lee et al. [110] 133 managerial Green purchasing, Cooperation with relationship between GSCM previous studies in with technological innovation. Investment
manufacturing view (RBV)
customers and technological and technological relationship between GSCM recovery had a positive and significant
innovation innovation. and performance. relationship with technological innovation,
and green purchasing and cooperation with
customers had a positive and significant
relationship with technological innovation.
The main aim of this paper is There are various challenges in
Purchasing Findings of this paper showed that supplier
Supplier selection and evaluation, to investigate the measure of developing countries related to
Akamp and managers and Transaction cost development, supplier selection and
137 German firms 137 Supplier monitoring, Supplier supplier management can sourcing activities and
Müller [118] managing directors theory evaluation, and supplier integration can
development and Supplier integration improve buyer satisfaction environmental and social
of firms improve supplier performance.
and supplier performance. problems.
Relative advantage, compatibility,
complexity, organizational support,
quality of human resources, customer Results of this study found that the external
pressure, regulatory pressure, The main aim of this paper is There is need to present the environmental factors were the most
Focal, downstream, government support, environmental to identify the critical factors comprehensive framework for important factors in adopting of green
Kuei et al. [119] 167 Senior executives None
and upstream firms uncertainty, focal firm—green practice, which impact on the help to successful practices, these factors were environmental
process efficiency, product quality, adoption of GCM practices. implementation of green SCM. uncertainty, regulatory pressures, customer
economic performance, green pressures and government support.
performance and environmental
management capabilities.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 26 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main aim of this paper is
Findings of this paper showed that
Transaction Cost Assessment, Collaboration, Supplier’s to extend the current
There is a lack in previous evaluating suppliers improved the buying
Spanish Theory (TCT) and Social Performance, benefit of sustainability literature to
Sancha et al. [120] 120 Manager papers of focus on the social firm’s social performance and collaborating
manufacturing firms the Resource Based Employee Well-Being, benefit of Social suppliers and focus on
dimension of sustainability. with suppliers improves the suppliers’ social
View (RBV) Reputation. suppliers’ assessment and
suppliers’ collaboration.
Results of this paper found that there was a
The main purpose of this
positive relationship between suppliers’
paper is to investigate the
Need to focus on the increase communication capability and green cost
Information sharing, environmental relationship between
of satisfaction the needs of reduction, green alignment between
Construction collaboration, green alignment, green communication capabilities
Woo et al. [121] 103 Managers Social capital theory buyers and customers related suppliers and buyers enhanced the supplier
suppliers cost reduction, corporate for GSCM and green cost
to environmental capabilities competitiveness and environmental
competitiveness. reduction, external green
in the construction sector. collaboration mediated the relationship
integration and corporate
between information sharing and
Environmental collaboration with Results of this study indicated that, there was
The main aim of this study is
customers, environmental monitoring the positive relationship between
to find the indirect and Need to focus on the literature
by customers, environmental environmental performance, internal GSCM
Finnish direct relationships between related to customer-driven
Laari et al. [122] 119 Managers None performance, financial performance, practices and internal GSCM practices, and
manufacturing firms customer-driven GSCM GSCM practices and
internal GSCM, environmental also there was the positive relationship
practices financial and performance.
collaboration with suppliers and between environmental collaboration and
environmental performance.
environmental monitoring of suppliers. financial performance.
The main aim of this study is
The results of this paper found that, green
Manufacturing Ecological Green Training, Green Supply Chain to analyze the relationship Need to emphasis on green
training had the positive impact with GSCM
Teixeira et al. [123] firms with ISO 14001 95 Managers modernization Management, green purchasing and among green training, training factor for
practices such as cooperation with customers
certification theory collaborating with customers. collaborating with customer implementation of GSCM.
and green purchasing.
and green purchasing.
Findings of this paper demonstrated that
expected sustainability benefits and external
Benefits, external influence, top The main goal of this paper
influence have a positive relationship
management commitment, supplier is to find the import factors
between commitment of top management
Kumar and Manufacturing Middle and Resource-based selection, supplier development, which influence Need to focus on sustainability
157 towards adoption of sustainable practices
Rahman [124] industry top-level managers theory (RBT) performance review, economical sustainability adoption and adoption in supply chain.
and better buyer–supplier relationship had
sustainability, social sustainability, and interrelationships between
positive relationship with social,
environmental sustainability them.
environmental and economic performance
The main goal of this study
Greening the supplier, product Few previous studies focused
is to examine green Findings of this paper showed that there was
innovation, process innovation, on green innovation, greening
Purchasing Purchasing innovation and greening the the indirect affected between greening the
Chiou et al. [125] 124 None managerial innovation, environmental the supply chain, competitive
department department suppliers on competitive supplier and green innovation leads to better
performance and competitive advantage and environmental
advantage and competitive advantage.
advantage. performance.
environmental performance.
Plant size, internal knowledge The main objective of this
There is a need to focus on Results of this study found that plant
exchange, external knowledge study is to present the
Gavronski Manufacturing Resource based view green supply management by resources had positive relationship with
94 Operation managers exchange, top management framework for development
et al. [126] plants of the firm (RBV) managers for developing a green manufacturing capabilities and GSM
commitment, environmental of green supply
greener supply chain. capabilities.
investments management capabilities.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 27 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
There is lack in previous
Internal green practices, green
The main purpose of this studies to identify the Findings of this paper demonstrated that
shipping practices, green marketing,
study is to examine the relationship external green there was a positive relationship between
external green collaboration, green
relationship between collaboration, green external green collaboration and internal
Container shipping collaboration with partner, green
Yang et al. [127] 163 Shipping managers None external green integration, performance, internal green green practices and green performance, and
firms collaboration with customer, green
internal green practices, firm practices, and firm green performance and external green
performance and competitiveness,
competitiveness and green competitiveness in the context collaboration act as mediator between firm
decrease of green cost and firm
performance. of the container shipping competitiveness and internal green practices.
The result shows that the buyer–seller
relationship influences green supply chain
collaboration through asset specificity,
Asset specificity, volume uncertainty, This study assesses the Few previous papers have
volume uncertainty, transaction frequency
Manufacturing Directors and Transaction cost transaction frequency, competitive factors influencing green attention pay to investigating
Luo et al. [128] 222 and competitive environment. The results
organizations managers theory environment, guanxi and green supply supply chain collaboration the buyer–seller relationship in
also showed support for our hypotheses that
chain collaboration. in China GSCC.
guanxi mediates the effect of asset specificity,
volume uncertainty and environmental
competition on GSCC.
The main goal of this paper
is to investigate the role of
Stakeholder pressure, competitive stakeholder and rivalry
pressure (rival pressure), top pressure encouraged firms to
Findings of this article showed that
management support, environmental implement practices of green Need for further study to
Supply chain environmental pressure influenced
Publicly traded monitoring on suppliers, supplier supply management, and emphasize on the role of top
Dai et al. [129] 230 management Stakeholder theory implementation green supply management
firms involvement on green product examine how top management in the
professional by a mediated role of top management
development, environmental management support is environmental supply chain.
support for environmental initiatives.
collaborative planning with suppliers important factor for firms to
and firm size (log sales). competitive pressures to
pursue practices of green
supply management.
Results of this paper found that quality
The main objective of this management was a significant factor for
There is lack in previous
paper is to present the novel environmental management maturity and
studies regarding the
Quality management, environmental conceptual framework based impact on adoption of external GSCM
relationship between
management maturity, green supply on the relationship of practices and influence on green performance.
environmental management
Firms with ISO Environmental chain management—green purchasing, environmental management In addition, indirectly, the level of
Jabbour et al. [130] 95 None maturity, quality management,
14001 Managers green supply chain maturity, quality environmental management maturity
adoption of external practices
management—customers’ management, adoption of mediates the relationship between QM and
of green supply chain
collaboration and green performance. external practices of green the adoption of GSCM practices and GSCM
management and green
supply chain management practices mediate the relationship between
and green performance. the level of environmental management
maturity and the green performance of firms.
The main goal of this paper
is to examine the various Results of this article indicated that
Institutional pressure, eco-design,
kinds of institutional institutional pressures have driven the
internal environmental management, Need to focus on developing
Chinese Mid-level or senior pressures motivating manufacturer adoption of internal GSCM and
Zhu et al. [131] 396 Institutional theory green purchasing, customer diffusion and performance
manufacturer managers manufacturing enterprises to external GSCM practices adoption and
cooperation with environmental from implementing GSCM.
pursue green supply chain GSCM has not the direct relationship with
concerns and investment recovery.
management practices and economic performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 28 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The aim of this study is to
Due to significant ecological
explore the role of supplier Findings of this study showed that customer
Customer requirements, supplier perspectives for industrial
participation in green requirements and supplier readiness were
readiness, relational norms (arm’s companies there is lack in
German automotive Automotive Resource initiatives by incorporating important drivers in supplier participation
Caniëls et al. [132] 54 length), relational norms (cooperation), previous studies related to
suppliers suppliers Dependence Theory of customer requirement, and customer investment and cooperative
customer investment and supplier internal organizational process,
rational norms, supplier relational norms were drivers in green SCM
participation. particularly in the area of
readiness and customer for large suppliers.
green SCM.
Results of this paper found there was a
There is lack of previous positive and significant relationship between
The main objective of this studies regarding interaction innovativeness, customer pressure and
article is to examine the between different groups of sustainable process management and also
Stakeholder theory Sustainable supply management, sustainable process sustainable SCM such as sustainable process management fully
Gualandris and Manufacturing Purchasing manager
77 and resource-based sustainable process management, management, sustainable sustainable supply mediates the relationships between
Kalchschmidt [133] firms or plant manager
perspective customer pressure and innovativeness. supply management, management, sustainable sustainable supply management and
customer pressure and process management, innovativeness had the negative and
innovativeness. customer pressure and significant moderates the relationship
innovativeness. between customer pressure and sustainable
process management.
The main purpose of this Findings of this paper showed that
paper is to explore the sustainability performance in manufacturing
relationship of social and firms enhanced sustainable SCM and internal
Sustainable process management, There is lack of understanding
Chief procurement environmental performance practices had a direct influence on
Gualandris and Italian Resource-based sustainable supply management, firm of improve sustainability
77 officer, purchasing of manufacturing and performance, also there was a full mediate
Kalchschmidt [134] manufacturing firms theories sustainability, buyer–supplier trust and performance in manufacturing
manager or buyer relationship between relationship between external practices and
supplier sustainability. regarding sustainable SCM.
suppliers’ sustainability sustainability performance in manufacturing
performance and firms. Results show manufacturing firms’
buyer–supplier trust. sustainability performance.
