A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Indonesian Football Jargons Used by Valentino Simanjuntak As Commentator
A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Indonesian Football Jargons Used by Valentino Simanjuntak As Commentator
A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Indonesian Football Jargons Used by Valentino Simanjuntak As Commentator
The term “jargon” refers to the language that is used by a particular profession, or culture,
especially when the words and phrases are not understood or used by the other people. Chaika
(1982: 120), Jargon is varieties of language created for specific function who engage in them
regularly. Jargon is informal language.
Nowadays, there are so many jargons used by people to prevent outsiders to undertand.
There are used it in conversation, social media and even television that can be watched by
Football is the world's most popular ball game in numbers of participants and spectators.
As a popular sport, football has its own specific terms that have certain meanings.
The objectives of this research are to explain the forms of jargon, to analyze the meanings
of jargon, to explore the functions of jargon escpecially in Indonesian football jargon used by
Valentino Simanjuntak as commentator.
Society needs language to express their feeling, idea, and to say what they want and what
they need. The use of language in society is studied in sociolinguistics.
Holmes (2001: 1) argues that sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationship between
language contexts in which it is used. This statement shows how language can be different in
every situation that allows people to learn how to use language in each place which it has own
context or certain purpose. People will use different features of language when they speak in
formal situation and with their closest friends.
Nababan in Sumarsono (2002: 4-5) state that sociolingutic is a study of language related to
a language user as a member of society.
Fromkin (2003: 475) states that practically every conceivable science, profession, trade
and occupation has its own sets of words, some of which are considered to be slang and others
technical depending on the status of the people using these words.
Hornby (2000:639) states that jargon is word or expression that are used by a partcicular
profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand. From the types of
jargon that only focusses in sport jargons. The sport jargons have a unique and phenomenal
word that always used by the commentator especially in football match.
Previous Research
There are several previous research with jargon as the object of the research. The researcher
takes three of them as references in undertaking this research.
1. A Study of Jagons in The Column of Sports of the Jakarta Post, a thesis written by
Rahmawati Notriana (2011).
The previous study of jargon was conducted by Rahmawati Notriana in 2011. Her study
is to find out the form and the meaning of jargon in the column sports of the Jakarta Post.
The column sports of the Jakarta Post was a main source of the data in her study. Based on
the reserach findings in her study, she found the forms of the jargon in the sport column,
namley words, phrases, abbreviations, and acronyms. Some of the special terms that were
found in her study are similar to the special terms in current study. It is because the column
of sports of the Jakarta Post consists of football jargons which are the main focus on this
current study.
2. A study of Jargons Used in The Menu of Acer Guidebooks, a thesis written by Harita Nuzul
Apriyani (2011).
The second previous study was conducted by Harita Nuzul Apriyani in 2011. She used
The Menu of Acer Guidebooks as the object of the study to find out the forms and the
meanings of jargon in her thesis. she found the jargons used in the study in forms of words,
phrases, abbreviations, and acronyms. The words which are found in the research are in the
form of noun, verb, and adjective. The phrases that the researcher finds are noun phrase and
adjective phrase. The special terms that were found in her study is far different from this
current study, because the social setting and language use of those study are totally different.
She also found the meaning of the jargons used in The Menu of Acer Guidebooks depends
on the context of Acer.
3. An Analysis of Jargon in Opera Van Java, a thesis written by Elis Yuniasih (2013).
The third previous study was conducted by Elis Yuniasih in 2013. Her study is to find
out the form, the meaning, and the function of jargon in Opera Van Java. The conversation
of Opera Van Java’s actres was a main source of the data in her study. Based on the reserach
findings in her study, she found the forms of the jargon in the sport column, namely words,
phrases, abbreviations. The special terms that were found in her study are similar to the
special terms in current study. Because the jargons are usually use in daily activitiy.
Mardalis (1992: 24) gives definition of method as means or techniques performed in the
process of research, whereas the term research is an effort of scientific field performed to get
facts and principles patiently, carefully and systematicallt in realizing the truth.
In contrast, Mackey (2005: 2) states that the qualitative researches generally are not set up
as experiments; the data cannot be easily quantified, and the analysis is interpretive rather than
The object of research is what the research itself focuses on. Since the sudy focuses on the
Indonesian football jargons, it means the reserach object of this study is Indonesian football
jargons used by the commentator Valentino Simanjuntak in www.youtube.com.
