Design of An Intelligent Indoor Air Quality Monitoring and Purification Device

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Design of an Intelligent Indoor Air Quality

Monitoring And Purification Device

Yangjun Li ,Juan He
School of Physics and Electronic ScienceˈZunyi Normal College,
Zunyi, China
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract— An air monitoring and purifying device collected data acquisition module, transmit to MCU processing,
indoor was designed based on wireless transmission. after data processing and analysis, when air quality level is low,
The STC12C5A60S2 single-chip microcomputer was the monitoring host can start since the humidifier or air purifier,
used as control core of the device, the parameters of in order to assure indoor air environment.
indoor were collected by means of optical air quality The system consists of monitoring host and air purifier and
sensor GP2Y1010AU0F MQ138, formaldehyde gas humidifier. Host by temperature and humidity and air quality
detection sensor and a temperature and humidity detection sensor acquisition indoor environment parameters,
sensor module DHT11, and the communication was using STC12C5A60S2 single-chip computer for data
finished between the host and slave by the wireless processing, and control the air purifier and humidifier work,
transceiver module NRF24L01, Finally, the function realize the environment parameter, real time clock display and
of monitoring and purifying the air was realized. data records, and other functions. The host sends a working
order to the air purifier using the wireless 2.4 G transfer
Keywords— air quality; the sensor; monitoring; purification technique, while also detecting its working state [7]. The whole
system has self-diagnostic function, and when the machine is
I. INTRODUCTION not online, there is a prompt on the host. In the course of work,
With the progress of science, people on indoor living the instrument alarms when one of its monitoring indicators is
environment is improving, indoor air quality problems have too high. The system designing follows the principle of
caused extensive attention and concern in the field of relation. intelligent, simple, energy saving, environmental protection,
Today we estimate 80 percent of the time and 90 percent of our tries to design a can be widely used in household, office
time indoors, but the indoor air quality is not so good.The use buildings, hotels, hospitals and other places of interior air
of indoor decoration materials, and more furniture and daily quality detection and intelligent control system. The overall
chemicals enter indoor, leading to a high concentration of design framework is shown in figure 1.
indoor air pollutants than the outdoor 2 ~ 5 times [1].From the
test results analysis, the causes of indoor air contamination may
have several aspects: the person's own activities, indoor
decoration materials, outdoor pollutants and combustion
products [2~3].Pollution of interior decoration material and
furniture is the main aspect of indoor air pollution. National
health, construction and environmental protection departments
to spot check on interior decoration material, the results [4~5]
show that these materials may evaporate the more than 300
kinds of organic gas compounds, accounted for 68% of the
whole material. Human exposure to formaldehyde, ammonia,
benzene, toluene, xylene, volatile organic compounds or
radioactive radon gas, can cause headache, nausea, vomiting,
convulsions, breathing difficulties and other symptoms,
repeated exposure can also cause allergic reactions, such as
asthma, allergic rhinitis and dermatitis, long-term exposure
may cause cancer, lung cancer, leukemia) or cause pregnant
women abortion, fetal abnormalities, such as child stunting
serious situation [6].Thus, a kind of low cost, easy to use, can
real-time monitoring and purifying device is particularly Fig. 1. Design of the whole system framework
important for indoor air quality.
This work is supported partly by the key support discipline of Guizhou
A kind of intelligent air quality monitoring and control province no. ZDXKࠝ2015ࠞ12 , It is also supported by the joint fund project
system was designed,and it can make different response for of guizhou province no. LHࠝ2015ࠞ7024.
different air quality parameters: air quality parameters were

978-1-5090-5363-6/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1147

III. HARDWARE CIRCUIT DESIGN high sampling rate, and is the use of the electro-optical
A. Choice of microprocessors
properties of the sensor, avoids such as TGS dust sensors on
the work environment required .
Considering the development cost and the difficulty of
technical implementation, and wants to maximize the use of the
microprocessor chip resources, reduce the additional hardware
overhead, improve the stability of the system, this system uses
STC12C5A60S2 micro-controller [8], the micro-controller is
based on 51 kernel, but the traditional 51 MCU, the MCU to
much powerful function, because of its internal inherited rich
hardware resources, such as A/D converter block, watchdog
and EEPROM, etc., these resources need to set up on the
program related registers can be convenient to use, save A lot
of peripheral circuit, the hardware circuit is relatively
simple.As the microprocessor choose good later, we just need
points module design good air detection module, pretreatment
module, display module, power module, and humidifier and
filter module, can complete the whole air monitoring and
purifying device.
B. Dust data detection Fig. 3. The internal structure of the GP2Y1010AUOF sensor

This control system design and the research USES the According to the electrical and optical properties of the
photoelectric characteristics of dust sensor GP2Y1010AUOF GP2Y1010AUOF sensor specification, the relationship
[9], as shown in figure 2, the sensor with low power between the output voltage and the dust concentration in the air
consumption, small volume, light weight, high sensitivity, is shown in figure 4.
good stability, etc.