The main goal of this study
is to analysis the drivers for
SC participation of suppliers
by involving some drivers Results of this study found that green SCM
such as customer readiness, social responsibility and
Green SCM readiness, customer There is concern about
requirements towards green competitive advantage were the important
Executives or requirements, governmental environmental issues and
Caniëls et al. [135] Suppliers 93 Stakeholder theory issues, green SCM readiness drivers for supplier participation, and also
functional managers involvement, social responsibility and green SCM in shipbuilding
feeling of social results show that there was no significant
competitive advantage. industry.
responsibility, governmental support for customer requirements and
involvement in greening the governmental involvement.
supply chain, and
competitive advantage by
going green.
The purpose of this paper is Few previous papers focused
Greening inbound, greening outbound, Results of this paper demonstrated that
to explore the relationship on evaluation of green SCM
ISO14001 certified Chief executive of economic performance, greening focusing on different phases of greening
Rao and Holt [136] 52 None between green SCM for increasing economic
companies ISO 14001 production, competitiveness and regarding SC and green SC increase economic
competitiveness and performance and
economic performance. performance and competitiveness.
economic performance. competitiveness.
Internal environmental management,
green information systems,
The main objective of this
environmental cooperation with
study is to explore the Need to implement Results of this paper found that monitoring
suppliers, environmental cooperation
Manufacturing Plant-level relationship between GSCM, environmental collaboration practices and environmental collaboration
Green et al. [137] 159 Stakeholder theory with customers, environmental
organizations managers environmental management and monitoring practices enhanced the organizational and
monitoring of suppliers, environmental
and organizational regarding the SC partners. environmental performance.
monitoring of customers,
environmental performance; and
organizational performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 29 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main goal of this paper
is to examine the Results of this paper found that there was a
Need to focus on supplier
relationship of practices of direct relationship between GSCM practices
perspective in investigating
GSCM practice, business performance, GSCM and organizational and business performance, there was
Operations/supply Resource the weaknesses of SME for
Lee et al. [138] Electronics industry 223 operational efficiency, employee performance by moderating significant indirect relationship between
chain managers dependence theory enhancing SME suppliers’
satisfaction and relational efficiency. effect of operational GSCM and business performance by
green management
efficiency, employee incorporating of relational efficiency and
satisfaction and relational operational efficiency.
Internal environmental management,
green information systems, green Results of this paper found that adoption of
purchasing, cooperation with The main purpose of this GSCM practices improved the economic and
Need to explore the
Manufacturing Manufacturing customers, eco-design, investment study is to explore the environmental performance and had a
Green et al. [139] 159 RBV relationship between GSCM
organizations managers recovery, environmental performance, influence of GSCM on positive influence on operational
and performance.
economic performance, operational performance. performance and operational performance
performance and organizational improved organizational performance.
Findings of this paper showed that there was
a positive and significant relationship
The main aim of this article
Need for a clear study to between green supplier, environmental
is to explore the relationship
identify and confirm the performance and competitive advantage, and
Environmental performance, greening among three factors
ISO 14001 Managerial structural relationships among there was a significant and positive between
Lee et al. [140] 119 None the supplier and competitive including environmental
manufacturing firms positions environmental performance, environmental performance and competitive
advantage. performance, greening the
greening the supplier and advantage; however, environmental
supplier and competitive
competitive advantage. performance had a partial mediating effect
between competitive advantage and green
The main purpose of this
There is lack of company
paper is to investigate the Results of this paper demonstrated that
awareness related to potential
Traditional attributes, green product relationship among companies enhance their corporative image
Villanueva-Ponce Purchasing benefits of environmental
Industrial sectors 206 Contingent theory design, green attributes, financial traditional attributes, green and profits of environmental attributes based
et al. [141] managers attributes and regulations
profits and corporative image. product design, green on supplier selection criteria for improving
regarding the selection of
attributes, financial profits the quality of production process.
and corporative image.
The main objective of this There is lack in the literature
paper is to explore the regarding comparison of the
Results of this paper found that supplier
RBV, Transaction Supplier assessment, collaboration relationship between influence of various
Gimenez and Manufacturing purchasing and collaboration and assessment had a positive
109 Cost Theory, social with suppliers and environmental Supplier assessment, governance mechanisms
Sierra [142] sector supply Managers and significant influence on environmental
network theory performance. collaboration with suppliers which firms can modify to
and environmental green suppliers and enhancing
performance. of environmental performance.
The main purpose of this Findings of this paper indicated that there
Resource Strategic orientation, sustainable paper is to examine the Few previous studies have was positive relationship between sustainable
Senior purchasing
Industrial dependence theory supplier co-operation, green practices, relationship between focused on an economic supplier co-operation and performance, and
Hollos et al. [143] 70 managers and
companies and the social practices, cost reduction and sustainable supplier perspective regarding only there was the positive and significant
resource-based view operational performance. co-operation and sustainability. relationship between green practices and
performance. economic performance.
The main objective of this
Green logistics knowledge assimilation,
study is to examine the role Results of this paper found that improving
green logistics knowledge Few previous studies focused
Abareshi and Transport and of absorptive capacity in green logistics knowledge exploitation was
279 Managers Absorptive capacity transformation, green logistics on green logistics practices in
Molla [144] Logistics firms implementation green the important factor for enhancing green
knowledge acquisition and green logistics and transport firms.
logistics practices on the logistics performance.
logistics performance.
green logistics performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 30 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Findings of this study showed that
non-coercive and coercive derivers have
The main objective of this There is a lack in previous diverse implications regarding green SCM, in
Drivers’ mimetic coercive normative, paper is to explore the studies regarding non-coercive addition, monitoring cannot enhance the
Tachizawa Purchasing
University 71 Institutional Theory monitoring, collaboration and interrelationships among and coercive derivers have performance, also there was direct
et al. [145] Managers
environmental performance. green SCM, environmental influence on GSCM relationship between collaboration and
drivers and performance. approaches. performance and there was indirect
relationship between monitoring and
The main objective of this
study is to develop the
Results of this paper indicated that there was
theoretical framework to
a positive relationship between sustaining
predict the relationship Need to focus on the critical
Eco-reputation strategic orientation, firms’ SC initiatives and the individual
between sustainable supply role of eco-reputation and
eco-innovation strategic orientation, sustainable supply chain initiative
EMS ISO 14001 Strategic choice chain initiatives and reverse eco-innovation strategic
Hsu et al. [146] 125 Managers green purchasing, green components, and there was a positive
–certified firms theory logistics outcome and the orientations in deploying
manufacturing, green packaging and relationship green packing and green
relationship between sustainable supply chain
reverse logistics. manufacturing and firms’ reverse logistics
eco-innovation and initiative programs.
outcomes, also there was no significant
eco-reputation orientation
relationship with reverse logistics.
strategies and sustainable
supply chain initiatives.
Although the important
The main objective of this Results of this paper found that green SCM
Regulatory measures, customer environmental sustainability
study is to explore the drivers had a positive relationship with green
pressures, competitor pressures, in emerging economics is clear
motivate drivers to adopt purchasing, also the SCM driver had a
ISO 14001 certified socio-cultural responsibility, green regarding economic benefits,
Hsu et al. [147] 569 Senior manager Institutional theory green SCM for measuring by positive impact on design for the
organizations supply chain drivers, green purchasing, study of the drivers that
the second order construct to environment, and the green SCM driver had
design for environment and reverse impact green SC initiatives in a
the implementing of the a positive influence on reverse logistics
logistics. developing economy is still an
firm’s green SC initiatives. initiative.
under-researched area.
While previous studies
confirmed the positive
The main purpose of this
relationship green SCM and
study is to use two theories
firm performance, there are
including RBV and strategic
Environmental orientation, supply some questions remain Results of this study found that integration of
Resource-based and choice for better
Manufacturing Supply chain chain orientation, green SCM, cost regarding how firms configure SC orientation, environmental orientation
Kirchoff et al. [148] 367 strategic choice understanding of SC
firms managers efficiency, customer effectiveness and the design green and their had a positive relationship with green SCM
theories orientation, environmental
environmental differentiation. organizations to attain practices such as firm performance.
orientation and strategic
enhanced performance,
orientation on green SCM
particularity in lighting of a
constantly changing business
Results of this study demonstrated that there
was significant relationship between all
The main objective of this relationships such as sustainability strategy
The lack of previous studies
article is to evaluate the to greening transport procurement,
Sustainability strategy, Greening regarding the relationship
Nordic relationship between sustainability strategy to greening transport
Pazirandeh and transport operations, Greening logistics performance,
multinationals 97 Logistics managers None sustainability strategy, operations, greening transport procurement,
Jafari [149] Transport procurement and Logistics sustainable strategy and
companies greening the transportation logistics efficiency and logistics effectiveness
efficiency. greening the transportation
activities logistics efficiency greener transport procurement and logistics
and logistics effectiveness. performance, greening transport operations
and logistics efficiency and logistics
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 31 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Findings of this paper showed that a
proactive environmental strategy served
The main objective of this There is a lack in previous
higher environmental investments. There
Environmental performance, internal paper is to examine the effect literature regarding the impact
was a mediating of environmental
Purchasing manager investments, external investments, of proactive environmental of proactive environmental
investments in the relationship between
Ateş et al. [150] Manufacturers 96 and environmental Contingency theory proactive environmental strategies, strategy on environmental strategy on environmental
environmental performance and proactive
manager customer pressure and organisational performance by mediating performance in relationship
environmental strategy, also there were
commitment. role of environmental between environmental
positive relationship between proactive
investments. management and SCM.
environmental strategy, customer pressure
and organizational commitment.
The main objectives of this
There is a lack in previous
article is to investigate the
Green SCM, structural social capital, studies regarding of social
relationship between green Results of this paper found that green SCM
CEO or the senior supplier’s environmental performance, capital in relationship between
Lee [151] Supplying firms 207 Social capital theory SCM operational and contributes to operational and environmental
manager relational social capital and supplier’s green SCM and operational
environmental performance performance through social capital theory.
operational performance. and environmental
with incorporating social
capital theory.
There is a lack in previous
studies regarding the
The main objective of this
Internal GSCM, GSCM with customers, integrating of three main Results of this article show that there was a
article is to examine the
Automotive General managers GSCM with suppliers, operational dimensions including Internal significant and positive relationship between
Yu et al. [152] 126 Stakeholder theory relationship between
manufacturers or directors flexibility, delivery, product quality and GSCM, GSCM with customers integrated green SCM and operational
integrated green SCM and
production cost and GSCM with suppliers with performance.
operational performance.
effect on operational
performance dimensions.
The main purpose of this
article is to present the
Policy goals inclusion in the tender, relationship between Findings of this article show that public
There is a lack in the literature
Inducement policy goals inclusion in offers and sustainability policy goals procurement was more effective in
Amann et al. [153] Public sector 281 EU member regarding the sustainability
contribution theory policy goals achievement through the including in public influencing socially responsible goals than
policy in public procurement.
award. procurement tenders and environmental goals.
offers and their achievement
through contract award.
