Asian Journal For Kaizen
Asian Journal For Kaizen
Asian Journal For Kaizen
Kaizen is one of the most commonly used words in all kind of industries. It has been implemented in organizations around the world as a way
to improve production values while also improving employee morale and safety. The kaizen process brings about improvements that are small
and incremental, and significant results can be seen only after a certain period of time. Many organizations across the world have adopted kaizen
management philosophy and have successfully increased the efficiency of their end-to-end supply chains. With a focus on quality and regulatory
compliance that are getting stringent day by day, pharmaceutical companies have been adopting these new strategies. This review focuses on basic
aspects of Kaizen and Lean implementation and highlights few examples from pharmaceutical industry.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
org/licenses/by/4. 0/) DOI:
• This can occur when flow of materials through supply chain is poor, on defects and encouraging teams to conduct problem-solving
long production runs and large distances between work centers. activities [19]. When standards are in place, workers can immediately
• This can be avoided by linking processes together so that one process detect a problem if there is any deviation. Then, the employees can
feeds directly into another, thus reducing waiting. either review and modify the standard or correct the deviation. This
is a never-ending process better explained by the plan-do-check-act
Transporting [13] (PDCA) cycle, known as Deming cycle [20].
• It is a cost incurred when the product is transferred between
To improve on a standard, it is first important to set a standard. For
processes. Transporting does not add any value to the product.
every aspect in an organization, be it a process, product, personnel, and
• Quality can be deteriorated because of excessive movement and
handling. team leaders, there must be a precise standard of evaluation set [21].
• This waste can be reduced by mapping product flows that are easier Kaizen aims for constant improvement of these standards. In one-
to visualize. point standardization, each worker performs many tasks, of which
only one task needs to be standardized. This one-point standard is
often displayed in the workplace so that the worker is always mindful
Inappropriate processing of it. Once that particular standard is followed meticulously, another
• It is the use of expensive equipment where process can be completed standard, if required, can be added. Standardization is a way of spreading
by the use of simpler devices. the benefits of improvement throughout the organization [22]. In a
• This often results in high costs of production and poor plant layout. disciplined environment, everyone, including management, is mindful
• Replacing complex steps with simpler ones or combining processing of those standards [20].
steps can greatly reduce the waste of inappropriate processing.
• The lean implementation by Toyota is a classic example of techniques Standardization process is a very important one that has few key
to avoid inappropriate processing [14]. features, presented below [22]:
• Represent the best, easiest, and safest way to do the job,
Unnecessary inventory • Offer the best way to preserve know-how and expertise,
• Overproduction of materials, high waiting time, and procuring • Provide a way to measure performance,
unwanted raw materials can lead to unnecessary inventory. • Show the relationship between cause and effect,
• This tends to hide problems on the plant floor. To improve operating • Provide a basis for both maintenance and improvement,
performance, such problems must be identified and resolved. • Provide objectives and indicate training goals,
• Excess inventory can lead to increased storage time, and productive • Provide a basis for training,
floor space is consumed [15]. • Create a basis for auditing or diagnosis, and
• A seamless flow between work centers can help in avoiding buildup • It provides sources to prevent recurrence of errors and consequently
of excess inventory. minimize variability.
Srinivasan and Shah
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 7, 2018, 57-63
Fig. 1: Kaizen-5S
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Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 7, 2018, 57-63
Fig. 5: Kaizen effect on both API regulated and formulation domestic and regulated field
Kaizen Blitz material from one key process to next [39]. Once the mapping is done, basic
The blitz means a focused, intense, short-term event to improve a idea is to identify the wastes and gaps in system and make modifications
localized process with a basic concept of identifying and quickly to reduce these issues. VSM can be carried out for practically any business
removing waste. Kaizen Blitz involves training of personnel followed activity and expanded upstream or downstream. This tool highlights
by the analysis, design, and rearrangement, if required, of a process process inefficiencies, transactional, and communication mismatches and
or location. A consultant often conducts this event over a period of also guides about the improvement [38].
2–5 days. A Kaizen Blitz is a focused activity on a particular process or
Quick and easy or mini kaizen The Pharmaceutical Industry has historically concentrated on
It is used to bring minute improvements in conscious and sub-conscious Research and Development and Marketing while manufacturing was
thinking of employees [35]. regarded merely as a regulatory compliance requisite. Moreover, the
pharmaceutical companies believed that Lean principles were not
Important characteristics of Mini Kaizen include [36]: relevant to their environment [40]. As pharmaceutical industry is highly
• Permanent changes in method of routine processes. regulated, the principles of process flow optimization, built-in quality,
• Continuous flow. reduction in equipment setup time, and process management were not
• Immediate, local implementation. implemented as easily as in other manufacturing industries [41].
• It is a quick and simple process.
Pharmaceutical industry requires a shift in thinking, due to following
Lean Kaizen factors [42]:
It helps the organization to reduce wastes, excess costs, and non- • Increasing buyer-driven pressure on pricing.
value added activities. This results in the development of a company • Increasing variability in demand.
in market in terms of competition, agility, and market responsiveness. • Higher heterogeneity of customer preferences.