Data collecting is the way the researcher to collect and get the data procedurally. According
to Mahsun (2005: 93) there are three types of data collecting method, they are metode simak
(observing method), metode cakap (conversing method) and metode introspeksi (introspective
Sudaryanto (2015: 15) staes that there are two methods that can be used to analyze the data,
it is metode padan. Metode padan is a method that a tool of determiner is outside and it is not
be a part of language itself. In this research, the researcher used metode padan translational to
analyze the data.
The result of this research are the researcher found 22 words jargons. the form of word, the
researcher found 7 nouns, 9 noun phrases, 1 verb phrase, 2 abbreviations and 3 clauses. The
meaning of jargon is contextual meaning. And not all the jargons that can be classified of the
The word ‘score’ is a noun but it can also be a verb of the subject Myanmar.
In general term, the word score is noun means “the number of points, goal, etc,
scored by each player or team in a game or competition”. If the word appears in
football society, the verb ‘score’ means “to win ponit, goals, etc in a game or
2. Noun Phrase
A noun phrase is a word or groups of words in a sentence that behaves in the
same way as a noun, that is as a subject, an object, a complement, or as the object
of a preposition.
(16) M. Rafli sang gelandang penimba sumur
The phrase ‘Gelandang penimba sumur’ given to an anchor player or defensive
midfielder. The word gelandang penimba sumur in football term is also known as
defensive midfielder. The ‘defensive midfielder’ means a midfield player whose
primary task is to defend, often located behind the half-line.
3. Verb Phrase
A verb phrase is a group of words including a verb and its complements, objects,
or other modifiers that functions syntactically as a verb.
(5) Egy Maulana kelok 9 jebretttt yes yes
The phrase ‘jebreetttt yes yes’ has similar meaning with shoot. In football term,
the word ‘shoot’ means a kick, header, or any intended deflection of the ball toward
goal by a player attempting to score a goal.
4. Abbreviation
An abbreviation is a form of a word, phrase, etc that is shorter than the full form.
The ‘Bon jovi’ is an abbreviation that stands for Bobotoh ni lalajo di tivi.
Bobotoh is one of the Indonesian football fans club in Bandung also known as
PERSIB. PERSIB stands for Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia Bandung. In football
term, the word bon jovi means supporters who watch the match on television.
5. Clause
A Clause is a group of words that includes a subject and a verb, and forms a
sentence or a part of a sentence.
In football society, the clause ‘ditangkap dengan mesra’ means the ability of
the goalkeeper to capture the ball well. Its means that the ball can be mastered with
perfect catches despite being attacked by the opponent.
different regions will gather during the game to support their team that will play.
Usually they will use yells or special words to let them know that they are one of
the fans club members. Sometimes fans club use attributes as their markers. This is
an effective way to start a conversation between members of each fans club so that
they get to know each other and start bonding friendship.
4. Jargon makes the communication more effective and efficient. If something has to
be mentioned often, it is more economical to have single word refer to it than a long
phrase. For example, ‘passing’ means kicking the ball from one player to another
player to the same side. Another example is the phrase form ‘umpan manja’ means
when a player can receive a perfect pass.
1. Indonesian football jargons used by Valentino Simanjuntak have four forms like word,
phrase, acronym and abbreviation. The researcher found 7 nouns, 9 noun phrases, 1
verb phrase, 2 abbreviations and there are not have acronyms. But the researcher found
3 clauses in the form of jargons used by Valentino Simanjuntak.
2. The meaning of jargons used by Valentino Simanjuntak is contextual meaning. The
meaning considered by the situational of language which is used. The meaning is based
on the context of football society.
3. Not all of the function of jargons that can be used on Valentino Simanjuntak’s jargons.
Because of the jargon used by Valentino Simanjuntak is spoken aloud and not to
provide secret codes but to give its own characteristics so that the suppoters can
understand easily the jargon.
Chaika, E.1982. language the Social Mirror Massachusetts: Newbury House Publisher.
Fromkin, Victoria and Robert Rodman. 2003. An Introduction to Language. London Sidney:
Saunders College Publishing.
Mackey, A & Susan M. Gass. 2005. Second Language Research Methodology and Design.
New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publisher.
Mahsun, M.S. 2005. Metode Penelitian Bahasa: Tahapan Strategi, Metode, dan Tekniknya.
Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.
Sudaryanto. 2015. Metode dan Aneka Teknik Analisis Bahasa. Yogyakarta: Duta Wacana
University Press.