Sustainable supply chain practices, The main goal of this article Findings of this paper found that there was a
sustainable supply chain enablers, is to analysis the relationship Little attention has been paid correlation between sustainable supply chain
Gopal and Automobile Supply chain supply chain performance, sustainable between sustainable supply to the relationship between practices and supply chain performance,
103 None
Thakkar [154] industry managers supply chain inhibitors, economic chain management practices sustainable supply chain and there was positive relationship between
indicator, environmental indicator and and sustainability organizational performance. social, environmental and economic
social indicators. performance. performance.
The main objective of this
There is a lack in previous
paper is to examine the Findings of this paper showed that there was
Green supplier, green innovation, literature regarding Green
relationship between green a significant and positive relationship
Khaksar et al. [155] Cement industry 103 Managers None environmental performance and supplier, green innovation,
innovation, green supplier, between green innovation, green supplier
competitive advantage. environmental performance
competitive advantage and and environmental performance.
and competitive advantage.
environmental performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 32 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Environmental Concerns,
Inadequate Customer
Relationships, Technology
Innovation Deficiencies, Results of this paper found that there is negative
Investigated the relationship There is a need for more focus
People related to Unstructured Business Process, direct effect between External Forces and Renewable
Seetharaman between internal and on renewable energy market to
Energy industry 106 energy in industry - Lack of Societal Awareness, Energy and Positive Indirect Effect between internal
et al. [173] external forces on renewable achieve more competitive
such as managers Performance Instability, Regulatory Forces and Renewable Energy and Positive Direct
energy business. advantage.
Policy Issues, Complex Operation, Effect between External Forces and Internal Forces.
Economically Unsustainable,
Business and Technology Strategies
Unaligned, Talent Shortage
There is a lack in previous
Used SEM and fuzzy
Policy construct, social construct, studies regarding the Findings of this paper showed that policy barriers can
Wind power cognitive map for identify
Huang, Lo [175] 100 Dataset - technical construct ,environmental correlation between the factors be as the main challenge in development of wind
industry the limitations regarding to
construct, economic construct which impact on development power and other obstructions.
wind power development.
of wind power.
The main goal of this study The findings of this paper demonstrated that energy
Need to place an emphasis on
is to examine the influence of management had a positive impact on the adoption of
Energy management system, low energy management systems
energy management systems logistics practices and low carbon production and an
Böttcher and German automotive carbon production, low carbon in relationship among
108 Manager None on manufacturing firms’ indirect relationship on economic and carbon
Müller [174] suppliers logistics, carbon performance and manufacturing firms operation
operation practices, performance, and there was no direct relationship
economic performance. practices, economic and carbon
economic and carbon between energy management system and carbon
performance. performance.
The main goal of this paper
is to investigate important Few previous studies focused The results confirmed that, Effort expectancy;
Performance expectancy, effort
Unified Theory of factors which play on adoption of new Performance expectancy, Facilitating conditions Social
Khorasanizadeh expectancy, social influence,
Residents 221 Citizens Acceptance and significant roles in successful energy-efficient technologies influence and Behavioral intention were the main
et al. [178] facilitating conditions, behavioral
Use of Technology adoption of light-emitting which decrease of ongoing factors in adoption of light emitting diodes-based
intention and purchase decision.
diodes-based lighting in damage to the environment. lighting.
Behavioral intention to use,
attitude towards behavior,
Unified theory of Results of this paper found that usefulness perception
perceived expected usefulness, The main goal of this paper
acceptance and Need for an understanding of of consumers’, risks of smart meters and ease of use
perceived expected ease of use, is to examine the differences
use of technology consumer perception, influenced consumer acceptance in Taiwan, Korea
Residential perceived risk, user expected and similarities in consumer
Chou et al. [176] 270 Consumers (UTAUT), TAM intention and expectation and Indonesia, privacy and safety were not the main
buildings satisfaction, social adoption regarding the
and Innovation regarding affect smart meter concerns for Taiwan consumers, in Vietnam perceived
influence/norms, program understanding of smart
Diffusion Theory adoption behavior. risk had no significant relationship with consumer
contents/features, technological meters across.
(IDT) adoption of smart meters.
complexity, privacy/safety concern
and energy tariff/cost.
Knowledge about renewable The main purpose of this
Results of this study found that concerns of
energy, environmental concern, paper is to examine the Need to develop renewable
consumers regarding renewable energy had a positive
Lin and Theory of reason environmental belief, attitude knowledge mechanism of energy regarding
Consumers 45 Consumers influence on attitudes and improving their
Syrgabayeva [179] action toward renewable energy and consumers on the intention environmental concern in
environmental beliefs and increasing their willingness
willingness to pay more for pay more for renewable developing countries.
to pay more for renewable energy.
renewable energy. energy.
Stakeholder pressure, The aim of this paper is to
There are challenges and
competitiveness expectations, investigate the determinants
opportunities in world Results of this study found that there was a positive
Böttcher and Automotive low-carbon products, low-carbon of measures used by German
159 Senior manager None manufacturing companies to impact on carbon and indirect impact on economic
Müller [177] suppliers production, low-carbon logistics, auto-motive suppliers to cut
measuring the reduce carbon performance.
carbon performance and economic carbon emissions, and their
performance. impact on performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 34 of 65
Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Dynamic capabilities, Sensing
Capability, Learning Capability, The main purpose of this
Results of this paper found that there were
Integrating Capability, paper is to examine the
Spanish automotive Few previous papers have positive and significant direct and indirect effects
Coordinating Capability, Green relationship Dynamic
Albort-Morant components’ Open innovation focused on the antecedents of among capabilities on green innovation
112 firms Top executives Innovation Performance, capabilities with green
et al. [189] manufacturing theory green innovation performance performance. In addition; relationship learning
Relationship learning capabilities, innovation performance
sector such as different capabilities. capabilities can mediate the relationship between
Information sharing capability, with mediate effect of
capabilities and green innovation performance.
Joint sense making capability and Learning Capability.
Knowledge integration capability.
The goal of this study is to
explore the influence of
green production
The outcomes of this article found that there is a
innovation on the
positive relationship between pressure of
Pressure of environmental relationship between firm There is a lack in the literature
environmental regulations and green product
regulations/policies, Green performance and pressure regarding the mediating
Chan Operations Contingency innovation, cost efficiency and firm profitability.
Industries in China 250 product innovation, Cost efficiency, of environmental influence of green product
et al. [191] managers theory Also, there is a moderating effect of
Firm profitability and regulations and innovation between firm and
environmental dynamism on the relationship of
Environmental dynamism moderating impact of pressure performance.
green product innovation, firm profitability and
environmental dynamism
cost efficiency.
on relationship od
performance and green
production innovation.
Environmental regulations,
Results of this paper found that market demand,
marketing demand, firms’ internal The main goal of this
environmental regulations and firm internal
Malaysian initiatives, green product paper is to examine the Need to explore the GII
Zailani Institutional initiatives had the positive relationship with
automotive supply 153 Managers innovation, green process green innovation adoption determinants for firms in the
et al. [183] theory green innovation initiatives, and GIIs had a
chain industry innovation, economic performance, determinants its influence automotive supply chain.
positive relationship with sustainable
environmental performance and on firm performance.
social performance.
The main goal of this
Knowledge manufacturing, There is a need to emphasize Findings of this paper showed that there was no
study is to examine the
Segarra-Oña Manufacturing and Absorptive operational manufacturing, innovation, knowledge and difference in the assimilate knowledge, firms
6253 Managers sustainable innovations in
et al. [192] service firms capacity theory knowledge service and operational sustainability to gain acquire and knowledge-intensive firms excel to
service and manufacturing
service. competitive advantage. transform their ability to eco-innovate.
Environmental leadership,
environmental culture,
CEOs or the The main objective of this
environmental capability, the Need to emphasize green Findings of this paper showed that
managers of paper is to examine origins
Taiwanese pressure of the environmentalism innovation as the important environmental culture, environmental leadership,
Chen environmental, two kinds of green
manufacturing 3 Grounded theory of investors and clients, the tools for sustainable environmental capability, the environmentalism
et al. [190] marketing, HR, innovation including
industry pressure of environmental development in of investors and clients and environmental
manufacturing, or reactive and proactive
regulations, proactive green manufacturing industries. regulations can generate green innovation.
R&D departments innovations.
innovation and reactive green
The main objective of this
paper is to examine the
Green innovation, green product There is a gap in the literature
impact of green product Results of this paper demonstrated that process
innovation, green process regarding green innovation
Kam-Sing Electronics firms Green innovation innovation and product innovation and green product had a positive
203 R&D project leaders innovation, green product theory and concerning the
Wong [193] operating theory process innovation on effect on green new product competitive
competitive advantage and green relationship among factors of
green new product success advantage and green new product success.
new product success. green innovation causal chain.
and product competitive
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 35 of 65
Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Environmental resources,
attitudinal and perception, There is a need to explore the
Findings of this paper showed that some barriers
business practices, technical, poor The main objective of this barriers of green innovation in
such as green attitude and perception, insufficient
external partnership, insufficient study is to explore the Malaysia’s manufacturing
Abdullah Manufacturing Stakeholder information, environmental commercial benefits
153 CEOs and managers information, lack of government external and internal industry in the developing
et al. [194] companies theory poor external partnerships, business practices and
support, lack of customer demand , barriers to green phases and the significant
lack of customer demand had a negative
environmental commercial benefit, initiatives. negative environmental
relationship with green process innovations.
product innovation, process impacts.
innovation and system innovation.
The main findings of this
paper are the analysis of Results of this paper found that there was a
the relationship between Few previous studies have positive relationship between importance of
Market information sources,
Segarra-Oña Automotive market information been focused on the market information sources product and process
223 Managers None process orientation, product
et al. [195] companies sources, process eco-innovating in the orientation, also there was a significant positive
orientation and eco-orientation.
orientation, product automobile industry. relationship between product and process
orientation and orientation, and environmental orientation.
The main purpose of this Results of this study found that there was a
Relational capital, structural study is to explore the There is a need for attention to positive relationship between cognitive capital
Chen and Manufacturing Social capital capital, cognitive capital, relationship between be paid to sustainability and and structural capital, cognitive capital and
237 Customers
Hung [196] companies theory knowledge sharing and innovation environmental collaborative green innovation relational capital, and relational capital was the
performance. collaboration and green in developing countries. significant role in green management and
innovation. increased innovation.