Lean Kaizen is a systematic approach to identify and eliminate waste by
continuous improvement [37]. Furthermore, pharmaceutical industry has high working capital. Hence, to
gain competitive advantage through their processes, top pharmaceutical
Need of lean [33] companies have started to work with the Kaizen Institute. However, the
Lean is, especially, important today as a winning strategy. Some key industry still lags behind with regard to lean thinking [43].
reasons are as follows:
• To compete effectively in today’s global economy. Globally, pharmaceutical companies have shown improvement in the
• Customer pressure for price reductions. overall business performance after lean implementation. The savings
• Fast-paced technological changes. achieved are outstanding and appear to be higher than in other discrete
• Continued focus by the marketplace on QCD. manufacturing industries, such as the car industry. Quality improvement,
• Quality standards established by regulatory agencies worldwide. better use of assets, optimization of flow, higher flexibility, and a
• High customer expectations. sustainable and efficient continuous improvement strategy are some of
• Need to develop standardized process to obtain uniform high-quality the main points that the industry needs to focus on [44,45]. The Kaizen
outcomes. management system model with its various elements, such as flow
management, TPM, quality control, service management and change
VSM management that provides perfect solutions for every company [46].
It is the first step that has to be carried out toward lean implementation. As the methods and training maintain international standards, kaizen
Value stream means to a collection of all activities that are essential in the approach can be easily implemented on a global scale [47].
development of a product or group of products using similar resources,
from raw material to the end customers. The activities can be value added Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH
as well as no value added [38]. VSM involves documenting the correlation Sanofi Aventis Group began implementing Kaizen in 2005 at their
between the production and the controls required to manage various production plant located in Frankfurt, Germany, with initial focus
processes in production and related information. VSM documents the on 5S activities. A second pilot was initiated 2 years later in another
basic flow of product, material inventory, and reasons for the movement of office. In November 2007, after impressive results with these pilot
Srinivasan and Shah
Asian J Pharm Clin Res, Vol 11, Issue 7, 2018, 57-63
schemes, the management decided to rollout Kaizen across the whole • The oil consumption was reduced by plugging stem leakages, and the
site. Before introducing Kaizen activities, the plant was in dubious state use of coal-fired boiler was optimized to maintain steam pressure at
with oil leaking from machines, missing machine parts, etc. Through 5S peak load.
workshops and TPM, the plant’s performance improved markedly. The • Piramal health care was awarded the “Healthcare and Life Science
main administrative issues were search times, ergonomics, transparency, Manufacturing Supply Chain Excellence Award” during the 2008 SCM
and long lead times. The 5S framework and value stream addressed Logistics Excellence Awards for their efforts.
these issues and aided in achieving greater efficiency in their offices. • It is the only Indian company to figure on iSixSigma “10 Best Places
to Work for Six Sigma Professionals.”
All employees were involved, and they contributed many creative,
intelligent solutions to improve their working environment. The Lean sigma implementation by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) [51]
management team believes that these activities will provide a solid, • GSK is the second largest research-based pharmaceutical company
long-term foundation for the company. Kaizen proved to be a powerful in the world.
team building activity that united all employees with a common goal • In 2003, Lean Sigma program was formally adopted and customized
of continuous improvement. It also significantly reduced the costs for use in R&D.
involved in manufacturing and supply [48]. • The anticipated benefits were as follows:
• Process harmonization: Reduction in waste production and
Boehringer Ingelheim process inefficiency.
It is the first Pharmaceuticals Company to receive the “5S Best in Class” • Increase in productivity by higher focus on value-adding
Award. The certificate was presented by Masaaki Imai on March 30, activities.
2009. Initially, the company introduced 5S to increase employees’ • Promoting the ideology of becoming a learning organization.
awareness of process optimization. • GSK was able to achieve annualized cost saving of £300 million
by 2004 through operational efficiencies.
Kaizen implementation in Indian Pharma industry is at a significant
phase. It is achieving a distinctive position in the international market Lean manufacturing by Merck [52]
with generics, contract research, and clinical trials. With the increase in • Merck worked with IBM global business services to implement
market share, companies face increased competition on the grounds of a program of lean manufacturing and to build these process
speed to market, cost competitiveness, quality of products, customer- improvements into its future global ERP system. From end-to-end,
oriented approaches in development, and effective distribution. Kaizen rigid production practices have been replaced with flexible, demand-
aids pharmaceutical industries in evaluating the ways and means to driven processes.
control supply chain costs and enhance their processing efficiency [48]. • Using VSM, the team tracked the changeover process and found that
most of the waste resulted from the lengthy production process it
Over the past 20 years, various organizations across the world started was following, as well as improper changeover procedures.
to adopt lean management philosophy to enhance their quality and • Using algorithms that minimized the overall effects of the
effectiveness of supply chains [49]. With quality and regulatory compliance changeovers, the IBM team identified the ideal manufacturing cycle,
always being the major focus, adopting new approaches to improve or “rhythm sequence,” resulting in a 50% reduction in changeover
operations have always been a priority for the pharmaceutical industry. time on some production lines.
Supply chain and operational cost-effectiveness have also come under • Key benefits included:
the focus because of increased competition and cost pressures. Many - Up to 30% reduction in production-related inventory costs.
major pharmaceutical companies have adopted operation improvement - Up to 20% reduction in overall operating expenses at plant level.
initiatives in the recent years and have realized their benefits. - Up to 50% reduction in change over procedures.
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