Fig. 2. GP2Y1010AUOF physical figure

This control system uses GP2Y1010AUOF sensor

monitoring of PM2.5 concentrations in the indoor air
condition, the system work in automatic mode, the real-time Fig. 4. The relationship between dust concentration and the output voltage
monitoring of the dust concentration in air condition, and will
Through the above it can be concluded that the maximum
feedback the data in a timely manner to the single chip
output of the sensor sampling voltage of 3.6 V, the maximum
values of the dust concentration is about, before that, the
output voltage and dust concentration had good linear
The internal structure of PM2.5 sensor module as
relationship. Due to the experimental process of irregular
shown in figure 3, its working principle is the use of LED
sampling the analog output voltage waveform, in order to
light detection, the particles in the air reflection LED after
remove the unnecessary high frequency noise or interference,
the launch of light into the light factor, and because by light we use the simple second-order low-pass active filter on the
output factor of vertical shaft crossing point in the process sampling voltage filtering [10], As the microprocessor choose
of communication is LED testing area, when the dust good later, we just need points module design good air
particles floating in the air or smell changes through the detection module, pretreatment module, display module,
internal sensor amplifier after processing, finally through power module, and humidifier and filter module, can complete
the sensor output port output analog voltage to the single the whole air monitoring and purifying device.circuit as
chip microcomputer.The sensor can detect what kind of shown in figure 5.
particles, such as dust, particles, or smoke, work
performance is very stable, particularly high sensitivity,

by the process simulation. The DHT11 digital temperature and
humidity sensor is a temperature and humidity composite
sensor that has calibrated digital output. It USES special digital
module collection technology and temperature and humidity
sensing technology to ensure the high reliability and excellent
long-term stability of the product. The sensor includes a
resistive sensor and an NTC temperature sensor, which is
connected to a high-performance 8 single-chip microcomputer.
Therefore, the product has excellent quality, super fast
response, strong anti-jamming capability and high performance
cost. Each DHT11 sensor is calibrated in a very precise
humidity calibration room. The calibration factor is stored in
the OTP memory in the form of a program, and the calibration
coefficients are invoked within the sensor's internal processing
procedure. Single wire serial interface, making system
Fig. 5. Filter circuit schematics . integration easy and quick. Super small size, very low power
consumption, the transmission distance can reach up to 20
C. Tests of aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, and aromatic meters, making it the best choice for all kinds of applications
compounds and even the most demanding applications. The product is a
MQ138 gas sensors are sensitive to toluene, acetone, four-pin single-row pin.The DHT11 sensor module is stable
ethanol, and formaldehyde. In addition, the monitoring of and reliable. The combination of temperature, humidity data
hydrogen and other organic vapor MQ138 is ideal, the sensors collection, digital output and low power consumption. Each
can detect various organic vapors, is a low-cost sensor suitable time the data is 40bit, the data format is 8bit humidity integer
for many applications [11]. When the sensor exist in the data plus 8bit humidity decimal data + 8bit temperature integer
environment of organic vapors, sensor conductivity increases data + 8bit temperature decimal data + 8bit check sum. For
with the increase of organic vapor concentration in the air, so data transfer the data parity, right at the end of the calibration
just use simple circuit can converts the change of the and data of 8 bits equal to 8 bit humidity integer data + 8 bit
conductivity and the gas concentration corresponding to the decimal data + 8 bit integer data + 8 bit temperature decimal
output signal. Therefore, we use the MQ138 sensor to monitor data.
the concentration of such aromatic compounds as smart interior E. The wireless transceiver module
aldehydes, alcohols and ketones.
We use the module NRF24L01 wireless communication b
We refer to the sensitivity characteristics of the MQ138 etween the host and from the machine equipment, NRF24L01
sensor and its working conditions, and design the non-electrical module support 2.4 G band, free license to use support all cha
signals to the electrical signal to the circuit, as shown in figure nnel data reception, high speed, multiple frequency points, sm
6. The voltage signal collected by this circuit is large and stable, all volume, low power consumption advantages; Using the SP
so no filter circuit is required. I bus communication mode[13]. There are four kinds of work
patterns for NRF24L01: send and receive mode, configure mo
de, idle mode, shutdown mode . When the configuration sends
data; The receiver's address and the data to be sent are deliver
ed in a timely manner. When configuring the receive data, con
figure the native address and the packet size to receive, and th
e driver sequence is generated by the program simulation.
F. Air purification module
We use filter adsorption to purify the air.The filter adsorp
tion type purifying device is purified by a layer of filter, which
mainly purifies the large particles in the air, such as dust and
animal hair.The second layer filter is a small and efficient filte
r, such as the use of high efficient air particle filters.The effici
ent HEPA filter is currently the internationally recognized best
filter for air filtration, made from a series of folded.The air pu
Fig. 6. Conversion circuit schematics rification plant is designed with three layers of filter screen, w
hich can effectively filter the small particles, harmful gases an
D. Humidity collection d odor in the air.Because of the second layer adopt efficient H
Humidity sensor DHT11 is used to collect the data of the EPA filter, words through the layer mesh filter net efficiency c
indoor temperature and humidity in this paper, the single bus an reach more than 99.9%, small and medium-sized to zero a f
way was choosen for communication between single-chip ew microns to filter the air particles, and the general air pollut
microcomputer and the module, the driving sequence generated ants such as streptococcus pneumoniae 0.707 microns in diam

eter, pollen 8.66 microns, and so on.The third layer of air odor temperature humidity sensor DHT11 to collect the temperature
adsorption filter, which is composed of the residual chemical and humidity data in the room. Finally, we use the wireless
pollutants and air odor in the air, ensures the net effect of the a transceiver module let all collected data displayed on
ir.We adopt filter adsorption air purification, not only good for synchronous LCD12864, when an air index to exceed standard,
the purpose of air purification, but also do not produce second the corresponding alarm device will be started . Because of the
ary pollutants in the clean process of air.At the same time, the small size, low power and good applicability of the monitoring
filter adsorption does not need to be coupled with the power dr and purifying device, which has a broad application prospects.
iver control, which can be filtered through the air to save ener
gy.In addition, we use the filter type adsorption filter to buy th
e change from the market easily, maintain good filtration net e REFERENCES
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