The main purpose of this
study is to investigate the
There is a gap in the literature
Retailers, relationship between Results of this paper found that there was a
Market demand, green innovation, regarding market demand,
Lin wholesalers, and market demand, firm significant relationship among all variables
Vehicle industry 233 RBV theory environmental performance and green innovation,
et al. [197] firms selling performance, expect for market demand and environmental
firm performance. environmental performance
components environmental performance.
and firm performance.
performance and green
The main purpose of this
article is to explore the Few previous studies explore
Findings of this article indicated that companies
Financial performance, business relationship financial how the dominant business
with innovative business models were related to
Pedersen Swedish fashion Stakeholder model innovation, corporate performance, business logic of the organization is
492 Managers corporate sustainability, also there was a positive
et al. [198] industry theory sustainability performance and model innovation, related to financial
relationship financial performance and
organizational values. corporate sustainability performance and corporate
organizational values.
performance and sustainability.
organizational values.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Need to study the
Corporate responsibility, This paper examines how
understanding of consumers’ Results of this paper found that; analytical ways for
Kalamas Canadian urban 263 Theory of planned Government responsibility, external attributions affect
Consumers allocation regarding the government and corporations to improve the
et al. [204] area consumers behavior (TPB) God/higher power and Natural pro-environmental
environmental responsibility pro-environmental efforts.
earth-cycle behaviors of consumers.
related to external forces.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 36 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Attitude, Subjective Norm,
Investigated the Results of this study found that there are negative
Perceived Behavioural Control,
Four shopping malls moderating effect of Need to better understand the relationships between the perceived policy
Theory of planned Moral Norm, Consequences
Wan et al. [208] and two railway 246 people Customers perceived policy recycling intention in Hong effectiveness between subjective norm and
behaviour Awareness, Perceived Policy
stations effectiveness regarding to Kong. recycling intention, also between recycling
Effectiveness and Behavioural
recycling intention. intention and consequences awareness.
Evaluated the relationship
Mindset and attitude, Leadership
between lean and green Need to focus on the green and
and management, Employee
practices and lean practice to attain Results of this study indicated that there was a
Manufacturing 172 involvement, Integrated approach,
Zhan et al. [205] Students - organizational sustainable development to positive relationship between green and lean
industry respondents Tools and techniques, Guanxi,
performance by enhance organizational practices and improve organizational performance.
Environmental performance and
moderation effect of performance in China context.
Business performance.
Perceived production benefit, Explore smallholder Findings of this paper showed that there is a
Perceived environmental benefit, planters’ intention for There is a lack of positive relationship among smallholder planters’
oil palm smallholder Theory of Planned Perceived ecological impact, supply available residues understanding of planters intention and perceived behavioural control,
Chin et al. [209] 327 smallholders
planters Behaviour Attitude, Subjective norm, of oil palm in the regarding supply oil palm subjective norm, attitude and perceived
Perceived behavioural control and plantations based on TPB biomass in Malaysia. environmental benefit and perceived production
Intention. theory. benefit.
The objective of this article
Perceived provision of facilities, is to find the relationships There is a lack in previous The findings of this article showed that perceived
Perceived naturalness, Perceived between urban green studies regarding urban green usefulness attitude, and perceived behavioural
Hong Kong accessibility, Attitude, Perceived spaces attributes and space which did not consider control have a mediating effect in relationship
Wan and Hong Kong Theory of planned
Telecommunications 263 usefulness, Subjective norm, urban green space use the three factors including between the behavioural intention to use urban
Shen [206] residents behaviour (TPB)
Limited Perceived behavioural control, with mediating effect perceived usefulness attitude, green space. In addition; urban green space does
Behavioural intention and perceived usefulness and perceived behavioural not influence behaviour indirectly with attitude
Behaviour. attitude, and perceived control. factors and perceived behavioural control.
behavioural control.
Findings of this paper showed that activity
Investigated the Need to explore the level of involvement, satisfaction and perceived value can
Environmentally responsible antecedents of tourist environmentally responsible encourage tourist environmentally responsible
Ecological zones of Value-attitude-behavior
Chiu et al. [210] 328 Tourists behavior, Perceived value, Activity behaviour for outline of behavior which can change behavior and perceived value can influence
the island theory
involvement and Satisfaction. environmentally results of eco-travel environmentally responsible behavior directly,
responsible behavior. experience. while involvement and satisfaction had partial
Findings of this study showed that senior
The main aim of this paper
Energy conservation strategy, manager’s environmental concerns had a
is to examine the
Concrete operations for energy There is a need to examine significant role in between firms’ energy saving
relationship between
Industrial conservation, Environmental how environmental managers’ factors and the external pressures like mimetic and
Institutional practices of firm energy
Zhang et al. [211] Manufacturing 187 Vice-president concern of senior manager, concern can influence external normative pressures. Although the senior
theory (INT) conservation and external
firms Coercive pressure, Normative pressure and an organizations manager’s environmental concerns had a positive
pressure with moderating
pressure, Mimetic pressure and environmental practices. effect on the energy conservation strategy there was
effect of managers’
Financial cost. no direct effect on the concrete operations of energy
environmental concerns.
Results of this study found that environmental
The main goal of this awareness had a significant relationship to attitude
Environment awareness cost of Due to lifestyle in the Malaysia
paper is to investigate the towards recycling and attitude and social norms
Ramayah Theory of Planned recycling, attitude, convenience, urban area there are some
University 200 Students recycling behaviour had the significant relationship with recycling
et al. [212] Behaviour (TPB) recycling behaviour and subjective waste problems which need to
determinations in behaviour and finally cost of recycling and
norm. be considered.
Malaysia. convenience were not significant reasons for
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 37 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main objective of this Findings of this paper found that; there are positive
Environmental attitudes, There is lack in previous
paper to examine the relationship between environmental attitudes,
Theory of environmental awareness, papers regarding the main
Zareie and Jafari influence of The electronic environmental awareness, environmental values,
University 330 Students reasoned action environmental values, public shortcomings in the issues of
Navimipour [213] environmental knowledge public information, environmental skills,
(TRA) information, environmental skills public understanding and
on the people environmental responsibility and environmental
and environmental responsibility. environmental awareness.
environmental behaviors. behaviors.
The main goal of this
Attitude, Subjective norm,
paper to developed the Results of this paper demonstrated that, recycling
Perceived behavioural control,
new model of recycling intention is affected by moral norms, perceived
Four shopping Moral norm, Consequences Few studies focused on the
Theory of Planned attitude and behaviour for behavioural control, subjective norms, awareness of
Wan et al. [207] malls, Two railway 198 Customers awareness, Perceived policy relationship between TPB and
Behaviour (TPB) finding the relationship consequences and perceived policy effectiveness.
stations effectiveness, Behavioural NAM and recycling intentions.
between recycling Also self-reported recycling behaviour and support
intention, Direct behaviour,
behaviour and perceived had influence by recycling intention.
Indirect behaviour
policy effectiveness.
The main objective of this There is a lack of literature
Findings of this paper showed that consumers had
Attitude towards purchasing a study is to explore the review regarding the market
a favorable attitude towards in remanufacturing
Jiménez-Parra Two Spanish Theory of Planned remanufactured laptop, Subjective main key drivers in the for products recovery,
1529 Students products, respect for clean environment, and a
et al. [214] universities Behavior Norm, Motivations, Marketing Mix consumers’ behavior consumers’ acceptance,
positive consideration of the opinion of their close
Variables and Purchase Intention. related to remanufactured markets promotions,
social environment when making a purchase.
products. marketing strategies.
The main goal of this
There is a lack in previous The findings of this paper showed that
study is to analyze the
Theory of Environmental performance, studies regarding environmental performance had a significant, direct
Larrán Jorge Managers or middle environmental
SME’s 481 resources and competitive performance, image environmental performance and positive impact on competitive performance
et al. [215] managers performance and
capabilities and reputation. and environmental and mediating effects of rational and image
competitive. marketing.
The main purpose of this
study is to examine, the Need to consider energy Results of this paper found that waste management
Architectural, Energy efficiency, Waste
relationship between consumption and reduction of practices and energy efficiency had a positive
Yusof et al. [216] engineering, and 375 Board None management, Involvement, Project
environmental and the waste generation in relationship with the environmental behaviour of
contracting firms environmental behaviour.
environmental behaviour construction projects. practitioners during project implementation.
of professionals.
Findings of this paper showed that there was a
Pride, Respect, Guilt, Anger, The purpose of this paper positive relationship between guilt, pride and
intention of resisting non-energy is to examine the influence Few previous studies have purchasing energy conserving household
conserving household appliances, of respect, guilt, anger and emphasized the influence of appliances and resisting non-energy conserving
Wang and
Residents 775 Households Theory of emotion intention of purchasing energy anger on consumers’ different emotions on specific household appliances, anger only has a positive
Wu [217]
conserving household appliances; intention of sustainable sustainable consumption relationship with the latter and pride had a
switch regular brand specialize in consumption choice of behavior. significant relationship with four emotions and
purchasing and pay more money. household appliances. resistance behavior mediated the influence on guilt,
pride and respect on the purchase behavior.
The main goal of this
paper is to explore the
There is need to emphasize the
Pollution prevention, moderating influence of Findings of this study showed that firms which
role of environmental HRM for
environmental human resource environmental HRM on focused more on environmental HRM practices get
Carmona-Moreno Spanish chemical Institutional increase economic
94 CEOs management, competitive relationship between more advantage in costs and differentiation derived
et al. [218] firms theory performance by involving of
advantage in costs and competitive competitive advantages of from the pollution prevention technologies
pollution prevention
advantage in differentiation. cost and firms’ implementation.
management practices.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 38 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main purpose of this
study is to investigate the
role of recycling attitudes
Attitude, subjective norms, Results of this paper found that behavioural
and behaviour of Need to emphasize
perceived behavioural control, intention with regard to recycling affected by the
Theory of planned university students and user-friendly and convenient
Wan et al. [219] University 205 Students and Staffs awareness of consequences, moral subjective norms, convenience, awareness of
behaviour staff members for recycling scheme in
norm, convenience and recycling consequences, attitude, perceived behavioural
enhancing environmental universities.
intention. control and the moral norms.
policies and recycling
facilities in the university
The main aim of this
Findings of this paper showed that environmental
article is to analyze the Need to emphasize
performance had a direct relationship with political
Instrumental motives, political relationship of corporate environmental responsibility
motives and instrumental motives, and indirect
motives, corporate environmental motivation, environmental in various business
Tien-Shang Stakeholder and influence on environmental performance,
Largest firms 195 Managers responsibility, environmental responsibility, environments regarding the
Lee [220] CSR theories instrumental motives had a marginal impact on
product policy and environmental environmental implementation of an
environmental performance and environmental
performance. performance and the environmentally oriented
responsibility, and a marginal impact of political
adoption of environmental policy.
motives on environmental performance.
product policies.
The main aim of this paper
is to examine the
Need to focus on sustainability, Results of this paper indicated that the senior
relationship between
lifestyle of health, trust, market segment is different from the non-senior
Environmentalism, green sustainability, lifestyle of
healthy food choices and market segment. The influence of lifestyle, health
Seniors and consumerism, conserving health, trust, healthy food
Kim et al. [221] Restaurants chain 413 None emotional loyalty and and sustainability on healthy food choices is
non-seniors resources, trust, healthy food choices and emotional
moderating role of between stronger for non-senior diners and the lifestyle of
choices and emotional loyalty. loyalty and moderating
non-seniors and seniors in health and sustainability on emotional loyalty and
role of between
restaurants. trust for seniors and non-seniors.
non-seniors and seniors in
The main objective of this
Few previous published
study is to explore the
studies have addressed the
relationship between Findings of this paper showed that organizational
Strategic human resource role of strategic human
Top management strategic human resource citizenship behavior had the full mediation of
management, organizational resource management,
team members, chief management, relationship between environmental performance
Manufacturing Stakeholder citizenship behaviour toward organizational citizenship
Paillé et al. [222] 151 executive officers, organizational citizenship and strategic human resource management also
firms theory environment, internal behaviour toward
and frontline behaviour toward that internal environmental had a moderate effect
environmental orientation and environment and internal
workers environment, internal on strategic human resource management and
environmental performance. environmental orientation to
environmental orientation organizational citizenship behavior.
improve their environmental
and environmental
Results of this paper found that there were positive
The main objective of this Need to emphasize the
relationships between environmental awareness
paper is to explore understanding of how
Theory of Planned and attitude, extent of knowledge regarding
Attitude, moral norms, subjective respondents’ behaviors recycling behaviors are
Behavior and The recycling with attitude, extent of concerns for
Ahmad et al. [223] University 230 Students norms, convenience, recycling cost, regarding the recycling for determined by one’s social
Theory of community with attitude, previous recycling
time and recycling behaviour. identification of the factors values, demeanor and
Reasoned action behaviour with attitude, attitude with recycling
which impact their perception of recycling
behaviour, social norms with recycling behaviour,
behaviors. behavior.
and morals norms with recycling behaviour.
The main purpose of this
Little attentions has been paid Results of this paper found that there are positive
Green strategy & culture, green article is to examine the
to the important role of relationship between environmental reputation,
technology & products, green relationship between
Dögl and Manufacturing and Managers and CER corporate environmental green technology & products, green strategy &
215 Signaling theory recruitment & evaluation, employee reputation,
Holtbrügge [224] service companies experts responsibility for employer culture, green communication and green
environmental reputation and corporate environmental
attractiveness and employee recruitment & evaluation and in turn employee
employee commitment. responsibility and
commitment. commitment.
employee commitment.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 39 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main objective of this
study is to investigate the Little attention has been paid Results of this paper found that customer capital
Technical dimension,
relationship between to the relationship between had a positive relationship with environmental
Cegarra-Navarro Pharmaceutical Theory of green administrative dimension, social
225 Seller environmental environmental management, knowledge, also environmental knowledge impact
et al. [225] industry committees dimension, customer capital and
management, customer customer capital and green of customer capital with mediation with, customer
green communities.
capital and green communities capital and green communities.
The main purpose of this
study was to investigate
the relationship between
General managers environmental Need for involvement of
environmental Results of this study found that general managers’
commitment, hotels’ individual people in hotels in
RBV and commitment of general environmental commitment influenced hotels’
environmental management involvement of environmental
Kim et al. [226] Hotels 172 General managers institutional managers and involvement regarding environmental practices
capabilities and hotels’ practices and understanding of
theory environmental directly and indirectly with involving
involvement in environmental hotel managers regarding to
management capabilities environmental capabilities.
practices. environmental management.
and involvement of hotel
in environmental
The main purpose of this Results of this study show that there was a positive
study is to explore the relationship between ecotourism knowledge and
Eco-tourist site perceived value, relationship between the perceived value of the eco-tourist site, the value
There is a lack in previous
ecotourism knowledge, attitudes Eco-tourist site perceived of the tourist site perceived by the tourist impact on
Castellanos-Verdugo literature regarding
Tourism 520 Tourists TPB towards ecotourism, eco-tourist value, ecotourism attitude of the tourist towards ecotourism, also the
et al. [227] ecotourism knowledge and
satisfaction and behavioral knowledge, attitudes perceived value of the tourist site impacts on the
attitudes towards ecotourism.
intentions. towards ecotourism, satisfaction of the visitor and finally there was a
eco-tourist satisfaction and relationship between the satisfaction and the future
behavioral intentions. behavioral intention of the visitor.
Results of this study indicated that there was a
Attitude toward e-cycling, The main objective of this
There is a lack in the literature positive relationship between moral norms and
perceived norms, awareness of study is to use the theory
Gonul Kochan Theory of of e-cycling regarding attitudes and e-cycling behavior, also, perceived
University 327 Students consequences, perceived of reasoned action for
et al. [228] Reasoned Action behaviors and intention of convenience, the higher awareness of consequences
convenience, e-cycling intention identify of e-cycling
students in university campus. and more the e-cycling lead to more involvement in
and e-cycling behavior behavior determinants.
The main objective of this Results of this paper found that there was a
paper is to investigate the Little attention has been paid significant positive relationship between
mediating effect of to the relationship between transformational leadership and environmental
Transformational Transformational leadership,
environmental concern environmental concern, green concern and positive direction with green
Kura [229] Public sector 171 Employees leadership theory, environmental concern and green
between green behaviour behaviour and behaviour, and environmental concern is mediated
TPB behaviour at work.
and environmentally environmentally specific between green behaviour at work and
specific transformational transformational leadership environmentally specific transformational
leadership. leadership.
Rivalry among existing The main purpose of this
competitors, threat of new entrants, study is to examine the Lack of previous studies
Findings of this study paper showed that there was
bargaining power of buyers, influence of five industry regarding the integrating of
a positive relationship between plants and energy
Cement Resource-based bargaining power of suppliers, forces on implementation industry forces and
Ulubeyli [230] 267 Managers strategy, also there was a positive relationship
manufacturers theory threat of substitutes, human input-based competitive input-based techniques to
between energy strategy and the lower threat of
resource strategy, energy strategy, strategies and measuring environmental
new entrances.
raw material strategy environmental performance.
environmental performance. performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 40 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main goal of this
paper is to examine the
Competitors, institutional support, relationship among There is a lack in the literature Findings of this paper showed that there was a
Firm’s general Institutional cleaner practices, cleaner competitors, institutional regarding adoption of cleaner positive relationship between institutional support
Llach et al. [231] Restaurants 374
manager theory performance, market success support, cleaner practices, production and financial and and cleaner practices, and no relationship between
factors and financial performance. cleaner performance, competitiveness. cleaner practices and competitors.
market success factors and
financial performance.
The main objective of this
There was a gap in previous
Environmental concern for wildlife, study is to examine the
studies regarding Results of this study indicated that there was the
environmental concern for waste, relationship between
environmental involvement mediating effect in the relationship between
environmental concern for energy, environmental concern,
Thieme et al. [232] University 467 Students TPB and willingness to pay more in willingness to pay more and environmental
environmental involvement, sustainable behaviors,
the relationship between involvement, environmental concern and
willingness to pay more and environmental
environmental concern and sustainable behaviors.
sustainable behaviors. involvement and
sustainable behaviors.
willingness to pay more.
The main purpose of this There is a lack in previous
Institutional Economic sustainability, cultural study is to examine the studies regarding how
Results of this study found that there was a positive
Iniesta-Bonill theory and sustainability, environmental relationship between perceived sustainability
Tourism 187 Tourists relationship among all variable and all hypotheses
et al. [233] Stakeholder sustainability, satisfaction and perceived sustainability, influence on tourist perception
theory perceived value. satisfaction and perceived based on market orientation
value of tourists. perspective.
The purpose of this study
is to examine the effects of
The results suggest the substantive influence of
Social capital, knowledge of social capital within a
The study extends the BPM by social capital on environmental knowledge,
environmental issues, community on the
Castaneda Social capital offering a social capital view as pro-environmental attitudes and eco-capability.
Consumers 1044 Consumers pro-environmental attitudes, adoption of consumer
et al. [234] theory a more nuanced explanation of Both knowledge and attitudes have positive effects
perceived eco-capability and eco-behaviour or
consumer eco-behaviour. on eco-capability, which in turn positively shapes
eco-behaviour. environmentally
sustainable behaviour of
The main purpose of this
article is to examine the There is a lack in previous Findings of this paper showed that there was a
Customer pressure, regulatory
relationship between studies regarding customer positive and significant relationship between
stakeholder pressure, green hiring,
HR Managers and green HRM practices, pressure and regulatory customer pressure and regulatory stakeholder
Manufacturing and Stakeholder green training and involvement,
Guerci et al. [235] 74 SC Managers customer pressure, stakeholder pressure in pressure and environmental performance, also there
service companies theory green performance management
operating regulatory stakeholder relationship between green was positive relationship between compensation,
and compensation and
pressure, and HRM and environmental involvement, green performance management
environmental performance.
environmental performance. green training and environmental performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 41 of 65
Table A6. Breakdown of articles based on environmental information technology and systems.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main goal of this
Outcomes of this paper found that collaboration did
paper is to investigate the
There is a need to optimize not have an influence on environmental
influence of cloud
Manufacturing and Computing, Collaboration, and balance environmental performance, and partially mediates the
Schniederjans and Top and middle Transaction cost computing on
service 247 Economic performance and and economic performance to relationship between economic performance and
Hales [245] management economics theory environmental and
organizations Environmental performance. decrease the business impact cloud computing. Moreover, there is a direct effect
economic performance by
on natural environment. between computing and economic and
mediation effect of
environmental performance.
Social influence, Media influence, Results of this paper found that intrinsic
Perceived enjoyment in a smart Very few previous studies motivations had a significant relationship with the
Examined the perceived
green IT device, Perceived have been done about green IT perceived usefulness and extrinsic motivations had
Motivation theory usefulness determinants of
Smart green environmental problem, Saving devices, social norms, a strong relationship with the perceived usefulness
Koo, Chung [246] 100 Customers and reference smart green IT device for
technology devices money, Legislative pressure, motivational values and usage of this device. In addition, perceived usefulness had
group theory decrease electricity
Perceived usefulness in a smart from the individual strong relationship with the continued use of a
green IT device and Continued use consumer’s perspective. smart green IT device and reference group partially
of a smart green IT device. can moderate this relationship.
The goal of this paper to
IT technical infrastructure examine the relationship
There is a need in the literature Findings of this paper showed IT-business
Natural flexibility, IT personnel skills IT- between IT and
151 Chinese Managers and for a better understanding of alignment and IT personnel skills can enable us to
Wang et al. [247] Manufacturing resource-based business alignment, Environmental environmental
firms executive the role of IT as solution for combine IT in the environment and this can lead to
theory orientation and Environmental performance with
environmental sustainability. strong orientation to environmental sustainability.
performance. moderator role of
environmental orientation.
Findings of this paper showed that the coercive
Attitude, coercive pressure, Examined the perception pressure impact of attitude toward green IS and
Few previous papers place an
environmental performance, future of senior managers in does not influence mimetic pressure. In addition,
Service and emphasis on the adoption of
Gholami Managerial Institutional consequences, mimetic pressure, relationship between there is a positive significant relationship between
manufacturing 405 green IS in organization for
et al. [242] positions theory pollution prevention, product green IS and attitude, green IS adoption and future consequences
organizations reduce the environmental
stewardship, sustainable environmental consideration and green IS adoption had a
development performance. significant relationship with environmental
performance in the long term.
The main goal of this Findings of this paper showed that there is diversity
Perceived ease-of-use, subjective paper is to examine the among establishments from public- and
There are few studies
Akman and public- and Technology norms, level of awareness, role of green information private-sectors in the impact of the PEU on PU and
182 Professional regarding the green
Mishra [244] private-sector Acceptance Model perceived usefulness, attitude technology in IT on the ATU; TAM is important for private-sector
information technology.
toward and actual system usage. professionals in private establishments excluding the relations between the
and public sectors. PEU and ATU and PEU and PU.
The main objective of this
article is to explore the There is a need for
influence organization’s manufacturing companies to
Results of this study found that green information
Green information systems, capability to share improve their green
Meacham US manufacturing Resource-based systems had a partial mediator relationship
159 Managers information sharing and information with focus on information systems capability
et al. [248] organizations theory between environmental performance and supply
environmental performance. green information system and information sharing to
chain information sharing.
for enhancing improve environmental
environmental performance in companies.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 42 of 65
Table A6. Breakdown of articles based on environmental information technology and systems.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main purpose of this
Findings of this paper showed that there was a
paper is to develop a
positive relationship between green practices-IS,
model based on these
green practices-marketing coordination and
variables for green
Green practices-IS alignment, alignment green practices-manufacturing
practices-IS alignment,
green practice-manufacturing There is a lack in the literature coordination, and green practices-marketing
Ryoo and Manufacturing Managerial coordination, green regarding studies that coordination and green practices-manufacturing
77 RBV practice-manufacturing
Koo [243] firms positions practices-marketing coordination, addressed business value of coordination were significant predictors for
coordination, green
environmental performance and green information systems. environmental performance, while green
economic performance. practices-IS alignment had an indirect relationship
with environmental performance by incorporating
green practices-marketing coordination and green
performance and
practices-manufacturing coordination.
economic performance.
The main purpose of this
article is to examine the
There is a lack in previous
relationship between Findings of this paper showed that
studies regarding the
Eco-efficiency, eco-responsiveness, motivation of eco-effectiveness and eco-efficiency help
Molla and Motivational green IT and IT for green, organizational technologies to enhance the energy efficiency of
Organizations 176 CIOs/IT managers eco-sustainability motivation
Abareshi [249] theory eco-effectiveness and eco-sustainability and information technology infrastructure and decrease
and adoption of green
eco-legitimacy. green information information technology related to emissions. In
information technology and
technology adoption and addition, information systems decreased travel.
information technology.
information technology for
green IT.
Table A7. Breakdown of articles based on green and sustainable operation management.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Investigated the role of
loyalty for sustainable There is a need to examine Findings of this paper showed that quality,
Expectancy image, quality, value, attribute
Campón-Cerro rural tourism 464 rural advantage and identify the sustainable strategies such as destination attribute satisfaction and image were
Rural tourists disconfirmation satisfaction, overall satisfaction,
et al. [261] destinations tourists loyalty factors for loyalty for rural tourism the direct antecedents for loyalty in the rural
theory loyalty
understanding of destinations. tourism destination.
destination loyalty.
Examined the influence of
There is a need for anew
Government intervention, power government intervention
conceptual model regarding
shifts (countervailing power, on green channel
Resource government intervention, Findings of this paper showed that there is a
bargaining power), relationship performance with
Sheu [265] Electronic products 237 consumer Consumers dependence relationship quality positive relationship between government
quality improvement (joint action, mediating effects of
theory improvement in in intervention and green channel performance.
relationship quality) and green relationship quality
producer–retailer green
channel performance. improvement and channel
channel dyads.
power shifts.
Evaluated the
determinants of
Green Advocacy, Awareness, Need for analysis of
environmental policy on Finding of this study demonstrated that
data set of 47 Senior-and middle Environmental Governance Capacity, international interaction among
Blohmke et al. [262] Private sector international government capacity and green industry advocacy
countries level managers policy theory environmental governance and environmental policy
environmental governance have positive impact on environmental policy.
national environmental policy. determinants.
and national
environmental policy.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 43 of 65
Table A7. Breakdown of articles based on green and sustainable operation management.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Investigated the
relationship among Previous studies did not
Results of this paper showed that customer
Dynamic Strategic flexibility, Value chain strategic flexibility and consider the important role of
Gelhard and von integration and value chain flexibility can be a
Chemical firms 99 Top-level managers resource-based flexibility, Customer integration sustainability performance organizational capabilities for
Delft [266] mediation between strategic flexibility and
theory (DRBT) and Sustainability performance. with mediating effect of attain superior sustainability
sustainability performance.
customer integration and performance.
value chain flexibility.
The main aim of this Results of this paper found that there is a
There are few previous papers
hotels’ article is to examine the relationship between innovation and proactive
Theory of Learning orientation, Proactive that explore the relationship
environmental relationship among environmental strategy organizational
Fraj et al. [267] Spanish hotels 232 Dynamic environmental strategy and between environmental and
manager or hotel organizational capabilities, competitiveness. In addition, learning orientation
Capabilities Organizational competitiveness. organizational capabilities
director competitive and proactive does directly predict organizational
with competitive performance.
environmental strategies. competitiveness
The main objective of this
Customer intentions, Customer paper is to examine the
There is a lack of previous Results of this paper found that there is a positive
satisfaction, Hotel selection criteria, relationship between
Prud’homme and studies focusing on customer relationship between customer satisfaction and
Hotel industry 473 Customers - Responsible behaviors, Age, sustainable development,
Raymond [268] satisfaction in sustainable sustainable development practices with different
Gender, Education, Purpose, customer satisfaction and
development. levels of satisfaction in hotels’ ownership and size.
Length customer intention in the
hotel industry.
The main aim of this study
Results of this paper found that there is a strong
is to investigate the
relationship between perceived environmental
influence of
responsibility and green products purchase
undergraduate students
Few previous studies have willingness, also there is no relationship between
Perceptions, attitudes, problems, regarding green marketing
Theory of planned focused on perceptions of perceived seriousness of environmental problems
Lai and Cheng [263] University 266 Students responsibility, willingness and practices and their attitude
behavior students in green marketing and undergraduate students’ green product
behavior. toward the environment,
practices. purchase willingness and there are significant
their environmental
relationships between students’ willingness to
responsibility and their
purchase green products and their green purchase
perceived environmental
problem seriousness.
Internal environmental The main objective of this
There is a lack in the literature
management, Green purchasing, study is to examine the
regarding the relationship Findings of this paper showed that the maturity
Brazilian electronic Cooperation with customers, relationship between
Jabbour et al. [269] 100 Managers None between GSCM and the level of environmental management impacted on
sector Eco-design, Investment recover GSCM and the maturity
maturity levels of the adoption of GSCM.
and Maturity of environmental levels of environmental
environmental management.
management management.
There is a lack in previous
The purpose of this paper
studies in relation to
is to examine the
sustainability commitments on Findings of this paper showed that there is a link
Ten European and collaborative capabilities, relationship between
Procurement Resource-Based the development of between sustainability commitment and
Luzzini et al. [264] North American 383 sustainability commitment, and sustainability
executives Theory (RBT) collaborative capabilities for collaborative capabilities, cost performance and
countries performance commitment, collaborative
supply functions and social and environmental performance.
capabilities and
purchasing on sustainability
Financial incentives, Tax measures,
The main goal of this Findings of this study indicated that past
Regulation and non-market
paper is to examine the Need for more quantitative environmental investments and policy measures
Companies in Chief executive Conventional instruments, Past environmental
Murovec et al. [270] 269 environmental evidence regarding the were important to firm performance and customers
Slovenia office economic theory investments, Perception of costs,
technologies for increasing environmental technologies. and had a positive impact on environmental
Importance for customers and firm
policy application. investments.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 44 of 65
Table A7. Breakdown of articles based on green and sustainable operation management.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main objective of this
Environmental practices, paper is to investigate the
operational performance, relationship between GPD
ISO 9001-certified Owners/top Ecological There is a lack in the literature Results of this paper found that GP practices
Jabbour et al. [256] 62 human/organizational aspects, practices on firm
companies managers modernization regarding the GPD in Brazil. affected firm performance and technical aspects.
green performance, Technological performance such as
aspects and market performance. market, environmental
and operational aspects.
Knowledge of environmental
issues, knowledge of
environmental solutions,
knowledge of ecological, labeling,
knowledge of environmental
benefits, knowledge of economic
benefits, commitment to
The main objective of this
environmental protection, There is a lack regarding
paper is to examine the Results of this study indicated that the selected
commitment to wastage reduction, structural constructs and study
Maniatis [271] Shoppers 253 Green shoppers Schwartz’s theory impact of general indicators reflected the impact of general awareness
commitment to cost reduction, of how they interact with
awareness, commitment to and commitment to green products.
commitment to health benefits, consumers’ green dimensions.
green products.
presence of ecological labels,
presence of environmental
certification, presence of
non-polluting ingredients,
presence of recyclable packaging,
opportunity for cost reduction,
nice and clean appearance.
The main objective of this
Sustainability prevalence in There is concern about
paper is to examine the Results of this paper found that shareholder
supplier selection, cost prevalence companies regarding
Multinational relationship between orientation had a negative impact on sustainability
Purchasing Stakeholder in supplier selection, shareholder understanding how
Reuter et al. [272] industrial 71 stakeholder orientation, prevalence in the process of supplier selection, and
managers theory orientation, public orientation, purchasing managers impact
companies sustainability and cost also public orientation had a positive relationship
customer orientation and on stakeholder in process of
prevalence in process of with sustainability prevalence.
formalization of ethical culture. supplier selection.
supplier selection.
The main goal of this
paper is to investigate the
relationship between Results of this article found that environmental
There is a lack in previous
cultural values, advertising and cultural values were the main
Theory of planned Environmental knowledge, studies regarding examining
environmental advertising influences in building green purchase intentions,
behavior (TPB) Environmental advertising, Green the effectiveness of forming a
Male and female environmental knowledge although environmental knowledge is not
Chekima et al. [273] Customers 405 and Value purchase intentions, Man–nature positive attitude and
customers and determine the significantly related to green purchase intentions.
Orientation orientation and Long-term encouraging consumers’
moderating effect of Also, the results show that gender and education
Theory orientation. intentions to buy green
education level, income level had a significant positive moderation effect
level and gender on while income did not.
consumers’ green
purchase intentions.
The main aim of this paper
is to examine the
Little attention has been paid
Regulation and incentive, relationship among Results of this paper found that external
EMS ISO regarding external institutional
Hanim Mohamad Institutional eco-design, customer pressure and eco-design, government institutional drivers directly and indirectly impact
14001—certified 132 Firms drivers which help firma to
Zailani et al. [274] theory environmental performance regulations and incentives, of firm’s environmental performance through its
manufacturing firms adopt internal proactive
outcome. customer pressures and internal proactive environmental strategy.
environmental strategies.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 45 of 65
Table A7. Breakdown of articles based on green and sustainable operation management.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main purpose of this
Results of this paper found that commitment on
paper is to examine the
strategic green orientation is very important for
Competitive market environment, relationship between
manufacturing firms and there was a positive
strategic green orientation, strategic green Need to understand strategic
relationship between integrated product
integrated product development, orientations, supply chain green orientation, products
Hong et al. [275] Manufacturing units 711 Managers None development and supply chain coordination, and
supply chain coordination, green coordination integrated development practices and
there was a direct relationship between strategic
performance outcomes and product development and supply chain coordination.
green orientations. The second hypothesis predicts
business unit performance. green performance
a positive relationship between strategic green
outcomes and business
orientations and green performance outcomes.
unit performance.
The main purpose of this
Few previous studies have
paper is to investigate the
focused on the impact of
relationship between Results of this study indicated that environmental
Environmental commitments, international environmental
Chen and Manufacturing CEOs or the environmental commitments and green intangible assets had a
152 None green intangible assets and green regulations and
Chang [276] industry managers commitment, green positive relationship with green competitive
competitive advantages. environmentalism of
competitive advantage advantages.
consumers on corporate
and green intangible
competitive advantages.
Findings of this paper indicated that there was a
The main objective of this
positive relationship between buying firm’s market
paper is to explore the
There is a lack in the literature performance and adoption of green procurement,
Resource-based Market performance, financial relationship between
regarding firm-level also, there was no relationship between financial
view, legitimacy performance, top management market performance,
Services and Senior procurement antecedents for green supplier performance and green procurement, and top
Blome et al. [257] 114 theory and commitment, green procurement, financial performance, top
manufacturing firms professionals development and green management commitment was the important factor
institutional green supplier development and management commitment,
procurement which influence regarding the green supplier development and
theory supplier performance. green procurement, green
supplier performance. green procurement. There was a mediation
supplier development and
relationship between green procurement, supplier
supplier performance.
performance and green supplier development.
Green shipping management The main objective of this Results of this paper found that there was a positive
capability dimensions, namely, paper is to identify the There is a gap in the literature and direct relationship between greener policy and
Shipping companies greener policy, greener ships, and green shipping regarding the relationship greener suppliers and greener ships, also there was
Lirn et al. [258] 80 Managers RBV
and agencies greener suppliers, environmental management capability between firm performance and positive and indirect relationship between greener
performance and financial and its impact on firm green shipping management policy, greener suppliers, environmental
performance performance. performance and financial performance.
The main objective of this
paper is to developed the
There is a lack of previous
framework for Results of this paper found that there was a positive
Manufacturing Manufacturing Market Market orientation, green studies to develop and assess
W. Clark et al. [277] 257 market-oriented relationship green purchasing, market orientation
plants managers orientation theory purchasing, logistics performance. the mark-oriented
sustainability, green and logistics performance.
sustainability framework.
purchasing and logistics
The objective of this paper
is to examine the influence Need to focus on consumers’
Marketing and Intrinsic religious orientation, Findings of this paper showed that there was a
Felix and of intrinsic religious environmentally-friendly
Mexican population 242 Consumers consistency environmental attitudes and green significant relationship between green product
Braunsberger [259] orientation on green attitudes and behaviors in
theories product purchases. purchases and environmental attitudes.
product purchases and developing countries.
environmental attitudes.
The main purpose of this
Internal environmental
paper is to examine the
management, investment recovery, There is a lack of previous
relationship between Results of this paper showed that the market
Manufacturing Plant-level Resource-advantage green purchasing, market study regarding
Green et al. [278] 225 market orientation and indicated a direct and indirect relationship between
plants managers theory orientation, cooperation with environmental sustainability
green SCM practices and green SCM and environmental performance.
customers, environmental and market orientation.
performance and eco-design.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 46 of 65
Table A7. Breakdown of articles based on green and sustainable operation management.
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Strategy and analysis, organisation
The main objective of this Results of this paper show that there was a positive
profile, information parameters,
study is to examine the relationship strategy. Moreover, the parameters of
governance, commitments and
relationships between information and economic block, economic
stakeholders’ participation, There is a lack in the literature
Stakeholder and nature and amount of performance, and the strategy and dissemination of
Tirado-Valencia economic-financial performance, regarding sustainability
Local governments 142 Employee Legitimacy information and strategies the parameters of the information were the
et al. [279] budgetary information, economic information in local
theories and the government of city important factors in social indicators. The strategy
information disclosed, social government.
councils, and and the parameters of the information were
indicators, environmental
sustainability performance determinant in environmental initiatives and
initiatives and environmental
dimensions. investments.
resources consumption.
The main objective of this There is a need to devote Findings of this paper showed that there was a
Environmental orientation, green
Stakeholder paper is to explore the attention to the environmental significant relationship between green SC processes,
product design, green purchasing,
theory and natural relationship between capabilities such as green SCM green product design, firms’ financial and
Li et al. [280] High-tech firms 256 Senior managers green manufacturing, green is,
resource-based green SCM capabilities and environmental and environmental performance, although, there was no
environmental performance and
view and environmental and financial performance direct relationship between green product design
financial performance.
financial performance. measures. and financial performance.
The main objective of this
article is to investigate
Market-oriented environmental
how export supplier’s Few previous studies have Results of this study found that relational capacity
sustainability, knowledge
Senior managers or Stakeholder market-oriented devoted their attention to the of knowledge integration mediated the relationship
Li et al. [281] Export SMEs 305 integration, international buyer
middle managers theory environmental strategic role of upstream between market-oriented environmental
involvement and export market
sustainability improves suppliers. sustainability and business performance.
the business performance
in organizations.
The main objective of this Findings of this study showed that there was
There is a lack in previous
paper is to examine the significant relationship between price-quality and
studies regarding the
relationship between consumer effort, and no-significant relationship
Stolz and Sustainability Communication, placement, importance that older
Consumers 989 Consumers environmental between communication, consumer effort
Bautista [260] theory price-quality and consumer effort. consumers attach to
sustainability and placement and consumer effort. There was a partial
environmental image and
purchasing consumer relationship between the perception of
buying consumer goods.
goods. price/quality significantly and consumer effort.
The main objective of this
paper is to determine Results of this paper found there was a positive
Attitude, subjective norm, green product acceptance relationship between perceived behavioral control,
Few previous studies have
perceived behavioral control, social based on the theory of the environmental ethics attitude, environmental
used the theory of planned
Chen and impression, environmental ethics planned behavior and consciousness of consumers and beliefs of
Green consumers 406 Consumers TPB behavior for investigating
Hung [282] and beliefs, environmental social impression, consumers, but social impression consumers and
environmental cognitions of
consciousness and behavioral environmental ethics and subjective norms consumers had a positive and
intention. beliefs, environmental non-significant relationship to intentions towards
consciousness and using green products.
behavioral intention.
The main purpose of this
article is to examine the Results of this paper demonstrated that there was a
Resorts’ environmental practices, relationship between significant relationship between the resorts’
Environmental knowledge, environmental knowledge, Need to place more emphasis environmental practices and tourists’ loyalty, also
Lake and river Environmental concern, Direct environmental concern, on environmental awareness, environmental concern regarding direct
Yusof et al. [283] 529 Guests None
resorts environmental behaviours, Indirect environmental behaviours environmental knowledge and environmental behaviours, and indirect
environmental behaviours and of tourists, the environmental behaviour. environmental behaviours showed a positive
Tourists’ loyalty. environmental practices of relationship between the resorts’ environmental
resorts and tourists’ practices and tourists’ loyalty.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 47 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
There is a need to investigate
Analyzed the relationship
which is environmental
Environmental training between environmental Results of this paper found that environmental training
training with environmental
Jabbour [296] Industrial sector 95 Managers - constructs and environmental training and had a positive influence on environmental management
management maturity due to
management maturity. environmental maturity.
the importance of
management maturity.
environmental issues?
There is a lack in previous Results of this paper found that the European Union’s
Examined the influence of
Firm’s Green Attitude, Green studies regarding empirical Emissions Trading System (ETS) should focus on
external and internal of
De Giovanni and Manufacturing Supply Supply Chain Management, study related to external and internal Environmental Management, Internal
178 firms Managers environmental
Esposito Vinzi [290] company chain theory Firm’s Environmental and internal of environmental environmental practices improve economic
management on firms’
Economic Performance. management and firms’ performance, and Supplier collaboration can slightly
performance affect firms’ performance.
Most past papers have
The main objective of this investigated the quality and
Quality performance, Outcomes of this article found that there are
article is to explore the environmental problems
Environmental performance, relationships between quality and environmental
Molina-Azorín, relationship between separately; there are few
Spanish hotel 355 hotels’ managers Agency theory Differentiation competitive management and quality and environmental
Tarí [297] quality and environmental examples of previous papers
advantage and Costs management with competitive advantage based on
management and the regarding quality and
competitive advantage. costs and differentiation items.
competitive advantage. environmental management
Investigated the role of
SECL model mediated Need to update and reuse the
Socialisation, Externalisation, Findings of this paper showed that time is an important
Martínez-Martínez CEO or owner of between the knowledge of the
Hospitality sector 87 companies - Combination, Internalisation factor for implementation of the SECI model in
et al. [291] every business environmental knowledge environmental in recent
and business performance. organizations operating.
and organizational coming years.
The objective of this study
is to examine the
relationship between
Due to fails in most previous
studies there is a need to
Green production, GSCM, management and Findings of this paper showed that environmental
examine the relationship
Gotschol et al. [298] Firms 240 Managers - environmental performance economic performance. management had a positive relationship with economic
between environmental
and economic performance. This paper investigates performance as second order target.
management and economic
whether environmental
management is an
economically sustainable
The main objective of this
Results of this paper demonstrated that human
paper is to examine the
There are no studies related to resources had a significant relationship with
Human resources, operational impact of environmental
Brazilian environmental management, environmental management, lean manufacturing
Production/operations performance, environmental management on
Jabbour et al. [292] automotive 75 None operational performance, influence on environmental management compared
managers management and lean operational performance
companies human resources and lean with operational performance and there was a positive
manufacturing. by incorporating of human
manufacturing. relationship between environmental management and
resource and lean
operational performance.
The main objective of this
Supply management, Lean study is to propose a
Past studies emphasized the
management, Environmental framework for relationship Results of this paper found that the impact of supply
Canadian Natural importance of lean and supply
Hajmohammad practices, Environmental among environmental management and lean management increased
manufacturing 85 Managers resource-based management as the
et al. [299] Performance, Plant size and practices, supply and lean environmental performance by mediating the role of
plants view (NRBV) determinants of environmental
Importance of environmental management and environmental practices.
issues. environmental
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 48 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main goal of this
paper is to investigate the There is no comprehensive Findings of this paper demonstrated that there is a
Green technology selection,
Manufacturing relationship among, green model for green technology significant relationship between certain task-oriented
Xia et al. [293] 533 Managers Ecology theory firm performance and
industry technology selection, firm selection in the current circumstances and macro circumstances and green
circumstance pressure.
performance and literature. technology selection.
circumstance pressure.
Need to explore environmental
The main aim of this paper
management methods in
Environmental proactivity, is to examine the The results of this paper found that there is positive
Manufacturing manufacturing sectors leading
Sen et al. [300] 259 Managers None operational performance, relationship between relationship between environmental proactivity and
sectors to better financial performance
financial performance. environmental proactivity financial performance.
in both the developing and the
and financial performance.
developed countries.
Findings of this paper showed that resource circulation
Need to focus on enhance
Resource circulation system The main goal of this system development had direct significant influences on
eco-industrial park
development, ecological paper is to investigate the eco-industrial park development; resource circulation
development based on
Hwang et al. [301] Eco-industrial park 42 Experts None environment development and causal relationship of system development had highly significant influences
sustainable development in
cooperative system eco-industrial park on the cooperative system development and had
environmental, social, and
development. development. significant influences on eco-industrial park
economic dimensions.
Environmental information
system, formal environmental
The main aim of this paper
management control systems
is to investigate the
(EMCS), informal Few previous studies focused Results of this article indicated that there was the strong
important role of strategic
environmental management on antecedents of corporate relationship between the formal and informal EMCS
Pondeville Manufacturing CEO or senior Organizational and contextual
256 control systems, environmental management and the environmental information system, positive
et al. [302] companies manager theory development of
environmental management controls and environmental relationship between development of the three EMCS
activities, perceived ecological strategies. and the degree of corporate environmental proactivity.
management control
environmental uncertainty and
perceived stakeholder
The main aim of this paper
is to investigate between Results of this paper found that there was a significant
Economic prosperity, For competitive advantage,
sustainability enablers relationship between sustainable manufacturing and
Expert in environment well-being, there is a need to focus on
Automotive concept such as social well-being, R&D and there was significant interrelationship
Thirupathi and automotive concept performance management, sustainable manufacturing
manufacturing 70 None economic prosperity, between research and development and sustainable
Vinodh [303] design and research and development, practices in automotive
organisations environment well-being, manufacturing practice, also there was a significant
manufacturing social well-being and component manufacturing
research and development interrelationship between social well-being and
sustainable manufacturing. organisations.
and performance performance management.
Formal EMS structure,
Theory of
tracking EMS performance, The main aim of this paper
cross-functional cooperation, is to investigate the role of The findings of this paper showed that environmentally
competency Few firms have used EMS,
Manufacturing operational performance, EMS core environmental responsible suppliers cross-functional cooperation and
Wu et al. [294] 1453 Staffs Resource-Based although they know about
firms awareness, top management management system top management team’s strategic perception were the
View, and EMS’s benefits.
team’s strategic perception and (EMS) in sustainable important factors for succeed implementation of EMSs.
environmentally responsible competitive advantage.
Results of this studies demonstrated that there was a
The main purpose of this
positive relationship between environmental regulation
Stakeholder paper is to examine the
There is a misunderstanding and economic performance, and environmental
Aras and theory and Innovation, environmental relationship between
UK industrial sector 80 Enterprises regarding the sustainable regulation had a significant relationship between
Crowther [304] Resource-Based regulation and performance. environmental regulation,
development in organization. innovation and negative direction, and also there was a
View innovation and
significant relationship between innovation
performance and economic performance.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 49 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
Results of this article indicated that legal environmental
Environmental pressure, The main goal of this paper is and organizations related to the company location were
adoption of environmental to examine the influence of the It is important for the service the main incentive to adopt environmental practices,
Bagur-Femenias Small service theory and
448 Managers practices, operational practices of decision to adopt industry to emphasize also there was a direct and positive relationship
et al. [305] companies Resource-Based
performance, competitiveness environmental practices in environmental practices. between adoption of environmental practices,
and firm performance. small service companies. competitiveness and improvement of operational
Results of this study found that internal environmental
management was the successful driver for economic,
External environmental The purpose of this paper is to
social and environmental performance, and had a direct
management, internal examine the influence of Nowadays, focusing on
relationship with social and environmental performance
Stakeholder environmental management, external and internal environmental management is
De Giovanni [306] Italian firms 240 Top-level executives and indirect relationship with economic performance.
theory environmental performance, environmental management important for firms regarding
External environmental was not an effective driver and
economic performance and on economic, social and society.
had a positive relationship with environmental
social performance. environmental performance.
performance, and indirect relationship with economic
The main objective of this Results of this study found that there was a significant
Little attention has been paid to
Stakeholder pressure, paper is to explore the relationship between stakeholders’ pressure and
Korean logistics and logistics MBA relationship between
Stakeholder eco-oriented culture and relationship between environmental logistics practice and the mediating
Kim and Lee [307] manufacturing 168 program and environmental concern,
theory and RBV environmental logistics environmental logistics impact of eco-culture, and eco-culture full mediated the
companies Logistics CEO eco-culture and stakeholders
practices. practice, eco-culture and relationship between stakeholders’ pressure and
stakeholders pressure. environmental logistics practice.
Investments in quality The main objective of this
practices, investments in lean article is to examine the Need for more studies regarding Results of this paper demonstrated that quality, lean
Wiengarten Manufacturing practices, investments in relationship between the relationship between and environmental practices increased operational SC
522 Plant managers None
et al. [308] organizations environmental practices and environmental, quality and environmental, quality and lean performance by incorporating pollution prevention,
operational supply chain lean practices within the practices in the context of SC. waste reduction, ISO 14001 and materials recycling.
performance. supply chain.
The main purpose of this Findings of this study showed that stakeholder
There is a need for more study of
paper is to explore This study pressures had a positive and significant influence on
Stakeholder pressures, internal relationships among stakeholder
explores stakeholder pressures, internal green management and there was a significant
Yu and Manufacturing Manufacturing Stakeholder green management, green pressures, internal green
167 internal green management, and positive relationship between internal green
Ramanathan [295] firms managers theory product/process design and management, green
green product/process design management and green product/process design. Two
environmental performance. product/process design and
and environmental green operations practices had a positive and significant
environmental performance.
performance. relationship with environmental performance.
The main objective of this
Although sustainable
paper is to explore the
manufacturing has improved,
Economic sustainability, relationship between three Results of this study showed that environmental,
Vinodh and few previous studies have
SMEs 50 Managers None environmental sustainability main aspects of sustainable economic and social sustainability were important for
Joy [309] focused on the three main
and social sustainability. development including development of sustainability in manufacturing.
dimensions of sustainable
economic, social and
environmental sustainability.
The main goal of this study is There are limitations of the
Findings of this paper showed that safety culture had a
Safety practices, safety to explore the direct and operations management
relationship with safety, environmental and financial
performance, environmental indirect influence of literature to showing which
Hajmohammad and Organizational performance, and there was a relationship between
Canadian plants 251 Plant managers practices, environmental sustainable development on managerial attention to
Vachon [310] support theory safety culture and safety and environmental
performance and financial firm performance by involving employee safety actually
performance mediated by the level of implementing
performance. of safety environmental improves environmental and
safety and environmental practices within plants.
culture. financial performance.
IT infrastructure capability,
The main purpose of this
talent management, Few attentions have been paid to
Theory of paper is to investigate the Findings of this paper showed that IT infrastructure
operational environmental talent management in
Benitez-Amado dynamic and influence of talent enhancing the talent management and can be an enabler
Large Spanish firms 63 Managers sustainability, firm relationship information
et al. [311] operational management and technology for operational environmental sustainability to increase
performance, firm size, technology and environmental
capabilities management on operational firm performance.
industry and quality sustainability.
environmental sustainability.
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 50 of 65
Author(s) Year Scope and Sample Sample Size Respondents Related Theory Variables Study Purpose Gap and Research Problem Results and Outcome
The main purpose of this
paper is to analyze the
Few previous studies have
Competitive differentiation, relationship between
paid attention to the Results of this study found that pressure and incentives
Freise and risk exposure of the supply internal and external risk,
Clothing industry 292 Management levels None importance of social and from stakeholders were the main drivers of social and
Seuring [312] chain, social risk, SC characteristics,
environmental risk factors in environmental risk.
environmental risk management of
environmental risk and
management of social risk.
The main purpose of this
Results of this article found that internal barriers were
article is to explore the
significant compared to external barriers regarding
relationship between
Need to emphasize internal green and operational performance, green and
External barriers, internal internal and external
Industrial and Operations and Ecological and external barriers of operational performance had a direct relationship with
barriers, green operational environmental
Jabbour et al. [313] manufacturing 75 production Modernisation environmental management green and operational performance, and internal
practices, green performance management barriers on
sectors managers theory for adoption of green barriers had an indirect relationship with operational
and operational performance. green operational practices
operational practices. and green performance, and size of firm does not have a
and impact on the green
significant relationship with green and organizational
and operational
The main purpose of this
study is to explore the
Ecological responsibility, relationship between
environmental sustainability responsibility,
Few previous studies have Results of this paper found that there was a relationship
orientation, green environmental
Theories of focused on the significant role between environmental performance and
Manufacturing manufacturing coordination, sustainability orientation,
Koo et al. [314] 121 Employees coordination and of coordination in relationship environmental sustainability orientation by mediating
firms green supply chain green manufacturing
green practices of ecological responsibility and the role of green manufacturing coordination and green
coordination, environmental coordination, green supply
environmental orientation. supply chain coordination.
performance and economic chain coordination,
performance. environmental
performance and
economic performance.
Planning and enabling
conditions for environmental
quality, green training and
The main goal of this
operations, environmental Results of this study found that there was a positive
paper is to identify the
quality controlling, awareness There is a need for more study relationship between adopting environmentally
Manufacturing vital enablers for
Middle-line and understanding of to identify factors of conscious operations, voluntary environmental
Kuei et al. [315] industries and 113 None improvement of
managers environmental sustainability, performance environmental standard approaches and overall performance, also it
service organization performance
using ISO 9000:2000 as a management. seems that voluntary environmental was more
stepping stone, business associated with overall performance.
results and operations
competence and
environmental quality.
The main objective of this
Findings of this paper showed that there was a
paper is to present an
significant relationship between marketing and
Marketing capability, analysis of the relationship There is a gap in previous
operations capabilities and environmental management
RBV and operations capability, between functional studies regarding the influence
Yu and Manufacturing Manufacturing practices, which in turn leads to improved
121 natural-resource-basedenvironmental management capabilities in adopting of functional capabilities on
Ramanathan [316] firms managers environmental performance. More specifically, this
view (NRBV) practices and environmental environmental implementing environmental
study finds that EMP fully mediates the relationship
performance. management practices and management practices.
between marketing capability and environmental
Sustainability 2017, 9, 1814 51 of 65
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